• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 3,871 Views, 46 Comments

Batman: Marekham City - Prane

There is a Dark Knight who fights tirelessly against injustice in Gotham City. But how would he react knowing that there are colorful ponies on his side, as well as among criminal scum? Can he take it? Of course he can. Why? BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN!

  • ...

Chapter 3

Batman: Marekham City
by Prane
Chapter 3


Perplexed by the complexity of human technology, but greatly impressed by it nevertheless, Twilight kept on repeating the name of a strange shape in her mind. Batwing – where did that even come from? Neither it looked like a bat, nor its supposed ‘wings’ were similar to those of creatures she knew. That aircraft, clearly more advanced and agile than Equestria airships and balloons resembled a raven-black, metallic kite – should have named it Batkite, then – and had powerful fans, which apparently made flight and hovering over Iceberg Lounge’s glazed dome possible. Twilight spotted a total of four: two were fixed at the triangular wings and two, capable of rotation, were placed near some sort of windowed compartment at the rear of the vehicle.

That was the Batwing: the best and only hope for Rarity.

Twilight, tasked with keeping an eye on Penguin glanced at Batman as he glided down through the open dome. Despite his towering figure, he managed to land beside Twilight barely making a noise.

‘Thank you.’, she whispered as the Batwing with her unconscious friend onboard shot into the night sky. She didn’t exactly trust Batman as she trusted her Ponyville friends, but between him and Penguin… well, there was a proverb of Saddle Arabian origin: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Not really comforting, but what choice did she have, here in this strange, new world?

‘Don’t mention it.’, Batman replied, unceremoniously grabbing Penguin by his heavy, fur-lined overcoat. ‘Let’s move, Cobblepot. You don’t want to be late for your appointment with Freeze.’

Although Penguin tried to protest, Batman remained adamant to his complaints and dragged him along the floor, at least to the moment the chubby man stopped wiggling and waving his hands furiously and chose to walk on his own. There was no need to get him handcuffed – without his henchman and a way to utilize the monetary power he possessed, Oswald Cobblepot was just a harmless caricature of a businessman.

From the Iceberg Lounge they went back to the museum’s entry hall. In addition to a few pterosaur replicas watching their prey from below the ceiling and a substantial, life-size model of a dinosaur with surprisingly short forelimbs, the room was full of transparent tanks, usually used for exhibiting fossils of animals and plants, but under Penguin’s reign, his most valuable ‘trophies’ were kept in them instead.

Mr. Freeze was already there, waiting.

‘Where… is… Cobblepot?’, he slowly asked, turning away from a glassed tank.

Batman threw the captive to his feet.

‘Well, look who it is!’, Penguin gasped in faked astonishment. ‘Mister FreeAARGH!’

The pain twisted his already grotesque face as soon as Mr. Freeze stepped on his arm with the full weight of his life-preserving cryogenic suit. Penguin kept screaming, but imperturbable Mr. Freeze was not letting go.

‘Enough!’, Twilight intervened, finding no justification for inflicting such pain, even despite everything Penguin had done to Rarity. ‘Victor! Enough.’

‘Of course.’, Mr. Freeze said, stepping away. He then effortlessly lifted Penguin off the floor and slammed him against the nearby tank. The glass cracked a bit. ‘You will regret what you did, Mr. Cobblepot.’, he said, veiling Penguin’s face in an icy breath.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and Mr. Freeze knew that. While he kept himself busy with carrying Penguin across the room and putting him into a cramped tank, Twilight looked around the other ones. Most of them were empty, probably prepared for the upcoming trophies.

However, it was the one with the cracked glass that caught her attention. Upon closer examination it turned out that it wasn’t empty at all, but rather resided by a pair of red, burning candles and a slim woman sitting in between them.

There was a palpable aura of mystery surrounding that human female, not only because she made Twilight free from the annoying feeling that everyone in this world was a man – which was curious, by the way, especially for somepony from a settlement like Ponyville where the gender disproportionality was quite different – but also because of some mystery-inducing attributes the woman had.

Starting from a velvet mask hiding the lower part of her face and extensive tattoos covering her back and bare arms, and ending with an uncanny symbol on her belt – a horned wolf, perhaps – as well as the fact that she remained completely still and unmoved. She looked as an integral part of the exhibition, and that impression was even intensified when she didn’t open her eyes when Twilight knocked on the glass.

‘The cure, Freeze.’, Batman said when Mr. Freeze was done locking Penguin’s new home.

‘There… isn’t one.’


‘Perhaps I should elaborate.’, Mr. Freeze replied, pressing some buttons on his right glove. ‘Creating an antidote to the disease that afflicts the clown was easy. Unfortunately, the cure degrades too quickly.’

Translucent images appeared over his arm. Shapes, numbers and symbols of chemical compounds together with a large, blinking exclamation mark amongst them. ‘It needs a restorative element, some kind of reforming enzyme. Without it, it breaks down before it can help the host.’

If there was anything more interesting than the humans themselves, it would their expertise and prowess on the fields of science! Twilight immediately glanced at the formula, but she couldn’t really dig it. She had achieved several breakthroughs in using laboratory glassware – more than once literally breaking through the said glassware – but as much as she was ashamed to admit, her knowledge in applied chemistry was insufficient to fully comprehend the cure to Batman’s undefined health problems.

Batman himself, however, did recognized something in the jungle of lines and letters.

‘I’ve seen this before!’, he said, immediately uploading the data to one of his devices.

‘Finding a suitable enzyme is not the only problem.’, Mr. Freeze explained further. ‘It needs to be adapted, bonded to human DNA.’, he ended the holographic projection. ‘That will take decades: time, it appears, you do not have.’

‘What if I told you that I know a man who has been exposed to that enzyme for centuries?’

‘What man?’, Mr. Freeze inquired with truly rekindled interest.

‘His name is Rā's al Ghūl.’

The moment Batman mentioned that name, the imprisoned woman opened her eyes and hastily moved closer to the glass. Startled, Twilight fled away from the tank.

‘Uhm… Batman?’, she said as the woman stood up, glanced at the mare in astonishment and turned her attention back to Batman.

‘Bring him to me.’, Mr. Freeze said. ‘All I need is a sample of his blood. It is your only hope.’

‘Rā's al Ghūl is dead.’, he replied.

‘Then you, and the clown… are doomed.’

‘Not exactly. I need someone to tell me where the body is…’, he said, taking a almost imperceptible glance at the masked woman, who was now trying to break out from the glass prison. ‘Then I can go and wake him up.’

‘Batman!?’, Twilight trotted to him and repeatedly pulled him by the cape. The cracks and fractures on the glass were getting bigger with each hit. ‘The one here is trying to escape, what do we do, oh, what do we do!?’

‘Not a thing.’

With the fifth or the sixth hit, the tank eventually broke. The woman rolled over the floor straight onto the shattered glass, cutting herself in several places.

‘Blasphemer!’, she hissed with an accent Twilight would classify as the Saddle Arabian one, but she quickly realized how useless that comparison was outside Equestria. ‘You are not worthy to speak of the great Rā's al Ghūl!’

Despite bleeding and her wounds, the woman performed a series of acrobatic jumps to get away from them, then proceeded to the staircase and ran out of the museum without looking back. She was, however, leaving drips of blood behind.

‘You are a fool, Batman.’, Mr. Freeze coldly judged. ‘You have let your only hope escape.’

‘No, Victor.’, he replied. ‘If Rā's al Ghūl is in Arkham City, I now have a trial right to him.’

‘You mean we have a trial?’, Twilight inquired.

There was one more thing of Batman to deal with before he could resume his race against time and Strange’s Protocol 10, whatever that was.

‘Listen, Twilight…’, he kneeled by her, though it didn’t really help much. ‘You did great with helping me take down Penguin. And I appreciate it. But it doesn’t get any easier out there, do you understand?’

Twilight’s violet eyes widened as she shook her head, already guessing where Batman was heading with that one. Apparently talking her out of touring Arkham was not going to be easy. ‘Once the Batwing is back, I’m sending you to a safer place.’

‘You can’t!’, Twilight protested. ‘My friends are out there, I have to find them! Besides, we’re making such a good team, are we not? I will be your Number One Crime and Injustice Fighting Assistant!’

‘I appreciate your enthusiasm,’, Batman straightened up, hoping that it would bring extra impact to his words, ‘but you know you’re not supposed to be here in the first place.’, he reasoned and turned to Mr. Freeze, who was checking hydraulic properties of his suit’s knees. ‘This city is full of dangerous people. You tell her, Freeze.’

‘As far as you might be surprised, Batman,’, he replied, accompanied by a mechanical wheezing, ‘I am with Twilight Sparkle on this one.’

Twilight, hearing that, smiled so wide she beamed with I was right, you were wrong written all over her face.

‘Wait a minute…’, Batman approached Mr. Freeze. ‘Explain me something: that’s not the first time you agreed with something she wanted. I didn’t know you could be so human towards those you hardly know, Victor.’

‘There are apparently many things you do not know about me. I might be cold blooded, but I am certainly not cold hearted.’, he stopped tinkering with his suit and stood up. ‘Tell me, Batman… do you believe in angels?’

‘Excuse me?’, both Batman and Twilight seemed surprised, but due to different reasons.

‘As you know, I was imprisoned by this caricature of a man.’, Mr. Freeze hit Penguin’s tank to which the man immediately curled up. ‘Mr. Cobblepot here probably thought it would be most amusing to have me placed in a tropical scenery, with sand under my feet and heat of lamps gradually sucking my strength. I was delirious, but I kept to my one and only sane thought: to my beloved Nora.’

Batman had been fighting injustice in Gotham City for long enough to know a thing or two about each criminal’s motives. Nora Fries, for example, was Victor’s wife diagnosed with terminal illness. Because there was no way to help her at the time, Victor used his knowledge to cryogenically freeze her until a proper cure could be developed. There was an accident, unfortunately, and he got drenched in the chemicals he had created to freeze Nora, which changed his metabolism so that he could no longer survive in a non-negative temperature. From there, Victor stumbled down onto a path of crime, becoming fearsome Mr. Freeze.

Who wasn’t really that fearsome at the moment.

‘Then…’, he continued his story, crouching near Twilight and reaching towards her head. At first she was unsure of what he was going to do, but when he simply stroke her sapphire blue mane several times, she didn’t step back. It was peculiar to see a colossal man with a relatively petite pony but Twilight, apparently, didn’t mind. ‘Then I saw a pony, just like you, Twilight Sparkle, knocking on the glass from the other side.’

‘One of my friends, no doubt!’, she shouted in excitement and took Freeze’s gauntlet between her hooves. ‘How did she look like? Please, tell me!’

‘I am afraid I do not know that. I was weak and the lamp’s light was blinding me. I could only recognize the shape.’, Mr. Freeze admitted. ‘With my last effort and my wife’s name on my lips, I pointed at the switch that Penguin had used to lock me inside. Your friend opened the tank, but I fainted. When I woke up, I was free. And she was gone.’

‘You went and recovered the suit, then gave us the frequency jamming your ice gun.’, Batman stated. It would seem that Mr. Freeze thought he owed a favor to the pony kind, though it didn’t take astonishing detective skills to deduce that. The fact itself could prove useful in the future, nevertheless. ‘Still… angels?’

‘You may laugh at me. I do not find any better words to describe it or explain.’, he stood up and walked back to Batman. ‘Even you, Dark Knight, cannot deny that they are the brightest beings in the pitiful city Gotham has become. Perhaps they were sent to help us… if so, I believe Twilight Sparkle should go with you… and be your guardian angel.’

Batman looked at Twilight. Now that he didn’t have his mind preoccupied with saving the officers from the 13th Precinct, he pondered once more about the colorful mare, her otherworldly skills and that Equestria place. It didn’t really add up, but she was here: curiously staring at him, ready to become his Number One-something Assistant. Which meant he was going to send a bigger equipment request to Alfred. Damn, even Riddler’s challenges were more solvable than this.

‘That’s not very scientific approach, Victor.’, Batman opinioned. ‘It’s unlike you.’

‘In the wake of such entities… science is worthless.’, Mr. Freeze concluded.

* * *

Perhaps science was worthless on the subject of pastel-colored ponies from another world, but it could still come in handy for tracking down fugitives, especially when they were leaving an obvious trail behind. And Batman was unmatched in forensic sciences.

After thoroughly scanning the blood stain from the floor and adjusting his cowl’s scanner to detect any matching signatures, Batman – in the company of Twilight – had left the museum. There wasn’t anything more to be done there, now that the GCPD officers took hold over the Iceberg Lounge and barricaded themselves there until the situation in Arkham would be resolved.

The weather outside was depressing, to say the least – cold and cloudy, with sharp snowflakes whirling in the air, fitting Gotham’s dreary streets so well. Batman wondered how was the weather like in Equestria. He actually tried to think of it as a different country, and of Twilight as a foreigner that had come by a student exchange program.

‘Are you sure this man can provide the missing ingredient?’, Twilight asked as they followed the blood trail along the museum’s walls.

‘I’ve met Rā's al Ghūl many times.’, Batman replied, glad that there were no petty criminals nearby. They must have dispersed the minute they heard Penguin had lost control of the museum. ‘He claims to be over 600 years old and I believe him. Which means something is keeping him alive.’

‘Six hundred years!?’ That’s a lot! Is he some kind of royalty, because where I come from…’. she stopped as she spotted some freshly printed posters, clearly standing out against the background of a shabby wall. ‘Hey, who’s that? He looks friendly.’

Indeed he did, even with a large WANTED signed by a penguin’s silhouette. Bruce Wayne’s face was the face of a billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, often associated with following his parents’ dream of Gotham free from poverty and crime. Despite being a corporate businessman, he was generally known for his people-attitude and, most recently, for actively opposing the idea of creating a prison district in the heart of the city.

Very few people, however, knew him for secretly being the Dark Knight of Gotham.

‘He’s just another boring businessman.’, Batman replied, fully aware that revealing his true identity to anyone, yet alone a mare met by chance could have dire consequences.

The trail was leading up to a nearby monorail station – JEZEBEL CENTER, MUSEUM – now abandoned as it got decommissioned upon building walls around Arkham. It seemed that the assassin followed the rusty rail for a while, then proceeded to the rooftops.

‘I don’t suppose you could somehow… use your magic to instantly get on that building?’, Batman asked, drawing his grapple gun.

‘You mean: to teleport myself? In Equestria I would, but when I tried it earlier at the museum entrance, shortly before we’ve met, it… it just didn’t work.’, Twilight replied in confusion. ‘It’s the only spell that didn’t work so far. Apparently, my magic is limited in your world. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty logical.’

‘How is that?’, he grabbed Twilight, shot the hook and allowed the retraction mechanism to pull them both up to the building’s flat roof.

‘I reckon that magic isn’t something humankind use on a daily basis, therefore flow of arcane currents is theoretically not… well, let’s say you didn’t pave the way for it yet.’

Instead of spending his life wondering how would the world look like if the said magic was used for everyday’s chores, Batman would rather rely on a thermal vision technology implemented in his cowl. There were numerous spots of still warm blood on the roof, indicating that the assassin was somewhere in the area north of the museum.

As they grappled from one roof to another, the trail soon broke off, leading them to a discarded bandage, or, more precisely: a makeshift imitation of a bandage the woman must have made on the way.

‘The blood trail has run out.’, Batman said. ‘The only way we’re going to find that assassin is to locate more evidence.’, he activated the scanner and…

‘Watch out!’, Twilight shouted.

Before he could react, Batman heard the sound of throwing knives cutting through the air. They came right at him, but were stopped by a semi-visible, magenta force field that had appeared as unexpectedly as the assassin’s deadly projectiles. He glanced at Twilight and saw her horn shimmering with supernatural mist.

‘Phew! Shield spell, checked.’, Twilight said, dispersing the magical energy. ‘There she is!’

The assassin was jumping from a balcony to a ventilation system’s shaft of an adjacent building. They had to hurry if they didn’t want to lose sight of her.

‘The only way to find Rā's is to get a tracker on that ninja!’, Batman said, taking a tiny, round object from his utility belt’s pocket, and then grappling up the building. ‘Can you keep up?’

Twilight nodded and broke into a wild gallop. Perhaps she wasn’t as mobile as Batman with his gadgets, but neither did the assassin, who was limited to climbing over small walls and ledges and jumping over vent exhausts on the way. Batman, on the other side, could easily monitor the chase from beneath the sky, and plan accordingly to a path she took.

After a moment of gliding above, he dived down upon spotting the nearest opportunity to cut the assassins off, especially because Twilight seemed to be losing the chased woman. He hit the ground about two steps from her.

She immediately drew a silvery sword and slashed forward. She surely didn’t have one at the museum, which suggested there were more Rā's’ ninjas stationing nearby.

Batman blocked the attack with his reinforced armbrace, then reached his other hand behind her back. What looked like an attempt to get her off balance was actually a fake move that made attaching the tracking device possible. To make it more believable, Batman fell on the ground after the assassin’s counterattack.

She put the sword next to his throat.

‘You only continue to live,’, she said with contempt emanating through her mask, ‘because the great Rā's al Ghūl allows it!’

As expected, two more ninja women joined her, appearing almost out of nowhere. Almost, because they had probably jumped down from a nearby terrace, but also because someone else had unexpectedly entered the scene. And it wasn’t Twilight.

The man whistled really loud, and before the two assassins could even unsheathe their swords, he knocked them down with his heavy-hitting, expandable staff, striking smoothly yet with a touch of brute force, akin to the waterfalls concealing the entrance to the Batcave.

Robin, judging by his costume, had obviously visited the same tailor monochromatic Batman did, although his suit was a little brighter, thanks to a goldenrod utility belt and a scarlet reinforced breastpiece he wore. Both men, evidently, shared fondness to tar-black capes, but unlike Batman’s, his cape had also a hood, giving him a striking appearance of a vigilante more uncanny than the Dark Knight himself.

The assassin pressed the blade against Batman’s throat.

‘Call him off!’

‘I can take her!’, Robin whirled the staff.

‘Stand down.’, Batman told him, knowing that he had already achieved his goal.

Reluctantly, Robin halted and retracted his weapon. He took a step back.

‘Do not follow us.’, the assassin issued a hidden threat. She stood up and sheathed the sword, then ran and jumped down from the building into the alleys below.

When she disappeared beyond the ledge, Twilight climbed up on the other side of the roof. She was breathing heavily and her legs were shaking like a jelly.

‘Sorry…’, she mumbled. ‘I couldn’t… keep up.’, she then noticed Robin. ‘Oh? Who are you?’

Robin glanced at the mare, but deliberately ignored her.

‘I didn’t need your help.’, Batman said, straightening up.

‘Really?’, Robin replied, making it sound more like a cocky student challenging his teacher’s words rather than the actual surprise. ‘That’s not what it looked like from where I was standing.’

‘I had it under control. Why did Alfred send you?’

‘He was worried about you!’

From where Twilight was standing, Batman looked like it wasn’t a good enough reason for Robin to come. She wondered what was between those two, because they didn’t look like friends so far.

Batman took out a small vial with red liquid and passed it to Robin.

‘Take this, get it analyzed and start searching the hospitals and emergency rooms.’, he commissioned. ‘Anyone with this blood in them will be dead within 24 hours.’

‘Whose blood is it?’, Robin asked, by when Batman turned away from him, he figured it out by himself. ‘Oh… It’s yours, isn’t it?’

Again, Twilight could observe Batman being a man of few words. He was apparently letting his deeds speak for him, instead.

‘I’ll get it to the hospitals and come back.’, Robin said. ‘You need my help here.’

‘I can handle it.’, Batman rejected the idea. ‘You’re needed in Gotham’

‘You think?’, he replied, once more sounding… assertive, to say the least. ‘And you’ll be running around with a pony?’, he pointed condemningly at Twilight. ‘What if Strange tells everyone who you really are? How will you…’

It was time for Batman to take initiative in this almost academic teacher-student quarrel.

‘Trust me.’, he firmly assured. ‘I’ll find a way.’

Robin didn’t seem entirely convinced, but he kept further comments to himself. He took out two items: one looked like two grapple guns glued together, the other being a smaller version of his utility belt, and gave both to Batman.

‘Barbara was digging through some of her old stuff.’, he said. ‘It should fit… on your pony. If you need me, you know where I am.’

‘I know. Now go!’

Robin passed by Twilight without a word and disappeared in the shadows of Arkham.

‘Bye… I guess.’, she unsurely said, then looked at Batman questioningly. ‘Have I done something wrong?’

Batman shook his head. Now that Robin had mentioned Barbara, he felt it necessary to let her know about a few things. He switched his communication module to establish secure connection with the Batcave.

‘Oracle, change of plan. I’m going after the League of Assassins.’

‘Why? What have they got to do with all this?’, he heard a inquisitive voice inside his cowl. ‘Oh, wait a minute. Is this about Rā's or his daughter?’

‘Penguin had one of the League’s assassins imprisoned in the museum. I recognized the insignia. She’s a member of Talia’s elite guard.’

‘I knew it.’, she didn’t sound content. ‘What is it about that woman that makes her instantly the most important person in your world?’

‘Talia is not the goal, Barbara. I’ve uploaded Freeze’s unfinished cure. It looks to me like the answer is…’

‘…found in Rā's al Ghūl’s blood. OK, Bruce, I guess you need to go after him, but please, stay focused. Don’t let her get in the way again. Speaking of getting in the way, how are you doing working with a pony?’

Batman wondered about the answer for a moment, taking into consideration the mare’s involvement in dealing with Freeze and Penguin and saving him just a while ago.

‘She’s very helpful. And her name is Twilight.’, he noticed that she was trying to ask him something without rudely interrupting his conversation. ‘Hold on… she’s asking about her friend.’

‘The white one? Alfred’s been taking care of her.’, Barbara assured. ‘Bruce, you’re not going to adopt another randomly found orphan to the Bat-family, are you?’

‘We’ll see about that.’

Comments ( 20 )

Psst... I have a secret. I have found a perfect formula for success:
1. Write a somehow well-received crossover story about Batman and ponies
2. Abandon it completely for a few months
3. ???
4. Profit.

Well, I'm not sure about Step 4, to be honest. But I observed no massive unfavoriting here, so I'd count that as a success! :raritywink:
Anyway, here's Chapter 3 - and I blame Arkham Origins trailer for that. What's more, I learned that you should never estimate when the next chapter arrives, cause you really don't know what would happen to that moment. For now, go and enjoy some more TwiBat crime-fighting duet... and more depth into the coolest character around...
Next chapter: when it's done. :)

I can't believe I have to post this after seeing Robin talk like that:

What drives me crazy regarding this fic is how you write the dialogue.

"When you write dialogue, it ought to look like this," said Fife.

"Unless you make an exclamation!" he added. "In which you wouldn't need the comma." He cocked his head. "Or perhaps a question is in order?" he asked.

You are certainly improving on your descriptions, though. I'll give you that.

Not a bad story at all, Especially, since it has the famous game known as Batman: Arkham City in the storyline. So, good job!

Awesome story! The Batfamily, NICE!

Btw, dialogue is " not '

(Sees title and art) Already love it :ajsmug:

First Arkham City/MLP crossover I ever seen. Then again, I have seen X-COM crossed over, so I'm not gonna judge.

I won't go into detail of the story, except that despite what you say, this does look like a retelling of the game main plotline, only with the ponies assissting. It looks that way so far. But mostly, I wanna point out your grammar. Do you have an editor? Yes or No? Here's a fault:

I now have a trial right to him.

A trial? What, you mean Bats' gonna take Ras to court? The word you're looking for is trail.

Another problem I seem to have noticed is how they talk. So far, Barbara and Alfred seem fine, but Batman sounds a bit... OOC when he's talking in the lines that you write. Doesn't sound right. He comes across as an optimistic fellow and highly enthusiastic. Robin comes across as too much sceptical when he talks about Twilight. A few replays of the game might help you get the hang of how they talk. It tends to work.

No comment on Fries. He is a scientist, first and foremost and he seems to accept that if Twilight is standing there and is talking, then of course he takes it and doesn't question it. Guess that works.

I'm gonna fav this just to see where you're going with this.

3200966 He's already best butler. Now's he be best pony. Which would also make him best butler pony!!!!!
Heh. Went a little :pinkiecrazy: there for a sec.:twilightblush:

3199029 Here is the name of another one "My Little Arkham".

I am canceling Batman: Marekham City. Reason: the story was fueled by my bathype from the games and this fuel has burned out a long time ago. If anybody feels like taking the story forward, I am willing to give my permission to continue it, and provide new author(s) with some general ideas I had for the characters. I apologize all those who were waiting for new chapters.

3711602 why not just put it on hiatus until you get some more bathype Bat-Hype

Because it is unlikely I'm going to get any. With Nolan's trilogy over and Arkham Origins being rather disappointing (at least for me) there was nothing to inspire me. Writing this fic has really taught me a great deal, but at the moment I've created enough original content to hold on to, thus making Batman obsolete.

4312676 BUT WHAT IF I TOLD YOU... I AM BATMAN :rainbowdetermined2:
da da da da - dada

Though should bath-hype return to you. please do continue

WHY?!?!!? WHY IS THIS CANCELED? :fluttercry: This story is so awesome and well done!

Hi, I'm glad you liked these couple of chapters! :yay:
Unfortunately, the decision of canceling it still stands. It was certainly fun while it lasted, though!

5508521 Maybe you could at least think about letting someone else take up writing this story? That would be awesome! :rainbowkiss:

By all means, yes! The moment I canceled it I said I was alright with somebody else taking over, but no one seemed interested in it. If you're willing to continue it, or know someone who's interested in the setting, let me know and I'll do my best to share what little I remember about the grand scheme I had for the heroes and villains of Arkham! :raritywink:

Why was this cancelled? Is someone else restarting this story?

Hello Starlight, thanks for dropping by!

Crossovers are like a bike's training wheels - it's good to have them when you're starting to write in a new setting, but eventually you have enough own ideas about said setting that you can detach them without the fear of falling. That's what happened with this story: at some point I decided I'd like to write purely pony stuff, plus I wasn't that hyped about Arkham games anymore.

No one has ever approached me with taking over the story, but if they did, I would be more than happy to give them my blessing and share what little ideas for the plot I remember. :raritywink:

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