• Published 6th May 2024
  • 416 Views, 1 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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A Showdown for the Future Begins

While Mr. McMahon, Rosie and Astro were helping George and Sunny escape from their imprisonment, the rest of the Mane 6 and the rest of the Jetsons were leading the WWE Superstars and their trainees to Time Warp Square in time for Sheamus' big match with Big Show, and for the ponies to take on Allura, get her star piece and send her to a time where she won't cause any trouble for a while.

Once arriving at Time Warp Square, everyone leapt from their space pods and ran toward the center of the square, where Vega turned to look at her new friends with concern. “Do you think they’re gonna show?”

“I’m not sure about Allura, but if Big Show doesn’t,” Jaya said with a smirk, “he’ll have to rename himself ‘No Show’.”

Jimmy Uso laughed, finding this hilarious. “No Show… yeah!”

“I don’t know, though,” Zipp said to the other ponies. “Something about this just doesn’t seem right to me.”

“Zipp, I think you’re over complicating things,” Pipp brushed it off. “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”

As Sheamus and the rest of the Mane 6 managed to reach the center of the square, two large holes opened up before everyone else, preventing them from following, and causing Sheamus to look back in shock, as well as the ponies. “What the devil?”

Before anything else could be said, Superstar bots leapt out from behind, along with ice creatures that the ponies knew had to be from Allura, and grabbed the rest of their friends, much to their shock.



“It’s a trap!”


“Let go!”

However, Seth wasn’t even struggling all that much. “I just need to call him out… he’ll come right to us,” he said, mocking Sheamus’ earlier words. “We wouldn't be in this mess if the Architect had done the planning.”

“The Architect,” said Brooks with a growl, “better start planning for a full body cast if he keeps mouthing off!”

“I can,” Roman Reigns strained against his own robot. “I will break you, robot!”

You cannot,” the Roman bot taunted, “you will not.



“Will! And you can believe that!”

I will not believe that.

Even Jaya was beginning to struggle to break free from the ice creature holding her tightly. But as the ponies and Sheamus were about to go help their friends, a shrill voice pierced the air. “SHEAMUS!!!!!!!!!

The ponies and Sheamus turned to the skies to see Allura with Twitch and Big Show on her back, the latter wearing a green cape as he turned to his mortal rival. “You and those horses came a long way to taste my boot and Allura’s wrath!”

“The only thing that we're going to be tasting is victory!” Sheamus declared. “Though I'm not surprised that you teamed up with this mangy street cat and a bunny instead of someone dangerous.”

“For the last time,” Allura snarled, “I am not a street cat!!

“Easy there, Allura. I'll handle them,” Big Show said as they landed on a small floating platform. “Big talk for such a little man and a few puny ponies. But to earn your match with us you must first survive my Undertaker Bot!”

Misty and Izzy yelped as they saw a huge bot, looking like the WWE wrestling legend the Undertaker appear from one of the holes. However... Big Show wasn't done yet. “...my Kane bot!”

Another robot burst from the second hole, looking like another wrestling legend dressed in black and red. “Alongside my ice creature army!” Allura declared as many icy creatures appeared with the robots, making the Mane 6 a bit nervous themselves. “I call my bots,” Big Show declared, “my Bots of Destruction! Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!”

Excellent plan, Your Excellency,” the Seth Rollins bot declared, just before Seth scoffed under his breath. “The Architect could have done better.”

This caused Alicia to glare at Seth menacingly with a growl. “I'm warning you...”

“Eight on six? You and your new pet can't beat us alone, could you fella?” Sheamus smirked. “WE are in charge!” Allura declared with a snarl. “And we make the rules here.”

“Well,” Hitch declared, “we’re here to break your rules, your ice creatures AND your bots! Whatever we have to do to stop you guys once and for all!”

Allura glanced over at Big Show with a look as Twitch growled at the ponies. “Big Show?”

“Already ahead of you. Destruction Bots! Destroy Sheamus!” Big Show commanded into the remote. “And ice army!” Allura snapped. “Put those mangy ponies on ice!”

The robots beeped, acknowledging Big Show’s orders while the ice creatures growled at the Mane 6, who glared right back at them until Zipp gave the ponies their first set of orders. “Guys, scatter! They can’t attack all of us at once if we keep moving!”

So the ponies did as she instructed, each getting one or two ice creatures to follow them in separate directions while the Destruction Bots charged right at Sheamus. Luckily, Sheamus was able to knock the Kane bot into one of the chutes, and fought with the Undertaker bot for a moment before doing the same, leaping in after the Undertaker bot to continue the fight...

...but after a moment, the Kane bot took over the position to fight Sheamus, even going as far as going through a bridal shop before ripping off the clothing and going on through, only for the Undertaker bot to rejoin them again shortly afterwards.

And while they were fighting the ice creatures, the ponies found themselves able to cheer for their friend, alongside the rest of the Jetsons, the leopard cubs and the rest of the WWE Superstars, who were still being held captive by the rest of the Superstar bots.

“Let’s go, Sheamus!”

“You can do this!”

“You got this, Sheamus!”

“Way to go!”

“Yay, Sheamus! Whoo-hoo!!”

All Sheamus and the ponies could do now was hold off the Destruction Bots and the ice creatures for a little while longer…

…at least until help arrived.


George and Sunny bolted down the hallway of the jail with Rosie, Mr. McMahon and Astro hot in pursuit, hoping to find someway out before long. Suddenly, as they turned the corner, they came face-to-face with the Big Show Superstar bot, causing them to stop in their tracks. “You are supposed to be in your cell.

As Sunny prepared to activate her alicorn form and destroy this thing, a voice interrupted her… a voice that she was honestly relieved to hear. “Yeah? Well, so are we!”

Everyone turned to see Mr. Spacely, Mr. McMoon and the rest of the captives standing at the end of the hallway-- a real sight for sore eyes. “We may be wimps,” said Mr. McMoon, “but there’s a lot of us.”

...uh-oh,” the Big Show bot gulped. “Yeah,” Rosie sneered, “you’re in for it now, sprocket-head.

“Time for you and Shimmering Dawn to lead a revolution, Future Guy!” Mr. McMahon told George, who smiled in return before yelling out one word. “CHAAAAARGE!!”

Sunny took the liberty of taking George onto her back before leaping at the Big Show bot, knocking it to the ground before she, Mr. McMoon, Mr. Spacely and everyone else that was in the cell started running and trampling the bot. “Uh-oh, this is so wrong,” the bot kept repeating. “Uh-oh! Uh-oh!

“See, George?” Sunny exclaimed as they kept running down the hallway. “If we have a little hope, we can go a long way!”

Suddenly, a familiar ringtone caught her attention, and George reached into Sunny's saddlebag and answered the phone, gasping in relief. “Zipp!”

George! Thank goodness you and Sunny are okay!” Zipp sighed in relief before ducking an ice creature’s attack. “We really need you guys here as fast as you can! These ice creatures Allura made are preventing us from going to help Sheamus battle Big Show’s Destruction Bots!

“We’ll be there as fast as we can, Zipp!” Sunny called. “And we’ve got--”

Suddenly, a familiar shriek from Pipp caught Zipp’s attention, causing her to gasp. “Sorry, Sunny! I gotta call you back!

The call was quickly disconnected, leaving George and Sunny worried for their friends and family… and making them realize they needed to get to Time Warp Square, and fast.


A winged ice creature was holding Pipp in its icy grasp, making Zipp so angry that she didn’t notice that her cutie mark had started to glow, making the rest of her glow as well. “Leave… my… sister… ALONE!!!”

She shot off like a rocket toward the ice creature, spiraling as she did so before she collided with the creature, destroying it and freeing Pipp… much to Zipp’s shock. “Whoa… how did THAT happen?!”

“I don’t know, but-- ZIPP!!” Pipp shrieked as she saw another ice creature dive toward her sister before she got in front of Zipp. Then, she began to glow as well before she kicked at the creature, creating a diamond shield that impacted against the ice creature, destroying that one as well. “Oh my pony!” Pipp gasped. “Did I just do that?!”

“I think I understand!” Zipp suddenly realized. “Our cutie mark magic, along with these new costumes, are giving us new Superstar-like attack and defense powers!”

“Come on!” Pipp urged her sister. “Let’s tell the others and fight these ice creatures off!”

So, off the sisters went, whispering the idea into their friends' ears before their friends came up with several new moves of their own (such as Izzy's Crafty Uppercut and Hitch's Power Punch), helping them slowly defeat the ice creatures one by one.

As for Sheamus, he continued to battle the Destruction Bots before realizing that they were reaching the end of the tube system... and so was he!

Sheamus screamed as he and the Destruction Bots fell out of the tube system and landed on a futuristic billboard floating above the square, but immediately realized that it could move and potentially send him or the bots falling to their demise. “Whoa, there! This futuristic billboard bucks like a bull!”

That's when the Destruction Bots flew off of the billboard, leaving Sheamus to quickly hang on, and causing those below and still captured to gasp. Luckily, Sheamus was able to swing to safety and looked at the bots on the next billboard over. “You bots should come to Ireland and try our famous potatoes. Let me give you a sample!” he cried before leaping onto the robots one by one. “One potato, two potato, three potato, four! Bring it on, fellas-- there's a whole lot more!”

Big Show and Allura both looked livid by that point, and seemed even more livid when they heard the others' cheering for the fact that Sheamus and the ponies were winning in their separate fights. “Whoo-hoo!”


“Oh my!”

“Yay, you got ‘em!”

“Oh, please!” Seth then scoffed. “All the four-leaf clover in the world won't bring him the luck he needs to win.”

“Ugh! That does it!” Alicia growled. “When Brooks and I get out of here, you’re so going to get it!”

However, as the ponies got rid of more of the ice creatures, Sheamus was struggling to maintain his momentum. “They call this guy the Celtic warrior?” Seth asked with a laugh. “More like Celtic Bore-ior. Seriously! This guy is boring me to death. Come on, Sheamus! Tag me in! Let me show you how a real champion does it.”

Izzy, since she was closest, picked up her ice creature with newfound strength and turned back to look at Seth. “I’ll tag you in, Seth! HYAH!!”

Izzy flung her ice creature back at the Seth Rollins bot, causing it to let go of Seth and causing Seth to pounce on it, letting the bot power down. “Ha! The Architect outsmarts everyone again!”

At the same time, Jaya was able to fuel up her powers just enough to melt the ice creature holding her. “All right!” she cheered, doing a loop in the air. “This leopard is ready to shock and roll!”

“You know…” Hitch grunted as he kicked an ice creature away, “...I’m kinda jealous of that punchline!”

However, Big Show wasn’t done yet, pressing the button on the remote and giving another set of orders. “Kane bot! Destroy Seth Rollins!”

The Kane bot took pleasure in heeding Big Show’s orders, charging toward Seth and sending him on the run while Jaya helped the ponies with the ice creatures.

At the same time, Sheamus found himself face to face with the Undertaker bot once again. “Oh, I like these odds. Bring ‘em on!”

The Undertaker bot and Sheamus began to tussle for a few moments before Sheamus began to get the upper hand. “You're a strong one, but you got no soul. You got no heart,” he said before grabbing the bot beneath its arms. “ So, let me show you a proper heartbeat!”

Sheamus began to punch the bot repeatedly, right where the heart was, just as Seth came back around, screaming as he was being chased before knocking the Alicia Fox bot aside, freeing Alicia. Not to mention, the Alicia bot knocked into the ice creature holding Brooks, shattering it and letting Brooks go free, causing Alicia to smirk. “Now it’s our turn to party!”

“Oh yeah!” Brooks cheered before leaping at another ice creature with a snarl, his paws blazing with dark magic. At the same time, Seth came around again, this time, letting the Kane bot slam into the Roman Reigns bot, freeing Roman from the bot's grasp. “There can be only ONE Roman Reigns!”

He leapt at the Roman bot, letting them both collide with the creature holding Amiri and letting her fly to help Seth with the Kane bot. She kicked a floating display case toward the Uso bots and the creature holding Clover in its grasp, freeing the Uso brothers and Clover from their clutches.

This gave the Uso brothers the chance to join in the battle, and Clover was able to fly up and help Sheamus with what remained of the Undertaker bot.

Allura kept creating ice creatures to keep the ponies distracted, while Big Show gave more orders to the remaining Superstar bots down below. “Dolph bot! Stardust bot! Get Seth Rollins!”

As you command, your world championess,” the bots said in reply, running off and leaving Jane, Elroy, Judy, Orion and Vega to hide behind several plant displays while waiting for the battle to end.

At the same time, Sheamus had clobbered the Undertaker bot till it was barely recognizable, and Clover used her plant powers to wrap vines around it. “Rest… in… pieces!”

Clover then threw it onto the platform where Big Show and Allura were standing, allowing them to growl. “Big Show, please! This isn’t you!” Clover shouted to the large Superstar. “You would never let a tyrannical snow leopard convince you to take over a city and hurt people! I get you want to be the champion, but whatever century we’re in, this isn’t the way to get what you want!”

“Well, it doesn’t matter what century it is-- I’ve always been better than Sheamus!” Big Show said as the platform lowered down to them, letting the two villains get closer to Sheamus and Clover. “That's why were not gonna pin you,” Allura smirked. “We want you to kneel before your champion and the snow leopard queen.”

Clover snarled at this, and Twitch growled right back at her-- that is… until Elroy spoke up from down below. “Don’t do it, Sheamus!”

“Don’t give in, Clover!” Jane cried out. “You can take them!” Vega agreed. “Give them the what-for!”

But this only led Allura to smirk and press the button on Big Show’s remote. “Prepare to silence the Jetsons… Sheamus bot.

Clover and Sheamus immediately stopped at this. “Don’t surrender, Sheamus!” Judy called out, causing Orion to nod. “They’re nothing but great big bullies!”

But while the Jetsons were distracted, a giant bot that looked just like Sheamus rose up from behind them and began to target them with a laser ray, causing them and the ponies, who stopped their own fight to find out what was going on, to gasp in shock.

Clover gulped nervously at this. “You honestly wouldn’t.”

“Oh, we would…” Allura said with a sneer. “Now… kneel or they’re not the only ones getting hurt.

Clover's ears pinned at this, and Sheamus let out a growl.

This was the most difficult choice they would ever have to make in their lives... so what were they to do now?