• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



Eight Minutes, it takes a short eight minutes for the light of the sun to hit Equestria. Eight minutes where the ponies of Equestria can enjoy their lives. This is the story, of those last Eight minutes.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 71 )

I'm going to read this. It's a Complete story. And short. I shall read.

Oops, gotta go, will read later, kthxbye!

Interesting, Interesting..... *kliks read later*

Btw, Same avatar :rainbowkiss:

Hmm... Interesting. Reading on.

Oh my... You are quite the feels-hitter. I must admit, I started tearing up a bit when Sweetie got her cutie mark, and even more so when Applebloom got hers. And then Scootaloo... I can't say enough good things about this story. Well done.

^Try playing this while reading^

A very emotional story. I think we've all stopped to ponder how we would live if this was our last day, even if it's only an exercise in critical thinking. Your themes really made me smile. I'd like to believe that all of us would spend our last moments like our favorite ponies did. Consumed with love, acceptance, and even if there might be fear, we know that we aren't alone. There are a few minor spelling/grammar errors, such as Spike's name needing to be capitalized in the final section, but overall it's a very enjoyable little story.

Wow, great story. :fluttercry: so sad

Hnnnnng damnit
why must they die?

Made me cry... true story. :raritydespair: :pinkiesad2:

Am I the only one counting down to it getting featured? This, this is gold, man...

Well that wasn't much fun :raritycry:

Man. Talk about sad.
If this doesn't get featured, then nothing should.

Wow. The feels man, DA FEEELS. I was so sad the whole time.:fluttercry:

BUCKING. AMAZING. This had better get featured, or I'm going to go nuts. :pinkiesad2:


sorry had to get it out:twilightblush: great story but sad.....:ajsleepy:

This made me cry and thinking about how I would spend my last 8 minute's

W-wow....that has to be the best response to one of my stories ever....

Well if this gets featured, I will be very surprised considering I only have 12 hours invested into this story.

Honestly, if my schedule was more clear....and I wasn't working on 3 other stories, this would have been much better, lol.

I really wasn't expecting so many "This better get featured" comments. lol.

I'd like to thank everyone who said this story was good, I would have thanked you all individually as you posted comments but I was up all night writing this so, I had taken a nap.

Lets just say waking up three hours later to sixty five notifications is a great way to start the rest of your day, again, I am very grateful for all of your support, and kind words.

I uh, didn't write a speech for this one...lol.........well I don't ever write a speech, its a figure of speech to say I didn't write a speech....well I just made it awkward......

Anyway, uh, making this as, well honest as I can, because I really didn't think this was uh, that good....I was expecting the kind of Response that I got to flight........you know the standard ten likes, one dislike, and maybe three or four comments, lol. (Thats usually what I get when I write something short...)

So again thank you all very much, Know I have read each and every one of your comments and that I am appreciative of every single one. Honestly if it wasn't for your support and feedback, I would still be writing noob stories....I am grateful for any creative criticism you might have on this so my future endeavors can pull even more emotions, because my ultimate goal is to write the most emotional story ever...

Well this is unnecessarily long and I don't quite know how to end it...so, uh.....end of post?

P.S. If anyone spots errors, which some of you have already, I will try to correct them asap! Thanks for spotting them and then letting me know!

Noooo! The sun can't go Red giant so fast! I hate you! :raritycry:

Have a thumbs up.


Well...being the science geek that I am....:twilightblush:

The proper term is "Super Nova" and well, if the sun goes super nova, you're screwed, because not only does it take the earth (Equestria in this case) with it, but it also takes everything within a 1 light year radius. Or something like that.

Lets just say, Pluto little Pluto would be the only planet for about an hour while the sun expanded.

And the reason it happened in Eight minutes, is that's how fast it takes for the light and heat to travel from the sun, and if the sun expands at the speed of light, which it does when it goes super nova, you got Eight minutes till you are vaporized.

But that's just science....:rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

Science... You little bastard.

I had a dream like this once. But it was a missile I created that caused the sun to go boom...

Stories like this really make you think about life and what it means. What is our purpose in life? Why are we here? What is our meaning? And so on...

This also makes us realize that our time is so short compared to the rest of the cosmos. We live like what? 70 to 80 years? Then we're gone. How did we spend that short time? Was it worth it all in the end? How did we spend the last moments of our life?

In the end, does it all really matter?

My answer is YES! It does matter in the end. We were put here for a reason. Let's figure it out.

You may never know, figuring it all out may come down to the last 8.5 minutes.

That or else I'm just being really philosophical right now...
Damn that I-Doser Black Sunshine track. Makes ya think really hard on the deep junk...
This story just helped to deepen it.


The sun doesn't have enough mass to go supernova. At best, it'll slowly swell into a red giant as it exhausts it's fuel before collapsing into a white dwarf. There is currently debate as to whether the Earth would survive. As the sun expands, so too would the Earth's orbit and it would be a race between the two. By that point, we'll more then likely have FTL drives so there won't be any Apocalypses going on.

No, the real danger has to be a Gamma Ray Burst. A burst of radiation from a collapsing star or a black hole's accretion disk that's so powerful, it would burn through 25% of the Earth's o-zone layer and would kill bacteria that are 2,000 times more resistant to radiation then we are. And we have no way of stopping it.

1687985 1688049 1688381

It won't get featured because there are to many clop fics and sex crazed people on the internet.

Frankly I'm fine with it not being featured, as I didn't expect a response like this, but still...its a nice thought.

Oh no wait, a new clopfic came out, well this is bumped 4 stories down the list now.....

I know it sucks that it works that way.......but it just does.

lol :rainbowlaugh:

1693463 *Sighs* There should be some rule that makes it impossible for clop to get into the featured box.


Go read my most recent blog post, I think you'll like it. lol :rainbowlaugh:

1693639 Ooh! Complaints about the feature box? I'm in! *Grabs popcorn*:pinkiehappy:


I honestly just think there should be a separate one, even if you turn the mature filter off, you can still see the mature fictions in it............And even then, I don't want to turn mature off because some people over rate their stories.... (Can't think of an example right now) But still. Even then its too much, there should atleast be a limit so that no more than half of the feature box can be clop.

That feeling in my chest. It's off-centre, just to the left... Is that my heart? And my eyes...


Let's see, when was the last time I had feels on this level... The last time Glim updated, but that's pretty obligatory... I don't even know. Instead, have a poem.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labor, and my leisure too,
For his civility.

We passed the school, where children strove
At recess, in the ring;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.

Or rather, he passed us;
The dews grew quivering and chill,
For only gossamer my gown,
My tippet only tulle.

We paused before a house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.

Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.

Because Emily Dickinson is relevant to everything.

To all of you who said this should be featured. I have submitted it to EqD, as much as I hate EqD for telling me my other story has countless grammatical errors when I ran it through both google documents and microsoft word, AND the spell check on firefox, and then I even had three different, independent, proofreaders read it...

Sorry got off topic, I have submitted this story to EqD, its doomed to fail because its about 475 Words short of their word requirement for one shots, but I figured it worth a shot since you all like it so much.


I wish there was a like feature in the comments section, I would like this post so hard it wouldn't know what hit it.

A poem...that has to be the nicest thing anyone has commented on my story ever......poems are nice things, I want more! :twilightsmile:


More poems? Got it.

There once was a man from Peru
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe
He awoke with a fright
In the middle of the night
To find that his dream had come true

Just messing with ya. Have some more Dickinson, though.

I heard a fly buzz when I died;
The stillness round my form
Was like the stillness in the air
Between the heaves of storm.

The eyes beside had wrung them dry,
And breaths were gathering sure
For that last onset, when the king
Be witnessed in his power.

I willed my keepsakes, signed away
What portion of me I
Could make assignable,-and then
There interposed a fly,

With blue, uncertain, stumbling buzz,
Between the light and me;
And then the windows failed, and then
I could not see to see.


Thats deep. I have no idea the meanings because I'm half asleep right now because I have been up for like 4 straight days....but that's deep man.

1694210 When you've been awake for 4 days, make like an elephant and get poached!

That... Sentence got away from me...


EqD has turned this story down due to "this story contains numerous persistent grammar and punctuation errors which disqualify it for posting."

So again, I'd like to know were said errors are.............this is the second time they have rejected one of my stories for the reason, I wish they would tell me what errors........

Anyway, people, lets help me get these grammar errors fixed! lol.......they "Aren't Interested In Posting This Story" but they did look at it even though it was below the minimum word count. I do not think it received a strike so I feel with the community working together to point out as many errors as you can find, we can get this story somewhere that people can enjoy it. My goal here is to spread the feels.......I haven't spread the feels enough, I won't be happy until I'm told people have had the feels.

I don't know if anyone's posted this before, but to my knowledge, the sun would take more than eight minutes to destroy a planet. To do so, it would have to expand at lightspeed, and I don't think that stars supernova at lightspeed. Still a great story either way, you got my eyes to tear a bit at the end, good job.

Rarity put her hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder, "I don't think its a joke, darling."

"Bad things sugar cube, bad things," Applejack said.

No, why would the princess send something like that as a joke?

Before Celestia it took several unicorns just to keep the sun shining, let alone stop it from going supernova.

"The Elements wouldn't do us any good here, at this point anything we do would make it worse. I think..." Twilight paused, "...I think it's best if we all go to our families...and enjoy the little time we have left."

Now I might be wrong in this stuff, I'm only a self-proclaimed grammar Nazi so I don't know if I'm right, but I should be.

These aren't all the mistakes, just the ones in the first part before the first break.

EDIT: Red marks show where changes were made.


Thanks I will fix it, but the one "Unicorns" Unicorn is plural already. Its like the word deer, its plural and singular. At least that's my understanding of it.


Alright I have fixed the errors you pointed out, if you happen to see anymore in the rest of the story let me know.


Ye hath stolen my Avatar that I hath stolen from google. :rainbowlaugh:

1697724 Oh, well I guess I learned something new today.

1697724 Wait are you sure about that? Microsoft word gave me a green squiggly when I used just unicorn and told me to make it plural with an S


Really? I was also told it was one of them weird plural words? Must be a regional thing then?

1699159 according to three out of four sources I can find it is "unicorns" but I did find one that did say "unicorn" so there is something there. I'd say for now add the "s" to be safe.

also I've learned I need to get more sleep before I edit if I missed those.


haha alright, I'll do that.

Btw get on crisis 2 doc.

Edit*: Edited it, but the word "Unicorns" to me sounds like saying "Deers" or "Meats" or "Livestalks" It just doesn't work and drives my spell check crazy, lol.

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