• Published 30th Dec 2012
  • 3,111 Views, 40 Comments

Untitled Journal in Blueblood's Study - Crowne Prince

Equestria is not what you thought it was, and neither am I.

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VII. It's Only A Game

I stormed into my estate and down the grand entryway, passing under the great visage of Celestia’s Sun decorating the ceiling. One angry white stallion, coming up.

A familiar black and white tuxedo pony slid into view and interrupted my imminent rampage. “Pardon me, Prince Blueblood, but you seem to be upset about something,” Cumber said.

I stopped immediately and stood there, as still as a Royal Guard called to attention. “It’s nothing, really.”

“The wild look in your eyes says otherwise, and normally you are exceptional at keeping your temper. Is there anything I can get you, my liege? Perhaps this calls for that air ship you’ve wanted. You could even take it out yourself.”

I searched for signs Cumber was teasing me, but all I saw was that he was genuinely interested in knowing what was wrong. I regained control of myself and let my muscles relax. “The Lady de Lis took me to another social and I happened to overhear something horrid. In fact, I think the group of ponies wanted me to overhear it: that there is a faction of the populace who believes Princess Celestia has been too long on the throne, and it is time the ruling class had their fair share of the leadership.” I snorted. “What’s more, they want someone in the nobility to lead the coup or marry into power. The whole whispered exchange reeked of a power grab with no real motivation behind it save greed.”

Cumber followed me on my angry stroll to the coatroom. I left no room for him to respond. “I spoke of what I overheard to De Lis. 'It is a game.' That's all she had to say!" I had expected anger, shock, horror even, but the Lady de Lis’ tone had been matter-of-fact, plain and simple, like thinking of replacing Princess Celestia was a common, everyday occurrence. In my history and social lessons the Lady told me over and over politics was a game, but it was not until that moment I realized to what extent.

What type of unfathomable idiot thought they could take over Princess Celestia’s place? It was ludicrous.

I went to the ornamental hooks on one wall and caught whichever jacket reached my teeth first, whipping it on with precision. Cumber raised his eyebrows without disturbing his stoic expression.

"Prince Blueblood, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Magick."

Nopony stopped me as I rang for one of my coaches and had it take me to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I'd considered running down the streets of Canterlot, but my reasonable side pointed out it was a bit of a run and there was no need to create a scene.

I huffed and sat back in the luxury carriage, reaching out with my magic to draw the curtains across the windows. I closed my eyes and dipped into my own magic for a tracing spell. Empty your mind enough and you start to sense the energies around you: disturbances from higher level magic and tiny sparkles where someone casts a simple spell.

In the amazing chaos of colored sensations I sought for a single thread. I drew a picture of Magick in my mind: her taught expression, sharp hairsticks and silvery mane. Then I infused that with distinct personal memories like being smacked in the nose with one of the sticks for speaking without thought and how carefully she inspected certain books I returned to her when she thought I was busy reading. Despite this focus, nothing in the magical underworld changed. No traces grew brighter and no silvery thread stood out.

I knew this spell worked because I could use it for my adoptive parents and for Cumber as well. Tracing spells are extremely useful when you need to track somepony down without searching an entire mansion on foot.

For Magick I got nothing. Admittedly my personal connection with her was weak. Blast!

I got out of the carriage and instructed it to wait for me while I searched the School for Gifted Unicorns amid students I might have been among, years ago. Had I been successful here I would have graduated by now. Most of the unicorns were caught up in their daily lives, but here and there I heard whispers between ponies who were sure I was the Prince.

After checking the office and wandering around for a bit I was forced to recognize the fact I’d wasted the past few hours I should have been using to read my latest assignment, Magical Mystery Cure.

Magick didn't show up to the lesson the next day either. She had never missed a class in the time I’d known her. I paced up and down the rows of empty desks in 2M for half an hour before directing my private carriage to take me to the De Lis residence. It was late and a totally inappropriate hour for an unannounced social call, but I did not care.

I stepped out of the carriage to the family attendant's surprise. The serious look on my face plus the evening hour made her nervous, and she rocked slightly from one side to the other, anxious to get rid of me. "Ah, monsieur Blueblood, I do not believe the lady was expecting you. Shall I ring for her? Nevermind, I will do so. Excuse me."

A few minutes later the attendant ushered me through the main doors. The marble main room was dimly lit with a few candles that cast a soft glow on the gilt gold crown molding. Clearly the family had been expecting a quiet evening. The Lady de Lis made her way down the grand staircase opposite the entry, hair flowing down her shoulders like a night river.

"Good evening Prince Blueblood. I must assume you have some urgent reason to be out so late. Are you alright?"

"Er yes, I'm fine. I truly apologize for visiting unannounced. I've come to see if you have heard from Magick lately. I fear something may have happened to her, given I haven't been able to contact her for several days now."

De Lis' eyes lit up with concern and surprise. "I suppose you have not heard the news then. The Captain of the Royal Guard has gone missing."

"But I just saw him last week," I said, startled. I no longer had military training but I still visited the compound to stay in practice.

"And no pony has seen her since," De Lis corrected. "The Captain and Magick were good friends once, though the relationship has been a bit strained as of late. Regardless, Magick is likely scouring Canterlot from top to bottom for clues to the Captain's whereabouts." De Lis hummed, bemused, and a tired smile softened her face. "Honestly Prince Blueblood, I must not have been a very good tutor if you did not pick up on the rumors about the Captain's disappearance."

Normally I would offer some good humor, but at the time I was irritated at life in general. My words sounded harsh: "I've been a bit distracted."

De Lis knew I was talking about the whispers of insurrection, but she made no comment. Her nature was calm and caring but also sharp, so I could not understand why she became silent on the topic. I was starting to get fed up with it, and with all of the other mysteries in my life.

As annoyed as I was, the Lady de Lis herself was one of those ponies nobody ever seemed to get angry at. I was courteous and dipped my head before saying goodbye. "Sorry to disturb you De Lis. You've given me something to think on, so I shall be retiring for the night."

"Would you like me to attempt to get in touch with Magick? I know how hard she is to locate."

"That's quite alright, thank you. Besides, if she is looking for the Captain, I suspect I will see her very soon."