• Published 12th Apr 2024
  • 1,664 Views, 37 Comments

Disaster Diverted, Love Found - Kind of Brony

With her sister back and her niece's wedding not far off on the horizon, Celestia finds a strange letter in her room. A letter from a self-proclaimed Prince of Changelings, and he's asking for Equestria's help.

  • ...

A Strange Letter

To Equestria's solar princess, it seems like the world has sped up so much as of late. For hundreds of years, life felt so dull and dreary, the days both dragging on and yet blending together into a singular, tired marathon of ruling a kingdom on her own.

Then a little filly named Mi Amore Cadenza defeated a witch and became an alicorn, she found herself a wonderful student, she hired the world's greatest assistant, and she got her sister back after a thousand years of separation. Now it felt like something outragous happened every week, and politics was moving just as fast even after she's gotten so much more help.

Thus Princess Celestia enters her room after a long day of dealing with nobles' complaining and signing documents, sighing in exhaustion and relief. At least the documents were only tedious and not infuriating as Raven always read through them all and sorted them into two piles for her. One for those that are good for Equestria, and those which are not and needed revisiting.

At this point, Raven has probably passed more legislation than Celestia herself via proxy, but Celestia has the utmost trust in her stalwart assistant. If Raven were a handsome stallion, Celestia would have snatched him up long ago and made him her prince, but alas, that's just wishful thinking as she knows she'll never find such a level-headed, intelligent stallion to marry.

Regardless, the day is done, and Luna's torture will begin, especially because said mare has yet to hire such an assistant and needs to read her documents herself. After taking off her regalia and finishing her nightly routine, Celestia crawls into bed and reached for the lamp, too tired to even use her magic.

Her hoof stops as she notices a letter on her nightstand.

Blinking, wondering who could have left it as Celestia keeps her room locked even to the cleaning staff when she's out, she opens the letter, absently noting the paper feels odd and smells like... mushrooms?

To Princess Celestia, Sol Invictus, Sovereign of the Sun, She of Bountiful Harvests and Thighs, and whatever other titles you probably have.

Hello, I'm Prince Anonymous of the Changelings. That probably doesn't mean much to you, does it? That's by design, as you might guess by the name, since it implies we're shapeshifters, and as such prefer to use our innate abilities to stay hidden. As a result, the existence of this letter is a very big deal, and frankly would get me in a lot of trouble with my mom if she finds out about it. Especially as I had to deliver it myself since I didn't want to risk anyling accidentally tipping Mom off.

I suppose I should apologize for breaking into your room; an invasion of privacy against someone you're about to ask help from is not the best way of starting off a rapport, but I didn't have a lot of options. And hey, now you know your castle defenses need to be updated for future shapeshifter infiltration, so you can actually thank me for that.

No really, right now would be a good time.

You notice that plant by your bed? Was it always there? Were the colors like that last time you looked? Is it too green or not green enough?

Could it be... me?

Celestia slowly turns her eyes to the plant in question and gulps. wearily, she reaches a hoof out, and with some hesitation, smacks a leaf. It sways listlessly, then goes still. She looks back at the letter.


Maybe, but it'd be funny if you did just check if the plant was a changeling in disguise. And now that we've shared a good laugh at my expert prank, we are friends and I can feel comfortable with asking for your help. The changelings are starving, and I don't know what to do.

The princess sits a little straighter, eyes more focused. What was previously a bemusing, if not very odd letter, has just become far more serious as she shifts back into the mindset of the ruler she had intended to set aside for a night of rest.

My mom, Queen Chrysalis, has her own plan on how to rectify this problem. Invade the bountiful lands of Equestria and take what we need by force. She's being quite pigheaded about it, in fact, and only my pointing out the most recent defeat of Discord, a nigh all-powerful Spirit of Chaos, has given her pause.

But that's only shifted her plan from outright invasion to infiltration then invasion after she's weakened your kingdom's defenses enough. She's currently torn between her own idea of replacing that pink, lactose-intolerant alicorn with a pizza addiction or my own suggestion of replacing your assistant so she can have your ear and manipulate you.

Sorry for pulling Inkwell into this, but understand that it was a stalling tactic to keep my mother from doing anything rash. She's really not that bad, I swear. She just gets a little megalomanic when she's hungry, and she's been hungry for a long time.

We all have.

Still, manners are important, and to make up for my transgressions, I've left a small jar of changeling honey in your nightstand's drawer for Raven. Not a lot, for obvious reasons, but I hope she accepts the gift. Inform her to only eat a spoonful a day, though, unless you want her putting the moves on every male she comes across.

it's potent stuff.

At this, Celestia checks her drawer, and sure enough, levitates out a very small jar with a strange wax-like seal, and even stranger viscous green liquid that emanated a faint glow. Well, that lends more credibility to the letter's claims, Celestia supposes.

Or don't tell her and let her eat the whole jar. I'll admit to being a little curious of what Miss Inkwell might be like if she let her mane down and put a little swagger into those hips.

Putting that aside, however, this is a rather serious matter, and I request you respond post-haste. Please write your response on the extra sheet of parchment provided and toss it out your window. Yes, I'm serious, and don't worry, it'll work just fine, and I'll make sure you get any subsequent responses from me until I'm sure it's safe to meet face to face.

Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but a lifetime of being told to remain hidden is hard to ignore on top of being told to always be weary around mares. Not that you'd do anything inappropriate I'm sure, but my mom already thinks I'm reckless and air-headed, and I'd rather not give her any more ammunition for the inevitable argument my actions are going to cause after this.

She's always saying, "You're a male that can turn into anything on top of being royalty, females won't be able to control themselves around you, and that's why you mustn't ever leave the hive without your guards."

Anyway, hope to hear from you soon.


Celestia had a busy night after that, having gathered both her sister and the newest princess to discuss the letter. While she might not have immediately involved the latter on such a delicate situation normally, seeing as she was still quite new to the position, the fact that she was a potential target of a foreign queen forced Celestia's hoof.

The same went for Raven, too, who read the letter over, eyes turning to the small jar set in the middle of the table. The mare, with her parchment white coat and brown mane done up in a simple bun was normally so put together, looks rather flustered with her cheeks flush under her dark-rimmed glasses.

"Well, Raven, I think it's safe to say you've garnered yourself an admirer," Cadence says, breaking the silence with a sly smirk. "And a prince no less, you go, filly."

"Surely that line was written in jest," Raven demurs. "This... Prince Anonymous seems a bit on the whimsical side."

"I might have agreed had he not gifted you literal love in a jar," Cadence counters. "I didn't even know that was possible." All eyes turn to her in question, and she points at the jar. "That honey is literally chocked full of love energy. I'd say at least a fancy Prench restaurant's Hearts and Hooves Day dinner rush's worth."

"That's oddly specific, and raises quite a few more questions. Just what are these changelings that they would produce such a substance?" Celestia ponders aloud as her sister leans in to take a closer look.

"Perhaps an aphrodisiac or marital aide? Has the gifting of such things become common practice in my absence? Truly strange times if so."

"Um, no, Princess Luna," Raven says as she leans in and gently takes the jar, blush still on her cheeks. "And, well, it was implied this was a food item as he said he could only afford to part with this small amount, so perhaps these changelings need love as part of their dietary requirements?"

Celestia nods slowly, hoof to her chin. "Perhaps. And if that were the case, I can see how innate shapeshifting abilities would be advantageous to their kind. It'd help collect love."

Luna grimaces. "Thou paints not a pleasant picture, sister."

"Which is made worse by this Queen Chrysalis' intentions," chimes in Cadence seriously.

"Indeed," agrees Luna. "To think, it was only by the whimsy of a colt that we were warned of such treachery. At the very least, if the worst comes to be, we'll know whom will be taking the throne after their queen is deposed, and that he is more open to cooperation than his predecessor. And as a stallion, he'll make a fine figurehead through which we can influence the changelings."

"Now sister, let's not get ahead of ourselves," Celestia says chidingly. "We've not even met with any of there kind, and I hardly think it's constructive to start our planning with talk of how best to dethrone their queen and install a mouthpiece in her place."

"And besides, this Prince Anonymous contacted us in good faith to ask for our assistance despite what his mother would think, and it would be deplorable to take advantage of that fact."

"Hear, hear!" Cadence chimes in after Raven. The unicorn starts to smile, but it drops as the pink alicorn continues. "Besides I propose that a marriage to unite our two peoples would be better. Now normally, It'd either be Celestia or Luna, but I think Raven is the only choice for obvious reasons. Auntie Tia, how has your plans for raising Miss Inkwell into nobility been coming along? I know you were saying she more than deserves it as she does more for this kingdom than the current nobles do."

At the declaration, Raven's mouth is left hanging open, and Celestia is left wide-eyed as she stares at her assistant. She shrugs sheepishly and holds her hooves up. "Surprise..."

"Y-you want to make me a noble?" Raven asks. "What? How?!"

"Well, all nobles are descended from those who had earned their titles through great deeds and services to Equestria," Celestia explains awkwardly. "And really, who in recent memory has done more in service of Equestria than you?"

Raven struggles to respond before eventually bowing her head and mumbling, "Thank you, My Princess, I am truly honored."

"So... the diplomatic marriage is a go?" Cadence asks with a hopeful smile and barely suppressed energy as she jitters in her seat. "Because if so, I already know who can cater the wedding."

Celestia rolls her eyes. "No, it's not 'a go' Cadence, and even if it were, it wouldn't be catered by Pizza Stable."

"Indeed. We don't even know if changelings partake in the 'za, to begin with," adds Luna. "I can't imagine Miss Inkwell would like to start her relationship with her in-laws by poisoning them."

"Anyway!" Raven interrupts, face beet-red. "I think we can all agree that we are willing to aide the changelings, yes? If so, we should decide what our response should be."

"Raven is right, if they are truly facing famine, we need to act fast," Celestia says, expression once again grave as she levitates the strange paper that had been provided. "Let us write our response."

All four mares become serious after that, and begin hashing out a response. After half an hour, they are finished, and then awkwardly go to the highest window in the castle.

"So... we just toss it?"

"That is what the letter said."

"Should we really trust the judgement of a stallion?"

"I'm sure Prince Anonymous knows what he's doing, and if not, well, I'm sure he'll get in contact with us again regardless."

As the wind takes the sheet and it drifts into the night to eventually disappear, three mares return to their beds, and the last to her office to file papers after failing to recruit any of the others to help her regain lost time. Unnoticed to any of them is the owl set atop a spire who quickly leaves its perch in pursuit of the paper.

Catching it between its talons, it travels further down the mountain to a secluded alcove and touches down. In truth, even if it had missed spotting the note, the pheromones covering the paper made it easy for the creature to track down, and it transforms in a burst of green fire to smile.

Though he had sat outside of the window and listened to much of their conversation, it's still good to have their final thoughts written out to ponder over. There is perhaps a little disappointment, though, to see that their idea of political marriage didn't make it into the final draft of their response.

It had been an... intriguing suggestion.