• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 10,180 Views, 44 Comments

Unknown Innocence - MrPescanova

This is the story of a princess that one day finds a crib, with a strange creature inside, that will change her life forever.

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Chapter 7: Love, Love, Love.

Chapter 7: Love, Love, Love.

“You should had asked me for permission, Heynriik”

“But… but…. i…” Heynriik was lost of words, Celestia had call him to get an explanation of why yesterday for a few minutes all the Canterlot’s citizens were screaming and running away from Volcano’s path, making most of the high class members of Canterlot criticize Celestia’s passivity with her son’s doubtful behavior for somepony of the royal family.

Heynriik was downcast and sad for making his mother fall in shame, he couldn’t count the times that both ended talking about a prank, fight or any other not very gentle situations that Heynriik ends up.

“Nopony had get hurt, Right? So…I think..it’s not…so…bad” Heynriik tried to hide his shame, but was worthless, Celestia approached to him with a serious expression and frowning.

“And if Volcano had hurt anypony? Who would have taken the responsibility?”

Celestia was staring at him, showing more disapproval to Heynriik who was starting to be for the first time of his life scared of Celestia.

Heynriik remain silent, trying to evade the sun’s mare magenta eyes, he sighed heavily and looked up to meet with Celestia’s face.

“……Me…it would be my fault…” Heynriik started tearing away, Celestia changed his expression to one of sadness.

Celestia rubbed slowly his hair with a hoof, Heynriik looked up and saw his adoptive mother with a warm smile, then she sat with her four hooves lying on the floor and make a signal to Heynriik so he does the same.

“Sit Riki, and listen” Heynriik look confused after hearing that, he sat and crossed his legs while staring at Celestia, his green eyes met with her magenta ones.

“Heynriik….i know that you always have good intentions….that you’re kind and caring with all your friends, family and almost all ponies in Canterlot”.

“But…when you do something bad like this, you end crying or trying to find an excuse, and that is not the way to do it, my dear” Heynriik was confused; he didn’t know the reason of this speech.

“Mom why….why are you telling me all this? What do you want to mean?”

“What I want to say dear….is that I want you to be more mature when you fail or you have to face a hard problem” Heynriik looked down and rubbed his left arm with the right one, Celestia smiled and lifted his head with her hoof, their eyes meet again.

“Everypony have fails on his life Riki, and you don’t have to see them as something that surpass you, you have to see it as lessons, learn from them” Heynriik returned the smile to Celestia and nodded in agreement.

“Because if you don’t learn from your errors, if you don't take the responsibility of your actions, you will end with your heart growing dark and weak” Celestia smirked at him and put her face closer.

“And….from what I heard….you want to be a great knight when you grow up, right?” Heynriik gasped and stood up.

“YES! And I will be the most heroic and strong knight in all the history of Equestria!” Celestia giggled at the enthusiasm and energy of Heynriik’s words.

“Oh! Then you should take this with the bravery and honesty that a real knight haves, right Riki?” Celestia stood up and continued smiling at him, Heynriik erased the smile from his face and returned to feel sad, he looked to Celestia directly at the eyes.

“I’m sorry mom, I really promise that I won’t do anything like that never again” Celestia closed her eyes and smiled shyly.

“I forgive you, my little one” said Celestia in a charming tone.

Heynriik was going to get out of Celestia’s room when she called out his name.

“One last thing dear, about your….punishment”

“Oh really!? I mean…..okay, what it will be?”

“Well, first I want to know, where did you two go to make Volcano return with his body covered of mud?”

“Hehehe…mom, that’s because we went to….the Everfree forest”.

“Th- the Ever- EVERFREE FOREST!?” Celestia said nearly shouting.

“Please don’t be mad! We only been there no more than five minutes and we didn’t go very far”. Celestia looked at him seriously; Heynriik was sweating and smiling badly.

“But then it started to rain in the Everfree forest and some Timberwolves tried to catch us, Volcano trotted very fast, he passed through some puddles and a muddled ground so when we returned to Canterlot , he was all dirty” Celestia sighed and looked back at him.

“How many times I told you that is a VERY dangerous place, even if Volcano was with you!?” said Celestia madly.

“I- I’m really sorry mom but….but I was….curious…” Heynriik lowered his head and rubbed his left arm, Celestia sighed heavily trying to relax, she approached to Heynriik who lifted his head to her.

“You won’t be allowed to leave Canterlot for a while, understood?” Celestia looked at Heynriik coldly, the human kid keep silent and just nodded.

Celestia moved her hoof slowly to rub Heynriik’s brown hair and smiled sadly, Heynriik returned the smile and did a step forward to hug her, Celestia gasped first but then she put a hoof around him to return the hug.

“You’re such a rascal, Riki”

“I’m sorry, I promise that I will change” Celestia released him from the hug and shook her head.



“I don’t want you to change….i just want you to be more careful of your actions and their consequences”

“Hum…ok” Celestia pointed a hoof to him and looked serious again.

“Also, I think you deserve a…..punishment”

“WHAT!?” Heynriik screamed, Celestia frowned and get closer to him staring at his green eyes.

“You have to start being responsible, and you know it!” Heynriik sighed and nodded, Celestia smirked and put a hoof on her chin until she finally found the perfect punishment for this situation.

“Like Volcano is YOUR horse and you’re supposed to take care of him, you will clean him and take off all the dirtiness that he still have since both returned” said Celestia in a boss like tone.

“Well…it seems easy but it isn’t, mom”

“Really? Why?”

“He didn’t like to be cleaned, he always acts like a jerk when somepony tries to wash him, he prefers to clean himself on the river” Celestia laughed for a while making Heynriik laugh too but in a more shy tone.

“It seems that he is a bit equal to you, Riki!”

“Yeah sure…anyway if I got close to him with a towel, a sponge or anything like that he’ll buck my face very hard!”

“I’m sorry dear, but it’s YOUR punishment, you have to search a way to do it”

“Ok mom, don’t worry” Heynriik was opening the door but he stopped and looked back to Celestia.

“Hemmm mom…”


“Thank you for being so kind, I’m very lucky that you were my mother”

“And I am glad that you’re my son, Heynriik” Heynriik smiled while closing the door, leaving Celestia alone on her room.

“If you knew how much I love you, Heynriik” Celestia said while looking to the desk where was the letter recently sent by the changeling queen.


“Here ya got, boy!” said Smart Gear showing one of his newest inventions to Heynriik in the royal garden.

“Th- this thing is supposed to help me clean Volcano?” Heynriik looked at the strange artifact, it was a hosepipe connected to a steel box with four wheels, some lights, three switches and two little containers at both sides.

“Riki, this is the “Super Dirt Hunter 5000” the ultimate machine fo’ cleanin’ anything in a jus’ a few seconds!” Heynriik circled the machine curious and then looked to Smart Gear.

“How does it work?”

“It’s easy, see these switches over here?, the first one is makes the S.D.H 5000 throw clean water, ya even can choose if ya want it cold or hot!”

“The second applies soap to the water, so the thing or pony that is bein’ cleaned shines like it was the sun itself!”

“And the last one blows hot air so isn’t necessary use a towel to be dry again!” Smart Gear finished his speech; he sighed happily and looked proud.

“Riki, I have the feeling that this little creation of mine is goin’ to make me live like a king, oh yeah! I see it! Living in a penthouse on Manehattan, lying in the most fancy and comfortable couch eating all the food that my servants give me before i jump to a chocolate pool…..oooooohhhhhh…” Smart Gear started to spread saliva from his mouth due his "living like a king" daydream, Heynriik chuckled and slapped him to wake him up


“Sorry Smarty, but your mind was again to far of reality”

“Nah….well, be careful with that, I don't want you destroy my only way to get a chocolate pool!” Heynriik giggled and grabbed the S.D.H 5000 by the end of the hosepipe.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be carefull dude” Smart Gear waved a hoof and returned inside the castle, Heynriik headed to Volcano.

After reaching the very end of the royal garden, he saw the gigantic pony like creature lying asleep on the grass, half body being lighted by the sunshine and the other part was shadowed by a nearby tree.

Heynriik knew that Volcano had a very good ear, not only that, he was always aware of all the things that surround him, the black coated horse knew always when someone or anything was near him even if he couldn’t see it.

Celestia explained to Heynriik that this could be because his lack of magic had force him to develop his senses and body to survive, due his wildly nature, making him have a stronger anatomy to run faster than others, better sight and a more sensitive ear.

While Volcano was concentrated on his dreams, Heynriik moved stealthy and crouching to him trying to don’t wake him up or make him run away, Volcano was an animal but not a fool.

Heynriik went closer and closer until he was enough near of him, he stopped and turned on the machine.

“It’s washing time, Volcano!” the hosepipe started to shot a lots of water that hit directly to Volcano, who awaked and stand up quickly.

Heynriik moved side to side the head of the hosepipe to take off all his mud, but then the black horse trotted away at the speed of light.

“Hey! Don’t run away, coward!” Heynriik tried followed him but was worthless due Volcano’s speed; he faceplamed and grunted while looking his target walking to the other extreme of the garden.

“I have the feeling that this will take longer than I thought…”


Heynriik was lying on the grass looking at the sky breathing heavily and sweating, trying to take a break after thirty minutes running behind Volcano’s back without achieving his goal.

“Why….why i…..i had to bring him here….that hydrophobic…..thing” Heynriik closed his eyes, he felt defeated and humiliated by his own horse, but when he opened his eyes he saw two big green orbs watching him.

“Good morning, Riki!”

“Hi….Chrysalis” Heynriik got up and remove with his hands some dust of his ropes, he looked at Chrysalis who was confused.

“What…were you doing? I wanted to tell you….something but I haven’t found you in the castle” asked the young changeling mare.

“Remember the little "excursion" that Volcano and I did yesterday?” Chrysalis nodded and then giggled, Heynriik smiled, he couldn’t resist the cuteness of her laugh.

“Well, he returned a bit dirty and I’m trying to clean him with this machine that Smart Gear gave me, but he always ran away when i'm close to him"

“How so?, I thought he was obedient to you…” asked Chrysalis.

“Yes, he is…..except when he have to be cleaned…”

“I guess is not the first time that this happens…” said Chrysalis approaching to him with a smirk.

“Actually, always when he needs to be cleaned, I go with him to the river down of Canterlot and I let him wash himself there, he likes that very much” Heynriik sighed and looked sad to Chrysalis, she turned sad too after noticing his changing of mood.

“But now, mom doesn’t allow me to go out of Canterlot for what happened yesterday…”

“Hummm…..i think I can help you” Heynriik smiled in joy first but then looked at Chrysalis disappointed.

“H- How will you help me? Do you have any idea?”

“Yes, but don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything, in fact it’s quite simple…” Heynriik was intrigued, but he didn’t mind what was going to do Chrysalis if works to stop Volcano.

“Wait here, I’ll return with him in a few minutes” Heynriik nodded and Chrysalis put a hoof on her chin.

“Where did he go?”

“The last time I saw him, he was going to the tree on the center of the garden” Chrysalis headed to there, leaving Heynriik alone with the SDH 5000.


“Heynriik!” Chrysalis yelled to the awaiting human, Heynriik turned and saw Chrysalis flying along with Volcano, who was following her.

“Wow…..she really did it…” Heynriik couldn’t believe it, Volcano was calm, he wasn’t bundle or trapped in any way, he was free and following Chrysalis without protest.

Chrysalis moved aside of Heynriik and smirked to him, Heynriik returned the smile and saw Volcano stopping in front of him.

“I….i cannot believe you’ve convinced him to stop being a jerk! What have you done?” Chrysalis was going to answer but she shut her mouth looking back doing a silly face and whistled, Heynriik was suspecting.

“Something wrong, Chrysalis?” Chrysalis looked at him, she lowered her head and sighed.

“Heynriik I……I have done a mind control spell to Volcano…” Heynriik was shocked to hear that.

“Yo- you are….controlling Volcano’s mind right now?” The human kid asked, Chrysalis nodded shyly and tried to evade eye contact with Heynriik.

“I’m really sorry…..you said that wanted him to stay quiet and…I thought that a mind controlling spell was the best option” Chrysalis sat on the ground and looked with regret to Heynriik, he looked to Volcano’s face that had the same retarded looking that a zombie could have, then he looked at his eyes, they weren’t red anymore, instead they were green.

“This….this is….”

“I know, is wrong to do something like this to Volcano, i’m go-“ Heynriik cut Chrysalis words hugging her so strongly that she was close to suffocate.

“THIS IS AWESOME! NOW WE CAN CLEAN HIM WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM…..thank you Chrysalis” Heynriik released the changeling mare, Chrysalis coughed and breathed slowly until she was okay again.

“You….you’re not angry for me? For brain washing Volcano?” Asked Chrysalis surprised by Heynriik’s acceptance.

“Oh no! I can’t be angry with you, Chrysalis, you’re a very good friend and you had helped me an amount of times!” Heynriik offered his hand to Chrysalis to stand up, she accepted to let him help her to get up.

Chrysalis looked happily to Heynriik, she got close to him and rubbed her body against him, making the human blush, then Heynriik stroked her mane with a hand.

“You’re awesome, Heynriik”

“Hehehee, I know” both stopped this sweet moment and looked to the brain washed horse.

“Let’s get started!.....are you going to help me, lady Chrissy?” Chrysalis giggled at Heynriik’s gentlecolt like words, but then she slapped him on the stomach with a hoof.

“Ouch! That hurts!” whined Heynriik.

“Sorry, but this lady doesn’t like to be called Chrissy” Heynriik chuckled at that, Chrysalis got closer to Volcano and looked attentive to his mane and then his tail.

“I don’t think that machine of yours will clean properly Volcano’s mane and tail, they are too curly, maybe if we use a sponge over those, they would be cleaned well” Heynriik nodded while grabbing the SDH 5000’s hosepipe.

“Ok, you Chrysalis will work the mane and the tail while I take care of the rest of the body”

“Wait, we didn’t have any sponge, either a bucket full of water”

“Go ask Cleo, a servant of the castle, I’m sure she has some of those” Chrysalis used her wings to fly inside the castle while
Heynriik waited in front of his brain controlled horse.

“You won’t get away anymore, buddy….”


“Brushie, brushie, brushie, brushie.....” Chrysalis was brushing Volcano’s mane with a sponge full of water while Heynriik dried him with the SDH 5000, he moved the hosepipe to all sides disappearing the dampness of the black horse.

Heynriik turned off the machine and walked to Chrysalis; she looked at him and leaved the sponge on the bucket with her magic.

“I think is enough” Heynriik said looking to Volcano, Chrysalis had make him fall asleep on the ground before cleaning him.

“Ok, I’ll break the spell and he’ll return to have control on himself” Chrysalis glowed her horn, Heynriik looked how Volcano opened his eyes, they were red again.

The big horse moved his head to look at them and rolled to have his body in his typical lying position, head looking forward and his four hooves down of his body, Volcano stood up and stretched his body like a cat or a dog does after take a sleep, Heynriik and Chrysalis laughed at his curious movement.

“Did you sleep well, friend?” said Heynriik to his horse, he only replied with a huge neigh.

“I think that means yes, Heynriik” Chrysalis joked, she moved in front of Heynriik forcing him to see her.

“Heynriik….did you have plans for….tonight?” asked in a sweet tone the changeling mare.

“Tonight? Hemmm….no, nothing at all, why?” Chrysalis smiled at the answer, she looked away and rolled her eyes.

Chrysalis finally sighed and decided to have the enough bravery to ask what she wanted.

“I heard that tonight there will be a meteor shower called “Aurora’s tears”, it’s spectacular, a phenomenon that only happens once every thousand of years….”

“I want to see it but….i was wondering….if you wanted to…..watch it with me?” Chrysalis closed her eyes and turned his head to a side fearing that Heynriik’s answer was going to be a no, but she was wrong.

“…..Yes….. I want, in fact, it sounds kind of interesting thing to watch, I never had seen a meteor shower before” Chrysalis looked at him with a wide smile and tears of happiness, she jumped over him and hugged Heynriik tightly.

“Thanks!, many thanks Riki! I lov-“Chrysalis didn’t ended her words, she released Heynriik from the hug and put a hoof on her mouth, her face was blushing hardly, Heynriik looked her with concern.

“Are you ok Chrysalis? Were you going to tell me something?” asked worried Heynriik, Chrysalis got her hoof out of the mouth and stared Heynriik with a shy smile.

“No, nothing…..well I mean….yes…..” Heynriik lift one of his eyebrows, unknowing the meaning of Chrysalis answer.

“I…..want to tell you something……something very important about you and me…..but I want to do it when we were together tonight” Heynriik smiled to her and rubbed Chrysalis slowly his hand through her large neck.

“Ok, I’ll wait to whatever you want to tell me, if that’s what you want”

“Thanks, Riki”

“No problem” Heynriik stopped rubbing her and turned.

“We’ll meet tonight Chrysalis, goodbye!”

“Bye…..Heynriik” The human waved a hand and Chrysalis did the same with her hoof, Heynriik leaved the garden to enter the castle leaving Chrysalis alone.

“I can’t believe it…..this night…..I’ll show you the truth, Heynriik…” She looked down and closed her eyes, a tear falls from one of her emerald orbs.

“….my true feelings….”


As always the streets of Canterlot were full of activity, ponies walking, talking with their neighbors, eating on elegant restaurants, everything looked normal, or at least that’s what Heynriik thought.

All the ponies that he was passing were looking coldly at him, he saluted and say hello to some of them, but he was ignored by all, then he looked around and saw that nearly all the ponies right there didn’t seem very happy to see him.

Heynriik was starting to get nervous, he decided don’t pay attention to this and continued his walk, but he was stopped by a blue earth pony with a fancy black suit and a top hat, he stared at Heynriik’s green eyes upset.

“You are very brave to show yourself after the disaster that you and your monster did yesterday, bipedal colt!” said the earth pony in an offensive tone.

“For not talking the unforgivable passiveness that your mother had showed to that! You shouldn’t be allowed to get out of the castle for a very long time knowing how dangerous are you!” Heynriik’s face went red of rage and pointed with a finger to the blue earth pony.

“YOU BETTER BE CAREFULL WITH WHAT YOU SAY! A BUCKING FILTHY POSH LIKE YOU DON’T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY MOTHER EITHER VOLCANO!” the blue earth pony did a step back and widened his eyes in shock, Heynriik looked around and saw that he was surrounded by well-dressed and rich like ponies, they started to insult and scream to him, nothing that they were saying was very nice to hear.

“Celestia shouldn't care about this ugly rascal!”

“What was our majesty thinking when she adopted this rude monster?"



“You don’t deserve to be royalty!”

Heynriik was shaking and full of fear, he closed his eyes and put his hands on his ears trying to not hear all that things.

“I’m…..not…..monster…” he charged forward and got out the circle of ponies, he ran fast tearing away, after some time, he stopped and saw the Harmony park in front of him, he approached to a tree and sit to rest whilst recover some breath.

He stayed there a while, trying to understand what had just happened, he felt for the first time in his life in Canterlot, hated, spurned, someone that don’t belong here.

Heynriik stood up and sighed, he smiled and thought that it was better to forget that, the human walked with a smile while whistling, he looked around and saw the huge green park with colts and fillies playing, ponies going in a picnic, and even some couples spending time together.

But one of these couples was familiar, very familiar to him, they were sitting on a wood bench, one was a white coated unicorn with blue hair and tail, and the other pony had pink coat, stripped mane and tail with yellow, pink and purple, wings and horn at the same time, both were hugging each other with the pink mare resting her head on the unicorn’s shoulder.

Heynriik knew who they were, Shining Armor and Cadance, both were trying to hide that they were dating and in love for each other, but Heynriik wasn’t a fool, he knew it since the very beginning when both started spending time after the picnic on the forest.

He minded in going and say hello to them, but the human saw something suspicious, close to Shining and Cadance, there was a little purple thing hiding behind a bush looking at them.

The human moved to be out sight of the couple and walked slowly to the purple thing, that was when he noticed what the purple thing was, Twilight Sparkle, Shining’s little sister.

Heynriik chuckled, he didn’t thought that Twilight was the kind of filly who spy her own sibling, then he couched and moved silently to surprise the purple filly.

“Peekaboo!” Heynriik showed his face in front of Twilight’s, the filly jumped in surprise, she stayed down closing her eyes and covering her head with both front hooves.

“HAHAAHA” Heynriik laughed loudly, Twilight opened her eyes and smiled at him, then she laughed too.

“hahahaah…..you caught me, Riki!” Heynriik stopped laughing and looked at Twilight, he sit on the grass, Twilight did the same.

“So….are you spying your brother and Cadance, Twi? I never expected that from you!”

“Hey! I’m not spying them! I’m just…..hem…..just…..” Twilight looked around nervous trying to find an excuse, she sighed and gave up.

“Ok, yes I’m spying Shining and Cadance, but it’s bec-“

“There you are!” a very nearly voice sounded suddenly, Heynriik and Twilight looked up to see Shining and Cadance’s face above them.

“I knew that I heard that laugh before!” said Shining upset and frowning.

“Hey hi, lovers!” said Heynriik cheerful.

Heynriik and Twilight got out of the bush and went in front of the couple, Shining looked angry, Cadance was blushing and looking away.

“Twi!, Riki! Don’t tell that you were….that you were….”

“Wait big brother! Is not his fault!” said Twilight suddenly interrupting Shining Armor.

“Wh- what?”

“I was spying you two, Shining…..but Heynriik wasn’t, he just come a few moments ago…”

“It’s true, Twily? Why have you been spying us?” asked Cadance worried.

“I…well….” Twilight sighed and looked seriously to her sibling.

“Big bro! why didn’t you told me that you were with Cadance? I was worried about you because you were going out of home without telling me where you going! And when I asked you, you said that you just were to “meet with friends” but you never told “who” were that friends!” Shining was out of words and doing a fake smile, Cadance giggled and hit him on the shoulder.

“So, you didn’t say anything to poor Twilight? You’re a very bad big brother! Right Twi?”

“YES, YES HE IS!” Twilight yelled, Heynriik crossed his arms and looked to Cadance.

“Well, I’m not surprised, I was suspecting this since a long time”

“I can’t expect more of you, Heynriik” said Cadance to her cousin.

The four spent the morning talking playing and, well, having a good time, after a while all four where lying aside a tree in the center of the park, looking at the clear blue sky.

“So…Heynriik” said Shining looking at Heynriik, he opened his eyes and looked to see his pal.

“You’re going to see the meteor shower with Chrysalis? Cadance and I were going to do the same tonight”

“Oh really? I didn’t know that you liked those things, Shiny…”

“Have you heard about the “love effect” of the Aurora’s tears, cousin?” said Cadance who was beside Shining Armor, she lifted her head up to see Heynriik.


“Yes, the legend says that if a couple see the Aurora’s tears together, they will be loving each other forever” Heynriik looked emotionless, without knowing what to say, Cadance stood up and approached to him.

“We are going to the royal garden to see it, are you two coming?”

“Ye- yes of course, it would be fun to all four watching it, I’m sure Chrysalis don’t mind too”

“Hey! What about me? I want to see the meteor shower too! Please, please, please!” Twilight said begging to Cadance while she was jumping around her.

“Ok Twi, you can come with us, can she Shining?”

“Huh? Yeah she can, but Twi, please don’t annoy us, okay?” Shining said pointing a hoof to her little sister.

“I’ll be good, BBBFF!” the four laughed, then everyone returned to their homes, Cadance and Heynriik headed to the castle
while Shining Armor and Twilight go to their house.

“Cadance….” Heynriik said shyly to the pink alicorn.


“Chrysalis said this morning that…..she wanted to tell me…something important tonight” Cadance stopped and looked with a warm smile to him.

“And when you said…..that if a couple see the Aurora’s tears together….they’ll be in love forever…I was thinking…”

“That she may love you?” ended Cadance the sentence.

“Ye- yes…..if she….loves….me” Cadance put a hoof over his neck and giggled.

“Heynriik, did you love her?” He gasped and blushed heavily; he looked shy and turned his face.

“Well i…..i feel something…..something strong and warm in my body when I’m with her…”

“……I like how she is, how kind and happy is when she is with me, I like her laugh, her mane…..her eyes….” Heynriik looked to Cadance, she was still giving him a warm smile.

“As alicorn of love, I know what you mean….but the best you can do is wait until tonight”



It was late night, Cadance, Shining Armor and Twilight were sitting on the grass of the royal garden waiting to see the meteor shower, meanwhile Heynriik and Chrysalis were heading there too.

“It will be so exciting! we’re going to see something that only happens once time in centuries!” said Chrysalis happily and excited.

“Cadance said that she, Shining Armor and Twilight are already there”

“Then let’s meet with them” Both entered the royal garden and walked where the three ponies were.

“Good night everypony, are you two ready? The meteor shower will start in a moment” said Cadance to the human kid and the young changeling mare.

“We are ready, Cadi” replied Heynriik to his cousin, Cadance and Shining sit on the ground beside each other, they were staring and their hooves touching, suddenly Twilight jumped over her brother’s head.

“Don’t get distracted! You can loss something!” Cadance laughed and Shining grabbed her sister to put her between him and Cadance.

Heynriik sit near Cadance and Chrysalis followed him to be at his right side, she smiled at him and Heynriik returned the smile.

After a few seconds, a strange sound came from the sky, the five looked up and the meteor shower started, a lot of meteors flied at the speed of light, they were of all colors, red, blue, yellow, white, green….

All were amazed at this beautiful wonder, they were saying “woo” every time they saw one of the colorful meteors, Cadance rested her head over Shining Armor, making him blush.

“Yay! It’s fantastic” said Twilight that was the one who enjoyed the most, Heynriik looked at Chrysalis, he looked her mane, her face and finally her eyes, he really liked those emerald like eyes.

Chrysalis turned her head to see him staring at her, she blushed and smiled at the look that Heynriik was giving her, he put an arm around her neck to make her closer to him, she nuzzled his cheek affectionately.

Some minutes later, the meteor shower ended, Cadance, Shining Armor and Twilight were going to leave the garden but
Heynriik and Chrysalis were still sit.

“Are you coming, Heynriik? It’s already late” Cadance said.

“No, i….im going to stay here with Chrysalis a bit…..” Cadance nodded, the three ponies leaved the royal garden.

“Now….what is that important thing that you want to tell me?” asked Heynriik in a sweet tone.

“First, let’s go sit that tree, there we’ll be more….comfortable” Human and changeling walked together to the tree, it was on the center of the garden, the most tall and the one that Heynriik does his naps.

Heynriik and Chrysalis sit with their bodies touching the tree’s body, they looked at the dark sky full of stars, then they took a look to the moon.

“My mother says….that her sister it’s on the moon…” Heynriik said, Chrysalis gave him all her attention.

“One day, she became evil and wanted to bring an eternal night to Equestria, but Celestia stopped her…” Chrysalis put a hoof on Heynriik’s chest and rubbed it slowly, Heynriik looked the hoof and started stroke it carefully, both stared and smiled.

“She sent her to the moon; mom says that she regrets what she had done, but that was the only thing she could do to save Equestria and her sister at the same time….”

“That’s very sad to hear….” said Chrysalis, still rubbing his chest with her hoof.

“I know…” Chrysalis got up and moved in front of Heynriik, she wrapped him between her holey hoofs and sat on his knees; both were staring as blushing in a lovely way.

“Heynriik….what I wanted to tell you….” Chrysalis sighed and continued.

“I want to tell you that I don’t know how much time I’ll stay in Canterlot, I don’t know when I’ll return to the Changeling Kingdom…”

“But before that happens, you must know something…” Chrysalis put her muzzle in Heynriik’s left ear; he wrapped the changeling with his arms touching her green carapace with his hands.

“I love you, Heynriik”

“I…..i…” Heynriik was out of words, Chrysalis put her head back to see all his face again.

“….I love you too….Chrysalis” The mare smiled and moved slowly her lips to meet with Heynriik's, both mouths touched and the kiss started.

They were kissing for a few seconds moving slowly their lips swinging sweetly, both felt the taste of their saliva and the warm of their breath, they stopped kissing and Chrysalis released him from her hooves, Heynriik stood up too and looked at her, she rubbed her body against him, he feel more happy than ever.

“Chrysalis…when you leave Canterlot….please, don’t forget me” Heynriik grabbed her front hooves and stared her at the eyes.

“Never Heynriik….I’ll never forget you…”


Faraway of Canterlot, there was a certain changeling queen that had been watching everything that Heynriik and Chrysalis were doing that night…..and she didn’t like it.

“Love….sweet love……enjoy it while you can my daughter……..it won’t last very long….” Amanthis said looking at the magical crystal ball....

Author's Note:

Finally, the longest and maybe most worked chapter i ever did...

After this chapter, there's only another chapter left and a Epilogue to end this fiction, then i think i'll start making the sequel

Hope you like it ;)