• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 28,949 Views, 504 Comments

Head in the Clouds - Calm Wind

Fame and fortune have their values. But sometimes ponies just want to be normal.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Head in the Clouds
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 4

THE MOOD IN THE Canterlot Central Hospital was empty. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and a very deflated Pinkie Pie all sat in complete silence. Nearby, patched, and bandaged up, sat Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Rapidfire. It had only taken half an hour to tend to the three present Wonderbolts. Three hours since, not a word had been spoken, not a single pony had moved a muscle. The only thing that could break the painful atmosphere was the sound of the double doors at the end of the room swinging open.

The wall clock ticked. The pony at the check in counter stamped forms. The aquarium on the wall quietly hummed. Then like having a brick thrown through a window, the double doors pushed open and a brown unicorn with round glasses and a white scrubs stepped through, removing an operating mask from his mouth with a frustrated sigh. All eyes moved to him, but nobody spoke. He simply walked over to them. Twilight built up the courage to ask the question weighing on everypony’s shoulders.

“Doctor Redcross?” she stood up and approached him, visibly shivering, “how is he?”

Redcross glanced around at all of them, pushing his glasses up into his nose as he prepared himself.

“He’s in very bad shape,” he paused, waiting for the first emotional wave to pulse through the whole group, “he has several broken bones, multiple muscle tears and strains,” Rarity jumped off her chair to comfort a shuddering and tearing up Fluttershy, “a few punctured organs, and almost more swelling than we can control,” Twilight bit her lip and cringed, “I’ll be completely honest, from a practiced surgeon’s point of view, I’m very surprised he’s still alive. If you had gotten him to us a second later I’m certain he’d already be dead.”

“What do you mean already!?” Fleetfoot rushed up and grabbed him by the scrubs. “He’s gonna be fine, right?!” Redcross remained completely calm, as if he had dealt with this multiple times in the past.

“He’s lost enough blood and sustained enough internal injuries to kill anypony three times. Logically he should’ve died hours ago, but his body is holding on.” He stared directly into Fleetfoot as she grit her teeth and prepared to give him a piece of her mind. Spitfire quickly stopped her. If the mood could get any sadder, it just had. There was hope for Soarin in their thoughts and prayers, but that hope was now being tested. It came straight from one of Equestria’s top doctors that Soarin might die from his injuries.

“Enough Fleet. Doctor, lets refrain from picturing that scenario and assume he’s going to live. What condition will his body be in once he recovers?” She questioned as she pushed Fleetfoot over to the bench and sat back down with her.

“I was able to stabilize most of his broken bones, but I fear his wings have been compromised,” a wave of shock struck the group, Spitfire looked down and grimaced, not willing to accept it, “The bones were easily managed, but damaged joints and tendons are a different story. Once harmed past a certain point, there is no hope of fully repairing them. As is it will take him months to recover and regain movement, but he will probably never be able to fly again.”

That was the dagger in the heart. It was no mystery to anypony that flight was the absolute pride of the pegasus race. A pegasus losing the ability to fly was like losing your very individual identity. Rapidfire rose pressed a hoof against Redcross’ chest.

“Probably!? You said probably didn’t you?! That means there’s a chance—”

“If he is able to regain flight it will be on a very minimal level.” He kept his composure with Rapidfire glaring daggers at him.

“What kind of crap is that!?” he shoved Redcross back a few inches, “you’re a doctor! It’s your job to fix this!”

“RAPIDFIRE!” All eyes turned to Spitfire. She slowly looked up, her expression hard and stoic as the captain of the Wonderbolts should be. Yet tears dripped from her eyes, streaking slowly down her face. “That’s enough.”

Rapidfire stared into his captain’s eyes, utterly defeated. He turned away from Redcross and pounded his hooves on the ground in frustration. He and Soarin may have not gotten along. They may have had scuffles, fights, and very frequent disagreements. But it didn’t matter if they were your sworn enemy. Any civilized Pegasus would never wish the loss of flight upon another of they’re kind. To have such an important label of one’s self removed was only a brush short of having one’s head cut off. It would be absolutely no different than just plain dying in the hospital bed.

“What about Rainbow Dash?” Applejack spoke up, clutching her hat in front of her chest. Redcross nodded.

“She’s been completely tended to, and is sure to make a full recovery. The only real issue with her was a minor concussion, she’ll be in the hospital for a few days for monitoring, but she’s going to be just fine.”

“But—, where is she?” Applejack questioned. Redcross glanced back at the doors.

“She waited right outside the operating room during our whole procedure,” he shook his head, “as soon as we stabilized him and hooked him up to life support, she forced her way in and has been glued to his side since.” All of Dash’s friends looked among each other. Fluttershy sniffled and rubbed tears from her eyes.

“Can we—, see them?” She asked followed by a hiccup and pushing her face back into Rarity’s neck with a sob. Redcross looked them all over. He was a veteran doctor with a heart of steel. Procedure was always the most important factor to recovery, but this was one of few times he felt inclined.

“He’s in room 407 down the hall on the left. I’ll be along shortly, once I deal with the media outside.” They all rose as he walked towards the waiting room entrance. The gravity of the matter had made them all completely forget about the enormous mob outside the hospital. The Canterlot royal guards were straining themselves to keep reporters and news teams from entering the building.

Twilight gently pushed the door to room 407 open, slowly revealing to all of them a very heartbreaking sight. Most of them looked away the instant they laid eyes on it.

A broken image of the Wonderbolt Power Flyer, the great Soarin. He lay still in the hospital bed in a green patient gown, the white sheet of the bed pulled up to just below his chest. His body was almost completely wrapped in bandages, save for around his neck, nose, mouth, and in some places around his face. His mane peeked through some of the bandages on his head. He had a large, white patch covering one of his eyes, the other shut with a heavy eyelid. He was hooked up to multiple I.V.’s and a respirator that was breathing for him.

To his right a cardiac monitor beeped steadily. To his left a familiar, slightly bandaged, blue pegasus mare with her head resting on his arm. A large wet stain was smeared on his sheet below her head. She wept quietly, taking absolutely no notice to the new presence in the room.

Only a few mustered the will to enter. Fluttershy instantly turned and left, Rarity and Pinkie couldn’t handle it either. Rapidfire shuttered, turning away while banging his hoof hard against the door frame. He glanced back at Soarin briefly before trudging away. Fleetfoot looked after him, and then looked towards Spitfire. Spitfire gave her a nod and a head motion towards Rapidfire before Fleetfoot pursued him. Twilight, Spitfire, and Applejack were the only three who remained.

Twilight, having some basic medical knowledge from several books, walked to the opposite side of Rainbow Dash and examined Soarin. She glanced between all the I.V.’s, the respirator, and the heart monitor. Several X-rays were hung up on the wall as well, showcasing more broken bones than Twilight was aware a pony could break.

“This is-,” she choked on her words, “this is awful, I can’t look at this.” She bit her lip and stared straight down. Applejack made her way over to Dash and stood beside her, her eyes locked on Soarin as she placed her hat on Dash’s head. She had no words to say, knowing there was nothing verbal that could do any good. She simply offered her presence and rubbed her hoof on Dash’s back, the tough apple bucking mare failing to hold back a few tears herself.

Spitfire stood at the foot of the bed, staring directly at Soarin’s mostly covered face. She never dreamed something like this could happen. Sure they had their extra secret training. They were more than a stunt team, but the few times they had engaged in combat they emerged mostly unscathed. To meet such vicious foes with skills beyond theirs, much less on vacation seemed so sudden and brutal. Spitfire was always prepared to scrap, but had never prepared for this. She could never prepare herself to lose a close friend. Even if he didn’t die, what would be left? Soarin wouldn’t be himself. The lack of flight and the dream he worked so hard to obtain would squeeze the desire to live right out of him.

She looked at her surroundings, at Twilight, at Soarin, and at Dash being comforted by Applejack. Her new Ponyville friends had gotten involved and as evident with Dash, some a little more involved than others. They all had a right to know the truth behind the Wonderbolts. She didn’t care if she was stripped of her rank for revealing such top secret information. This just wasn’t right.

“Everyone,” Spitfire caught their attention, all eyes moving to her except for Dash, whose world currently only had a population of two, “there is something you all need to know. This is very confidential, but you’ve all seen it, and it’s had a heavy impact on you. This is only fair. The—”

“Rest easy captain. I shall explain,” a familiar and very unexpected voice to all in the room cut off Spitfire. It even broke Dash from her daze over Soarin, “there are some facts about these ponies you are unaware of as well. Allow me to clear up everything at once.” Standing in the doorway with the ponies that had retreated from the horrific sight, was none other than Princess Celestia herself and Princess Luna right behind. The air in the room instantly grew tense as Spitfire stood attention, saluting. Twilight yelped and sat stiff and still. Applejack turned quickly, accidentally bumping Dash and making her hat fall down over Dash’s head. Princess Celestia chuckled.

“Please, everyone just relax,” she requested. Twilight and Apple jack loosened up, Dash tipping the hat up to see, “I first want to apologize for-,” she paused, seeing Spitfire still in salute, “at ease captain.” Spitfire exhaled and slumped down. “As I was saying, I want to extend my deepest apologies for not noticing the tornado. Something prevented me from sensing the disturbance. It wasn’t until I received a frantically written letter from Spike that I even knew what was going on.”

“We would have thwarted the enemy had our sense not been led astray.” Luna added as Celestia walked over to Soarin’s bed. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

“And it would seem that single flaw caused great loss for this one. Hopefully we can fix that.” All eyes snapped to her as she finished.

“You mean, you can—” Twilight’s eyes lit up, but Celestia shook her head.

“Before we go any further there are a few things to share.” She turned back to them. “First, Captain Spitfire, the past few weeks you have been in the presence of living legends. These six ponies are the fabled Elements of Harmony.” Her words made Spitfire’s eyes widen.

“Whaaaaaaat!?” Fleetfoot reacted across the room, next to a confused Rapidfire.

“The what?” Rapidfire questioned and was instantly grabbed by the face by Fleetfoot.

“You’re kidding right?! The forces that brought down Nightmare moon? Prevented the second coming of Discord AND reformed him later? DON’T YOU READ THE NEWS?!” She had her face pressed to his by the end of her yelling.

“Oh.” Was the only response he mustered, terrified of his face being crushed.

“You don’t say?” Spitfire looked around at the six ponies, “lots more to you all than meets the eye isn’t there?” Celestia nodded.

“They are very special indeed. But now as for you six, the Wonderbolts are more then you know as well.” These words caught Dash’s attention in particular. She knew everything about the Wonderbolts.

She stole a glance at Soarin. She knew much more than anyone else that was for sure. What else could they possibly be?

“A stunt team is their secondary function. It allows them to have presence and to completely mask their main objective. Among the Royalty at the castle and among only our most trusted subjects, the Wonderbolts are known as the PRA. Short for Private Royal Air force.”

A collective gasp came from five of the six. Dash made no sound nor moved. Her eyes were only wider than saucers. Forget what she knew about the Wonderbolts. The stunt flying was all a ruse? They were really super badass air combat specialists enlisted by the princess herself? That made them at the least 20000% cooler. She thought back to the tornado, and she remembered seeing both Spitfire and Soarin perform maneuvers and stylistic moves against the Shadowbolts. She should’ve suspected something there.

“But princess,” Twilight spoke up, slightly put off by the information, “What does Equestria have need of a private air force?” The question was innocent, yet it was not a subject Celestia was proud to bring up.

“It pains me to admit this, my faithful student, but Equestria is never at ease. We are all constantly threatened by forces of evil. What kind of evil differs greatly, some so small they are snuffed out like a candle, some so great that Luna and I must work together to fend them off. For a while it was rough for me to do alone. Before you released Luna from the Nightmare Miasma I could barely hold everything intact. I formed the Wonderbolts around a hundred years ago to be a reliable left arm to support the strong right of my own power.”

“Yet even with us returned from the Miasma, our combined powers are best used to prevent large scale threats.” Luna cut in. Celestia nodded.

“The Wonderbolts offered a force that could look into smaller details so that Luna and I could focus all of our power into preparing and dealing with anything that could have a disastrous effect on Equestria. But even with their help things can slip by, as you all witnessed with the Changling attack during Princess Cadence’s wedding. I hope I’m not scaring you though, especially with Luna back now we’ve been able to swat away any level of evil with little effort, with a few situational exceptions like Chrysalis and Discord, but those were rare special cases.” She cocked her head to the side as Twilight fell back, rubbing her head.

“That was A LOT of information to take in all at once.” She sighed. Celestia smiled warmly, turning to Rainbow Dash.

“And I’m sure, little Dash, that you can’t imagine unicorns and earth ponies in Wonderbolt uniforms.”

“Huh?” Dash glanced at Spitfire who nodded.

“Research and supply divisions.” She casually described them. Celestia was right, Dash couldn’t picture it, but all that said was they had done an awfully perfect job of keeping it all a secret. She looked back at Soarin as Celestia began to converse with Spitfire about the tornado. She wondered if he had any secrets he’d kept from her. She didn’t want to think about it and it wasn’t like it would mean much to him anymore. The thought of such an awesome pegasus being stripped of his pride was unbearable. Not to mention the thought of him dying like this would leave her with scars that would never heal. She cared about him so much.

She jumped slightly as a large white wing draped over. Celestia looked upon Soarin with her.

“Rainbow Dash, I must know. Captain Spitfire was unsure of the enemies you encountered, do you have any insight?” Her words forced Dash’s gaze to Luna quickly, who tipped her head in confusion.

“Well, back when we fought against Nightmare Moon, I was forced to fly off alone to secure a bridge. While I was there, I was confronted by three uniformed pegasi. They looked like the Wonderbolts, only dark and frightening. They called themselves the Shadowbolts, and I assumed they were an illusion created by Nightmare Moon. I warded off their tempting offer, and by doing so earned the Element of Loyalty.” Her explanation made Celestia smile.

“Rightfully so,” she turned to Luna, “do you have any recollection of this Luna?”

“Neigh my sister, we had little control or consciousness whilst possessed by that fiend.”

“I see, it would seem there are some ponies working in the shadows, we will have to investigate.”

“As captain of the Wonderbolts, I shall do my best to uncover any information on these imposters,” Spitfire spoke up professionally while giving a salute. Her form seemed to waver briefly however, “it’s—, it’s the least I can do for Soarin.” She forced back any sign of weakness. Celestia smiled brightly at her and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Be strong captain, he will still be working at your side, if I am successful.”

The force of everypony’s attention being drawn to Celestia was so intense it could almost be heard.

“You said something like that before, can you help Soarin?” Fleetfoot prodded. Celestia smiled and nodded, nearly drowned out by the sudden wave of excitement in the room.

“I examined him with my magic when I entered the room. Doctor Redcross is one of the most skilled in his practice I have ever seen. But even with all the treatment he has been given, Soarin will not make it through the night.” All the ponies in the room looked horrified. Dash couldn’t breathe. Either oxygen suddenly ceased to exist or her lungs shut tight in shock. If not for her curiosity towards Celestia still smiling, she was seconds away from keeling over. “But fear not little ponies. I have knowledge of a magic that may be able to save his life AND repair his broken body.” Her word almost caused the mood to completely shift, for a third time like an endless thrill ride. There was sudden joy and glee of immeasurable quantities. Princess Luna scowled and slammed her hooves hard on the floor, breaking the moment.

“Sister! We thought this had already been discussed! Did we not find it too dangerous?” She was doing her best not to use the royal Canterlot voice. Everypony looked to Celestia in confusion. She sighed and looked towards Soarin.

“Luna, we did have this discussion, and I recall telling you it was necessary.”

“We hardly find sacrificing thy life ‘necessary’” Luna sharply replied. Shock spread throughout.

“Wait, rewind a second, what’s all this about?” Twilight asked, tugging on Celestia’s mane. Celestia glanced at her pupil and frowned.

“I do know of a magic that can save Soarin, however it is a very dangerous dark magic created by King Sombra centuries ago. It was so dangerous that Sombra himself nearly took his life trying to use it.” She watched as Twilight’s eyes grew in horror.

“What?! What sort of magic could kill the user? Much less one of Sombra or your power?”

“It is a spell of unparalleled power,” Celestia looked back to Soarin, “It can repair any wound, make anypony on the brink of death good as new, it can even reanimate dead flesh. It is nothing short of the power of creation itself. A power no pony should ever possess.” She was cut off sharply by Luna.

“Precisely! It is forbidden magic! Necromancy! You use your very life force to give it power and form! Sister it is madness!” Luna pushed past Twilight and got in Celestia’s face, “even with the work around we cannot guarantee success! Is it truly worth the risks!?”

The room was silent as the two long lived princesses of Equestia stared eye to eye. Celestia did not waver in Luna’s demanding gaze. A gaze that could crush the will of any pony it fell upon. Celestia closed her eyes and let her head tip down.

“Luna, I have yet to even tell you of this,” she turned away from her gasping sister, who seemed hurt Celestia would ever hide something from her, “there is a conflict approaching Equestria, one that even Luna and I will not be able to handle alone. The nature of this threat is yet unknown to me, I only have the premonition. However in my vague visions, I could see that this Pegasus plays a very important role in the conflict,” she motioned to Soarin, “I saw him alive and flying full strength, defending Equestia with all his might an honor. Premonitions are a regular occurrence for me. Most are insignificant, but from time to time I am shown an important event in the future. At times I have ignored them, at times I have acted on them, but something I have realized is that the events I see always come to pass. I must ensure everything I saw is present. It is a law of space and time that I must uphold.” She glanced around, noticing very many confused looks. “I know it is very hard to comprehend, but Luna and I exist on a different level of both reality and continuity. I cannot possibly put it into word for all of you who live in the world as you know it. Just know that Soarin must be alive and at his best if Equestia is to have any chance of a future.”

“Shucks, that’s all you had to say.” Applejack suddenly spoke up. Twilight glanced at her, mouth hanging open.

“You aren’t even slightly weirded out by this?” She asked, receiving only a scoff.

“Sugarcube, the princess has been alive for thousands of years. She don’t work the same way we do. If she says things are different for her, I ain’t gonna question it. Cause o’that, if she says Soarin’ needs to be up and ready to kick some flank in the future, then who am I to question?” They all glanced among themselves and nodded in simple agreement. It’s not like they could understand the mysteries of the two sublime alicorn princesses, so why would they question their methods or reasons?

“It requires a tremendous amount of life force to conjure the required magical energy. Were a common unicorn able to use it, they would surely die before a fraction of the power is gathered. I risk taking my own life, that is if I cast it the conventional way,” Celestia re-grabbed their attention, “while still very risky, I found an alternative method of performing the spell. A work-around as Luna mentioned. Since life-force is required to execute the magic, if the use of life-force is spread out and forced through multiple bodies, it will consume less overall, and almost ensure no loss of life.”

“Meaning someone else has to share the burden?”

“Precisely Twilight. While my life force is much stronger than that of a normal pony, even I lack the required amount to not be taken by the spell. However, by my calculation, if one or two ponies were to share the burden, then there is a chance it would not claim a single soul.”

“Thou speak as if it were risk free that way Sister,” Luna cut in, “you would be out of commission for months, not to mention those with you would suffer the same if only for a few weeks.” Celestia nodded.

“Yes, there are drawbacks as Luna mentioned. I will be unable to move much for a month or two, and whoever helps me will probably have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to be taken care of. Also, as I said there is a CHANCE of it not claiming any life. I have no experience with the spell, so I can’t guarantee success or survival, but I assure and implore you, it is a risk we must take.” She looked among the ponies. She could tell that this was a very hard explanation to both understand and accept. She knew the risks of the procedure, and was inclined to reveal them all. She hoped they could see things the way she did, because the future of Equestria depended on it. “Most importantly, those whom choose to help me must share a strong bond with who I’m trying to save. The stronger the spirit tied to Soarin, the more powerful the spells effect on him.” She flinched in surprise as Spitfire immediately stepped forward.

“I’m not gonna lie Princess, I couldn’t be more confused right now, but somewhere within all that mumbo jumbo you said something about needing somepony close to Soarin to help save him. Well you have one right here.”

“And you have another one here.” All eyes went to Rainbow Dash as she stepped up besides Spitfire. She was met with immediate protest from her friends, but she shrugged it all off and stomped her hooves firmly on the ground. “I don’t care what might happen, if we don’t do this he dies. I will take any risk for him.” Beside her, Spitfire smiled.

“Are you both sure? There are no guarantees of survival, as is the process will probably be very painful.” Celestia gave them one last warning out of courtesy. Spitfire saluted.

“It’s my duty as a Wonderbolt and as his best friend.”

“He’s special to me.” Dash added while glancing at him, “you’d never have to ask me twice.”

“I’m glad you understand the situation.” Celestia smiled at them both and turned to Luna. “Luna, I know you don’t agree with this, but listen closely to my words. While I am out of commission, you will be in charge of Equestria. You will be responsible for the sun and the moon, as well as keeping the peace. I assume you are up to it?”

“We will gladly assume the role of our blundering sister. Assuming, you’re misplaced judgment doesn’t claim your life right here.” While her voice was stern and annoyed, Luna seemed generally worried about Celestia partaking in such a risk. Celestia could see right through her sister’s proper words and gave her a gentle nuzzle on the neck.

“I’m glad I can rely on you.” She turned back to Spitfire and Dash. “Now then, let us begin.”

All the other ponies stood back with Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, and Celestia gathered around Soarin’s bed. As instructed, Dash and Spitfire stood on opposite sides of the bed, each grasping one of Soarin’s hooves.

Celestia spread her wings and nodded to them both. A soft green glow surrounded her, a bright green light shining from her eyes. As the glow intensified small green flames rose from her eyes as well. The glow extended and surrounded the bed along with her two helpers. Spitfire winced and Dash yelped as she suddenly felt like she was being poked by thousands of tiny needles. She gripped Soarin’s hoof tightly.

She began silently coaching herself that any pain received was pain worth taking. Motivation was her strength, her fuel, and her reason. At her current place and time, she had never felt more motivated by anything else than the broken form of Soarin before her. His life was taken from him. She never thought she’d find herself caring so much for something that she’d take unlimited pain for it, but Soarin was special. He proved that to her over and over in less than a month’s time. Pulling him from the pits of hell was a small favor she owed him for how much he had changed her.

Likewise, Spitfire braced herself against the pain. It was only the very beginning and it was much more than she expected. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep it up. But once she glanced up and saw Dash, body poised and gaze determined while fixed on Soarin, she felt a wave of confidence run over her. Soarin was her best friend. It seemed she did most of the pushing and nudging when it came to their successes, but there were many times, more than she could count, where things seemed bleak or things were hard and she’d surely have caved if not for his goofy, upbeat, but just plain heartwarming personality. Whenever he was around, things always seemed to work out. She’d help save him even if it meant taking a little pain.

Celestia could sense the high spirits of her two helpers, but hoped they’d be ready for what was to come. She focused all her magic into the spell, the aura’s light shining so brightly that the rest of the ponies had to shield their eyes from the glare as if it were the sun itself.

Dash and Spitfire cried out as the intense wave of energy was poured into the spell. The pain went from painful pricking to internal agony in an instant. And seconds after, everything went dark for both of them.

It was a strange feeling. Everything had gone dark as if they had lost consciousness, yet both felt wide awake and aware. The pain had completely ceased as well.

Rainbow Dash was the first to open her eyes, but as she did, everything remained pitch black. She looked down and saw her body as if it was clear as day, but she stood in a void of complete nothingness. She quickly glanced around and caught eye of Spitfire close by to her left, who was also in the process of trying to figure things out. Before they could converse, there was a single white flash a few yards in front of them.

Soarin’s body, devoid of color, floated limply where the light had occurred. They both tried to move towards him, but black bands of energy reached up and grabbed their legs. They struggled to free themselves, but the bands began reaching up over their bodies, and pulling them to the apparent floor.

As she struggled, Dash looked up and saw similar bands pulling Soarin down, only as he touched to the floor, it began consuming him.

“NO!” Dash began to rip and tear at the bonds with her teeth. She flailed with her legs and thrust her wings all around, anything to force herself loose. As she and Spitfire struggled, Celestia suddenly came searing down from above and landed roughly before them. The black energy began wrapping around her legs as well, but with a single swipe of her horn a white blade of magical energy swept through them, fending them off. She turned to Dash and Spitfire and blasted their bonds with her magic as well.

“Don’t let the darkness consume Soarin! If we lose his spirit, the healing magic will fail!” She grunted and swiped at the dark bands again as they tried to reach for her. “Only those with a strong bond to Soarin can tear him free of his own demise! I’ll keep the darkness after us at bay! Save him!!!” She ordered. Neither questioned her because as soon as she spoke a large pillar of dark energy rose from below and flew towards them. Dash and Spitfire rocketed at Soarin as Celestia shielded against the dark flow of energy. They both clutched Soarin’s hooves and pulled with all their might. The dark energy had already consumed half his body, from back hooves to halfway up his back. It had a good grip on him and their efforts yielded little success. Dash began to panic. They couldn’t get him free.

“DAMMIT SOARIN WAKE UP!” Spitfire suddenly belted directly into his face. Dash glanced at her with a slightly disturbed expression. “What kind of little wimp sleeps when he’s being eaten alive? You’ve gotta be kidding me! GET ON YOUR HOOVES!”

“uhn—huh?!” Soarin suddenly sputtered and his eyes squeaked open. Dash couldn’t believe it. On a whim Spitfire just decided to lay it think on him and it got him to wake up? She really did know him well. Now that she knew what would work—,

“Rise and shine ‘Sorewings’! Since when are you lazy!? Better start practicing what you preach!” Her words smacked him in the face and his eyes sprung open.

“What the hell?!” Color returned to his body and he saw the situation he was in. He wiggled his body until his wings were free and started flapping them against the pull.

“On three Dash!” Spitfire ordered, “one, two, three!!!!” They both yanked at his hooves as hard as they could. The combined force of Soarin’s effort and their pull dislodged him completely from the dark mass. Dash and Spitfire flew back with him,

But in the blink of an eye, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire found themselves falling away from Soarin’s hospital bed and crashing into the walls opposite of his bedsides. Dash was frantically sat up as several swabs, a stethoscope, and Soarin’s X-ray’s fell on her head. She felt around her body, breathing heavily, her brain trying to make sense of what she just went through.

The aura had returned to Celestia and was sucked completely into her body before it exploded out from her with a small bang. She fell back as well, and skidded to a stop at Luna’s feet, her tiara flying from her forehead and clinking softly to the floor. Something strange was happening to her. Her mane turned to pure pink and it lost its natural, continuous flow. She lay on the ground, sweating and panting as if in pain.

“SISTER!!!” Luna quickly supported her with the help of the other’s minus Dash and Spitfire. Celestia gave a weak smile as the rest fretted over her, squeaking her eyes open and looking up at Luna.

“Do not worry Luna, I’ll be fine. What’s better is we were successful.” Her words brought a collective sigh amongst the ponies. “I used up a lot of energy, I just need my rest.”

Between her jittery shivers and her body having small spasms in response to the disturbing experience she just went through, Celestia’s words reached her ears. Then as if her mind wasn’t just blown by supernatural energy, she became ecstatic. Celestia said they were successful? They saved Soarin’s life? He would heal completely? The answer was yes to all, and she couldn’t be happier. She stood up, but felt very wobbly and disoriented. She spotted Spitfire, who had tried to move towards the rest, stumble towards her. Dash reached out and caught Spitfire as she fell into her, but the impact made her beyond dizzy.

“Oooooh, that was a bad idea—” Dash muttered before the two collapsed in a two pony pile on the floor. Applejack and Fluttershy responded quickly, trying to get some sort of response out of them.

“They’ll be just fine.” Celestia suddenly quelled their worries. “While the strength of their life force is but a fraction of my own, their small contribution made the spell successful without loss of life. I imagine they are quite confused and drained of energy, they will probably have to spend a week or so hospitalized.” She finished and Applejack turned to the unconscious Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

“Always takin’ it too far. Some things ain’t never gonna change.”

As the ponies moved in to help the fatigued pegasi, Luna helped Celestia get to her feet and supported her as they moved into the hallway.

“That was reckless sister, thou should be more aware of thy duties as ruler before the life of a single pony.” Luna spoke harshly, but with a hint of worry. Celestia chuckled as they neared a cushioned bench.

“Sometimes it is worth the sacrifice Luna. This is the fifth time I’ve had a foreboding premonition in the recent years. I foresaw Nightmare moon, and did nothing. I discerned the return of Discord and did nothing. I was aware of the threat of the changelings, made preparations, but was useless in the end. I predicted the rise of Sombre, but was unsure and nearly sent the elements of harmony to their death.” Luna helped her down to the bench, as she sighed, “I’ve led Equestria with the gift of the sun’s power for thousands of years. You’d think that much time would make one wise, but in a few short years I let four major catastrophes slip right by. If not for the elements of harmony, Equestria would be in ruins.”

“Thou cannot pin the responsibility on thy own self sister.” Luna tried to interject. Celestia only shook her head.

“You are kind and thoughtful Luna, but the facts are written in history. Every premonition I’ve had has come true, I can no longer ignore them. It was risky, but by restoring the life of that single pegasi will make the future turn out in our favor. Trust me.” Her breathing was still labored, she felt fatigued beyond anything she’d ever felt in her long, extended lifetime, but especially after the recent hiccups in her watchful reign, she felt like she had finally made a real difference. “Oh, Luna, I must’ve dropped my Tiara back in the room, could you fetch it for me?” She suddenly asked. Luna hadn’t even noticed, glancing at her sister’s bare forehead.

“Ah, how unbecoming, we shall retrieve it.” Luna turned and made her way back down the hallway.

Celestia sighed, laying on the bench in a sprawling manner. It was designed for ponies, not alicorns, so she didn’t quite fit. She glanced to her left and rolled her eyes.

“You can stop hiding now.” She spoke in an annoyed tone.

“Oh, I could never fool you, could I?” A snide and snarky voice echoed around her. A figure materialized behind her, completely flat like a crayon doodle on the white hospital walls. She knew who it was, but her pride kept her from gracing him with eye contact.

“Come to tell me I’ve slipped up?”

“Oh my sweet Princess Celery, you couldn’t possibly think anyone knows you better than I. The only surprise to me is that you actually went through with it.” The voice seemed to tickle her ears in a very uncomfortably confident way.

“But at what cost?” she crossed her hooves and lay her chin down on them, “I will pay a terrible price for this. I’ve got you and a few others to thank for making me feel useless. These past couple years have taken a heavy toll on me you know. I’ve felt less and less qualified to be the prime ruler.”

“But surely you didn’t put everything into the spell—” the voice paused, but Celestia didn’t answer, “Oh wait, that’s right, you did, didn’t you.”

Celestia flinched as she felt something slither against her back.

“Well, you’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?” The voice was now right beside her, speaking quietly into her ear, “Frankly I’m surprised how recklessly you dove into it. Luna can’t sense it can she? Not even she knows what you’ve done. How awful. How absurd. I didn’t think you had it in you!”

“Save it. I made my choice. After thousands of years of being just some symbol, I finally feel like I’ve done something. Nothing you say can take that satisfaction away from me.” Her words were met with a loud cackle that lasted a few seconds.

“Oh how quick you are to lie down and give up. Sweet yet silly Celestia, as if I’d ever let you off that easy.” The voice grew quieter as it finished. Celestia’s eyes widened and she shifted to look behind her. But the owner of the voice was gone, vanished into thin air. She wondered what it meant, but the voice echoed in her head.

“You’ve sacrificed everything and have accepted your fate, but just because you have, doesn’t mean I do.”

She stared up at the ceiling for a moment before closing her eyes, sighing, and resting her chin on her hooves again.

Rainbow Dash groaned uncomfortably, placing her hooves on her head as her eyes forced themselves open. The last thing she remembered was catching a falling Spitfire before realizing how woozy she was. She blinked repeatedly as if it would help, but she quickly noticed it was dark wherever she was. She prodded her hooves around and found she was dressed in a hospital gown, in a soft bed which she assumed was a hospital bed by her attire, and her right fore-leg was hooked up to a single I.V.

She remembered the whole strange process she endured, and recalled Celestia mentioning a week or so of being completely out. That was for damn sure. She was so stiff she could barely move anything.

What a dull way to wake up. In a dark room, in presumably the same hospital, with no knowledge of what she hoped was only about a week. She groaned in frustration at all the discomfort. She was stiff, tired, confused, and alone.

“You finally awake?”

Or so she thought. At first she was just startled at the voice to her left. It was a pleasant surprise to know someone else was with her. Once the brief shock to her nerves faded, her brain registered the voice. It was familiar. Very familiar. She suddenly felt a wave of happiness plow her in the face.

“SOARIN?!” She looked left, blinking furiously to try and adjust her eyes to the dark. She wanted to see him. She wanted to know he was alive and well and that Celestia’s reassurance wasn’t just a trick of her fatigued mind. Try as she might, she could not see through the darkness. She ignored her half-asleep limbs and threw the sheet off her body. She rolled over, falling off the edge of the bed. She intended to land on her hooves, but with her stiff limbs she landed in a heap on the floor. She wobbled up and shakily advanced in the direction of his voice, dragging the I.V. along with her painfully by the foreleg it was attached to. She ran right into the curtain that she now realized was surrounding her bed. She tripped completely into it and fell, yanking the cloth clear from its rails and getting tangled in it. She cursed and ripped herself free from it.

“What the hell is going on over there?” His voice came again. She hadn’t imagined it. The voice caressed her ears. Hearing him speak was like candy for her brain. Seeing his broken face slip from her hoof and fall to the ground, devoid of life, was scaring and traumatizing. When she had realized he wasn’t breathing she felt like her insides had gotten all tangled. The pit of her stomach burned and she even vomited from the shock. It was a good thing Spitfire had her wits about her because she could barely think straight when she thought Soarin had died right in front of her.

She forged on, dragging the I.V., the curtain tangled with the tubing. She’d drag a train with her if she had to. Her nose touched another curtain. His voice sounded nearby before, so she assumed he was behind here. It didn’t matter, she’d leave the room and run twenty eight doors down to get to him.

She quickly prodded around, eventually just pulling the curtain aside until it was out of her way. She advanced and ran right into another hospital bed with a loud clang of her foreleg against its metal frame. She yelped, but quickly ignored it and felt around the mattress with her hooves. Her heart skipped a beat when a hoof reached over and hooked her own.

“Whoa there Dash, you’re gonna bring the building down at this rate.”

Her body froze. She couldn’t see him. But that’s not what she wanted. She just wanted to know he was really alive. Her sacrifice and effort had given him another chance at life.

When Dash was a filly and a young mare, she was rough tough, and impossible to break. The mere thought of ever being reduced to tears for any reason was met with a scoff. Cleary that rule changed very recently. But what would you do if one of the ponies you looked up to the most stepped on everything you stood for? She considered that to be a special case. She had never gotten over emotional or choked up about anything while in her natural state of mind.

Here she found herself so overjoyed, that not even an automatic code she lived by could prevent tears slipping down her cheeks. The tears found themselves altering course in a wide angle around the widest smile Dash ever had.

“SOARIN!!!!!” She threw herself into the bed, wrapping her hooves tightly around him. He grunted painfully, still not fully recovered. Her squeezing hurt, but he didn’t stop her. He wasn’t sure of all the details, but after a brief rundown from Fleetfoot the day before, he knew both Dash and Spitfire sacrificed their well being to save his life. Dash endured pain and fatigue to save him. Plus he kinda died in her hooves, so her aggressive happiness was well placed.

Her grip eventually loosened, but she remained clamped to him.

“Don’t EVER do that again.” She choked out, her voice muffled due to her head buried in his chest. He smiled, reaching his mostly healthy forelegs out into the dark, finding the bend of her back and gently returning the embrace. He suddenly sighed, the smile flipping upside-down.

“I’m surprised you give a damn after all that stuff I said.” He had nearly forgotten all about their emotional confrontation during the battle. His words alone cause him enough regrets to last seven lifetimes. He felt Dash shake her head against him with a sniffle.

“You’re a jerk.” She stated. Soarin lifted an eyebrow. “But I don’t care what you say. I like you anyway.” She finished with a sniffle. He smiled as she shifted slightly. “I’m surprised you aren’t mad. I was a bitch to you earlier.” Soarin sputtered and held in a laugh.

“Dash. You came to my aid during the battle, made it possible for us to save Ponyville, and oh, right, just saved my life. If that isn’t enough reason to feel grateful then let’s just go with I care about you regardless, okay?” She didn’t respond, just continued to sniffle and hug him. “So am I forgiven?” He asked suddenly. She responded with a sharp sniffle. Followed by an attempt to speak that got completely watered down by her emotions, which seemed to have intensified. She had become a train wreck of joy, barely able to speak straight because she was so happy at just everything. She tried again.

“You’re not off the hook, but if you ever die in front of me again I’ll kill you.” She spoke with a blubbery tone. It was charmingly amusing to him that her tough side still dictated what she said in a moment as heartwarming as this. Not to mention it made her say something that made no sense. He rubbed his hoof softly against the back of her head.

“I’ll be sure to not die anymore.” He jokingly replied. Her grip on him suddenly tightened again.

“Just shut up and cuddle me.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Roughly a minute later, a nurse barged through the door after a patient next door was roused from his sleep by clanging noises and cursing. The light form the hallway shone on Rainbow Dash and Soarin. Her sense of urgency faded when she saw the two locked together in the bed.

Art by: rulette

Rainbow Dash was out, her intense struggle to reach Soarin took more than she could handle in her current state. She now slept peacefully against him. Soarin glanced towards the door and waved off the nurse to indicate that all was well. The nurse smiled and left, quietly closing the door behind her.

After a day of close monitoring once she awoke, Dash was released from the Hospital along with Spitfire. The Wonderbolts vacation had already run long, but they also had to wait another week for Soarin’s magic induced recovery to fully heal him.

Much to Rainbow Dash’s dismay, the Wonderbolts had to take leave as soon as Soarin was ready. They had already missed a show and without the lead squad the reported ratings of the performance was a record low. Some uninformed spectators had even sent mail demanding a refund for their ticket.

Dash stayed in Canterlot until Soarin was fully recovered. While she couldn’t stay in the hospital, she knew a few ponies from back in flight school who she easily bummed a couch off of for a few nights. Visiting hours were also limited. She wanted to spend all day with him, but she got one hour at most daily.

Unfortunately it was now time to part ways. Something that Rainbow Dash felt hit too fast despite being extended by undesired events. Here was the problem she thought she was prepared for. She had the hots and then some for one of the most famous Wonderbolts. How did she ever think it would work? Soarin was right all along.

She was glad her friends made the trip up to Canterlot to accompany her on the train ride home. She needed the extra support.

They all gathered on the station platform for their goodbyes, a few assigned royal guards doing their best to keep fans away.

“It's too bad things became so strange. I really enjoyed spending time with celebrities.” Said Twilight with a warm smile.

“Strange would be putting it lightly.” Spitfire added with a light hearted eye roll, “we fought amongst ourselves, got locked in combat with some loonies, one of us died temporarily, and I got violated in a void of dark magic,” she paused and smiled, “it’s one hell of a story to tell, but I doubt anyone would believe that last part.” They all shared a joint laugh, reminiscing about the very interesting month they just lived through.

Dash did her best to keep smiling and follow the laughter, but it was getting harder and harder to conceal how sad she was as it all went on. She cursed the different paths in life she and Soarin walked. While she was determined to fly among their ranks eventually, it just wasn’t soon enough in the future. She wanted to be with him, hang with him, laugh with him, and share everything with him. Sometimes life just didn’t deal you a winning hand.

It didn’t take long for Soarin to pick up on her mannerisms. He’d learned how to read her expressions a little over the past month and it was clear she was distraught. He kept his focus on the group as a whole as he contemplated what to do. She’d made his vacation fun if not a bit emotional from time to time, but there was much more to it.

She persisted when he shied away, copied his signature move, found a workaround to make up for what she lacked in order to pierce the tornado, came to his rescue despite the danger to herself, and put her life on the line even more severely by withstanding the dark magic that ripped him from the claws of death itself. She was one hell of a mare, he was certainly enamored by her through everything she had done.

And then, the harsh truth. They had lives that would turn to hell if intertwined. He had given his explanation to her again during the last time she visited him in the hospital. It ended differently because they had a better understanding of each other, but it still left them wishing it wouldn’t be so.

“All aboard!!!” The engineer’s call snapped Soarin from his thoughts and he realized he wasted the whole time thinking to himself.

“Well, that’s our cue, It was an honor and a pleasure.” Rarity bowed respectfully to the Wonderbolts.

“Have a nice trip!” Fleetfoot waved as they all gave their goodbye’s and turned towards the rear train car.

“See ya.” Said Dash half-heartedly. Spitfire nodded to her.

“I expect to see you at our next Wonderbolt Camp Dash, after they hear about your tornado stunt, the Academy board would be downright stupid not to send you an invite.”

“Will do.” Dash forced her smile a little wider and glanced at Soarin, giving a small wave. Soarin flinched, hesitated and swallowed before returning the wave and saying “bye” very quietly after she had already turned to leave. His ears flattened against his head and he sighed as Dash boarded the train.

The Wonderbolts watched as the train pulled out of the Canterlot station and chuffed down the tracks towards the horizon. Soarin had never felt dumber in his life. He felt so strongly about Dash, and he just botched a goodbye before possibly not seeing her for a long time. But that was probably better right? He had to focus on himself and his work. He’d just have to wait a while. He’d see her again. But why did it have to be so long? Was there really no way they could meet up every once in a while? It couldn’t be a relationship but he wouldn’t mind keeping in touch. Not like it all mattered, he missed the opportunity to settle all of that, say a heartfelt goodbye, and possibly give her a hug. He felt pathetic. He wished Spitfire could kick him into action all the time, but it’s not like she could read his mind.

“Soarin.” Spitfire’s voice caught his attention as if on cue with his thoughts. He glanced at her, still looking depressed. She wasn’t looking at him. She was staring straight forward at the platform. “You have three seconds to go after that train and give that poor mare a better farewell before I make you wish you died in the hospital.”


“One.” She began. His eyes lit up and he shook his head.

“Argh!” He grunted and spread his wings.

“Two.” She got no farther. Fleetfoot and Rapidfire squinted as an intense blast of wind rushed by them. Spitfire stood still, eyes still forward, and cracked a smile as the space where Soarin stood was now vacant. “Good.”

Rainbow Dash left her friends in the car to talk amongst themselves, exiting through the back door and onto the small space outside the car. She rested her forelegs on the railing, watching the tracks run from beneath the car.

What a lame, anti-climactic way for it to end. The most exhilarating and soul searching month of her life and the stallion responsible barely gives her a goodbye. It’s not like she did a very good job either. Perhaps it was her way of acknowledging the inevitable space that would remain between them as long as their lives went different ways. She would just have to accept it. Not all ponies get to live a fairytale.

She sighed and decided to return to the car, but her eyes caught something in the distance. Something was speeding through the air towards the train. She squinted, trying to make out what it was, and realized only a little too late that it was Soarin.

“Whooooaaaaa!!!!!’ Soarin had misjudged how quickly he could decelerate. He was on a collision course with the rear car. He put up the air brakes, straining his wings against the pressure of his speed, shutting his eyes and gritting his teeth as he tried to force himself to a stop. He slowed down considerably, but there was no way he wouldn’t hit the car, he opened his eyes to ready himself, but came face to face with Rainbow Dash.

They both grunted as he crashed right into her. The two fell back and tumbled to a halt. Soarin ending up on top of her. He quickly pushed his forelegs to the ground to lift himself slightly from her, flinching when he realized just exactly how they landed. Dash shook her head and stared up at him from her back. Her face turned bright red when she felt the body contact and saw their position, but it turned into an angry glare at him.

“Eh—” Soarin smiled awkwardly, “Hi?”

“Get off of me you jerk!” Dash pushed her legs up and forced her wings to the floor, effectively pushing Soarin up and toppling him over onto his back. He totally blew it. But then Dash flopped on top of him. “And damn it, I’m so glad to see you.” She hugged him tightly, squeezing him as hard as she could, and digging her face into his neck. Soarin’s mind drew a blank for a few seconds before laughing to himself and returning the embrace.

“You’d think by now I’d expect this.” He joked as the two let go and got to their hooves. "You should thank Spitfire sometime, if she couldn’t see through my brain she wouldn’t keep sending me after you to fix things.”

“Noted. I was already contemplating ways to punch you in the face for not saying goodbye.” Dash jeered with a smirk. Soarin looked away, turning towards the railing, smile fading slightly.

“I know we can’t be what we want to be, but that doesn’t mean you’re not important to me. Hell after all you’ve done this past month I don’t think I could live without you in my life even if only a little at a time.”

“Likewise.” Dash walked up beside him, “I think both of us learned a lot from each other.” She looked at him and she looked at her. They flashed each other smiles and stared back into fading horizon.

“You’re special to me Dash. Never forget that.” He draped his wing over her back. She leaned into him with his wing. She was beyond happy that he came after her. Just when the end was going to be depressing, Spitfire fired him out of a cannon so he could flip the whole thing around. They both stole a glance at each other at the same time, then quickly averted their eyes, both embarrassed that the other caught them trying to get a more “desirable” look at the other.

They waited a few seconds before a wave of determination swept them both. They would regret it if they didn’t take a chance right now to at least ease a little bit of their deeper feelings. They both quickly turned and leaned towards one another. Their faces collided painfully and they stumbled back, groaning while rubbing their noses. They looked across the small platform at each other blankly.

“Were you trying to—” Dash paused and motioned a hoof towards her lips.

“Um—, yeah, were you too?” Soarin copied her motion.

“Yeah.” She nodded. The two of them continued to stare until Dash lost it and burst out laughing. Soarin did the same.

“Well competing is in our nature, looks like we butt heads even when we want to—” Dash was suddenly right in front of him and shoved a hoof over his mouth.

“Shut up and come here.”

She edged towards him slowly. He reached up and placed a hoof on her cheek. They both closed their eyes and shared a long, satisfying kiss. They broke apart and stared into each other’s eyes, barely an inch between them.

“You’re too important to me to just let go,” Soarin spoke softly, “a full-relationship is out of the question, but I want to see you as much as possible.”

“I can accept friends with benefits,” Dash winked, “at least for now. As soon as our lives cross for good I’m hunting you down.” She nudged him with a playful growl. He bounced his eyebrows comically.

“Sounds good to me. Oh and don’t tell Spitfire, but I’m gonna be sending you tickets to all of our shows in case you are ever able to make the trips.” He snidely smiled at her. She caught on that there was a catch.

“What kind of tickets might these be? You seem eager to tell me.”

“Oh nothing special,” he tipped his head back and forth, “V.I.P. front row seats with backstage admittance.”

“WHA—?!” Dash’s wings fired out to her sides, her ears stood straight up and she was instantly covered in goose bumps. She grabbed him by the sides of his head and pressed her face against his. “SAY THAT AGAIN!”

“V.I.P. front row seats with—”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!” She squealed directly into his ears and flapped her wings furiously. She was almost never able to get tickets to their shows and now she had a pipeline to the best seats in the house, plus a free pass to hang with them whenever. She would never ask for anything else in her life.

She calmed herself down and hugged him tightly.

“Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you!” She bounced lightly as she gripped him before putting him at leg’s length again. “I will make as many of them as possible, and you better be the first one I see every time I come back stage. Got it?”

“Of course.” Soarin smiled. “I’ll fight anypony that gets in my way.”

“Good.” Dash hugged him again, this time less of a squeeze and more of a gentle embrace. She knew he was about to leave, but she couldn’t be happier with the way everything came around.

“Well, I better take off Dash.” He lifted her chin and planted a second brief kiss on her lips. “I’ll see you around.” She grinned and nodded.

“Count on it.”

Soarin hopped over to the railing and flashed one last smile at her before jumping up, and rocketing back towards Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash leaned her forelegs on the railing, this time with a much more positive state of mind. She watched until he disappeared from sight and dropped back onto all fours. She inhaled sharply and let her wings gently flutter. She rose barely an inch off the floor before exhaling and dropping back.

Damn she felt good. She felt so good she could just burst. Life was awesome.

She turned and re-entered the car with newfound confidence and poise, only to be tackled to the floor as soon as the door closed behind her. Her eyes shot open and she found herself staring into the wide, sparkling eyes of Rarity, who had a giggly smile pasted to her face.



---The End---

---Timeline to be continued---

Comments ( 303 )

A decent story, even if it did get pretty dark in the latter half. At least you put forth some proper foreshadowing for it.

Unlike that one TwiJack story sequel which suddenly went grimdark without warning... *grumbles* Honestly, the mood whiplash was physically painful.


Great, no, excellent story! I look forward to the sequel/continuations/etc. :pinkiehappy:

He put up the air brakes, straining his wings against the pressure of his speed, shutting his eyes and gritting his teeth as he tried to force himself to a stop.
THEY GOT AIRBRAKES NOW TOO???:pinkiegasp: and the end... Could not be more Rarity then that xD


Tossing in 180 shifts in the mood is something I love to do from time to time, you just have to be careful that it doesn't derail the story or take the focus away from the characters, hence why most of the tornado battle was centered on soarin and dash and during the hospital scenes I kept the personal thoughts mostly focused on dash and spitfire.

It's also important to put reason behind it, hence the foreshadowing of something to come and just what happened to Celestia? Both are extremely important for what's to come. If you just have some evil thing show up,they kill it, and live happily ever after with no consequence it feels a little far fetched (or within hasbro's limits of the actual show WARK WARK:rainbowwild:)

Thanks for reading!:eeyup:


No it was Babs Seed. :moustache:



Rarity's a romance fiend. :rainbowhuh::raritystarry:

Man, that Rarity chick really needs to get laid.

Overall, this was an excellent 'one shot'. Looking forward to the rest of your continuity.



and haha yeah, i kinda got carried away with this one.:eeyup:

I fucking love this story and now that it is over i have one thing left to say to you sir or madam


T'would be sir, and the next piece is already in production:eeyup:

These are my thoughts on this fic...
1) Superbly paced :rainbowwild:
2) Excellent ending :rainbowkiss:
3) Great Characterization :rainbowhuh:
4) Amazing storyline (Aside from random tornado, but forgivable because of stupendous Soarin'Dash fic) :rainbowderp:
5) Top-tier writing skills :rainbowdetermined2:

Standing OV man, you've earned it. Can't wait the continuation.:twilightsmile:


Many thanks to all of those:pinkiehappy:

And yeah, i agree with you about the tornado. I wasn't quite sure how to make it be startling without it being random. (I mean what, a magical tornado of which we only figure out once the initial shock has long faded.) Your criticism is well paced because even after lots of editing i wasn't sure it really fit.

It's not like i could leave it out though it was crucial to the extended story going forward so i had to make do with it.

But seriously thanks, not just to you, but everyone. I was just putting a few ideas i had to paper at first, i never expected such a warm reception. It really helps motivate me to put lots of effort into them. :eeyup:

* applauds*

2570142 Was I the only one who didn't mind the tornado i was like sure wtf? random tornado out the blue but way you made soarin a complete bad-ass during the fight between him and his shadow self made up for it hopefully in your follow up to this there will be more chances for soarin to kick ass along with the the rest of the wonderbolts

Loved this story :pinkiehappy: I can't wait to see this series go on. You're doing great, man!

Fantastic ending!!!!! That was an awesome story, I can't wait to see it continued, awesome job!! :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:




Haha alright then :eeyup:

Yikes. Sorry about my earlier comment! That's what happens when I am too happy. Let's see what we got here...
I love how you paced the story! The scenes are perfectly described, just the right amount of communication, interaction or blah, AND DAMN. The battle scenes were just SUPERBLY GOOD! It felt like I was literally watching the scene live. (Seriously. I was picturing it.) And the whole thing when they saved Soarin'? Oooooh gosh that was awesome! And here's the best (in my opinion), THE SCENE WHEN SOARIN' GETS TO RAINBOW IN THE TRAIN. It was so adorable I cried. (NOW KISS AGAIN!)
So overall, I give this a 10/10. I would re-read.
AAAAAAAAND here's a question, when you say/typed "continued", do you mean that there's a sequel for this story alone (crossing my fingers) or it is continued with another couple? Oh, and here's one more, are all your shipping stories connected?
Thanks for reading this dumb and long comment. Hehe!


No comment is stupid as long as long as it isn't intentional:moustache:

Thank you very much :twilightsmile:

To answer your questions, yes all of my stories are connected. However, not all of them will be shipping stories. In fact the next three will not be. They will also all be one chapter, I got a little carried away here because I love soarindash:rainbowlaugh:

Unfortunately there will be no direct sequel for the time being, I'm making shorts, each featuring one of the mane six and a male character, building into a somewhat larger piece once through the six.

Any follow ups to any of the shorts will not be done until after that larger piece or if I feel like writing one for a change sorry :fluttershysad:

But anyway, thanks again I'm glad you liked it :eeyup:

I was told to read this story, when I started I didn't think it would be good and end like any other soarindash story, but every time I thaught I knew what was going to happen, BAM!!!! right turn. This story always kept me reading just to figure out what would happen and I love stories that you just can't walk away from. In the end it was an incredible story and i'm glad I took the time to read it.

P.S.-- going to follow you so I can read the stories you come up with.


Thank you :twilightsmile:

It's one thing to do something that's been done to death, its another to do something that's been done to death with the right story elements :moustache:

I walked into this well aware that soarindash oh look wonder bolts in ponyville and the like have been done multiple times. I was hoping to add my own twists to it. Such as how events unfolded, making the characters more fun and believable, and how I decided to end it (because I felt this ending was WAY more realistic with how their lives are set up compared to the usual shipping fic setup)

Thanks for the follow as well, I hope to have my next short up soon pending my time allowed to work on it. :eeyup:

I knew this was gonna be "so awesome" as soon as I started :rainbowkiss: soarindash is awesome and you pulled it off whilst sticking to rainbow's personality from the show of being hardheaded, THANK YOU :pinkiehappy: this was so intense, the way you detailed the fight and each of the characters was perfect, this is simply awesome, SEQUEL NOW :flutterrage: :pinkiesad2: awesome fic! :twilightsmile:


What can I say? I'm a wizard :rainbowkiss:

So awsome:rainbowkiss:I:heart:this story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I freaking Love You!! :heart:
it's not every day a book (much more a fanfiction) leaves me in shock and awe and other crap i'm not mentioning cause i got my pride. but yeah Thank You! :yay::rainbowwild::raritystarry:


I'm glad you like it :twilightsmile:

Also thanks for all of the faves :yay: I appreciate it :eeyup:

Tears, and not the manly kind, I'm blubbering like a bitch.


let it all out man

thanks for reading :eeyup:



Tis I who should thank you. This was amazing.

I accidentally just threw my phone because of how excited I was at the end and also am crying like a little girl because the story is over

3938877 oh god, don't break your phone :twilightoops:

I'm glad you liked it.:rainbowkiss: Thanks for reading :eeyup:


:raritydespair: The FEEEELZ! I stayed up all night reading this and I cried like a baby!

:derpytongue2: Totally worth it though.


I'm glad you liked it :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for reading! :eeyup:

3950269 Thanks :eeyup:

Yeah... im not the best editor :fluttercry: every time i read through this stuff again i end up finding one or two typos in each chapter :twilightoops:

But again, thanks for reading, i'm glad you liked the story :eeyup:

OH MY GOD DAT ENDING WAS TOO RICH!!lol and rarity at the end oh my goodness that made practically die from laughter .......great story thx u did an awesome job

For some reason I feel as if this story should be called heads in the clouds since it's about 2 flyers I'm presuming... Of course I have a habit of avoiding fics that aren't TwiDash or SuperTwi/SuperDash. Well I might as well try to break this habit here...



Eeyup! :eeyup:

I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading!

4011413 no problem man :D i really enjoyed this :)

Love love LOVE this story it was sad,funny,and cute :pinkiehappy:


I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading :eeyup:

such a amazing story you should make another story about what happens after this

3070470 do they ? who does rarity, applejack, twilight and pinkie pie have?


I did :rainbowlaugh:

Flying sky-high is a direct sequel to this story :eeyup:

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