• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 1,012 Views, 22 Comments

Five Centuries Of Peace - Jest

Sometimes it's not easy to understand the ones you love, and it can be even harder to help them. Celestia knows this all too well.

  • ...

Your Burdens, Are My Burdens

Chrysalis sat in the salon chair, dead-eyed, her expression neutral and her shoulders hunched. Around her, a dozen or so other creatures of various shapes sat, each one cared for by one, or sometimes two in the case of a particularly large yak, stylists. One such employee was slaving over Chrysalis’ tangled mop of floor-length hair, a brush held in her white knuckle grip.

The griffin assisting Chrysalis wore in the changeling’s opinion, the most garish outfit she had seen in at least five hundred years. Bright orange socks, purple leggings, light blue, reflective shorts, and a t-shirt sporting dozens of different colored triangles arranged at odd angles. Such fashion was becoming more common, Chrysalis remembered, as the age of immortals finally gave way to the era marked by democracy, and a culture led not by the ageless but by the young.

It was at about this point when Chrysalis realized that the creature brushing her mane was still talking. The changeling considered tuning her back out but was bored of staring at herself in the mirror and decided to indulge the stranger in whatever it was she was rambling about.

“Your mane is like, so pretty but also like, super hard to work with,” she remarked, managing to speak while chewing a mouthful of gum. “Thankfully my aunt is a changeling but not like your kind of changeling. I think they call you guys purestrain changelings. So she like, taught me how to work with your mane and it took longer than my entire stylist course did, dontcha know?”

“Mmhmm,” Chrysalis groaned.

“It helped get me this job working here in Canterlot though so it was like, totally worth it. There is no way I could afford that sixty-fourth-floor apartment if it wasn't for the fact that I can work with like, anyone’s hair,” the griffin continued. “Theoretically I can even work with Celestia’s hair but I’ve like, never had the pleasure. Say, if she ever needs a trim, send her this way mmkay?”

“Mmhmm,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Oh that sounded totally gold diggery of me and it's totally not like that,” the griffon exclaimed. “I just like, really enjoy the challenge and after doing your mane I don't really feel like there’s anywhere else to go ya know?”

“Mmhmm,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Speaking of which, how’s that going? You two are like the world’s oldest power couple but no one’s seen you guys out in like forever. My girlfriend, she’s a dragon by the way, anyway she heard on the extranet that you two were on a break or whatever but I told her she has to stop reading those awful rumor sites,” The griffon blathered, pausing to place her hands on her hips and glance at Chrysalis’ mane from a new angle. “Hmm, I’m gonna need the good brush for this hold on a sec hun. I’ll be right back.”

As the griffon walked off, Chrysalis found herself staring into the mirror once more, her mind drifting off. She thought of her and her wife’s home in Upper Canterlot. The penthouse was massive and had never felt empty, that was until recently. The changeling had grown listless, aware of the growing emptiness that filled their relationship. Celestia seemed to feel it too, the retired alicorn spending more and more time either in the chamber of commons, serving as an advisor to the legislative body, or at her private mountain cabin.

“I’m back. Sorry about that hun,” the griffon exclaimed.

“It's no trouble, Sunny Star,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Oh, you remembered my name! Sorry, I didn't mean to like, insinuate otherwise, you just don't talk much and I wasn't sure,” Sunny replied.

“Mmhmm,” Chrysalis muttered.

“So while I try and get these last tangles out why don't you tell me about how great retirement is! I hear you’ve like, let the changelings do their own thing recently, congrats,” Sunny half asked, half stated.

Chrysalis’s gaze grew distant once more, her mind going back to recent memories of a place not far from here.

Chrysalis snuck in through the back, slipping between a crack in the door and using her shapeshifting to become a fly. Her changelings had mostly lost that ability, able only to change minor parts of themselves but Chrysalis didn't mind this shift. They hadn't had to steal love in hundreds of years, and the fact that most changelings couldn't transform only made the other creatures of the world trust them even more. Reforming into her natural shape amidst the ill-used gallery on the second floor, Chrysalis watched the proceedings from the shadows.

“This chamber recognizes the queen of the interior,” announced the speaker, rising just long enough to make the brief statement before sitting once more.

“Thank you, mister speaker,” replied another changeling that looked to be a nearly perfect carbon copy of Twilight Sparkle. “With that business concluded with the yak ambassador the Department of the Interior has no further matters in need of attention.”

A hoof was raised, and the speaker pointed to them with a golden, ceremonial mace.

“Queen of Commerce, you have a question,” the speaker exclaimed.

“I do,” replied the aforementioned changeling, who rose to reveal that she resembled the changelings of old, save for the fact that she had bright, purple eyes. “Why wasn't this information given earlier, hmm? This dispute threatened to erupt into violence at one point. I for one would have thought it prudent for you and your department to announce this as soon as you knew.”

“What are you implying, cousin Starshine?” Spat the queen of the interior, forehooves crossed.

“While we are here, I am the queen of commerce, you had best remember that, cousin Twinkle Star,” retorted the second changeling.

“This is going to be the family reunion of sixty-three all over again,” muttered another purple-hued changeling.

From her perch, Chrysalis observed that despite their squabbling, the chamber was effective. Though their choice of titles left much to be desired they were worthy of bearing the mantle of leadership. That was probably due to the fact that a surprising number of Twilight Sparkle’s descendants were present. The ancient alicorn had sired a frankly disturbing number of changelings over the years, taking more shapeshifting lovers then even Chrysalis had at this point.

“I must remember to tease her about that the next time I give a guest lecture,” Chrysalis thought aloud.

“What was that hun?” asked Sunny Star.

“Oh, nothing. It's… nice,” Chrysalis remarked. “They don't need me anymore.”

“Oh hun, they’re your family they’ll always need you,” Sunny declared, holding Chrysalis’ gaze for a few seconds before snapping her gum. “Okay, so back to this mess of a mane. No offense.”

“Mmhmm,” Chrysalis muttered.

“So how does that like, work anyway? The nation within a nation thing. I remember my social studies teacher trying to explain it once but that was a total snoozefest and I only passed because my old boyfriend, he was a pony by the way, tutored me,” Sunny inquired and then stated.

“It's… complicated,” Chrysalis replied.

“No kidding. Still, at least you’ve got that teaching gig, and I hear you still help out the Crystal Empire. How's Cadance doing? She hasn't been seen much these days,” Sunny asked.

Chrysalis frowned, her mind drifting off at the mention of the ancient alicorn.

Chrysalis watched as the well-dressed, suit-wearing minotaur leaned down and planted a kiss on Cadance’s cheek.

“I’ll be back in time for dinner, my love,” whispered the bull man.

“Enjoy the book signing. Try not to break any hearts,” Cadance replied, catching the minotaur mid-stride and placing a kiss on the back of his hand.

“All the world knows how in love I am with you. They would dare not even imagine tarnishing such a bond,” the minotaur exclaimed, ducking into a grand bow. “I wish you both a wonderful afternoon. It was a pleasure meeting you, Chrysalis.”

“It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Sir Iron Quill,” Chrysalis replied.

“The pleasure was all mine,” he declared before turning around and walking out of the room.

Both Chrysalis and Cadance watched him go, one with heart-filled eyes, the other with a smirk on her face.

“Isn't he wonderful?” Cadance murmured. “A true master of romance. He makes me feel like a novice in the ways of love.”

“A minotaur eh?” Chrysalis replied.

Cadance shot the other mare a deadpan look.

“All that and that's what you have to say?” Cadance exclaimed forehooves crossed over her chest.

“Not usually my first choice I must admit but their culture has advanced so much in the last hundred and fifty years,” Cadance declared, her smile faltering. “And I needed the change of pace.”

Chrysalis raised a curious eyebrow.

“I… Well,” Cadance faltered, looking down. “I need to shake things up you know. I still feel as though I have centuries, maybe even a few millennia in me but I’m not like you and Celestia. I’m not built for this whole eternity thing.”

“What about Twilight? Do you not think she is built for this?” Chrysalis questioned, hiding the wince she made when she was referred to as immortal.

“To borrow a phrase from the youth. Twilight is built different,” Cadance declared.

Chrysalis snorted, the changeling stifling a giggle.

“It's true. That mare will be here at the end of time. Her boundless curiosity gives her a longevity that I don't think even you or Celestia can truly lay claim to,” Cadance replied, growing wistful. “And the most bizarre thing is she's the most emotionally healthy one of all of us. There is no loss too great for that mare. Truly they broke the mold with Twilight Sparkle.”

“As begrudgingly proud of that mare as I am. I’m more concerned for you,” Chrysalis shot back.

Cadance chuckled.

“You don't have to worry about me,” Cadance exclaimed, waving a dismissive hoof. “Though my ability to love lessens with each partner I bury, my heart is still a big one.”

“So they never figured out that enlarged heart issue then huh? Shame,” Chrysalis teased.

“It's terminal you know. What are you gonna do when I’m dead and have no one to complain to about Celestia?” Cadance exclaimed dramatically, clutching at her heart.

“I think I’ll just shout them into Tartarus for Tirek to hear,” Chrysalis replied with a smirk. “Figure he’ll listen about as well as you do.”

“Love thief,” Cadance insulted.

“Goodie two shoes,” Chrysalis retorted.

The two stared one another down for several long seconds before erupting in giggles.

“She’s good,” Chrysalis replied. “She’s enjoying being married again.”

“The writer right? What a hunk!” Sunny proclaimed, leaning in and snipping at Chrysalis’ mane. “If I was into bipeds, or the super masculine types he’d be at like, the top of the list. He is like, super into her though, it’s kind of like, goals ya know?”

“Mmhmm,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Speaking of goals. You and Celestia are like me and my girlfriend's favorite couple,” Sunny declared, only to frown. “But Twilight and her whole polycule of changelings are also like totally up there too. How that mare can handle having like, a bajillion kids is crazy. I’m pretty sure I’d be like, crazy after two.”

“She’s got a bigger heart than most,” Chrysalis remarked.

“Totally!” Sunny agreed. “But like, what was I saying? Oh yeah right, you and Celestia are our favorite but like, there are rumors out there ya know?”

“Like what?” Chrysalis asked, glaring silently at the oblivious stylist.

“That you two are on the rocks you know?” Sunny whispered in a low tone. “I know this may sound like, crazy but I don't like to gossip. I just gotta know though. How are ya know, doing these days?”

Chrysalis wanted to yell, to impune the girl for her impudance, but couldn't seem to find the energy.

“It has been… strained,” Chrysalis muttered. “After all this time I can't help but to… doubt.”

“Doubts are like totally normal,” Sunny immediately replied. “It would be weird if you didn't have doubts after like what, five hundred years?”

“Five hundred and one, yes,” Chrysalis answered.

“I mean even Celestia’s gotta feel something like that, right?” Sunny pressed.

“I’m not sure,” Chrysalis admitted wistfully. “For once, I’m not certain what she’s feeling.”

Chrysalis used the mirror to look out the window to the bustling city beyond. Autocarriages chugged down the streets, and creatures of all shapes and sizes walked freely and without fear. Towering skyscrapers made of steel and glass had replaced the stone and mortar of old. Yet none of those changes bothered her, at least not nearly as much as the one that mattered the most.

“We’ve been in perfect synchronicity ever since our wedding day but for the first time I have no idea what she is thinking,” Chrysalis murmured.

“I’m sure you’ll get through this. You guys made it through wars, and famine and like, a whole ton of other stuff. This is totally just a speed bump. I can feel it,” Sunny proclaimed.

“I wish I had your confidence,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Well, at least you have a new mane!” Sunny exclaimed.

Chrysalis blinked to find that the ratty, knot-riddled mess was gone, replaced by an immaculately styled and expertly cut mane that looked ready for the red carpet.

“So, what do you think?” Sunny pressed.

Chrysalis rose and cast off the sheet covering her. Brushing past the grinning griffin, Chrysalis strode over to a changeling wearing the garb of a professional chauffeur.

“Ceecee,” barked Chrysalis.

“Yes, you’re majesty!” Exclaimed the eager young stallion, saluting the ex-ruler excitedly.

“I’m not… whatever. Just pay the girl, and pay her well,” Chrysalis dismissed.

“Your will be done,” he replied.

Chrysalis gave the stylist a nod before trotting outside, waiting around the corner. The changeling didn't have to sit around and watch the crowd for long, as only a few short minutes later the chauffeur returned.

“Your stylist has been paid,” he declared.

“Good. Now, I believe we were going to go see that movie with… who were they again?” Chrysalis inquired.

“Grey Abattoir and Brown Constable,” replied the chauffeur. “Though I’m afraid that may have to wait.”

“What, why?” Chrysalis demanded.

“While I was paying. Your wife sent me a message. Told me it was urgent and to meet her in the badlands,” he exclaimed, ducking into a deep bow and refusing to rise. “Apologies for not delivering this missive sooner, your majesty.”

“I’m not… whatever. Just give me a mana crystal and take the rest of the day off,” Chrysalis dismissed.

“I shall make sure to flog myself for this failure!” he shouted.

“No, no flogging!” Chrysalis yelled back. “Just go home and do whatever it is you do when you’re not driving me around.”

“Err alright,” he murmured, standing back up and reaching into his jacket. “Here. Should still be charged.”

“Looks like it,” Chrysalis replied, taking the offered crystal. “Have a good evening, Ceecee.”

“You as well, your- Chrysalis,” Ceecee answered, tipping his cap to the other changeling.

Chrysalis smiled faintly before igniting her horn. Power flowed from the small bright blue battery into her, giving the changeling the magical might necessary to cast her spell. With a bright flash, it was done, and the Canterlot skyline was replaced with the changeling plains.

A quick trot brought Chrysalis to her usual thinking spot overlooking the plains. There she saw a grinning Celestia waiting for her, the alicorn wearing a pair of saddle bags.

“Chrysalis, you’re here!” Celestia exclaimed.

Chrysalis held up a hoof, stopping Celestia before she could get close enough for a kiss.

“I’m not in the mood Celestia,” Chrysalis interrupted, even while her heart yearned for her to give in, and allow the alicorn close.

“Err right. Sorry,” Celestia muttered.

“Why did you bring me out here? I wanted to see that silly movie thing you ponies seem to enjoy so much,” Chrysalis demanded, a frown stapled firmly to her face.

“That's because I have a surprise for you,” Celestia began, withdrawing a scroll from her bag and offering it. “I hoped that I could give this to you four hundred years ago but it's taken a while to get all the pieces into place.”

“This isn't the time for your little gifts Celestia,” Chrysalis retorted. “I’ve been thinking about us and-”

“Chrysalis, please. I know that look. Just read this before you say another word,” Celestia pressured, shaking the scroll. “Trust me.”

Chrysalis’ frown deepened and she looked from Celestia, to the scroll and back again. The alicorn’s emotions were surprisingly hopeful, happy even despite everything. The changeling wanted to slap it away, to make some dramatic declaration but was too tired, too bitter to even bother.

“Hmmph,” Chrysalis murmured.

Taking the offered scroll, Chrysalis unfurled it and began to read. She then paused and conjured her reading glasses, and started again. Her eyes narrowed to a squint, and the changeling paused, only to look over it once more from the beginning. After a third pass, Chrysalis took off her glasses returning them to their extra-dimensional pocket.

“You're killing me here queenie. What do you think?” Celestia pressed.

“I can't believe it. After all this time, it's mine,” Chrysalis whispered, her gaze going to the plains beyond.

“Most of it is still a nature reserve mind you but yes. You own the majority of the land. This claim is also retroactively applied so not only is it yours but it's always been yours,” Celestia continued.

“I’m a queen again,” Chrysalis remarked aloud.

“You were always a queen. It's more apt to say you’re a double queen now. Though the monarchy really only exists for show, and tourism at this point,” Celestia pointed out with a chuckle.

“I don't know what to say,” Chrysalis admitted.

“I know this has been eating at you for a while and though I don't understand it myself, it's important to you so it's important to me,” Celestia declared.

“All those late nights, those long political trips?” Chrysalis half stated half asked.

“You would not believe how difficult it was to untangle all the red tape that came with this one little parcel of land,” Celestia answered. “It was a dragon roost at one point, a yak burial ground. A Griffin colony ship crashed here. Everyone wanted something and after all this time I’ve been able to grease every last one of the necessary palms.”

“That's amazing,” Chrysalis murmured. “I think I’d like to build that cottage we talked about all those years ago.”

“Then we’re good. We’re okay?” Celestia asked nervously.

Chrysalis dragged the alicorn across the expanse, trapping her in a deep, passionate kiss. When she finally released the other female, her frown was gone, replaced by a wide smile.

“We’re more than good,” Chrysalis declared.

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that,” Celestia exhaled, deflating somewhat. “I thought maybe you’d gotten tired of me.”

“No, this wasn't on you Celestia,” Chrysalis replied. “I’ve let old wounds fester for too long. It's time I start truly looking to the future. Without reservations.”

“Don't tell me you want to have more kids,” Celestia prodded.

Chrysalis laughed aloud.

“No I don't think I want to deal with that at the moment, rather I have something else in mind,” Chrysalis answered.

“Well,” Celestia poked, bumping her hip against Chrysalis’ side. “Don't leave me in suspense. What are you thinking of?”

“I’m thinking…” Chrysalis began, a small smirk crossing her face. “How about another honeymoon?”

“It has been over a hundred years at this point,” Celestia added.

“I think it's high time we cut loose and renew our vows. Maybe even torment that sister of yours,” Chrysalis offered.

“I have wanted to go to that new moon colony,” Celestia admitted.

“What do you say? Not tired of little old me yet, are you?” Chrysalis prodded.

“You are not old,” Celestia stated. “And I will never get tired of you, my little love bug.”

“Nor will I tire of you, my little sunspot,” Chrysalis shot back.

The pair leaned forward, and kissed for the first time, again.

Author's Note:

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