• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 403 Views, 25 Comments

Equestria Girls It's Showtime-- Little Einsteins: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join The Rainbooms as they team up with the Little Einsteins to save the seven music fairies.

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The Final Place/ Music Wave: Trixie's Final Attack

The gang all were flying in the sky searching for Big Jet and Trixie but like the last two times they lost them again and didn't know where they headed to this time.

"Oh brother. We lost them again! But we remember how we can track down Big Jet and Trixie. We have to listen for the fairies song." Twilight said.

Rocket took out his Look and Listen Scope and they prepared to listen one last time.

"Ok. Let's listen. We'll start listening to this farm." Leo said as a picture projected on there.

"That's my home Sweet Apple Acres!!" Applejack said as they all listened to the song. But that wasn't the one they were wanting to hear.

"Um that's not it. I kinda noticed that my home is always known for the country music." Applejack said.

"Yeah. Ok let's try listening in this city." Leo said as a picture of that projected on the monitor.

"That's Manehattan!" Rarity replied as they listened to the song. But that one was different too. Rarity came to a conclusion that it wasn't the song they wanted.

"No. Darlings that's not their song either. Looks like Big Jet and Trixie didn't go to Manehattan." Rarity replied.

"Yep that's not it either. Ok let's listen to that big concert stage which seems to be next to a high school." Leo suggested.

"That's the Big Concert Hall!" Fluttershy said as they listened and this time they heard the actual song and smiled.


"That's it! That's the song! So Big Jet and Trixie are at the concert hall! Come on!" Twilight said.

Leo nodded and Rocket zoomed off to the place they saw. Then they saw Trixie and Big Jet in front of the concert hall turned away and the heroes needed a plan to get the fairies from them.

"There's Trixie and Big Jet. Here's an idea I have. On the count of three let's all yell 'BOO'. That way Trixie will loosen her grip on the jar and we can get the fairies. Ready? One, two, three...." June started.

"BOO!!!" Everyone yelled.

"Ahhhh!!!" Trixie screamed and fell down accidentally dropping the jar and flew off.

"She dropped the fairies!" Quincy said.

Big Jet stopped and turned around seeing the heroes and the jar on the ground.

"You again?! You just don't know when to quit do you?! Well I had enough of this silly game!!" Trixie said all frustrated.

"We're getting those fairies before you do!" Sunset said.

"As if! And to make sure you don't I have one final trick up my sleeve!" Trixie said as she took out the wand. "Feast your eyes on my most powerful magic yet! A music wave that will take you away!!"

She then started to conduct some music and a huge wave came after them!

"A music wave!? We got to do something to get past that music wave." Annie said.

"I believe we can take car of that. Girls! Get your instruments ready! We'll make the music wave attack Trixie instead." Twilight said.

So the girls got their instruments and headed on top of Rocket to prepare. Then Leo got and idea as he took out his baton.

"The Rainbooms might need some help. So I need to conduct to make their music loud as we can to counter Trixie's music wave. Get ready!" Leo said.

The Rainbooms all took their special forms for this moment as they all started to play a song.


As they were singing another wave of music came to Trixie's as the two turned into dragons and they fought each other. It would seem like Trixie's is starting to gain the upper hand but Leo knew what needed to be done.

"Uh oh. Looks like Trixie is starting to win. We need to help the Rainbooms get their song to be louder. So let's raise our hands high in the air and yell 'crescendo'!!" Leo said.

So the rest of the Little Einsteins did what Leo said and they got the music to be a little louder. Then their music dragon gained the upper hand and flew right past Trixie's and roared at her!

"Mommy." Trixie whimpered. Then the dragon crashed right into Trixie and Big Jet and she flew off and screamed. Then Rocket grabbed the jar and brought it inside. Once in Fluttershy opened it and all the fairies were free and they went to their rightful bearers.

"Oh were glad you're safe! Now you can help us with the concert." Fluttershy smiled.

Then our heroes hopped out of Rocket and they saw Trixie lying on the ground all hurt.

"Trixie. Why did you kidnap the fairies? Why did you have to be a bad guy here?" Pinkie asked.

"Whoa hang on. A bad guy? I never wanted to be a bad guy." Trixie replied.

"Well it wasn't nice of you to kidnap the fairies like that." Twilight said.

"Ok I admit that was uncalled for. Look the problem is since my friends are out of town for a week I have no one else wanting to help me enter the big show tonight. And plus you always had the spotlight every time. I just wanted to feel like I had a chance to shine. So I took it all on you and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry." Trixie answered.

"Trixie. You didn't have to do all this. What you did was wrong but only cause you wanted to feel like you want a chance to be accepted. But doing all that magic to rid the Rainbooms won't help you do that. It's what comes from your heart that makes you feel accepted." Leo explained.

"Yeah. Maybe your right. I'm so sorry that I caused all that trouble. I promise that I will never do that again." Trixie said.

"We forgive you Trixie. Now to make sure you don't do something like that again we decided that you can watch the show. But no tricks. Maybe if you're planning a magic show then you can do tricks but not at this one. Deal?" Rarity said.

"That will work. Again I'm sorry. And I will not do any tricks to ruin tonight's show." Trixie swore.

The Rainbooms nodded in satisfaction and Trixie went off to go sit in the audience and wait for the show to start. Then the Rainbooms thanked the Little Einsteins for rescuing the fairies from Big Jet and Trixie. Then Leo faced the readers.

"Mission completion!!" Leo concluded and the curtains closed.

Author's Note:

One chapter left guys!