• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 155 Views, 5 Comments

Daring do and the stalker at Twilight. - Aiwhisper

Daring do faces her worst foe yet, an overzealous fan.

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Darring Do was on edge. Two weeks. For two weeks she had felt that familiar tingling up her spine that signaled an enemy was stalking her and yet there had been no attack.

“They’re out there, I know they are.” She peeked through her blinds with a twitchy eye and messy mane. A passing pony gave her a wave.

The pony shrugged when Darring Do Ducked Down. “They’re doing this on purpose to wear me down and get to my artifacts.”

She opened a box on the fireplace mantle. “Do they wan my ring of Scorcho? No it’s useless now that the others were destroyed.” She tossed the box aside and rushed to open a fake book. “Maybe the Alicorn amulet of the sun. No that’s also broken.” She slammed the book shut.

“Gah! Why won’t they just attack already. I hate waiting and it makes for awful inspiration.” Darring pulled on her mane and fluttered her disheveled wings before hiding under a blanket on her couch.

“Appears to have writers block, has not left home in a number of days. Has asked Rainbow to do grocery shopping.” Twilight tapped her chin while resting on a cloud overlooking A.k.’s house.”hmm”

“Hi Twilight, still stalking Darring Do.” Pinkie was riding her hoof powered whirly copter.

“I’m not stalking I’m doing research for her biology I’m working on.” Twilight huffed.

“Oh, okey-dokey Loki. I was just wondering if you wanted to try my new cupcakes.” She shoved one in Twilight’s mouth.

“Mmm.” Twilight fluttered her wings happily. “That was great Pinkie thanks.”

“Ohh should she have one of those?” Pinkie pointed towards Darring who was holding a cross bow.

“It’s fine, she has a permit. I remember seeing the paperwork when I last organized town hall.” Twilight waved it off. “She is a professional after all.”

Darring Do had loaded her crossbow before she left the house. Sure she was getting some odd looks from the townsfolk and excited looks from foals but that was fine. She was fine, now that she had her trusty sharp shooter.

Darring Do nearly jumped into Twilight’s cloud when the bowstring broke and the arrow fell off poking her in the back. “An attack.”

She took a karate stance and earned even more dirty looks once the towns ponies realized they were not in fact ‘under attack’ and it was just some apparently crazy mare crying wolf. “He he, sorry everypony.”

Darring rushed back home, broken crossbow between her wings. “I knew I should have maintained this old thing better. I haven’t used it since my second book.” She cursed herself.

“Hmm. I hope she doesn’t have a habit of screaming and scaring the town. We get enough of that with the monthly Tuesday monster attacks. Speaking of which we haven’t had one for a while.” Twilight wondered aloud.

“Oh that’s because this Tuesday was a crazy antics day. There was this whole thing with Lyra and Derpy and a missing package from Big Mac to Sugar Bell.” Pinkie sat on the cloud next Two Twilight to regale her with the story.

“Oh, well that makes sense then. I was worried our friendship students would have to take care of themselves again.” Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. Starlight was busy enough with her counselor duties.