• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 212 Views, 4 Comments

Gilda's Stinging Encounter - Hopeful Soul

Gilda the Griffon annoys a bee, and it calls for backup, resulting in all of them attacking her weak spot

  • ...

Chapter 1

Gilda, the griffon, was having an awful day.

Course it wasn't anything the forest, blanketed by wildflowers and towering trees intertwined with branches and leaves overhead to create a natural cathedral of shade, couldn't cure. But this was a special kind of foul mood, one she couldn't shake. She just had to find a way to let out all this pent up energy.

So, when a bee flew in front of her, blocking her path, she went ahead and swatted it away.

The bee seemed to buzz angrily at her.

But Gilda just snorted, huffing, "Oops. Sorry," with less sincerity than she pretended to have.

She flew ahead and left the angry bee behind.

The bee watched the griffon fly further away, still steaming and wanting payback. It began to think of the best way to get it and when it finally got an idea, it quickly flew off.

It gathered its friends from out of the beehive then sped back to Gilda's location, feeling triumphant.

Gilda had been flying for a bit when she decided it was time to land so she could take a break. As Gilda descended towards the forest floor, she failed to notice the two large rocks that had been displaced by a minor avalanche, creating a narrow gap between them.

As she attempted to land, her wings clipped the rocks, causing her to lose control and become wedged tightly between them. Despite her efforts to squirm and wriggle free, the rocks held her firmly in place, frustrating her as she struggled to break free from the unexpected trap. With each attempt, she growled low in frustration, realizing the severity of her predicament.

"Darn it! Move!" she cried, but the rocks remained stubbornly in place.

Gilda was, quite literally, caught between a rock and a hard place.

The industrious bees saw the griffon's plight from up in the trees. The group had been buzzing about what to do when they happened to see Gilda. They chuckled amongst themselves. Now, it seemed, fate presented them with the perfect opportunity for payback.

To Gilda's horror, she suddenly heard a swarm of bees buzzing around her, their intentions clear as they began to position themselves for a strategic strike on her vulnerable rump, which was also her sensitive area.

"No… Not there!" she protested in horror. "No! You can't do that to me! No! No, anything but…!"

But it was too late. The bees swarmed in, attacking her rump with such intensity that Gilda couldn't help but squawk and jump in discomfort each time they stung her.

As for the bees, they appeared to relish their retaliation. They buzzed and bit and stung, coordinating flawlessly to ensure every bee had an opportunity to strike Gilda's rear end.

Their tiny syringes pierced through fur and skin, releasing their venom into her soft flesh over and over again. The swelling grew with each button they pushed. Gilda squawked/roared with pain and wiggled, moaning as she tried desperately to move her hips away from the relentless buzzing pain.

Her heart raced and she thrashed about, smacking them away with her tail as best she could, but the bees were quick, incessant and unrelenting. With one swift movement, Gilda's magnificent rear shook, stunned by the intensity of the pain.

"Stop! Stop! Please stop!" Gilda pleaded.

But the bees were nowhere near finished with their revenge. They had devised a plan for an extended, intimate punishment that would leave the griffon begging for mercy even more.

The bees continued their onslaught, stinging Gilda's backside in an almost rhythmic pattern. The buzzing of their wings, the searing pain as they punctured her hindquarters and the savage vibrations that followed, all blended together.

It was utterly unbearable and every time they plunged one of their stingers into her, her rump rippled, then jerked, and bounced slightly.

"I'm sorry…! I'm sorry…!" Gilda cried, no even caring about the fact that she was crying.

It was hard to care while enduring such a high level of pain. The swelling of her rump was now enormous, and so sensitive to each sting and every puncture.

She panted, groaning, her wings flapping in a panic. The bees coming in waves, never ending waves of intimacy. They were relentless and unforgiving.

Gilda could barely stand the incessant buzzing on her hindquarters, never mind the final assault she knew was coming.

The bees moved back to admire their work. The griffon's hindquarters were adorned with a multitude of sting wounds, causing them to swell and turn a fiery shade of red.

Upon closer inspection, one would notice the numerous stingers left behind in the bumps.

Gilda whimpered, feeling as though red hot pokers were embedded in her rump, some close to her nether regions.

She prayed that the bees would leave soon, whispering between ragged breaths, "Go away. Go. Fi-Finish- Finish me off already."

The bees, however, clearly believed in dragging out her torment.

Without warning, the last wave of bees attacked her, this time focusing on her sensitive folds between her hind legs. The bees dived in and plunged their stingers into her pussy, but the most intense jolt of pain shot through her body when a bee stung her directly on the anus.

Gilda's scream reverberated across the vast expanse, surpassing any decibel she had ever reached before, echoing for miles around.

Soon after, Gilda passed out from the pain, leaving her body at the mercy of the bees, who seized the opportunity to keep tormenting her rump, sparing no detail in their intense, almost sadistic punishment.

As she regained consciousness, she discovered that she was lying on the soft grass, no longer trapped and feeling disoriented.

She struggled to catch her breath and calm her pounding heart.

Although she was in a foggy state, she could still detect the pain coming from her lower body.

She glanced at her rear and saw that it had swollen beyond recognition.

It was so sensitive and tender, the slightest movement sent shocks of pain through her body. Gilda hesitated to move but the need to do so became unbearable.

"Ugh, pluck me," she cursed involuntarily. "That hurts."

With a herculean effort, she managed to stand up, holding on to a nearby tree for support. Squinting as the pain intensified with each step, she hobbled over to the nearby river, her movements unsteady and jerky.

Once she made it to the water's edge, she grunted as she slid into the cool, tranquil waters, letting it soothe her tender and swollen backside.

She groaned and draped herself across a large, smooth stone near the water's edge. The water felt like tiny fingers kneading away the aches and pains from her rear. But it was too tranquil to truly provide her the level of satisfaction she craved.

Strangely, Gilda found herself missing the little bees that recently tormented her.

Just then though, when a bee flew down and buzzed around, Gilda screeched in terror and raised her claws as she trembled with fear.

"No! No, please don't sting me! Please don't sting me!" she begged.

But to her surprise, the bee didn't sting her. It hovered in front of her for a while before flying away.

Gilda couldn't help but release a deep sigh of relief as she gradually immersed herself in the soothing water. With each passing moment, she felt her tension melt away, and in that serene state, she made a solemn promise to herself never to cause harm or provoke another bee again.

Comments ( 4 )

You should probably fix the tags. Just saying...

Look, if you want to write a weird fetish story, that's fine, but you at least need to tag it as such.

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