• Published 6th Apr 2024
  • 143 Views, 4 Comments

The Great Challenge of Friendship - adyWriter

Inspired by My Little Space Explorer Magrathia by The-Black-Cuno. After nasty rumours about a new people started to circulate around Equestria Twilight Sparkle has to show the truth, this will lead her become a new student at Hogwarts.

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Chapter 3 First Lessons at Hogwarts

First Lessons at Hogwarts

The main hall was once again bustling with the morning breakfast served from 7-9am. They had just received the timetable from Professor McGonagall. It seemed that they will have double potions with Slytherin then Defence Against the Dark Arts. From what she had heard till now Snape was a teacher to avoid and not mess up with. She took her time studying the potion book to know what will be. The potions they were making she thought were far more advanced then what she was used to. Both she Hermione, Ron and Harry were standing at one end of the table enjoying a good breakfast.

Aside from that she also noticed the many big paintings that seemed to be the only ones not moving they were very big the size was 5 meters high everyone was showing one specific person that were by the names: King George the XVI of Great Britain, Tsar Nicholas the VII Romanov of the Russian Galactic Empire or Kaiser Wilhelm the VI of the German Galactic Empire. Only by the mentioning it was clear that Pinkie was right regarding that in their dimension they were aliens from different human galactic nations.

“You know Twilight you should really eat something before class.” Said Ron stuffing himself with toast bread and cheese making her giggle.

“Sorry, I really love reading besides I need to know at least something before class starts so that I know what I am doing. Back at my school we didn’t had so far advanced.” She said slurping from her orange juice.

“Well Twilight Professor Snape usually loves his own house and hates us but even with that we have also read what we will have.” Said Harry.

“Some of us at least.” Hermione said sarcastically.

“Especially that some of us don’t need to worry anymore regarding You-Know-Who.” Said Ron smiling.

“Who is You-Know-Who?” Asked Twilight confused making the golden Trio to turn to her with numb faces.


“You haven’t heard of him?” Asked Harry confused.

“Yeah I mean who is he?” All three friends turned to one another in total confusion, they though how in the whole wizard galaxy didn’t someone heard of him or his Death Eaters, in a way it also meant another thing she surely didn’t heard of the one responsible for his official defeat.

“Twilight, are you serious that you don’t know him?”Asked Harry.

“Yeah, what’s the big deal with him anyways?” Twilight asked.

“We will let Harry explain.” Ron said although Harry was more reluctant at telling about it, but Ron made a look that he doesn’t need to tell about him.

“His name was Voldemort, he was one of the most evil wizards of all times known to us. He a long time ago was the most feared wizards in the galaxy, he started to gather around him an army of loyal servants called The Death Eaters whom he had converted to Dark Magic, everyone who stood against him was immediately eliminated by the death curse. Between his victims were my parents.” He said lowering his eyes to the ground.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know. I think you have taken it personally didn’t you.” She said sorry for the boy.

“I did. I also met him personally, he never knew of friendship, love or carrying like I did. He only cared about power and to rule through fear, he was nothing more but a tyrant and a mad man.” He said with bitterness.

“You said that he was eventually stopped, who stopped him?” Asked Twilight, Hermione was about to speak but Ron came in.

“By a great wizard, whom maybe you should try to find out yourself who he is, I mean it will not be a problem for someone like you who will surely research on it.” Said Ron.

“Maybe I will see to it once.” Twilight said

“Still how come that you didn’t knew of Voldemort or his acolytes?” Asked Hermione catching her off guard.

“Well I.....” The bell rang and everyone packed up to go to class. While moving in the direction of the dungeons Hermione grabbed Ron by the sleeve.

“Why did you prevent me from telling her it was Harry?” She said sharply.

“Hermione think about how many girls are now assaulting Harry for been famous, you saw it yourself when it was the first day here.” He said.

“I know that but some were also on us as well.” She said.

“I know that but, haven’t you seen that Harry kind of likes her?”

“I noticed something.” She said before realising what they could do.

“You want to try to get them together?” She asked.

“If she really doesn’t know that he is the hero and is famous. Then maybe we can try to get her to like him how he is as a person on one hand, on the other haven’t you noticed how he became after the event with the coma when he saw how to defeat Voldemort (he said his name stuttering not wanting to mention it often).” He said now catching the girl totally off guard, he was right in a way Harry after that experience with the vision of the battle with an evil native army Harry became more and more dull and sometimes depressed and distant towards them and practically everyone. He seems to almost no more be the person he used to be. Ron was right maybe this might bring a little change for him to the better.

“All right, we will not tell her how the whole story goes, but when we start to know her better and officially become our friend that we could trust we will tell. That or when she will find out on her own.” She said.

“All right, got it, it will be that way.” Ron said and headed to the dungeons and potions class. Inside the potion class everyone was waiting for the class to start, Twilight was still reading the potions book not noticing that another boy from Slytherin just stopped Harry.

“Ahh, Potter I was wondering how is your mood this year.” He said in a provocative manner.

“I’m not interested in any trouble Malfoy if you want to know.” He said silently but firmly.

“I just want to know, how you think of the new transferred girl for this year. He doesn’t look bad doesn’t she?” He tried again to provoke him who seemed at first to work but in just two seconds he calmed down.

“Listen, I do appreciate what you and your father did in that fight but at present this year I want to know nothing of what happened or the outcome. There are now other things that are concerning all of us. Plus I have no interest in any conflict of any sort now.” He said firmly looking at him.

“So it’s true, mighty Harry Potter really did change, after that vision that almost seemed to end your life.” He said taking his seat before Harry went near Ron.

“And yet who knows, you might be again called up to put out a conflict. The one thing I do like for helping you is that now even I am famous.” He said with a smirk before Professor Snape entered Class and went to the teacher’s desk.

“Well it seems that many of you have another year with me. At Potions this time, and yet I do noticed that we now have a transferred student from a school that it looks like they were too passive on rules.” He said the last sentence pressing tracking the girl’s attention from the potion book.

“Mrs. Sparkle tell me from where I can get Fire Seeds, and a Bezoar?” He asked making the girl a bit nervous.

“Fire Seeds are collected from the fire seed bush. The Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat, both of them to fight against poisons.” She said in a stressed voice.

“Now tell me the usage for Doxy Eggs and unicorn horn.” Said the professor in black long robe and with slimy hair.

“Doxy Eggs are collected from the Doxy creature nests, they are related to the pixy and the fairies but they are considered pests who are buried underground. Unicorn horn is used to cure many maladies and poisons as well as purification.” She said in a sense nearly catching the professor off in what appeared to be an attempt to pick on her, however he did found some she missed.

“Hmm, not too bad yet you need to add more details: Fire seeds must be first cooled down with a freezing spell or wait till they’re temperature drops and the Doxy creatures are located mostly in cold climates.” He said pressing, and a bit annoying her she thought that she will have to go to the library to get more information.

“For today’s class you will do the potion written on the board in groups of two, Mrs. Sparkle you will do it with Mrs. Granger.” Professor Snape said and everyone started to do the potion that was written. Hermione and Twilight were almost ready to finish it after 45 minutes alongside Harry and Ron till one cauldron was about to explode and Twilight had to ravel it in a ball of magic for anyone to don’t get splashed. Of course both she and the boy who was from Gryffindor were deducted 5 points each, Twilight for using magic in class without permission. After the bell rang everyone went out Hermione went together with Twilight while Ron and Harry had to clean up the scraps from ingredients in their place.

“Hey, I want to thank you for back there, sorry for that incident.” The round-face, chubby, blond haired boy said.

“It was nothing, I’m just annoyed that Snape reduced me points for helping you.” She said smiling to him.

“Yeah, that’s how he is unfortunately. By the way my name is Neville Longbottom.” He said smiling.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Nice to meet you, and how was at your old school?” He asked curiously.

“It was a very nice place, we also had hours in a castle but I didn’t had a so reticent teacher like Snape at potions. She was more tolerant if we didn’t know the whole information.”

“Probably I would have been better with that kind of teacher at potions; your teacher might have been like Professor Sprout.”

“Professor Sprout?”

“She is our herbology teacher Twilight, Neville is the best one at herbology out of all subjects.” Said Hermione.

“In a way I believe that Herbology and Potions must work together since each depends on one another, herbology with ingredients and the other how to make the potions.” She commented smiling.

“Well it seems some are with cultivating while others are with potion making.” Said Neville before the Ron and Harry arrived.

“Come we must go to Defence against the Dark Arts with Professor Flang. We can’t be late in the first day.” Said Ron.

“I agree let’s go.” Said Hermione and everyone followed her.

“By the way thanks again for back there.” Said Neville.

“No problem.” She said while all followed Hermione to the class at the North Tower first floor. They had double class with Slytherin again but thankfully no one even said a word to the other group before entering. Twilight had to tell Hermione that usually back at her school it was more theoretical and not often practical, of course for her it was more independent magic practice then in a class and curses were not even written, something she did not mentioned and of course she didn’t knew how a curse is for them or what kind of dark magic they know but with her enthusiasm to learn she was looking forward to see. The Professor entered just when everyone was sitting in they’re places.

“Good morning students, first I wish to declare that I am really happy to be here to teach you Defence against the Dark Arts. I guess that you already know about the small native hostile incurious that seems to start happening. Unlike the previous years with the ‘other problem’ we will practice spells this time to defend ourselves from possible native attacks. If anyone has any questions no matter how stupid I am open to answer them.” Said Professor Flang and Twilight raised her hand.


“Sir, from what we were told by the Headmaster everything will be fine while we stay inside the school grounds having the robots to protect us.” She said while some from the Slytherin started to laugh at her silently.

“True, but Muggle technology has limitations, we can’t base ourselves on robots alone all of us must know how to defend ourselves and be vigilant when the time comes, especially that we might never know when we could be attacked or not. That’s why this year during the class we will learn how to respond quickly to attacks.” The teacher said walking to the white board.

“We shall start first with a full review on spells that you have done the previous year. Could anyone tell me some spells that could be used to repulse or stun an aggressor?”

“Depulso.” Hermione Started.

“Stupefy.” Come Ron.

“Petrificus Totallus alongside Levicorpus, Impedimenta and others.” Said Harry.

“Good, now a little demonstration. I will call two students who must play the role of wizards doing their thing other two will play the role of aggressors who must try to surprise them. Mr. Weasely with Mrs Granger will play the role of defenders, Mrs Parkinson and Mr. Goyle the aggressors.” Said the professor and the two Gryffindor and Slytherin groups went to the duelling platform. The teacher directed the two groups where to stay and what to do after all four acknowledged the groups spited Gryffindor on the platform and Slytherin near it hidden at one end.

“When I count to three, start; one, two, three.” The Slytherin came out and used different spells on targets Hermione made a shied in front of them for the spells to don’t touch them before Ron used Expelliamus to try to disarm but they avoided the spell and the two Slytherin departed in two separate ways; Goyle to the left Parkinson to the right. Goyle used depulso but Hermione averted it and disarmed him, Ron was however hit by Parkinson behind him and when she tried on Hermione, both said the spells at the same time and which collided and exploded, making both girls to fall on their backs and then the Professor stopped everything.

“Good, you must always try to be prepared to expect an attack that might come from all parts. It will be essential. Now we will change.” He said and the defenders become the aggressors while the aggressors become the defenders. Situation was the same but from what it looks Goyle was more the problem, he seemed to be very slow minded in Twilight’s opinion and he was the first to be disarmed while Parkinson was much more faster and this time managed to put Hermione down. The thing went on for the rest of the hour till the bell rang and during that time Twilight noted every spell, jinx and charm that came out as well as what they do. She, Harry and other two from Slytherin didn’t come up.

After the class and a light lunch they went to Transfigurations with professor McGonagall and Twilight whenever she was in a class couldn’t do anything but be in total aw by the magic that they are using despite seeing to not be like the one they use. Another thing that she couldn’t resist of been spellbound was always the magic portraits that move and the flying books that if you are careful you could catch them, thing she only had in her dreams. She together with Harry, Ron and Hermione were now in the Library doing their homeworks for the classes they had today Twilight alongside Hermione were the first ones to finish before helping Harry and Ron.

“You are much worst then Hermione Twilight, when it comes to books.” Commented Ron on seeing how many she had just read in order to finish her homework and Harry taking the example.

“Sorry but everything around here is so amazing. From where I came we didn’t had some of the magic that is in use here.” She exclaimed in a very exciting tone.

“We had noticed.” Said Hermione already liking the new girl, it was as if seeing herself in a mirror.

“It’s just too bad that I can’t do the spells that I had written down during the classes I would really love to try them out.” She said.

“We can actually do it, but only in the Room of Requirement.” Said Harry.

“Where is this room?”

“I will show you after I finish. I really must have this homework done in order to ready the team for the next Quidditch match I’m playing as the seeker catching the Golden snitch and I am also the captain of it.” Said Harry proudly before finding the last part for the homework he was doing.

“AH if you want you can come and see how we are doing the training.” Harry said a little nervous.

“Harry I have to tell you that I don’t know what Quidditch is, we never had it back at my old school.” Twilight said and Ron dropped her jaw in total shock.

“YOU DON”T KNOW WHAT QUIDDITCH IS!” Both shouted in unison.

“Well then we better tell you how it is played.” Ron said while both he and the black messy haired boy placed bookmarks on the pages where they need information.

“And maybe when we will go to the Room of Requirement we will also start defensive training with spells we can’t risk to be attacked by natives for God know what reason.” Said Hermione and all nodded.

Twilight then sited there listening to how the game is played and again she will go and see how things are.

In the evening, everyone was now preparing to turn on for the night; Twilight however was writing a letter to her friends regarding Hogwarts, the students and the teachers. While thinking on what to write she had a thought in her mind that maybe there will be some things she should take in consideration. On one hand she thought that the other dimension where she was and where Starlight lives now was only one world but here from what she heard from Harry, Ron and Hermione there were two kinds of people and worlds, or rather Galaxies, the Muggles or non wizard humans whom are with technology and are not believing in magic so much, or in the case of Harry’s relatives that hates it, and the wizards whom they rather prefer to keep to themselves so they would not be used by some non wizards to gain advantages or something like this. Reflect on this information she decided that maybe she should try to do a research on how both societies work.

After making her plan on what to study about them besides magic she turned to her letter.

Dear Friends.

Today I had seen how they are and from what I can tell they are a lot more complex then we think. Hogwarts is actually a school dedicated only to the study of magic and everything associated with it. There are many subjects that I find very interesting, some are strange but very exciting as well as very new.

One of them is Defence against the Dark Arts where it is taught about different curses and how to use spells to defend ourselves from them as well as many other charms and jinxes as well as transfigurations where we are taught how to transform some things into other things and how to turn ourselves into animals to disguise ourselves, aside from that there are also potions where we are taught how to use and how to make different concoctions. I immediately realised that what they know is far superior from what I had imagined and what we had been taught regarding magic.

I shall send another letter at the end of the week both to you and to the Princesses, till then I will see how things are in the following days. But from what I can tell you all, there is absolutely no danger here. I actually met very interesting characters between them whom I befriended with, I have also learned about a new kind of game whom I believe Rainbow Dash would go crazy regarding it.

I shall give you more details later in my following letter till then I hope all of you are fine and Spike is taken care of.

With Sincerity your friend Twilight Sparkle.

She rolled the parchment letter before giving it to Owlowiscious, she heard from Harry about the owl mail that is in use. She would of course send it through Spike but if he wasn’t there especially with the rule of dragons not allowed, she thought that this is also a good way to deliver messages as well as efficient.

Back at the castle of Friendship Spike with the rest of the Main 6, together with Starlight and the students at the School of Friendship were waiting with deep concern about their friend regarding the humans and if she was all right with them.

“Someone should have really gone with her not just her on her own” Commented Applejack with great concern.

“I’m really thinking how she is surviving there. It was totally different when she went to the other world especially that I was with her.” Said Spike.

“Yeah but now she’s all alone.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“I’m really thinking how will she manage with the humans in our world especially with they’re dullness clothes.” Commented Rarity while Applejack only rolled her eyes, just in that moment they saw Owlowiscious entering the main hall dropping a parchment on the table. Starlight grabbed it and started reading everyone was in a total stress to what the letter was all about.

“What does it says?” Asked Ocellus the changeling.

“Is everything all right?” Asked Fluttershy silently.

“Twilight is all right.” Said Starlight smiling in relief.

“Wait? Everything is all right?” Asked Spike.

“Yeah, it seems that the place where she is, Hogwarts is a school of magic and today had the first lessons and there isn’t anything to worry about for now.” She said giving the letter to the group. After reading it all they’re worries have melted away.

“Well it seems that we might have worried too much.” Commented Applejack.

“It seems that we shouldn’t have relied on the rumours and gossips that we have heard about them.” Commented Applejack.

“Umm, guys the ponies relied on those rumours before Twilight went to see for herself what was all about.” Said Sandbar the sea light green earth pony. This information made everyone both ponies, changeling, yak and dragons in the room to turn to him.

“Wait what do you mean by that?” Asked Spike.

“Immediately after the event with Cozy Glow, many rumours started to go around the place about the newcomers, it was in a way at a small scale but I heard some of them, everything was only aberrations and I didn’t believe them, but many other ponies took it for granted.” He explained.

“And did this happen a lot?” Asked Yona the yak.

“Yeah but I did not believed a word of it, until recently when this thing became official. Even now I heard things like this and every passing day it seems like more and more bad things are said about them.” This explanation made everyone in the room to think about this.

“Something is going on and I believe it is bad, bad, BAD.” Said Pinkie.

At the end of the week at Hogwarts Twilight managed to get used to the new timetable she has for her new school, in a way it is much more enjoying been a student here, then been a Princess, plus it seems that she isn’t that much forcing her she is rather enjoying the student life and people who treat her as an equal and don’t refer to her as princess. She however noticed that she couldn’t expect good things from some people in Slytherin, from what she knows now some of them have a bad reputation among the students, not all of them of course but for the moment she decided to better stay away for the time been, especially due to the rivalry between her house and theirs that might not be the best option for now, but she would not lose hope in finding some that will be on her side. She however grew more and more closer to Harry, Ron Hermione and Ginny alongside the whole Gryffindor house whom she started to really love and enjoy the time with them either been at the class getting points or outside the program.

She was right now finishing homework for DADA, it was amazing how someone could reduce to pieces the whole roof with only this curse it surely must be very powerful and by what she had heard someone must be very skilled with it. While she was finishing her homework Harry had just received a letter from his cousin Dudley, he remembered the day when he departed Private Drive. He heard his uncle and aunt gossiping that maybe the natives would make him disappear totally especially how his uncle once referred to him as a ‘waste of space’ while Dudley for the first time seeing him that he isn’t accepting that remark. Before leaving his cousin was the only one who had shook hands with him and said that he didn’t considered what his parents said and thanked for saving his life, and from that moment on both them had reconciled with one another.


I hope that this letter doesn’t finds you in a tense moment, I saw in dad’s newspaper the fact that several native attacks started to occur nearby where you are, of course there was no casualty and it isn’t a big subject for us since the planet is considered at the backwaters of the Galaxy. But even with that it was mentioned that several measures will be taken for this events to stop including sending more battle robots. I believe that sooner or later it might turn into a major event and probably there wouldn’t be any peace for this year in that place.

I never managed to express it much but I really am grateful that you saved my life from those Dementor things two years ago, they effect however made me see clear how I was and I do apologise for all the years of torment I gave to you. The only think I wish now is only to accept my apology and I only hope that you will be all right this year while there.

Signed, Dudley.

Harry after reading the letter thought for a moment at this, and in his heart he really was grateful that he managed to reconcile with his cousin, although it was later in life he was having a feeling of real gratitude for this event. Not waiting for much longer he took out a piece of parchment and quill and started to compose his reply letter.

Dear big ‘D’

I do am grateful for the fact that we managed to reconcile and I really hope that everything will go all right for you as well. As for me, I am all right at the moment, however even we know about the situations with the attacks. From what it seems it is mainly sometimes for stealing or making acts of vandalism on buildings and property. It is not too often however, not for now at least. As for me in a way I have no concerns regarding it. Everything I wish this year will be only to not be involved in another adventure like the other years. In a way if there is something I would comment is next. If the natives would do something stupid and I would be a victim there will be no regrets for me personally.

Why I say this, I have seen much more gruesome stuff then many other people, and in a way I am not so much fond of more of it. And just like I said, I only wish for this year to be a quiet one. But if there is no possibility then I will have to do what it must be done. I’m not blaming you or anyone on anything now anymore, but I blame the circumstances that made many things to go the wrong way and factors that lead to it. Whatever happens it will happen. Let’s just hope that it will go in a better way than other events.

I wish you all well Big D and that nothing will go badly and I hope that every single event will have a good ending. I wish that one day we will see each other again and hopefully in a calmer environment.

Your cousin: Harry.

Harry after rolling the letter, he attached it to the foot of his best owl friend, Hedwig before realising her outside to fly away. Harry knew that in the galactic wizard mail someone from a planet could send a letter to a person via owl directly on the same planet but in the case of delivering to another world, the letter is transported with a ship that after it arrives at the planet destination another owl is sent to the person that is addressed to it, is never used the same owl and when someone delivers a reply the mail again comes with another owl.

Looking at his owl flying away in the distance he thought about the many things he hoped for this year, one of them is no more misadventures. Just in that time his friend came to him.

“Harry, still thinking about; you know?” He asked.

“I’m just hoping nothing else badly will happen this year.” He said in a tone that seemed emotionless.

“I know, I want that as well now. Let’s just hope it will be this way not taking the native problem in consideration.” Said Ron but Harry seemed only to not give a glimpse of emotion. Thinking for a minute Ron eventually came up with an idea.

“Hey, how about we visit Hagrid today he will surely have many news to tell us.” Harry for a moment seemed to let out a small smile.

“Let’s go then.”

“And how about we present him to Twilight, he only knows him as a teacher not as a friend, she will surely like him.” Ron noticed that on mentioning the girl’s name his friend seemed to lighten up a bit more as well as getting a bit more nervous.

“Yeah, ahh but, what about Hermione?”

“She said that she can’t come right now but Twilight surely will.” Ron said.

“Let’s go tell her then.” Harry said, and Ron gave a small smile of pride, praising in his mind the fact that he knows what his soft point is to make him brighter. When they reached the Gryffindor Common room Harry didn’t noticed Twilight in front of him and bumped into her.

“Oh, sorry Twilight I wasn’t watching where was I going?” He said with a stressed tone.

“No worries.” She replied before noticing Ron behind him.

“Where were you two going?”

“We wanted to go to see Hagrid, I believe you know him.”

“Hagrid? Isn’t he the teacher at the Care of Magical creatures?”

“He is but he is also the keeper of keys at Hogwarts as well as grounds keeper. He is also a very good friend of ours; he is the one that introduced me the magical world.” Harry said.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that.”

“Would you like to meet him?” Ron asked.

“We mean if it is all right and you finished your work.” Harry said with a nervous voice.

“I already finished my work. I really want to meet him. But shouldn’t we tell Hermione about this?”

“She is busy at the moment with Professor McGonagall. But she said that she would come later.” Ron said.

“Oh, all right then. So where is he living”

“Follow us.” Harry said before all three exited the Common Room and went outside they passed both students as well as several armed battle robots that happened to be here and there passing by them not saying a word, all those robots were either in groups of two or four staying at the entrances, in the gardens or nearby the forest, the group even saw several droids stationed nearby his hut.

“You will surely like Hagrid he is a very nice person but watch out for his cooking, his cookies are as taught as a stone.” Commented Harry staying in front of the door and Ron knocked at it. When the door opened a giant of a man probably two times greater than the average human with great long black hair and beard dressed in a moleskin overcoat with great pockets and big boots came out and smiled to all of them, Twilight was dumbstruck at the size of this wizard she never saw one like him in the other world or here at Hogwarts of course she saw him at a distance but when is so close she never thought to be so giant.

“Hoho, I was hoping you would come to visit me, come in I just made some tea.” He said to the group joyful before the group entered, Twilight took a glimpse of the hut, it was somehow very simple with a table and a chimney together with some other stuff, but the look of it might make Rarity to be outraged even thou she was a princess she doesn’t need to comment on the way someone lives. All three of them went to the table to sit down while Hagrid was pouring tea in four cups.

“Oh Hagrid this is Twilight, she just transferred this year she is also in Gryffindor.” Harry said.

“Oh I know I was present at the sorting ceremony when she came. You probably noticed me haven’t ya?”

“Oh I did, and from a distance I wasn’t aware that you are so....massive.” She said nervously.

“Well from a wizard that is half giant, what could someone expect?” He said smiling at her.

“So how was the first week at Hogwarts?”

“I really enjoy it; there are many things I wish to know and to discover here. Of course there were many things I also haven’t expected; back at my old school we didn’t had flying books, moving pictures and many other things.” She said.

“Ah, this is only the beginning, you haven’t seen all.” Said Hagrid smiling before serving some cookies made by him, Twilight took one to try but it was hard as stone, she then tried to put them in the tea to soften it but it was still a bit hard to bite she decided to give up not managing to eat even the first one.

“Hagrid we saw several battle robots near your hut. I was wondering is there any problem with them?” Asked Harry.

“Well you get used to them; a bit annoying the German ones with they’re strong accent from they’re vocal programming, but they don’t bother too much, at least they are not like the Dementors from Azkaban.” Said Hagrid.

“Dementors? I haven’t heard of them.” Said Twilight making everyone in the room to turn to her.

“Because, we did not have them on our timetable curriculum and we didn’t talked too much about those things or Azkaban.” She said nervously.

“In a way Professor Snape had a point when he commented about your school been too passive regarding dark magic.” Commented Ron.

“But what is about them? What are they?” She asked.

“A Dementor is a guard of Azkaban they are dark creature that feed on the good memories. When they attack their victims are made to remember and hear only the worst memories of their lives, when they are around they have the effect of making every single cheerful felling and memory to disappear. They haunt the night and could be located in shabby dark places of decay.” Harry said with a sense of dread.

“They are very dangerous and if you stay too close to one you could turn into a soulless being left with nothing else but the bad experience of your life.” Ron added with dread.

“Oh, I didn’t know about this.” She said ashamed after seeing how much fear there was regarding them.

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to be, we understand your curiosity. Out there in this giant Universe are many things. But I always considered that bringing them in this world was one of the worst decisions the Ministry could have done to this world.” Hagrid said.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Some goof from the ministry made a proposal to bring a small number of Dementors to this world to “keep unwanted visitors” away. For me personally the Muggle robots were everything we needed to garrison and protect us.” Commented Hagrid.

“But don’t they attack natives as well?” Asked Twilight worried for Equestria and her friends.

“They are restrained to a small island in the western ocean, which unfortunately became the second prison of Azkaban. WHERE, some big property owners those that are narrow minded send natives that attack and steal. Some of the natives now call it The Gates of Tartarus or Fortress of Oblivion and many other things, since that is the place where all evils are confined.” Ron said feeling a great sorrow for the people there and for the ones that might follow.

“Good thing they are not here otherwise they might get loose to go to the natives.” Said Hagrid.

“I’m really relived for that. I mean we don’t want to provoke them, this would be not even the last thing we would want.” Harry said while the girl breathed in relief. Harry then noticed the Dailey Prophet newspaper on the table in the front page there was a report of several new attacks that occurred around the colonies and it wasn’t just the British but also a nearby German and a nearby Italian settlement.

“Hey, look at this, other attacks.” Harry said pointing the newspaper to his friends.

Three new attacks have been reported to nearby wizard settlements which include the British: New Hogsmead, Diagon and Knockturn. Alongside with the settlement of Schlitzenburg from the German zone together with the Swiss settlement of Nouvo Valais. There had been no reports of any victims but some places including the local libraries were attacked, everywhere there had been declared the same acts of hooliganism and as usual it was reported that the source was a native one. Auroras had investigated and found through magic spells hoof prints on the road alongside some pieces from clothing stuck in some nails. The local Governors declared that the ministries from both the home country as well as the colonial ministries decided after this that more battle robots will be sent to places that have a high level risk which includes, to receive at least two transports of droids after each attack. It was also decided that whenever the situation worsens more equipment with heavier armaments will be sent and placed under the authority of the governors, administrators and Auroras.

“Recipe for more trouble.” Ron Commented.

“How come?” Twilight Asked.

“If attacks will start to get more and more often we might have an intervention from the Muggles and probably from the High Chancellery.”

“The High Chancellery?”

“It is the governing body of the United Galactic Nations, an organization meant to prevent galactic wars from happening. By Galactic Law the Chancellery works as a mediator and is neutral regarding tensions between galactic nations. They are also possessing 10 star systems, whom by law they are also declared neutral and no one is allowed to attack them.” Harry explained

“And is that so bad?”

“The planets were acquired 19 years ago after some tensions between some human empires on whom to take them, they came and solved the problem with declaring them to be put under their control, they literally control the systems through their own laws and legislations that are actually stricter and rigid, dictatorial even.”

“And if they would declare that we are under them we might have to bind to they’re rules. Many wizards around the galaxy said that if muggles can have whatever planet they might like why shouldn’t there be one for wizards only. There has been an official agreement for this one to be shared with the condition of no wizard colonies that belong to a nation to attack colonies of another one. If it wasn’t for that this world might have been placed again under the authority of the Chancellery.” Ron said.

“And all of us are separated by the natives whom we don’t consider threats, on the contrary many like to hang out with them and mind their own business. Besides no one can leave now since everyone gave up everything back home to move here. No one wants now to go back.” Hagrid said making Twilight to think about what each of them have said. There were lots of planets out there among the stars but it was this ‘Chancellery’ that had done something that seemed unpopular for them 19 year ago and they thought that if there will be colonising this world in common by multiple nations the Chancellery might not do what it did 19 years ago and will consider us neutral as well. In a way it seemed to work until now.

“Yeah, well I wish to know. How are the natives actually here in this world?” Asked Twilight curious about how they are thinking about her world.

“Well up until now they were very nice. The Hippogriffs of this world that are more evolved then the ones we have give a lot of interesting stuff from the sea, they also told us how to cultivate different sea plants for our potions more efficiently.” Said Hagrid drinking a little tea.

“Not to mention the yaks, they were a bit aggressive and to themselves, but it seems a little incense and other dried flowers that make pleasant smells really were for their liking.”

“And the griffins they really got a liking for softness of the French stuff as well as some dragons that in some cases from stealing, raiding and things like that they more turned French then the dragon that they were once, and this summer I met one that told me that in a way it was encouraged by their Dragon Lord, while some of them are for the Russians.”

“Some are very compatible with the Russians, many of them like extreme experiences just like them. I read that in a wizard article.” Said Hermione whom she just arrived and the giant prepared another cup of tea for her.

“Some of them are a bit of a nuisance however.” Ron started.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“There is a sky pirate crew of anthropomorphic birds that come time by time in Diagon and usually go to my big twin brothers ‘shop for pranks where they usually buy explosive stuff. They came a week before Harry and Hermione. I don’t have anything against them but when I am around they like to prank me with my brothers.” Ron explained and Twilight already seemed to know who they might be.

“But how come that they sometimes stop at Diagon?”

“The Governor of Diagon alongside many others gave them Letters of Mark in which they are allowed to come and go whenever they want, and they usually raid smugglers and attack people who do contraband and sell the stuff, when they discover things that are dangerous or illegal they immediately go to the governors to get paid and they are usually paid either with money or muggle stuff whom they sell to other natives sometimes even keeping what they looted.” Explained Ron.

“Ron this is privateering.” Hermione said.

“I know and it’s not just the British colonies, they work even for the wizard colonies of other nations, at first it was paying them to not attack our merchants or settlements but then everything started to go next, they started to hire them to hunt down smugglers or traffickers probably not just those two. And it’s not just them, others started to do the same, beyond that; they did made a real fortune. The captain of the crew once raided a ship of a rich wizard that wanted to commercialise forbidden things and she took all the expensive furniture for her cabin and for the crew’s quarters and I even saw some of the crew members wearing expensive silk clothing brought directly from France.”

“But don’t they want to go do they’re things again?” Asked Twilight tracking his attention.

“I mean.....they are sky pirates.”

“I asked them the same question and they replied that they don’t bother this. They also mentioned that they had some kind of bad employer, which fortunately they are no more under his control. For them this job is better than the one they had under the previous person.”

“And, did they told you who it was the bad employer?”

“They didn’t left many details, they only said that they were pressed to work for him, they were thankful however that they have met good friends to get rid of him and resume they’re life of excitement and adventure.” Twilight on hearing that now she knew for certain what pirate crew was.

“A real happy ending I could say.” Hagrid said.

“I only wish that they wouldn’t try to prank me if I meet them again.” Said the red haired boy taking a slip from his tea, they stayed at Hagrid for at least another hour time in which Hermione told Twilight that McGonagall wants her to choose several new subjects of interest for the year. Twilight immediately gave answer that she would want to attend Care for Magical Creatures and Muggle studies. Later that day after spending some time in the library, each finishing their homework all were prepared to turn in for the night, Twilight noticed how fervent Harry was doing his probably to have time for the Quidditch training the following day.

“Well I believe I finished the homework for Professor McGonagall.” Harry said before Hermione took a look at it and noticed here and there some grammar mistakes but not so many.

“Aside from small grammar mistakes here and there I would say it is very well done.” She said in her usual academic tone.

“I need the next day for the Quidditch practice so I must have it done.” He said.

“I really appreciate that Harry.” Twilight said while Ron chuckled a bit noticing him blushing.

“Yet you should take a break Harry don’t you think?” Said a voice that seemed to be coming from beneath them making, Twilight to look around in confusion.

“Who said that?!”

“It was me Miss. Twilight.” Said the voice again to her right and saw another human that was all white and ghostly with a moustache and strange clothing that was floating in the air thing that made the girl to almost drop to the ground.


“Twilight this is the Gryffindor house ghost: Nearly Headless Nick.” Said Ron. “Or as he likes Sir. Nicholas.”

“You are a real ghost?” She asked shocked.

“Of course I am, back at your old school you didn’t had ghosts?” He asked.

“Unfortunately not.” She said.

“While too bad but don’t worry I don’t bite like other ones related to my kind.” Said the ghost with a smile.

“Wow, good to know.” The girl said trying to keep a calm face but the ghost noticed that she was a bit scared and the girl noticed that as well.

“Look, it’s not that you are a ghost or anything but I am simply not used to most stuff here. It’s not your fault I only need more time to get used to some things.” She said and the ghost smiled in understanding.

“I see, and don’t worry many that experience ghosts for the first time are a bit scared you are not the first but in two weeks you shall love us.” Said the ghost with a friendly smile and the girl returned the gesture.

“By the way Nick where have you been at the start of the year?” Asked Harry.

“I and all the other ghosts had to leave for a ghost convention, held by the ghosts that moved to this planet, some even discussed about the problem with the natives and some even said that maybe the ones that are friendly to the colonies should know about us ghosts from who we really are. Beyond that many also decided that in case of attack we should also try to scare them off if they get inside. Many really have a point; we can’t rely only on those machines the muggles are building and will constantly send us.”

“And I believe you the ghosts of Hogwarts will do a good job.” Ron started.

“My mother said that in case the situation worsens they might start to send Dementors here and that is certainly a thing we don’t want.”

“Indeed it is. Well I think I will have to go to the others there is much to discuss with the headless horsemans.” Said Nick before flying away passing through Harry who made him shiver like in an icy shower.

“By the way.” Twilight came and tracked his attention.

“Why do they call you Nearly Headless? Your head seem to stand on your shoulders.” She asked before Nick took his head by his hair and leaned it in one side which made her even more horrified before placing it back.

“The executioner didn’t hit me properly with the axe and this is how it remained.” He said before moving on leaving the group.

“This is not what I expected today.” Twilight said still thinking of what she had seen.

“Don’t worry you just saw that Nick was very nice.” Said Ron.

“It’s not that. I did not expect to have ghosts, back at my school we didn’t had one even.”

“Don’t worry you will get used to it.” Said Hermione.

“Still how many they are?” Asked Twilight.

“Each house has its own ghost and from what Nick said you will start to see them every day from now on. And by number, Hogwarts has dozens of them.” Harry explained making Twilight to shiver, all her life she never believed in Ghosts and out of a sudden here she was now surrounded by them. It will be an everyday irrational experience till she will manage to get use to it.

After they finished their work and went back to the dormitories to turn for the night Twilight started to comprise a letter for the Princesses.

Dear Princess Celestia

I have found out many things regarding the humans, from what I know the ones that are here are magical humans who use magic for all aspects of life and rely on it every day. The school where I am Hogwarts is a magic school dedicated only to the study of magic but in a much different way, they consider it like a refined science that they use every day and at every hour. The subject are extremely interesting and very practical, many of the teachers are very good in their field. There is of course the potion master Severus Snape who is much bitterer but in the rest everything is very exciting and I learn very interesting things.

From what I know of their society they are separated in two; the wizards who are only for magic and see non magical objects and people in a different way and the non magical humans who are only for science. The wizards prefer to keep to themselves because they believe that the non wizards might use them for different purposes that they don’t like. That is also the reason why they came here, mainly to keep to themselves. From what I have seen they are no threat to Equestria but they are concerned regarding several attacks that started to happen to them recently, no one of them is injured but many things are destroyed for reasons they don’t know.

Anyways here at Hogwarts I have made several new friends whom I found very interesting: Hermione Granger is one of the smartest witch, she also loves books and is very talented with spells, whatever spell she reads she makes it perfectly.

Ron Weasely is a very loyal and really funny person who sticks to his friends and family doing everything for them. He and his little sister Ginny are always there whenever their friends need help.

And the last is Harry Potter he is more the mysterious guy, who seems to keep to himself many things, but he is brave, loyal and always gives a helping hand, he also seems to have a natural talent for magic. He usually seems a bit shy and doesn’t like to talk too much about himself but he is a very good company.

They are all wonderful people it is too bad that I have to keep my identity a secret from them I would really love for them to also meet my friends from Ponyville in my opinion we could easily befriend them just like with many others.

There will also be a holiday called Halloween which seems to be similar to our Nightmare Night and it is also on the same date.

I would write as soon as I get more information about them, there are still many things that I have to find out about them. From what it seems there are several things that must be much more carefully studied and I intend to find out about them.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

After finishing both letters she gave them to Owlowicious to be delivered in the next order the first one to her friends the other to the Princess. For her everything will go well what she doesn’t know is the fact that things back in Equestria are getting unexpected turns of events which will lead to unforeseen consequences.

Author's Note:

Please leave comments.

Comments ( 4 )

Your fanfiction link is borked.

It had been a mistake, I fixed it, thank you for the comment, and you wanted to say 'broken' not borked

Maybe you can tell me if you have another idea with for a better title, I was thinking of changing it somehow.

I said what I meant and I meant what I said, lol.
I'm not sure how much I can help, naming stories isn't exactly my strong suit. My own story is still using the placeholder name I came up with something like a decade ago.

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