• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 16,659 Views, 175 Comments

Even Kindness needs Kindness - Crowley

A heart-plucking tale between you, a humble earth pony, and Fluttershy, a timid pegasus.

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Part 4

“Fluttershy!” you kneel down beside her, the concern with her being in such emotional pain gnawing your stomach, “What happened!?”

You know exactly what happened. Her constant obligation to care for the animals, her sense of duty towards the health and well-being of every creature, the traumatic experience back in the mud cave, the guilt of not being able to save even the smallest rat… all of those responsibilities, stresses and trials. Bit by bit, they were weighing down upon her. And breaking the tragic news of failing to save the rat’s life-partner? That was the straw that broke her, on top of all the others. And now they’re tearing her apart from the inside.

In an attempt to comfort her in any way possible, you gently nudge her with your snout, trying to draw her out of the ball she had curled herself into. Instead, she curls up tighter, resisting your reassurance.

“Please, I want to help you.” you whisper as calmly as you can into her ear. The tiniest squeal and hopeless sobbing is her only response. “I don’t like seeing you like this, Fluttershy.”

“Th- then don’t l- look.” Her voice muffles, her face remains buried in her forelegs. Maybe she thinks if she can’t see you, you can’t see her. Slowly, gently, your fore-hooves scoop her from the ground slightly. This time, she doesn’t struggle back, letting you raise her face towards your own. Tears still streaming from her eyes, she does her best to keep a straight face while keeping eye contact.

Even in this sorry state, you still think she’s one of the most beautiful ponies you’ve ever come across. And deep down, you decide that you’ll do everything it takes to make her feel better.

Your forelegs wrap around her, embracing her in a snug, firm hug. At first she tenses at the sudden affection, but steadily, she hugs back, nuzzling your shoulder. Her tears continue to flow, dampening your shoulder. You don’t mind.

“It’s j- just too hard, y- you know?” she stutters, “S- so many little l- lives all depend on me…” You stroke her head soothingly, letting her know you’re listening. It’s no use to her keeping her anxiety bottled up, you reason, and letting it all out might be good for her. You hope it’s good for her, at least. There is however, one thing she mentions that you absolutely insist isn’t true.

“And… and if I couldn’t even care for one of them, how can I take care of a whole houseful? I feel so useless-”

“You’re not useless, Fluttershy,” you cut her off assertively, “You’re far from useless, you’re one of the most helpful ponies I know. And I‘ve only just met you today.”

“You’re just saying that.” she sniffles vacantly.

“I’m telling the truth. I can prove you‘re not useless.”

“How?” is all she manages to say. Her throat is no doubt sore from her crying, and thus her words become quieter, fewer and far between. You think for a brief moment, trying hard not to upset her as you pick your words.

“Well… remember back in the mud-cave?” You really aren’t keen on the idea of reminding her, but she needs an example for how useful she is. And she was incredibly useful back there. “Remember when I lost it, and started screaming the place down? I was freaking out down there, and you calmed me down. You helped me when I thought everything was lost, Fluttershy.” Your head rests against hers as you hug her ever-so-slightly tighter. “Just like how I want to help you now.”

“But I- I didn’t help you,” she mumbles with a strain in her voice, “You did all the digging. I just lay there being a waste of space.”

“Actually, you didn’t,” you counter. If she thought for half a second she was a waste of space, you would shoot that ridiculous idea out of the sky. “You’re the one who told me to dig like a mole, remember? You’re the one who helped me dig fast enough to escape, if it wasn’t for your advice, Fluttershy, we’d still be down there, digging. Or worse.”

You loosen your hug just enough to bring yourself face-to-face with her. The tears still run down her beautiful face. But thankfully, she’s smiling. Just faintly. “You saved both my mind, and my life,” you tell her, trying not to get lost in her eyes, “You risked life and limb not just for other ponies like me, but for your animal friends,”

You gesture outwards towards the rest of the room, almost being startled at what you just noticed - many, many tiny, little eyes, from almost every kind of small beast, winged or otherwise, had gathered around you and Fluttershy, each looking worried, almost apologetic, towards the pegasus. Each one in total silence, wondering why their strong, kind motherly figure was so upset.

Fluttershy herself lifts her head slightly, scanning the room, gently smiling through her tears at every single one of them. You hazard a guess that she could name them all on the spot too.

“Don’t you see? You’re not useless! You never were useless, and to me - and to them - you never will be.” You slowly draw her back into your hug, her face burying itself back into your shoulder. You nuzzle up to her head, and whisper; “You’re the kindest, most caring pony I’ve ever met. And nothing will change that.”

Her reply is almost inaudible, but it causes your heart to skip regardless;

“Thank you.”

You both lie there for the longest time; your loving embrace uninterrupted, sharing the rise and fall of each other’s chests, the gentle rhythm of your heartbeats. One by one, the small animals that had gathered around begin to take their leave. Some birds decide to return back to their small wooden bird houses, others flutter out of the open window along with several other animals. The smaller rodents return to their respective mouse-holes and cracks in the wall. Soon it’s just you, her, and the sunset flickering it’s last over the horizon.

Finally, you whisper in her ear, “Fluttershy? How are you feeling?”

There’s no response from her. Only her slow, gentle breathing on your shoulder. Delicately, you release your fore-hooves from around her and gaze at her beautiful face. Her closed eyes were calm, her mind peacefully drifting far away from her problems. She had fallen fast asleep in your arms.

You carefully scoop her up, letting her lie on your back. It’s astonishing, how she feels as light as her own feathers. Silently, you carry her up the wooden staircase, finding her bedroom with no trouble. You trot to her bedside, and gently lay her down, tucking her in under the covers. She stirs, and for a brief moment you fear you may have disturbed her peace. Instead, she rolls over in her sleep, grabbing her nearest pillow and nuzzling against it. Perhaps she thought it was still you.

At least she was still smiling, her dreams probably filled with all the wonderful fluffy creatures she can imagine. She definitely needs the rest, and now that you think of it, so do you.

Surely Fluttershy wouldn’t mind if you stayed the night, albeit in different rooms. Once you had made your way down the stairs, you lie on the nearby green couch in the main room, close your eyes, and let your mind wander. The last thing you see in your mind’s eye is the kindest pony in Equestria.