• Published 7th Dec 2012
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Diamond Tiara Likes Anime - Yukito

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Diamond Tiara Likes Conventions For Anime

Diamond Tiara’s eyes grew heavy as she stared down at her exercise book, flipping through the pages to check over her answers to make sure that they were right. After making a few adjustments here and there and making a few doodles of catponies and tiaras on the side of her page, she was satisfied with her work and put down her pen whilst she waited for the class to end.

“Snips,” Cheerilee said at the back of the class. “About this homework you handed in…”

“Is there a problem, Miss Cheerilee?” Snips asked, obviously nervous by the tone of his voice.

“How to put this delicately… Can you stay after class, so that we can discuss it? It’s just… not terribly up to standard.”

Snips groaned, and Cheerilee made her way back to the front of the class. Diamond Tiara heard Snips and Snails whispering to each other behind her and could vaguely make out Snails telling Snips that he shouldn’t have done his homework at literally the last minute.

Diamond Tiara smirked to herself and whispered: “Mada mada dane.”

“What was that?” Silver Spoon asked, causing Diamond to snap to attention and turn to her friend.

“Uh… I said that Math is boring.”

“Ugh. Totally.”

Diamond Tiara sighed in relief that she had managed to get out of that just fine. ‘I’ve got to be more careful with that. I keep quoting anime out loud like that, and I’m going to get caught.

“You’re leaving tonight, aren’t you?” Silver Spoon asked. Diamond Tiara nodded. “… You wanna come over my house before you leave?”

Diamond Tiara shifted her eyes to look over at Sweetie Belle, who was still hard at work – and looked to be having trouble – and then back at Silver Spoon. She told Sweetie Belle that she would meet her at Carousel Boutique after she had packed today, so that they could go over their convention plans one last time together.

Silver Spoon turned to her book and started to scribble in the corner of the page with her pen. “We don’t hang out that much anymore…” she said, bringing a frown to Diamond’s face. “What gives? Are you losing interest in me?”

“O-Of course not,” Diamond said, leaning over and placing a hoof on Silver Spoon’s shoulder. “I just… I’ve just been going through some things lately, that’s all.”

“What kind of things?”

“Uh… family things?” Silver Spoon didn’t seem to be buying it.

“Ugh, just forget it,” Silver Spoon said, leaning her head onto her table and turning to face away from Diamond Tiara.

Diamond was about to say something, but Cheerilee caught the two talking and reminded them that they were to work in silence. Letting out a heavy sigh, Diamond Tiara leaned down on her own table, her excitement for the coming weekend suddenly slipping away.

Sweetie Belle noticed Diamond Tiara’s strange behaviour ever since she arrived at Carousel Boutique, but when she asked about it, Diamond denied anything being wrong. Sweetie wasn’t sure what else she could do, so she simply left it for now, hoping that she would feel better after a few episodes of HeatPony J. She did not.

She then suggested a game of Po-Ni-Oh!, but that did little to raise Diamond’s spirits, either. It probably didn’t help that Sweetie Belle went all out, and completely thrashed Diamond Tiara.

A Hayblade match, a new episode Ponypuff Fillies Z, and even the first Ponymon movie failed to lift Diamond’s spirits, and when the two fillies boarded the train to Manehattan along with Rarity, Sweetie Belle finally decided to ask what was wrong.

“It’s nothing,” Diamond insisted.

“Come on, it’s clearly not nothing,” Sweetie Belle said. “Are you worried about being away from home for the weekend?” Diamond Tiara shook her head. “Are you feeling unwell?” Diamond shook her head again. “Hmmm… Ooh! Is this the ‘pre-mens-trell’ thingy that Miss Cheerilee told us about?”

Rarity almost choked on her tea and quickly looked around to see if anypony was listening in. Thankfully, there were no ponies nearby. “Sweetie Belle, that’s not the sort of thing you should bring up in polite conversation.”

“Why not? Miss Cheerilee said it’s all natural, and nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Even so-”

“It’s not that,” Diamond Tiara said in an annoyed tone, her face red. “It’s… something else. I’d just prefer not to talk about it.”

Rarity smiled and placed a hoof on Diamond’s shoulder. “That’s quite alright, darling,” she said reassuringly. “You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to. Just know that we are here for you if you ever decide you need somepony to talk to.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and wrapped her forelegs around Diamond Tiara. “Yeah! I don’t know how much help I’ll be, but I’ll always be willing to listen and do whatever I can to help.”

Diamond Tiara, despite feeling a little annoyed at having her personal space violated – which she demonstrated by pushing Sweetie Belle away – still smiled and thanked Sweetie Belle and Rarity for their kindness.

The two fillies slept through most of the train trip to Manehattan, and when Rarity woke them up after they had arrived, Diamond Tiara was feeling a lot better. She was still down about Silver Spoon, but she decided not to let it ruin her first ever convention.

I’ll definitely fix things with Silver as soon as I get home,’ she told herself as she and Sweetie Belle followed Rarity to the hotel that they would be staying at for the weekend.

The first day of the convention finally arrived, and two very excited little fillies wasted no time getting themselves ready in the morning, by eating their breakfasts, taking quick showers, brushing their teeth, getting changed into their costumes, and then packing their lunches and sorting out their bags, making sure that they had everything they needed.

Rarity, on the other hoof, wasn’t quite as excited as the two fillies were. In fact, being woken up at seven in the morning, when the convention started at ten, no less, didn’t exactly put her in the best of moods, and it took all of her willpower not to snap and start the day off badly for her sister and her sister’s friend.

By 08:30, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara were already ready to go. Rarity had tried to go back to sleep, but when that proved impossible, she resigned herself to her fate of an early morning, and dragged herself around the hotel room to get herself ready.

Sweetie Belle hopped through the convention hall excitedly as soon as she entered, looking in awe at all of the costumes she saw, the video game demonstrations on display, and all of the stalls of various merchandise. Anime, manga, figurines, video games, card games, cosplay props… It was like a dream come true for the two excited little fillies.

“Hey!” one of the convention staff shouted. “No running in the convention hall! Somepony could get hurt.”

“Terribly sorry, sir,” Rarity said as she quickly caught up to her sister, with Diamond Tiara alongside her. “She’s just a little excited for her first convention is all.”

“I can understand that, but safety must come first, y’hear?” Sweetie Belle nodded, and the staff member smiled down at her. “Well, enjoy the rest of the convention, okay?”

“I will!” Sweetie Belle said, getting ready to run off again, but stopping when she saw the hard stare from her sister. “Eheheh… sorry.”

The three walked through the hall, stopping at each stall on the way – or rather, each stall that had space for the two fillies to actually take a look at the merchandise – and the two fillies pointing out and identifying as many costumes as they could.

As they were passing by a manga stall, Rarity caught sight of a familiar stallion in the crowds. It was hard to recognise him at first with his costume on, but as soon as he was close enough to her, she quickly recognised him as Shining Armour, Twilight Sparkle’s big brother.

“R-Rarity?” he asked as he passed her by, looking a little nervous. “W-What a surprise! I didn’t know you were into this stuff.”

Rarity giggled and waved her hoof dismissively. “Oh, no no no noooo… I’m not against it, but I’m not exactly a fan, either.” She motioned her head towards her sister. “I’m here with my sister and her friend.”

Shining Armour, now blushing, nodded and leaned forward. “Hey,” he whispered, “Um, listen… any chance you don’t tell Twilie about this?”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow at the strange request. “Why? I hardly think Twilight, of all ponies, would have a problem with you liking something like this.”

Shining pulled back and scratched the back of his head nervously through his long black wig. “Well… it’s just that, as a kid, she really liked the old anime shows they used to show… Y’know, stuff like Draconequusball, and Sea Pony Melody…” Shining shuddered as he took a moment to remember certain times that Twilight, as a filly, would start singing loudly in their room when he was trying to study. “… And, she got teased for it at school. At first, she just denied liking it. But later, she actually grew to hate the stuff and wanted nothing to do with anime at all…”

“Oh, surely you don’t think she’s still like that?” Rarity asked. Shining nodded. “Come now, Twilight may be sensitive, and may do silly things every now and then, but I’m sure she’s over whatever awful things may have happened to her at school when she was just a little filly.”

Shining shook his head. “You’d think so, but Twilie can be pretty stubborn sometimes… She spent so long trying to convince everypony that she doesn’t like anime that now, it’s become part of who she is.”

Rarity couldn’t help but disagree with what Shining Armour was saying. “I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t mind if she found out you like anime… but if you still insist on me keeping it a secret, then I shall do just that.”

“Thanks, Rarity,” Shining Armour said with a smile.

“Byakuya Kuchiki!” Sweetie Belle shouted out, pointing up at Shining Armour.

“With his ‘Sen-pone-zakura’!” Diamond Tiara added excitedly.

Shining Armour smiled at the two fillies and waved at them. “Hello there. You two enjoying the convention so far?”

The two nodded, and Sweetie gave a sly grin to Rarity. “So, you found yourself a new ‘special friend’?”

Rarity blushed and quickly shook her head. “Sweetie Belle! Do you not recognise him?”

Sweetie looked at the stallion confusedly, but then immediately recognised him when he removed his wig. “Shining Armour?!”

“That’s right,” Shining said, placing his wig back on. He turned his attention to Diamond Tiara. “And who’s this? I don’t believe I’ve met her before.”

“Diamond Tiara,” Diamond said with a small bow. “Nice to meet you.”

Shining placed a hoof to his chin. “Hmmm… that name seems familiar…” Try as he might, he couldn’t quite place his hoof on it. “Well, nice to meet you. I have to go and meet up with somepony now, but I hope you three enjoy the rest of the convention.”

“We will,” Sweetie Belle assured him, with Diamond Tiara nodding in agreement. After he left, Sweetie turned her attention to Rarity. “Hey, Rarity?”

“Yes, Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle picked up a manga that was on Diamond Tiara’s back and opened it up. “What are these two colts doing?” she asked as she showed her the inside.

Rarity’s face immediately turned red as she saw an image of two handsome – very handsome – teenage colts embracing each other in a field of flowers, one of them placing his lips on the other’s neck, and the other looking like he was in a state of pure bliss.

“Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-That’s…” Rarity took the manga from Sweetie Belle and closed it up. “That’s… not something you need to know about. Not until you’re older, at least.”

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “Why?” she asked.

“They’re just vamponies, right?” Diamond asked, but Sweetie Belle shook her head.

“I told you, the previous page showed that it was day. Vamponies can’t go out during the day.”

“What if they’re reverse vamponies?”

Sweetie put a hoof to her chin as she considered it, and Rarity decided to use this chance. “Y-Yes! That’s right,” she said. “They’re just reverse vamponies. Nothing more.”

The two stared at her oddly for a few seconds, but then simply shrugged and decided to move on. Rarity let out a sigh of relief, and went to put the manga back on the stall. She stopped just as she was about to place it down and quickly glanced left and right, before facing the stall owner. “Excuse me, but how much is this?”

The rest of the convention’s first day went rather well for the two fillies. There were a few disappointments here and there, such as not being able to see various special guests due to arriving at the panel late and having trouble getting to and purchasing some merchandise due to the huge crowds, but all-in-all, it was a great experience for the two of them, one which neither would forget any time soon.

Rarity wouldn’t, either. She never would have thought that the video games her sister played could be so addicting, and after just one round of Russell the Hedgehog, she had to purchase the game for herself… and the console to play it. And after playing a few more games, she soon found her wallet slowly slimming away at the video game stall.

She also managed to strike a deal with a fashion firm during the cosplay masquerade, after they found out that she designed Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara’s costumes. They wanted her to design cosplay outfits for their clients, and they would split the profits 50-50.

After the crowds had died down a bit, the three decided to go around the dealer’s stalls one more time, to visit the stalls that they previously couldn’t. In particular, a certain figurine stall really caught Diamond Tiara’s attention, as it had figures of some of her most favourite characters.

She bought two big figures and four small ones – all of which Rarity was made to carry – most of which Rarity recognised from the anime that she watched with them. The last one, however, took both her and Sweetie Belle by surprise. It was a figure of a pale pony, covered with blood, with chains and shackles attached to its hooves and a demonic grin on its face.

It sent shivers down Sweetie Belle’s spine from her just looking at it, and Rarity was amazed that Diamond Tiara had an interest in such anime.

By evening, the three decided to have some dinner in the park just around the corner to the convention hall. After finding a nice spot underneath a large oak tree, Diamond Tiara offered to set things up and look after their bags, whilst Rarity and Sweetie Belle went to a nearby fast-food shop to pick up some dinner.

“Today was so awesome,” Diamond Tiara said to herself as she flipped though a volume of Harmonical Gelade. “I bet tomorrow will be even better…”

“Hey!” Diamond Tiara looked up from her book and looked side-to-side. She saw an orange filly approaching her. “I remember you. Diamond Tiara, right?”

Diamond studied the approaching filly for a bit. No cutie mark… red hair… red cape with the Cutie Mark Crusader logo on it… “Oh!” she said as she remembered who the filly was. “You’re blan-I mean, Apple Bloom’s cousin, aren’t you? Um… Bad Seed?”

Babs Seed!” Babs corrected. “What’s with the costume?”

Diamond Tiara looked over herself and remembered that she was still in her magical filly cosplay. “W-What does it matter to you?”

Babs laughed and approached Diamond Tiara. “So, the big, tough rich kid is actually just some soft little filly, huh?”

“G-Go away!” Diamond shouted, getting up and glaring at Babs.

“I wonder if that friend of yours knows about this?” Diamond made the mistake of flinching very noticeably. “So she doesn’t? Well, I guess I know what I’m writing in my next letter to Apple Bloom, then.”

“N-No! You can’t!”

“What, it’s okay for you to embarrass others, but the other way round isn’t?” Babs moved even closer to Diamond Tiara, getting into her face. “Time to take a dose of your own medicine!”

“Babs!” Babs and Diamond turned to see Sweetie Belle running towards them, an excited look on her face. “Wow, it’s really you! How have you been?” Sweetie Belle asked as she jumped forward to tackle-hug Babs.

Babs tried to pry Sweetie Belle off of her, but found it rather difficult. “S-Sweetie Belle? You’re here, too?”

“Sure am!” Sweetie said, letting go and smiling widely at her friend. “Oh, you remember Diamond Tiara, don’t you?”

Babs nodded. “I do, but… why are the two of you together?”

Sweetie Belle looked over at Diamond Tiara, who was motioning for her to stay silent. “Uh… well, we’re uh…”

“It’s none of your business!” Diamond shouted, pushing Babs as a way of telling her to move along.

“Get your hooves off me!” Babs shouted, pushing Diamond back.

“G-Girls,” Sweetie Belle said, getting in-between them. “Please, don’t fight.”

“Sweetie Belle, don’t tell me you’re actually sticking up for her!” Babs said. Sweetie nodded. “You’ve gotta be kidding me! After all she’s done to you guys? Apple Bloom told me about how she’s still giving you trouble!”

“I-It’s not like that… anymore,” Sweetie Belle said. “We’re friends now. She’s not as mean as she used to be… kinda.”

“Kinda?” Diamond asked, raising her eyebrow.

“Well, you still kinda have a bit of a temper,” Sweetie Belle said.

“I WHAT?!” Diamond shouted, before composing herself and clearing her throat. “I what?” she asked, much more quietly this time.

“Babs! We’re leaving!”

Babs turned around and faced her parents in the distance. “Coming!” she shouted before turning back to Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara. “… I don’t know why you would want to be friends with the likes of her,” she said, pointing at Diamond Tiara, who simply glared in response. “But whatever. You wanna hang out with a bully, that’s your own choice… Just don’t come cryin’ to me when she humiliates you for her own fun…”

As Babs Seed walked away and Sweetie Belle waved her goodbye to her, Diamond Tiara’s mood sank back to the level it was at the previous day.

Silver Spoon’s going to find out, for sure! Why did this have to happen? And things were going so well, too…

“Diamond? You okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, giving Diamond a concerned look. “Did… Did you and Babs get into a fight just now?”

Diamond Tiara looked up at Sweetie Belle and, before she knew what she was doing, reached out and wrapped her forelegs around the other filly. She didn’t care if she was out where ponies could see her, or if she looked like a complete idiot… She just needed her friend right now.

Author's Note:

I'll be honest, I hit writer's block many times this chapter. Still, I hope it turned out alright.

Only one more chapter left, and it should be coming out within this week, so stay tuned everypony.

Oh, and thanks to Karna for the 'Draconequusball' idea. Wanted a pony pun for Dragonball, but couldn't think of anything. Hope you didn't mind me using it ^_^;;

Thanks to Mager Blutooth for proof-reading all six chapters and cleanin' them all up a bit ^_^