• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 289 Views, 2 Comments

She loves Trixie, right? - starwantrix

Trixie wishes for a girl to notice her, but it backfires in Trixie's face.

  • ...

Triscuit has lost her marbles

Trixie hasn't been feeling very well these past couple days, not as great and powerful as she did back in the good old days. When she could take on the world and feel confidence surge through her veins. Not so much right now, in fact, Trixie felt that she wouldn't be able to perform like she used to, not with the same vigor. And it's all those... fault, hmm. Well it isn't anybody's fault, she is feeling like this.

"Well, it's not Trixie if you're implying that" Trixie said aloud with a grumpy expression. Nothing seems to lift up her spirits these days, even when she is with her friends Fuchsia and Lavender. She smiles, but it's a hollow smile. Barely even an emotion, more like a twisted grimace.

"Trixie is not depressed, she is fine." She repeated this like a mantra, sitting all alone in her room. Brooding.

"Shut up, you! Trixie is totally okay! You're making it seem worse than it is, geez". And it's totally normal for a girl of her age to speak to herself. Nothing wrong here.

"No, Trixie is anything, but normal!" Oh, perhaps, Trixie was right about that. She has lost her marbles.

"Nuh-uh, I did- I mean-... Trixie!" She stood up triumphantly with the last part, striking a cool pose. "She means, Trixie did not, lose her marbles, they are right there in her purple pouch, and they are smoke bombs, not marbles, big difference" Sure thing, Trixie. Whatever you say.

"Trixie forgot the point, uh. What was the argument?" She scrutinized the ceiling for a long dozen seconds or so. Completely spacing out. Still thinking. Then suddenly- "Ah! Yes, I forgot- Trixie forgot to clarify that she meant to say that Trixie is not normal, she is special. Power! And G-great-ful? Wait, that's not it."

The Power and Greatful Tripsy continued this tirade with herself and it went on longer than usual. Well, what is usual anyway? Trixie sighed as she slid down her chair, squeaking loudly.

"Trixie wasn't squeaking, that was the chair" Yes, Trixie we know. We're not stupid. "Well, Trixie thought, it needed to be said anyway, since you described it as though it was Trixie squeaking and not the chair"

Trixie looked at the window by her desk, it was quite sunny outside. She could imagine how nice it was out there, yet here she was lollygagging in her dark room.

It was Sunday, school is tomorrow, but she hasn't even touched her backpack since Friday. You can almost hear her homework scream soundlessly, "Puhlease, just finishh meeh"

"Nah, thanks, Trixie's good. It's all pointless anyway. What's the meaning of all of this?"
Really? You're gonna pull the existential crisis card? Trixie looked annoyed at no one in particular, well, how can she look annoyed at her own traitorous thoughts? Instead she chose to glare at her reflection in the mirror "This whole thing just makes Trixie's headache ache, or is it-, uh, worsen... Headache hurts? Ah-, screw it."

With that lame ending to her inner debate, Trixie grabbed the first thing that was in her wardrobe, a light maroon jacket. She put on her green olive boots and went downstairs, with the grace of a cat. A two week old kitten to be precise. Meaning, that she stumbled and tripped on her way to the door.

As she opened the door she stopped, thinking for a moment and then she yelled "Trixie's going outside!”

Her mom's voice was heard from the kitchen "Okay~, don't be too late. Be back by 10 and call me if you'll stay at Fuchsia's or Lavender's"

Trixie went outside, indeed it was quite sunny and lovely, perfect to be lost in reflection about one’s problems. She might as well stop by her friends’ places.

She smiled a little at the thought of seeing her best friends. It would be nice to hang out with them before school. She could already imagine the sleepover activities, playing video games and pizza is a time-tested remedy for her predicament. It was not depression she reassured herself. Nope. Just meh. A general feeling of 'meh'. Why is it so important to deny the fact that you have depression? "Well, if you pretend that you're not depressed and just act like you're happy, then one day, you'll forget that you're depressed and you'll just be happy. Not that Trixie is depressed per se. She is fine. She is... Fine."

Trixie strolled around, with no particular destination in mind, just going through monotone motion of moving one's legs. Step by step, she ventured pretty far from her home, but not too far. "Oh god"

Something terrible must have happened, as Triskee froze on the spot, she looked behind her at the path she had taken, then she rummaged in her pockets, empty, except for her phone.

Is she lost, perhaps? Who knows? "Trixie knows..." She said gloomily "She has forgotten her earphones" The tragedy. “Don’t mock Trixie.”

She has been walking for quite awhile and it would be quite a hassle to go back home, hustle up the stairs and pull the earphones out of the backpack's zipped up pouch. "If they were even there…" She doesn't even remember, they could be anywhere. School locker, perhaps? "Don't escalate, maybe they are in the backpack, Trixie hasn’t even checked."

Well, what can you do now, but keep on talking with yourself? Not gonna be able to turn me off with some music, huh? "Trixie already figured, thanks.”

As she mindlessly walked the path of a lonely walk, she ended up in a local park. It was nice, not many people there, despite the perfect weather. A cold breeze made Trixie shudder, along her path a cute daisy flower stood proudly, soaking in the sunlight. This flower looked so happy in contrast to a gloomy and moody Triscuit. It almost mocked her with the way it looked. All flowery and plant-like. She grabbed the traitorous flower and stared at it for a while.

“She loves Trixie, right?” The dreaded question was met with silence, she pulled the petal out of the daisy and carelessly let it go. As it flew to the ground a curt response “No she doesn’t…” Why would she even like someone like Trixie? “Well, let me tell you why…”

Trixie has been pulling out petals from daisies for who knows how long, she didn’t stray too far, walking in circles. Thankfully, daisy flowers grew everywhere around her, tirelessly supplying her need for questioning her sanity. With each depleted daisy her argument with ‘flowers’ got more and more heated.

“Of course she would like Trixie! She just d-doesn’t know it yet!” But, you’re such a klutz. “No, Trixie’s not!” More petals flew by Trixie as she argued as it seemed with the daisy.

Your magic tricks are subpar, you can barely even be called a magician. “Trixie is Great and Powerful! That alone is reason enough to love me!” ‘Me’, huh? Even your third person speech is fake!

“You meanie!” Practically shouting, Trixie ripped apart the poor little daisy flower. She collapsed on her knees, eyes glistening, definitely not with tears. Someone might say that those were tears, but not Trixie. It was… An Illusion. Yes. Definitely just a magic trick of producing water in one’s eyes.

She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her jacket and then there it was. One last unharmed daisy flower. Trixie has lost all hope, so she slowly picks up the flower with barely any confidence. She started plucking the petals, this time asking the questions timidly and monotonously.

“She loves Trixie… She loves Trixie not.” She continued this little ritual until she reached the last dreaded petal. Her hands were shaking a little as she pulled on the last petal. She exhaled the breath she was holding in anticipation and a bit of excitement.

“She does love Trixie…” barely a whisper. “She loves Trixie!” She shouted as she stood up, triumphantly raising the petalless flower in her hand. Pfft, hahaha!

“Stop laughing at Trixie!” She glared at the dismembered flower in her hand, but it wasn’t laughing. It wasn’t in Trixie’s head either. Look elsewhere, dummy. She frantically looked around, and there she was, the culprit.

Her sharp eyes stared right into Trixie’s soul. Her wicked grin made Trixie shiver as the chills ran down her spine. That unkempt colorful hair made Trixie lurch towards her hairbrush, but it wasn’t in her pocket. Her hand just grabbed empty air and to not look even more stupid, Trixie pretended to straighten her jacket. The intruder into Trixie’s private little patch of grass kept laughing at Trixie as she awkwardly stared at the guffawing girl. She was taller than Trixie, so naturally she stood a little on her tiptoes to make herself more intimidating. Gathering the courage she told the girl what was on her mind.

“Tell me you didn’t see Trixie talking to herself.” she said while frowning a little, peering into the magenta eyes of her intruder. The girl with colorful hair wiped her eyes, there were tears, not unlike Trixie’s illusionary, but ones of mirth.

“I saw everything, Trix. Damn, you have completely lost your marbles” The girl smiled widely.

Trixie unconsciously went towards her pouch of smoke bombs to dismiss this embarrassing situation, but alas they were missing. She indeed has lost her marbles. Drat! What is it with Trixie completely losing everything? First, her earphones, then her hairbrush, now her marbles and last but not least, her dignity.

“Rainbow, Trixie demands that you don’t tell a-anyone of this!” Trixie begged-, no, she commanded this so-called Rainbow.

“A-anyone?” Rainbow mocked Trixie a little, grinning wickedly, she had Trixie cornered and it felt invigorating. “Let’s see, I won’t tell anyone-” Trixie visibly perked up at this statement. “And in exchange, you will do anything I ask, no backsies.”

“W-what!? T-this, this is blackmail!” Trixie exclaimed, completely devastated by the escalating situation. Her life could be ruined!

“Oh that doesn’t count for blackmail, I think it has to be written in all formal style, egghead like, on paper, with signature and everything” Rainbow looked very proud of her own argument.

“I-I will call the police on you!” Trixie pointed a finger at Rainbow, completely losing her confidence. This day just got worse than ever.

“So, it’s ‘I’ now, haha. I must have really ruffled your feathers. Look, Trixie, don’t be so sure about calling the police, because I might as well just call the psychiatric ward.” Rainbow was now circling Trixie like a shark, smiling wider every time Trixie flinched.

“How dare you? Trixie’s not crazy! I am not crazy!” Trixie was now completely red from all the stress she was dealing with, Rainbow just somehow knew which buttons to push to make Trixie more agitated. Now who gave her the instructions to Trixie’s buttons? Somebody is sabotaging Trixie.

“That sounds very convincing.” Rainbow replied calmly.

“Fine! Whatever, it’s your word against mine. Go on, tell everyone, nobody’s gonna believe you. Trixie is Great and Powerful, Trixie is far too superior to be bullied by the likes of you.” Trixie regained her greatness and powerfulness. The little daisy flower in her hand reassuring her that someone indeed loved her made Trixie feel more at ease.

“Pfft! Well, actually it’s gonna be your word against your own, haha” Rainbow didn’t make much sense.

“What are you talking about? You’re not making much sense.” Trixie suspected what Rainbow was poking at, but she refused to believe that this situation could get any worse. “No… It can’t be. You didn’t-” Trixie stuttered. This is the worst.

“I did” Rainbow looked very smug. No, it can’t be.

“No, please…” Trixie looked devastated.

“I recorded everything, right here on my phone” Rainbow pointed to her phone that she mockingly pulled out and showed to Trixie, practically dangling it between her eyes.

The next few moments, the world went dark, there was no park, there were no daisies, only Trixie and the small rectangle of metal and plastic. It was all or nothing. She is Great and Powerful. Trixie can totally do this. She will crush her nemesis and be triumphant in the end. She gathered the courage she never had and lunged forward towards her destination. Her arm outstretched. It grabbed thin air.

Trixie was good, it’s just that Rainbow was better. And taller. Trixie flailed around, standing on her tiptoes, trying to reach the phone that was merely a few inches away. Rainbow just stood there, effortlessly holding Trixie back with one arm, while the other was up high holding the phone that Trixie really wanted to reach.

Trixie continued to reach for it, even though it was pretty obvious to both of them, that she wouldn’t be able to grab it. She just never knew when to give up and admit defeat. Never! Suddenly, Trixie stumbled a bit and lost her footing, her feet slipped and she had to grab onto something in order to not fall. It happened reflexively, her arms reached for one thing that was close to her. Trixie awkwardly, but firmly used Rainbow’s shoulders as support. It was embarrassing, because Trixie and Rainbow were too close to each other. Trixie did not blush at this, no, not ever, not with this stupid Rainbow girl. She tried to push her, but as clumsy as she was, instead she fell on her rump.

“Arrgh, you s-stupid…! O-optical phenomenon!” Trixie yelled as she indignantly stood up, brushing off the petals and grime off the back of her skirt. Turning away from Rainbow, hiding her red face.

“Are you done with your tantrum?” Rainbow was unamused with Trixie’s foolishness, though the corners of her mouth were lifted a little.

“Hmph, Trixie reluctantly admits defeat. What do you want, Rainbow?” Trixie crossed her arms as she turned to face Rainbow, she had cooled down a bit from this small blunder of hers.

Rainbow put the phone in her pocket and striked a thinking pose, almost theatrically pretending to think long and hard. “Hmmm, first of all, apologize to me for~,” she dragged the ‘for’, emphasizing it. “An attempted assault.” She finished with a smile, a very annoying smile.

Trixie didn’t like Rainbow, she always picked on her, laughing at Trixie’s expense. Back then, she learned to tolerate and ignore it all, now though, she absolutely hated Rainbow. She gritted her teeth and mumbled.

‘Trixie is sorry’ is what Trixie meant to say, but instead it sounded gargled and edited, you know, to protect one’s identity. “Trickshee izh shory.” She grumbled, staring daggers at Rainbow’s stupid smug face.

“What was that? Didn’t quite hear ya.” Rainbow leaned forward a little, as if to loom over Trixie.

“Trixie is sorry” Trixie repeated quickly and more clearly.

“Girl, you have to speak louder” Rainbow continued torturing Trixie with words.

“Fine! Trixie is very sorry for… For! Tripping over you which is in your vocabulary considered as attempted assault. Is that good enough for you? Are we done here?” Trixie was fuming. Honestly, what was that cheeky girl thinking of herself? Stupid smug bundle of… Stupidness!

“Hahaha, gosh, Trixie, you’re just so funny, just chill and take it easy, will ya?” Rainbow laughed, much to Trixie’s annoyance. Though, the change of her demeanor made Trixie relax a little bit. Maybe if she played along with this charade long enough, Rainbow would let her off easy. Probably. Or this is the end of Trixie’s school life.

“Alright, jokes aside, just answer me a question and I’ll let you go” Rainbow said with a warm smile and Trixie welcomed such a nice attitude.

“Really? Trixie can do that” Trixie was relieved that out of a mandatory truth or dare, she got the truth.

Next moment, Rainbow pulled out the phone, fumbled with it a bit, piquing Trixie’s curiosity. Did she want Trixie to answer a homework question or what?

“She loves Trixie, right?” came the sound of Trixie’s voice out of Rainbow’s phone. Trixie’s face fell and she visibly flinched. So, she does have a recording, I thought she was bluffing.

“Who is ‘She’?” Rainbow asked quizzically.

“Who is Trixie? Why, a P-power and Greatful Triskee o-of course. So, question answered, Trixie will just go home and forget this ever happened, ‘kay, thanks, bye~” Trixie rambled as fast as she could, turned around in the general direction of getting out of here and marched.

“Not so fast!” Rainbow grabbed Trixie by the collar of her jacket, stopping Trixie in her tracks. “Don’t act stupid, you perfectly know what I meant.” Rainbow glared at Trixie's apologetic and defeated face.

“It’s none of your business! I am not gonna tell you who I like out of blackmail-” Trixie started shouting angrily while reaching for her smoke bombs which were nonexistent at the moment in her pocket.

“Not a blackmail-” Rainbow started but was interrupted by Trixie

“Don’t interrupt me! W-who do you think you are, huh? Trixie is not here to entertain you!” Trixie stomped her foot which would have been intimidating if not for Trixie’s shortness. Or tinyness, whichever is more appropriate, either way Rainbow wasn’t swayed at all.

“Well, then I’m gonna post your video on my instagram.” Rainbow stated matter-of-factly, crossing her arms.

“No, no, no, please, please, don’t do this! Trixie will do absolutely anything else!” Trixie got on her bare knees and clutched Rainbow’s skirt, holding onto it. The change of Trixie’s attitude from 100 to 0 was impressive and commendable.

Rainbow visibly got uncomfortable, she grabbed Trixie by jacket and pulled her up. “Don’t do that please.” She scolded Trixie like a child. “Now, then, if you don’t want to tell me, then at least give me a hint or something?”

Trixie scrunched up her face thinking about this. “A hint, huh? Trixie can work with that-”

“But, first take me out to lunch.” Rainbow interrupted, “I am starving, all this tomfoolery of yours tired me out”

“Hmph, now you resort to taking money out of Trixie, fine, she will treat you to lunch. What do you have in mind?” Trixie grumbled, but secretly glad, some food will help her calm down.

“I was thinking Chinese-” Rainbow started giddily.

“Rainbow… Trixie’s trying to save up some money, you know, pick something cheaper like fast food or something” Trixie is definitely not broke, it’s just hard when most of her allowance goes to magic props, smoke bombs and fireworks.

“Chinese was my cheapest option, but fine, fast food is okay.” Rainbow replied with a bit of disappointment in her voice.

“Wait a minute” Trixie patted her pockets, searching for her wallet. Just as she suspected, she had forgotten it. Well, she didn’t really plan to go to a cafe, so technically not forgotten. “Trixie is stony broke, so I can’t fulfill your needs.”

“That’s all right, I will pay, you can owe me” Rainbow replied without skipping a beat, “Now come on, I’m hungry” She grabbed Trixie’s hand and led her to a nearby fast food joint.

Several blocks away from the park was located a small fast food cafeteria where Trixie and Rainbow were ordering some food. Trixie ordered the smallest pack of french fries with ketchup and the most simple burger and a small sized cup, the only thing that was missing from that order was a toy. Trixie really wanted to order the toy, but refused to do it in front of Rainbow. Lest she make fun of Trixie. Such a shame, those were some of the cutest figurines she had ever seen. A small little pinecone with a smiley face caught her eye.

It was time for Rainbow to order, and she had ordered twice the size of Trixie’s order, a double burger, large pack of fries and a large cup of soda. Rainbow motioned for Trixie to go find them a place to sit, which was an easy task, there weren’t many people in this place.

Trixie chose to sit by the windows, it was nice. Today was certainly a weird day, first she had an internal battle with her thoughts, then she had an argument with several daisies and she eventually found the correct one. Then, an encounter with the colorful demon and now she has lunch with her. This is like a dream, everything is so lucid and odd. It didn’t make sense.

Before her thoughts could stray any further, Rainbow appeared with their tray of food. “Here you go, your kid sized lunch.” She said smugly as she playfully ruffled Trixie’s hair, who promptly swatted her hand.

“Stop messing with me.” Trixie frowned at Rainbow, whose smile only grew.

“Trixie, you’re such a dork,” Trixie stopped mid bite on her burger and glared at Rainbow. “Here’s your toy by the way.” She put the small little pinecone character in front of Trixie, and then she proceeded to eat her burger with fries, while slurping on her soda.

“...!” Trixie’s mouth was full, so she couldn’t immediately reply that she didn’t need this figure, even though she really wanted it. She chewed as fast as she could and gulped, which was a grave mistake, because she choked on it and started coughing. “T-trix- *cough*, Trixi- *cough*”, Rainbow patted her on the back, Trixie drank some cola to ease her coughing fit.

“What made you think, Trixie wants this? She is not a child, you know?” Trixie said defensively while fiddling with the little pinecone, it was quite cute.

“You were staring at it for quite awhile,” Rainbow pointed out.

“No, she did not!” Trixie blushed a little, this was embarrassing, Rainbow had caught her staring at the cute little toys.

“I can throw it away if you don’t want it” Rainbow reached for the pinecone figure.

“No, it’s Trixie’s now, you bought it for her, so it’s mine” Trixie pulled the toy out of Rainbow’s reach. Rainbow only giggled in response. They both continued eating in a surprisingly comfortable silence, it wasn’t awkward like Trixie had predicted. It was kind of nice.

Rainbow had finished rather quickly, Trixie was still nibbling on her burger. She broke the silence with a question, “So, are you gonna tell me who it is that you like?”

Trixie sighed as she replied “Trixie thought you had forgotten about it already, can’t you just let it go? Why are you interested in Trixie’s love life anyway?”, she continued slowly munching on her half-eaten burger as she listened to Rainbow’s response.

“I’m just curious, you piqued my interest when you yelled at that daisy flower, so now I won’t be able to do anything until I find out the answer. Come on, Trix, oblige me.” Rainbow explained as she casually grabbed Trixie’s unfinished french fries. “Come on, I won’t tell anyone, I promise!”

“Alright, I get it, calm down! You’re getting on Trixie’s nerves.” She angrily chewed the burger, as she pondered what to say to Rainbow. It was hard trying to think of a way out of this, since the girl in question peered right into Trixie’s soul, staring at her with the intensity of an eagle.

Trixie gingerly nibbled on the burger, slowly chewing and then slurping her cola with exaggerated slurping sounds, it was empty.

“Well?” Rainbow asked, she was on the edge of her seat, leaning closer towards Trixie.
“It’s… You…” Trixie said matter of factly, avoiding eye contact with Rainbow.

Rainbow looked surprised, disbelief in her expression, “Cut the crap, Trixie” Rainbow sniggered a little.

“Trixie is not joking, she has been in love with you ever since she met you. Your beautiful magenta eyes, the vivid beautiful hair, your boobs and everything” Trixie gesticulated wildly, emphasizing on Rainbow’s breasts, even though they weren’t big as Trixie had shown with her hands, “Your brash, over the top, tomboyish personality made Trixie fall head over heels for you!” Trixie continued.

Rainbow slammed her hand on the table, Trixie flinched, “Listen here you little pipsqueak, if you don’t answer me, so help me, I will- I will throw away this pinecone!” She grabbed the helpless little toy.

She gasped and reached for it “Not little Pinelope!”

“P-Pin-elope? You named it?” Rainbow was thrown off guard with Trixie’s shenanigans.

“What, you want Trixie to rename her?” Trixie genuinely asked with concern as if Rainbow had a say in this matter.

“I don’t care-” Rainbow was frustrated, now it was Trixie’s turn to be smug and jolly while pushing on Rainbow’s buttons.

“Why don’t you care? You gave this to Trixie, after all.” Trixie stated rather seriously

Rainbow sputtered at this, Trixie was just impossible sometimes, “S-stop kidding around, tell me who it is?” Rainbow was completely losing her patience with Trixie.

“Alright, alright, I like that tight-ass farm girl, Gingersnap or something like that, ''Trixie replied dismissively, shooing Rainbow, so as to stop her from questioning Trixie any further.

Rainbow closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Her name is Applejack.”

“Who?” Trixie asked, completely dumbfounded, not paying any attention to the conversation.

“Applejack! The girl you apparently have a crush on-” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Trixie doesn’t have a crush on Applejack!” Trixie retorted to this accusation.

“That’s it! I’m done, see you on Monday.” Rainbow stood up and grabbed her tray.

“Wait!” Trixie grabbed Rainbow by her sleeve of jacket.

“What?” Rainbow yelled and Trixie flinched, not used to seeing her so angry.

“Will you at least delete the compromising evidence that Trixie is… Not so great and powerful?” Trixie meekly asked Rainbow while trying her best to look innocent. She was innocent, it was Rainbow who recorded Trixie without consent.

“...No, I’m not gonna delete it-” Rainbow shook off Trixie’s hand.

“T-then will you at least promise not to show anyone?” Trixie almost whimpered as she said this.

“Fine, I promise.” With that Rainbow took off, as she waved a little at Trixie.

Trixie waved back, smiling a little. Not a bad day, Trixie. Not bad at all, even though you’ve managed to completely embarrass yourself in front of the Rainbow Dash of all people. She will never let you forget this day. A giggling image of Rainbow appeared before Trixie’s eyes. Till the end of the school for the rest of her life, Trixie will have to put up with Rainbow laughing in her face. “It’s not that bad though, Trixie is fine with Rainbow laughing at her, whatever”

She sighed as she stood up with the plastic tray and leftovers and went towards the garbage bin. Trixie caressed the little pinecone figure that Rainbow gave to her and then gently stuffed it in her pocket. She went outside and started walking the same as before with no destination in mind, just strolling around town, pondering what to do next.

Trixie pulled out her phone and browsed it for a few seconds, “Trixie could… Nah, that would be… Well, maybe? Yeah, definitely.” Agreeing with herself, she tapped a few times on the screen and then a dialing tone was heard and the name Love appeared on her phone. She tapped the speaker button.

“Hey, Trix, what’s u-” A girl’s voice was mixed up with the city’s bustling sounds of traffic.

Trixie didn’t really care, she interrupted ‘Love’ with a loud, almost shouting volume of her voice, “Trixie will come over, bye~”

“Oh, o-” Trixie closed the flip-phone without waiting for a response, she then marched towards Love’s place, which was pretty close, just a several blocks away. Trixie felt giddy, today was a good day, despite the initially less-than perfect start, she was pleased with the way the day went by. Her not-depression no more, she felt like she could go back to her old Great and Powerful self. Now, onwards to her ‘Love’, whoever that is.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash walked briskly to her friend’s place, Cloudy Kicks, it wasn’t that far from the cafeteria that she took off from. Just several blocks away. Man, today was a weird day, meeting Triscuit like that in the park, which was a blast, if Rainbow were honest. Not a waste of time like she thought it would be when she went for a stroll in the park out of boredom. Trixie is such a dork, never fails to make Rainbow laugh. She can be rather annoying sometimes, but it is fun to hang out with her.

For a while now, Rainbow felt uneasy, not because she practically forced Trixie to come with her for lunch, but because she felt like somebody was watching her. She turned around just to be safe, there was nobody suspicious, except, “Trixie? What the…?”

Rainbow waited for Trixie to come over, she tapped her foot in annoyance, Trixie walked quite leisurely, so Rainbow had to wait for a few dozen seconds.

“Why are you following me?” - “Why are you ambushing Trixie?” They said at the same time as they confronted each other.

“How am I ambushing you? I am standing here waiting for you in plain sight.” Rainbow crossed her arms.

“I dunno, you tell me.” Trixie shrugged nonchalantly

Rainbow poked Trixie in the chest. “Why are you following me?”

“Ouch, that hurt, be gentle with Trixie, please.” Trixie swatted Rainbow’s hand away. “For your information, Trixie is going… Someplace. She is not following you, Trixie simply has no time for spy games. Now excuse Trixie, she has places to be, ta-ta” Trixie passed Rainbow by, doing a little wave with her hand to say goodbye.

“You’re such a softie.” Rainbow rolled her eyes at Trixie’s weakness. That made Trixie stop in her tracks and she turned around to face Rainbow with a genuinely hurt expression.

“If you’re trying to hurt Trixie’s feelings, then you are succeeding. Fortunately for you, because Trixie’s so Great and Powerful, she recovers at twice the speed of a regular person. Be glad, Trixie doesn’t hold grudges against you.” Trixie gestured dramatically while she said this to Rainbow, who was just amused at this whole conversation.

“Alright, dork, I’m going to my friend’s place, feel free to follow me, stalker.” Rainbow walked past Trixie at a brisk pace, Trixie followed afterwards.

“Trixie is not a dork, nor a stalker, Rainbow Dash! You take that back.” Trixie grumbled as she followed Rainbow.

They both somehow went in the same direction, neither of them admitting that they technically did follow one another. It was quite uncanny for both of them, Rainbow was suspicious of Trixie and she was of Rainbow.

Finally, they came to a conclusion that it was just a coincidence, nothing more, though it was hard to believe as they both went up the stairs to a building, pushed the elevator button.

Awkwardly, but patiently waiting, going inside, almost getting stuck at the doors as they went inside at the same time, colliding with each other. It was quite frustrating.

The peak of uncanniness was reached when both of them reached for the same floor button, 4th, it was especially awkward when they touched each other’s index fingers.

Trixie blushed at that and crossed her arms, Rainbow refused to meet Trixie’s eyes, though it was hard as heck, because the elevator had mirrors on all sides, so they literally stared at each other, despite looking away from one another.

As the door opened with an audible ding, Trixie ran outside into the corridor, Rainbow followed close by, an easy feat for her. Trixie stopped at the door 406 and knocked, just as Rainbow appeared and pushed the door bell button.

“What-?” Trixie exclaimed as Rainbow finished the sentence for her, “-the hell?”. They stared at each other in disbelief.

“You’re here for Cloudy Kicks as well?” Rainbow asked, surprise evident on her face.

“Cloudy Kicks? You mean, Claudia Lace? Trixie’s here for her sister,” Trixie replied just as confused as Rainbow.

“Lavender?” Rainbow asked quizzically, this day just got weirder, and she didn’t know it was possible to get any more weird.

“You’re friends with her sister?” They asked each other at the same time, both staring at each other wide-eyed. What is happening?

Before they could question each other further, the door was opened and out poked a head of a blonde girl by the name of Lavender Lace.

“Oh hey, Trix and, uh, Rainbow?” She covered her mouth in surprise, “You guys came together?” Trixie never hung out with Rainbow Dash before, so this was quite unusual. Trixie would often complain about Rainbow picking on her, she hated her. Either they dated each other or this is just a coincidence.

“No, we didn’t come together!” Trixie corrected Lavender because of the implication.

“Technically, we did…” Rainbow started, but then corrected herself, “Separately, we came separately! We’re not together!” It was suddenly a bit hot here for some reason.

Lavender laughed a bit, “Come on in you two.” She motioned for them to come inside. “Make yourself at home. Cloudy, Rainbow is here!” She yelled as she went to her room with Trixie in tow.

Trixie looked at Rainbow and waved her an awkward goodbye as the latter just looked a bit uneasy. Rainbow went to Cloudy’s room which was opposite Lavender’s.

Trixie went inside the familiar room, the makeshift headquarters of their band\force to be reckoned with ‘The Illusions’, formerly known as ‘Trixie and Illusions’. The change of name was made reluctantly with a democratic vote, 2 to 1. The voters are anonymous of course.

Lavender’s and Cloudy’s parents worked late, often on business trips, so the place was left to them for most of the time. A perfect and private place for kicking up songs, playing games late into the night and just hanging out.

Lavender was the most responsible of the trio so she was like an older sister, thus the room was clean and not messy as someone might expect from such a rambunctious group.

Trixie greeted Fuchsia Blush, her other best friend, who was sitting on a bean bag chair with a handheld console.

“Hiya, Trix.” Fuchsia happily greeted her friend.

“What’s up, Fusion?” Trixie greeted her back, she settled on the carpet and leaned on Lavender’s bed. Fuchsia sighed as Lavender giggled.

“Come on, Trixie… We’ve talked about this!” Fuchsia put down her handheld console, frowning at Trixie. Things just got serious, Fuchsia never stops her game at something trivial like this.

“Whatever are you talking about, Fusion? Did Trixie do something wrong?” Trixie feigned confusion.

“Stop calling me that, Trixie. It sounds stupid! Just call me Fuchsia, god damn it” Fuchsia looked at Lavender and motioned with her eyes to help her with this.

“I think it’s a cool nickname,” Lavender added, amused by her friends' bickering.

“Not you too” Fuchsia stared at Lavender as if she betrayed her.

“See, Fusion, Love thinks so too, she clearly knows what is cool and what is not. She understands Trixie, unlike you.” Trixie smiled smugly at Fuchsia and she did a high five gesture with Lavender, who gladly returned the gesture.

“It’s because you call her ‘Love’, which I think is stupid as well.” Fuchsia

“Hey!” Lavender got ‘offended’ and playfully punched Fuchsia on the shoulder.

“Okay, hear Trixie out, Fusion. Your name is quite hard to pronounce, that is all-” Trixie started talking in a lecturing manner, teaching her inferiors.

“Wait, what-” Fuchsia blinked confusedly

“Don’t interrupt Trixie, please. You see, your name has that confusing part, the ‘-CH’. Trixie wants to pronounce it as ‘K’, but everybody else pronounces your name as ‘fyoosha’ and not ‘fookseah’. Believe Trixie, she has done her research-”

“You were doing research on this, instead of homework?” Lavender raised her arm like in a class. It’s best to be polite when Trixie is like this.

“Love, please, don’t interrupt Trixie,” Trixie scolded Lavender, playfully motioning for her to be quiet. Trixie reached for her pocket and thankfully she did not lose it, the folded piece of paper, she slowly and dramatically unfolded it. She looked quite happy with herself.

There were several creases and both Lavender and Fuchsia saw printed text on it, as it seemed like a, “Is that a page from Wikipedia?” Fuchsia asked, disbelief in her voice. Yes it was, there was even a picture of a Fuchsia flower.

“As you can see for yourself, Trixie came prepared. The Fuchsia flower was discovered by a French botanist Charles Plumier,” Lavender and Fuchsia were very confused, they couldn’t follow what Trixie was getting at, but they listened attentively nonetheless, such is the power of Great and Powerful Trixie, enamoring the audience with the most mundane act. She continued, “Charles named the flower after German botanist Leonhart Fu**s.”

“What!? That can’t be real!” Fuchsia exclaimed and Lavender laughed.

“See for yourself,” Trixie handed the piece of paper to her.

Fuchsia quickly scanned the paper and indeed there it was black on white. Leonhart Fuchs. Pronounced as [fooks], which sounds like fu**s with a thick british accent. “Well, I accept the Fusion nickname, it’s cool, I like it” Fuchsia just realized how lucky she was with that nickname.

“Do you want Trixie to call you Fuchs, instead?” Trixie asked while looking straight into Fuchsia’s eyes, amusement was just radiating from Trixie.

“Nonono, I’d like to be called Fusion, I swear” Fuchsia knew that it would be impossible to make Trixie be normal for once, adequate, but alas, she is Trixie after all.

“Very well, Fuchs.” Trixie and Lavender both laughed at this.

“Oh, me, me, me, do me now, Trixie!” Lavender was giddy, this was quite fun. Fuchsia just gave up and tried to ignore her friends’ mocking laughter.

“Sorry, Love, but Trixie hasn’t done any research on you.” Trixie was reluctant to disappoint Lavender like that, it wasn’t in her nature.

Fuchsia perked up at this, something nagged her, “Why do you call her Love? Why not just ‘Lav’, since it’s more appropriate, because when you call her Love it seems like you are lovers.” Fuchsia pointed out this oddity, before she just assumed that Trixie loved Lavender more, and was just jealous, now though it just confused her.

“Whatever do you mean, by calling her ‘Lav’,” Trixie stopped smiling and was genuinely confused as to why Fuchsia said that, did she fail English or something? “It’s just wrong, don’t be stupid.”

“Wait, what? Trixie, uh, can you spell my name?” Lavender got concerned, this was too good to be true.

“Of course,” Trixie stated, but her confidence quickly faded. Trixie can’t be wrong, right? “L-O-V-E-N-D-E-R, Lovender, right? Trixie’s not illiterate.”

“Pfft, hahaha!” Fuchsia burst out laughing, barely able to calm down, “C-clearly, haha, she is not!” She said between hysterical giggles.

Lavender approached Trixie, surprisingly she didn’t laugh much, just giggled a little, “It’s Lavender, Trixie. L-A-V, just one wrong letter, don’t let this affect your confidence. Fuchs will forget soon enough, and I did like it when you called me ‘Love’.” She smiled at Trixie.

Trixie smiled in turn “Thanks, Lav.” This was definitely the worst backwards day ever, Trixie managed to embarrass herself today enough times to be remembered forever as a Clumsy and illiterate Tripsy. Trixie is just thankful that Rainbow Dash didn’t witness this.

“By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you, Trixie.” Lavender started and Trixie was grateful for a change of subject, “What’s with you and Rainbow? Are you guys together or something?”

“What? No way, that’s so cool” Fuchsia exclaimed offering a fist bump to Trixie.

“Uh, w-what? Trixie is not gonna bump it,” She said to Fuchsia whose mood quickly diminished, “We’re not together! We just came together and sure I’ve met her in the park before, we did have lunch together… And she paid for it… Which could be considered as a kind of a date? She even gave Trixie this gift… Hmm” Trixie pulled out a pinecone figurine from her pocket.

“Omg, I am so happy for you Trixie,” Lavender hugged Trixie, as the latter protested.

“This is just a misunderstanding, we’re not dating!”

“I’m gonna go invite Rainbow. Fuchs, Trixie order some pizza, we need to celebrate this occasion!” Lavender enthusiastically gestured for them to call the pizza cafe, and then went towards the door, just as she reached for the door knob-

A flustered Rainbow Dash burst into the room with a giggling Cloudy behind her, “What the hell are you guys talking about?”

This misunderstanding just keeps on escalating… Trixie groaned as she rubbed her temples.

The next dozen minutes a few pizzas were ordered, while they waited for a courier, Rainbow and Trixie proceeded to take turns, explaining in great detail that they are not in fact dating. Though, the explanation fell on deaf ears, because Lavender kept whispering with Fuchsia and giggling, Cloudy kept smiling at Trixie in a “Trixie you sly dog” way.

“Well, this was fun,” Cloudy Kicks stood up and went to the door, she put on her jacket, “Listen, Rainbow, Trixie, I fully expect a ‘save-the-date’ on your wedding.” She received a glare from both Trixie and Rainbow.

“Hey, are you ditching me here?” Rainbow asked Cloudy who was putting on her shoes.

“Yeah, I’ve got a date, I am not gonna come home tonight so I’ll see you tomorrow,” She then turned to her sister, “Lavender, you're in charge of the house, behave please. Oh and Rainbow, you can totally crash in my room, I don’t mind,” Cloudy then motioned for Rainbow to come closer, she whispered something in her ear and Rainbow blushed turning into a tomato. She looked indignantly at a laughing Cloudy, her giggles were heard even after she closed the door.

“What did she tell you?” Trixie asked curiously, what was so funny, and why did Cloudy winked at her at the last moment when their eyes met.

“Nothing, just, uh, an inappropriate joke” Rainbow told Trixie as she poured herself a glass of water. She gulped it quickly, trying to suppress her blush.

Just then Trixie realized what was so funny, she came closer to Rainbow Dash and whispered “Can I speak with you privately, please?”

This caught Rainbow off guard, she knew Trixie was upset and serious when she dropped the 3rd person speech. Trixie took Rainbow’s hand and led her towards Cloudy’s room.

Fuchsia and Lavender looked at each other, “Let’s give them some space, you wanna play Crash Bash?” Lavender went on to set up their playstation.

“Sure, we gotta finish that boss Bearminator” Fuchsia said as she grabbed a slice of pizza.

Cloudy's room was quite dark, only night light was on, which made the atmosphere a bit more intimate than Rainbow Dash preferred, especially with Trixie staring daggers at her.

“Well?” Trixie waited with an annoyed expression. Rainbow was at a loss of words, did Trixie expect her to do something? Trixie averted her eyes from Rainbow Dash. It was hard to tell if she was blushing or not, the ambient light didn’t help.

She decided to listen to her heart, so Rainbow slowly leaned towards Trixie, her eyes closed, heart intensively beating in her chest and then she lost her focus as Trixie started talking.

“You showed her the recording, didn't you? Even though Trixie asked you specifically, not to do that,” Trixie harrumphed as she kept fuming, not looking Rainbow in the eyes, “Trixie is irate right now and I fully expect a formal apology letter by the end of the day or else.”

“Oh… OH! That’s what this is all about?” Rainbow was very disappointed and embarrassed that this was not what she thought it was, “I didn’t show her anything, I promised you after all.” Thankfully, Trixie didn’t notice Rainbow’s advances towards her, she is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Both of them are.

“Then why was she winking at Trixie and giggling like a dullard?” Trixie asked quizzically, her anger subsided and replaced by lucid confusion.

“Well, I will tell you, when you’re ready” Rainbow reassured Trixie.

“Trixie was born ready, Rainbow Dash. Spill the beans, come on” Trixie was beginning to be impatient with Rainbow coddling her like that.

“No, too soon-,” Rainbow feigned exhaustion as she fake yawned. “I’m feeling a little drowsy, I’m gonna go to sleep early, so good night, Trixie.” She gently shooed Trixie out of the room.

“Oh, okay, then, g’night,” Trixie, the agent of chaos, kissed Rainbow on the cheek before exiting the room. It happened so fast, that Rainbow could barely understand what happened in the span of one second.

Rainbow stared at the closed door for what seemed like an infinity, this is what a kiss of a girl does to a person. She underestimated the power of a cheek kiss. It is just as Great and Powerful as a kiss on the lips, with tongue. Not that Rainbow experienced such a kiss before.

“What just happened?”

Author's Note:

Initially, Rainbow Dash was supposed to be an antagonist in this story, but Trixie had other plans apparently. Inconvenient Tripsy strikes once again. I do not know how this story will end, be mindful of the fact that I am a complete gibberish mess. Don’t expect anything out of me. I am but a simple peanut butter sandwich.