• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Music Brush

Trying to reignite the flame!


"I don't care what the risks are, Chocolate. I want nothing more then to be with you."

When Blazing Feathers, a pegasus, finds a wounded changeling, frightend and alone in the forrest, he brings her home to heal her back to health. While her wounds healed, Blazing finds that he cared for her and she cared for him, but when his friends find out that she is a changeling, the Queen begins to apear in their lives and everyhing falls apart.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 186 )

Yus! It's back!

Also, good to see you implemented those changes.

1939181 :twilightsmile: More to come my friend, more to come.

Heheh ^.^ Cameo mention is awesome. Thanks, and you're welcome!

:D Nice, I like all the extra bits, and that Ditzy scene was very cool, love the references X3

2037107 Do you think the Ditzy crush was good?

^.^ This is very very cool. I think I've found a way to get Blazing and maybe even Chocolate a cameo in my stories. I know we already talked about Blazing, but I'm really liking Chocolate's development, and I'd like to implement her too, if that's ok ^^
Of course it'll be future chapters for Chocolate, but you know X3

2061250 Dude, if you can do that, that would be awesome.

\(^∀^)ノ w00t! Spark mentioned n' stuff!

2065296 :pinkiehappy: More Spark to come. Glad you like it. :pinkiesmile:

Nicely done! I like the way you're implementing the Crusaders in on Chocolate's secret. Now what is Rainbow up to? D:

2073866 She's trying to think of ways she can ,save, Blazing. I still have yet to think of any real detail on what she's going to do.

Nigga Nig-nog it's sideways.

2077334 Not my intention.:rainbowdetermined2: And I would appreciate it if you did not use names like that on my page.

Comment posted by The One and only One deleted Feb 6th, 2013

I love this story so far! When's the next chapter coming out?

2081913 I work on the story every day. If there's not a new chapter later tonight, there will be one tomorrow.

Thank you for reading and favoiriting.:pinkiesmile:

Very cool, my man, well done ^_^

2087088 :twilightsmile: I owe this chapter to you my friend. I wouldn't have come up with it on my own.

Yay, an oc story! Btw, did you draw the pic? Sorry, ADHD moment. Anyway, this looks promising, so I'll wait to post again when I read more than a chapter. :pinkiehappy:

2092400 Glad you like it. :pinkiesmile: And yes, I drew the pic, feal free to check out my deviantart. I have lots more like it.

Huzzah! Happiness all around!:raritywink:

2092918 I was afraid it was a little too happy. To much of everything gone right. But the stories not over yet.

Nice, man, nice. That was an excellent filler chapter, and even managed to make Chocolate grow as a character ^^

2096296 :twilightsmile: The entire time I was thinking, She doesn't just go and help, if she just ran to their aid as soon as she learned about the problem, then where's the hate she developed when she was with Blazing?

I just wanted to tell you that although I can't favorite this because the site is glitched, I'm still tracking this eagerly.

I swear, each chapter gets better and better.

2097968 Glad you like it. :twilightsmile: It's almost over though. :applecry: Check the rest of Blazing's story in 'Feathers Of Flame'. :pinkiesmile: It tells a little about his foalhood.

Heheh, dat first scene. Sexy.

Aaaaaand here come the changelings, oh crap D: Now the action begins :D

2105475 I'm not into that sorta thing with the first scene but, I felt like it had to go in there. And things are going to calm down a bit before the Queen realy gets fed up with Blazing.

Nail-biter ending! Craaaaap what's gonna happen? D:

2107107 I love it when the suslension gets to you.:pinkiehappy: You'll just have to waight and see what happens like everybody else. :ajbemused:

So, you gonna tell me why Chocolate is so weak even though she should be super-charged with all of the love she gets constantly?

2108509 The others spent all their time feeding off all the love from everything they came in contact with. The Queen is realy upset with her at this point.

2108509 Hey, thanks for bringing that up, I went back and mae some more sence of how Chocolate was overpowered.

Awww snap. Nice rescue scene! But now the changelings ain't screwin' around anymore D:

2116668 :eeyup: Eeyup. The Queen is ticked now.

very nice story so far ^^
i really enjoy the events as they unfold, fast, suspenseful, and intrigueing
Only issue is the amount of spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the whole story
so i suggest an editer to patch things up

2119212 Thank you for the comment. :pinkiesmile: I'll get things patched up eventualy so there's no spelling errers. :scootangel:

:D Fantastic ending to a fantastic story. Well done!

You know what wouldve been a big twist?
Blazing offers to rule the hive with choco

2121227 I've thought about that. Maby I could work that into a sequal.

THAT would be interesting.

I feel rather melancholic now that the story is over, but I'm glad it ended on a happy note.
Also, I'm always available if you need help with anything else.

2122064 If you could take the time to proofread the chapters for me, that would be great.

Also, the ending was origionaly not going to be as happy. But I couldn't go through with it.

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