• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 3,492 Views, 39 Comments

Horn Care - Cytotoxin

Rarity turns to Fluttershy when she needs a helping hoof...

  • ...

Horn Care

Horn care.

Finally. It was done. Over. Completed to perfection. Rarity trotted back slightly, admiring the last out of seventeen dresses she had to finish by Tuesday. Big commission - many bits. And Rarity loved when she could fulfill her obligations to the tee. The feeling of accomplishment was nothing short of euphoric. Three days early, too! It was only Friday. Now she could devote the weekend to her friends and family and recreation and creativity... She took another step back to admire dresses better. And just in time, Fluttershy would be here any minute now, and they could both go to spa... She took another step back.

That step was definitely one step too much, she decided as she felt something bumping into her hind leg. Unable to stop momentum, Rarity shrieked, her hindlegs buckling as she firmly planted her plot on the ironing board. Which promptly tipped over, and slipped from under her, leaving fashion mare to flop ungraciously on her rump. Board clattered on the floor next to her. "OW!" - she opined firmly on the mishap. But it was not over yet - Rarity`s scissors were on the other end of the board, and as she flipped it over, scissors flew into the air. Rarity had no idea they did, but she most definitely became aware as they fell down on her head.

...Scchuk. At first, she didn`t feel any pain, only the sharp blow to the head, just at the base of the horn. Her front legs buckled as well, instinctively, as she grasped her head, falling flat on the floor. For a few moments, she did not move. But then... she felt something warm and liquid drip over her eyelash. Drip. Drip. Tapping her snout with hoof carefully, Rarity dabbed some of the liquid, and brought it to her eye. Red. Coppery. BLOOD. Blood?

And with that realisation, she felt the pain. Sharp throbbing pain. Bad enough to make her cry out in distress and shock. Forcing herself to keep it together, Rarity mulled things over. She was bleeding. Something struck her on the head, and she was bleeding. She was also in pain. Trying to move as gingerly as possible she turned her head just enough to look on herself in the mirror. What she saw there, however, horrified her beyond any reason. Scissors fell on her head blades-first, and were still there, one of the points lodged firmly in the base of her horn. A trickle of blood run down over her left eye, and she could plainly see the angry sparkle of magic around the gash on the horn. This was a biggie.

She screamed out again, partly in surprise, and partly in pain, not sure if anypony could hear her. Apparently, somepony could. She heard frantic knocking on the door, and quiet distressed voice from outside - "Rarity? Rarity, it`s me, Fluttershy! Are you OK there?" She willed herself to respond - "...No, no, I`m NOT OK! Fluttershy, help!" Hearing her own voice spooked Rarity even more - she was not even aware her voice could sound so rasp with distress. Fortunately, Fluttershy understood. Yellow pegasus floated in through the skylight.

"Rarity, Rarity... OHMYWHATHAPPENED?!" - she exclaimed, her hooves over her mouth as she saw the unicorn clutching her head. Fluttershy could see the scissors sticking in Rarity`s head clearly, and that sight filled her with horror. "Help me!" - asked unicorn, her eyes now tightly shut. Still hoof over mouth, Fluttershy dashed off to the corner where Rarity kept bolts of cloth. She had some experience treating her animals for one injury or another and, although scared stiff, still knew what to do. She knew Rarity had gauze among her selection of fabrics, and having had quickly located it, she urgently ripped off a large sheet. Folding it, she floated back to Rarity.

"Rarity, I need to wrap your head up!" - she implored urgently, hovering over the prone unicorn. "Are you sure? Are you going to pull the scissors out?" - Rarity was panicking now, - "I`m scared!" That scared Fluttershy even more, because she knew the answer - "Sorry, I can`t... Rarity, please, put your hooves down.... if it`s not too much trouble... please." Unicorn knew she had to, but she still was scared her head would split right now if she took hooves off it. With great effort of willpower and whimper, she slipped her forelegs low enough so Fluttershy could at least drape the gauze over her wounded head. Pain kept getting worse.

Still, two minutes later, she was standing. Very wobbly, and very unsure, but she was standing, as Fluttershy, who was now crying along with Rarity, finished wrapping the makeshift bandage on her head. Pegasus tried her best not to touch the scissors, but still the whole ordeal was nothing either of them would ever want to endure again. Worst yet was still ahead, as Fluttershy started leading Rarity out, keeping her upright and guiding her. Thankfully, clinic was practically next door. Still, even though Rarity walked out of her boutique on her own, into the clinic, she was half-led, half-carried by Fluttershy.

Nurse saw them right at the door, and a pony with scissors stuck in her head was most definitely an urgent case. Immediately, Rarity was helped onto the gurney and wheeled away into trauma section. And not a minute too soon as she was blacking out from shock already. Fluttershy followed the gurney with her eyes, panting heavily. "I...is she going to be OK?" - she whispered a question to nurse Redheart. "We`ll do our best to make sure she is." - offered nurse, as she quickly trotted into the clinic`s depths. Fluttershy heaved a sigh and fainted quietly, quite overwhelmed with the traumatic events of today.

She woke up a while later. Somepony had moved her onto the visitors futon and placed a wet towel over her head. Fluttershy lifted it gingerly and shook her head, clearing the cobwebs. "Oh, you`re awake already." - apparently, nurse was already back - "We were worried you`re also injured." Fluttershy stood up cautiously and trotted over to the nurse to return the towel - "No, no, I`m... um, OK. Just, just... is Rarity OK?" Redheart smiled at her - "Yes, your friend is alright. It looked much worse then it really was. In fact, you can go see her now. She`s in the room over there." Yellow pegasus turned around, and smiled faintly, following the direction nurse`s hoof was pointing at - "Yes um... thank you!"

No matter what the medical opinion said, Rarity was quite far from alright. In fact, she felt abject misery about the whole ordeal. Her head had to be stitched up. Her horn was seriously damaged. She was still in pain. At least, doctors were kind enough to return her her scissors, after pulling them out of her head. For that, Rarity was grateful - professional-grade scissors were hard to come by in rural Ponyville. But then again, scissors being what they are had caused the whole trouble to begin with - while common iron tool would`ve just bounced off her horn, weight and keen edge of phosphor bronze made the impact of scissors so damaging.

"Waah. This is the... Worst. Thing. Ever." - she breathed out softly. Truth to tell, Rarity would have had loved to have herself a little fit about the whole ordeal, but after all was stitched and done, her bandaged head reacted very negatively to any movement. What worried her the most is that she could feel the dull throb of magic. She already injured her horn once, when she was but a filly, and the memory of the accident was incredibly unpleasant. And back then, she merely cracked the tip. Now, she had a deep gash running from the middle to the base and likely into her skull itself. Which was WORST THING EVER she could imagine. Until that crack healed, she`d be unable to use magic. Well, unable to use it effectively, in any case. She supposed that she could cause a whole gamut of unpredictably wacky hijinks if she tried to cast any spell, but... she was not in mood for wacky hijinks.

Rarity`s mood, however, was significantly warmed up as she heard the door opening. She even attempted to smile, as she motioned shyly peeking Fluttershy into the room. "Come on in, come on in. My savior." - she exclaimed, - "I`m so grateful you were there, darling. I`d simply die if you weren`t there to help me." Now, that was most likely an exaggeration... But then again, maybe not. Without the use of her horn, and half-blind from pain and blood, Rarity would`ve definitely had hard time dealing with her injury without Fluttershy. In any case, she felt particularly thankful to Fluttershy at the moment.

Blushing, yellow mare turned her face away, mane concealing it as she mumbled - "...you`re welcome..." Rarity mentally clicked her tongue, and shook her head. Gingerly, she stretched her leg and tapped Fluttershy`s side with hoof - "Don`t be so shy, darling. You`re a hero. My hero!" That, unfortunately, only served to intensify Fluttershy`s blush. Luckily for her, nurse came in, saving her from further nice but oh so embarrassing thanks unicorn was so full of. "How do you feel, miss Rarity? Is your head still sore?" - Redheart questioned.

Tapping her cheek with hoof gingerly, Rarity paused for a second. - "Well... I`d say that most of pain is gone, yes. And I think I`m feeling generally fine... Except for the horn." Nurse came closer, examining the visible part of horn intently - "Yes, about that. We`ve just got the X-rays of your horn, miss Rarity. I have good news and bad news for you. What would you like to hear first?" White mare heaved a sigh, and again poked Fluttershy`s side encouragingly - "Let`s hear the bad news first." Redheart nodded, and held the sheet to the light. Rarity shuddered, as she saw a black spot across the lower half of her horn. "You`ve got a split horn here, miss Rarity. Most likely, you`ll be deprived of all but the most basic of magic for a while. Before you ask - no, I don`t have a good figure for exactly how long while is. Could be a week, could be a month. That`s the best estimation we can offer." - she explained.

Fluttershy gasped softly and looked on her friend with pity. Rarity, however, took the news in stride - she had already suspected that much. "Well, I guess it`s as good a reason as any to take a vacation." - she remarked wryly - "What about the good news?" Nurse smiled - "Although it came very close, you didn`t damage horn marrow, miss Rarity. Meaning that you won`t experience any permanent loss of magic ability, and that you could probably speed up the horn restoration process with Calcium Equum. Don`t forget to pick up a tin of it when you`ll be leaving." That did improve Rarity`s mood quite a bit. Still, she had to inquire - "Calcium Equum? Isn`t that a foal medicine?"

"Not quite, miss Rarity. Normally, yes, Calcium Equum is used as food additive for foals. However, it`s also used by grown-ups as a salve to treat chipped hooves and cracked horns." - explained Redheart. Fluttershy peeked from behind her mane, adding softly - "It`s... not that bad, Rarity." Unicorn, however, was not quite sold on the idea yet - "Wait, salve? So, I have to, uh, rub it into my horn?" Smirking slightly, nurse nodded - "Well... yes. I can see how that can be uncomfortable, but - if you want your horn to heal up quick, you`ll have to get used to it." Throwing her hooves up, Rarity exclaimed - "This is. Worst. Thing. Ever." As soon as she did, though, she shrunk back, whimpering and holding her head. "Ah-ah-ah, no sudden moves, miss Rarity. Try and avoid disturbing your head too much." - nurse admonished, - "You`ll feel much better tomorrow after a good night sleep."

"Good night sleep? Surely, you jest. I couldn`t imagine I`d have any today." - Rarity replied sourly. Nurse cocked her head to the side, looking quizzically at Rarity - "Why, what`s the matter? Are you in pain? Or something`s bothering you?" Unicorn opened her mouth.... and closed it with a sigh. "All and nothing." - she replied after a brief pause, - "Not to disparage your fine clinic, but... I have problems sleeping at unusual places. Especially, after such a quandary." Medical mare merely chuckled, however - "Oh, is that all? Don`t worry about that. You don`t actually need to stay in clinic for the night, if you don`t want to. Given you live nearby, I don`t see any problem with letting you go home now. You`ll just have to come every other day for checkup until bandages come off."

Again, Rarity perked up - "Oh, really? Are you sure I can?" Nurse shrugged slightly and looked on still covering Fluttershy - "Well, if you were alone, I`d advise you to spend the night here. With miss Fluttershy taking care of you, however, I`m quite assured there`s no problem." Fluttershy shrunk even further with soft eep. She`s been smiling, however, and Rarity couldn`t help but smile back - "Splendid. Will you please help me then, Fluttershy?" "..Um yes, of course." - came soft reply.


She supposed she should be thankful for not being injured far worse, or, shudder, losing an eye. Still, the whole situation made her feel quite raw with emotion. Tuesday came without a hitch, and she had just seen off Hoity Toity and his cadre of fashion drones. She`d love to say it went smoothly, but... Well, it had gone smoothly from business point of view, Rarity supposed. Hoity Toity was quite appreciative of the complete set, and parted with the sum of bits Rarity deemed adequate without fuss. However, she couldn`t help but wonder just how much her success with this venture hinged on the fact her head was still quite obviously bandaged and that she wore a mismatched hat for the sole purpose of concealing her injuries. No doubt Hoity Toity noticed. She briefly wondered if that would impact any further business with modeller.

Weekend was mostly spent in bed, nursing her aching head and wallowing in self-pity. That actually let her do so much wallowing that by Monday she was sick of it and raring to do some work. Unfortunately, without magic, she had very hard time with dresses. So after spoiling a couple yards of perfectly good satin, she gave up and focused her attention on house chores. Which, she had quite a lack of, as she noticed with alarm. Boredom had prompted her to attempt to bond with Sweetie Belle by the time evening rolled about - which went all fine and well for about an hour, at which point Rarity`s boredom-fueled hyperactivity had worn Sweetie Belle out to the point where she had to be put to bed, lest she collapse right there and then.

Arranging her business had occupied Rarity for the best part of Tuesday, for which she was immensely grateful. But that could not last all day. Thankfully, and regretfully, this was also the day when the bandages were to come off. So there she was, sitting on her haunches on the clinic floor, afraid to twitch errantly as Redheart unwrapped the gauze wrapped around her head for the last time. Small gash left by scissors was healing over quite nicely, and today was the time to remove two silk loops that stitched Rarity`s head. Unicorn had quite a bundle of mixed feelings about this. From one side, she was relieved the stitches were to go, from other, she`s been afraid of how it would feel to remove them. So when Redheart`s hooves touched her bare head, Rarity couldn`t help herself but twitch.

"Oh, my, I think my azaleas are drooping." - nurse exclaimed suddenly, her gaze directed toward window. Surprised, Rarity looked there as well, staring at potted azalea flower in slight irritation. Here she was, practically getting brain surgery and that nurse cared more about her house flooooooooowe... ow. What the? Rarity`s hooves flew to her head instinctively, stopping half-way when she realised she`s been duped. Azaleas were not drooping, but nurse had deftly cut and pulled out silk thread out of her head while Rarity was so distracted. And it didn`t even hurt all that much. Rarity had pricked herself worse with sewing needles. Redheart turned, her hooves holding tweez between them, and carefully deposited thread on the platter. Rarity was intrigued and disgusted in the same moment - this thread was just threaded through her, like she was a dress in need of mending. That thread... was also very disgusting to her eyes, caked in blood and even less pleasant fluids that tend to accompany just about any wound.

Fashion pony shuddered and looked away. "...Thank you, nurse Redheart." - she muttered softly, now fully cognisant of the necessity of distraction. Surely, if she were aware of such a vile thing being pulled out of her, she`d be reacting much less favorably to it. She`s been thankful, however, that seeing such unpleasantness had firmly put her mind off the feeling of uninvited pleasure of Redheart`s hooves running over her horn. Nurse pony was likely very well aware about the intricacies of unicorn horns, so her examination had been reminiscent of her destitching - very quick and very to the point. "You`re quite welcome, miss Rarity. Now, remember - let your scalp breathe freely, lest you want to develop some skin condition, and do not put on Calcium Equum until the evening."

Nodding thoughtfully, Rarity ventured - "Will I, Celestia forbid, get a bald spot?" She winced when nurse gingerly poked her head with hooftip and announced - "Not likely, if you stick with my recommendations. Try and avoid wearing hat for the first few days, however. Just in case. And remember, only put on Calcium Equum before bed. If you put it on in the morning, it will cake up in the sun and that would make it useless." Unicorn nodded, committing it to her memory. She`d have to be very careful - having an open scar on the head would be just ever so unseemly.


"AAArgh, this isn`t working!" - Rarity was frustrated. She simply could not handle the salve properly. Even standing right in front of mirror, she just couldn`t direct her hooves to horn properly - salve would always end up on her snout, mane, neck, head, but never where she wanted it to go. Letting out a long irritated sigh, she trotted off to the bathroom to clean up a bit. Suddenly she was very grateful she had put Sweetie Belle to the bed already, as her looks at the moment had been nothing short of indecent. Drying her mane with towel, she suddenly heard the front door creak. A visitor. Grand. And that`s after her quite public announcement on Monday that she`s taking a sick leave. And a very noticeable sign "Closed" on the doors of boutique. BUCK IT!

She stomped out, towel draped over her head, meaning to give whoever came in so late a piece of her mind. However... as soon as Rarity saw her late visitor, her irritation evaporated like snow under the hairdryer. It was just Fluttershy. "Hello there, darling. What brings you around so late?" - she inquired. Usually, Fluttershy tended to visit her in the business hours, so this evening visit perturbed Rarity slightly. The fact pegasus looked slightly out of breath didn`t improve the situation either.

"Huffle... Um, hey, Rarity... I, I just wanted to... congratulate you about... um, bandages coming off..." - yellow mare offered, cowering a little behind her wings. Aforementioned Rarity found that absolutely adorable. "Ahh, thank you, Fluttershy. Why, yes, I`m quite fine, thank you for your concern. But, what happened to you? You look like you ran here." - she offered, smiling at pegasus. Fluttershy peered at her, smiling slightly - "Oh my.. I... I was running late because I forgot to get appleseeds for birds and had to run to Sweet Apple Acres to get more. Puffle... S.sorry for being late."

Rarity shook her head decisively, and attempted to reach out with magic to close the door after Fluttershy, habitually. "Well, do come on in, darl....AAAIE!" - apparently, magic was not quite under control yet, as both of them had to duck from the couch that`s been flung at the door. White mare clutched her eyes and stiffened, preparing to hear the loud crash, but... it was pretty quiet. Daring to look at the mayhem she may have caused, she had to gawk. Errant magic had picked her couch and placed it directly after the door, securely barricading it. Not a thing was ruffled otherwise - neither on couch, nor anywhere in the room.

"Aah, this is the WORST. THING. EVER!" - exclaimed Rarity, flopping on the cough, and putting her hooves over her eyes - "I`m soooo pathetic..." Fluttershy pattered closer, murmuring - "It`s not so bad, Rarity. It`s not like you, um... broke the door or something..." Unicorn merely sighed, hugging herself, and offered resolutely - "I need to get well as soon as possible!" She sat up, feeling decisive, and then slumped down as the realisation dawned on her - "..If only I could put the salve on properly."

"...Well, um, I can put it on for you... um, that is, if you want me to." - offered Fluttershy softly, peering at Rarity with concern. "Darling, I couldn`t possibly impose on you like that." - returned unicorn, though it was obvious the rebuff lacked in conviction. Pegasus caught on the uncertainty quite fine, - "..It`s no trouble at all, Rarity, really... I`ll help." Rarity felt conflicted. From one point, she`s been well aware just how sensitive her horn would be, from other, she knew that putting the salve on resulted only in spiteful mess all over her head and hooves. Finally, making a rationalisation that Fluttershy of all the ponies would be the best choice to ask that, she nodded - "Well, alright. If that`s not too much trouble, dear."

Rarity slipped off the couch, and sat on her haunches, leaning her head forward so Fluttershy could reach her horn easily. Whom, in the meanwhile, had retrieved the tin of salve from the shelf, and stood over unicorn. Rarity couldn`t help but feel a little indisposed as Fluttershy brought her hoof down on the base of Rarity`s horn, gently smearing the medicine over it. It felt... unusually nice. Rarity had to summon all her restraint to sit still - she was torn between the subtle pleasure of touch and urgent desire to get the embarrassing procedure over with as soon as possible. Fluttershy, however, was very thorough and careful in her ministrations, and although that made Rarity grateful, it also drove her into slow burn, teeth clenched, sweatdripping tension.

Finally it was over. Rarity didn`t dare to look up for a few more seconds, her breathing short as she tried to cool down from the experience. Fluttershy, on her own part, misinterpreted Rarity`s reaction as suppressed pain, and was feeling quite apologetic. "Um, I`m sorry, Rarity. I didn`t mean to hurt you, really." - she offered quietly, covering again. Rarity finally gathered enough of resolve to look up, however, enough to form a reply - "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, my dear, you most certainly didn`t hurt me. It just... just feels really weird. Oh dear, you`re going to get the salve all over your face. Why don`t you go wash that nasty gunk off?"

Nodding timidly, yellow pegasus disappeared in the bathroom. Rarity watched her retreat, then peered on herself in the mirror. Her horn was smeared from top to bottom in yellowish salve. Most unseemly, she decreed, just like her reaction. 'Seriously, Rarity, get a grip. You don`t want to... commit that kind of indiscretion right in your best friend`s face, now do you?' - she thought sarcastically, and turned away from mirror resolutely. Good thing she put some safety covers on her pillows.


Wednesday evening. Although she expected that knock on the door, it still jarred her senses. Sighing, white unicorn stepped up to the door, and pushed it open. "Come on in, Fluttershy. Good timing, I just got everything." - she offered somewhat curtly, stepping back to make way for shy pegasus. Yesterday, after a bit of conversation and reassurances, Rarity had secured a promise from Fluttershy to come over every evening to help her salve the horn, and it seems that yellow mare came to deliver on promise. Rarity still felt quite miffed about not being able to do it herself, but.. Since she couldn`t, she had to make piece with the fact Fluttershy is probably the best kind of pony to entrust with the care of something so sensitive. If anypony wouldn`t hurt her, that would most definitely be Fluttershy.

She sat on her haunches again, and concentrated on ignoring the feelings as much as she could. As a precaution, Rarity had taken a bit of cold shower just prior to arranged time, but she doubted it would help her much in the situation. She`ll just have to sit back and think of Equestria. Fluttershy approached slowly and dipped her hooves into tin, running the first smear over Rarity`s horn. Salve definitely helped, unicorn had to admit, as today the feeling of magic pulsing through her was much less haphazard. With any luck, she wouldn`t have to endure more then a few more days of salving. That thought, although rationally pleasing, was tinged with a hint of inexplicable regret.

Fluttershy leaned closer, peering intently on Rarity`s horn. She`s been doing her best to avoid getting the salve all over Rarity`s mane, mindful of unicorn`s love of good looks. Horntip was practically at her nose, and every now and then Rarity would twitch, poking Fluttershy`s nose with rounded tip. Pegasus didn`t really mind. She was quite worried about Rarity`s twitching - it looked like no matter what she did, it disturbed Rarity a lot. Could it be her horn was damaged more then she wanted to admit? Lost in thought, Fluttershy`s hooves kept running up and down the horn, smearing the salve into the spiral surface. She could feel the edges of crack, and the throb of magic from within Rarity - faint but everpresent. Suddenly, that throb became much more noticeable, Rarity gasped, and the tip of Rarity`s horn suddenly flashed, sparks shooting right into Fluttershy`s nose. She yelped and fell back, grasping her nose with both hooves.

After a second of silence, Fluttershy removed her hooves gingerly. Despite the surprise, she was not hurt at all - in fact, sparks had left her nose tingling, and that felt unusually good. Probably, just a bit of good old magic, she thought as she looked up on Rarity. Rarity, on the flip side, was quite distressed with the whole thing - she had just magicked her best friend in the nose. Awkward much? "Oh, dear, I`m so sorry, Fluttershy." - she offered humbly, looking down in shame. Yellow mare suddenly giggled softly, as she rolled over and stood up. "Oh dear... So surprising." - she muttered, - "I`m not hurt, Rarity, really, it`s OK."

Some minutes later, Fluttershy departed, amidst the apologies still issued forth by Rarity. She wanted to just wave off the issue, but... As Fluttershy trudged away from boutique, she thought about Rarity`s actions. White mare was always a bit high-strung and overdramatic, but she seemed to be excessively embarrassed for the last few days, especially when Fluttershy was putting salve on her horn. Come to think of it, both times Rarity was blushing and panting and sweating, and being generally unsettled. Probably, something about horn-salving unsettled her greatly. But what?

Having made up her mind, Fluttershy turned and started moving in different direction. She needed to visit Twilight Sparkle and ask her about proper horn care for unicorns. Twilight would be sure to know, and maybe there`d even be a book in the library on the topic. Yellow mare almost felt like bucking herself for not reading up on it sooner. It was so obvious in retrospect - to find out about the exact bodypart before trying to play doctor with it.

Fifteen minutes later, she was there, knocking on the doors of Twilight`s library. Shortly after, Spike opened the door and invited her inside - "Hello, Fluttershy. Fancy seeing you here in the evening. Did something happen?" Fluttershy shook her head slowly - "Hi, Spike. No, no, nothing happened, I just want to talk to Twilight Sparkle. Is she in?" Spike thumbed in the direction of ladder - "Go right ahead, I`m sure she already heard you." Indeed, Twilight did, as she had just appeared on the top of the stairs - "Hello there. Come on upstairs, Fluttershy."

Pegasus waited until they were safely sequestered in Twilight`s room, before venturing softly - "Um...Twilight? Could you please tell me about unicorn horns?... If you don`t mind, that is..." Purple unicorn blinked and stared on Fluttershy for a second - "Well, I certainly can, but... why do you want to know?" Fluttershy looked down and let out a little sigh - "Um... It`s for Rarity, you see. I`m helping her with her medicine, and she is terribly unsettled each time I put the salve on her horn. So I wanted to know, maybe I`m doing something wrong?" Twilight`s face lit up in understanding - "Oh, that explains it. How`s Rarity, anyways? I`ve visited her on Sunday, and oh dear, how upset she was about that whole accident."

Yellow pegasus nodded and looked up again - "Oh, Rarity is getting better. Do you know bandages came off yesterday?" Librarian smiled and nodded enthusiastically - "Oh, that`s good news, indeed. I was worried. Alright, so what can I tell you about horns?" Fluttershy pondered for a moment - "Well, Rarity`s acting really, really, really tense when I put salve on it." "Salve? Can you explain that a bit more? Why would you need to put a salve on for Rarity?" - asked Twilight curiously. Fluttershy paused for a second, getting answer together, then offered - "You see, her horn was split in that accident. She has a crack in it now, and can`t use magic properly. Nurse told her to salve it with Calcium Equum, but Rarity can`t put it on without big mess, while her magic does not work well. So, um, I offered to help her."

Twilight nodded slowly, as she processed the information. She offered pensively - "Well, then it`s to be expected. You see, unicorn horn is pretty sensitive. Normally, whenever unicorn casts a spell, a series of magic-induced vibrations travel over the length of the horn. That`s both a way and a byproduct of resonance amplification of the spell when we consciously cast it. Now, when you rub the horn like you described, Rarity would feel like she`s about to cast the spell, but she is not casting anything. That tends to make unicorns tense." Fluttershy covered a little, asking her next question - "But... does it hurt?" Purple unicorn paused as she thought about it - "Hm... Not that I know of, no. In fact, books and my personal experience tend to suggest it`s rather pleasurable feeling. Though, mom always said it`s impolite to rub your horn... So I guess that`s what Rarity is upset about."

"Impolite? Oh my... Well, I don`t mind, seeing as it helps Rarity and all..." - muttered shy mare, peering on Twilight from under her mane - "Uh, but, I wanted to ask you something else too. I was um, salving Rarity`s horn, and it, um... shot sparks right in my nose. Is that dangerous?" Twilight blinked and rocked back and forth on her hooves as she mulled the answer over. Finally, she gathered her thoughts together - "Sparks, huh. Well, that is called induced discharge. When unicorn attempts to discharge magic without casting any specific spell, it becomes a spray of sparks shooting from the tip of horn. Often happens involuntarily if horn is being rubbed. It`s usually entirely harmless."

"Um... usually?" - ventured Fluttershy, determined to cover all bases. Twilight paused again, then shrugged dismissively - "Well, ostensibly, sparks are dependant on unicorn`s feelings. So, I suppose, if somepony were to get caught in a discharge of magic from unicorn who hates them, they`d be hurt, yes. But, you know, I don`t think you`ll ever face that kind of danger from Rarity. She adores you." Blushing profusely, Fluttershy meeped. That was true. She could not imagine Rarity hating her, ever. Nor she could imagine hating Rarity for any reason. "Well, um, thank you, Twilight. That really helps." - she offered, trotting to the door slowly. Twilight nodded, already lost in a thought - "Sure, no problem. Glad to help out."


Thursday was stormy. Cyclone from the far north had brought an abundance of rainclouds in - so much it was deemed unfeasible to remove them from Ponyville sky. Besides, crops could use a good downpour. Therefore, a storm was scheduled for the whole afternoon and evening, stretching far into the night, so Ponyville could be treated to a particularly fresh Friday morning. Rarity sighed as she watched the rain fall down, gusts of wind bunching separate drops into huge sheets of falling water. Little by little, she started regaining control of her magic, and she almost managed to levitate a tin of salve today. Just a few more days, and she wouldn`t need to embarrass herself in front of Fluttershy so.

At least today she`d be given a respite from that embarrassment. She had no doubt that Fluttershy would not brave the rain just to put salve on her horn. That gave her some time to think about what she was doing with her best friend. Rarity felt dirty for getting Fluttershy to help her. Pegasus obviously had no clue about the intimate nature of what she was doing for Rarity. And she magicked her best friend in the nose. Way to thank her, Rarity. Unicorn shook her head and stamped on the floor in frustration. It was just... wrong. Wrong to take advantage of Fluttershy like this, while she`s completely unaware. She briefly wondered how would Fluttershy react if she knew what exactly she was doing to Rarity.

Clatter of the door distracted Rarity. She looked, and... there was Fluttershy, dripping wet and panting, her wings spread as she tried to get in, finally popping in like a cork and flopping on her belly disgracefully. "Oh my Celestia, are you alright, Fluttershy?" - she cried out, as she galloped to the door, pulling Fluttershy away from it, and closing the door securely, keeping the storm outside. Pegasus was drenched completely, her wings still spread in awkward pose. "Um....Hi, Rarity." - she offered sheepishly from the floor, water dripping as she laid still. Rarity broke into a gallop again, coming back with a huge stack of towels. As she threw one over Fluttershy`s neck, pegasus smiled at her - "Sorry. I, um, didn`t mean to make a mess."

"Fluttershy, why are you here, what happened?" - Rarity asked, as she threw more towels over Fluttershy to soak up the excess water. Yellow mare shifted uncomfortably - "Um, I came to put salve on your horn... That is, if you want to..." Rarity dropped the remainder of towels. "You... went into that storm just for that?" - she asked incredulously, - "Goodness, Fluttershy, I don`t know what to say. You really shouldn`t have had done that." Pegasus shook her head - "It`s... nothing, really." Rarity poked her wing with hoof - "Nothing, you say? Then why are your wings still sticking out like that?" Blushing, Fluttershy attempted to fold them, but she couldn`t. Stress and strain had locked them in full spread. "Meep... Help?" - she asked, looking up on Rarity. Unicorn couldn`t help but admit she looked overbearingly cute.

"Oh dear. Well, I know just the thing to help you." - she muttered softly as she dried Fluttershy with towels. Soon enough, Fluttershy was acceptably dry and standing up, but her wings were still in full spread and refused to fold. Rarity clicked her tongue as she looked over the awkwardly spread pegasus. "Well, that just won`t do." - she opined quietly - "But I think I know how to help. Fluttershy, darling, why don`t you lie on your back. I believe I know how to unlock your wings." Blushingly, Fluttershy obliged, awkwardly flopping on her back. Unicorn smiled encouragingly, as she circled around Fluttershy and approached her right wing. She started to rub carefully, from the wingtip to the shoulderblade, making shy mare whimper and shiver. But it worked just fine, as Fluttershy`s wing started to relax, and before long it was comfortably folded half-way. Rarity moved to the other side, giving left wing the same treatment - and, predictably, with same results. Soon enough, she was done, and stepped back, letting Fluttershy turn over and fold her wings completely. She wondered briefly why yellow mare looked so flustered. After all, it was just a soft massage. Probably, she realised it was silly to come over through that terrible storm.

Fluttershy`s heart raced and her mind was utterly blank as Rarity rubbed her wings. She could only think about how good it felt like. Almost subconsciously, her hindlegs rubbed together as she tried to pry her mind out of quagmire of pleasure. She haven`t had a wingrub in... actually, scratch that. That was the very first time anypony ever did something quite like that to her. Thankfully, it was over just as Fluttershy thought she`s going to burst. She was grateful, yet oh so regretful it was over. It was an intimate thing, sure, one usually allowed only between mates, but she didn`t mind. Rarity was helping her to feel better, that`s all. Speaking of which, now it was her turn to help Rarity feel better.

"Um...uff... Thank you, Rarity." - pegasus let out, her voice barely a whisper, as she looked on Rarity bashfully. Unicorn smiled encouragingly - "Anything for a friend, darling." For her, it was quite true, being the element of generosity. Sometimes, Fluttershy couldn`t help but wonder how does one give so much? How does one keep on giving and never runs out of it? She couldn`t figure that one out, but she had long ago decided to return the favor as well as it was possible. "Come on, Rarity. Time to salve your horn." - she offered softly, shaking her head at the thought. Rarity blanched a little - "Oh my goodness, I forgot why you came here through all that awful weather. A moment, please, I`ll get the, eeh, supplies out."

Two minutes later, Rarity was sitting on her haunches, eyes shut and facing the floor, as Fluttershy worked her hooves over her horn. She could not make sense of her emotions, of the situation, of the pleasure she kept receiving from Fluttershy. So... perverse. From one side, she certainly couldn`t turn Fluttershy down, not after the timid mare braved that storm just to help her get better. From other, she was oh so ashamed to have Fluttershy do something so arousing to her, without even letting Fluttershy know what she was doing. Rarity was so engulfed in her inner conflict that she lost track of her physical condition. And that would be just perfect - except her body just went ahead with it. Sudden jolt of pleasure brought Rarity out of her reverie, her heart jumping so hard she could`ve sworn it lodged itself in her throat. The thump of magical pulse through her horn was unmistakable, and Fluttershy`s hooves slipping up and down rhythmically left her no time or chance to protest or even announce her feelings. With a soft gasp and shudder, she felt the familiar tingle and deep relief as the sparks burst forth from her horntip. Just before the flash, however, she could`ve sworn something soft and moist enveloped her tip.

Fluttershy backed off slowly from panting and blushing unicorn. Armed with knowledge from Twilight`s advices, she felt bolder today, now that she knew Rarity wasn`t hurt. She still couldn`t explain what possessed her to clamp her lips around the tip of Rarity`s horn just as it started to glow. Still, that`s what she did, and she was positively gleeful she did that. That gulp of magic was incredible, making her tingle from inside oh so pleasantly. "Rarity, are you OK?" - she whispered softly, smiling. It took distressed unicorn a couple minutes to gather her thoughts. "I... I think. I`m so sorry, Fluttershy. That`s the second time I blasted you with magic, didn`t I?" - she offered apologetically, looking on the floor. Soft giggle was her answer - but not the one she expected.

"It`s OK, Rarity. I know you didn`t mean to. Twilight explained everything to me yesterday." - she volunteered, shaking her head - "I know now that it won`t hurt me, so I don`t mind." If anything could make Rarity more distressed, it was this exact admission. "You... what? Twilight told you ...what!?" - she breathed, staring at Fluttershy wild-eyed. Fluttershy couldn`t help but giggle at that expression. Still, she had to explain, and so she tried - "I was worried yesterday, because you were all tense after I put the salve, and those sparks... So, um, I went to Twilight and asked her to explain about unicorn horns. She told me about induced discharge and how it would feel to you." Rarity`s mouth opened and closed and then opened again. She tried to speak, but couldn`t find the words. Twilight? Twilight was so brazenly perverted to speak freely about this? And then the realisation hit her like a ton of bricks - just like Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle had not even thought about it as a sexual thing. Which upset Rarity even more. 'Am I the only one perverse enough to entertain that kind of thoughts?' - she thought dismally. Still, that gave her some sense of closure. At least, Fluttershy was now aware of why she acted like she did.

Tearing her attention from the unfortunate problem, Rarity ventured to clarify more pressing matters at hand - "Darling, I insist you spend the night here. Weather is positively atrocious." Fluttershy nodded shyly - "Um, yes, alright... if that`s not too much trouble..." Obviously, she was not keen to brave the elements for the second time as well. Nodding with satisfaction, Rarity trotted off to prepare a bed for Fluttershy. One thing unicorn was sure of - she would have interesting dreams tonight.


Friday was most decisively fresh. Just like Rarity`s mind. She despised herself for getting so fresh with her friend, even though it was only in her mind. Still, the idea weighed heavily on her mind as she contemplated the events. Even though Twilight`s explanations clued Fluttershy in somewhat, it was quite obvious pegasus was still quite unaware that what they were doing was only inches away from kinky sex. Yellow mare left about an hour ago, leaving Rarity to contemplate the hows and whys of their suddenly oh so complicated relationship. And that contemplation gave her the willies. She was SO disinclined to have her friendship with Fluttershy disrupted... But also oh so scared to explain her perverse thoughts on the matter.

Shaking her head, Rarity pushed those guilty thoughts out of her mind. Today, she was taking Sweetie Belle and her friends to the fair. Sweetie Belle was quite obviously surprised by the offer, but what foal of sound mind would turn down an offer of the whole day at the amusement park? She grabbed the offer with all hooves, naturally. Rarity, from her side, hoped that watching over three overly energetic fillies would give her some respite from the plague of sexual guilt that just loved to linger on her mind.

And you know what? It almost worked. Or at least, Rarity wanted to believe it did, ruefully, as she ushered exhausted Sweetie Belle into boutique. But still, an adult pony like her had much more of energy in reserve then ever-exuberant foals. They had lots of fun at the fair, and white mare almost managed to leave her ruminations in the far corner of her mind and just have fun. But everything must end eventually, and by the time sun entered third quarter descending, Cutie Mark Crusaders found themselves languid with tiredness. Rarity had no choice but to announce the time to return home. None of the fillies protested much - the day was well and truly spent.

But now, in the dusk, Rarity was left alone with her thoughts again. She tucked Sweetie Belle in, and leaned to her, planting a soft sisterly kiss on her cheek - "Sleep tight, Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle smiled sleepily and turned over, nuzzling into pillow, as she muttered - "Good night, sis." Rarity trotted out, closing the door carefully behind her. She went downstairs and brought the tin of salve out. Her magic was almost working, and she was relieved. But in the same time, she felt a twinge of regret - some perverse dirty part of her downright enjoyed Fluttershy`s ministrations. She knew it would be awfully uncouth to receive care from Fluttershy longer then strictly necessary, yet... Yet she could not lie to herself - she enjoyed the touch, enjoyed it way more then a proper ladymare should.

Right on cue, light knocking announced Fluttershy`s arrival. Greetings were exchanged, and Rarity positioned herself on her haunches again, as Fluttershy began applying the salve to her horn. However, something was subtly different this time. Rarity could not figure out what, but... something changed. Something... became unrestrained. And then she gasped, as she felt Fluttershy`s lips wrap around her horntip, suckling softly. Rarity shuddered. She wanted to stop Fluttershy, to stop this... this debauchery, but she could not. Her body betrayed her, apparently, becoming weak and pliable under Fluttershy`s touch. She moaned softly as she felt Fluttershy gobble up more of her horn, her wet tongue running over it. There was no question about it now - Fluttershy was giving her a hornjob. So... perverse. So... good....

Pegasus, herself, was quite astonished by her own boldness. Again, she had no idea what prompted her to do that to Rarity. She acted on some kind of guttural instinct that told her to commit with the action. She almost expected Rarity to stop her indignantly, to inquire what was she doing, slobbering all over her horn. But unicorn never did. In fact, Fluttershy could tell with certainty that her actions pleased the other mare greatly - sounds Rarity made were certainly sounds of pleasure, not pain. So she kept suckling, her mouth engulfing more of Rarity`s horn. She could feel the chalky tang of medicine as she suckled more, but she paid it no heed - taste wasn`t all that unpleasant, and the shiver of mare below her gave her all the incentive she needed to go ahead. A little rivulet of saliva formed as she bobbed her head up and down, coaxing the magic out of Rarity. And as on cue, it burst forth again, sparks filling Fluttershy`s mouth with exquisite tingling. She pulled back slowly, suddenly bashful, as she realised just what she had been doing to her best friend a moment ago.

Slowly, Rarity looked up, her cheeks tinged with shame and embarrassment. "...Fluttershy. What have you done?" - she whispered softly, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, - "Why.... why did you do that?" Yellow mare immediately realised she`s done something... wrong. Really wrong. Or not wrong? Or just gut-wrenching? No matter, she tried to explain herself. But no sound came out as she opened her mouth. Finally, she squeaked out - "I..." Rarity shook her head angrily. "I can`t... can`t deal with that right now. Fluttershy, please, leave." - she said, hoof over her eyes as she gestured toward the door. Pegasus let out a soft frightened meep, but unicorn remained unfazed, her hoof pointing to the door. "Now." - she said with finality. Letting out a scared whine, Fluttershy disappeared behind the door. Quick staccato of hooves against the pavement told Rarity that yellow mare run away. Slowly, she walked to the door, and locked it. As she turned around, her emotions overwhelmed her, and Rarity sunk to the floor sobbing, her back against the door.

Fluttershy run toward her cottage, eyes tearing up. She couldn`t understand what was wrong. She thought Rarity would be pleased. Who knew that pleasure could hurt so much? But what was it that upset Rarity so? What? Perhaps, she knew the answer already, but yellow pegasus refused to acknowledge it yet. She could not go there. Would not go there. Not of her own volition. She shook her head, trying to hold back the tears as her cottage loomed ahead. Window was glowing, invitingly. She could not recall if she left a candle lit when she left for Rarity`s boutique, or if somepony was waiting for her. She didn`t care much.

As it turns out, her visitor was nopony else but Twilight Sparkle herself. Who was looking somewhat perturbed as well. Fluttershy tried to smile as she greeted purple unicorn, but it was obvious her heart wasn`t on it. "Hey, Fluttershy. Sorry about a late visit. It`s just that... I realised I forgot to tell you something when you came over the day before yesterday. Couldn`t recall what, so I read up on unicorn anatomy again to refresh my memory. And..." - Twilight paused, and sighed - "I guess there`s no easy way to tell this, so I`ll just say it bluntly. What I forgot to tell you is that touching horn is very intimate for us unicorns and most consider it sexual activity. There are obvious exceptions to this, like medical care, but... that`s the most likely reason why Rarity was feeling so embarrassed."

As soon as Twilight finished her explanation, she realised it was not such a good idea. Apparently, Fluttershy was not ready for that tidbit, she decided, as yellow mare put her hooves against her face, flopping on the floor with distraught moan. "Oh Celestia.... What have I done!?" - she sobbed. Patiently, Twilight trotted closer, and poked Fluttershy`s side with hoof gently. "Come on now, Fluttershy. No matter what kind of thing you think you`ve done, I don`t think it could be that bad." - she offered softly. But Fluttershy shook her head ruefully, refusing to look up. "No, Twilight, you don`t understand. I think I... I think I just raped Rarity." - she choked out.

That most certainly caught Twilight`s attention, but now Fluttershy became flatly unresponsive, just shivering and rocking slightly, as she curled up in a ball of abject misery. Quickly figuring out that she could use some help, Twilight trotted over to the door, imploring Fluttershy to stay where she was. She needed some help. Which... just arrived. Purple unicorn stared in surprise as the other three members of mane six approached the cottage quickly. Pinkie Pie in front, followed closely by Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, hey, am I glad to see you." - offered Twilight, her ear twitching, as she looked over others - "But.. um, why are you here?" Applejack nodded at Pinkie Pie - "Ah reckon Pinkie Sense is ta blame for that one. She done woke me up, she did." "Me too." - complained Rainbow Dash from above, trying to smooth her disheveled mane - "Wouldn`t tell us what`s up either, just kept telling us her Pinkie Sense`s going off something crazy." "Twilight, Twilight, Twilight! Is Fluttershy OK? Does she need help? What`s wrong with her?" - Pinkie was most certainly not inclined to lose time. Twilight sighed, and shook her head - "I guess I shouldn`t be surprised. Rarity and Fluttershy had a... well, a misunderstanding, I hope."

Pinkie shook her head, her mane unusually straight tonight - "But she`s terribly wrong, I can feel it! Pinkie Sense never lies." Pausing for a moment, Twilight sighed, then spoke softly - "Yes. Yes, she is. She thinks she raped Rarity. I can`t estimate the percentage of truth in that statement, as I haven`t been able to examine Rarity`s account as of yet. And in any case, a part of blame lies with me anyways, as I`ve omitted providing an important fact in timely manner." Ponies exchanged puzzled glances - "What?"

Heaving another sigh, Twilight began again - "Rainbow Dash, you and Pinkie Pie stay here and keep an eye on Fluttershy. Don`t let her go anywhere, she`s not in the right state of mind to be alone right now. Applejack, come with me, we need to talk to Rarity urgently." Pinkie nodded resolutely, and Dash gave her a salute as both of them filed into Fluttershy`s cottage. Twilight began quick trot toward the boutique, Applejack falling in step with her after a second of puzzlement.

"Do y`all mind telling me what the hay`s going on?" - she quipped as they trotted toward Ponyville. Twilight thought for a second, then offered - "Do you remember how Rarity got her head nicked last week?" "Do ah evah. Gave us all a scare, she did." "Well, she also had a split horn. That`s usually treated with Calcium Equum, but Rarity had troubles putting it on without magic, so Fluttershy volunteered to help. She was asking me about it, too, and like a dork, I forgot to tell her that touching unicorn`s horn is... Well, a kind of sexual interaction." - explained Twilight, shaking her head ruefully, - "Knowing Rarity, she was bound to overreact sooner or later, really. I should`ve thought about that sooner."

She paused her explanation when she realised Applejack was no longer following her. Twilight stopped and turned around, to see Applejack staring at her in shock. "...Twilight. Against mah bettah judgement, how the hey does one forget about somethang bein` sex?" - she asked incredulously. Twilight facehoofed. "It`s... professional deformation." - she offered glumly, - "Professional mages are channelling energy through the horn at all times. It`s not hard to forget other unicorns might think of it as special thing." If anything, that explanation left Applejack even more shocked - "Yah mean yer..." Twilight sighed again - "Look, it`s... different for me, alright? Those with talent for magic are trained to control that kind of thing. It`s been a long while since that kind of thing stopped being an issue for me, and I forgot it never stops being an issue for most unicorns."

She turned around and started trotting toward Carousel Boutique again, briskly. Still bewildered, Applejack followed. Upon arrival, they encountered the first problem. Door was closed. And Twilight could clearly hear the sobbing just behind it. She pushed the door, but it wouldn`t budge more then an inch. "GO AWAY!" Apparently, Rarity was not in hospitable mood at the moment. "Rarity? It`s me, Twilight Sparkle. We need to talk." - she offered, tapping the door with her hoof. "No, we don`t! Go awaaahay....<sob>" As much as Twilight would like to solve this diplomatically, she wanted to get the whole thing sorted out as quickly as possible. So she stepped away from the door, and nodded at it. "Applejack. We need to get in.... ASAP. Rarity`s not in the right state of mind at the moment." - she whispered urgently. Orange pony looked on her dubiously for a second, then nodded resolutely. She trotted to the door, sized it up, then turned around and bucked it forcefully. Rarity yelped as the door flew open, sending her sliding over the floor ungracefully.

Twilight trotted into boutique, and tapped Rarity`s side gently. "I apologise for that, Rarity, but you don`t leave me much of choice here. Fluttershy is very upset, and it looks like you are as well. So, what was it that got both of you so distraught?" - she offered gently but assertively. Rarity scurried away from her, refusing to look her friend in the eye - "Get away from me. Please, get away from me. I don`t deserve friends." Twilight expected that much, and she poked Rarity again - "I don`t think so, Rarity. Why don`t you tell us what bothers you so much?" "Yah. I reckon yer gonna feel bettah if ya tell us `bout it." - agreed Applejack as she trotted over to stand by Twilight. Suddenly, Rarity lashed out at them, weakly, her hooves falling just short. "Get away, for pity`s sake, get awaaaaay. I`m a molester, I don`t deserve being a friend to anypony...." - she screamed, covering her face with hooves.

Clicking her tongue, Twilight changed tactic. She could figure some stuff out on her own. "Very well." - she said - "Then I will speak for you instead. You think you`ve taken advantage of Fluttershy, don`t you?" Her ear twitched again, as she heard something resembling "Yes." among the sobs. "Strange, but Fluttershy thinks exactly the same thing, only in reverse." - she continued, poking Rarity`s side again, - "Rarity, she thinks she raped you. And I think she`s gone catatonic from that idea." A second later, Rarity suddenly shot up on her hooves, looking at Twlight incredulously - "WHAT!? What are you talking about? I took advantage of her, I never told her what she`s dooooing... Ahahah....<sob>" Applejack cued in - "Yah know, ah think ya need to talk with her. Ya know, clear the air and stuff."

Rarity shook her head, still not able to look on her friends - "Noo, I couldn`t. She hates me now, I`m certain of it. OOh, Fluttershy... what have I done?" Twilight facehoofed again, and spoke, her voice much sterner now - "Rarity, you really need to come with us and talk to Fluttershy. This is a big misunderstanding and I`m sure neither of you is guilty of taking advantage of other." Still, Rarity shook her head - "I.. I can`t. I can`t face her after this." "Honestly speaking, Rarity? Yah got no choice here. As a decent ladymare, yah simply hafta face the music." - chimed in Applejack, - "It would be downright cruel not to." That caught Rarity`s attention well enough. "I... alright." - she agreed quietly, her eyes downcast, - "I owe her that much, don`t I?"

Quietly, and somberly, trio of ponies left the boutique. It was a short walk to Fluttershy`s cottage, and even though Rarity was still crying quietly, they made it there without obstruction. While still some distance away, they could hear Rainbow Dash - "No, no, no and no, Fluttershy! I refuse to believe that. It`s all one huge misunderstanding, as Twilight said. Just wait till she`ll get back and everything will be sorted out." Apparently, Fluttershy had regained some measure of motor activity, thought Twilight, as she hastened her steps. At the cottage, they were met with a scene that would be hilarious in other circumstances. Panicked Fluttershy was flying in circles around Pinkie Pie, who was holding the end of her tail with teeth securely, Rainbow Dash circling around in pace with Fluttershy trying to persuade her to stop running.

Twilight briefly considered facehoofing again, but she could feel her face hurting a little from all the facehoofing she`d already done. "Dash? Can you bring Fluttershy down? Carefully, that is?" - she asked. Dash smirked - "Watch me." Much to amazement of everyone else she simply sat on Fluttershy. Who immediately began losing altitude with every circle, until she was just running on the ground. Realising escape was impossible, yellow pegasus stopped, her face hidden by her mane as she looked on the ground. Dash fluttered up from her back, and Pinkie let go of her tail, both of them moving back as Twilight nudged Rarity forward, softly but insistently.

Uncertain, but determined, Rarity stood in front of Fluttershy. "Fluttershy?" "Rarity?"... "I`m so sorry I took advantage of you..." Neither could realise who said it. Apparently, they both said it in the same time. Rarity was the first to come to her senses. "Nonsense, darling! You`ve done nothing wrong. It was me who didn`t tell you a thing about it..." But Fluttershy wasn`t about to give up so easy - "But I was the one who sucked on your horn!" "Yes, and I misled you into thinking it was innocent." "But you didn`t say anything..." "But I didn`t say anything!" "But..." "But..."

Both of them raised their eyes simultaneously, looking at each other. Both shivered at seeing other`s tear-stained face. Both extended their hooves in the same time, embracing and crying softly. Other ponies gathered a bit away, as Twilight summed up the events in a few sentences. Pinkie Pie was the first to react, and react she did, in a predictable way. "Well, that calls for the party." - she announced cheerfully, - "Rarity and Fluttershy are friends again party!" Rarity and Fluttershy parted slightly, looking on each other, smiling through their tears. "Friends?" "Friends." Neither was in a hurry to let other go however, so they just leaned to each other, emotionally and physically drained.

"Ahem." - everyone turned their head to look on Applejack, who just shook her head. "Ah hate to break the mood here, but... In all honesty, can yah two look on each other the same way again?" - she offered, - "Yah both gone and done more then friends should do." Rainbow Dash was the first to break the shocked silence that followed - "...What are you talking about, AJ? Of course they can look at each other." Orange pony shook her head somberly - "Well, yeh, but is that the same look? Face it, yah two. You`ve gone and done become more then jus` friends. An` by the sound of it, both of ya liked it as well."

Rarity blinked. She understood what Applejack was telling, but it... sounded just a mite too... too good? She looked on Fluttershy. Shy mare looked back. "Is... is she right, Fluttershy?" - asked white unicorn, her voice cracking slightly. Hot blush spilled over Fluttershy`s wet cheeks, as she nodded, and whispered softly - "...Yes." Rarity leaned her head on top of Fluttershy`s, softly, and sighed. Unlike the others, it was a happy sigh. But then, Fluttershy stirred in her embrace and muttered softly - "But, um... What about you? Are you, um... OK with the idea?" Rarity let out a soft chuckle - "In a trade like mine, darling... It`s practically expected to be a fillyfooler."

"RARITY!.... Oh, you...."