• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


A writer. I try to write at least... Video games are REALLY distracting though...and work...and life...Eh. Well if you have time go ahead and give my stuff a chance ^~^ I'm a pretty nice person


After finding his mothers favorite dress in the attic, Big Mac muses on his thoughts involving the dress and thoughts he has been trying to seal away for years.


If you decide for whatever reason to dislike this please tell me why. I really wish to get better.

Oldest story. Don't expect much. Just sayin.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 48 )

I thought Big Mac was gonna wear the dress and prance about like a pretty princess.

Boy, was I wrong.

Eeyu.... Wait.......
Wat? Eh If he feels he is not right in his body then who are we to stop him? Honestly I like this fic and it definately is one of the better I dont know what to categorize it as but damn its good. I was expecting a deep family thing but nope its a deep seated feeling of not belonging in ones own body. Clever Clever my friend.

So Big Mac wishes he had been born a filly? Well that can be arranged.

Whoa...A buncha likes and POSITIVE feedback? Whoa. That's awesome. You are all awesome. I really didn't think it would be doing this good.

I love this!

I have the strangest urge to build on this. Mind you, I likely never will, but I will inform you if I ever do :scootangel:


Niceness. That'd be pretty cool.

Written a bit awkwardly, but damn, those feels pack a punch!


Yeah I thought the same while writing it but I didn't know how to make it less akward. But hey thanks for reading and giving me some criticism.

well that made me laugh a bit at the fact that he wanted to wear a dress :rainbowderp:


It went a bit deeper than just the dress there mate.

1697508 i know but the idea of him wearing a dress made me laugh a little


Well it's not so much wearing the dress as much as how a mare would feel wearing it. They would feel beautiful and he cannot do that.

1697534 its the idea that was put in my head from your story

1697543 now you understand what i meant?


Yup. The image is pretty humorous.

Sorry it took a while to get around to reading this.
Poor Big Mac. I don't know all the words for the feels I'm having over here.
But I like this.


Nice. Thanks for taking a look though.

Fairly well written, but there are issues with formatting and tense. You indent some paragraphs while you don't others, and you shift from past tense to present tense several times. Otherwise, pretty good, and an interesting idea. :twilightsmile:


Yeah honestly the indenting was random. I don't know much bout formatting in that aspect so I did it to ones that felt right and went from there.


Threw ya for a loop didn't I? :trollestia:

Damn straight. It threw me all over the place.

well, can't say i was expecting that!!! but still, it makes you wonder what goes on in Big Mac's head...

love it though!:twilightsmile:


The idea here is kind of interesting. It's surprising!

However, this could have been much better expanded. Also, his diction like "Purty" is maybe a bit overdone.

But not so bad.

Da fuq? :rainbowhuh::applejackconfused:
Im not saying this story is bad, it just... :twilightoops:

Mac: Wait a minute, Miss Twilight. Will this spell cross an ethical and moral line ponykind was never meant to cross?
<The lavender mares shrugs, and sitting on her haunches, holds her forehooves an inch apart>-

---Seriously though, liked the story^^


Wow. Haven't gotten a comment on this thing in a while. Maybe one day I'll actually edit it. Thanks though.

I know I am late to this party, but someone just pointed this story out to me (I seek out and read all transpony stories as the rest of my comments will make obvious). This story hit pretty strongly, which is impressive giving its short length. The sense of duty to the family, the pain of being in a body of the wrong configuration, and the sense of futility in dealing with his large size. I definitely dealt with the middle one and the latter one to a lesser extend (while larger than most guys, and almost all girls in my area; I do sort of manage to not get read by everyone (16 months hormones sure helped me), but I am not as much bigger as poor Mac is). Brought back a lot of memories.

Your story had just been added to the comprehensive list of transpony stories I keep on my userpage (CyborgPony) as well as on the mirror thread List of Transpony Stories On And Off Fimfiction I just started on the Transgender Bronies group. It includes stories both on fimfiction, and off; for those who are interested. There are only a couple that I know of that I still need to add to the list (been very busy), but I believe I have all the SFW ones out there. Obviously, if anyone finds one not on the list, let me know.

4760372 *Flails arms in surprise*

Bluh!?! Someone's not only liked, but commented on this?! Holy crapsticks! That's awesome! Thank you so much X3 I'm so glad you liked it. If you have any ideas for helping to improve it, I'd be very thankful. I also have in mind another one shot dealing with this subject, though touching on it much less with an introspective way and more with how their connections with certain others are effected if you might be interested in proofreading since you liked this one. ^3^ But obviously this is only if you're interested. Otherwise thank you, thank you, thank you!


Well, you might be getting a few more people coming on here and reading it, and possibly commenting, now that it has become a bit more widely known (added it to the Trangender Bronies group will will get it noticed).

I'm not the best writer myself, so I may not be the best person to ask. When you write it, I would be interested in pre-reading it (may not have time to do proofreading, but who knows).


That's what I meant. Pre-reading. I would like the viewpoint of someone who understand what I'm writing better than I do. I understood Big Mac's struggle with his size (Being over six feet and gentically muscular does not = cute ) But the rest I don't have experience with personally. I may be able to write some but I would like REAL emotions behind what I write. Ya know?


Well, you did a pretty good job despite inexperience. Of course I can pre-read for that. Also, being over 6 foot and being genetically muscular can = cute. I've seen it before, in cis girls even. Look at a women's basketball team (reminds me, on campus a few months ago, I actually felt like a small woman when I ran into the team which were mostly bigger than me by quite a ways and looked quite good).


Eh. Doesn't work for this fella, irritatingly. *Shrugs* I've just always dealt with it. But anyway. Imma get back to working on that. I'm actually kind of excited to get to writing it now X3


*hugs about it not working* That is good tat you are excited.

4767979 Yay hugs! *HUG* Thank ya, thank ya. Now I just gotta stop getting distracted XD

so sweet. i wish he can have his wish.:fluttercry:

Ummm, yeah...I can't really come up with a dignified comment here. I'll just throw a couple emotes up that capture my feelings right now.:fluttercry::raritycry::heart:



Thank ya much. This was actually my first finished story on the site so I always like when people like it X3 thank you much again.


Okay. Now that I've had time to compose myself...

This story was deeply touching on a very personal level. It was also just a little depressing.

That said, my mental image of Big Mac runs in the opposite direction. FtM.


I think MtF for Caramel personally. But that's because he shows up looking like Mac first. Then looks more like a normal pony. (Smaller) And then later he was a she.



You have your acronym letters reversed there, as that's clearly a male turning female rather than a female turning male.


Ah. Thanks. My bad. Tired


5498597 OOOOO I just got why the jobs and not... XD

6563329 I have no clue what you just said.

6563525 THATS GOOD O3O YOU SAW NOTHING! *wacks you with a foam noodlez and runz*

this strikes home more than I thought it would... being the eldest child, the one depended on, the strong one, the responsible one, etc... and even with my parents still being in the picture, I was the rock of my family for years... it just hurts seeing my fav character going through what I have...

I have a negative emotional response to this. Good writing.

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