• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 4,375 Views, 162 Comments

Our Little Pony - Stratocaster

A shocking revelation of Fluttershy's foalhood

  • ...

The First To Know

Our Little Pony
By Stratocaster

Chapter 1: The First To Know

The party at the Ponyville Library was going off without a hitch. Twilight Sparkle poured several glasses of fruit punch on a tray which she then levitated into the main room. She was happy to see her guests enjoying themselves, at least to some extent. And they weren't just any usual party guests; this night just happened to be Parent's Night. Twilight had been anticipating getting her friends together with their parents for a long month. Now she was ever eager to please her guests. As Twilight rested the beverages on a table, she was acknowledged by her own mother and father.

"Twilight honey, this is a very nice party you threw together." Twilight Velvet smiled at her daughter. "It's been a while since we caught up."

"It was nothing, Mom," replied the younger Twilight. "I'm just glad to see you're having a good time."

"Your friends seem pretty charming, Twily," said Night Light. "Although it looks like their parents are a bit odd."

"Really?" Twilight gave a quizzical look around the library at her pals and their folks. Over by a bookcase, Rainbow Dash was standing with her mother and father with an irritated glare. Her mother wiped her daughter's blue face with a spat upon hoof.

"Mom, stop it!" urged Rainbow annoyed.

Her mother stopped her cleansing and looked at her discerningly. "Well I can't let you socialize with a smudged face, Rainbow. Honestly, how does a pony get so filthy? Probably from all that weather control nonsence."

"But Mom, it's kind of what I do."

"You should get a real job." Mrs. Dash huffed. "And don't give me that attitude, young lady! We're at a party and you should be on your best behavior; especially after that stunt you pulled when you showed up here."

"So I was flying a little fast, big deal!"

"A 'little' fast?!" repeated Mrs. Dash. "You're lucky your father showed late to miss it."

"What's that?" asked Mr. Dash hearing himself mentioned.

Mrs. Dash turned to her clueless husband. "Dear, do you know your daughter was speeding on her way here?"

"Really?" Mr. Dash replied and turned to his daughter with a grin. "Did you break your own speed record?" he asked her.

Rainbow smiled at her father's enthusiasm. But her mother only gave him a nagging stare. Mr. Dash changed his tone, intimidated by his own wife, and continued to Rainbow.

"Er, uh, I mean, that was very irresponsible of you, Rainbow. You should know better." He then gave her a knowing wink.

Rainbow smirked, only to be bothered by her mother's spit washed hoof again.

Close by, Rarity was sitting on one of the couches also with her parents. But her face resembled Rainbow's as she sat in the middle of her mother and father's ramblings.

"So your mother and I are thinkin' aboot gettin' a timeshare in Vanhoover." Her father chatted. "Some ponies may say it's a waste o' money; but they'll be sorry once we're skiin' every holiday, youbetcha."

"Oh Rarity, I ran into the most charming stallion on the way here." Her mother added. "He says he works with his family over in the apple orchards, dontcha know. And I betcha he's single! Hint, hint." She then turned to her husband. "Oh honey, did you remember to pack the shampoos for tonight?"

"Just use the ones at the hotel." He replied.

"Uck! You know I don't trust hotel products."

"Well what did ya want me to do? We we're runnin' late fer the train."

Rarity found the perfect moment to break away from her parents' bickerings and walked over to Applejack, who was standing by drinking punch. The unicorn sulked and spoke to her.

"Ugh, I can't stand to listen to one more moment of my parents' drab conversations, Applejack. You're lucky you were raised by your grandmother."

Applejack smirked. "What are ya kiddin'? Ah would just be in misery if Ah had to live with mah folks in stuffy ol' Manehattan. Besides, Granny Smith here is all the parent Ah need. Right, Granny Smith?" She turned to the elderly green mare snoring in a rocking chair beside her. Applejack gently nudged her sleeping grandmother.

"Heh? Wha? Whosit?" Granny Smith babbled as she stirred awake. "Are the fruit bats eatin' the harvest again?"

"No, Granny Smith," said Applejack. "We're at the party."

"Oh butter buns, Ah fergot ta bring the gelotine."

Applejack only smiled and put a hoof on her lovable granny.

Rarity continued. "Well, at least I don't have it as bad as Pinkie Pie. Her parents haven't said a word all night. And they are most strange."

Across the room, Pinkie Pie stood beside her amish mother and father with a nervous smile on her face. Sue and Clyde only stared blankly with their eyelids lowered.

Noticing her friend's discomfort, Twilight walked over to the pink party mare. "Pinkie, are you feeling alright? You and your parents haven't done anything."

"Oh, uh, I'm super, Twilight!" Pinkie exaggerated. "Yup, me and my folks are just peachy keen! Right, Mom and Dad?" She looked to both her parents. But Clyde and Sue continued to stare discerningly. Pinkie smiled sheepishly.

"Well, if you say so." Twilight said with confusion and walked away. She then looked outside one of the windows, feeling something was missing, and called over to Night Light. "Hey Dad, have you seen Fluttershy at all?"

"You mean the animal caretaker?" replied Night Light walking by. "No, I didn't see her come up."

Twilight peered out the window again a bit concerned. Then, she felt a pearly white hoof poke her shoulder.

"Twilight, Fluttershy hasn't arrived yet." Rarity said. "You did send her an invitation, didn't you?"

"Of course I did." Twilight told her. "I told her it was Parents Night tonight. I wonder why she isn't showing up."

Overhearing the two unicorns, Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow chimed in.

"Maybe her parents just couldn't make it." Pinkie suggested. "It must be a shame for them to miss out on a party."

"Ya know, now that ya mention it," pondered Applejack. "Has anypony actually met Fluttershy's folks?"

"Come to think of it, I haven't." Rarity replied. "And I don't think any of us have either."

"Well maybe she's just too timid to introduce them." Twilight shrugged.

"Or maybe," said Rainbow with a pause. "Maybe...she dosen't have parents."

The other four looked at her with shock.

"You don't mean to say she's an orphan, do ya Rainbow?" asked Applejack.

"Well, it makes sense." Rainbow told her. "She never told me about her family; not even in flight camp."

"Fluttershy? An orphan? That's a doozie." Pinkie gasped.

"The poor dear." Rarity frowned. "She must be miserable."

"Now come on, guys," scoffed Twilight. "I'm sure Fluttershy would have mentioned if she was an orphan. There's bound to be a perfectly logical explanation for her absence. I'll go over to her cottage now and see what's up. Pinkie, you keep my parents entertained while I'm gone." Twilight trotted out the front door without another word.

Pinkie Pie turned to see Twilight Velvet and Night Light staring at her with question. With a toothy smile, she began to tap dance for them. But she immediately stopped when Clyde and Sue glared at her. Pinkie sunk her head in dissapointment.


As Luna's moon shone in the night sky, Twilight approached the front door of Fluttershy's cottage and gave it a few knocks. After waiting a minute with no reply, she looked around the old fashioned house to see that the lights were off inside, except for one from an upstairs window. Hoping not to be rude, Twilight opened the door which was unlocked and let herself in. She entered a darkened living room with not a single critter scurrying about.

"Fluttershy? Hello?" she called into the darkness.

Then, the lavender unicorn noticed the light from upstairs glowing from atop the staircase. Twilight tiphoofed through the living room, trying not to wake the sleeping animals, and slowly ascended the stairs. Reaching the top, she immediately saw the light coming from the door to her friend's bedroom which was opened a crack. It was then that she began to hear a faint heaving sound from the bedroom. Twilight recognized it as the sound of weeping and braced herself. Carefully, she pushed the door open and saw her.

Fluttershy was kneeling over the end of her bed, covering her face in her forehooves. Her back heaved as she softly cried into her sheets. Twilight felt heartbroken seeing her gentle friend in misery; she walked over to her and spoke gingerly.

"Fluttershy, are you okay?" she asked.

The yellow pegasus peered up at Twilight with watery eyes. "Oh, hi Twilight," she said between sniffles. "How's the party going?"

"It's not the same without you." Twilight answered. "What's the matter, Fluttershy? I've never seen you so upset."

"Oh, it's nothing." Fluttershy dug her face back into her hooves. "Nothing you'd want to be concerned about."

Twilight put a sympathetic hoof on her shoulder. "Fluttershy, I'm your friend; you know I'm always here for you. Now come on, tell me what's bothering you."

Fluttershy raised her head back up with her eyes closed. She took slow deep breaths to collect herself and sat up on the bed, wiping the excess moisture from her cheeks.

"Well...you see, Twilight,...there's a reason I can't come to your party."

"Is it your parents?"

"Yes...and no. The truth is...I don't have any birth parents."

Twilight's eyes widened as her worst fears came true. "You mean you were orphaned?"

Fluttershy nodded slowly with wincing eyes.

"Oh my gosh." Twilight continued. "How old were you?"

"I was just born when I was abandoned. I have no memory of my own birth."

"Fluttershy, that's terrible." Twilight joined next to her pal on the bed. "If I had known you were an orphan, I would never started this whole party. I'm so sorry I made you feel left out."

"It's okay, Twilight, I should have told you and the others a long time ago. But don't feel too bad for me; I mean, it's not like I never had any parents at all."

"So, you were adopted? That's great, Fluttershy. At least you had a family of loving ponies to grow up with."

"...Yeah, uh...that's another thing. You see, there's another reason why I didn't come tonight. Um, well, the couple I was raised by weren't exactly...like me."

"What do you mean? They weren't pegasi? That's no big deal. It probably explains why you're afraid of flying too."

"Well, um, yes, they weren't pegasi...but they weren't really ponies either."

Twilight stared at her puzzled. "Fluttershy, what are you saying?"

With a heavy sigh, Fluttershy looked deeply at her trusting friend. "Twilight, my parents were humans."

A silent pause suddenly fell. Twilight looked at the pegasus as if she had grown a third eye on her forehead. She fell quiet trying to comprehend Fluttershy's words. "You...what?"

Fluttershy looked back nervously. "Um, yes, it's true."

"You were...you were raised by...you were raised by humans?!" Twilight stammered. "I- I- I've never heard of such a thing!"

"I never told anypony about it." Fluttershy explained. "It's a bit too sad for me to bring up. You're the first to know."

"This is incredible!" beamed Twilight. "I never thought it could be possible. A human-raised pony? Fluttershy, you have to tell all about it!"

"Um, really? It's kind of long story. Besides," she sat curled into a ball. "It would just bring up too many sad memories."

Twilight realized she may have been a bit pushy. But then she held Fluttershy close reaching around her back. "It's alright, Fluttershy," she smiled. "Like I said, I'm here for you. Just let it all out."

Fluttershy looked back at Twilight and found the honesty in her purple eyes. With one more sigh, she relaxed as she began to reveal the story of her life with human parents.

"Okay, Twilight." She spoke calmly. "Thanks for listening. Well, you see, it all started in a place called...California."


Luke sat on his couch at home, watching the same old news on television. He waited in anticipation for the moment that had eluded him for the longest time. After a few more minutes of lazing, he finally heard footsteps entering the living room. Luke peered over the couch to see his beloved wife, Haley, walking toward him quietly. He smiled eagerly as he sat up and spoke to her.

"Well?" he started. "Anything yet?"

Haley made one of her usual sarcastic smirks. In her hand, she held a thin white strip, which she then tossed into the wastebasket. She turned back to her husband and finally answered.

"Still no blue." She put simply.

Luke deflated on the couch letting the words settle in. Sensing her lover's dissapointment, Haley sat next to him on the couch and began rubbing his arm sympathetically.

"What are we doing wrong?" she spoke softly. "It just dosen't seem fair. All my friends are out having babies already, and yet here we are."

"Maybe we're just not meant to be parents." Luke replied staring at the floor.

Haley nuzzled her cheek on his shoulder. "It's not our fault. Like you said, it's bound to happen very soon. And when it does, you're going to be a terrific father."

Slowly, Luke looked back at her and gave a slight smile, planting a kiss on her lips. But before the two could commence with cuddling, the doorbell rang. Haley parted and stood up.

"I'll get that." She said. "You just relax."

As she walked over to the front door, Luke sat back and returned his attention to the boring news channel. As he began to let his mind unfocus, he heard the door being opened followed suddenly by a loud gasp from Haley.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "Luke, come over here!"

In an instant, Luke sprang from the couch hearing his wife in shock. He sped over to her in the doorway. "What is it?" he asked.

Without speaking, Haley pointed down at the stoop outside. Luke turned his head downward and immediately saw it; his eyes widened. There resting on the front stoop was a flat round basket, containg a thick bundle of soft white blankets. The image was familiar to Luke, but he just couldn't comprehend the thought of what it was.

"It's a...it's a..." he stammered. "It's a..."

"It's a baby." Haley finished for him, trying to contain her volume. She stared at the mysterious basket with awe.

Luke tried to make sense of the situation. "Well, we don't know that, do we?"

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, Luke saw the bundle of blankets in the basket shift slightly; a faint peep was heard from within. It became apparent to the couple that there was indeed something alive beneath those blankets. Ever so slowly, Luke knelt down and reached his hand over the basket. He gently grasped a fold of blanket and began to pull it off. He was preparing himself to witness a real live baby; but something much different was revealed. As Luke pulled the sheet off at a snail's pace, beneath was a tiny head, but not that of a human infant. The head was a pale yellow as it seemed to be covered in short fur, and the ears were somehow a bit pointed. On top, a long flow of pink hair stretched downward and spiraled on end. Then, Luke and Haley finally saw the face. Two big glimmering bright blue eyes were revealed with enormous pupils. Below them was what appeared to be a muzzle, like that of a small animal, with a quivering lower lip. Luke was taken aback as he gazed down upon the creature lying face up in the bundle, staring back at him. He quickly recognized just what exactly it was.

"My gosh," gasped Haley again. "It's not a human."

"It's a pony." Luke beamed. "And it's a filly by the look of it."

To Luke, ponies were not unfamiliar. He worked as a marketer for a large trading company, and would sometimes host investment meetings with shareholders from Equestria. He knew the ponies were cute looking; but this little filly lying before him raised the bar. Luke and Haley continued to gawk at the infant pony. Then, the duckling yellow foal winced with fear and dug her tiny face back under the covers, hiding from the two lumbering monsters. It didn't want anything to do with them or the cloudy sky above; those blankets within that basket were the only world she knew. The filly let out the most innocent whimper which pulled at both humans' heartstrings. Haley moaned sympathetically.

"She's frightened." She said softly and knelt down beside the basket. Carefully, she reached in and scooped the bashful pony up in her arms. The filly wimpered even louder with fear as she was lifted up from her sanctity. But Haley softly hushed and cradled her as if she were a human baby. "It's okay," she cooed. "I got you. You're safe."

Immediately, the filly began to calm down lying in her arms. She even rubbed her little face above Haley's breast, finding new warmth and comfort in this strange tall creature.

"She's so precious." Haley said and turned to Luke. "Who in the world would leave a baby foal on our doorstep?"

"She must be an orphan." Luke suggested. "Maybe there's a note on the basket. He knelt back down and looked at the whicker. He quickly noticed a small piece of parchment on the side and read the note on it aloud. "'This filly is left here in the hopes that she will be given to a good home and a loving family.'" Luke paused. "That's all it says. There's no signature or anything."

"The poor thing." Haley looked back down at the creature in her arms. "Who knows where she could have come from?"

"Well, we should at least get her inside. It might rain soon."

WIth that, the couple went back inside their house, bringing the basket and the precious surprise with them.

This was the humble life of Mr. and Mrs. Shy. Three years married, Luke and Haley were both at the age of twenty-seven with nothing but a nice house, good jobs and everlasting love for each other. They were also both attractive in each other's eyes; Luke, being quite tall with wavy black hair and warm brown eyes, and Haley who was just below his height with long red hair and bold green eyes. It seemed like they could never grow apart. But one problem that had been holding them back was the baby stage. They had been trying many months for a pregnancy but with no result. But now, with a baby pony in their custody and no clue of where it had come from, a whole new experience awaited them.

"So you don't have any whereabouts at all?" Luke asked over the phone as he pace the living room floor. "Alright, thanks anyway. Bye." He hung up the handset ending his report with the local police. He then turned to Haley who was sitting on the couch. In her arms was the little yellow filly who she slowly rocked to sleep.

"They didn't have any leads?" she asked her husband.

"No, nothing." Luke answered. "I even called a hospital in Equestria and they said they have nothing on a recent birth of a yellow pegasus." He gave a tiresome sigh. "I just don't know what to do now."

"I guess this pony really is lost." Haley looked down on the sleeping filly with sorrow. Something was suddenly crystalizing in her mind as she held the pony dearly. Hoping for the best, she looked up. "Luke, I've been thinking...I think we should keep her."

Luke became perplexed by the question. "You really think so?" he asked.

"Well come on, you know how badly we've been wanting a child. And so what if she's not a human? It can't be that much different, right?"

"I'm not so sure." Then, Luke looked down at the infant pony in his wife's arms. The filly let out a big yawn, stretching her tiny mouth wide before closing it again. Luke became overtaken. It was already apparent how adorable she was. But it now dawned on him that this little filly could very well be the child he and Haley had been praying for; he even hoped it would be a daughter. Luke then smiled warmly at Haley after witnessing the cute little yawn.

"Let's do it." He said and sat beside her.

"Really? You mean it?" Haley beamed.

"We wanted a daughter, right?" he replied and put his arm around her. He stared at the darling filly with her affectionately for a few moments before speaking again. "What should we name her?"

"Well, she's pretty bashful." Haley answered. "So the name Shy would be perfect for her."

"Plus, she's a pegasus. So, she's got to have a flying term in her name, I guess. Maybe...flutter or something?"

"I just don't know how those ponies come up with their names." Haley sighed. "Just looked at her, she's so adorable. Our baby; our little pony..."

"Eh, we'll think of something." Luke held her tight as they admired their precious little gift.

Author's Note:

WARNING: High risk of heart attack due to cute flashback