• Member Since 9th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 2nd

Running From Time


I woke up in a room. A hospital room. There were seven visitors. A baby dragon, and six ponies. One of the ponies was obviously a doctor. Other than the doctor, there were two pegasi, two earth ponies, one unicorn, and a baby dragon. "Twilight?" the baby dragon whimpered. "Do you... Do you not... remember us?"

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 73 )

inb4 featured if writing is up to the grade

i'll read it if it gains a bit of popularity.

Who indeed.


Ah, the ever-classic 'character has amnesia sadfic'... well alright.

1675299 Well I'm not sure if she should remember everything, appearantly she tried to commit suicide if her dreams are any indication. Of course I could be wrong and this could all be a freak accident. :trixieshiftright:

I get from what I read so far, that Twilight did or witnessed something so traumatic that she tried to commit suicide. However, she survived and now has no recollection of her past, not even her own name. I think Sad is definitely that right tag for this story. Tragedy as well, depending on what happens next. I will be keeping an eye on this story. I just hope it doesn't take too long for the next update.

Must... Resist... Urge... To... Cry :applecry:
Fuck. :fluttercry:

Why do I get the feeling Twilight might not like everything she remembers?

So it's chapter two. Please, try to critique this as well as you can. I really want to improve this as much as possible. Don't be afraid to be harsh. I need the critique. Also point out any grammatical errors you could find. That would be a great help. :twilightsheepish:

Inasmuch as it's pure stream of consciousness -- from somepony who's only just regained consciousness, yet -- I expect this to ramble a bit in several directions.

I admit, though, I can't imagine Twi saying she's about to puke. :twilightblush:

I don't remember any errors on my first read through. I do have to wonder what kind of hospital lets an amnesia patient go home without an escort? And where the heck is Celestia? Her prized student tries to kill herself, ends up in the hospital and has amnesia, yet she hasn't shown up the entire time she was in the hospital? At least her parents should have shown up. Or does any of this have to do with why Twilight tried to kill herself in the first place?

About a week and Twilight can't remember anything, that's not a good sign. :pinkiegasp:

1675628 I do hope it stays at sad.

Stays at sad? Wait, I don't get it.
What do you mean?

Something is up, Twilight's parents should be anxious to see her and should be willing to put whatever they're doing on hold to see her. But what? :twilightoops:

1822676 I think he/she means that he/she doesn't want the stories to take a tragic turn.:applejackunsure:

1822676 that I really hope this is not going to fall into the Tragedy domain...:fluttercry:
I just finished the third chapter!
What happened Spiiike? What Are you hiding from uss?

Ah... at that, I cannot guarantee if it does or not. I'm just adding tags as it goes along.

Twilight did something. Something so horrible that she tried to kill herself. And Spike promised not to mention anything to Twilight. Either that, or nopony wants to answer the questions that they know Twilight is going to ask. This is just speculation on my part. In any case, I feel the only way Twilight is going to get answers, is to go to Canterlot unannounced and confront ponies. I'm not sure what her friends know of the situation before Twilight suicide attempt.
Can you tell this story has me hooked?:pinkiecrazy:

Oh boy this is getting intresting. I have a feeling Spike destroyed the special papers in order to protect Twilight, because whatever was on them is something he doesn't Twilight want to know.

On second thought that was a little unfair
but please space it more


He could also have fire mailed it all. Never know.

Hello, Wall-o-Text. We meet again.

Good chapter, but please take care of that giant paragraph. It makes it hard on the eyes to concentrate on one line in the middle of a giant group of lines, especially if you have to look away for a sec.

Sorry if I seem rude, but I am just trying to be helpful.

Alright, this is really getting interesting. What the hay did Twilight do?....

Again, wall of text, break the paragraphs up more. You could also go one further by double spacing between paragraphs. :twilightsmile:


So Twilight is forbidden from using magic to regain her memories. Plus, Celestia made everyone promise not to tell Twilight anything that happened before her amnesia. That explains why everypony is avoiding her. That sucks.

Twilight is desperate. These dreams are leaving her with more and more questions, which are pecking at her sanity. If this keeps up, I have a feeling Twilight is going to try to kill herself again, just so the dreams will stop. Somepony better do something. Even if she has to be institutionalized under 24 hour surveillance.:twilightoops:


Double spacing? I'll try that. Sorry if I'm making it confusing. :applejackunsure:

Alright. Fixed it. Sorry for the confusion. I'll make sure to double space and not leave so many big paragraphs from now on. :unsuresweetie:

Any wait is too long :derpytongue2:
Good chapter though, looks like she's starting to go apeshit.

Real smooth Celestia, real smooth. :ajbemused:

The memories. The fact her parents nor Celestia visited her. No one was allowed to tell her what happen. All lead to her cracking. Now, being told she was going to an asylum. Now she truly is frustrated beyond reason. Maybe even insane.

Some friends they are... :ajbemused:

haven't even read it yet and it's already sounding like a B-grade knock-off of What's In A Name -_-

interesting so far no idea about b grade knock off of whats in a name

Daring Doo and the Sapphire Stone.

Unless you really mean it to be "Daring Feces and the Sapphire Stone," you should probably change that to 'Daring Do."

Either way, fantastic job, especially with the flashback dreams.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I thank you for being honest. :twilightsmile:

2548828 The way you put that is hilarious. :rainbowlaugh: Thank you for correcting my mistake.

I found out it was due to the guard that was supposedly delivering it instead destroying it!

Oh my GOODNESS! Why would ANYONE ever deliver a letter?!

In all seriousness, I think this chapter is perfectly fine! :pinkiehappy:
Keep the flashbacks coming, keep 'em coming...

Man, dat schizophrenia. :twilightoops:

The part where she jumps off the cliff in the beginning...
She's going to do that now.
Time travel.

It's not.
I've read both, and they are completely different.
This story does not focus upon Twilight regaining her memories, but something else.
What's in A Name does.

Go on, read it! You might like it. :raritywink:

Twilight seems to be acting a lot like Two Face. :twistnerd:

Admitting you have a problem is the first step in overcoming it though. :eeyup:

I have to play devil's advocate here. Twilight went down this road because Celestia ordered ponies to not help her when she needed it the most. And how did everypony expect Twilight to react to being told she was being put in an asylum? Twilight may have done something horrible, but she doesn't remember what it was.

I'm guessing Twilight basically turned all her friends against her before she jump off that cliff. Still, it is well documented how neurotic she is.

Well, a good way to end this would be if her friends find her and convince her that "the magic of friendship" can fix this whole mess. Considering that this whole problem was born from that magic it would be kind of ironic that it would also fix the problem.

Somehow. Someway. I just really REALLY want a happy ending. maybe they finally come across her after this day and have some sort of moment. She agrees to go on medication and they begin to repair their friendships. Hell that could even work into a spin off.

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