• Published 1st Apr 2013
  • 4,365 Views, 13 Comments

Burnin' - Undermine

Braeburn develops a romance with Soarin', a colthood friend of his, in Manehattan.

  • ...



by Undermine

After 6 hours had past on the train, the landscape of the West had transformed itself to the suburbs outside of Manehattan. Braeburn looked at the note written in his hoof, realizing he and Babs were two stops away from her home. Across from his seat was the filly herself, tucked into the corner and fast asleep. He reached across and tapped her on the shoulder. She groaned and opened one eye.

"Time to wake up, kiddo. Yer almost home." Braeburn said with a smile.

Two stops later and the pair walked onto the platform of the train station. Babs, still groggy from the early wake, had her Cutie Mark Crusaders cape on her back while Braeburn held her knapsack in his mouth. He sat the bag down and gave the filly a pat on the head.

"Ah'll wait for yer mama to get here." Braeburn said.

"Alright," replied Babs. She shuffled her hoof on the ground. "Hey, coz, uh, thanks very much for coming along home with me. I liked having your company instead of being alone."

"It's mah pleasure kiddo!" Braeburn said while giving Babs a hug.

"Yeah, say, I got a question." Babs turned her head up towards her cousin. "Have you actually been in the city?"

"Beg pardon?"

"I mean, have you visited Manehattan?"

Braeburn laughed before saying, "Visited? I went to school in Manehattan!"


"Yeah! I got mah degree in Agricultural Science there! Why, without my time there I wouldn't know apples from oranges!"

"Wow! That's really cool, coz! How was it like living there? Did you make a lot of friends?"

Braeburn looked at the filly for a few moments. "Well, uh, yeah, I made, um, friends. Actually, I kinda made friends, but they didn't really stick with me."

"What?! You gotta be pullin' my hoof, coz! You didn't make even one good friend?"

Braeburn looked away from Babs. "Well, actually, I did make one really good friend. He was, I mean, he is still my friend, I guess, and he still lives in Manehattan, but he's a bit busy, nowadays."

Babs tugged on Braeburn vest. "Aw c'mon, coz! You can still try to find some time to hang with him! You can take the train right now! Your ticket can take you all the way up there! Go on, go visit him! I bet he'd love to see ya!"

Braeburn turned his head from the filly. "I...I guess he would." He tapped Babs shoulder and pointed. "Why, look who it is! There's your mama!"

"Mom!" Babs ran up to Mrs. Seed and jumped into her arms. Braeburn walked up with Babs' bag in is mouth and set it down in front of the small family.

"Thank you very much, Braeburn, for giving Babs someone to talk to," she said. She picked up her daughter's bag and placed it on her back. "You have a safe ride home, now!"

"Bye, coz!" Babs said, waving goodbye. Before she left the platform, she pointed to the city and gave Braeburn an oversized wink.

Braeburn stood alone on the platform. Were he to go in the city, or wait for his train to take him home? The whistle blew from the train, signaling any last-minute passengers. Braeburn took in a deep breath, turned quickly on his hooves, and jumped onto the train before it began to crawl out of the station towards Manehattan.

Braeburn exited Grand Central Station and was immediately introduced to the bustling city. Every one of his senses was filled with the forms and shapes of the urban community: the sight of the immense mass of traffic and commute; the delicious scents of sidewalk vendors; the continuous barrage of automobile honks and the caustic words by those who drove them; and uncomfortable crowds that shoved past Braeburn like anypony else silly enough to stand still during rush hour. All in all, Braeburn welcome these senses back into his heart from the city he once called home.

Braeburn started moving. There was only one question on his mind: Where can I find him? He knew that this would be an incredibly difficult task. He was in the heart of a city of over 8 million ponies, and the chances of finding just one would be deemed impossible by most. However, Braeburn knew the kind of pony his friend was and set off to the most likely place he would be. He hailed a cab and jumped in to the backseat.

"Where to, pal?" The driver asked.

"The Aqueduct Racetrack," Braeburn replied.

After 15 minutes of tense traffic navigation, full of seemingly near misses and exchanges of colorful language, they finally made it to their destination. "Right, here you are: The Big A," the driver said nonchalantly, while Braeburn sat in the back gripping onto the seat with all his life. He had forgotten why Manehattan had the highest accident rate in Equestria, and he was thankful not to have joined that statistic. "That'll be 5 bits."

Braeburn paid the driver and scrambled out of the cab, watching it pull away violently into the traffic. After collecting his wits, he went over to the entrance of the racetrack. Normally, he would have expected to see a large line of ponies, but there was no race today. It was training season.

Braeburn entered the large complex and made his way to the stands. Around him were very few ponies, mainly tourists who wanted to get a few pictures in of the famous track. The majority of the ponies here were on the tack itself. It was here that Braeburn would begin his search.

Although he doubted he'd be lucky to find anypony here, he still went down to the edge of the stands and scouted the area. He saw many ponies and pegasi working out and running the fields, none of which resembled his friend. He was about to turn away to go to the top of the stands when a sudden rush of wind blew by and nearly knocked his hat off. He quickly turned around and saw a blur of blue and yellow turn the corner of the track. A Wonderbolt! But, was it him? He put his hooves up on the guard rail, anxiously waiting for the pegasus to fly back around.

Sure enough, the Wonderbolt returned around the bend, coming in at blistering speeds. Braeburn saw his wings spring open and his hooves anchor the ground to stop, but even that didn't stop him from once more whooshing by him, this time taking his hat right off his head. The Wonderbolt finally stopped 100 yards away, right in front of another pegasus with a cap and a stopwatch. Braeburn tried to get a look at the Wonderbolt, but was unable to get a good glance when he lifted his googles to his forehead. He moved quickly in the stands to the Wonderbolt's location.

"How was that, Rocket?" he heard the Wonderbolt say.

"Very good," replied the other pony, "you've improved dramatically on your technique."

"How's my time, though? Compared to Fleetfoot's?"

"Your a little short, but not by much. Probably a half second."

"Aw man. That's too much! I need to go around again!"

"Oh no no no, you've been at this far too long today, captain. You work yourself too hard on this. Give yourself some time to relax."

"Rrrrggh...ok fine. My wings are getting tired and my...hey, what's this?" The Wonderbolt picked up Braeburn's hat. "A cowboy hat? Hey Rocket, did you get this at the rodeo?"

"Uh, no, captain, you blew that off a pony's head."

"Ha! Really? Aw man, that never gets old! Hey, whose hat is this! 5 minutes and it's mine!"

Braeburn spoke sheepishly from the stands behind the pegasus. "It-it's mine."

The Wonderbolt turned around with the hat in hoof. "Heh, sorry 'bout that. Guess I didn't see you as I was-" The Wonderbolt stopped mid-sentence when he saw the pony in front of him. His eyes opened wide and the hat fell loosely from his hoof. "B-B-Braeburn?"

Braeburn blushed and said, "Hi Soarin', it's me." A moment of awkward silence stood between the two ponies before being broken by Braeburn. "I, uh hoped that I, uh, didn't startle you, or, uh-"

Before he could react, Braeburn suddenly found himself thrust into the arms of Soarin' and risen 10 feet into the air. He felt his breath forced out of him from the crushing hug and the sudden lift.

"Oh my goodness HAHA!" Soarin' cried out. "I am so glad to see you you have no idea how much I've missed you my good buddy!" Soarin' was now spinning in the air as Braeburn struggled to catch a breath.

"I'm-glad-to see-you-too-but-I-can't-breath-" Braeburn choked out. Soarin's eyes shot open, and quickly lowered himself and his cowboy counterpart to the ground, releasing him from the hold but still having a hoof on his shoulder. "Whew, thanks for the ride," Braeburn said between breaths, "Hopefully I didn't catch in the middle of something important."

"What? You kiddin' me? Braeburn, I wouldn't care if I was upside down or breaking the sound the barrier. This is so great that you are here!" Soarin' gave Braeburn another squeeze, and the cowboy pony hid his face to hide his red cheeks.

The other pony looked on in both awe and confusion. "So, I'm guessing this is one of your many friends, captain?"

"Friend? Rocket, this is my best buddy for life!" Soarin' stopped again and gave an awkward smile. "My bad, sorry I didn't introduce the two of you. Braeburn, this is Rocket Fuel, my manager, and Rocket, this is Braeburn, my best bud from the University of Manehattan."

"Nice to meet you." The two said in unison. The manager put the stop watch in his sports bag and headed off the track. "I think I've found your distraction for the evening, captain," he said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah sure see ya." Soarin' brushed his manager's goodbye away and directed his attention to the cowboy pony. "So what brings you out to the Big Apple? It's rare to see farm folk such as yourself to be out in the city."

Braeburn couldn't hold back his smile. Soarin's dashing complexing was making his heart pound. "Well, you know, I was taking mah cousin, Babs, back home, she lives in the suburb, and I thought, you know, maybe I could spend some time in the city cause, you know, it's right there, so, that's what I did, and, uh, decided to try to find some friends, and, came here, and here you are." Braeburn finished his rambled speech with a big, dorky smile, hoping he didn't increase his awkward tension.

Soarin' chuckled and said, "Well, you're one lucky pony to find me in this town." Soarin' raised an eyebrow. "Say, how 'bout you an' me have a day to ourselves in the city?"

Braeburn's face went twice as red. "R-really?"

"Heck yeah! I haven't had a good time with a long-lost buddy in quite a while. Besides, it'll keep my mind offa training."

Without thinking, Braeburn said, "I would love to go out with you." His heart skipped a beat when he realized what he said and tried to speak up to take back what he said. Soarin', however, didn't seem to notice.

"Awesome! Wait right here, I'm gonna take off my training suit and take a quick shower. I'll be back out in a jiffy." He turned and flew into the track's building complex.

Braeburn turned away from the track and breathed heavily. After all this time, after all these years, he finally got to see him, and what's better is that he still remembers him! He put a hoof on his cheek: it was red hot. Braeburn told himself to calm down and relax. He doesn't want anything to go wrong, not now. All he will do is have a good day with a good friend. Great friend. A friend who seems extremely excited to see him. Wait, why? Why is he this excited? Well, don't think too much into this. Relax. This'll be fun, Braeburn told himself. He heard hoof steps from the gate and turned around. Before him was Soarin' in his Wonderbolt's official uniform, mane combed, and his coat still slightly damp. Braeburn's cheeks flushed red again. This was going to be harder to keep in than he thought.

"Alright, ready to go?" Soarin' asked.

"Uh-uh," replied Braeburn numbly.

Soarin' chuckled again and wrapped a wing around Braeburn's shoulder. "Heh, still jittered after my hug, I see. Well, don't worry, I know all the best places in town, plus, because I'm a Wonderbolt, I can get VIP exclusives for the both of us! See? This is gonna so much fun!"

Braeburn could only nod at this point. He started walking before Soarin' stopped in front of him. "You almost forgot your hat!" He said as he plopped the hat right on Braeburn's head. He had completely forgotten it had fallen off. "Right, let's go!" Soarin' led them to the exit and they where out of the track and into the city.

One day. One day of perfection. One can only imagine, but to the accounts of the two stallions, it was a day of perfection.

The two went everywhere together. The zoo, the skyscrapers, the Statue of Libraety, the subway, the sport's arenas, and more than could be accounted for. All in one day.

The bond they had formed from years ago had rekindled and grew. Braeburn was anxious in the beginning, but that evolved out of of him and he grew into Soarin's comfort, who in return continued to stay by his side, holding him under his wing, laughing along him, and sharing with him all the luxuries of the Wonderbolts.

Braeburn, as the day progressed, kept asking himself: why? He's being kind. Very kind. And close. Very, very close. Is he as excited to see me as I am seeing him? What happened and what is going on?

Those thoughts would fade in and out as he would be again and again treated to the amazing generosity of the Wonderbolt. What was to come in store did not yet penetrate the mind of the cowboy pony. The evening was too magical for him, and he hoped that it continue that way.

"Welcome back to the Grand Mareiott, captain." The pony behind the hotel said.

"Thanks, I'll be bringing a friend along, so please prepare both of us a glass of wine in my penthouse." Soarin' replied.

"Will do, sir."

"Ah shucks, you don't have to go through the trouble to do that," Braeburn said. They had already had three meals today, all of which had equally fine amounts of wine.

"Oh, it's fine. Besides, you need to check out my room! It's pretty sick!"

"Ahd imagine it is! Your VIP exclusives have yet to not surprise me!"

The two entered the elevator and hit the 30th floor, the top of the hotel. They went out after they reach their floor and faced the only door in the hallway. Soarin' reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out his room card, swiped it into the door, and led the two inside.

Braeburn gasped. The penthouse suite was massive in size and awe-inspiring in beauty. There in front of him was a grand piano, a fireplace, a giant glass window, and a table, with the wine already prepared by the staff. The room was adorned with golden-laced curtains and artworks that would've been fit for a museum.

"Nice, huh?" He heard Soarin' say behind him. "You can make youself comfortable as you see fit. I'm gonna hang up my uniform."

As Soarin' left his side, he walked pass the table with the wine and went towards the glass window. There was a door that led to a balcony on the outside. He opened it and stepped out into the brisk air.

Braeburn stood in awe, for before was the entire city of Manehattan in full, glorious view. The night sky made all the buildings light up in a seemingly beautiful pattern of colors. The cries of the traffic were muffled by the wind, which nearly blew his hat right off again. He took it off and turned to set it inside, and right there was Soarin' himself, smiling at him. With no uniform, he seemed to glow with the city and his eyes seem to match the stars above. Braeburn couldn't do anything except smile back.

"Here, lemme take that for you," the Wonderbolt said, taking the hat and setting it inside. He closed the door from the outside and stood close next to Braeburn. They both turned out to the night time city and sat down.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Soarin' said softly. "I made sure I got a room with a view like this. I always like to sit here before I sleep and reflect, you know? It's just...peaceful."

"Yeah," Braeburn whispered. He turned to Soarin'. "It is very beautiful." Soarin' looked back and Braeburned quickly turned his head, this time to the ground.

Braeburn's mind was spinning. Is this what I think it is? Is he really doing this? Is this all happening for me? Why? Why is it? He held his low as he felt a tingle in his throat. He didn't want to cry, not now, but his emotions were overwhelming him. Everything was happening at once, but he wanted it to happen. He's been wanting it to happen for so many years. It wasn't long before a tear swelled up and trickled down his cheek. He turned his face further away, but Soarin' still noticed.

"Hey, you alright?" Soarin' placed a wing on Braeburn's shoulder. He felt him shudder. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Braeburn tried to hold back his sobs. "It's just, that, I want to thank you for everythin' yer doing for me, and all yer kindness, and, I-I-I..." Braeburn let the tears out, "I don't know how."

Soarin' folded his wing and instead wrapped his arms around Braeburn, who in turn fell right into them. Soarin' rubbed the cowboy pony's back. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay. You don't have to do anything."

"But I-I want to. Not only for this day, b-but for everythin' you've done for me in the past. At when we were younger at the university." Braeburn continued to sob as Soarin' began to remember those years. He closed his eyes and waited for Braeburn to continue. "You were always there for me, you protected me, you took me under your wing, you stood up for me, and you cared for me. You cared for me more than my own parents. Even when I came out, you held my ground for me. You...you...you..." Braeburn took in two deep breaths before crying out, "You did this all for me and I don't know why! Why would you do all this for a pony like me!"

Soarin', still holding onto him, waited for Braeburn's breath to slow. His eyes still closed, he said slowly and softly, "Because you inspired me to live." Braeburn's eyes opened. He looked up at the Wonderbolt and noticed a tear forming in his eye as well. "At the university, I was gonna flunk everything. I hung out with the wrong kids, I drank and partied all the time, and I didn't give a shit about my life. I was hopeless, but you...you came along. You, a pony from the farmland, a pony having to put everything on the line to get an education, a pony who came from the dirt, you came along. You had such promise, such potential, such life thriving inside you, and such grace. I took one look at you and I made a promise: I cannot let that stallion fall to my level. Not him. That's why I did all those things for you and only for you."

Soarin' shifted himself and placed his forehead onto Braeburn's. Tears were flowing down from his cheeks, but he was still smiling "I wanted to show you today that, even after all those years, I still care for you, and that I am not the awful pony I was years ago. That I've changed. Changed my life. Chose to live right. All because...because of you."

They sat there in silence for several moments, both with their eyes closed and breathing lightly. Braeburn opened his eyes. "Soarin'," he whispered.

The pegasus's eyes opened. "Yeah?"

"C-can I do something th-that I've always wanted to do since the day I met you?"

"Sure, wh-what is it?"

"Close you eyes again." Soarin' followed the command.

Braeburn lifted his head from Soarin' forehead, leaned foreward, and kissed him on the lips. A small jolt from the pegasus indicated that this was a surprise, but a moment later he felt his lips returning the kiss. Braeburn lifted a hoof up and touched the Wonderbolt's cheek as he felt the wings encircle the pair. He then wrapped his hoof around Soarin's neck, and Soarin' laid his own hoof on Braeburn's back. The two sat on the balcony, entranced in each other's warmth, touch, and kiss.

Braeburn eventually broke the kiss and let out a sigh. He looked into the cool eyes of Soarin', who looked lovingly back at his. They both smiled.

"I love you," Braeburn said.

"I...I love you too," Soarin' replied. They went back to each other in another passionate kiss as the radiating city below glowed upon their love.

It was 3 in the morning. Braeburn found himself awake in the arms of his new lover. They were in his penthouse bed. Braeburn recollected the events that had just unfolded. It happened. It finally happened.

Braeburn let out a low sigh and a snuggled around Soarin'. He felt his breath on top of his head. "You still awake, buddy." Braeburn nodded. Soarin' scooted himself down so that he and his lover's eyes met. "Howdy partner."

Braeburn giggled and planted a kiss on his partner's cheek. "Hey there," he said with a smile. Soarin' smiled back and gave him another kiss. Braeburn looked at him. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure thing."

"What happens now? Like, what's gonna happen with you and me?"

Soarin' reached out and held onto Braeburn's hoof. "Well, you can be rest assured that you and me will officially be a couple."

Braeburn giggled again. "I know that! I mean, what will this mean for you?"

"Well, not that much, actually. The Wonderbolts have a non-discriminatory policy, and most of the ponies there are very friendly to folks like us." Soarin's face grew concerned. "What about you? I know you live on the farm and all, but what will that mean for you?"

"Yeah, there aren't too many queer ponyfolk out in the West. However, the folks in my town tend not to poke around in others ponies private lives. Plus, mah extended family, especially my cousins in Ponyville, will support me till mah dyin' breath." Now it was Braeburn's face that grew concerned. "Will you have to give up anything in the Wonderbolts?"

"Nope. I get 6 months off in the training season, and as long as I stay to a daily training schedule, I can go wherever I want go," he moved in closer to Braeburn. "I can be with you."

Braeburn blushed and kissed his partner again. "Thank you. It has been gettin' awfully lonely down there."

"Plus, you can finally have me as your second-hoof stallion om the farm! And I don't want to hear any 'No, I don't need no help', I know how hard you farm ponies can work yourselves."

The two laughed and kissed each other, and before long they were both within each other's arms. "Everything will be alright, honey," Soarin' said, "I promise."

"Goodnight, Soarin'. I love you."

"I love you too." Within minutes, the two were peacefully asleep, both content to be in each other's embrace.

Braeburn was welcomed with many smiles as he stepped onto the platform in Appleloosa. The townsfolk gave him firm hoofshakes or a pats on the back as they were all excited for his return. After all, it was time for the big harvest!

The sheriff arrived and gave Braeburn a ride to his property. He went on about how much crop there will be and the income it will bring. Braeburn nodded and hopped off the sheriff's cart, biding him farewell. He walk on the buffalo path and passed by several of the great creatures themselves, all of which offered their welcomes.

Braeburn reached his farmhouse. He went inside and dropped his saddlebag on the table. He galloped out the back door and to the barn. He quickly pulled out a ladder and climbed to the roof. He scouted the horizon, waiting.

From the mountains arose a single pegasus, adorned with a yellow and blue suit. Braeburn hollered and and waved his hat high in the air. Soarin' found the source of the sound and began his descent.

The two embraced each other passionately on the roof. Many of the residents were confused as to why a Wonderbolt, let alone a pegasus, had come all this way out to this dust bowl. But none of what the ponies would say mattered to the two stallions. They where happy to finally be with each other, their burning love finally at bay within their embrace, and their presence with each other would satisfy the glorious years to come.


Comments ( 13 )

Yes. Just... Yes. Excuse me as I go cry and laugh in equal and healthy proportions.
Fav, +not enough thumbs, this. Is. Goooood.

That was so sweet! :raritycry:

That was very awesome and well done. I loved it! :twilightsmile:

Sweet, a SoarBurn fic is always a win in my book

Aw that was so sweet. Right in the feels.:heart:

This is so sweet! I loved it!!!

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: BEST SOARBURN EVER :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I loved it one of the best ive read i actually almost cried :pinkiesad2:

I can say that this was the first Soarin and Breaburn ship that I've read and I admit, It was quite a nice read. :yay:

Well done! :twilightsmile:

Well done, probably one of the best Soarburn I've seen. I approve:twilightsmile:

This! Yes, just this. This is the most perfect example of how you write an amazing SoarBurn story. A wonderful job with their confessions, especially Soarin's one. Thank you for writing such a great story.

Corrections issued without malice.

"Your a little short, but not by much. Probably a half second."


and risen 10 feet into the air.

raised (or lifted)

to the accounts of the two stallions

by the accounts

What was to come in store did not yet penetrate the mind of the cowboy pony.

was to come OR was in store. Both is redundant.

There in front of him was


You can make youself comfortable


he walked pass the table




He held his low as he felt a tingle in his throat.

held his head low

That's why I did all those things for you and only for you.

things: for

You still awake, buddy."

question should have question mark.

om the farm


or a pats on the back

or pats

biding him farewell.


He went on about how much crop there will be and the income it will bring. Braeburn nodded and hopped off the sheriff's cart, biding him farewell. He walk on

He went on about how much crop there would be and the income it would bring. Also, "he walked on"

It's not too bad. Ends abruptly and does a bit of telling rather than showing, though.

10/10 would read it again! :twilightsmile:

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