• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 10,654 Views, 386 Comments

The Heartbreaker and the Cultivator - XSomeGuyX

A small lapse of judgment on Rarity's part sets in motion a series of events leading to realization, admission and development of the feelings of three mares for Spike. How will this affect their friendship? Who will win his love? Read and find

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The Juggling Act: A Night with Twilight

A Night with Twilight

Dawn came quickly the next day. It was a mostly sleepless night for Spike, who continued to toss and turn throughout. However, it was not his worries about the mares; rather, it was his long nap after the mares’ confessions that caused his insomnia.

Lifting himself out of his bed, he decided to get to work on his daily chores. Not having done much for Twilight had him feeling a bit selfish, even more so considering her previous attempts to give him a large, scrumptious breakfast as well as excusing and doing his chores. As such, the little dragon decided to return the favor and give her a breakfast in bed, a small token of appreciation after giving his mind some rest from the worries that haunted him.

It did not take long for him to do the sweeping and regular maintenance around the library, seeing as how neither had been home very long the past few days. This gave him plenty of time to play chef. Though he was no maestro of the kitchen, he knew how to prepare a few dishes and snacks that the ponies seemed to enjoy. He thought maybe a hay-sandwich and a glass of cold milk would be good enough, but as he looked at the simple breakfast and he could not help but feel as if something were missing, something to add a bit more of a personal touch to it. It suddenly hit him as he scanned the kitchen: a small bowl of nuts would fit just fine. Though the ponies did not usually consume the salty snacks, when roasted with his fire breath, they found them to be quite the treat.

Quickly taking the tray up to the bedroom, Spike found the purple unicorn still very much enjoying her sleep, a bit of drool leaking out of the side of her mouth and her hair a complete mess. Though he did want to give her her thank-you-breakfast, she looked almost too peaceful to disturb. Luckily for him, Celestia decided to shine the sun’s rays through a nearby window in such a way as to land on the sleeping mare’s shut eyes, waking her from her slumber.

“Ugh…” she groaned as she sat up, still very groggy and unaware of the dragon and his homemade breakfast.

“Uh… Twilight?” Spike called to her softly, although even this still caught her off-guard as she jumped up a bit.

“Spike…?” Twilight rubbed her sleepy eyes, her sight still blurry.

“Hey, Twilight!” the dragon greeted her, still keeping his voice soft.

“Oh… Good morning, Spike,” the unicorn replied, followed by a yawn. “You’re up early!”

“Well, since you made me breakfast a couple times, I decided to give you a breakfast in bed,” Spike told her, handing her the thin steel tray.

“Thank you, Spike!” Twilight said with a smile at first. However, taking a quick look in the mirror next to her bed, she frowned at her own appearance. Though she had never minded Spike seeing with her bed-head, ever since she had realized her feelings for him Twilight had been careful to always look her best around her assistant. Competing with the ever-elegant Rarity required it. Even if Rarity could make herself look more appealing than her, it did not mean Twilight should not try to do the same. But, right now, she looked like she had just been in a fight with her brush, and the brush had won, and her dried drool made a white line on her fur.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Spike asked her, noticing her face beginning to glow red from the embarrassment of being seen like such a slob. Spike had grown to never pay much attention to her disheveled state, being so used to her seeing at her worst throughout their years together. Even with the transitioning relationship, it had not changed his mind about judging her by her appearance. And it only served to confuse him once the mare covered herself with her blanket to stop him from staring at her wild appearance.

“Sp-Spike, c-can you get me my brush?” she asked through the covers.

Twilight did not allow Spike back up to her room until she was finished straightening herself up. He waited patiently at the foot of the steps leading up to the bedroom, all the while wondering why she had suddenly become so conscious about her looks. But the thought soon left his mind when she called him back up to the bedroom.

“Sorry about that, Spike,” Twilight said as she ate her breakfast. “Uh… Spike, I have a lot of work to catch up on but I really do want to spend some time with you… you know… if you want to.”

“Of course, Twilight,” Spike replied.

“With everything that’s been happening lately, I kind of fell behind in my studies,” the unicorn said, though her feelings now revealed, some of her goals remained the same. “But I can take the night off… and it can just be… me and you.”

“Sounds like a date!” the dragon excitingly said, though he soon hesitated. He had not realized the magnitude of his words, or of the situation he had set himself up to be in. But as it sunk in, both bashfully looked away and avoided eye contact as a deep blush came over their faces.

The day passed pretty quickly for the duo as they gathered books from every corner of the library for Twilight to read and write down whatever it is that she was supposed to. Personally, Spike did not believe that the Princess would assign her so much “homework,” especially considering that her studies revolved around friendship. However, he was happy to help her in her overachieving ways with the compiling of reports and sending them off in to Celestia in using their magical message delivery system.

Before they knew it, sundown’s orange sky was visible out of each of their home’s windows. As she saw this, Twilight finished her last report with a flourish of the quill, magically rolling up the scroll and storing it in a small nook. In a hurry, she ran up to her room and grabbed her smallest telescope. Spike just followed her in a confused state, still not knowing what she had planned for their night together.

“Uh… Twilight, you still haven’t told me where we’re going tonight,” Spike told her as he watched her pack away the telescope.

“You’ll just have to wait and see, Spike,” Twilight replied with a wide smile.

Seeing neither her little dragon suitor nor her unicorn friend exiting the library all day began raking at a certain dress makers nerves. Not knowing what was happening in there was enough to make her bite her lower lip to attempt to relieve some of the built up anxiety. The temptation to bust into the library grew with every second. However, the pact they made just yesterday forbade such action, even just visiting the library without prior invitation Rarity knew would feel a bit like interrupting their time together. They said they would allow Spike to seek out whomever he wanted, without them interfering, and Rarity was not going to allow herself to be the one that broke it.

But, as if sent by some divine force, an impartial friend happened by, carrying with her several bags of food for a variety of different animals. It might have been against the rules for Twilight, Applejack or herself to do anything that might interrupt each mare’s time with the dragon, but it did not mean that they could not get another pony to keep an eye on them for her.

“FLUTTERSHY!” Rarity called the yellow Pegasus overzealously.

“Oh… Hi, Rarity,” Fluttershy greeted her back, a bit put off by her enthusiasm. “I was just… going back home… from the market. What are you doing here?”

“Oh, haha,” the unicorn laughed awkwardly, as her current position made it pretty clear that she was spying on the library. “Nothing, darling! I was just..."

A sudden gasp escaped the fashionista as she quickly pulled the Pegasus into her hiding spot. As Fluttershy opened her mouth to say something, Rarity clapped a hoof over her mouth to silence her. Looking over to the library, Fluttershy saw Twilight and Spike come out of their home and walk out of sight.

“Rarity?” the Pegasus called once she was free to speak again.

“I’m sorry about that, Fluttershy,” Rarity replied, regaining her composure. “But I didn’t want to reveal ourselves.”

“Have you been spying on Twilight and Spike? I mean… not that I think you would do that…” Fluttershy asked hesitantly.

“To be honest, yes, I have…” the white unicorn admitted. “But I do have a favor to ask you… Promise me that you won’t say no…”

“Uh… umm…” the Pegasus tripped over her words, trying to resist the unicorn’s wide-eyed pout. “Ok…”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Rarity repeated over and over again. “Now I just need you to follow them for me and then tell me anything that happens… please!”

“But…” Fluttershy protested a bit, demonstrating her slight assertiveness. “I have to feed Angel and all the other animals in my cottage…”

“I…” the fashionista said with teeth clenched almost as if the words were literally causing her some physical pain. “I’ll… feed… them… for… you.”

“You will!?” the Pegasus asked.

“Of course…” Rarity reassured her. Normally, she avoided such a chore because of how filthy some of the animals Fluttershy kept in her cottage, but it was worth running the risk of dirtying her hooves to keep an eye in the sky on Twilight and Spike.

“Thank you, Rarity!” Fluttershy said, handing over the sacks of feed to the unicorn.

“One more thing, Fluttershy,” the fashion designer stopped the timid Pegasus before she flew off. “You can’t let them see you… ok?”

“But why?” the yellow mare questioned her friend. “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I tagged along.”

“Just don’t let them see or hear, ok Fluttershy?” Rarity asked her again. “It is of the upmost importance that they do not know that you’re watching them.”

“Ok… but…” Fluttershy began her objection only to be interrupted.

“Please, Fluttershy…” the unicorn pleaded.

“Ok, Rarity… I won’t let them see…” the yellow Pegasus said, flying off to spy on her two friends.

“And… eww… I’ll go feed your animals,” Rarity groaned to herself as the mere thought of feeding some of the animals already made her feel unclean.

One good thing about being an “egghead,” as Rainbow Dash loved to describe Twilight and her ways of being incredibly studious, was that she knew many different patterns of animals and star formations. Though it was still last minute, she was still able to plan an impromptu all-natural show for their date tonight. Leading them to a hilly clearing in the outskirts of Ponyville, the purple unicorn set up the small blanket she had packed along with her telescope.

“Twilight, what are we doing way out here?” Spike asked, still ignorant to Twilight’s plan.

“Don’t worry, you’ll see soon enough,” Twilight replied, trying to calm the dragon’s anxiety.

She had quickly prepared a few sweets for them to eat while awaiting the main event. Handing her assistant some of the sugary breads, Twilight adjusted her telescope. She had merely brought it to point out a few constellations to Spike, who found most of science a little dull for his taste but found astronomy interesting. But even this was only to buy time for the real reason she had brought him so far from home.

Having passed yet another year’s Winter Wrap Up and Spring winding down, Summer was right around the corner and most of the wildlife was already settling to its return. As Spike stargazed, a bright light suddenly blocked his view of the heavenly bodies. It soon disappeared, but then he began to see many more little orbs of light join the stars in the sky, illuminating, dulling, and then all together disappearing only to reappear a few seconds later. The lights multiplied each time as Spike removed his eyes from the optics of the telescope.

As he looked around, he finally saw what Twilight had brought him out to see. In every direction were swarms of orbs of light, surrounding him and the unicorn. One landed on tip of the dragon’s nose, allowing him to give it a closer look. It was a little, winged insect with a luminescent thorax. Spike remembered seeing a few of these wander into Ponyville once in a while, but never like this. The sheer number of the bugs and lights that they created amazed him. It was something he never experience before in Canterlot or Ponyville.

“Come on!” Twilight invited the dragon to come with her as she ran through the field of shinning fireflies. Aimlessly wandering through hills, Spike followed the unicorn as it almost seemed like they were playing a game of tag. The blinking lights provided environment like no other that made their childish game a bit more enjoyable. Eventually both exhausted themselves and collapsed onto the grass.

For a short time, they simply lay next to each, out of breath from their little chase. Soon, Twilight sat up and looked out into the meadow and the glowing bugs that filled it. Spike joined her, scooting himself a little closer to the unicorn, all the while blushing. They had not done anything like before, allowing themselves to let go of all seriousness and just have some mindless fun. It felt nice to be able to do something like that with his long-time friend. If this is how their new relationship was going to be like, Spike could honestly say that he was going to like it.

The moment of silence had also brought back the realization that this was a date. The mare and dragon looked at each other, then bashfully away as the same shade of reddish-pink filled their cheeks. Both continued to take in the view of fireflies mingle freely through the hilly expanse, giving the couple a romantic feeling. Both could feel their hearts beating in their throats as their emotion began to intensify and the heat between them rose to a fever pitch. Twilight could feel a different type of insect flutter in her stomach while the dragon next to her began sweating bullets and tried to swallow the tension of the moment.

“Uh… Twilight,” Spike finally broke the silence, looking up at the nervous unicorn. “You know, this is the first date I’ve ever been on… And I’m glad that it was with you…”

Twilight could feel herself melt into a puddle; after hearing something so sweet, it had nearly made her break out in tears.

“Thank you, Spike,” Twilight replied, wiping a tear from her eye. “It means a lot to hear that from you… It’s my first date too… But…”

“Hmm…?” Spike hummed as she turned to look him in the eyes.

“Well… umm… I-I’ve read that if a date went well…” Twilight said with a bit of a stutter. Though it was no time to mention what she had read about dating, Spike found it a bit cute that although they were still on a date, she was still herself. “That the ponies… erm… you know what I mean… that we should end it with a… kiss…”

That little word caused his pupils and iris to shrink as he just stared at her wide-eyed. Just a few days ago, he would have never thought of seriously kissing his earliest friend, but here he was now. He swore he could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he continued to contemplate weight of what it meant to actually kiss the unicorn.

“B-but… if you don’t think you’re ready…” Twilight hesitated, turning away in embarrassment for even suggesting it.

“It would be my first real kiss…” the dragon said, blushing an even deeper shade of red than ever before. “Would… it be yours too?”

Twilight simply nodded, still a little too mortified to look back at her date. Spike knew that a first kiss was not something that Twilight would simply give away to anypony… or dragon, in this case. She would have put in a lot of thought into it, as she did with most things (even to the point of overthinking it), and if she truly wanted to give her first kiss away to him, it only showed how serious she was about her confession. However, he could not help but think about how the other two mares would feel if they were to find out about them sharing their first kiss together. To him, it would almost be like already choosing her over them without giving them a fair chance.

And yet… he could not stop himself from seriously considering the unicorn’s suggestion. The dragon had never experienced such inner conflict before, wanting two contradictory things at the same time, keeping it fair but wanting to go further with Twilight at that moment, feeling so right but having doubt somehow lingering in the back of his mind. He truly did not want to hurt any of the mares but he did not want to let this chance slip past him. Their long standing relationship that allowed him to feel comfortable to act immature with her by chasing her through the fields also gave him the comfort to give up his first kiss to her. Though he held strong feelings for the other two, he did not believe he would feel calm enough around either of the other mares to give them his first kiss. He convinced himself that going through with it could relieve some of the stress of any future lip-locking with the mares.

“Twilight…” Spike called the still-embarrassed mare. Though she felt like her cheeks were burning with shame, Twilight looked down at the dragon, fiddling with his claws. He looked just as nervous as she felt, which could only mean one thing. “I… I think I am ready…”

Neither knew very much about engaging a kiss, only made more difficult by their difference in size. Twilight only had what she had read in romance novels to go on , but none were based off a relationship between dragon and pony. She was the first to lean in, eyes closed, heart beating against her chest in anticipation of what was coming. The dragon hesitated for a moment; meeting her lips with his would be a game changer in their relationship (though most of what they were doing before then would also fall under the “forever changing their relationship” category). It was something that, once done, could never be taken back.

Letting go of his doubts and inhibitions, he puckered his lips and lightly pressed them against the mare’s own. The kiss, probably more accurately described as a peck, lasted less than a few seconds before they each withdrew quickly, faces flushed in embarrassment and a bit of disbelief of what just occurred.

Even more surprised was the yellow Pegasus spying on them, along with some of her woodland friends. She almost allowed a gasp to escape from her mouth, only to have her loyal animals shush her in time to keep location a secret. Though not much effort was put into keeping this love war a secret, Fluttershy was not aware of the feelings being shared by her three friends and Spike. The shock wore off as she watched the mare and dragon finally look back at each other.

Awkwardness settled in as neither pony nor dragon really knew what to say after that. Spike felt a bit of guilt linger in his mind. He felt compelled to voice it for whatever reason.

“Umm… Twilight…?” he called to her. “I know… what we just did… it wasn’t nothing… but I just don’t know…”

“About what Spike?” Twilight asked in sincere concern, able to see the conflict in his eyes.

“I… I still can’t stop thinking of Rarity… and all the time I spent with Applejack…” Spike replied. “I don’t know… I want to give everypony a chance… but I don’t want to hurt anyone…”

“Spike, I know it must be hard right now…” the unicorn said, trying her best think of advice to give him, though the jealousy pained her to give it. “But I want you to be with me because you want to and because you chose to. If you think you still might have feelings for Applejack or Rarity… then I’ll wait for you to figure out who you really want.”

“You really would?” her assistant said, a bit in disbelief from her.

“Yes, Spike,” Twilight responded with a nod. “It’s getting pretty late now. How about we start heading home, Spike?”

“Hey… Twilight… Can I ask one last thing?” Spike asked.

“Anything,” the unicorn answered.

“Can I sleep with you, in your bed tonight… and can we read a book before we go to sleep?” the dragon asked nervously. “You know, like we used to back in Canterlot…”

“Of course, Spike,” Twilight said with a smile.

Seeing that their little date had come to a close, Fluttershy emerged from the nearby brush. With a few “Oh my”’s silently escaping her mouth, the timid little mare flew off to find the unicorn that had asked this favor of her.

It had been a long while since Spike had done this nightly tradition, but it was one he did sorely miss. Though they did spend most of their time together in Canterlot, Twilight and he never really did have many intimate moments. So he learned to enjoy even this time with her. He would even go so far as to say that it grew into something he looked forward to.

Remembering the rules agreed upon just last night, it became hard to determine what would be allowed and what would not. The easiest way it seemed was to lie down on their chests, rather than their backs as back in Canterlot, and flip through the pages with her nose instead of magically doing so. Grabbing a novel she had read beforehand that she knew would not bore him, the unicorn quickly made herself comfortable next to the waiting dragon.

It did not take long for the dragon to doze off, being so accustomed to turning in early. He had fallen asleep snuggling Twilight, very much like when they shared a bed in Canterlot. All these memories of Canterlot had the purple mare wondering again about when these feelings had first manifested. Though she may never know the answer, she did know that her very first friend, outside of the family, was now her first love. Their first kiss was still fresh in her mind, even as she felt herself begin dozing off into her own sweet dreams.