• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 281 Views, 131 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Four - Glimbursts

The fourth part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Equestria is under attack! Can our heroes stand united to prevail against Opaline or will she be free from her castle prison?

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Chapter Seventeen – A Tearoom Family

Misty and Izzy walked through Bridlewood together as they headed towards the Crystal Tea Room. Izzy couldn’t help giggling as she skipped along. However, Misty gulped and looked around nervously.

“I still can’t believe that Alphabittle is your dad,” Izzy beamed.

“I...I can barely believe it either,” Misty replied.

“Are you okay Misty?” Izzy gasped. “I thought you’d be excited.”

“I…I was, but now I’m here in Bridlewood I've gotten really nervous,” Misty admitted. “Why does he want to see me today?”

“Well, today has always been an extra special day,” Izzy smiled. “I’m not sure why, but I’ve always enjoyed it. Let’s go in, I know you’ll love it.”

Misty gasped as she realised they were already at the door to the tearoom. Izzy placed a hoof on the door and looked at her reassuringly.

Misty took a deep breath before nodding. With a grin, Izzy pushed the door open and led the way inside.

“Why’s it so dark?” Misty gasped.

“I...I don’t know,” Izzy frowned.

They both tried to look around the darkened room. However, they could barely see their hoofs in front of their faces.

“Alphabittle?” Izzy shouted. “We’re here!”

“D...Dad?” Misty stammered.

Suddenly, the lights turned on. “Surprise!” Alphabittle shouted.

Misty and Izzy gasped as their eyes adjusted. The tearoom was decorated with balloons and streamers. On a table behind Alphabittle, there was party food and a large birthday cake.

Misty and Izzy walked forward in surprise and spotted the writing on the birthday cake.


“I know you will probably not remember,” Alphabittle sighed as he saw Misty’s surprised and confused expression. “I’m not sure if or when you celebrated your birthday but trust me. Today... Today is the right day.”

Misty gasped, tears welling in her eyes as she bounded forward and hugged Alphabittle.

“I...I didn’t know,” she gasped. “Opaline didn’t let me celebrate any birthdays.”

Izzy meanwhile stood wide-eyed in shock. “Today is Misty’s Birthday!” she exclaimed as she danced from hoof to hoof in excitement. “We...We need to celebrate with everypony! We need to have a huge party!”

“Maybe next year, Izzy,” Misty replied. “I think a little party with you and my dad will be perfect for this year.”

Suddenly, Izzy’s expression went from one of great excitement to one of realisation and then sadness.

“Wait, Alphabittle,” she gulped. “You...You always said this was our special day.”

“Oh Izzy,” Alphabittle gasped. “It still can be if you want.”

“I...I don’t understand,” Misty blinked as she looked between Izzy and Alphabittle with confusion.

As quickly as Izzy had looked sad, her expression swapped back to one of realisation before returning to one of excitement.

“Misty, Misty, Misty, this is amazing!” She shouted as she skipped from hoof to hoof.

“W...What is?” Misty gasped.

“Alphabittle,” Izzy beamed. “He’s, my uncle.”

“He’s…He’s…” Misty blinked as she sat down in shock. “Wait? What?”

“Not directly,” Alphabittle gasped. “I have no brothers or sisters, but Izzy’s father was my best friend.”

“Was?” Misty gasped looking worriedly at Izzy.

Izzy gulped, sitting down as her continued flip-flopping of emotions started to catch up with her.

“Y…Yeah,” she gasped. “I… He… They...”

“They were killed in a fire,” Alphabittle sighed. “I’m sorry, maybe this wasn’t the best time to bring all this up?”

“No, no, we need to,” Izzy gasped before she smiled. “I’m so happy that Misty’s your daughter. I’m so happy for Misty too that we’ve found her family. We just need to go through everything.”

“Yeah,” Misty smiled. “If I’ve got more family, directly related or not, I want to meet them. The idea of being cousins with Izzy sounds amazing.”

“Y…Yeah, ooh,” Izzy stammered before closing her eyes as she tried to hold back the tears that were welling in them.

“I…Izzy,” Misty gasped worriedly.

“I…I’m okay,” Izzy replied. “Just memories coming back.”

“I’m sorry,” Misty sighed as she pulled Izzy into a hug. “I didn’t mean…”

“It’s okay Misty,” Izzy said as she returned the embrace. “I just get surprised by what I remember sometimes. I wasn’t little when my parents passed away, but I wasn’t quite old enough to live by myself either.”

“So, I took her in,” Alphabittle continued as he wrapped his hoofs around them both. “Just long enough for her to be able to live on her own.”

“That settles it then,” Misty smiled as she felt the embrace around her thankfully. “We’re a family.”

“Yeah, yeah we are,” Izzy beamed.

All three closed their eyes as they continued to share the embrace for a while.

Sometime later, the three of them sat around a table as they enjoyed the birthday cake.

“I…I don’t think I’ve ever had a time I’ve felt so happy,” Misty said. “I’m over the Luna Moon.”

A breath got caught in Alphabittle’s throat and he looked down sadly. This earned him a concerned look from both Misty and Izzy.

“I’m so sorry I lost you, Misty,” Alphabittle sighed at last. “I’ve never forgiven myself. If I’d just stayed that little bit closer.”

“Oh, please don’t be upset,” Misty replied worriedly. “I don’t think you would have stopped it. That mist came so quickly, and then there was this shadow that chased me.”

Suddenly, she frowned with confusion and looked back at Alpahblittle questioningly, "What do you mean by staying closer?"

Alphabittle sighed dejectedly, "When you went out to find crystals. I kept a short way behind you, clearly, I wasn't close enough to keep you safe."

Misty screwed her eyes shut for a moment before looking back at Alphabittle gravely. “Even if you’d been closer, I’m sure Opaline would have made sure you lost me,” she said. “I’m certain, it wasn’t your fault. There was nothing you could have done.”

“Oh Misty,” Alphabittle sighed. “I don’t deserve you being so kind-hearted.”

“Well, she is the Element of Heart,” Izzy grinned.

“It took me so long to come to terms with you disappearing,” Alphabittle sighed. “What with first your mother and…” he trailed off at seeing Misty’s surprised expression. “Hold on.”

Alphabittle got up from his chair and walked behind the counter. After a few moments, he returned carrying a photo. Misty watched with bated breath as Alphabittle passed it to her. “This is your mother, Luna Brightdawn.”

Misty looked at the photo of the sky-blue Unicorn Mare with wonder. She had the same green eyes she had but her mane was a light pink with white highlights. Misty couldn’t help looking at the light pink colouring around her hoofs in wonder.

“She was my little Luna,” Alphabittle sighed. “So many said you should have been a Bittle. But we both knew you were a Brightdawn.”

“So, you didn’t…” Izzy started.

“Get married?" Alphabittle chuckled. “We tried so many times, but something always stopped the ceremony for one reason or another.”

“W…What happened to her?” Misty asked, her eyes glistening.

Alphabittle took a deep breath and sighed. “She…She became ill. Very, very ill,” he explained. “We did all we could for her, but…”

Misty placed a reassuring hoof on Alphabittle’s and gave him a small smile. That was all she needed to say, he just smiled and understood.

However, Misty’s ear twitched as she heard Izzy sigh. Turning to look at her, Misty couldn’t help feeling worried at Izzy’s sorrowful expression. “What’s wrong Izzy?”

“I’m sorry, it’s seeing that photo," Izzy sighed. "It reminded me that I don’t have anything to remember my parents. No photos or anything like that.”

“Y…You don’t,” Misty responded worriedly.

“Nope,” Izzy breathed. “I had nothing left after the fire.”

“I’m so sorry,” Misty replied sadly.

Izzy gave a small smile, “Don’t be Misty, it was an accident. There wasn’t anything anypony could have done.”

“Yes, there is,” Alphabittle frowned. “I should have stopped your father from running into that inferno.”

“Alphabittle, no,” Izzy gasped. “We’ve been over this.”

“Silver Moonbow would still be here if I’d been more assertive,” Alphabittle frowned.

“Why?” Misty asked worriedly. “What happened?”

Izzy took a deep breath before looking at Misty with a determined expression. “Silver Moonbow was my dad,” she explained. “He’d collected me from school, and we were on our way home. I was excited, my mum had promised she’d have something waiting for me. I…I never found out what that was.”

Izzy closed her eyes and looked down with anguish. Gasping, Misty pulled her into a hug.

“It’s okay,” Misty gasped. “You don’t need to tell me if it makes you sad.”

“I…It’s okay,” Izzy replied as she hugged Misty gratefully. “I want you to know what happened.”

“Well, I can fill in more here,” Alphabittle responded. “You see, I was on my way back to the Tea Room after running an errand. I was nearing Silver’s treehouse when I spotted an orange glow from the windows. The next thing I knew, there was an explosion of fire, the whole tree was suddenly ablaze. I shouted and shouted, ponies ran from everywhere and we started trying to fight the fire together.”

“I remember the explosion,” Izzy continued. “And the shouts. Dad had always told me to run to help if I heard shouts of fire. So that’s what we did, I just didn’t expect it to be our house.”

“When I saw him, Silver was beside himself with worry,” Alphabittle explained. “He said Izzy’s mother, Amethyst, was inside. I grabbed him, tried to stop him from going in. But he, he somehow wiggled out of my grasp. The next thing I knew, he was running inside. I went to follow but then I heard Izzy shouting behind me. I turned around and realised she was going to follow her dad. So, I grabbed her instead.”

“I’m glad,” Izzy said, her cheeks wet with tears. “I’m glad you grabbed me Alphabittle, I don’t know why I tried to follow him. But if you hadn’t stopped me…”

She trailed off, Misty hugged her tighter, tears collecting in the corners of her eyes as well.

“We never did find out what happened,” Alphabittle sighed. “Whatever caused that fire, we’ve no clue. All I know is, after that the Elders established a properly trained fire response team.”

“There’s been fires after that,” Izzy sniffed. “But nopony else has lost their lives."

“I’m so sorry Izzy,” Misty sighed. “Thank you for telling me, you didn’t have to.”

Izzy sniffed again before pulling out of Misty’s embrace. She wiped away the last of the tears before looking back at Misty gratefully.

“I wanted to,” she explained. “It hurts to remember it but at the same time, I wanted you to know. To understand why I’ve now got this connection with Alphabittle. He’s your dad but he’s always been my uncle too.”

“And now, you’re both my special girls,” Alphabittle smiled as he pulled them both into a hug. “You’re both strong and independent mares who have good friends. I’m so happy that we’ve been reunited Misty, and Izzy you will always have a place in my heart too.”

“We’ve each got a place in our hearts for each other,” Misty smiled.

“Hoof to heart,” Izzy giggled.

“Hoof to heart,” Misty grinned.

“Hoof to heart,” Alphabittle said thankfully.