• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 13,365 Views, 467 Comments

Of Apples and Roses and Thick Purple Proses - RavensDagger

Roseluck falls for Big Mac, they both fall for poetry.

  • ...

The Drip

“He won! He won!” Roseluck shouted as she hopped on the clopper, slapping the poor object with her hoof well after everypony else had stopped.

“Um, Rosey, I think you can stop now,” Raindrops whispered.

The mare’s eager clapping slowed to a halt as she became aware of the massive amount of attention she was attracting. On stage, Big Macintosh beamed proudly, their eyes meeting once more in a way that inflamed her face. “Sorry?” she squeaked to those around before bending her back and lowering her head; trying to hide from the hundreds of eyes seemingly boring into her from all sides. She snuck another look up at Big Macintosh before looking away once more.

“Sir Macintosh has won,” Inky announced in a dull monotone that conveyed no emotion. “We will take another short break and resume with our competition in mere moments.”

Another wave of murmurs crossed the crowd, most just above a whisper. Raindrops shoved Roseluck to the side, almost sending the mare tumbling out of her seat. “Huh?”

The pegasus waved Roseluck away with a flick of her wrist. “Go on, Rosey! Go congratulate him.”

Roseluck shook her head, mane settling around her shoulders. “No, I couldn’t...”

“Yes, do it.”


“I know everything about you.”

The earth pony mare blinked. “What does that mean?”

A sly smile crossed her friend’s lips. “Everything.”

“I don’t—”

Raindrops leaned forwards, whispering a single word laden with both finality and dread: “Rosebud.”

Roseluck backed away, her shocked eyes refusing to blink as she gasped. “You-you wouldn’t...”

Raindrops smiled mischievously. “I dunno, Rosey... Big Mac looks like he could really use some congrats over there.”

Grumbling beneath her breath about ‘blackmail’ and ‘that one time in college’, Roseluck climbed out of her seat, tumbled her way out of the row, and began making her way to the stage.

The huge red stallion of her dreams was climbing down the steps, Twilight Sparkle prattling on at his side as she glared at number-covered sheets of paper. “I don’t know why I lost. Clearly, the crowd did not understand my references to the Prancian Revolution as told from the point of view of an astrophysicist. It’s really not fair; I spent days researching and fact checking. I don't think these ponies can understand the brilliance of history and science brought together in the bonds of prose!”


“Honestly, I don’t think I could have done better. I tried so hard.” Twilight huffed.

“Nnope, couldn't have done better.”

“I guess I should just try again!”

“Nnope,” he said before shifting his attention to Roseluck. His gaze trailed the length of her body, taking in every minute detail as she shuffled towards him, trying to hide the fierce red threatening to inflame her cheeks. “H-hello, Miss Roseluck,” he said, bowing to her as a gentlecolt would.

“Uh, hi, Big Mac... I mean, Macintosh,” the mare faultered.

Nearby, Twilight eyed the two curiously, then shrugged before trotting away at the behest of a purple dragon.

“How are you doing? No, I mean, you did a wonderful job on stage. Your prose is very eloquent,” Roseluck said.

“Thank you, Miss Roseluck. You can call me Mac, if you wish. Ah don’t mind.”

They both stood there, opening and closing their mouths and waiting for one or the other to bring up a conversation. Finally, Roseluck broke into a fit of giggles. The sound of it called a gentle smile to Big Mac’s lips, and his ears perked towards her.

We look like two foals, both too shy to talk to one another.”

The idea had flit around both of their minds at once, the two ponies unknowingly sharing the same thought as the murmurs of the whispering crowd drifted around them.

Big Macintosh joined in on her laughter, his deep baritone complimenting her light, fluttery voice. “Eeyup... So... um... maybe you’d like to sit... together?” he asked, one eyebrow rising.

Her heart skipped a beat. “I-I’d love that. There’s a free seat, right next to mine. If you want.”

“Ah’d love th—”

“Ladies and Gentlecolts! Inky shouted through the speakers. “Our third contest of the day is about to begin!”

Already? Roseluck wondered with some trepidation. Oh well, he’ll be beside me the whole time! The mere thought of being so close to the hulking stallion visibly weakened her knees as they walked back to her seats. The few ponies between herself and her chair moved out of the way with stunning haste as Big Macintosh pushed forwards, carefully avoiding their scrambling limbs.

Finally, they sat, just as Inky resumed his presentation. “Get ready to welcome the third group of contestants: Miss Colgate, and Miss Derpy Hooves!”

A scattering of shameless applause spread out through the crowd, despite the old stallion’s fiercest glares. Roseluck shifted into her seat, keenly aware of the giant form at her side and Raindrops incessant winking. Nothing can go wrong; I’m okay, she thought. Still, the clapping unnerved her.

A blue and white unicorn trotted down the centre aisle, a tiny grin on her face as she made her way to the stage and up the steps. The mare then reached the far back and sat down, tail twitching impatiently.

Nothing happened.

Ten seconds, then twenty, flashed by, but of the other competitor, there was no sign. “Maybe She won’t show up?” Raindrops said, cringing hopefully.

The first thing they heard was a fizzle, like that of a match being struck. The simple sound grew in fervor and drew the attention of everypony to the town right behind the contest grounds.

Fluttering in midair with a massive sparkling blue cape was Derpy Hooves. Behind her, hundreds of fireworks took to the air with a cornucopia of whistles and swooshes, only to pop and explode in a flurry of sound and lights. The sparkles drifted through the sky, encircling the grey pegasus in a halo of multicolored light that blinded and awed.

A single whooshing ‘ooohh’ escaped her fans as she swooped down, gaining speed as her altitude dropped and she glided down over the crowd. On her back, partially hidden by the streaming cape, was a bottomless saddle bag from which muffins fell, drifting to the grabbing assembly on tiny silver parachutes.

“I’m here everypony!” the wall-eyed mare said before crashing into the microphone stand.

Even Roseluck cringed as the mare tried to untangle her cape from a pole. Muffins kept dropping to the floor, either rolling around or being squashed by the mare’s attempts to free herself. “I just don’t know what went wrong,” the mare whined.

With much groaning and sighing, Inky Scribeswell trotted across the stage and began helping the mare out of her predicament, chastising her in a low whisper the entire time.

Everypony waited patiently, some nibbling on muffins as the mare spun out of her web, removed her saddlebags, then gave them all a deep, penetrating stare with her right eye. The left was focused on the microphone stand on the ground.

Grumbling to himself, the unicorn levitated the stand until it was upright before huffing and stepping off stage. Upon reaching his desk, he spoke, “You may start, Miss Hooves.”

The mare scowled at the microphone, her eyes slowly aligning with the bulb just as she giggled and smiled gleefully. Stepping forwards, the mare began.

“The nights turn to long days and I try
To keep my head up and not to cry
To find a way through their stares and sneers
Because all these have been lonely years
I wish on the stars now and then
To grant me just one, just one friend
I don’t ask for anything more
I don’t deserve much, nothing more
I’d like to help but I can’t
I’d rhyme for you, but I’d rant
I’d sing a song out of tune
If it would lighten your mood
I’m not so good with words
It’s hard to make long lines
I tried to no avail
I think I’ll stick with mail
I'll just finish this
With your approval
Though I don't want to
Waste your time at all
I'm quite stupid
I have been told
I should keep in
My lowly place
But it is
Very hard
Not to want
Just one friend
I guess
I'll take
A bow,
and re-
Turn to

The crowd was still, many touching their eyes and wiping away fresh tears from their already soaking cheeks. Finally, through the sobbing, a single brave soul tapped onto his clopper, setting off a rousing tide of clacking as everypony gave it their all.

Roseluck began to shiver uncontrollably. I-I-I can’t beat that. I knew it was going to be good, but... but this, she thought, her face draining of colour. I won’t win. I’ll lose. I'll be a laughing stock. How... how can I defeat that?!

The clapping never subsided; it only grew in intensity as if it would thunder on forever. Her entire body reeling, Roseluck slumped back into her seat, Raindrops comforting hoof on her shoulder and Big Macintosh's presence at her side doing little to help.

“She is good,” Raindrops admitted, a mixture of awe and fear in her voice. “But I’m sure you’re better.... right?”

“Eeyup.” Macintosh agreed, never removing his look of firm determination.

“There goes my shop...” Roseluck lamented.

“Don’t worry, Ah— We’ll find a solution,” the stallion murmured in his baritone.

Roseluck was left wondering, ears still ringing at the outpouring of love for the grey mare on stage, when a single shy cough was heard, one that pulled the three’s attention onto the stage.

Colgate rubbed a hoof against her elbow, shoulders slumped, as the crowd settled and split their attention between herself and the Clopometer. The red bar within the machine ticked and shivered a hairs-breadth below the nine point five mark. A single low ‘ahh’ of wonder crawled through the open space before one and all looked at Colgate, wondering how the mare would cope.

She stepped up to the microphone and cleared her throat.

“The waves in the sand,
Those caused by sea currents,
Fill my hooves with those
Tiny, um... shell recurrents,”

The mare paused, coughing self-consciously.

“F-foam upon my fetlocks
It reminds me of that night
When all was still
And no teeth were bright

‘Brushing is im-mportant,’
I would insist upon my pears, uh, peers,
but none would hear the words
until one was lost in tears.

She was in much pain
Having bitten in ice cream
So I showed her how to clean
And soon her woe was a dream.

My message then spread
And soon I saw the crowd
Lining up upon my door
Every pony moaning loud.

I fixed them all
Every tooth, sore, and gum line
And soon every night
Sounds of brushing brought cloud nine

So if you want to shine
Brush every noon and, uh, nine.”

Through the assembled ponies, a scattering of applause was heard, just a few gentle taps on the boards. The pitiful sounds hardly carried above the awkward shuffling and shamefully cast glances.

A few in the crowd snickered and laughed. “A poem... about dental hygiene? Somepony should wash her mouth.”

“Did she forget to floss before going on?”

“Whoa, that was cheesier than quarks, or even like, flowers, dude. Really, how can you be worse than a poem about plants?"

That’s what I’m going to be like, Roseluck thought as she watched the mare hobble off stage on three legs, one of her forehooves desperately trying to hide the tears streaming out of her. Pitiful, a failure. Oh no. Oh Celestia! I-I’m going to lose! I’m going to lose!

Within her chest, Roseluck felt like her entire body was squeezing in, heart and lungs refusing to work as she convulsed with a single sob. I need to get out of here.

She stood, the movement sudden and jerky as the mare shot to her hooves. “I-I have... I can’t,” she said before twisting away and lithely hopping over Big Macintosh.

The large red stallion and her friend watched her go, speechless until Raindrops gave the stallion a swift punch. “Go after her, you doofus!” she whispered vehemently before pouting at him, her bottom lip sticking out as her entire face scrunched up. When Big Macintosh froze, her pout quickly turned into a glare, one accompanied by a smack behind his head. “Go on, thick-skull; your damsel’s in distress!”

“Eeyup,” he said before saddling his seat and hopping over the nearby ponies with a single heave of his powerful legs.

The stallion landed at a gallop, one that carried him through the alley and right to the beige mare who had already walked past the entrance booth. Her posture was stiff, dignified to a fault. “‘Scuse me, sir—” the booth’s guard asked before Macintosh blurred by him.

“Rose,” he called at her, only spurring her on as she quickened her pace into the fields beyond Ponyville. “Rose, wait!”

With thundering hoofbeats and a grunt of determination, Big Macintosh caught up to her, sliding to a halt beside the mare and sending wads of unearthed grass flying. “Wait, please.”

Roseluck stopped, chest puffed out, back straight, and eyes hinting at barely-suppressed tears. “What?!” she asked curtly.

“Ah’m sorry,” he began, to which the mare opened her mouth and scowled. “Just hear me out, please.”

Gently, Roseluck nodded, suspicion and the need to escape registering across her features.

“Ah know what yer thinkin’. You think yer not good ‘nough, that you can’t do it. Y’er wrong. You, Miss Roseluck, are the prettiest, kindest, and sweetest mare Ah know, and Ah’ll be damned if some muffin-lovin’ filly hurt your feelings!” Big Macintosh stomped at the ground as he vented himself out to the befuddled mare.


“Ah’m not done, Miss Roseluck. If yer really the proud mare Ah think you are, you’ll turn right around, walk back onto that there stage, and try your damndest. Ah can’t let you quit, and Ah know you won’t.”

“Bu-but if I mess up, I’ll... I’ll be a laughingstock.”

The stallion shook his head. “Ah won’t laugh.”

“And... and if I fail, I won’t get the bits I need,” she added.

“There are plenty o’ bits and business to be made on the farm. But you’ll never get ‘em if you don’t try.”

"N-no pony will ever talk to me again without remembering how bad I screwed up!"

The stallion stood in front of her quietly, looking at the mare as a single tear found its way through her iron will. He sighed sadly. "Rose, yer one of the best poets Ah've ever seen. Your friends will always talk to you; they won't care what happens out on that stage... And Ah swear to you, no matter what number that thing gives you, Ah'll always love you." Blushing through his already-red coat, the stallion pushed forwards. Her heart beat madly as his green eyes locked with hers.

Their lips touched.

For the briefest of moments, a moment that seemed to pause time itself, both ponies became one.

But that single moment felt like an eternity.

The second their lips met, the rest of the world melted away, trapping the two in an existence devoid of anything other than the newfound love they were sharing. Although it was intensely pleasurable, it was nothing like the mare had always imagined. She had always thought such a big, sturdy stallion like Big Mac would be an aggressive partner, taking the lead and softly bending her to his will.

But that was far from the case, as Roseluck found him gently massaging her mouth with his own. He began to utilize muscles she wasn’t even aware existed to convey his affection for her, his lips seeming to vibrate and fluctuate with every movement of her own. Speaking of her own mouth, she was putting a surprising amount of passion into her own oral ministrations, almost certainly due to the stallion she was kissing, as well as the impossibly romantic buildup he provided.

Eventually, reality came crashing down upon them. A soft breeze parted a dandelion with its seeds, causing them to dance lazily in the air, their soft touches bringing the couple back to Equestria as a few stray seeds landed on their faces.

They pulled away, physically forcing each other apart as their bodies and hearts protested against the abuse of no longer being with one another.

Not a sound escaped them, save for their own ragged breathing and the stallion’s strong gulp. Did he? she wondered through the daze, knowing the answer full well, but savouring the doubt.

“You ought to-to return, Miss Roseluck. It’s going to be your turn soon,” he whispered, breaking through the heavy tension hanging around them.

Roseluck cleared her throat and lifted her head to stand taller. “I... Um, yes, I suppose we should be returning to our seats, and I to my presentation.” The mare spun around and began walking back, her face refusing to cool down from the deep shade of red it had gained. Th-that was... Yes.

Big Macintosh walked at her side, a spring in his step and an almost comically dopey grin plastered on his face as he kept pace with the much smaller mare. He kissed me, she thought, her mind filling with a euphoric glee. He really did.

The couple arrived at the gate, only to be greeted by the bouncer. “Sorry, sir, ma’am, can’t pass now that the show’s begun.”

The mare blinked, leaning to one side as she looked at the rows and rows of seats where ponies were quietly talking to one another. She spotted Applejack, the mare’s massive glare sticking out like a sore thumb. “But, mister, it’s in intermission.”

“Sorry, cutie-buns; the rules are the rules,” the burly bouncer said as he leaned against his booth.

“Pardon me,” Big Macintosh asked. “What’d you call her?”

“Ah, what’s wrong big guy? I insult your dame? Got to admit, she’s got a fiiiin—”

Macintosh took a long stride forwards, his chin practically resting on the stallion’s nose as he stared down at him. “You oughta be about to say ‘mane,’ else...” The huge red stallion huffed and flexed his impressive array of finely-crafted muscles.

Nearby, three mares fainted.

The bouncer's eyes whipped back and forth to both sides, seeking assistance from the crowd behind him. Not a single pony gave him any sympathy as Big Macintosh pressed closer. The tan pony seemed to lose his attitude as the threat of a far stronger stallion loomed before him.

“I-I, uh...” the bouncer began, his voice lowering until it was almost a squeak. “I really like her mane?”

Macintosh took a half step back and nodded firmly. “That’s what Ah thought. Now, let the lady through.”

Fumbling forwards, the bouncer ripped the gate open and ushered them in with a sheepish smile and a downpour of sweat.

Roseluck trotted ahead demurely, exchanging a quick look with the red stallion at her side as they crossed the gate. “Someponies oughta learn some manners,” he grumbled in his deep voice.

On stage, Inky was pointedly staring at his hourglass where the very last of the fine sand was trickling through. Finally, the very last grain hung on the edge of the glass before gently sliding to the bottom. “Ladies and Gentlecolts, the next contest is about to begin! Let us invite Doctor Hooves and Madam Roseluck to the stage... discreetly.”

“You can do it; Ah know you can,” Big Macintosh said as he gave her a comforting push.

Taking an enormous puff of air, the mare bounded forwards, face flushed, ears perked, and tail swaying from side to side like a filly about to eat dessert. I can do this! He kissed me! The two thoughts, despite having no common ground, melded into one in her mind until all else faded to nothing.

Roseluck climbed the steps two by two and pranced to the back of the stage, flashing a smile to Raindrops as the pegasus waved and gestured from her seat, much to the detriment of those around her.

A thin, almost scrawny stallion climbed on stage, his eyes taking in the hourglass on Inky’s table which perfectly matched the one on his flank, before smiling and finding his place. “Hello,” he whispered over to her. “Isn’t it fun?”

Roseluck eyed him. “Being in the show?” she asked, suddenly aware of the hundreds of eyes judgingly watching her. He’s a little odd, but he looks nice enough...

“No, being a horse,” he replied.

Before she could question the doctor further, Inky announced the beginning of the event. “Madam Roseluck? Who would you like to begin?”

“Oh, Doctor Hooves can start; I don’t mind!” she said as she bounced on the spot.

“Why, thanks! I love being first; being first is pretty cool,” he said as he stepped forwards, adjusting his bow tie and fez.

Without pause, the doctor began.

“A horse is a horse,
Of course, of course.

Unless that horse is a slyvene,
Whose name is Sylvene.

Hailing from Raxacoricofallapatorius,
They would much rather just get it over with and devour us.

We soniced her good,
just as an ood should.

Then the cybermen came,
That was a little lame.

The Dalek arrive too
To make the trouble two,

We felt a little mortal
As they opened their portal.

And with a little ‘Blimey’
We met Timey Whimey.

When I first met the ponies,
I thought they were little phonies.

Then I noticed my grooves,
then called myself Hooves.

I wear a fez and bowtie
And I’ll never lie.”

A single pony clapped like mad from the back of the auditorium as she leaned against a misplaced blue dumpster. Then, another and another joined in, many of them clapping uncertainly while shrugging to their friends and neighbours.

With an enormous, beaming smile, Doctor Hooves trotted back to his place beside Roseluck. “I think I did pretty good! They’re clapping their hands like mad!”

Hands? Roseluck bit her lower lip and nodded. “Ah, look at that. An entire four points! I’m on fire!” he said, laughing as the Clopometer jiggled around. “Um, I think it’s your turn Flower Cheeks.”

Shooting a tiny glare at the odd stallion, Roseluck skipped forwards to the microphone, not pausing before she jumped into her prose.

“The light of the sun
itself has a purpose and pride
For life showers upon the ground
and has where’re it stride

‘Come, children,’ the light calls out
As a mother would
As over the blades and petals
It feeds them as only she could

The light of the sovereign’s sun
Ignores not any plant
And gives them all her comfort
and all that she can grant

They lift their leaves in happiness
And take their fair share
and the sun gives freely of herself
Without demand or care

Great oaks of ancient times she feeds
And has since the very first day
That the acorn sprouted forth
And cares for it in her own way

She sings her song and the annuals
burst forth from bulb beneath the ground
And daffodils and tulips lift
and look upon her joy gathered all around

The seeds of autumn have sat
Silent beneath the snow
But at her touch they now spring forth
And in her songs they grow

The sun calls out to them
‘Give in kind!’
So the plants give forth their bounty
For she keeps all in mind,

So it is that the blossom is given up
And the shade of the tree
And my love brings the gifts of the sun
And gives them all to me.”

The mare huffed contentedly and smiled at the crowd, eagerly anticipating a wall of cheering.

They cheered, not long or strong, but many cheered, some even nodding in approval as they clacked at their boards.

That’s it? she thought as the clopping turned into a drizzle, then faded to nothing, only a select few braving embarrassment to clop on publically. Raindrops stood on her chair and pressed her hooves around her mouth. “I’m her stalker!” she yelled before being tackled by an aerial bouncer.

To her left, the Clopometer shivered forwards to the five point five mark, just barely clinging on to it, before it swooped down to nothing. “I-I...”

“You won!” the Doctor said as he passed by, a gigantic smile plastered on his face. “I guess they don’t understand Gallopfrey poetry. No biggie.” He extended a hoof forwards, grabbed hers, and shook it. “Truly excellent work. Never have been a large fan of horticulture, but that was quite enjoyable.”

“Oh, thanks. You did good too, I think,” she said, her mind not really there as she stepped by Inky who was climbing onto the stage.

The old stallion spoke, his voice muffled and tinny to the mare as she walked away from him and down the alley between the rows of seats. Various ponies, random and unknown to her, waved and saluted to her as Scribeswell announced one of the last intermissions of the day.

I almost lost. All that time spent preparing... The mare looked over her shoulder at the stage, her eyes blurring over as she seemed to be able to focus on nothing but the dust flying by the spotlights. If I had gone up against Derpy, there...

Roseluck had been pondering such bits of chance, carefully considering the larger motions of fate, when her best friend suddenly pummeled her.

Both mares flew off to the side as the golden mare tumbled head over hooves with her beloved friend. “You won!” she cheered at the top of her lungs, barely suppressed glee registering all over her as she shivered and danced on the spot, hopping from one hoof to another as her tail wagged like a dog’s. “I can hardly believe it!”

Roseluck blinked, the last sentence uttered by her faithful companion slowly sinking in. “Wait, what do you mean by, ‘I can hardly believe it’? What’s that supposed to mean?” the beige mare asked as she righted herself.

Raindrops’ smile lost a tiny morsel of its lustre and her dancing became a nervous sort of prancing as she broke contact with Roselucks’s eyes. “Well, it’s not like I totally didn’t expect you to win or somethin— Oh look, it’s Big Mac, the guy you traded tongues with earlier!”

Macintosh trotted over to them, his face a shade darker as he shot a glare at the pegasus. His gaze turned softer as it alighted on Roseluck. “You did excellent, Miss Roseluck,” the stallion said as he reached out a hoof and touched her side, the warmth of his touch making the mare jump. “Ah’m sorry,” he immediately said before flinching away. “Ah just wanted to clean you off.”

Roseluck looked at her side, a side that was now covered in dirt and stray pieces of grass that had gathered to her after Raindrops celebratory pummeling. She shot another glare at Raindrops, adding to the pegasus’ collection. She winked back.

She couldn’t have planne— No... that’s too complicated for Drippy to pull off... I hope.

“It’s fine, Mister Macintosh; your gesture simply surprised me. You can continue, if- if you want?” She bit her lower lip, trying her best not to look too coy.

“Ah just can’t stand seeing such a pretty mare dirty like that.”

Raindrops pushed the stallion’s forehoof down with her wing. “Riiight, how about we go sit down before things get too... steamy around here, all right?”

Reluctantly, both stallion and mare nodded and meekly followed Raindrops back to their seats. “Next up are those two scrawny kids,” the pegasus said over her shoulder as they inched into their row. “I remember them fairly well; used to pay them to spy— uh, you know, do chores and stuff. Tall one’s going to win.”

“Nnope,” Big Macintosh said as he found his seat. “Ah talked to the littler one before. He used to make up excuses and do things that had me running all over town. Often Ah ended up right near yer flower shop, Miss Rose.”

Roseluck nodded, studying the scoreboard.

“I’m sure you did... Hey!” Raindrops suddenly exclaimed, raising a hoof in the air. “How ‘bout a bet?”

Macintosh shook his head. “Nnope, s’not right to bet.”

“I could bet... things...” Raindrops said, pointedly looking at the mare between them.

“Hmm,” the stallion said, giving her a firm nod. “Eeyup, I’ll bet on that.” He shot a hoof forwards, one that was eagerly met by Raindrops.

“All right! A hundred bits if Snails wins, and some... information if it’s Snips.” Big Macintosh blinked at the mention of the quantity, but didn’t fuss.

On stage, Inky tapped his gavel against the floor and waited the half-second necessary for all to quiet. “We’re about to begin yet another exhilarating, awe-inspiring, heart-fluttering, and uber-exciting round of prose! Let’s watch in quiet as our two youngest competitors duel it out!”

Two colts, still school-aged, walked out of the same aisle, tripping and flopping around as they walked about with eight left hooves. Whoever it is that has to compete with that next round’s going to be lucky. Once more, Roseluck trailed her eyes to the scoreboard, her mind doing some quick and simple math. Tomorrow, I’ll face Derpy Hooves, she thought, a gust of cold air battering her as her mind faced the very serious possibility of losing. I need to win.

On stage, the shorter of the two hobbled over to the microphone, hopping up and down until his teeth firmly clamped the lever and loosened it, sending the microphone crashing onto his head. “Oops, sorry,” he said as a burst of static crossed the audience.

Snorting, the colt began.

“She is the best in the town, no, all of Equestria!
She shines brighter than a lantern when somepony has an idea.

She may not have vanquished an Ursa Major,
But that’s no reason for you all to hate her.

Come to one of her shows and you all will see,
No pony can top the Great and Powerful Trixie!

With powers so amazing, it’s no wonder she boasts,
She leaves the ponies she challenges looking as white as ghosts.

I’m not a fair weather fan; I’m here for the long haul,
I will always be at her beck and call.

Whatever she commands, I will make sure it’s done,
Proving to her, that I am the one.

She takes her smoothies with extra hay,
If she asked, I would fetch her one today.

With feelings deeper than any sea,
Trixie’s the only mare for me.”

I wonder what Derpy’s going to pull off tomorrow, Roseluck asked herself, the smattering of applause not doing the least to interrupt her. I’ll really have to up my game if I want to win. I need to win. For myself, for my shop, and... She looked at the red stallion at her side, a stallion who was eager to peek back.

Snails stepped up, a dopey grin on his face as he tried and failed to fix the microphone before giving up and levitating the object off the ground.

“Trixie is the best, no pony can compare,
Especially if it’s her plot against any other mare’s.

She has great magic abilities, to be sure,
But her beauty is definitely her biggest allure.

Her perfectly toned and shapely body,
Surely makes her a ‘major’ hottie.

It’s not enough to simply say she’s good looking,
She looks more delicious than a big jar of pudding!

The way the wind makes her mane swish and sway,
I’d let her tie me up any day.

The first time I saw her hat and cape,
I felt my feelings for her take shape.

Some ponies may call me dumb or slow,
But there is one thing that I surely know:

One day Trixie will be mine,
And I’ll love her ‘til the end of time.”

Big Macintosh’s grumbling as he hoofed a bill past Roseluck’s face did nothing to the mare whose mind was a thousand leagues away, trying to minimize the losses of the competition. Hmm, I could stay up and study all night, but then I won’t get my eight hours, and I know quite well what a lack of sleep does to my mood.

Cheating’s not an option; I don’t know how and it wouldn’t be very nice of me. Even Derpy is honourable... sorta. The mare groaned, leaning her head onto the back of her seat as she looked at the sky. Winning. Do I have to win? she wondered, tilting her head just enough to see the large red stallion at her side. I already have him, sorta. She began to turn her head to the other side. And I have a... sorta good friend.

Raindrops was absent.

In the pegasus’ stead was a single empty carton covered in gaudy and colourful images, the scent of popcorn wafting out of its butter-splattered sides. “Where’s Drippy!?” she asked as she twisted around towards the stallion at her side, her chair creaking softly as she shifted her weight.

Macintosh hummed a tune to himself, his gaze snapping between Roseluck and the stage.

Raindrops was on the wooden platform, an enormous grin splitting her face as she pranced on the spot and beat her wings, much to the irritation of Inky and the magenta mare at her side. Everypony stilled, waiting with anticipation and a little bit of impatience for the last and final show of the day to begin. After that, they were free.

“Ladies and Gentlecolts, not a sound as our last two competitors battle with wits. First, Lady Punch,” Inky said before gesturing at the tipsy-legged mare who wobbled past the microphone, around it, then fell onto her haunches nearby. With an audible groan, the mare picked up the device and dragged it to her mouth.

“The great drinks of the world, I have cherished them all,
from a droplet of dew to a glass six-feet-tall,
from the East to the West, I had drinks wide and far.
Does anypony care what my favorites are?

If work is tough and just drags on and on,
the bossmare starts to really grind my gear.
My worries and my sorrows are all gone
once I sit down and pour myself a
cup of jasmine tea; it really helps calm my nerves.

The stallion of my dreams has left poor me
in favor of another, what a swine!
But in a bar I once again feel glee
when barkeeps come and hoof me some white
whip cream to put on top of my cup of cocoa.

When I come home I see my lighting's broke,
I slip and fall and feel my head go numb,
my dinner on the stove goes up in smoke
my remedy becomes a glass of
juice – with some fast food that makes an overall healthy dinner.

But tea and milk can't handle all my ails
I have some needs that juice leaves unfulfilled.
And when a glass of cocoa somehow fails
I reach for something stronger and distilled:
I don't think it's a sin
to pour myself some gin,
or drink a tasty ale ,
when I don't want to wail.
When life is pretty plain,
why not drink some champagne?
I think that life is fine
with a sweet glass of wine.
A well-prepared Manehatten
makes my throat feel like satin.
But don't you dare botch
a fine, pure glass of scotch
Against somepony's quackery
I advise a daiquiri
A cup of high-proof grog
will cloud my mind like fog
I get rather frisky,
when I had some whiskey.
But then again some rum
can make me act all dumb.
A mug of apple cider
soon makes my grin much wider.
I guess that any liquor
will soon end up as snicker.

And if the next day I awake in drool,
and know I must have made myself a fool,
I curse my reckless idiocy, but then
one day I know I'll fall for it again.

What's more to say than drinking's rather vile,
there are a thousand other ways to smile,
but there is some to savor
so do yourself a favor
and pour yourself some liquor every once in a while.”

One of Roseluck’s eyebrows shot up while the rest of her face contorted into a deep frown. “Was that... modern poetry? No, more like an... epic? No, not nearly long enough, and it’s missing the...” she pondered above the din of clapping. And it’s getting a surprisingly good reception, too. Maybe I can do something like it?

“Ah think it’s called a pint too many.”

On stage, Raindrops’ excitement only seemed to intensify as the needle on the clopometer rose up to six and a bit.

Roseluck shook her head, snapping her attention back onto her marefriend. “Oh, sweet Celestia, no.”

“What’s wrong?” Macintosh immediately asked, his back straightening and his massive shoulders hefting up.

“It’s Drippy.”

“What’s wrong with her?” he asked, his eyebrows lowering as he squinted at the pegasus.

“She’s in a poetry competition... This is not good.” The mare touched a hoof to her forehead and groaned. “The entire time, and I forgot.”

“Why’s this bad, exactly?”

“It’s Raindrops! The mare who thinks that flushing is optional, that weeds are also pretty, and that the sky is always bluer when you’re having fun. There’s not a chance in Tartarus that she’ll do anything good here.”

Big Macintosh sighed as she settled back into his seat. “M-maybe she’ll surprise you?” he mused aloud, prompting a quick eye-roll on the mare’s part before she focused back to Raindrops.

“I don’t know. I just don’t want her to make a fool out of herself.” Roseluck sighed, folding up her forelimbs until she hugged herself, eyes never straying from her friend on stage. “She might look tough and funny, but deep down, she’s a fragile little mare who just wants to love her friends and be loved back. I don’t want to see her get hurt just to offer me a giggle.”

Macintosh sighed in turn, leaning just a tiny bit towards the smaller mare. “You’re quite special too, deep down.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she snapped back at him playfully.

Raindrops hopped over to the stage and stood a hair’s breadth away from the business end of the microphone. With a gigantic wheeze, the mare filled her lungs, her chest puffing out as she took in as much air as she could.

Oh boy, Roseluck had time to think before her friend began.

Upon the stage, Raindrops danced her hooves once, gave a smirk, and then began her recital.

“You wake with dawn
Let your heart race
Today is the day when you give it all a try
That is it, after all, what you get to choose,
We’re the pegasi.

Live fast, break hard left
Dive with a spinning roll
Keep the wind at your back as you fly
Commune with the winds
We’re the pegasi

Dance through the rains
Ten thousand feet in the air
Crash through clouds with a cry
Feel the ice sting on your face
We’re the pegasi

Crash through them
Force them back
Hear their falling cry
Feel the victory in your veins
We’re the pegasi

Let the touch brush your lips
Tomorrow she could be gone
You feel her touch even as you sigh
Love is fleeting, but strong
We’re the pegasi

This then is how it comes
and how it goes
This is how you live and die
As the winds sings past your wings
We’re the pegasi.”

Raindrops tossed the mic over her shoulder. As another smirk sat across her lips, she reared up onto her hind legs. She crossed her forelegs across her chest before nodding at the crowd.

They went wild.

Every pony in the seating area, those beyond, even the guards and bouncers, cheered, the noise reaching a deafening crescendo as every pony assaulted their boards with reckless abandon.

How did she... but... Roseluck reeled, the only pony in sight not clapping or cheering.

On stage, her old friend looked right at her, and beamed.

Oh, right, she’s crazy. No wonder I love her so much...

Author's Note:

Derpy Hooves: BaliBriant
Colgate: Staple Cactus
Doctor Hooves: RavensDagger (and friends)
Roseluck: The Descendant, or someone, I hope.
Snips: CPL Hooves
Snails: CPL Hooves
Berry Punch: Sarcasmo
Drippy: Descy

Google auto-correct has: Raxacoricofallapatorius. Yes.

Edited by:
-Fredrick the Saiyan
-and maybe JustAndotherTimeLord