• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 8,075 Views, 181 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Invincible! - shallow15

Twilight Sparkle discovers Spike's secret hobby: writing stories about the amazing Captain Invincible, and the characters bear a striking resemblance to ponies she knows.

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The Pony with the Dragon Cutie Mark!

“You... read my stories?”

Twilight's throat closed up as she saw the hurt and disbelief in Spike's eyes. She closed her eyes and hung her head.

“Yes, Spike, I did. I'm sorry,” she answered quietly. She opened her eyes and forced herself to look at Spike, who was staring back at her, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

“I wrote that nopony should be reading them on the front page,” he said. “I didn't want them to be read.”

“I know, and I should have just put the book back on the shelf where you left it,” said Twilight. “But, when I found out you had been writing your own stories, I got curious. I wasn't intending to read more than a paragraph or two to find out what they were about, but they're really good, Spike! I couldn't stop reading them. The next thing I knew, I'd gotten through most of the book.”

Spike's expression turn into a frown. “And it never occurred to you to just ask me if you could read the rest of them? I probably would have said yes if you had!”

Twilight sighed. “No, I didn't think of it, and I should have. All I can say is --”

“No,” Spike interrupted. “I don't think I want to hear it right now, Twilight.” The dragon turned and headed back for the door. Twilight stood up fully and called to him.

“Spike, wait!”

“I'm going out,” Spike said quietly, not turning around. “I don't know when I'll be back. If you want to keep on reading, go ahead.” He opened the door and walked out of the library. He paused on the doorstep and looked back at Twilight, anger and betrayal still evident on his face.

“You reached the last story, anyway,” he finished.

The door slammed and Twilight looked down at the floor, ashamed of herself. She walked back over to her cushion and flopped down on it, resting her head on her forelegs. She let out a despondent sigh.

“I've made a mess of everything.” She rolled onto her back and let out another sigh. She cast her glance onto the floor, landing on the journal still sitting on her book rack. She snorted loudly and got up to stare at the offending volume.

“This is all your fault!” She swatted the book sharply, sending it flying across the room. It bounced off the far shelf and landed open on the floor. Twilight looked at her hoof, then at the book. She walked over to the fallen journal and levitated it up. “No, it's my fault. Spike's right, I should have asked.”

Twilight brought the book up to her face, intending to check it over for damage before she put it away. As she rifled through the pages, checking for loose ones, her eyes glanced down at one of them.

The pony resting in the crystal coffin was a purple unicorn, whose mane was a darker shade of violet, accented by a streak of magenta.

“Wait, what?” Twilight's eyes widened as her brain comprehended the sentence she had idly read. She backtracked a few paragraphs and read the entire passage. She blinked and looked up.

“He wrote me into his story,” she murmured, honestly surprised. She had figured that maybe the reason she hadn't shown up in the tales of Captain Invincible was because Spike hadn't wanted to write her in as a villain, which seemed to be how most of the ponies he knew had been incorporated, with the exceptions of Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Nonetheless, here was a new character which matched her own description.

“But why is she in a coffin?” Twilight asked herself. “That makes no sense. Spike hasn't been overly morbid in these stories.”

She sat back down on her cushion, set the journal back on her reading stand, and flipped back to the beginning of the story, her curiosity once again getting the better of her.

She called herself Scaleseeker. It wasn't the name she had been born with, but it was the one she chose for herself when she had taken her destiny into her own hooves. When the dragon had come and taken everything she ever cared about away. She had taken the dragon's head in return.

Five years and sixteen dragons later, Scaleseeker watched from the roof of a building overlooking the Ponytopolis Jail. She normally didn't do work-for-hire, preferring to hunt down the fire-breathing vermin on her own, but this “Schoolmarm” and whoever she worked for were paying well, and Scaleseeker had to admit, Captain Invincible was a prize she couldn't allow herself to pass up.

She cast her single visible gold eye down at the large hole in the side of the jail, where her target and the sheriff were standing. Assorted other deputies, including the pink one with the absurd yellow hat, were securing the surrounding area. Her lip curled up in a half-smile. The great dragon “hero” was going to be a piece of cake.

Scaleseeker reached down and picked up a bow and arrow. She nocked the arrow into the string and pulled the arrow back. She took a deep breath, sighted her shot, and waited for the right moment to let the arrow fly.


“It don't make no sense, Cap'n,” Sheriff Banana Bread said as she and the hero looked around the wreckage of the jail cell which had held Dr. Spectra and Buttermint. “Doc Spectra and the Schoolmarm got along about as well as two wet cats in a sack. So why in the hay would the Schoolmarm break the doc out of jail?”

Captain Invincible stood up from where he had been kneeling, taking a closer look at the damage caused to the jail.

“I don't know, Sheriff,” he said, clapping the dust from his claws. “These last few days have been very strange, and yet, I can't help but feeling there's something that we're missing.”

“Like what?” the earth pony sheriff asked.

Captain Invincible frowned. “I don't know. Dr. Spectra's invention, the strange new powers of the Urchins and the Schoolmarm, and those two ponies who were hired by this Lunar Dust, I can't help but feel they're all somehow connected. Find the connection and we find out what's going on.”

“Speakin' of the Urchins,” Banana Bread began. She quickly put a hoof to her mouth and whistled loudly. “Deputy Sugarcube!”

Deputy Sugarcube appeared in a blur of pink, her hat arriving on her head a full second after she did. She saluted sharply. “Yes, ma'am, Sheriff, sir!”

The sheriff rolled her eyes, then got to business. “Run down to my house and check to make sure my brother's got the Urchins under control. They still got them weird powers and if the Schoolmarm's breakin' ponies outta jail, she'll probably come for them next.”

“Right away, Sheriff!” the deputy saluted again and zipped off in another flash of pink. Banana Bread turned back to the Ponytopolis Protector.

“I got most of my deputies out searchin' the city for Doc Spectra and the Schoolmarm,” she said. “But, since they've managed to hide from us before, I'm not hopeful. Sure could use a lead right about now.”

Captain Invincible opened his mouth to speak, but quickly snapped it shut again as he spotted a metallic gleam coming from a rooftop across the street. He quickly thrust out an arm in front of the sheriff and deftly plucked a speeding arrow out of the air.

“What in tarnation?” Banana Bread shrieked, staring at the arrow in disbelief.

“I think that's our lead,” Captain Invincible said, not taking his eyes off the building where the arrow had come from. “Better get some additional deputies, Sheriff. I'm going to check this out.”

With that, Captain Invincible dashed across the street and leaped into the air, grabbing a convenient window ledge. He began swinging himself from ledge to ledge, scaling the building with incredible speed.

Banana Bread called several of her deputies over. “All right, I want three of ya to go around the back of the building and start headin' up the fire escape. Silver Star, Shiny Spurs, you two come with me.”

“Sheriff!” Deputy Sugarcube's voice came form down the street. In a moment, the breathless deputy had arrived.

“The Urchins,” she wheezed. “They're not there, and your brother is out cold!”

The sheriff's brow furrowed and she threw her hat to the ground. “Consarn it!”


With one mighty leap, Captain Invincible landed on the roof of the building, and quickly scanned the area, looking for the pony who had fired the arrow. Seeing nopony on the rooftop itself, he turned his attention to the sky. It didn't take him long to find the armored gray pegasus hovering in the air.

“You know, for being the great hero of this city, you're just as stupid as the rest of the lizards,” the pegasus said.

“Who are you?” Captain Invincible asked, his fists automatically clenching when he spotted the sword slung across the pony's back. The pegasus rolled her single visible eye in exasperation.

“Not that it's really going to matter after I kill you, lizard, but your kind call me Scaleseeker.”

Captain Invincible's eyes widened. Although he had been raised by ponies, as he had gotten older he made it a point to find out about as much of his dragon heritage as possible. Time and again, he had heard tales from the elder dragons who lived in the high mountains. Tales of a gray pegasus who sought out the brash young drakes who were foolhardy enough to make their presence known near any major pony settlements. A pony who had single handedly brought down the menace known as Flamestrike the Unstoppable. A pegasus whose name was whispered in the lava pools and hidden volcanic craters when the Great Dragon Migrations occurred. The pony with the dragon cutie mark.

“Scaleseeker the Cold,” Captain Invincible stated. Scaleseeker snorted loudly.

“You lizards have to put a title on everything, don't you?” She reached back, unsheathed her sword, and with a fierce cry, streaked straight towards the mighty hero.

Captain Invincible flipped backwards as Scaleseeker swooped through the space where he had been just a second ago. The dragon hunter huffed a lock of her tangled blond mane out of her eye and swopped back down for another attack, raising her sword over her head and bringing it down towards her adversary.

Captain Invincible quickly brought his claws up and clapped the blade of the sword between theme. Much to his surprise, the pegasus was stronger than he expected, and his muscles strained as he struggled to keep his grip on the blade, even as Scaleseeker fought to free it.

“Why are you doing this?” Captain Invincible demanded, pressing his claws closer together. Scaleseeker simply gave him a wicked grin.

“I kill dragons. You're a dragon. Why make it complicated?”she said simply. She gripped the hilt of the sword and whirled around, using her wings to assist her movement. Captain Invincible's grip on the blade did not weaken, but the Defender of Equestria found himself skidding in a circle on the soles of his feet. Scaleseeker's grin widened and she began spinning in place, each turn causing Captain Invincible to rotate along with her, faster and faster, until the force of the spinning had lifted him off his feet. Captain Invincible felt his grip shifting, and one claw slid off the blade. He grit his teeth and increased his grip with his remaining hand, pushing through the pain as the blade bit deep into the flesh of his palm.

“By the way, lizard,” Scaleseeker said over the sound of the air rushing past him. “Just to make things interesting, I've got your little pony playmate. If you want her, you'll have to keep up with me.”

With that, Scaleseeker flexed her forelegs and yanked the sword out of Captain Invincible's hand, causing the hero to go sailing through the air and onto the rooftop of the building next door. He landed with a grunt, quickly shook off the dizziness he felt, and got to his feel. Across the way, Scaleseeker saluted mockingly, returned the sword to its scabbard and flew off across the rooftops of Ponytopolis.

Captain Invincible's face curled up in an expression of anger. He quickly blew a thin gout of flame across the wound in his hand to stop the bleeding, then bounded after the dragon hunter, intent on rescuing the love of his life.


The chase didn't last long. Captain Invincible's powerful strides easily kept pace with Scaleseeker, and while the pegasus did try hiding and double backing several times, he easily kept her in sight until they had reached the roof of Ponytopolis City Hall. With a mighty bound, Captain Invincible leaped across the huge gap between the Equestrian Insurance Group building and landed solidly on the City Hall.

“Oh, thank Celestia!” Hot Scoop cried. Captain Invincible looked up to see the reporter tied to the flagpole that surmounted the building. He quickly dashed to her side.

“Are you all right, Miss Scoop?” he asked, beginning to untie her.

“Yes, I'm fine,” Hot Scoop answered. “I was abducted by some kind of black mist back where you were fighting those two ponies. The next thing I know, I'm here and tied up... again.”

“Where's Scaleseeker?”

Hot Scoop looked at him, puzzled. “Scaleseeker? Who's that? I haven't seen anypony since I found myself here.”

Captain Invincible quickly freed the unicorn and stood up, scanning the horizon. The gray pegasus was nowhere to be found. He strained his enhanced hearing, trying to pick up a heavy breath, the woosh of displaced air as her wings flapped, any sound that would tip off the dragon hunter's hiding place.

His frown returned as he found no trace of her. He looked down at Hot Scoop.

“It's not safe here for you, Miss Scoop,” he began. “Dr. Spectra has been broken out of jail, the Schoolmarm helped her, and I strongly suspect the Urchins may soon find themselves free as well. Not only that, there is a dangerous dragon hunter in the city who has threatened your safety. I fear she may try to use you as bait to draw me out.”

“How dreadful!” Hot Scoop exclaimed. “Well, if there's anything I can do to help you, Captain, you only need to ask.”

Captain Invincible was silent for a moment as he considered his options. Only one came to mind. One that would ensure Hot Scoop's safety until he could get all of the villains currently rampaging through Ponytopolis into Banana Bread's custody.

And Celestia knows, after everything she's been through with me, Hot Scoop deserves to see it.

Reaching his decision, Captain Invincible grinned down at his beloved unicorn maiden. “Miss Scoop, would you do me the honor of allowing me to show you my home?”

Hot Scoop's eyes widened and a grin appeared on her face. “Why, Captain, I thought you would never ask.”

Captain Invincible reached down and took the alabaster unicorn in his muscular arms, then leaped off City Hall, bounced off a passing carriage on the street, then up and over the rooftops of the city.

From a cloud high in the sky, Scaleseeker grinned evilly as she watched the hero and the reporter head off into the distance. Sher took to the air and began following them at a discreet distance. As she flew, she reached into the saddlebag attached to her armor and withdrew a glowing gold sphere. She raised it up to her mouth, all the while keeping the Draconic Defender in sight.

“The lizard's taken the bait. Follow the spell trail. I'll send a signal when I've found his lair.”


After a breathtaking few minutes leaping across the rooftops, Captain Invincible soon came to rest at a small warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Putting Hot Scoop down, he withdrew a key from his cape and unlocked the door to the warehouse. Much to Hot Scoop's surprise, the warehouse was barren.

“This is your home?” she asked, perplexed.

“What were you expecting?” the hero asked.

“I'm not sure. Some kind of secret base filled with the latest in crime fighting technology, or perhaps a vast library filled with magical tomes from days of yore. Not an empty warehouse.”

“Ah,” Captain Invincible said with a grin. “Something more impressive, you mean.”

“Well... yes.” Hot Scoop admitted. Captain Invincible lead her across the vast floor of the warehouse to a far corner where a group of crates was stacked to the ceiling. He reached out and pressed on a protruding nail on the corner of one of the crates.

“Something like this, perhaps?” he asked, as a large section of the sides of the crates dropped down, revealing a large archway the two of them were able to pass through. As soon as they had crossed the threshhold of the arch, the secret door lifted up like a drawbridge behind them.

They stood in darkness for a while, then with a flash, the chamber they had entered was magically illuminated. Hot Scoop stared at the enormous crystal cavern they had entered. Multi-faceted crystals lined the walls, glowing with a soft magical light. There were piles of gems and gold coins scattered about the floor. Much to her surprise, off in once corner of the room was a comfortable looking bed and sofa, along with several bookshelves.

“This is amazing,” she whispered. “But, how? This room is far too large to be part of the warehouse.”

“Technically, it isn't,” Captain Invincible explained. “It's a magical construct that is attached to the warehouse, but doesn't occupy the same space. The crates are a dimensional gateway that allows us access.”

“You created this?” Hot Scoop asked. “I know you're powerful, but I've never seen you use magic before.”

Captain Invincible gave her an oddly sad smile. “I didn't create this place. It was done a long time ago, by someone very close to me.”

“Oh?” The curiosity was spelled out across the unicorn's face. Captain Invincible gestured with one claw towards another section of the lair, and the two made their way across the cavern.

Hot Scoop felt her breath catch in her lungs as she was lead to the largest crystal in the cavern. It lay on top of a platform that had been carved out of the rock wall. A small set of steps led up to the platform. As they climbed, Hot Scoop realized that the large crystal wasn't a natural crystal at all. It was a coffin. A transparent crystal coffin with a pony inside of it.

Hot Scoop looked up at Captain Invincible, who smiled gently, and gestured for her to take a closer look. Hot Scoop took a few tentative steps forward and looked down.

The pony resting in the crystal coffin was a purple unicorn, whose mane was a darker shade of violet, accented by a streak of magenta. She was dressed in simple golden robe. Her eyes were closed and her expression serene, like she was merely sleeping and having a pleasant dream.

“Who is she?” Hot Scoop asked. Captain Invincible stood beside her and sighed.

“Her name is Midnight Sun, and she was the pony who raised me. This cavern was her lab. From here we could travel to any city in Equestria”

Hot Scoop looked up at Captain Invincible in surprise. “Midnight Sun was a real pony?”

“As real as you or me,” the dragon replied. “She hatched me from an egg, and raised me as her own. She was one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria. For a time, she served at the right hoof of Princess Celestia herself. She taught me everything I know about truth, justice, and doing what is right.”

“Is she... dead?”

“Yes and no,” Captain Invincible answered. “She's cursed. Years ago, when I was only a few years old, she was sent on a mission to rid Canterlot of an evil sorceress who had been abducting young foals in the night. Nopony knew what she wanted them for, but the Princess feared the worst. As her assistant, I went along with her, although she didn't initially want me to accompany her.

“We searched for weeks, but the sorceress was tricky. She never allowed her agents to see her face, and those agents we captured were fiercely loyal to her, or had delayed memory charms cast on them so that if they did talk, their minds would be instantly erased.”

“How did you find her then?” Hot Scoop asked. “I presume you did eventually manage to find her.”

“We did. She slipped up. She needed one more foal for whatever unholy ritual she was planning to enact. We had managed to whittle her network of agents down considerably, so she took the risk of taking the foal herself. Midnight Sun had realized the foals were all coming from wealthy and influential families around the city. All the foals were unicorns under the age of six and none younger than two. Midnight cast a tracking spell on all the foals who fit those factors, and set them to alert her if any of them were abducted after their usual bedtimes.”

Captain Invincible reached down and lightly placed his hand on the coffin over one of Midnight Sun's hooves. “We didn't have long to wait. One of the foals was abducted the night after the tracking spells were in place. The colt of one of the larger merchants in the city. Midnight Sun and I swiftly tracked the colt to a cavern much like this one deep in the mountain Canterlot sits upon.

“The foals were all alive. They were held in cages that slowly drained the magic from them. The magic was siphoned off to power a mystic circle etched into the floor of the cave. Those foals that had been there for a while looked drained and weary. The newer arrivals were scared and crying. And then, we saw her. The sorceress herself.”

Hot Scoop placed a hoof on Captain Invincible's arm as he trailed off. He looked down at her, a haunted look in his eyes, but smiled as Hot Scoop silently encouraged him to go on. The mighty dragon took a deep breath and continued his tale.

“Her name was, ironically enough, Lullaby, and she had been Celestia's court magician for years until it was discovered she was plotting a coup behind the Princess's back. She was tried and convicted of high treason, but managed to escape. A few months later, Midnight Sun gained Lullaby's former position. For some reason, Lullaby's twisted mind had rewritten the events so that now she believed Midnight Sun had been responsible for her loss of position.

“Lullaby had abducted the foals in order to steal their magic potential and increase her own power. She didn't care that doing so would severely weaken the foals, possibly to the point of death. She simply wanted enough power to destroy Midnight Sun and take the throne for herself.”

“What happened when you found her?” Hot Scoop asked.

“Midnight Sun and Lullaby fought, spell against spell, the cavern shook with the force of the magic they were using. With Lullaby occupied, I set to work freeing the foals. Those who could run did, while I tried to help those who were almost too weak to move.

“Unfortunately, Lullaby spotted me, and began turning her magic on me and the foals. I did what I could to rush them out, but Lullaby managed to trap us by firing bolts of magic at the ceiling, causing the caverns crystal stalactites to fall and keep us from escaping. Seeing me and the foals trapped, Midnight Sun did the only thing she could do. She summoned all her power and blasted Lullaby with it. Lullaby slammed into the far wall of the chamber, her bones smashing at the impact. She glared up at Midnight Sun with hate in her eyes, and before either of us knew what had happened, she had retaliated with a black bolt of magic that struck my mentor down.”

Captain Invincible's eyes were haunted and he swallowed heavily before continuing. “Lullaby didn't say anything, but she smiled as Midnight Sun fell, then she fired bolt after bolt into the ceiling of the cavern, intending to collapse it on top of all of us. Midnight Sun managed to drag herself over to where the foals and I were trapped, and she took the medallion she wore from around her neck. I watched as she poured her magic into the onyx stone.

“When she was done, she gave me a weak smile and handed the medallion to me through the gap between two of the stalactites. I remember what she whispered to me then, before the curse took her and she fell into this state you see her in.”

“What did she say?”

Captain Invincible closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “She said, 'call upon my glory to be the hero I know you are.' So, I took the medallion and said the first phrase that came into my head.”

He looked back down at Hot Scoop and grinned. “And that is how I became Captain Invincible.”

Hot Scoop returned the smile, then looked back down at Midnight Sun. “She sacrificed herself for the foals, and for you. She must have loved you very much.”

“Yes, she did, and I loved her. From that day forward, I vowed that I would use the gifts she gave me to defend those who couldn't defend themselves, and protect the ponies of Equestria from any and all threats.”

“What happened to Lullaby?” Hot Scoop asked. “I assume you rescued the foals and obviously you brought Midnight Sun here, but what happened to the sorceress?”

“I barely managed to get the foals and Midnight out of the cavern before it collapsed. I always assumed that Lullaby was killed in the cave-in. Certainly, I've never seen hide nor hair of her since that day. The next day I led a detachment of the Princess's Royal Guard to retrieve her. The cave-in was so complete it was impossible to access the cavern anymore.”

“I see,” Hot Scoop said, looking back down at Midnight Sun. “Is there a cure for her?”

“Princess Celestia tried finding one for a while, but whatever curse Lullaby cast, it used the blackest of magic. Magic even the Princess is reluctant to touch, lest she succumb to its evil power herself. Her scholars keep searching for something to counter it, but so far, there's been no success. Until one is found, she stays in this state between life and death.”

“That's so sad,” Hot Scoop said.

“Yes, but I find helping other ponies keeps me busy. Besides,” he said, tilting the reporter's chin up so they were looking into each others eyes. “If it hadn't happened, I would never have met you.”

Hot Scoop blushed and giggled like a schoolfilly.


Scaleseeker paced in the empty warehouse. She was sure the dragon had come here. She had already sent the signal to the Schoolmarm, who was probably on her way, but the lizard had simply vanished.

The dragon hunter frowned in thought. There was one way to determine where he had gone. The “gift” left to her by the dragon called Nightfire the Seer. The kill had been difficult, and Nightfire herself had left her own mark on the dragon hunter, giving her the ability to locate any dragon no matter how elusive. The catch was that every time she used the ability, it devoured another piece of her soul. When it was all gone, Scaleseeker would die, an empty hollow husk where a pony once dwelled.

She had used the ability sparingly once she had been informed of the cost. Three times in the last four years, and then only in the most dire of circumstances. The pegasus let a breath out through her teeth in exasperation, then reached for her eyepatch. She pulled it off, revealing her other eye.

The left eye was the same shade of gold as her right eye, but unlike her right eye, the pupil was slitted like a dragon's and moved around involuntarily, constantly scanning the area. Getting used to the constant movement had taken some time, but Scaleseeker soon found a way to live with it.

As she was about to activate the ability, there was a flash of light and the Schoolmarm appeared next to her. Scaleseeker quickly covered her dragon eye with her mane and turned to face her employer.

“I expected something more flashy,” the Schoolmarm said, looking a the warehouse with disdain. “I hope you are sure this is the place.”

“I was just about to confirm,” Scaleseeker said coldly. “Don't question my methods.”

“Oh, I'm not,” said the Schoolmarm. Scaleseeker took a step back as the warehouse became considerably darker, and the air more oppressive. A dark mist began coalescing out of the air and turned into a massive cloud in the center of the room. The Schoolmarm looked back at Scaleseeker and smirked.

“Our mutual employer, on the other hand, just might,” she finished.

The cloud suddenly dissipated, as if by an unseen wind. Standing where the cloud had been was a blue unicorn mare. Her mane and tail were striped with two lighter shades of blue. She wore a dark cloak and a black tiara surmounted by a large red gem. She glared haughtily at the two other mares.

“Where is it?” she asked quietly.

Scaleseeker shrugged. “I was about to look for it before I was interrupted.”

The unicorn's eyes narrowed. “Do you know to whom you are speaking?”

“Yeah, I'm talking to the one who is paying me to find the lizard's lair, and who's keeping me from doing that.” The dragon hunter turned away from the other ponies, pulled her mane out of her eye and silently muttered the incantation to activate it. Her eye briefly flashed with a golden light, and began moving even more rapidly than before.

As Scaleseeker investigated the warehouse, the unicorn turned to the Schoolmarm. “You are certain of her abilities?”

“Very, my lady,” the Schoolmarm replied. “If she tracked Captain Invincible here, then he is here somewhere.”

“Not somewhere,” came Scaleseeker's voice. “He's over here.”

The unicorn and the Schoolmarm looked over to see the dragon hunter standing in front of a stack of crates piled in the corner. They walked over, as Scaleseeker replaced her eye patch.

“There's some kind of magical gate here,” Scaleseeker reported. “Probably a pocket dimension or something like that.”

“Easily dealt with,” the unicorn said. She turned to the Schoolmarm. “Fetch the Urchins. We'll probably need a distraction.”

“Yes, my lady.” The Schoolmarm vanished in a flash of light, and returned a few seconds later with the Urchins.

“That was cool!” Joybuzzer squealed. “Can I learn how to do that next?”

“Perhaps. If we're successful,” said the unicorn. She turned to Scaleseeker. “Where is the door?”

Scaleseeker peered at the crates, then stuck out a hoof and pressed down on a protruding nail. The fronts of the false crates dropped down, revealing the archway leading to Captain Invincible's lair. The unicorn smirked and turned her head to address her minions.

“Let's go see my old friend's disciple, shall we?”


Captain Invincible was pacing. “There is still the matter of the Schoolmarm and the Urchins' new powers, Dr. Spectra's break out, and the arrival of Scaleseeker. These events all happened far too close to each other to be coincidental.”

“I agree,” Hot Scoop said. “There has to be something linking all these together. Wait!”

The white unicorn got to her hooves and dashed to the living area of the lair. “Do you have any paper, or a chalkboard or something?”

Captain Invincible joined her and unearthed a small slate and a piece of chalk. “What is it?” he asked.

Hot Scoop levitated the chalk and began scribbling names on the slate. “Follow me on this. The Schoolmarm and the Urchins re-appear in town, but this time they all have magical abilities they didn't have before. At the same time, Dr. Spectra is working on a unicorn magic extractor, intending to somehow implant the magic she stole into herself.”

Captain Invincible's eyes widened. “But, Dr. Spectra is still, first and foremost, a scientist. There's no way she would try an untested process on herself.”

“Emphasis on 'untested,'” Hot Scoop continued. “However, we know four certain ponies who suddenly acquired abilities and powers they didn't have before, don't we?”

Captain Invincible began rubbing his chin in thought. “Dr. Spectra puts the word out that she can give magical powers to non-unicorns--”

“And enhance the abilities unicorns already have,” Hot Scoop interrupted. “Remember Sour Note?”

“Right,” Captain Invincible began pacing again. “The Schoolmarm and the Urchins respond. The test is successful. Dr. Spectra prepares to extract your magic and transfer it into herself, and then I foil her plans. Later, she's broken out of jail by the Schoolmarm.” The dragon stopped pacing. “There's still Scaleseeker. How does she fit into all this?”

“Well, what do you know about her?”

“The dragons call her Scaleseeker the Cold. She's hunted down and taken the heads of sixteen dragons. Every major dragon that roamed the Crystal Mountains fell before her. Even Flamestrike the Unstoppable. It's said that she can find any dragon she wishes to hunt, no matter--”

“No matter where they may hide,” came a voice that caused the blood in the hero's veins to run colder than it already was. He whirled around to see his enemies standing at the entrance to the cavern. In the center of the group was a pony he had thought he would never see again.

“Lullaby,” he hissed. Lullaby gave him an evil grin.

“Good to see you again... Spike.”

“What?!” Twilight shrieked, startling herself out of her reading induced trance. She flipped the page, only to find the next one was blank. She rifled through the remaining pages, only to find they too were blank. She had finished the last story, but the adventures of Captain Invincible hadn't been completed.

Twilight felt her heart sink as she realized what that meant.

If I hadn't started reading his stories, Spike would have finished the series. And now...he never will.

Twilight let her head drop to her hooves, cursing herself for letting her curiosity get the better of her.