• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 18,745 Views, 1,132 Comments

Her Own Pony - Jorofrarie

All of Pinkie's clones are gone. All but one.

  • ...


Things are progressing as planned... *evil face*
Enjoy the chapter, tell me what you think. Have fun!

The ceiling over Canterlot remained resolute, in spite of having stayed in placed for nearly half a day. How something could stay in place for so long escaped her. Obviously this was orchestrated, as with everything else, by ponies. So why would they schedule rain for so long? It was nearly infuriating that somepony would do this on the one day she had to make things right, to save herself.

Water slowly trickled down the nape of her neck, making her almost shiver. She managed to suppress the urge with difficulty, trying to ignore the frigid water that gradually made its way inside her hooded cloak. She wanted so much just to throw back a hoof and wipe it away, but doing so would mean flicking her hood off, and that would be…

Well, to put it simply it wouldn’t be good. No way about it. If her hood came off, if the ponies gathered around her saw her face for what it was, she was in for a lot of trouble. She shivered for a moment, ever so slightly, but it wasn’t because of the rain.

A hoof bumped into her side and she turned her head slightly. Twilight Sparkle was looking at her, concern in her eyes. “Hey,” she said, “you holding up alright there?”

The cloaked pony nodded imperceptibly and mumbled something that not even she could make out. Twilight smiled weakly and nodded her head. “Don’t worry Strand, we’ll help you get Rolling Stone back, the real one that is.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe that the changelings still think that they can get inside Canterlot, or any pony city for that matter.”

Rainbow Dash, always so brazen, stuck her head in-between the pair. “Yeah!” she shouted. “No dirty changeling is gonna stop us from getting you back to your friend! You can count on me, Rainbow Dash!”

The orange pony – Applejack – coughed obviously, and Rainbow blushed under her blue fur. “I-I mean, Rainbow Dash and her five furious companions!” Applejack shook her head and snorted.

The cloaked pony shrunk down from the cyan mare’s open loudness. “I-it’s nice that you’re helping and all… but I think that I can make my own way fro-“

“And of course, dear, we have to take you something nice and dry, get you all sorted out. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. Stuck out with six strange mares, your friend exposed for a changeling and now missing.” Rarity, the pony talking, struck a pose with a hoof to her head. “Oh, I simply wouldn’t be able to bear it!”

“N-no, it’s fin-“

“Oh, oh! Pick me! Me!” A pink head shot into her field of vision, and she stumbled over her hooves to back away, thinking that maybe the pony had seen inside her hood. Pinkie fell down from what was apparently the sky, and started shouting away. “We need to take you to the kitchens, stat! I can make you the best cakes that you’ve ever tasted! They’ll be even tastier than that! In fact, they’ll be a taste explosion! There won’t be anything left of your mouth when I’m done with you! Come on, let’s go! Time’s a-wasting, and I need those kitchens- oomph!”

Twilight smacked a hoof into her muzzle and started scolding Pinkie about how she couldn’t just waltz into Canterlot and completely take over the kitchens so she could bake a cake.

The cloaked pony sighed and sank onto the ground, the cloak settling between the ground and her fur, stopping the moisture from soaking in. The other ponies didn’t even seem to notice, too caught up in a semi-argument. Twilight was lecturing Pinkie, Rarity was still pondering all of the terrible possibilities that could have happened, Applejack was rolling her eyes and trying to make a point in edgeways. Rainbow Dash seemed to be doing her own thing trying to interrupt Twilight.

And the last one…

A petite cough interrupted her thoughts, and she leaped up into the air for a moment, startled at the intrusion to her space. Her head whipped around, only to find that yellow one, Fluttershy. She was looking at her with worried eyes, concern evident on her features. Fluttershy reached out a hoof in front of her in an effort to touch the cloaked pony, just to close the gap.

“Are you alright? You seem a bit nervous.” She mumbled. Before the cloaked pony could answer, she hung her head a little. “Oh, what am I saying! Of course you wouldn’t be okay! I can’t believe that I just asked you that! Oh, please say that you don’t mind, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings in any way…” She finished with such a sad look in her eye that the cloaked pony couldn’t resist placing a hoof on Fluttershy’s already outstretched one.

“It’s fine,” she said, “you didn’t offend me. I’m just a bit…” She waved a hoof around her head and sighed softly.

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh, you poor thing! Nopony else had even asked you how you were feeling earlier! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise that you were so sad!” She practically leaped at the cloaked pony and wrapped a hoof around her neck, only just avoiding dislodging the hood. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” she mumbled into the soft black fabric of her cloak.

The cloaked pony became aware of the silence that was surrounding her. All of the other ponies around her were staring at her, Fluttershy still wrapped around her neck. Rainbow coughed loudly, and Fluttershy suddenly started, flying out of her embrace with a heavy blush on her features.

Twilight was the first one to break the silence that threatened to continue indefinitely. “Uhh, girls? How about we head inside? I imagine that Strand might want to mull things over with Fluttershy here.” Rainbow looked like she was about to say something, but Twilight silenced her with a stern glare. “So why don’t we just head off now?” It was less of a question, and more of a statement that threatened consequences if anypony decided against it.

Rainbow hastily nodded and trudged off, mud squelching under her hooves. The other four ponies strolled after her, except for Rarity who was complaining about the weather and mud, and Pinkie, who gave Fluttershy a wink, a smile, and a shouted, “Have fun!”

The cloaked pony turned to watch Fluttershy, who was trying to look anywhere but the pony sitting in front of her. A few awkward seconds passed before a passing guard glanced in their direction curiously and walked over.

“Are you two okay there?” he asked. “It is raining you know. There’s no reason to be outside in this weather.”

Fluttershy nodded and stood up, the cloaked pony mirroring her. The two slowly trudged up the gently sloping path up to the castle doors, the guard watching them for a few seconds before turning back to his rounds.

Fluttershy looked at the cloaked pony for a moment as they walked along. “So...” she said softly, barely audible over the rain, “why are you here in Canterlot?”

The cloaked pony froze. “Me? I’m just here to... stay with a friend. He wanted to show me around Canterlot for a while and I... just couldn’t turn him down. Yeah. And he was going to show me around the castle as well, but I lost him today in the rain.”

“The castle?” Fluttershy asked slowly. “Oh, he must be very important then... What’s his name?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t know him. He just works here, so he’s allowed to take visitors through...”

The yellow pegasus looked at her with amazement, and the cloaked pony started to sweat underneath her heavy robe. She breathed a sigh of relief when Fluttershy said, “Working at the castle...” with a slow whistle.

The two walked on again, slowly approaching the enormous doors to the castle. Giant golden things they were, almost seeming to glow in a soft golden light, even behind the thick curtain of rain that obscured everything else in sight. There was a palpable amount of awe that hung in the air around the two as they stood there. “Wow,” Fluttershy whispered from next to the cloaked pony. “This always impresses me. A castle, and me inside.” She shook her head. The cloaked pony nodded, unseen to Fluttershy, and walked forward to gently nudge open one of the doors. It swung open silently on perfectly oiled hinges with barely any pressure.

The other group of mares had already passed through the doors, and when Fluttershy and her companion walked through there was no sign of them. The only pony they could see was what looked like a janitor, doing slow sweeps of the ground with her broom, which was hovering in a soft silver light.

Fluttershy made no attempt to move, so the cloaked pony instead walked over to the janitor, who gave a small start when she noticed the new company, and another when she saw the black-cloaked pony walking towards her.

The janitor turned to face her, the broom resting on the ground. “Well hi there! What brings you to the castle this fine day?” She gave a bitter laugh before smiling. “Hmmm? Are you looking for anypony in particular?’

The cloaked pony looked behind her for a moment, spying Fluttershy looking at her hopefully. For a moment she considered simply leaving the yellow pegasus behind.

...But then how do I meet the Princesses? I have no clue where to go, and I can’t just leave Fluttershy! She’ll immediately tell somepony...

“Yeah,” she said slowly, turning back to the janitor. “I’m looking for five mares. They would have walked through here a few minutes ago. Do you have any idea where they might have gone?”

The janitor whistled quietly. “You mean the group with Twilight Sparkle? I dunno who you are miss, but those are some pretty important ponies walking through there, I have about no clue where they would have gone,” she paused, and glanced at Fluttershy standing behind the cloaked pony, “But if that’s who I think it is, then you should try going up the stairs and to the left. That way’ll take you to the audience chamber for the Princesses. That’s probably where the group went, so you might want to go there.”

The cloaked pony nodded and waved for Fluttershy to follow her. “Thanks miss, I’ll go there then.”

“Clean Sweep,” the janitor said. “My name’s Clean Sweep. Just for future reference y’know. Don’t forget to mention me to the Princesses.” Clean grinned and barked a laugh, before turning back to her job. “Good luck with the Princesses, I heard that they’re not happy at the moment, caught a changeling or something.” She shook her head. “Stupid bugs, always trying to get in here. Bah.”

The cloaked pony quickly hurried up the staircase, immediately regretting staying to hear Clean talk to herself. Fluttershy ran up beside her, trying to keep up. They took the left at the top of the stairs, turning onto a massive corridor that immediately reminded her of Fancy’s mansion. Pictures of nobles and the Princesses lined the long walk, and artifacts stood on stone plinths. Occasionally doors would appear on the side of the corridor as they walked along, but for the most part it was just empty corridor.

That was until a guard appeared in front of them, emerging out of a small door. He had blue coloured hair, white fur, and was hastily trying to buckle up armour around his body as he walked into their path. He let out a cry of alarm when he caught sight of her, but smiled when he noticed Fluttershy.

“Hey, it’s you! I haven’t seen you since the wedding, Fluttershy! How’s Ponyville been!” he asked, walking towards the pair slowly. Fluttershy walked over to him, smiling as well.

“Oh, it’s been great, Shining Armour, just great.”

The guard grinned. “That’s good to hear. You girls always seem to be getting into trouble, if my sister’s report’s are anything to go by. Every day there’s a threat to Equestria, or something silly that gets out of control.” He shook his head, but seemed to remember that there was another pony. “And you are?”

“I-I’m... Strand,” the cloaked pony stuttered, getting nervous.

“She’s staying with the girls and me for a while. A changeling impersonated one of her dear friends, and now she’s lost in Canterlot. It’s terrible,” Fluttershy said, dropping her head.

Shining glanced at the cloaked pony in a new light. “Oh really now... Because I was just on my way to interrogate a changeling that had been caught walking right through the gates...” He pointed a hoof at her. “Say, you wouldn’t be against talking to the changeling, right? You might be able to find out where your real friend is, and save us a heap of time and trouble, if you can point out the lies. Does that sound good to you?”

The cloaked pony had been about to flat out deny the offer, but hesitated. If she decided that she wouldn’t talk to Stone, then everypony would get suspicious. Why would there be a reason that she didn’t want to find her friend? And if she did go and talk to Stone, then she would be able to lose her present company and avoid Twilight. But she would be walking deeper into the castle...

No, there’s no way that they would know who I am. They’re just guards. But the others... If they see me without my cloak, I’m busted. Gone. Simple as that...

She shifted from hoof to hoof nervously. “Sure,” she said eventually, “I’ll go with you and talk with... with the changeling...”

“Great!” Shining Armour said. “Fluttershy, why don’t you go and catch up with the girls. I think I saw them pass me a while ago back there before I went to the armoury. They should be in the audience chamber by now. They’re probably waiting for you right now.”

Fluttershy nodded and smiled before walking away down the corridor. Shining waited until she had started moving before walking in the other direction, away from the cloaked pony’s pursuers.

There was no conversation, although Shining Armour shot her a few sympathetic glances. About half a minute later they had arrived at another door, one that looked considerably more sturdy than any others, but looked just as ornate.

The guard pushed open the door with a hoof and motioned inside. “I’ll say this now. You don’t have to go down there and talk to the changeling if you don’t want to. Nopony’s forcing you to do this. Just remember that if at any point you want to back out.”

The cloaked pony looked into the dim blackness that lay beyond the door timidly, but thought of what awaited her if she walked the other way back towards the Princesses. She made up her mind.

“I’ll go.”


Their hoofsteps echoed softly in the cobbled tunnel. The whole place had a dark, almost intimidating feel to it.

Immediately after the door had closed behind her, torches had sprung into life along the walls, lighting up a stone corridor that angled downwards. How far downwards they had walked so far she didn’t know, but she had the impression that leaving again would not be easy. Not at all.

All of a sudden the tunnel plateaued, becoming flat and widening into something approaching an open chamber. The roof was still low, and the place was still lit by torchlight, but it was noticeably bigger. Another guard sat at one corner of the chamber behind a desk. A barred door lay beside him, and a corridor stretched past that into the darkness. Shining made his way straight for that guard, and the cloaked pony followed.

The guard looked up from his desk, and hastily stowed away a book that had been sitting there before saluting. Shining waved away the formality. “It’s good to see you Stoic, but there’s no need for that kind of thing here.”

The guard looked at Shining unsurely before relaxing. “Well, at least I can be sure that you’re still the real Shining Armour... How have you been? And what brings you here, to humble Canterlot? Weren’t you up north with Princess Cadence? Too many crystal ponies for your liking?”

Shining chuckled. “This is my vacation, if you can believe it. So much for a life of luxury as practical royalty. I guess that they can’t handle Canterlot without me here. Requested some assistance and all. Pain in the flank if you ask me...”

Stoic grinned. “Yeah, but you wouldn’t have liked that anyway.”

“It’s true,” Shining said, “Too boring. Oh, where are my manners. Strand, this is Stoic Keep. Stoic, this is Strand. We’re here to see that changeling that just came in. Strand knows the real guy and might be able to help.”

Stoic looked at her sympathetically. “Good luck there, Miss Strand, it’s always bad to lose a friend when a changeling hides them away...” He reached behind the desk and brought out a key. Stoic stood up, cracking his back in the process loudly, before trotting over to the barred door and opening it with a loud screech. “Good luck again, and I hope that you find the original. Bloody changelings...”

Shining gave Stoic a stern glance before patting the cloaked pony on the back. “You’ll be fine,” he said, “we’ll get your friend back with no problems at all.” With that he walked briskly through the doorway and into the darkness.

The cloaked pony walked through behind him and started shaking. The only light came from Shining’s horn, which had started glowing as he entered the darkness. She leaped into the air as she heard the gate close behind her with a loud clang, moments before hearing the lock turn in place. Shining turned his head, throwing shadows around them, and gave her a smile. “Don’t worry,” he said, “it’s only a precaution. We don’t want any possible dangers at all getting out. But like I said, just a precaution.” He turned his head back and trotted on, the cloaked pony hesitantly following.

Maybe this wasn’t such a good choice after all...

They passed by many more barred gates, and it took her a moment to realise that they were cells. She caught a glimpse into one as Shining passed by, his light spilling into it. She immediately hurried on, trying to displace the image of a pony curled up in the corner, unkempt hair spilling around their body as they shivered softly.

And they kept walking.


“Ahh, here we are,” Shining said. “The interrogation rooms.”

His voice brought her out of her thoughts, and she almost bumped into the door in front of her. She had been following her lead with nary a thought and hadn’t thought to keep track of the many intersections that they had reached. In front of her stood a row of heavy looking metal doors, each numbered and each with a small slot in the face.

“I think we’re looking for number five,” Shining said as he walked along the row. She followed, and when he stopped outside of the correct door he turned to her.

“Now, I’ve already said this, but it’s not too late to back out. You may not want to talk to the changeling, they are a crooked race. If you want to turn back and leave I can escort you out.”

Just get me out of here!

“Actually, I think I might le-”

“Ahh, Armour! You’re here! Finally, I was beginning to think that you wouldn’t show! Okay boys, we’re ready get started!”

“Hello there, Harsh. Good to see you again.”

A wildly grinning pony in armour came out of the suddenly opened door numbed five. He was taller and larger than Shining, and was wearing what looked like an eyepatch. That didn’t deter Shining as he walked up and greeted the other stallion with a fierce... hug?

The pony, Harsh, slapped Shining on the back as they broke up, still grinning. “We’ve got that changeling all ready to talk to us. We just need a talker on our side. I hope you’re ready, ‘cause then we can get started!”

“That’s great, but I also have a witness, if that’s okay as well,” Shining said.

Harsh’s mood visibly dropped. “Oh, right...” He caught sight of the cloaked pony standing off to the side of their exchange. “And I guess you’re that pony? Geez, I always hate being reminded of the witnesses, just reminds me of how bloody evil those bugs are.” He clenched his jaw in frustration. “Well then, let’s get started...”

“Oh, well, I was thin-” the cloaked pony started softly.

“Come on, come on, we haven’t got all day!” Harsh interrupted. “We need to get this guy talking now! Your friend could be in danger!”

The cloaked pony started to back away from the larger stallion. “Umm. Well. You see...” She kept backing away, and Shining was eyeing her with concern. “I was going to say that...”

Something snagged on her cloak, right near her shoulder. She was dimly aware of something sharp sticking out of the wall, a sharp silver thing glinting off the dull underground light. She didn’t hesitate to keep walking, hoping that it would rip through her cloak and let her keep moving.

But it didn’t. Ever so slowly, the still slightly soggy cloak tore.

First came the sound, and that was the only warning she had before the rip continued. It ran straight along her neckline, pulling the cloak around and separating a large portion clear from her body.

She froze, her blood turning to ice. All too suddenly she became aware of the feeling of air on her face and realised something. The rip had completely severed her hood, which was now lying on the ground.

The room stood silent. Harsh was watching her curiously, while Shining’s face wore something that approached shock. But that changed. As she watched, his features changed to confusion, then recognition, and then anger.

That was the only warning she had before he charged straight at her and tackled her to the ground.

She was dimly aware of Shining yelling as her world spun to the ground, yelling for Harsh to get his guards, that there was another changeling. The only thing that she could concentrate on was the ringing in her ears and the weight on top of her.

Something encompassed her, lifting her up. She opened her eyes for a moment and saw a dim blue glow surrounding her, mixing with many other colours at the same time. She was being lifted, and ponies were around her, and they were shouting in anger.

She was dropped onto the ground, onto the hard ground. There was a slamming noise. And then darkness.

Just darkness.

Author's Note:

...I'm not going to say anything...

...OH WAIT, WAIT! I just wanted to say that I DO have some other stories, so if you're interested on giving them a look, then head on over and check them out! I appreciate any comments on them and all. Writing's a learning process, so the comments are great.
