• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 29th, 2023


coffee. desk. beat on repeat. and then i bang my head against the keyboard a lot, like don music from the muppets.


"We want most that which we cannot have," or so the saying goes. After what I've seen, and the things I've had to do, I would agree.

But I won't stop protecting my city. Not for anything.

Because the only thing more dangerous than someone who blindly chases an impossible dream is someone who finds it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Commence read...
Laptop died half way through, but its great!
Can't wait for another chapter, keep up the good work!
Edit: :'(

~Here comes the Mare in Black...~
~Galaxy Defender...~
This just popped into my head when I read the title.
Commencing read.

Wow, that's an interesting take on HiE.
I mean, I've thought about an Equestria where HiE's are common, but a MiB-type agency to help control them? Nice.

Whoever gets the maybe-not-so clever linguistic joke with Lyra's Agent name first wins a prize: a short oneshot written by me on a prompt of their choice.

1745400 I actually have no idea.
A star in the constellation Lyra? A musical chord? Even a twist on Discord?
You have piqued my interest.

None of the above, sorry. Here's a hint: the wordplay comes from a language other than English.

Sorry, but this is a oneshot. If you liked it, though, I would encourage you to check out some of my other stuff.

I'm pretty sure I got it, but double-checking on Wikipedia probably counted as cheating, lol.

Edit: It's quite fitting, though. :twilightsmile:

1745804 You mind telling me? If you don't care about the prize, that's fine, but I'm curious to see if you got it.

Heartstrings, I think.

... yes. This.

1745859 Nice. All right, PM me your idea if and when you have one, and I'll try to get it out at some point.:pinkiesmile:

1745859 Dangit! Why didnt I see that?! :twilightangry2:
Also, fun fact : This symbol: ?! is called an "interrobang".
Fitting name, huh?

Stereo Sub... Why must you be amazing...
This story is great. I love you and you are fantastic. Everything you touch turns into a golden-chocolate pony.
Yet... you were spending time on this and not on the Eternal Song...
I have mixed feelings on this matter and can only be expressed as such.

I have said it once and I'll say it again. Stereo Sub is best pony.

Don't worry, the next chapter of TES is around halfway finished. Should be done sometime by next week if not sooner. And thanks again for the praise.

But I still haven't finished Skyrim! You can't release the next -- oh, that TES. Do want. :twilightsmile:

>dat pic

I can't not read this.


After some brief research, I found that 'Corda' is Portuguese for 'string' or 'chord.' Lyres obviously have strings and 'chord' is a musical term. I'm not sure if either of those are the answer you were looking for, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Since silvernis already got it, I suppose I'll spill it here.

'Corda' is a portmanteau of the latin words for 'heart' (cor) and string (chorda). Heart + string. Lyra Heartstrings.

Like I said, not too clever, but I got a minor kick out of it anyway.:twilightblush:


Ah, I see. Ha. Hahaha.

1746791 I would greatly appreciate it if you let me know what you think after you do read it. As I'm sure you already know, I value your input a lot.

1747152 I've actually heard the word Corda before, and I might've gotten it if I was here earlier. Love the story by the way. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia2.png

1747152 and yet you wrote a Portuguese word in a perfectly sensible situtaion with perfect grammar. Funny coincidende no?

1748479 I suppose it is.


Well, that was good. It's not often pony fan fics have a real message to them. I quite like this for what it is. A slightly barbed 'get over yourself' take down of self insert human in Equestria fanfics, hidden behind an amusing concept. Not exactly a sweet story, but there was enough heart in there that it didn't feel like a hate chant to HiE stories. Good job.

Also, 'Corda'. I that's kinda clever.

Huh. Took me a while to get around to this one, seeing as I don't particularly care for HumanObsessed!Lyra, HiE or MiB, but it's not really a story about any of them. Great message here, Stereo.

I was going to give ALL of my yes, but there aren't enough yesses.

Same river, same bucket, slightly different extractions of water. :twilightsmile:

I love that turn of phrase. :pinkiesmile:

Was looking for a story about a ponyfied Johnny Cash, am now disappointed.

Sorry, I guess.:derpytongue2:

Comment posted by Stereo_Sub deleted Dec 26th, 2014

I know the artist of that picture. Met him before. Cool Guy.

I am grateful that you happened to stop by Estee's story; that brought me here to this masterpiece. As a fellow friend-lacking brony, I can relate to David's longing to just get away from it all--and the message that it's better to try and fail in making friends and bettering your own world than pining for the impossible dream of running away to a fictional one--which may well be as messed up as yours in reality.
If I weren't on a dying phone at the moment, I'd insert that clapping-audience GIF; this fic deserves it.

I reviewed this, a long time ago. In short: I liked the setup, and having Octavia as Lyra's boss was nice. It does go rather stereotypically brony-in-Equestria later on, though, and the ending sounds like an authorial lecture.

Friendship is universal

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