• Published 8th Apr 2024
  • 300 Views, 1 Comments

Mean, Green, Milkshake Drinking Machines - SunniesStories

Soulful is just the pony to call when two mares need to drink copious amounts of disgusting milkshakes

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Soulful Radiance glided through the midafternoon sky, his wings spread wide, a smile on his face. It had been a good day to be a weather pegasus, slow and easy, with only a few small clouds needing to be wrangled to keep the spring sky clear and blue. Despite the slower day, Soul felt rather thirsty, and as he looked down on the town he was passing over on his way home, he spotted the Blue Bee Diner’s neon sign, and decided to pop in on Sunnie and get a milkshake for the road. The pegasus tucked his wings in and dove, before flaring them out just above the ground, coming in for a perfect three-point landing just a short trot from the door. He adjusted his scarf a tad, then sauntered into the Blue Bee, the door’s bell tinkling sweetly. He spotted Sunnie Bun and Velvet Melody sitting at a table in the back, with a single green milkshake sitting between them. Instead of jumping up to give her friend a hug, Sunnie gave him a half-hearted wave, and went back to staring at the milkshake. Velvet gave him a curt nod, a touch of distrust clear on her face. A little put off by such an out of character greeting from Sunnie, Soul hustled over and sat beside the mare, a look of concern on the normally happy pegasus’ face. “Hey Sun, is everything alright?” Sunnie lifted her head off the table.

“Hey Soul. Not really.” She said glumly. “I decided to make a special milkshake for St Patrick’s Day. Minty, with some four leaf clovers in it, to make it greener.” Soul inspected the shake in the centre of the table, not really seeing anything wrong with it.


“It’s disgusting!” Velvet wailed. “It’s like drinking cold toothpaste! It’s horrible!”

“I made way too much of it.” Sunnie put her head on the table. “The Cream Brothers have one of their old storage freezers stored here, so I made close to forty gallons of the stuff, thinking it’d be gone already. They need their freezer by tomorrow, and I don’t know what we’re going to do. We can’t dump it into the sewers like we did with the liquorice shakes, the mayor told us that without a proper permit, royal pardon or not, we’d have to pay a fine.”

“And nopony will buy this, this, this poison!” Velvet put her glasses on the table and blew her nose into a napkin.

“It can’t be that bad.” Soul chuckled. “Pass it over.” Sunnie slid the green glass over to him, and Soul took a sip. As soon as the green sludge touched his tongue, he gagged. It not only tasted like cheap toothpaste, but had the same texture as well. He looked for a place to spit it out, before running over to the sink behind the counter. “Pwah!” He wiped the splotch of green off his muzzle and smiled sheepishly. “Okay, maybe it is that bad.” Soul scratched his chin for a minute. “Well, maybe you could sell it as a novelty? A sort of prank toothpaste?” Sunnie shook her head.

“We thought about that, but there’s just so much of it, and I don’t think the market for ‘milkshake toothpaste’ is a thriving one at the moment.” She looked over at Velvet. “We also tried magicking it away, but just one bucket of it took so much out of Vel that I don’t want to force her to get rid of the other thirty buckets tonight, and we need it gone before tomorrow.” Soul rubbed his chin, thinking.

“How about drinking it?” Both Sunnie and Velvet burst out laughing. “No, I’m serious! I could try and make it a bit more palatable, and I could help you drink it.” While Velvet’s laughter faded into near-hysterical giggles, Sunnie sobered a little.

“It wouldn’t be fun, well, not fun for us.” She raised her eyebrow at the pegasus. “You’d have a blast, though.” Soul’s cheeks went a subtle pink. Sunnie shrugged. “Let’s do it. If anypony can make that taste anywhere close to edible, it’d be you.” Velvet sighed.

“We’ll do it, together.” The unicorn said. “You’re lucky I love you, Sunshine.”

“You’re right, I am.” Sunnie leaned over the table to give her marefriend a smooch. “You might want to take that dress off, though. Wouldn’t want it to tear, would we?” Both Soul and Velvet flushed, and as Sunnie helped Velvet out of her dress, Soul turned his attention to the minty mess of milkshakes. While an excellent cook in his own right, milkshakes were something he hadn’t dabbled in much, but he was determined to do his best. He added honey and sugar to try and sweeten it up a bit while adding some more milk to try and dilute the extreme mint taste. He also tossed some of it in a blender, to try and make it a little less chunky. After a taste test that left him grimacing rather than running to the sink, he carefully brought the first bucket over to Sunnie and Velvet, who had moved the table off to the side and were sitting on the chairs, waiting. He noticed with a start just how plump the two mares had gotten since the last time he’d seen them. Although Sunnie was still as bottom heavy as always, her flanks and hips had spread over the sides of her chair, and her formerly pudgy stomach had become a veritable potbelly. Velvet’s growth was much more blatant, especially without her dress to smooth out her rolls. She was a lot rounder than Sunnie, and though she wasn’t quite as wide in the hips, she was a lot plumper all over. Soul blinked, and felt his cheeks grow hot as he realized he was staring, but neither of them had noticed. They were too busy looking apprehensively at the bucket Soul had in hoof. He placed it on the ground in front of them.

“Well, I tried. It didn’t make me gag, but it’s still awful.” He looked back and forth between the pair. “So who’s going to be first?” Sunnie sighed, and leaned forwards to pick the bucket up, the green shake sloshing near the sides of the bucket. She stuck her tongue out into the green to taste it, and her face immediately screwed up.

“Luna, forgive me.” She muttered, before putting her lips on the edge of the bucket and tilting it up. The sound of gulping filled the Blue Bee as Sunnie drank the horrific concoction as fast as she could, her belly bloating slightly with each gulp, not pausing until the bucket was upside down above her. She let it clatter to the floor, a look of consternation on her face, as well as green staining her muzzle. “Ugh.” She patted her rounder tum a couple times, before unleashing a bellowing “URRRRRRRRRRRRRRAPPP!” It took Soul a second to realize his wings were starting to spread, and he quickly snapped them back to his sides, but not fast enough for Velvet not to notice. She glared at him over her glasses, her eyes filled with jealousy.

“Well? Where’s mine?” She snapped. “Hurry up, let’s get this over with.” Surprised by the sudden hostility, Soul hustled to get the next bucket, only to have it snatched out of his hooves by her magic. Velvet sniffed, and raised her bucket up to her lips. Her first mouthful ended up on the ground. “Pleh! You said you made this better!”

“Vel, quit it.” Sunnie said, giving her marefriend a look. “He’s here to help us.” Velvet pouted, but she still tilted the bucket and started drinking, a lot slower and more forced than Sunnie, using both her magic and her hooves to keep the bucket up and steady. Soul watched with mixed feelings as the blue unicorn’s belly slowly pushed out from under her, but before she was finished, he went back to get Sunnie’s next bucket. Sunnie visibly steeled herself as she took the bucket, before winking at Soul. “I have a feeling I’m going to need your hooves soon. I feel a bellyache coming on already.” Soul smiled, and bowed.

“I am at your service, my liege.” Sunnie giggled, then her mirth faded as she looked in the bucket, but she still tilted it up, her throat bulging as she drank it down. Soul fetched Velvet’s next bucket, then Sunnie’s, getting an eyeful as the mares continued to swell with each gulp. Both of their muzzles were stained green, and each had milkshake residue on their cheeks and chests that had leaked from the sides of their mouths. Both mares were breathing a little heavier when he brought them their fourth buckets, both of them letting out quiet burps and belches as they steeled themselves to drink. Both of their chairs were starting to creak and sag as both of their bellies bloated further and further outward, with both Sunnie and Velvet having to lean back just to remain seated. It was all Soul could do to keep his hooves off either of them, and judging from Sunnie’s teasing smirk, she knew it too.

He was bringing over Velvet’s seventh bucket when Sunnie’s chair decided it had had enough. With a surprisingly quiet ‘crack’ the bloated mare was dumped unceremoniously on her back, her milkshake stuffed belly sloshing above her. Sunnie started laughing, belly wobbling as her laughter, and burps, reverberated around the Blue Bee. “Well, that had to happen sooner or la-UUUUUURPP-later.” She chuckled, then looked over to Velvet and patted the checkered floor next to her. “I don’t think we can afford to break two chairs today.” Velvet carefully got off her own nearly-squashed chair, waddled over to her lover, and with a quiet grunt, joined her on the floor. Sunnie gave Velvet’s belly a pat before giving her a hard kiss on the lips. She then waved a hoof at Soul, one hoof gently rubbing the top of her belly, her face turning a sicklier shade of green under the stains on her muzzle. “Ouuugh, it didn’t like all that mo-OOUUURRRRRRRP-tion. You’re up, mi-URRRRRAP-ster!” Soul’s wings fluttered, and he made himself set the bucket down beside Velvet before stepping close to Sunnie, his hooves hovering barely an inch over her bloated stomach.

“What about the rest of the buckets?” Soul couldn’t stop himself from asking. Sunnie rolled her eyes, and looked at Vel.

“Could you bring the fridge over, my dear?” Velvet blinked, and nodded.

“I can try.” Velvet’s horn sparkled green, and something unseen in the kitchen thumped to the floor, but before long the refrigerator came trundling out from the kitchen, the wheels whizzing on the floor. Velvet, sweating a little from the effort, eased it to a stop near both mare’s heads. After a quick pause to regain her composure, she floated a bucket over to Sunnie, who beamed a smile out. Soul felt a shaky grin of his own creep across his face, and he finally pressed his hooves into Sunnie’s gurgling gut. The mare cooed as he rubbed slow, gentle circles, his hooves sinking deep into her soft flab, working his way up the curve of her belly. The milkshake was not sitting well inside her, and he could feel the angry gurgles and glorps rumbling up his forelegs. Soul couldn’t help himself any longer, especially not when he reached her belly button, which swayed side to side with his rubs. He flopped forwards, burying his muzzle in her cavernous belly button, kissing as deep as he could while his forelegs squeezed as much of her flab as he could. A maddeningly faint scent of butterscotch teased his nose and tongue as he kissed and squeezed, feeling Sunnie twitch, her happy moans filling his ears even though they were buried in flab. Through her moans, and the thunder of his heartbeat, he heard a loud gurgle, and felt a bubble of gas moving from Sunnie’s stuffed belly, moving up and up, his hooves chasing it to her chest, to make sure it got clear. Sunnie’s cheeks puffed up for a moment before she opened her mouth and unleashed the burp.

BURRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!” She let out a couple of smaller belches, then sighed. “Oohhh, that feels better.” She waved at Velvet. “Milkshake me, my love.” Velvet floated a bucket over and Sunnie, at an awkward angle, tilted it up and started chugging. Soul’s wings fluttered again as he felt Sunnie’s belly grow against him, and he resumed his rubs and kisses, only to feel a magical yank on his tail. He looked up angrily to see Velvet glaring at him.

“I think it’s my turn now.” She huffed. Soul gave Sunnie’s swelling belly a final kiss before reluctantly shuffling over to Velvet. Her belly was quite different from Sunnie’s, a lot lumpier, with more rolls and folds even when she was laying on her back. He paused a moment, feeling her glare, before he pressed his hooves in, a tad rougher than with Sunnie, making Velvet wince. A few small burps escaped her lips, and she whined a little as Soul dug his hooves deep into her rolls, but as he worked his hooves deeper, her whines turned to moans. Her hind legs twitched, and her face went red as Soul moved to her lower belly, his anger fading as he nuzzled her soft underbelly. “Oh Celestia…” Velvet huffed softly, a low purr buzzing in her throat as Soul worked his magic, guiding a large bubble of air free from her belly. “Oh yes, oh -UUUUUUUUURP!” Soul gave her a harder squeeze, and Velvet’s hind legs suddenly wrapped around him, pulling the pegasus onto her belly, her thighs squashing his middle. He let out a surprised grunt as the air was pushed from his lungs, and Velvet just as suddenly released him, a flush darkening her cheeks. “I, I think I’ve got some more room now.” Sunnie giggled and beckoned Soul back over.

On and on, the two mares drank. On and on, Soulful rubbed, and caressed, and helped them make more room. His wings remained half-extended as he moved between the two of them, fluttering with glee as he felt them growing softer, getting fatter beneath his hooves. Sunnie and Velvet kept drinking, and kept swelling, their flanks spreading across the floor until they finally touched, then pressed hard against each other. Soul started rubbing their thighs, their chests, their ever-softening forelegs, as well as diving into their waterbed bellies, able to use his entire body to squeeze belches free. Finally, each mare had only one bucket left, and Soul stepped back a moment, wiping sweat off his forehead to admire his hoofwork. The two formerly-plump mares were now two mountains of flab, easily three, four times as large as they were before Soul walked in, each adorned with a myriad of rolls and folds, Velvet more so than Sunnie. Their bellies were loud, gurgling and groaning, churning away at the milkshakes inside, so loud Soul could feel it in his chest. Burps and belches escaped their sticky, plump muzzles endlessly, both stained green with the milkshake. Sunnie’s eyes were rolled back in her head, and her tongue was lolled out as she dug her hooves deep into her chest, a contended noise rumbling in her throat as she kneaded herself. Velvet lay still, her eyes focused on her body, seemingly being unable to believe her size. Soul trotted around the mares - quite a long walk now! - and rested a hoof on each of the final buckets.

“Are you both ready? Last ones.” He asked. Sunnie remained off in lala land, but Velvet looked up at him, and beckoned him closer. He leaned forwards, and she laid a very sticky, very sudden kiss on his cheek.

“I’m sorry.” She said huskily, then patted her belly, her face reddening even more. “Could you… kiss my belly button again? Please?” Soul felt a lopsided grin spread across his face, and he rubbed his way down her chest, kissing her bloated forelegs, finally clambering up onto her gut and to her belly button. He teased her a moment, his tongue gliding in a slow spiral around it, before giving it a big, sloppy smooch that made Velvet’s head loll back to the floor and a moan erupt from deep inside her. He looked up and saw Sunnie smirking at him over her own belly.

“Having fun?” She asked slyly. Soul gulped, realizing his wings were standing stiff out to his sides, and he couldn’t pull them back no matter what. Velvet noticed his pause, and her horn sparkled. Soul felt a yank on his tail again, and Velvet magically pulled him down to her lower belly, legs wrapped around him once again again as she started chugging her last bucket, magically forcing the milkshake down her throat, growing faster than before, fast. Soul let out a quiet moan of his own as he was pressed hard into her swelling belly, her thighs rubbing against his middle as Velvet gulped and groaned. Soul felt himself start to lose control, his hooves rubbing faster and faster, mouth roaming over as much of her bloating belly as possible, every single inch he could reach getting kissed and nibbled and nuzzled. Velvet’s moans were getting louder and louder, and Soul was going absolutely bananas, his muzzle buried deep in her flab, his eyes squeezed shut as his hips started to grind against Velvet. The unicorn let out a shuddering moan, before her legs cinched even tighter, and she let out a wail through her last mouthful of shake.

“OH CELESTIA, YE-BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRPP!” With that momentus belch, she went limp, and the bucket clattered to the floor. Velvet’s chest heaved as she caught her breath. Soul wriggled, still pinned against her belly, a smile permanently pinned to his face. Sunnie giggled.

“Now Vel, let Souly go. It’s my turn again.” Velvet’s eyes stayed closed, but her hind legs relaxed a little. Soul stumbled free, his wings out at full extension. Sunnie licked her lips, and beckoned the blushing pegasus over. She whispered huskily in his ear, a hoof rubbing seductively on his trim flank. “I want you kissing my belly button.” Soul stiffened, then without another moment’s hesitation, flapped his wings and belly flopped onto Sunnie’s mattress gut. He buried his muzzle deep into her cavernous navel, squeezing and rubbing without a care in the world. Sunnie waved over at Velvet. The dazed unicorn took a minute to decipher her gestures, but soon nodded in agreement. Her horn sparkled, and her whole body at first shimmered, then rippled. Velvet’s eyes squeezed shut as she concentrated, her fat flanks starting to slide, inch by inch, away from Sunnie. She paused, to regain her strength, then her horn’s glow redoubled, and her mammoth belly began to slowly lift off the ground, tilting towards Sunnie. Velvet puffed breaths from her bloated cheeks, and finally, finally, gravity began helping her. Her massive stomach plopped down to the ground, a thunderous, sloshing thud that forced yet more burps out of her, as the rest of her followed suit. Now on her side, facing Sunnie, and dripping with sweat, Velvet’s horn began to glow again. Soulful was too busy with Sunnie’s fat gut to notice it was starting to tilt. He only noticed when she landed on her side, and the blubber around him shifted. He looked up, confused, and only had time for a single breath before the two mares collided like runaway trains. Soul found himself entirely immobilized between the two mares, pinned by the innumerable pounds of soft, delicious fat he had helped them gain. He could hear nothing but the competing gurgles and groans of both stomachs, and the sloshing of what sounded like an ocean’s worth of milkshakes crashing around him. In essence, Soulful was in heaven.

Sunnie and Velvet found themselves face to face, squashed together tight. Sunnie shivered, feeling Velvet’s body squishing against her, warm like the sun, and she kissed her marefriend hard, wanting to be closer, needing to be closer. Their tongues searched their sticky mouths, and when they touched it felt like a lightning strike to Sunnie’s nervous system. They kissed hard and fast, Velvet’s horn sparkling as she tried to press them even tighter together. Sunnie felt the pressure increase on her stomach, and also felt a bubble of air, even larger than the first one Soul helped get out, start moving upwards. They kept kissing, harder, faster, desperately. Sunnie finally broke the kiss, gasping, feeling the back of her throat gurgle as the burp forced its way upwards. Then, in near perfect unison, both mares rolled their heads back and let out twin belches that were heard for miles around.


Sunnie grinned at her lover as the echoes of their burps faded.

“We should do this more often.” She said, and Velvet nodded, looking dazed.

“Is Soul going to be okay?” The unicorn asked, yawning wide. Sunnie looked down, and between the twin oceans of belly flab, spotted the tip of Soulful’s wing, twitching like crazy.

“I think he’s more than okay.” Sunnie replied, laying her chubby head on Velvet’s blubbery shoulder, and nuzzled at her chin. Velvet smiled to herself.

“Good.” She murmured, her eyes fluttering shut. Sunnie herself felt the impending food coma coming to claim her, but forced her eyes to stay open just a few moments more. Her hoof caressed Velvet’s cheek, and her heart felt as full as her belly. Velvet gently rubbed Sunnie’s hoof, already snoring gently. Sunnie smiled, and let her own eyes close slowly.

Sleep didn’t keep her waiting.

Comments ( 1 )

Fun read, keep it up.

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