• Published 12th May 2024
  • 374 Views, 19 Comments

Equestrian Omni-Hero: Omni-kix Adventure - Blaze-saber

Get ready everyone, because this new summer vacation is going to be filled with much new power-ups, new aliens, new villains, new friends, and a new... Antitrix?!

  • ...

Chapter 2: Omni-kix Part 2

In the underground city, the three aliens Helix and his team faced are running through the underground city that is filled with aliens while Helix and his friends are chasing after them while the Equestrians looked in shock at what they saw. “There’s a whole city of aliens down here!” Helix called in complete shock.

"Yeah, we found that out ourselves when we were heading towards the ship to the Plumber Academy last year!" Helen called out.

"How come you two didn't know about this?!" Cozy asked Delta and Dust as they started jumping across rooftops.

“We're just as surprised as you all!” Delta called. “But we heard rumors of alien settlements here in Equestria!”

“But we didn’t realize it would expand into a city!” Dust called out.

"How about we focus on capturing the escapees before they get away?!" Attea called out as one of the escaped aliens quickly jumped over a gap onto another rooftop.

They kept chasing them as the group scattered to catch at least one of them. They ran across all over the city until the three aliens regrouped and went down the tunnel as Helix chased after them as he entered. “Quillspeed should catch these guys!” He said as he activated his Omnitrix and turned the dial as he went to a familiar icon. "It's hero time!" He declared before he slammed the core down, but instead of Quillspeed, he was a plant-like humanoid who has two arms with four fingers on each hand. His hands are covered with leaves. Wildvine has spikes on his hands and elbows. His hands and feet are dark green, and his body, arms, legs, and head are lime green. He has vines on his arms, and wrinkles on his stomach, neck, and a portion of his legs.

He has a large dark green leaf connected to his back and torso and has dark green lips. He has one blue eye, and a lime green leaf acting as a collar around his neck. He also has large, dark green seeds on his back. He also wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest. "Whoa, now this is new." He said to himself when he stopped in his tracks and sounded like somepony from Manehatten.

"Is that a new alien?" Ruby asked when she and the others caught up to him.

"And why is it disturbingly familiar?" Smolder asked when they saw him in his new form.

“Eh, upgrade Omnitrix. I think I need some time to figure out the new controls and what new aliens this thing unlocked.” Helix said to them.

"Well, can it do anything to catch the chicken that's up ahead?" Flash asked his cousin.

"Worth a try." Helix said with a shrug before he extended some vines from his back and they went into the ground. “Viney said what? This alien can extend and grow some vines? Cool sauce.” He said with a smile before the vines caught the chicken alien and got tangled on the tracks as it kept clucking. “That was wild. Hey, that’s a great name for this alien. ‘Wildvine’.” He said with a smirk.

"Awesome name, now how about we interrogate Chicken Little over there?" Spike suggested as they walked up to the captured chicken alien.

"Alright Chicky, how about you tell us who your boss is and we might just go easy on you." Wildvine said as the eyes of the alien chicken widened when he saw something behind them.

"B-B-B-Behind you!" He called out.

"Do you really think we're going to fall for that old trick?" Rainbow questioned with a brow. "How dumb do you think we look?"

Applejack turned and her eyes widened. “Uh, Rainbow, he’s telling the truth.” She said as an alien truck was heading its way.

“Quick! Move him!” Misty yelled as Manny grabbed the chicken alien and he threw him aside before they got hit with the alien truck.

"Hey, you took out my breaks!" The alien driver yelled at them.

"You're the one who hit us, dude!" Wildvine shouted back. "Were your lights off or something?!" He then quickly used his vines to grab hold of some pipes that were up on the underground ceiling while Manny dug his feet into the ground to slow down the truck.

They then exited the tunnel while crashing into some stands as the truck then stopped as the Equestrians and their alien friends were sent flying as they crashed into the ground. The alien driver brought out his speaker. “Part of Undertown market, connected to the sewer line, ground field tunnels and the ferry’s suction tanks.” He spoke up as the truck revealed to be a bus as the aliens inside quickly exited it.

"Undertown, is that the name of this underground city?" Twilight asked as they looked around and saw a few aliens around some market stands.

“Next stop, gasket gardens.” The alien driver said as the bus took off, leaving the group in the dust as they coughed.

“Oh, that’s rude!” Rarity called as she coughed.

“Hey wait, you don’t have brakes!” Delta called out.

"I'm sure it'll come to him." Wildvine said with a shrug before they started to walk around. "This is wild, man. So many aliens down here, right underneath Ponyville."

"And you think that some of the aliens down here came out to Ponyville disguised as ponies?" Pinkie asked as she picked up a bubble helmet and put it on her head.

"It's not just here." Ocellus said as she stood in front of a map that had different locations. “Apparently there's a bunch of alien cities across the globe."

“What now?” Fluttershy asked in surprise as the group looked at the map.

“She’s right. There’s a whole world of aliens right underneath our own!” Gallus said in shock.

“That… is… so awesome!” Rainbow squealed like a fanmare.

"Hey, who's up for some sightseeing?!" Wildvine suggested.

“I won’t mind!” Twilight said in pure excitement. “This is a fascinating discovery of a new land that is right below our feet of alien lifeforms!”

“Yeah, we were surprised ourselves. Since we didn’t know that more aliens actually lived in Equestria that much.” Helen said with a chuckle as Helix’s alien dog barked. “What is it, girl?”

“Wait, that alien dog is a girl?” Sandbar asked in surprise.

"You never pay attention in health class, did you?"

"Uh, well what exactly does she want?" Gallus asked as the alien dog barked again.

“I think she’s picking up something.” Azmuth said with a curious look. “Let her lead the way.”

They followed the dog just as Helix timed out and they looked around the place while they followed her. “Tube socks. Group in pairs. Group in threes. Group in five. Guaranteed to fit any tube.” An alien vendor announced to a crowd around his stand.

“That’s weird.” Rainbow commented.

"Mommy, I got a bloody nose." A young female XLR8 said before she held up a bag.

“Well, did you expect me to cook it for you here?” The mother XLR8 questioned as she held the bag.

“That’s just gross and disturbing.” Spike said with a grossed out look.

"Eh, different aliens have different food cravings." Dust mentioned before the alien dog went up to a stand with a bunch of tentacles on sticks.

“Tentacles on a stick. So fresh, they grab you.” The alien vendor said as he held up a couple of tentacles while they were still moving while the others, san Delta, Dust, Manny, Xylene, Myaxx, Azmuth, the alien girls, and Zenith, gave grossed out expressions while the alien dog licked her lips while panting.

"I’m guessing you're hungry, huh?" Helix asked the dog before they heard Smolder's stomach growling, which caught their attention as she blushed with embarrassment.

"Don't judge me, I skipped breakfast.” She told them before she looked at the tentacles. "And it looks like I'm that hungry."

“Well, in that case. Give us a couple of those.” Delta spoke up, which surprised half the group.

“With suckers or without suckers?” The vendor asked.

“With.” Delta and Smolder said as the alien dog barked with a nod, saying she wanted suckers as well.

"Uh, since when are you guys…" Helix trailed off when Manny and his girlfriends took the tentacles.

“Thanks for the offer.” Attea spoke up.

“Maybe you should help us.” Manny said as he and Helix’s girlfriends showed them their Plumber badges. “We’re Plumbers working a case.”

“Did you see a group alien bi-peddle low-lives run through here?” Lolaxx asked the vendor.

“What? No. I don’t know nothing, I don’t see nothing.” The alien vendor said as he closed shop and went to the driver era and took off.

“What was that all about?” Misty questioned with a brow.

“I have no idea.” Helix said with a shrug.

“It seems that some of these aliens are afraid of them down here.” Zenith noted.

"Well maybe whoever the bad guy is will end up coming to us." Helix said with a shrug.

"What do you mean by that?" Ruby asked him.

"Well how it usually goes is when they go back to their boss, he'll up saying 'Helix and his little friends, come to ruin my plan.'" Helix started explaining. "Then he'll probably send some big lackey to come after us and then we'll end up finding him."

"That does feel like it happens to us more than once." Helen mentioned with a shrug.

“True that.” Flash said with a shrug.

“Well, we need to find their boss and find out whoever or whatever it is and find those alien runaways before they do any more damage.” Twilight said to them.

“Not to worry.” Dust spoke as she walked up to them. “While we were searching around, an alien talked to me and explained a spot where we got a lead.” She explained with a smile.

“Since when?” Smolder asked in surprise while eating a tentacle stick.

“Since you were distracted by the tentacles.” Dust said with a smirk.

“Of course you did.” Helix said with a sigh.

They soon came to some sort of bar that has a sign on top that reads 'GasTown.' "Huh, didn't know aliens down here had a sense of humor." Spike commented as Cozy went up to the window and looked through.

"And for good reason why it's called GasTown, it's filled with a bunch of gas." She told him as she saw some blue gas inside.

“I was told that one of the alien culprits' co-workers is inside.” Dust explained.

“But most of you might want to wait outside.” Xylene said to them. “That’s poison gas in there.”

"Huh, I probably got an alien that can clear the room." Helix said before you press the button on his Omnitrix and the core popped up. He then cycled through the different forms before slamming it down. He then transformed into a green turtle-like alien with large flipper-like arms, green eyes, and stumpy legs. The tips of his arms also have three holes each, which can extend finger-like claws to use as fingers. He also has six holes in his shell, brown spots on his upper legs, toes, and shoulders, and a hexagonal and slightly larger body shape. The black stripes under his eyes are thicker, his legs are shorter, and his feet have each gained three toes and the Omnitrix symbol on his chest. “Cool. But what am I going to do with a big turtle?” He asked with a smirk.

“Well, you look like a giant terrapin turtle.” Fluttershy noted.

“That spins.” Misty added with a smirk. “So how about…”

“Terraspin!” Both Terraspin and Misty said at the same time with a smirk. “Eh!”

"Okay, let's see what he can do." Terraspin said before he walked up to the door and opened it up. This caught the tension of some of the aliens inside before Terraspin retracted his head into a shell before his legs combined into a fin and he spun around in the air. He started to move like a fan as he started to suck up all the poison gas in the room.

“Whoa! The dude can create or retract strong gusts of wind!” Gallus exclaimed in awed.

“Despite him hiding in his shell, he sure is a spinner.” Sandbar commented.

"But I think we may be suffocating some of the aliens in the room." Twilight pointed out as some of the aliens were coughing from the lack of poison gas. Dust then saw one of them making a break for one of the helmets on the wall and her eyes widened.

"That's him!" She called out before Helen quickly grabbed the helmet the alien was about to grab and quickly pulled it away from him.

“Nice hangout. Great atmosphere.” Helen joked as the helmet alien started gasping as the others surrounded him.

“So, who’s behind deforesting the Everfree Forest for the Omni-key?” Lolaxx questioned him with a firm look as they were passing the helmet around away from him.

“I tell you… as soon as I can breathe.” The helmet alien said as he was having trouble breathing.

"Sounds like a fair trade to me.” Ruby mentioned as she grabbed the helmet and was about to place it back on him.

"No wait!" The other's called out but it was too late as she put it back on and his suit filled up with poison gas while he smirked.

The alien then took off in his jetpack as he flew out the door. “You seriously thought that he would talk if we do as he said?!” Rainbow questioned Ruby with a look.

“I was being polite!” Ruby said in defense. "I never dealt with bad guys before."

"Well let's follow him and see if he leaves us right to his boss!" Terraspin suggested before he started hovering in the air when his fins started moving around.

“He can fly?!” Pinkie asked in excitement.

“No time to be awed, time to go!” Myaxx exclaimed as they all rushed out of the building and followed the alien helmet down the tunnel as they followed the blue trail.

“At least he leaves a trail for us to follow!” Applejack called. “This rodient will lead us back to the nest!”

“Better armor up.” Ocellus said as she put on her techno armor as they kept following the trail.

Meanwhile, a bunch of aliens were unloading some cargo out of some high-tech alien trains while one of them with a head on top and a face in the center of a stomach was up on a higher platform. “You will take these new shakedown machines to the surface. And fan out into the entire land.” A voice spoke up.

“But boss, we might accidentally crush your artifact you're looking for.” The alien said before his boss clenched his face and smacked him in the face.

“Don’t you see, fear is my currency.” The boss said as he walked up to the alien. “The artifact has survived the crash and it will survive this. My reputation will be made once the whole land of Equinn fears the name…”

“Helix Watch!" A voice called out fearfully as the alien from GasTown was flying in. "Helix Watch!" Soon the group followed behind before Manny jumped right on top of the alien and knocked him down.

“We have a deal! But this time, you’re gonna talk!” Manny yelled while holding the alien down.

“Manny! Heads up!” Zs’spoocy yelled before Manny looked up and saw many aliens in front of him as the others came to him as Helix timed out.

“Oh. Rats.” Manny muttered as he raised his hands while the others did their form of surrender.

“Nice.” Attea muttered as the aliens aimed their blasters at them as the alien Manny was on got up and rushed up to the alien group.

“Look. Those are shaking machines.” Zenith said with a worried look. “That is bad news.”

“How bad are we talking about?” Rarity asked nervously.

“Bad enough that at least one would blow up an entire building, but with so many, it will be enough to take out a city.” Azmuth explained.

“Helix Watch and his little friends!” A familiar voice spoke up as the alien boss walked up from the second floor. “Here to ruin my plan? I think not.” He said as his face revealed a familiar alien they haven’t seen in a while.

“Psyphon!?” Helix and the young group that knows him asked in shock.

“You kids know him?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“A friend of yours?” Ruby asked in wonder.

"He was an intern for Vilgax." Helix answered before he glared at Psyphon. "But we haven't seen him since me and Misty threw both of them into space."

"Aw yes, and after you finally destroyed my master, I guess you could say I had an epiphany and a little modification to myself." Pysphon told them before he stepped out of the shadows and they saw he had a completely new look.

His overall body shape is much slimmer and even more skeletal. Overall, he is taller and much more nightmarish. His fin has become rounded, like a horn, with the black accents now covering half of it from the tip down, a large black stripe creating the illusion of a pattern with the whites, and two other stripes on his forehead that curve down towards each other and point to where his corrugator muscles meet. His blood red eyes now contain snake-like slits for pupils and matching sharp black lines that extend from the bottoms of the black spots that outline his eyes. He no longer has a visible nose, he has tan jagged-rock teeth, he has an underbite, and his fingers are now long and pointy, like claws.

His robe is now more of a form-fitting armored suit that covers his arms and legs with the drapery only reaching to his knees, resembling a long coat. His armor has become bulkier in his shoulders and hips, the armor that circulates his jaw is equipped with two sharp curves on the chin (resembling a goatee), and the keypad thing on his chest now extends in length from the top of his sternum to his stomach. The drapery of his robe is equipped with a long loincloth-looking strip of red fabric decorated with black markings and three metal shell plates on each side. He has red markings on his shoulders, large horn-like spikes on the backs of his hands and tips of his toes, and 3 bolts on each side of his arms and legs, 2 on each side of his neck, and 2 on his clavicle.

"Wow, you definitely got uglier, that's for sure." Attea commented before Psyphon looked at the alien Manny knocked down.

"You brought both Helix and his friends right to my doorstep, and by the looks of his Omnitrix, I see you found the artifact I've been searching for." Pysphon said, which made the alien flinch. "I don't know whether to thank you for bringing them here, or vaporize you for foolishly leaving them right to our operation."

“Uh, thank me?” The alien asked hopefully before Psyphon fired a beam at him, shocking him as he yelled in pain before he fell to the ground out cold.

“Thank you.” Psyphon said with a sinister smirk as he rubbed his wrist. “You must be wondering whatever became of me, Helix Watch.”

“Uh, yeah. Because after my friends and I fried Vilgax into burnt toast, we haven’t seen or heard from you since then.” Helix said with a serious look. “Too busy trying to be powerful to be his second in command?”

“On the contrary, I'm actually most grateful that you destroyed my master." Psyphon told them with a smirk. “It gave me a chance to finally grow and be my own master. No longer am I what you say an intern for others. Now I am the master and I will have that artifact. And since I now know it is completely useless without your Omnitrix, I will take the utmost pleasure of saying this: Get them boys!"

The aliens then started firing at them as the group scattered around to avoid the shots while Helix, Misty, and Helix’s alien dog went into an abandoned cart. “I think Psyphon is enjoying being a master too much!” Misty exclaimed.

"You think?!" Helix shouted as he rapidly hit his Omnitrix as it was still in the red. “Come on, time back in!"

“I’ll take point!” Misty called as she activated her Omnitrix and picked an alien as she slammed the core down and transformed into her version of Wildvine, only she looked completely different from what Helix transformed into before. “Huh, looks like I’m my own Wildvine this time.”

“But why is your Wildvine different from mine?” Helix questioned since he noticed that Misty’s Wildvine appearance is more female but with tendals for legs, her head inside a mousetrap, her body is shaped like a dress. Her fly trap is much larger, and she has bulb-like hair with a ponytail, along with dark green lips. She has a skirt-like structure on her waist which covers the top of her leg tendrils. She has one glowing pink eye and she wears the Omnitrix symbol on her stomach.

"This is weird. Must be a similar species but different appearance. Remind me of the Wildvines from Zinon.” Misty said, seeing her form is almost similar to the ones when they were searching for Zenith.

"Huh, I did feel like Wildvine looked familiar." Helix said with a shrug before he quickly dodged a blast from one of the aliens.

"First one to bring Helix Watch to me alive, so I can tear that Omnitrix from his tiny little hoof, will get a very big bonus!" Psyphon declared with an evil grin.

“Well, time to show them what this Flowerfern can do.” Misty said with a smirk as she went out and brought out some pods from her back and tossed them, which exploded on impact that knocked the aliens away. “Huh, no wonder those alien plants love doing that.”

"Just do me a favor and keep your distance!” Helen called out after knocking a few enemies down with her tail. "I'm still having nightmares about those things!"

“Ditto!” Zs’spoocy and Attea spoke up, all having uneasy feelings while knocking some aliens away.

“Right, sorry.” Flowerfern said as she used her vines to grab some aliens and toss them away.

Delta and Dust quickly check out some blasters and start firing back while Manny punches a few aliens back. Ocellus was in her armor as she flew around and started blasting the aliens away while the Mane and the rest of the Young Six and Flash were fighting them with their own skills while Xylene used her powers to lift a couple up and tossed them away.

Helix then saw one of the aliens charging at him as he continued to beat down on his uni tricks before his alien dog quickly launched forward and bit the arm of the alien. "Good girl!" He called out before the Omnitrix finally turned green. “Now it’s hero time with a kix!” He called with a smirk as he activated his Omnitrix and selected an alien before he slammed the core down as he transformed into a new alien.

He is a yellow ten-foot-tall alien with an armored, robotic-like body. His head is similar to a Greek Corinthian helmet with two ears on it, giving him the appearance of an armadillo. He has a gray tail and jackhammer parts on his elbows, wrists and hands, creating the impression that he is a digging robot. Despite his mechanical appearance, all of these aspects are, in fact, biological and natural to his race. He also has blood that is grey and partially translucent with the Omnitrix on his chest.

Helix then turned his Omnitrix clockwise as it glowed and armor started forming. Yellow and white armor formed around him as a couple of spikes formed on his back. His left hand became a triple drill while his right hand is more claw-like while drill-like spikes formed on his back and his helmet has more of a face with a metal jaw.

“Whoa! Now that's what I call double armored!” Helix commented while also looking at his triple drill.

"Very impressive, so that is what the artifact and the Omnitrix can do as one." Pysphon said with interest before Helix slammed the ground with his drills and it began to shake like crazy.

“Whoa! Who’s rocking the house!?” Pinkie called as the entire area was shaking like an earthquake. “Earthquake!”

Then the tunnel began to collapse. “It’s collapsing!” Twilight called.

“Helix! Go easy with that alien before you get us all in a cave in!” Flash exclaimed.

“Give me a break! This alien is new!” Helix said in defense as he stopped the shaking. He then saw one of the aliens try to pounce on him before he reeled back and sent the alien flying with just one punch. "And it's awesome too! I think I will call this guy, Armadrillo!" He was then blasted from behind by Pysphon as he floated in the air.

“Another alien won’t do you any good.” Pysphon said before he charged at Armadrillo and flew through the wall.

“Helix!” Flowerfern called.

After smashing through the walls, Armadrillo and Psyphon flew across Undertown before they landed on a couple of stands. “Whoa. You’re a lot stronger then last time.” Armadrillo commented in surprise. "I better wrap this up quick before I time out."

“You think I wouldn’t be prepared?” Psyphon questioned as he fired a beam that appeared from his arm at Armadrillo, but it somehow bounced off the armor. “What? That should’ve overloaded your nervous system from my Psyphorbeam.”

"Yeah, I'm not sure how it works either." Armadrillo replied with a shrug. "Zenith was the one who made this Omni-kix stuff." Psyphon glared before he started firing lasers right at him. Armadrillo did his best to dodge the blast before he saw one blast hitting a pillar and was about to fall on top of a bunch of young XLR8s. He quickly ran in front of them before using his drills to take out the pillar with just one strike. “Go! Get out of here!” He called as the young XLR8s nodded and rushed off. “Huh, this armor makes me as strong as Gax or Humungosaur.”

However he did not have time to think about that as Psyphon blasted him a few feet back before the Omnitrix timed out. “Oh boy.” Helix muttered.

“It appears that your armor drained most of your Omnitrix’s power, which caused you to timed out faster.” Psyphon said with a smirk as he raised his arm as he armed another blaster. “But I have so many other sensations left to show you.”

"Uh don't suppose it wouldn't have to be a tickle machine, would it?" Helix asked nervously.

“Hardly.” Psyphon said as he was about to fire his blaster, but then they heard barking as they turned and saw Helix’s alien dog rushing towards them as she barked, jumped and bit on Pysphon’s arm, taking out the blaster with her jaws. "Give it back, you mangy mutt!" He ordered as the alien dog growled and ran up to Helix and gave him the blaster with a growl.

“Good girl.” Helix said as he gave a smirk to Psyphon. “Let’s see if this baby actually works on living skin.” He said as he aimed the blaster at Psyphon.

“Do you really think you can--” Psyphon was cut off when Helix blasted him on his legs, which caused them to puff up as his veins appeared as Psyphon stopped floating and fell to the floor while howling in pain.

“One thing about bad guys, they always talk too much.” Helix commented with a smirk as his alien dog barked softly and nuzzled her owner. “Aw, you did good.” He said with a smirk before he thought of something. “You know, I should really give you a name. How about I call you… Zed! You like that?” He asked as the dog barked happily in response. "Okay, Zed it is."

"Helix!" The others called out as they ran over to him.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked in concern before they heard Psyphon howling as they turned to him as he clutched his leg in pain. “Oh, I guess that answers our question.”

“Well, it would’ve been me if Zed hadn't saved my flank.” Helix said as he rubbed Zed’s head, who purred at the touch.

“Ah, so you finally gave her a name.” Helen said as she and the other alien girls gave Helix a smirk. “Seems fitting and cute.”

"Yeah, but now what are we going to do about him?" Ruby asked before she pointed at Psyphon.

“Well take him into Plumber’s custody.” Xylene said to them. “They’ll take care of him and he’ll stand trial.”

"But seriously, this Omni-kix is awesome!" Helix shouted excitedly before a crowd of aliens cheered for them. “And it looks like they're thankful for us for taking down Psyphon."

“Looks like we’re heroes down here as well as the surface.” Manny said with a smirk.

“Heh, like the old days.” Delta commented with a smirk.

A bit later, they are back at the surface with Psyphon and his lackeys being taken away by the Plumbers while being escorted to the transporter. “This won’t be the last you will see of me, Helix Watch! I will be back!” Psyphon yelled with a glare. “Just you wait!”

“Yeah, I heard that before.” Helix said with a smug look as Psyphon was taken away.

“Now that was one crazy adventure.” Rainbow commented. “First we discover new aliens, find a whole underground city of them, and meet up with an old enemy. Just like the old days.”

“Well, it was fun. But now, we must return to Galvan Prime. We have much work to be done.” Azmuth said with a smile.

“You really have to leave so soon?” Silverstream asked. “It would be fun if you stick around for a while.”

“We would love to, but work is never done.” Myaxx said with a smile.

“Besides, after seeing the Omni-kix armor activated and the Omni-key safe, we are needed elsewhere.” Zenith said with a smile. “Besides, we have another project we have to work on.”

“Really?” Flash asked in surprise. “What kind?”

“It’s a surprise Twilight asked us for. But when the time is right, we’ll let you know.” Zenith said before she tapped her bracelet. “See you around.” She said as she, Azmuth, and Myaxx teleported away.

“Something tells us that this summer will be more exciting than the last one.” Spike said to them.

“It most certainly." Rarity said with a nod.

"What kind of surprise did you ask them?" Helix asked Twilight.

"Don't worry, with them, I'm sure that they'll be finished with it soon." Twilight assured them. "For now, why don't we do a little sightseeing around Undertown since we didn't have much time last time."

The others looked on for a moment before they smiled. “Alien town road trip!” Helix and his friends cheered as the adults laughed at their excitement, seeing that their summer is about to be more exciting.

Author's Note:

This is what a Omni-kix Armadrillo looks like with the abilities:


● Omni Kix Armodrillo shares the same abilities as its default form, excavation that can make earthquakes and fissures

● Can dig deep with in seconds

● Can create Huge earthquakes and shockwaves

● Now he has 8 drills

● He can use his jackhammer arms to launch objects

● Improved strength

● Improved armour

● Has visor ability for eye protection

● The earthquakes use his tremor creation ability as a catalyst

● Can turn himself as a giant spike ball

● It can make sandstorms through its holes just like tremors