• Published 15th Apr 2024
  • 124 Views, 0 Comments

Beam Me Up, Twilight - Kentavritsa

Summer with Twilight and Neko. Lazy days, not really. What will life be, at the Star Fleet Academy? At least, May Trotter, Neko and Twilight Sparkle share the experience.

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A Week End: 1

Author's Note:

Ms. Miko's POV

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Pass: Author’s Note:


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Since it is the first weekend after the summer-break had begun, we had chosen for me to sleep over at her place. Two months of lazy fun, after all.

No school, or studies for several weeks. So much fun to be had, even if we had not quite had the time to plan ahead.

Of course, how much planning ahead does it take, for a week of lazy fun?

Reading Manga, watching Anime and eating snacks would be a given, of course. These were obligatory, in my book; even if my stay would not be limited, to these activities. Not With May in the same room, at the very least

Still; I had been ill prepared, for what is to come.

Okay, the first chock to hit home; is that there was not one extra bed, but two.

“Greetings, Neko!” the new girl exclaims, just as I enter the room; I am Twilight Sparkle, but you could also call me Gemini!” she then continues.

“Greetings, Gemini!” I respond, not quite catching the odd name; largely due, to the fact that I am known as Neko in the first place.

“I hope you like reading and studies..” Twilight proclaims; “because I have prepared a seat at the Star Fleet Academy for the three of us!” she then explains.

“Wait; did you just say: Star Fleet Academy?” I inquire.

“Yes; as a matter of fact, I did!” she then responds.

“We will just have to change into the proper attire, before we go!” I suggest.

“Sounds like fun, I guess!” I respond; “just much less Manga and Anime?” I then inquire.

“Relatively speaking, yes!” Twilight points out.

“How did you manage to book the seat at the Star Fleet Academy?” I inquire.

“How?” Twilight inquires; “Easy” she continues; “I managed to find the site on my computer back in Twilight town!” she explains; “May gave me a connection, far better than she could possibly have imagined!” she then concludes.

“If you can find the site, where you can sign up for the Star Fleet Academy; then it is indeed far superior, to what I had been expecting!” May concedes.

“Three to beam up!” Gemini declares.

The next instant, the telltale light-effect of the Transporter could be seen and felt; just a moment before we were transported over to the transporter pad, at the Star Fleet Academy.

“Okay..” I breathe; “I am officially Impressed!” I declare, as I find myself on the transporter pad at the Star Fleet Academy.

Incidentally, there is none by the controls; she had been delayed, now rushing in into the room just as the doors are admitting her entrance.

“Greetings, Cadets; and welcome to the Star Fleet Academy!” she now proclaims.

“Greetings!” we chorus, in response; “And thank you!” I continue.

“You are early, Cadets!” she puts forth.

“I prefer to be early, so that I can prepare for class!” Twilight explains.

“Miko, reporting!” I proclaim; “I am a Neko!” I then conclude.

“Twilight Sparkle..” Twilight fills in; “I am a Gemini!” she adds.

“May Trotter!” I supply; “Human of Earth!” I supply.

“I thought I had seen everything, when a Ferengi by the name of Nog joined the Academy!” the Engineer sent to manage the transporter exclaimed; “Neko?” she inquires; “I have never even heard of your Race or what Planet you hail from!” she points out; “But going by appearance, you look as if you were Feline, similar to the Caitain!” she suggests.

“Wait, you haven’t?” I inquire.

“Sorry, no!” she responds; “I thought I had heard of every known Race in the Federation!” she then puts forth.

“The Federation is priding itself in accepting everyone!” I offer.

“Yes, we do..” she agrees; “and see how far it has taken us!” she then continues.

“All the Explorations and Research alone!” Twilight points out.

“And all the friends, still waiting to be made!” I supply.

“This will be a wonderful experience, here; I am looking forwards, to all the new friends and all I stand to learn here!” May points out.

“Since you are all present and accounted for, Cadets; I will be showing you your rooms, so you can settle in!” the Engineer puts forth.

“Aye, sir!” we respond with a crisp salute.

“Lead the way, please!” Twilight prompts.

With that, she is walking towards the door; the door slides up before her and she walks out with us in tow.

“That is rather convenient!” Twilight prompts; “Even if the security could be improved upon, here!” she continues, as we follow our Guide and Escort down the Hall towards the Turbo Lift.

“Quite convenient, yes!” she responds; “But, where did they beam in from?” she now ponders, as she is leading us towards the Turbo Lift.

The doors slide up and we spill in, into the Turbo Lift and the doors promptly slide shut behind us.

“Cadet Quarters, First Class!” she prompts, and the floor starts to move upwards, in order to take us to the intended location.

Miko only raises an eyebrow, in recognition.

“You could improve on the security, of these doors?” she now inquires, behind the security of the closed doors.

“Yes..” Twilight offers; “All assuming the doors are opening for anyone approaching the doors, of course!” she puts forth; “But, I still would love to see certain features implemented; if possible, at this point in time!” she then elaborates.

“They usually permit everyone, yes!” she admits.

“I thought so..” Twilight puts forth; “I guess I could sketch up a few ideas, for the Engineers to go over!” she then suggests.

The lift continues to move upwards for a few minutes in complete silence, nothing happening.

“Please do!” the Engineer responds; “Your designs will be reviewed..” she then continues; “and the responses will be forwarded, shortly after the deliberations are concluded!” she finishes, with a gentle nod of approval.

The lift slows down, the doors slide up and we follow the Engineer guiding us towards our respective Quarters.

“Here you are; May, Miko and Twilight!” she proclaims; pointing at each door in turn, indicating for us to enter.

The doors slide up for me and I step into my private quarters, knowing my friends enters their respective Quarters as well.

“At least, I know where they are!” I ponder, as I enter my new home.

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