• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 8,007 Views, 167 Comments

My Little Pony and the Thievius Raccoonus - RaijingtheClockworkPony

One theif is brought to Equestria, but he is not alone.

  • ...

On the Other Side

Static. Never a noise that made Bentley comfortable. It always meant that something had gone wrong, or worse was about to. Bentley moved the binocucom up to his eyes.

"Murray, come in Murray!"

The face of the hippo appeared in the small view port in the bottom left side of the lens. "I'm here Bentley. What do you need me to do?"

"I lost contact with Sly. I think there is a jammer in the tower and I need you to get in there and break it. It should be in the east tower."

The hippo nodded. "Right. Uh..."

Bentley rolled his eyes behind his glasses. "It's the tallest tower."

Murray shook his head. "I know which tower it is, but I think you should look at it right now."

Bentley used the binocucom to focus on the tower in question. He zoomed in a little and watched. The tower was dark for a moment then he spotted a helicopter moving away from one of the balconies. He zoomed in even further on the helicopter and studied it. He recognized the markings, the pilot, and office it belonged to.

"Oh boy, Murray you’re gonna need to get in that tower and get Sly out. Carmelita is here. I can see her pilot flying near a balcony."

The face of the hippo turned from the confident smile to a look of concern. "Okay. What happens if she spots me?"

Bentley thought for a moment. "Well... I think we should be fine. As long as she doesn't see Sly I think he could keep his cover with her. This may get a little tight but we've had worse."

The hippo nodded and his face turned to static. The turtle lowered his own binocucom and looked to the mouse near him.

"I take it you know already?"

The mouse nodded and pointed to the small screen on the controller in her hands. "I spotted some of those gorilla mercs. Should we move in and try to help?"

Bentley rubbed his chin for a moment. "I'll move in to help Murray. If Sly is in there we may need to distract her. Also with you out here you can help us with some air support."

The mouse gave him a thumb up and watched at the small thrusters on the wheelchair powered up. Bentley moved the chair forward and pressed a tiny red button to activate the thrusters. A small beep and a low *foowsh* was all Penelope heard as the turtle moved into the air and onto a low lying building. She looked at the castle in the distance and let out a low hum of worry.

Bentley landed on the roof and wheeled himself across it. He pressed the small button again once he reached the edge of the building, launching himself off the roof and towards the wall of the fort. He hit the button again to keep himself airborne and hit it a final time to clear the edge of the wall. With a slight *Thud* he and his chair landed on the walkway on the top of the wall.

Well I know the new shock absorbers work well. Bentley pulled up the binocucom and opened the channel to Murray again.

"Murray where are you right now?"

The pink face of the hippo appeared. "I'm almost to the castle. Why?"

"I'm going to join you up there. Carmelita's up there and we need to make sure she doesn't see Sly."

Murray nodded then gave the turtle a small smile. "Hey if this goes south on us it will be like old times, the three of us on the run from her. We've yet to be captured by her, for long that is."

Bentley nodded and closed the channel. I'm not worried about getting captured. I'm worried about Sly. He's been dating her for months now and I'd hate to think about losing someone I love like that. The turtle moved his wheel chair to the edge of the walkway and readied the thrusters. I hope you know what you're going to do this time Sly. I don't want to see you lose her.

Bentley made a few short thrusts from one building to the next as his mind worked on all the possible escape routes they might need. Something reflected on his glasses causing him to look up. One of the rooms in the east tower lit up and a moment later the window shattered and a loud explosion reached him a moment later. Bentley covered his eyes at the bright white light, despite how high up the tower was.

What in the... Oh no.

Bentley started pushing the wheels on his chair as fast as he could. Something had just gone off in the tower that Sly was in and now Sly might be hurt. He reached the side of the castle and started moving along the side. He spotted a large form ahead and moved his wheelchair to the shadows. He watched the large figure and recognized it as one of the gorilla mercenaries that had worked with Carmelita in the past.

Bentley sat there for a moment as he watched the ape move along the streets. The mercenary reached up to his ear and held it there for a moment. It was with a sudden shiver that the turtle realized that the ape was wearing a pair of night vision goggles. The large mercenary looked over at the shadows where Bentley was sitting and aimed his rifle at him.

"Hands up, little man." He muttered into his mike "I got a tango in a squatter. Doesn't match any description of any known officers and doesn't fight the profile of a streeter. What should I do?"

Bentley kept hands in the air for a moment as the gorilla nodded. "Yes sir. All right little man. Move into the street."

Bentley slowly lowered his hands and moved the chair into the middle of the street. The ape held his palm out and the turtle stopped his chair. The large ape moved closer and smirked at the turtle.

"Trying to run shorty?"

Bentley shook his head and moved his hands behind his head. He could feel sweat beginning to form on his brow as he looked down at the small control panel. Move a little to the left. Please move to the left. The mercenary started to slowly approach the wheelchair.

"What, no words for me? Tell me, where were you trying to go?"


"Very well then, be that way. We have ways of making you talk, but until then I'll just leave you here with a little present."

The mercenary pulled out a pair of handcuffs and moved to the side. Bentley waited until the ape was right in front of his armrest when he brought his hand down quickly on a small button on the keyboard there. The mercenary heard a small *Fwoot* before he felt a small stinging sensation on his leg. He looked down to see a small dart in his leg.

"What wass... th-that?"

The ape eyes rolled up into his head as he fell backwards onto the street. The turtle moved his chair up the street and stopped for a moment to look down at the ape.

"Sleeping dart, little guy."

The wheelchair confined reptile made his way around the building until he came to a familiar sight: A pile of unconscious thugs and a large hippo standing next to them.

"Murray, what are you still doing down here?"

The masked hippo jumped a little and looked over at the turtle. "Oh, uh..." He stood up to his full height and flexed a little. "The Murray was dealing with these pesky guards. I was about to make my way up to the tower."

The turtle moved next to the hippo and motioned for him to follow. "Good. Something exploded us there a few seconds ago. I don't care what it was or who did it, if Sly is hurt he will need us right now."

The hippo nodded and jogged alongside the turtle as they made their way to the large castle doors. Bentley would have been impressed by the architecture if he wasn't in a rush. They made their way into the fortress and Bentley stopped only when he was met with an old foe of his. Stairs, lots and lots of stairs.

Murray stopped next to him and looked up the stairs then back to his friend. The masked hippo wore a questioning look mingled with amusement.

With a sigh Bentley nodded. "Go ahead."

Murray only grunted as he lifted the wheel chair with one of his powerful arms and began running up the stairs two at a time. The turtle in the wheelchair sat there with his arms folded as he looked at his friend. In a way he was jealous of his friend. Murray had always been the strong one of their trio.

Despite how Murray looked, with his large gut and childlike smile, he was a huge mass of muscle and was rather smart in his own way. He always managed to keep calm in most situations and somehow always could find a reason to smile when he was with his friends. It had been Murray's hunger for cookies that had spawned the plan for their first heist together. The same heist that Murray ended up eating all the stolen loot.

Bentley looked down at the wheelchair for a moment and started messing with some of the weapon controls and checked the small cash of explosive devices. His mind briefly flashed back to a very similar situation to this. He, Sly, Murray, and Carmelita had defeated the criminal mastermind Clockwork, an owl that had replaced all of his biological body parts with mechanical ones so he could hunt down and destroy the Cooper clan. However the victory came at a cost. During the fight he had been caught in the jaws of Clockwork and had been paralyzed permanently.

Murray had opened the jaw and carried him to safety. He had been carried by his lifelong friend for hours until they could find a hospital that could help them. Murray had never left his side during the whole night. He had been there when the doctors told him that they couldn't fix his legs. That news had devastated Murray as much as it had Bentley. Murray kept blaming himself for not being able to save Bentley's legs.

Murray's voice brought him out of the past. "Hey, which way should we go?"

The turtle shook his head and looked around for a moment. "What floor is this?"

"The twenty fifth on the east wing."

The schematics of the fortress flashed through the turtles mind in an instant. "To the left. There should be a stair case that way."

The hippo made his way there and spotted the stairs. They made their way up three floors and came out on the hallway that led to Mchawi's private room. As Murray set the wheelchair down they surveyed the damage. The hall was a mess. The wall that was connected to the room was bent at the middle towards the opposite side of the hallway. the floor was covered in strangely colored slimes and liquids along with somethings that they didn't want to think about.

"What happened up here?"

Bentley looked up at Murray and tapped his chin for a moment as he looked as a jar sitting next to the wall. It was filled with a green substance and had what looked like a type of root inside of it.

"I have no idea. If I had to hazard a guess some type of explosion, but if that's the case then we should smell some type of burnt substance."

Both of them took a moment to sniff the air. Nothing burnt but some of the smashed jars smelled rather foul. They moved down the hallway and moved into the small room. The room was worse than the hall. The floor was covered in the strange slime and there were candles everywhere.

"Be careful. If there was a blast the whole room could be unstable. Hopefully the room will hold for now."

Murray nodded and scanned the room. "Sly's not in here. You think he's still on this floor?"

Bentley looked at one of the few intact jars for a moment. He scratched his chin and remained silent. Murray moved over to him and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Bentley? You still with me here?"

Bentley blinked a few times then looked at the hippo. "Yeah." He removed his glasses and wiped them with a small cloth he pulled out of a small pouch. "I'm still with ya, just thinking is all. If we want to be sure that he's not in this tower we'll need to find the jammer in this tower."

Murray nodded and punched his hand. He gave his friend a smile. "I get to smash them?"

Bentley couldn't help but grin at the simple enthusiasm his friend was displaying. "Go get it. If it's not in this tower then it should be in the others, I still had a signal in the lower half of the tower."

Murray headed out into the ruined hallway as Bentley reached down and picked up the small jar on the floor. It was perfectly intact and filled with a purple liquid that looked as thick as syrup. He checked the jar for a moment to make sure that it wasn't cracked or leaking. Placing the small jar down on his lap he moved into the hallway. He looked around until he found the intact jar he had looked at when they first made it to this hallway.

Picking it up he looked at the root suspended inside the green liquid. Interesting. He glanced around at the scattered things that all had been in the jars before, from what he could tell. So... why is this one empty...

The turtle moved back into the small inner room and looked around the floor at the puddles of goo. Rolled himself over to a small table that was flipped over and set it up. He placed the jars down and leaned back in his chair to look at them both, resting his chin in his hand and tapping the armrest of the chair with the other.

Moments of silence passed as Bentley studied the jars as his mind worked out the mystery they contained. There were all the signs of an explosion, from the damage in the hall and room to the flash of light that shattered the window, but none of the more subtle signatures. There was no burn marks, no charred smell, nor were there even remains of an explosive device.

The silence ended as some static buzz filled his ear and Murray's voice came through. "Bentley I think I solved the problem. Can you hear me?"

The turtle brought the Binocucom up to his eyes and looked at the tiny image of his friend. "Yeah. I can hear you. Have you tried to make contact with Sly yet?"

The hippo shook his head. "I have but I got nothing. Not even static. It's as if his binocucom isn't even in range."

Bentley sighed. "Head on down here. I think I have found something."

"You found something? Do you know where Sly is?"

Bentley shook his head. "Not exactly."

Bentley lowered the device and resumed looking at the jars before him. This is starting to get really weird... not even a shred of evidence that Sly, Mchawi, or even Carmelita from being in the tower. The turtle picked up one of the jars and looked at it for a moment. Bentley was deep in thought when his friend returned.

"What have you got?"

Bentley held up the jar with purple ooze. "What's missing here?"

Murray walked over to his friend and took the jar from his hand. He studied it for a moment then placed it back on the table then picked up the other jar, a moment passed before a confused look passed over his face.

"Uh... one has a root looking thing inside of it?"

The turtle nodded then motioned to the empty one. "I found this one in this room and I got the other one from the hall. None of the broken jars in here have any of the little things in them or on the floor, but in the hall all the specimens are all over the floor or even on the walls."

Murray placed the jar down and looked at them. "So what does this have to do with Sly?"

Bentley picked up the jar for a moment then looked at his friend. "I don't know, but I have a feeling that the reason why is going to lead us to him.