• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 178 Views, 0 Comments

How the Magic of Family Grows - kleec13

With both their kids now toddlers, Rarity and Applejack wonder what the future of their family should look like.

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How the Magic of Family Grows

Applejack and Rarity had put their kids to bed and now were going to sleep themselves. The whole family was quite tired after celebrating the younger filly’s second birthday.

“Wow, I’m beat. I love our kids and their friends, but they certainly have a lot of energy,” Applejack remarked.

Rarity chuckled as she moved over a bit to let Applejack in the bed.

“Our youngest is two,” Applejack continued. “And our oldest is four and a half. Wow. They say time goes quickly, but that doesn’t prepare you for how fast it goes.”

“Yes, Applejack. About that,” Rarity said. “There’s something I’ve been thinking about for a couple months now. When I realized this day was approaching. I know we always wanted two kids. And it could just be the baby fever talking. But… how do you feel about having another baby?”

“A…another baby?” Applejack stammered.

“Well, our businesses are more productive now that our kids are older,” Rarity elaborated. “And we should have enough in our savings now where I think we could manage it.”

Everpony knew that Applejack was as stubborn as stubborn gets, but on paper, she wasn’t opposed to the idea of having another baby. But as worth it as it was, the IVF process sure wasn’t easy.

“Rarity, we have no embryos left,” Applejack reminded her wife.

“I know,” Rarity remembered. “And both pregnancies and births were rough on me. So I don’t think we’d want to do IVF again.”

“You… you want to adopt?”

“Well, I’m guessing you still don’t want to carry the baby, right?” Rarity joked with a wink.

Applejack laughed along, but became serious again as she thought about the proposition at hoof.

“We only talked about adoption briefly when we decided to start trying and quickly decided it wasn’t for us,” she said.

“It wasn’t then,” Rarity agreed. “But do you think it could be now?”

Applejack had to admit that baby fever had gotten to her too at times. And even though this seemed abrupt to Applejack, she trusted Rarity knew about the gravity of what she was suggesting.

“There’s no harm in thinking about it,” Applejack said.

Rarity then got a sheet of paper out of the nightstand drawer and levitated it towards Applejack.

“There’s only one agency in Ponyville, but it’s one of the best in Equestria,” Rarity explained. “Just let me know, and we can contact them.”

A few days later, it was Applejack’s turn to drop the kids off at preschool.

“Sissy, say bye to mommy!” the older sister said.

“Bye mommy! Wuv you!”

“Bye sweeties! Have a good day,” Applejack called out.

As Applejack watched her daughters leave, she understood why Rarity wanted another child. Despite the tantrums, dirty diapers, and sleepless nights, Applejack felt like she and Rarity still had so much love to give. But at the same time, life was so good. Not perfect of course, but honestly, Applejack had never been so happy. And she imagined Rarity felt the same way. Could that change with a third child? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?

Applejack was about halfway home with her thoughts when she encountered a frazzled Rarity coming towards her.

“Oh Applejack,” Rarity said, panting. “Sorry to startle you. I forgot to pack these in their lunches.”

Rarity took two small bags of cookies out of her bag. They were leftover snickerdoodles from the birthday party.

“Ya know, they could have survived one day without dessert,” Applejack said, chuckling a bit.

“I suppose,” Rarity admitted. “But it’s Friday. And they adore your snickerdoodles and they only get them on special occasions. Not to mention you worked hard on them.”

“Alright, we might as well deliver them since you’ve come this way,” Applejack relented.

A grin slowly appeared on Applejack’s face as the two started walking.

“Let’s do it,” she said to Rarity.

“Do what?”

The grin grew bigger.

“Let’s adopt.”

Five months later…

Rarity stretched at her sewing machine as she got up and put her things away. She didn’t know if it was age or becoming a mother, but these big fashion projects certainly took a lot more out of her than they used to. But nonetheless, she was satisfied with another job well done. Applejack had been deep cleaning the house while she was working and Rarity was finally able to see how that was going.

“Hey, Rares,” Applejack said once she saw her wife come downstairs. “You finished that project?”

“Yes, finally!” Rarity said as she looked at the clock. “And good timing, too. I’ll pick up the kids.”

“Could you get the mail before you go? I think I heard it arrive.”


Nothing too exciting in the mail. But the last letter stopped Rarity in her tracks. It was from the adoption agency. The white unicorn ran back into the house.

“Applejack! A letter from the agency!” she exclaimed.

Applejack ran towards Rarity and the two read the letter together.

Dear Applejack and Rarity,

Congratulations! We found a potential match for your adoption case.

Birth Mother’s Name: Emerald Moonshine

Birth Mother’s Date of Birth: 4/15/1998

Due Date of Foal: 9/20/2024

If interested, please contact us for instructions to move forward.

Thank you,

The Ponyville Adoption Agency

The couple pulled one another in for a kiss beaming.

“I can’t believe it,” Rarity said. “It’s only been a couple months!”

“Well, they did say to be prepared for weeks, months, or years,” Applejack recalled.

Rarity stared at the letter, then pulled Applejack in for another kiss.

“I better go tell the fillies the news!” Rarity said.

“Well, maybe let them come home first,” Applejack said with a bit of a laugh. “But yeah, we should finally tell them what we’re planning!”

Seven months later…

“My goodness, it’s already eight o’clock! I think it’s somepony’s bedtime,” Rarity said.

“But mamma, it’s my birthday!”

“Yeah, it’s her birthday!”

“All the more reason to get some rest. You’ve both had a big day. Come say goodnight to mommy and great-grandma and you can choose a bedtime story!”

The fillies begrudgingly did what they were told and Rarity took her daughters up to bed.

“I love that y’all can stay here,” Granny Smith said once she and Applejack were alone. “I don’t know how long I have left and I want to spend as much time with my family as possible.”

Applejack was glad too, but something about this comment released some built up emotions. An unexpected wave of tears came over her.

“Aw, Applejack,” Granny Smith said, comforting her granddaughter. “We’ve spent many holidays without ponies who should be here, haven’t we?”

“It’s not fair, Granny,” Applejack said, still through tears. “First mom and dad. Then the years of loss and hardship when Rares and I were trying for our daughters. And now this. I mean, we knew the birth mom had 24 hours after the baby was born to change her mind. And she was a fine pony who will do her darndest to give her foal a good life. But… Celestia, Granny. The baby SLEPT OVERNIGHT with us! How could that have just been taken away?”

“Can you visit the foal?” Granny Smith asked.

“I think we could,” Applejack remembered. “But the agency didn’t recommend it. It would just cause too much pain and confusion for everypony involved.”

Applejack sighed to release the last bit of tension, realizing how good she now felt after getting all that off her chest.

“I can’t believe it’s been a year since Rarity told me she wanted to adopt,” she continued. “We thought we were so lucky to get a match within a few months. And now here we are.”

“I know this wasn’t the outcome you expected,” Granny Smith sympathized. “And I know forcing positivity isn’t good for anypony. But while your road to becoming parents has been full of heartache, it’s also been full of joy. I hope that joy will help you move forward. Whenever you’re ready.”

Applejack looked at her granny with a smile.

“I’m proud of ya, Granny. You’ve come a long way since Rarity and I started dating. A good example for many to follow.”

Granny was proud too, but almost didn’t feel like she should be too proud for being a decent pony and accepting her granddaughter for who she was.

“You both are amazing mares and wonderful parents,” she told Applejack. “There’s nothing to hate about that.”

Author's Note:

Another installment of my Rarity and Applejack as wives/moms saga! Hope you enjoyed!

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