• Published 30th Apr 2024
  • 716 Views, 53 Comments

The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

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Interlude: Worry For A Friend

It's been about a day since Ponyville was attacked by these strange apes, and Spike was kidnapped from Twilight and the Mane 6, and everyone has been worried for him. They've been trying to rebuild the town after it was attacked, trying to rebuild what was destroyed, but the villagers of the town were afraid if the place was gonna be attacked again, and if those armies may attack again and destroy what they've tried rebuilding.

Twilight and the others were extremely scarred and worried for their friend, Ember has been feeling regret for not being able to save Spike when she could, and when the commander called her weak, it made her feel like she was because she couldn't stop him, and they lost a friend because of it, Thorax was having multiple panic attacks a day knowing his best friend was kidnapped, and the mane 6 were all trying to process how to deal with Spike's kidnapping.

Twilight sent a message to Celestia as soon as Spike was kidnapped, she hasn't gotten a reply yet, but she has a feeling she and Luna are trying to pinpoint the cause of the attacks, most of the village was completely destroyed after the attack, whoever these apes were, they were after Spike for something, and they were willing to destroy whatever came in their path that stopped them.

Twilight and the other's met back up at the center of the town, it was mostly in ruin after the attack, but everyone hasn't been able to rest after Spike was taken, and they needed to figure out a plan, but Twilight was pacing around back and forth rapidly since she had her little brother kidnapped and no one knows where they are.
"This can't be happening.. this can't be happening.. this can't be happening!!" Twilight repeated while she paced around in front of the others.
"Twilight, please try to calm down, we won't get anywhere with you freaking out like that." Fluttershy asked, but that made her look Fluttershy in the eyes while looking more worried.
"How can I freak out?! Our friend was kidnapped by strange apes that destroyed most of Ponyville, injected him with some strange.. dark blood! And now we have no idea where he is, or how we can even find him!!" Twilight shouted to the top of her lungs, but Ember came in and grabbed Twilight before she slapped her across the face.

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! THIS IS NOT HOW A PRINCESS SHOULD HANDLE THIS!" Ember shouted while the wind blew right past her, but Twilight had a different reaction to that.
"Did you just smack a princess in the face?" Twilight asked a bit mad at her for that.
"Yes, and I'll do it again till you calm down!" Ember shouted before she slapped her again to get the point across.
"Okay Ember that's enough, I think she gets the point." Thorax advised pulling her away to stop this while Ember took heavy breaths.
"Sorry it's just.. I myself don't know how to cope with this! I just need to.... Raagh!" Ember roared before she shot a fireball at a nearby statue and destroyed it instantly to take out her frustrations, she even was tearing down some old broken wood to try and calm herself.
"She's been really pent up after the place was attacked.." Applejack said worried as they watched her destroy a few things in the background.
"How can we not be worried after what happened, we have no idea what those things were, or what they wanted with Spike!"" Rainbow dash pointed out while she tried repairing a nearby market next to them.
"Why would they kidnap such a small dragon like Spike? What could they want with him that caused them to do.. this!" Rarity asked looking at her destroyed store with despair, she had cried for over an hour after that place was burned down, and she could not stop pointing this out.

"I don't know, but they are not getting any parties from me! Unless they mean a surprise attack party!" Pinkie said with a bit of a crazed look on her, even she couldn't keep her happiness up after all of this. Ember finally destroyed another crate to put out her frustrations, and took heavy breaths to get things back on track.
"Everything better now Ember?" Thorax asked patting her back, but Ember only punched him away as a response.
"Now.. I'm.. slightly.. better..." Ember said between breaths before she finally turned back to the others so they can discuss what's happened.

"Okay girls, I know things look bad.. but we have to figure out what's happened, Spike is.. gone, our town is almost destroyed because of the attack, we don't know who or what those apes were, and worst of all.. we have no idea on how to track them down, they vanished through that.. dark portal that the commander created.. and I don't think Spike will be able to contact us because of it.." Twilight said regretfully while everyone looked down sadly too.
"I tried so hard to save him.. but I was knocked down easily.. and that commander injected that.. blood into Spike, we don't know what it will do to him.. but the fact I wasn't able to save him.. what kind of.. ruler am I if I can't save a friend?" Ember asked while she sat down for a moment to process what's happened.
"Your not a failure Ember.. but even if we didn't save Spike.. that doesn't mean we still can't find.. and rescue him.. right?" Thorax asked a bit unsure about this himself, but Twilight sighed hearing that too.
"I've struggled with being a princess since I became one, but now that Spike is gone.. I just don't know if I'll be able to do.. anything until we find him.." Twilight said regretfully while sitting down too.

Everyone looked regretful because they weren't able to save they're friend, despite the threats they've faced together, this one was to much for them, and they're friend is in the enemy's hands now..
"We can't let them do what they want with Spike, we need to find out where they took him, so we could hopefully go rescue him." Rainbow dash said as she wanted to take the stand for this.
"But how do we even know where to find them? They don't look like anything we've seen in Equestria, and they're really strong too.. and I get a dark presence from them whenever I think of them.." Twilight asked as she doesn't know where these things could be from.
"Yeah.. those things felt so much more.. monsterous then what we've seen before.. it was like they weren't born naturally.. but created by some.. dark monster.." Fluttershy said with a shiver thinking about them, but that's when Ember remembered something the leader said.

"Hold on.. I remember the leader saying something important.. something about.. bringing Spike to.. Cynder..." Ember said trying to recall what she remembers which got the other's attention.
"Cynder?" Pinkie asked while she got a chill just saying that.
"Why does that name.. give me a bad feeling.." Twilight asked not knowing how to describe this.
"If.. they came here for Spike, and were working under a higher force.. then whoever had them kidnap Spike, must've wanted Spike for something, otherwise why would they have taken him of all dragons?" Ember theorized trying to figure something out, but that's when Twilight also remembered something the leader said.
"Hang on girls, I remember the leader saying something specific about Spike, he called him.. the Purple Dragon, while that name could mean many things to us.. if they were looking for a purple dragon.. then Spike may have been they're first idea right? So what if.. Spike is tying into something we all don't know about?" Twilight asked as well which interested all of them.

"How can that be Twilight? You hatched him didn't you? And Spike isn't what we call the.. fighting type, but how could they have known about him if you raised him basically?" Applejack asked which got Ember's attention hearing that.
"Hold on.. you.. hatched Spike? From his egg?" Ember asked pointing at her, while looking a bit upset.
"Yeah, I used a spell I was practicing during a little experiment, he was magically hatched, and I've raised him ever since." Twilight explained, but Ember got a bit suspicious of her on how this happened.
"And.. how did you acquire Spike's egg? Dragon eggs are the most valuable thing our kind has, and we wouldn't just give any away, did someone steal Spike's egg from us?!" Ember asked getting mad at them which did scare them a bit.
"No! Ember it was nothing like that! Spike's egg was found randomly in the woods, we don't know how it ended up there, but Celestia wasn't just gonna let it stay there to be crushed, so she took it in and gave it to me, we didn't steal anything Ember!" Twilight said in defense, but Ember puffed some smoke out in response.

"While I appreciate you raising and caring for him Twilight, our kind does not just leave our eggs out in the woods like that, if you girls haven't found out how this happened, I'll have to take those matters in my own claws, I'm the Dragon lord, and if Spike's parents are out there, they'll need to explain in good detail why he was abandoned." Ember said stomping her foot down while the others gulped a bit.
"We've tried finding anything that could help us find his parents Ember, but we haven't found anything, I don't know about you.. but it is pretty strange for Spike's egg to be alone like that.. don't you think?" Twilight asked while Ember was calming down again.
"Yeah, it is pretty strange.. hold on a minute.." Ember said as she finally realized something that could answer this.

"What's wrong Ember?" Fluttershy asked while she had a look of realization on her.
"If those apes were after Spike, and were calling him this.. Purple Dragon, and this.. Cynder wanted him.. what if they tie into how Spike's egg ended up there in the first place?" Ember asked which they all realized could be true as well.
"That could explain why we never found anything that helps us track down Spike's parents.." Thorax said fascinated with this too.
"And if those apes came for Spike after so long.. then this Cynder needs him for something, but for what?" Rarity asked moving this theory even further.
"I don't know, but does anypony else got a bad feeling we're gonna find out soon?" Rainbow Dash asked while they looked at the sky together.
"I've gotten a bad one for a while.. and now that all this is happened.. maybe this all ties into his origin.. and where he came from.." Twilight said scarred to think of what his origin really is.

"Then we need to find out what world they're from, and find a way to get there." Ember declared with a serious look.
"Then it's settled, but we have to find out where we'll be able to find him first, any ideas girls?" Thorax asked wanting to move things along.
"Hmm.. did ya contact Celestia and Luna after the attack Twilight?" Pinkie asked looking at her who nodded in response.
"Yes I did, not one hour after the attack, but they haven't responded yet, what do you thinks taking them so long?" Twilight asked wondering where they are now.
"I don't know, maybe they're researching what these apes were?" Applejack suggested right until two huge familiar figures appeared right behind her.
"You could say that Applejack." Luna said which made her yelp seeing them teleport behind her all of a sudden.

Everyone turned to the two and saw Celestia and Luna had finally made it here, they looked just as worried as everyone else here, and they felt awful with the state of the village right now.
"Celestia, Luna, it's nice to see you again.. I just wish we could've talked under better.. circumstances.." Twilight said regretfully while they saw Spike wasn't with them.
"We got your message Twilight, it's true? Spike was really.. kidnapped?" Luna asked as they saw the villages ruined state right now.
"Yeah.. they were too strong for us to handle.. and Spike was injected with some dark blood.. and taken to another world probably.." Rainbow Dash said with worry.
"Sorry we took so long to get here Twilight, after you described what those enemy's were after, and them calling Spike.. the Purple Dragon, we had to take a deep dive into our history to find something relating to that name." Celestia said while she tried helping repair the village a bit.
"And.. did you find anything that can help? We got an idea on what it could mean, but what about you?" Thorax asked hoping they got something.
"We'll have to show you to make things.. simpler. Come with us, all of you." Luna advised as the two princesses gathered around them, and they used they're magic to teleport them away from Ponyville in an instant.

Twilight and the others all appeared suddenly within Celestia's castle, and they were within the library of the place, they all had to take a moment to gather they're surroundings right now after the sudden teleportation.
"I'll never understand how you can handle teleporting like that Twilight.." Ember said a bit dizzy from that.
"You'll get used to it Ember." Rainbow Dash assured while they looked at the two princesses above them.
"So.. what do you want to show us? Why are we here?" Twilight asked looking around the place.
"Give us a moment Twilight.." Celestia said as she went over to a specific shelf to get something.

"What are you looking for Celestia?" Fluttershy asked while she and Luna were both worried with what's happening.
"We've looked into detail with every history book we have, and that one name.. the Purple Dragon.. it dates back way farther then even my own rule.. the Purple Dragon is a title.. that is said to come once every ten generations.." Celestia explained which caught all of them off guard.
"Ten generations? But.. how is that possible?" Twilight asked while Luna pulled out a really ancient looking book, it had the symbol of a dragon on it, and Ember got interested with what that is.
"Where did you get that book?" Ember asked concerned while they put it on the table.
"It is one of the most ancient books we have, we never thought it's story's would tie into our world, but now with Spike taken, and those apes that you described.. we realized this all ties into something.. far more important then all of us.." Celestia explained which worried them all.
"And.. what kind of story is this?" Pinkie asked as they all got chills looking at the book.

"The story.. of the Purple Dragon.." Luna said as she used her magic to open the book, and they began to tell the tale of what's known about it.
"The Purple Dragon is one special dragon once born every 10 generations, a dragon that can possess unique powers different to any dragon around them. This story was created within the Dragon Realm, a world that is far more ancient then ours, the dragons they're have a history far beyond what's known about our own, and they're world has developed eons worth of time, and they're world, is far more special then ours.. will ever be.." Celestia explained while they were all in awe.
"There's a world of dragons? Completely separate from our own? How come this wasn't in any of our kinds history books?" Ember asked upset this isn't known by them.
"Because the dragons of that world are far different, they have they're own legends, fairy tails, and story's that accede our own, but within all tales.. of an ancient hero being born into that world.. there is also.. a horrific evil that emerges.." Luna continued as they turned the pages a bit to reveal a huge monsterous looking, black dragon.

"Who.. who is that?" Twilight asked already scarred to see him.
"That is.. Malefor, otherwise known as.. the Dark Master. A being far more ancient then any of us, but his evil is unmatched, and his heart is a black hole of evil, Malefor is far more evil then anything Equestria has ever faced, his power and dark magic can bring havoc on the worlds he's emerged into, he can destroy any sense of hope the moment someone hears his name.. and most importantly.. he is.. heavily against the tale of the Purple Dragon.. because it is the only thing that can stop him.." Celestia explained which made all of them surprised again.
"And.. does.. Spike have a tie in with all of this?" Fluttershy asked getting scarred as they felt like the room was closing in around them.
"It's possible, Twilight, when I found Spike's egg in those woods, I had a suspicious feeling it was for a dark reason, and even during the times I've seen him.. I've always felt a dark aura coming from him.. something that could either corrupt him.. or help him move towards a brighter future.." Celestia said ominously while everyone was getting more worried.

"But.. if you've felt this from him.. why didn't you ever tell us? Why didn't you tell Spike if this ties into where he's from?" Twilight asked a bit upset with her keeping this secret from them, and Celestia looked more afraid being asked that.
"Because Spike's tied into a dark origin Twilight, Malefor was hellbent on making sure the Purple Dragon doesn't come to be, and with what I can gather, that dragon was meant to be born years ago, and begin it's destiny to stop Malefor before he destroys our worlds. And as much as I tried to deny it.. I knew Spike would have to leave us one day.. and face this journey.. alone.." Celestia explained which caught all of them off guard.
"But.. why would he have to do this alone? We're his friends, his family! We can't just let him.. face some evil being by himself and potentially get killed!" Twilight argued not wanting to believe this.
"Let me finish Twilight.. because although Spike ties into this origin.. the story of the Purple Dragon.. it's made me realize he's.. not from this world.. there was something that brought him to Equestria, something that tried to stop this prophecy from coming true. And I have a bad feeling I know why.." Celestia said turning the pages more to show of a brutal war between the dragons, and the Dark armies.

"What are you saying Celestia?" Rarity asked again as they were all trying to process this all at once.
"I've been having visions, nightmares of a darkness that's to come, one that will swoop over Equestria.. and leave it in ruins if it's unleashed. And from that darkness. I've seen a large black dragoness that brings terror into the skies, something that I could never defeat.. nor would the Elements of Harmony defeat together.." Celestia said with fear which scarred them all.
"And.. who would that be?" Luna asked as she hasn't had these visions, but she is feeling something bad is coming for them all.
"Cynder..." Celestia said ominously which somehow made thunder flash outside, almost like a storm was coming..
"She's the person who ordered the apes to kidnap Spike right? Why did she order them to do it?" Ember asked crossing her arms.
"She is.. but she's also the Dark Master's weapon.. and I've felt a strange similarity to her.. and Spike.. which meant only one thing.. that the two of them.. are somehow tied together.. in ways we don't know.." Celestia finished while she closed the book, and everyone was even more scarred with what they've learned.

"So.. Spike's off in a world we may not reach, but has a history that far accedes Equestria's, and your saying Spike ties into an ancient prophecy that could decide the fate of not just Equestria, but this.. Dragon Realm as well?" Twilight asked wanting to make sure she understood everything.
"Yes Twilight, and I've feared that Spike's origin.. is tied into all of it, and now this attack only proves my fears right.." Celestia said sadly while she put the book away.
"But.. if that's true, then we need to save him! If he's in grave danger, we have to find a way to get to this world he's in!" Applejack said not wanting him to be alone.
"Applejack, this is Spike's destiny, we should not interfere with it, there's a time when someone has to face what's to come, and if Spike ties into all of this, then it's up to him, to decide whether or not Equestria will continue on.." Luna said regretting to tell them this.

"But even if it is his destiny, we still can't help him out right? He's got to have friends, and the motivation he needs to keep going, we can't just.. leave him in a world that could be destroyed.." Ember said wanting to save him too.
"Ember, even if we did try go after him, it would take years to even locate him, the Dragon Realm is a world that we know of, but where it is is beyond us, it may take decades, centuries even before we can locate him, and even by the time we do, he may already be a full grown person by then, and not the small baby dragon he's seen as." Celestia said turning back to them all.
"I don't care how long it takes.. we have to find him... we need to make sure he's safe.. if it's his destiny, we should at least be there to see him grow.. and if we can't.. I don't know what I can do.. especially if we never see him again.." Twilight said as she was begging them at this point.
"She's right you two, we should at least try and find where he is, and if Spike does end up fulfilling this legend.. then it'll show us he's way more then what we thought, and we should be proud of him for it." Thorax said coming in on this too.

"We're his family Celestia, Luna, and we're not gonna let him be alone on this." Twilight declared as all of them stood together, Celestia could see clearly that they weren't gonna say no to this, even if Spike has to do this alone, they should at least see if he's able to become the dragon of legend.
"Sister, even if there is a darkness coming, we need to see if Spike's able to stop it, and if he does find out about his past, then we should try and find him when the conflict is over, and maybe we'll get to see him again." Luna said with hope knowing there was no way around this, and Celestia sighed knowing they had no choice.
"Alright then.. we'll try and locate him, but we are going to need, a much.. much larger power to help find him, and we cannot do this with the Elements of Harmony alone, we need.. someone else.." Celestia said as she knew who they had to free in order to find him.
"And who would that be Celestia?" Ember asked again as they all awaited her answer.
"That would be.. a certain.. God of Chaos.." Celestia revealed which made everyone look hear this, Celestia knew his power could help locate Spike, and even if it takes years to find him.. they have to try and find him.. before Malefor destroys all the realms..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know this was simply a lot of exposition and lore dumping and stuff, but I wanted to try and help establish how Equestria and the Dragon Realm tie into eachother, and that ancient beings like Celestia, and even Discord know about it and the Purple Dragon prophecy, even if they won't be able to be there for Spike, I'll at least make sure they see him in the end when he's fully grown and become his own person. I hope I'm handling this story well to you all and hope you like it, thank you all for reading this and look forward to more of it!