• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 173 Views, 2 Comments

Aurora By The Sea - Snugglewarmscale

Primrose remembers the very first date her and her husband went on.

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Chapter 1

In the middle of a large forest a Unicorn mare rested on a small blanket. She had a happy smiled on her face. Her mane was purple while her coat was off white. Her name is Primrose. She smiled as she rested in the cool shade of the forest trees. She giggled as she felt something nuzzle her stomach. She turned her head to look down; resting it's body on her stomach was her stepson. Her stepson was a little dragon known as Sparky. The little dragon purred happily as he continued to press himself against his mothers stomach.

She gasped a little as she felt a small kick against her stomach. It hurt a little, but the pain was overshadowed by the joy she felt. For, she was pregnant with the foal of her husband. Her ears perked up at the sound of approach hoofsteps. She turned her head and saw her husband approaching them. She smiled up at him as he walked closer. Her husband, Hitch Trailblazer, smiled back at her before he gently kissed her on her forehead. She smiled again; this time feeling loved.

Hitch walked around and rested next to her. She sighed as she pressed herself against his side. Her head resting on his chest. Both of them could hear their son purring happily as he continued to nap on his mothers stomach.

The little dragon mumbled in his sleep. “Warm the egg.”

Both of them chuckled. Sparky was going to be a good big brother. As all three of them rested Primrose remembered how all of this started. Mentally, she scolded herself. She could have felt like this sooner; if only she hadn't been so shy. But, she was thankful to have all of this now. She giggled a little as she remembered everything that had happened. From, the time she had asked him out. All the way to the event that helped them become a little closer. She remembered that whole week like it was yesterday. The week leading up to, Aurora By The Sea.

Primrose stared at herself in the mirror. She had combed her purple mane smooth, her off white fur was clean and seemed to shine, she even polished her magenta colored hooves and her horn. To any stallion she would be the image of beauty. So, why didn't she see herself as beautiful. She sighed heavily and hid her face behind her forelegs. There was no way he would think she was pretty. Why should she even try to ask him out? All she would do was embarrass herself. Make herself look like some love sick filly with a crush not meant to be.

She asked herself. “Why can't I just go talk to Hitch?”

She sighed again; she had developed a crush on him shortly after moving to Maretime Bay. He was a very handsome stallion. One she couldn't take her mind off of. She even bought one of the calenders that had him on all the months. She wanted to ask him out. To see if they could try and have a relationship. But, she hardly knew him and he hardly knew her. She wanted to try and get his attention once. She had decided to enter a fashion show during Maretime Bay Day, but Sunny shot her hopes down. The thought of Sunny also brought her confidence down more. She was one of the few mares he hung out with. For, all she knew he could be in a harem with all of them.

She wasn't a beautiful pegasus princess like Pipp and Zipp. Not a fun loving creative unicorn like Izzy. She was not even on the same level with Sunny. Sunny is an alicorn; a living pony of legend. A pony that had the powers of all three tribes. All of them were amazing mares who probably had Hitch all to themselves. While she was an envious, love sick, shy unicorn that had no chance with him. She sniffled as a few tears pooled just underneath her chin. She sobbed quietly as she accepted the cruel reality.

“Just go and ask him.”

She stopped sobbing and slowly raised her head. She used her magic to open a drawer and pulled out a small towel. She dried and cleaned her face before looking at herself again. She didn't want to wear any make up. Her skin wasn't sensitive, she just didn't feel like herself wearing make up. It felt like she was wearing a mask. She did however reach for a small bottle of perfume. The perfume was scented with lavender her favorite flower. She sprayed a small amount on her neck; before using her magic to wrap her favorite scarf around her neck. She looked at herself in the mirror once more; before nodding and exiting her room. She walked out into the hall and headed for the front door. She stopped just in front of the door; her mind was already telling her that this was a bad idea, to just stay in her home and forget about this. She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

She spoke to herself. “You can do this.”

She used her magic to open the door and she stepped outside. She closed and locked the door before she started walking down the street; she was heading for the sheriff station in the center of town. As she walked through the streets; she couldn't help but notice some couples spending time with one another. She was envious of the mares who found their stallions. Her heart longed for companionship. She hoped she wouldn't be lonely after this day. At the same time she expected to be turned down.

She gazed at the mares who found their stallions. Each of them had manes that shined in the light of the sun. Eyes that glistened like the prettiest gems. Voices....that came close to rivaling Princess Pipp's. While she was just another unicorn mare; a mare that had a silly crush on a very handsome stallion. She sighed again as she reached the corner and turned down main street. She stopped and stared forward at the building with the sheriff star on it. Her heart started to beat a little faster. Her knees felt like they were going to give out from under her.

“He's only gonna say no. Why are you even trying?”

Primrose took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. No, she had to see this through. She may be turned down but, at least she could say to herself she tried. She started walking towards his home again. Every step bringing her closer to him. Every step one more step closer to heartache or a possible companion. Each step bringing her closer to.......his door.

She now stood just outside the sheriff station. She had been standing there for a good five minutes. She shuddered whenever she felt the wondering stare of another pony. She gulped as she slowly lifted her hoof and gently pushed open the door. She winced at the sound of the door slowly creaking open. She had just opened the door enough to peek inside. She tried to see him through the small opening. What she saw was a sight.......that made her smile and shocked her.

Hitch was sitting in a rocking chair; with a tiny dragon resting in his hooves. He was looking down at the dragon with a loving gaze. She could only see the back of the dragons head; it had light green scales and was wrapped in small blanket. She could just barely hear it's gentle snoring. Maybe she could come back at another.

She gasped as the door suddenly opened. She screamed, “Ah!” She landed on the wood floor.

Hitch jumped at the sudden sound of a mare screaming. Sparky grumbled a little as he shifted into a more comfortable position. Hitch gently shushed his baby before gently resting him in his bed. He heard his baby grumble again; causing him to gently rub his back as he draped his blanket over his tiny body. He turned and walked towards the door; the mare who had fallen into the station was still there, he heard her groan a little as she got to her hooves.

He asked her. “Are you okay, Ma'am?” He stopped just in front of her and offered her a friendly hoof.

Primrose nodded before answering. “I'm fine.” She grabbed his hoof and pulled herself up. She continued. “I just.” She stopped the moment her eyes locked with his. Her mind went immediately blank; only Um's and other small words left her mouth. Her mind tried its best to form a sentence. But, nothing would come to her.

Hitch looked at her in slight confusion; was she there because she needed help, or did she have something to report? He asked her. “Is everything okay, miss?”

She answered with her name. “Primrose!” She quickly covered her mouth with her hoof. She didn't mean to answer that loudly. A blush appeared on her face as she repeated her name. “Primrose.” She tried to keep herself calm as she finished. “My name is Primrose.”

He nodded and said. “Well, Miss Primrose.” He lead her to his desk and walked around it. Taking a seat while also pickup a note pad and pencil. He continued. “Do you have anything to report?”

She thought. “Oh, no he thinks I have a problem.”. A million thoughts ran through her mind. What should she tell him? Should she just run out and leave Maretime Bay forever? Maybe she could find some rock to hide under for the rest of her life. This was just so embarrassing.

Hitch wondered what she was thinking? He had a few guess what the problem could be. The number one problem would be somepony had littered. Maybe some other unicorn had struck her with an object they were carrying with their magic. A simple problem that was more common and easily solved with a simple “I'm sorry.”. Maybe a Pegasus had dropped something or had accidentally fallen on her? Another common problem that could be solved in the same manner.

He tried to ask her. “Miss Primrose.”


She quickly clapped her hoof over her mouth again; she didn't mean to start yelling again. It was then both of them heard the small crying of the little dragon. Hitch sighed heavily while mumbling something to himself. Primrose wanted to apologize but her voice continued to fail her. She could only watch as he walked over to the crying baby.

She watched as he gently picked the baby up and hugged him close. How he gently shushed and quieted his crying; apologizing to him and saying that everything was okay. She shifted her gaze away from him. She felt he was about to glare at her for making his baby cry. That was when she saw a bottle sitting on a nearby shelf; she looked between him and the bottle for a moment, before she walked towards the bottle and picked it up with her magic. She levitated the bottle over to him as she walked closer.

He noticed and smiled at the kind gesture. He took the bottle and thanked her. “Thanks.”

She smiled before stopping just behind them. She awed at the cute sight in front of her; a stallion taking care of his foal.......hatchling. She stared at them as he fed his son. She could hear the gentle purring again; while he slowly drank the liquid in the bottle. She sighed again; as she remembered that she was the one who caused this.

She apologized. “I'm sorry.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

He looked at her and smiled. “Don't be.” He explained. “Sparky, gets a little hungry at this time.” He noticed the bottle was just about empty. He pulled it away from his son causing a small pop to echo through the home. He chuckled a little before asking. “Full buddy?”

His answer was his son releasing a small burp. Thankfully, there was no fire with this one, last time one of his pens was turned into a candy cane. He chuckled a little before his son fell back to sleep. He heard him purring happily as he snuggled into his fathers chest. His favorite spot to nap and sleep.

Primrose continued to smile at the adorable sight. Only to have her smile fade shortly after; maybe she should just go. She got up and started to make her way to the door.

Hitch noticed and called out to her. “Hey, wait!” She stopped mid-stride as he asked. “Didn't you have something to report?”

For a moment all was silent again. Then, slowly Primrose turned and faced him. She slowly walked up to him, keeping her gaze to the floor. Once more she stood in front of him. Only this time she finally found her voice and asked him.

“Will.” She paused a moment out of fear; fear of being turned down or laughed at. She tried to continue. “Will......will.” She paused again before shutting her eyes tight. She took in a deep breath and exhaled before she opened her eyes, looked him in the eye and finished. “Will you......would you like to go on a date with me?”

She did it; she had finally asked him out. She felt like she was about to vomit and pass out. Her heart hammered inside her chest. Her brain all but shut off. She was so worried about what he was going to say next.

He asked. “Come again?” He was a little surprised to hear what she had just asked.

She repeated. “Would.” She took in another deep breath, slowly exhaled and asked calmly. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”

Now Hitch was the one who was struck with silence. He didn't expect to get asked out. Then, again, who does expect to be asked out? He smiled nervously at her.

He replied. “Um, sure.” He asked. “When would you like to go on date?”

She froze as her mind mentally processed what she just heard. Did he just say, yes? Did he just ask when? This whole time she expected him to kick her out of the station; while laughing at her and calling her all sort of things.

Hitch on the other hoof wasn't sure how to move the conversation along. She was just standing there as still as a statue. While he was holding his baby; wondering if she was about to say something. His eyes fell on the calender and noticed an event was coming up.

He smiled as he suggested. “How about this Friday, during the festival?”

Primrose snapped out of her stupor and questioned. “Festival?”

He nodded and explained. “Yeah, it's called Aurora By The Sea.” He explained the event further. “Around this time of year some fish we call “Aurora Surfers.” migrate pass our town. It's quite a sight to watch. Especially for animal lovers and couples.” He blushed a little as he admitted. “I've only been as security. Never really attended the event itself.”

She thought about it for a moment; her mind slowly processing everything. She smiled and asked him. “Well, would you like to go to the festival with me?”

He nodded and answered. “Sure.” He asked her. “When and where would you like to meet?”

She thought about it for a moment and answered. “How about we meet at the overlook, just across from the theater.” She asked. “When does the festival start?”

He answered. “An hour before sundown.” He explained. “After the sun sets; that's usually when the fish start swimming by. But, the festival starts just two hours before.”

She thought about it for a moment eventually deciding on a time. “How about we meet thirty minutes before the festival starts. That way you can do some last minute safety checks before it starts.”

He nodded in agreement; he was impressed with how she remembered that he mentioned he would act as security. He saw her smile before she turned around to leave again. Before she reached the door he called to her. “Excuse me, Miss Primrose.” She stopped and looked at him as he suggested. “If you would like. Would you like to get some tea together tomorrow? It will give us a chance to learn about each other before the festival.”

If she was dreaming; she hoped and prayed that she wasn't about to wake up anytime soon. She replied. “I'd like that.” She smiled and asked. “When would you like to meet up tomorrow?”

He answered. “How about noon?” He explained. “I have some errands to run tomorrow. But, I should be free by then.” He then asked her. “Have you been to the Crystal Tearoom back in Bridlewood?” She nodded and he informed her. “Alphabittle, opened one here in Maretime Bay.”

She smiled again and replied. “Sound's great.” She opened the door and stepped out; while she said. “I'll see you tomorrow.” She watched him nod as she shut the door and started walking home.

When she got home she slowly opened and closed her door. When her door shut; all she did was stand calmly in her home. Before she yelled out a “ YES!” she repeatedly yelled it while jumping about like a little filly. She did it; not only did she manage to get a date with him. But, she was also going to be spending time with him tomorrow. She was so happy that she didn't even care when she tripped and fell to the floor. In fact she just layed there and stared up at her ceiling in happiness. She was mentally exhausted from the whole ordeal. Her mind repeatedly fought against her on the way there. The entire time she wanted to run away from him. There were even times she found herself wanting to vomit. But, now all she could think about was her date with him.

“I can't wait for tomorrow.”