• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 401 Views, 9 Comments

Code name: CMC - Savant 123

The CMC always want to be like their big sisters or in one of their case sister figure. As in being heroes who will save the day. Now opportunities present themselves once their join the kid next door and save children from adult tyranny.

  • ...

Operation recipe

In Sector V, Tree House, Applebloom, also now known as number 7, Sweetie Bell, now known as number 21, and Scootoolo, now known as number 31, were in the briefing room with the other members of Sector V. The reason everyone was here was because they had a mission to complete.

Number one was in front of them. He cleared his throat before he began talking.

“Now before I begin with the meeting, I would like to first officially welcome our newest members to Sector V.” Number one said gesturing to the CMC.

“Yeah, welcome aboard.” Number 2 said.

“It's good to have new friends,“ number 3 said happily.

“Now that we got that out of the way, I would like to say that I hope you three are ready for your first mission.” Number one said:.

“Don’t worry, we are more than ready.” Number 7 said:.

“Yeah,” number 21 said, with number 31 nodding her head agreeing with number 7.

“Well, in that case, let's start the mission briefing,“ number one said and immediately a green beam landed on the table in front of them and created an image of a group of kids. ”KND Intel has informed us that the delightful children from down the lane have discovered the map that leads to the hidden temple of the Cakeians.”

“Cakeians?“ Number 7 asks, confused.

“Cakeians were an ancient race of people who perfected the art of cake baking,” number one explains. ”Legends have it; they have perfected the art of cake baking to the point where they created what is considered to be the most perfect cake to ever exist.”

“Was it that good?” Number 21 asks.

“It was perfect enough that legends have it conflicts were started to gain at least on bite,” number one explained.

"Wow, "all three CMC said at the same time.

“ It was due to the conflict that was caused by the cake's existence that the Cakeians hid the recipe for it in their sacred temple, which was hidden,“ Number one said. ”However, our archnemesis, the delightful children from down the lane, had found the map that would lead them to the temple, and if they got the recipe, they would keep the cake for themselves and not share it with anyone.”

"That sounds awful," Number 31 said.

“It gets more awful since they will no doubt broadcast it to everyone of them eating it just so they can mock them about not getting it.” Number 5 said: ”That or their will kidnap and tie children so there can watch them eat the cake.”

“That's even worse,” Number 7 said in disguise. ”Those varmints aren’t delightful; they're rotten.”

“That is why we are going to get that recipe first, and once we make the cake, we will share it with every children in the world.” Number one declared.

“Can we get the first slice?” Number 3 said, with number two nodding in agreement.

“Sure,” Number One said.

Everyone cheered after hearing that.
Sector V was currently flying over the Amazon rainforest in their vehicle, S.C.A.M.P.E.R.

“All right, according to our intelligence, the delightful children from down the lane were seen in a flying vehicle flying to the rainforest.” Number one said before turning to number two. ”Anything yet, number two.”

“Not yet, number one,” number two said, looking at the radar. ”So far, there has been nothing.”

“Well, keep looking,“ number one said.

“Yes, sir.” Number two said, and immediately after, he said that the radar beeped as it picked up something. ”Wait, I am now getting something, and by the look of things, it is big.”

“Then let's head to it.” Number one order.

“Right,“ number two said, and immediately he piloted to the location.

Once they headed to the location, they saw a large aircraft that dwarfed their aircraft.

“That thing is huge.” Number 21 said in shock.

“Agreed,” Number 4 said.

“Number 2, try to get us in without being detected,“ Number one said.

“ Got it” Number Two said as he flew into a part of the ship and fired a laser to cut open a hole. The part of the hull of the ship falls down, and the ship flies into the ship. They enter what looks like the hangar room of the ship. They landed their vehicles and exited with weapons.

“All right, everyone, keep close and keep your guard up." Number one said, "We don’t know what we are up against.”

Everyone either voiced their agreement or just simply nodded.

“All right, let’s go,” Number One said as they began walking out of the hangar room.
In the control room of the ship, the delightful children from down the lane smiled as their radar showed that they were near their location.

“Soon we shall be upon the sacred temple where we will get the cake recipe,” said the delightful children from down the lane. ”Once we get the recipe, we shall have the most delicious cake to ever exist. Hahaha.”

“I don’t think so.“ A voice said, causing the delightful children from down the lane to turn and see the KND enter the room and point their weapons at them.

“Oh great, its you KND brats again.” The delightful children from down the lane said: Their attention was suddenly on the CMC. ”Who the heck are those three?”

“I am number 7, “Applebloom said.

“I am number 21,“ Sweetie Bell said.

“And I am number 31,” Scootoolo said.

“Ah, just great, more KND brats to deal with.” Said the delightful children from down the lane.

“Do you guys always talk at the same time all the time?” number seven said.

“Their do,” number five said.

"Creepy,” number 21 said.

“I know how that feels,” Number 2 said.

“All right, where is the map?” Number one demanded.

“And why should we tell you?” the delightful children from down the lane said.

“Because if you don't, then you will get this." Number 7 said pulling out a broccoli.

“Broccoli,“ the delightful children from down the lane said in shock.

“Tell us or else,“ number 7 said, pointing it at them.

“No, get it away from us.” The delightful children said in fright.

“Then tell us or else,” number 31 said.

“All right, it is here,” the delightful children said as they turned to the control panel and suddenly pulled out a gun and fired a laser at the broccoli, destroying the broccoli. They fired at them again, but luckily everyone was able to dodge it on time. “Prepared to meet you end KND brats.”

Their fire again, and immediately all the KND take cover and fire back at them. The delightful children manage to dodge the attack as their fire again at them.

“Give it up,” number one said. ”You are outnumbered."

“Never,” declared the delightful children as their fire back at them.

The delightful children stood up and were running towards another hiding spot, but number 31, who was arm with a M.U.S.K.E.T. fire at the floor, caused them to slip and fall to the ground, dropping the gun in the process. They were about to get up but were immediately surrounded by Sector V, who pointed their weapons at them.

“Give us the map,” number one demanded.

“Never,” the delightful children said.

“Then prepare to eat your vegetables,“ number seven said, bringing out another broccoli from her pocket and putting it near them.

“Aaaaahhhh,” the delightful children scream. “Ok, here.“

The delightful children brought out a map from one of their pockets and gave it to them.

“Thank you,” number 21 said, taking the map from them.

“So what do we do with them?” Number 2 asks.

“Number 5 has an ideal,” number five said.
The delightful children were now in a trash pod, and in front of them was the KND.

“It's time to take out the trash,” number 2 said, laughing, causing everyone but the CMC to groan in annoyance. Number 4 then pressed a button, and immediately the chute was injected and the trash pod was launched from the ship and onto the forest floor.

“Well, now that is over, let's get the cake,“ number 31 said, and everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone then went back to the control room.
The trash pod landed in the forest, and the delightful children exited it. They then pulled out a small device, which was a tracker that tracked their ship. They then follow the tracker.

Sector V managed to reach the temple, and after landing the aircraft near the temple, they began walking up the stairs to the temple. They stop once they reach the temple entrance.

“All right, everyone,“ Number One said, gaining everyone's attention. ”Through this door is the path to the recipe for the most perfect and delicious cake to ever exist.“

Everyone cheered once they heard that. Number one waited until they stopped before continuing.

“Now while I understand that everyone is excited, I would like to warn everyone that this is far from over, as we don’t know the danger that is in this temple; hence, I will advise you all to be careful as we enter the temple.”

Everyone nodded yes or voiced their agreement.

“All right, kid next door, let go.” Number one declared and everyone began walking through the temple entrance. However, unknown to them, as they entered the temple, the delightful children had caught up with them and are now entering their aircraft.
Sector V was currently walking through the hallway of the temple. Their continued walking until they reached a chamber where, in the middle of the room, was a pedestal, and on it was a piece of paper. In front of the pedestal was a large statue.

“It’s the recipe, “Number 31 said in excitement like everyone else.

“All right, let's get it and let go.” Number 4 said as he was about to go and take the recipe but was stopped by number 31, who put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

“Wait, this is too easy,"number 31 said. ”I have seen and read enough daring do movies and books to know that there are usually traps in situations like this.”

“Oh, please traps." Number four said it in a dismissive manner as he began walking to the pedestal. ”You guys read too many books.”

Number four then took the recipe, and immediately the large statue that was in front of him came to life and immediately tried to slam its fist at him, but number four was able to jump away on time and land near the rest of Sector V.

“You were saying,” number 31 said in a deadpan manner.

“Not one word,“ number 4 said.

“Everyone, let's get out of here.” Number one said, and immediately everyone began running away, with the statue chasing after them. During the chase, the statue tries to grab them, slam its fist at them, or even try to jump at them. They were luckily able to avoid all of its attacks, and of course, there were a few close calls.

“We can’t keep running from it forever,“ number five said.

"What do you suggest we do?“ Number 21 asks.

“I don’t know, but number five is open to suggestions,“ number five said.

“I got an ideal,"Number 7 said, catching everyone's attention. ”We can try to blast a hole in the floor.”

"That sounds stupid," number four said.

“Do you have any idea then?" Number seven challenge. When number four said nothing, number seven continued talking. ”So just anyone else reject my idea.”

“No,” number two said.

“Sounds good to me,” number three said.

“Number five is open to any suggestions,“ number 5 said.

“Sure, why not?” number 21 said.

“I think it is good,“ number 31 said.

“What about you, number one?” Number seven: ask her leader.

“Well, right now, I am willing to try anything,“ number one said. Immediately after that, everyone stopped and fired their weapons on the ground that the giant statue was on, creating a large hole, and immediately the statue fell through the hole.

“Well, that's that,“ Number seven said, and immediately after that, everyone then began making their way to the temple entrance, where they then began the long walk down the stairs. However, when they reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw a giant vehicle of some kind with metallic legs, giant metal tentacles, and numerous weapons and gadgets attached, including flaming chainsaws for hands and piloting. It was the delightful children from down the lane.

“Hello, kid next door,” the delightful children said mockingly.

“The delightful children from down the lane,” every member of sector V said in shock.

"Where do you get that robot?“ number seven asks.

“Oh, this is something we pack in our airstrip,“ the delightful children said. ”It’s something we pack to deal with problems we might encounter, such as no good KND.”

They then tried to have the robot grab them all, but they were able to avoid it.

“Kid next door, battle station.” Number one declared and everyone pulled out all their weapons and tried to fire at the robot, but none of the attack so much as left a scratch on it.

“Hahahaha!“ the delightful children laugh. “Go ahead and try Kid next door; your attack has no effect on us.” They then control the robot arms to try and grab them, and immediately everyone tries to run in order to avoid the arms. However, no matter how fast they try to run or where they choose to hide, the delightful children manage to find and grab them.

The robot raised its arms and held them in front of the delightful children.

“Give us the recipe,“ the delightful children demanded from Sector V.

“Never,” Number One declared.

“If you won’t give it to us, then we will take it from you.” The delightful children declared. ”But before we do that, we are going to first squeeze the life out of you.”

The robot arms grip tighten, squeezing everyone.

“Any more ideal” Number four, ask number 7.

“No,” number seven said.

“Hahaha,” the delightful children laugh, seeing their enemies in the verse of suffocation. However, suddenly bursting out of the temple stairway was the giant statue. It charges at the delightful children's vehicle and pulls its arms off, resulting in all of Sector V to land on the ground. It then slammed its fist on the vehicle, leaving huge marks on it until it fell to the ground. The delightful children quickly got out of the vehicle and tried to run into the airship, but suddenly it lifted into the air without them in it.

“What the?” The delightful children said it in confusion. They then saw Sector V in the window of the control room, and they were driving away.

“Bye bye,” number three, who was near the window, said as she waved at them.

“Curse you, KND,” the delightful children said in anger. Suddenly, a large shadow was over them. Their turn and saw it was the giant statue. It lifted its arm and tried to slam at them, but the delightful children were about to dodge it and immediately began running back to the forest.

“ Aaaahhhh” The delightful children scream as the giant statue chases after them.
In one of the rooms in the KND moon base, all the KND operatives were waiting for the cake that was being made by the KND scientist. They already had their plates and spoons out as they waited for the cake.

“Come on, what is taking them so long?” Number four complains.

“Oh, be patient,“ number five said.

Suddenly the door opened, and immediately the scientist came in wheeling a large cake.

“Borne appetite,“ Numbuh 74.239 said, and immediately everyone quickly cut out a piece of the cake and ate it. However, they stop when they realize something.

“Wait, this tastes like a regular ice cream cake.” One of the operatives said

“Numbuh 74.239,“ number 362 said. ”You guys did follow the recipe to the letter, right?”

“We did “Numbuh 74.239,” but the recipe was just for an ice cream cake.”

“But why?“ number one said. ”The recipe was for the most perfect cake to exist.?”

“I think it is probably because ice cream cakes weren’t well known and widespread back then, “number 21 said. ”Hence, to the people back then, it was considered the most perfect cake.”

“Oh man,” number two said. ”All this for a regular ice cream cake.” Number two had a frown on his face before he smiled again. ”Oh well, no use wasting good ice cream cake.”

Immediately, he continued eating the cake, and pretty soon everyone continued to eat and enjoy the cake.

End of chapter 3

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update but it isn’t easy coming up with an original plot. Anyhow for those who are wondering why the CMC have that vastly different number, the reason is because their is already a number 6 and many numbers after that hence why I need to use the one still available.

The machine that the delightful children use was the real The Really Really Incredibly Destructive Machine (or RRIDMfor short) that their use in operation grow up.

Anyhow leave a comment on what you think of my story so far.

Comments ( 3 )

Gonna take a while in memorizing which number is which CMC.
Its a bit disorientating

ggg-2 #2 · 3 weeks ago · · 1 ·

In the future it's Numbuh not Number.

when will the KND discovers that Canterlot High has Magic and they sees the Rainbooms as a threat to them?

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