• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 271 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian girls scary story to tell in the dark - Savant 123

A series of scary stories featuring characters from equestrian girls

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The game

Flash sentry was in his room on his computer going through the internet until he stumbled upon a website that is selling an old banned game that never made it to the market due to it being dub too violent and bloody by that era standards. The game was called Demon Blood.

This got flash attention since he always enjoys good games, so he decided to purchase this game. It took a week, but the game was finally delivered, and immediately after receiving the game, he went to his room. After connecting the game console to the TV in his room, he installed the game into it and switched on the TV and the game console.

It took a minute, but the game was finally done loading. The first thing he was greeted with when the game started was the start screen. Which flash had to admit look a bit pretty terrifying even though the game was using old graphics. The start screen shows a medieval city that was in ruins with dead ponies, unicorns, and pegasus on the ground with large wounds covering them and their blood and guts spilling over the floor.

“No wonder why this was banned,“ Flash said as he clicked the start button, and immediately after that, there was red static for a bit before the screen showed a character select screen. There were a total of three characters. The characters that were on the screen were wing unicorns, and if he remembers correctly, his sister, who is a fan of the kids show Adventure Pony, would call them alicorns.

The first one was the largest of the three. It had a white coat and multi-color mane, and under it was the word princess Celestia. The second one was smaller than the first one. It had a dark blue coat and mane, and under it was the word princess Luna, and the final one was slightly smaller than the second one. It had a pink coat and mane, and under it was the Luna princess Cadence. Flash click on the first one, Celestia, and after that, the game switches to a loading screen.

After that was done, it changed to show the scene of Princess Celestia in the throne room of a ruin castle. On the floor of the throne were what looked like the dead bodies of pony guards who were covered with wounds, their blood and guts spilling over the floor. A text box then appeared, saying beware of the demon before disappearing. Flash then moves his character through the room until it reaches the door. The door opens, and he moves his character to go through it and into the hallway.

The hallway was dark, like the throne room, and was in ruins. It had dead bodies of unicorns, ponies, and Pegasus. He moved his character down the hall and eventually stopped next to a wall that said, Find the crown written in blood.

“I guess that might be the objective of the game,“ Flash said as he moved his character again down the hall until he reached a door that opened as soon as his character got near. He went through the door, and his character was now in a ruin library. Its floor was littered with blood-covered books, and some of its shelves were destroyed. He had his character move along the room until he stopped at a book on a table. When he got his character close, there was an icon that told him which button to press. He did as instructed, and immediately another text box appeared that told a story.

“Long ago, Canterlot was once a peaceful kingdom, but one day an evil cult performed a blood sacrifice that summoned an evil demon that had terrorized and destroyed the kingdom. The only hope is to find the crown of harmony, as only its power can vanquish the demon. Find the crown.” With that, the text box disappeared.

“I guess that's why I need to find the crown.” Flash said as he moved out of the library and began walking through the hallway again. It took a while, but his character eventually found the exit to the castle. He went through it and saw that his character was now in the city from the start screen. He moves his character through the city, and every so often he finds another dead body. While walking, eventually he stopped and saw a pink pony with puffy pink hair. She was covered in blood and smiling evilly.

A text box appears, indicating she is saying something. “Beware, beware,” she said before putting both hoofs on her head and twisting them so her neck broke, killing her instantly as she fell to the ground.

“That was just creepy,“ Flash said as he actually found what he just saw disturbing, made even more so by the breaking bone sound effects he heard, especially due to how realistic it sounded.

He moved his character again, and after a bit of exploring, he found what looked like the gate of the city. After going through the gate, he found himself outside of the city, and not far away was a train station with a train already in waiting. Flash moved his character to the station, and once it was near the train, an icon appeared on the screen, telling him which button to press to board the train. Flash did what he was instructed and was treated to a cutscene of the train traveling through a ruin landscape that was littered with dead trees and animals. What's more, he heard demonic laughter in the background, which actually scared him a bit.

After the cutscenes ended, he found himself in a small town, and not far from his character was a sign that said welcome to Ponyvile. He then travels towards the town, which, like the city, is in ruins and filled with dead bodies. He eventually reached the place that was called the library, if the sign next to it was any indication. The library looks like a tree, but it looks like it was made and modified into a house, if the broken front door and broken window are any indication. He moved his character inside and was greeted by the sigh of a purple unicorn being hung by its own intestines, if her open stomach is any indication. Not too far from her was a decapitated small dragon head that was on a spike. The dragon's eyes were wide open and filled with terror. Flash was about to move again, but he found himself unable to. He looked at the screen again and saw that his character was now on the floor, crying. It took a few seconds, but she eventually stopped and got up. Flash immediately regained control of his character and began walking again. He looked around the library until he stopped and found a letter on the table. After clicking on the button that was instructed, a new text box appeared on the screen.

“Go find the castle of two sisters in the everfree forest where the elements of harmony are kept." It seen.

“Elements of harmony,“ Flash said as he remembered the crown he was supposed to be looking for, which is called the crown of harmony. Believing that to be a clue, he went outside the library and began walking around the city until he noticed a sign that said Everfree, pointing towards a forest. ”I guess that is where I must go.”

He then moves his character to go through the everfree forest, and while walking, he eventually comes upon a hut of some kind in the forest. He moved his character to go in and was greeted by the sight of a zebra that had four wooden stakes embedded into four of her hooves, pinning her to the wall. What more would the zebra look like it was skin alive and die in a painful manner if the look of terror in her eyes were any indication.He then heard laughter, and immediately, behind his character, a red-skinned demon wearing a red and yellow dress with hair of similar color appeared. The demon laughed demonically before jumping at his character and swiping her hands at his character, cutting her head off, which resulted in her falling to the ground and blood gushing out of the dead corpse.

He was immediately treated to a game over screen which was of the demon holding his character's decapitated head, laughing evilly, and under her, were the words can't escape. He was then sent back to the character select screen, only to find that the character box for Celestia had a red X across it, indicating he couldn’t select her again. He instead selected Luna, and after the screen was done loading, his character now appeared in an arena of some kind wearing armor, and she had a determined look on her face. Instantly, there were text boxes that appeared on the screen that told him which button he needed to press for attack, jump, and block. After that was done, the demon from before flew down to the arena. The word right appears on the screen, and Flash quickly fights the demon. However, despite putting up a good fight, he was ultimately defeated, as the demon killed his character by striking her claws into his chest and pulling her heart out, killing her instantly. He was once again treated to a game over the screen of the demon holding the heart, and under her were the words can't win.

He was once again sent back to the character select screen, and like Celestia, Luna also had a red X over her, indicating he could not use her again. He then selected the only character left, which was Cadence. After selecting her, he was treated to a loading screen. After the loading screen was done, his character appeared in what looked like a landscape. The words don’t let her catch you appear on the screen, and soon after that, the demon appears behind his character. Quickly realizing what he was supposed to do, he had his character run as fast as he could from the demon while avoiding obstacles. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get away from the demon, and eventually she managed to get a hand on his character and immediately gutted it open, resulting in the character's gut spilling out. Like before, he was taken to a game-over scene with the demon holding cadance corpse with her guts coming out of her body and under her with the words your next.

Fiash can’t help but feel like the demon is looking at him. He decided enough was enough, so he decided to switch the game off. He checked the time and saw it was evening, so he decided to go to the bathroom to take a shower, and after he had dinner with his family and did his homework, he decided to go to bed. However, while he tries to go to sleep, he can’t help but feel like something is wrong. He opened his eyes and saw nothing in his room, and after looking around one more time, he decided to go to sleep. However, immediately after that, his TV screen turned on again, and on it was the start screen of the game.

“What the heck?” Flash said in a confused voice, and before he could do anything, a red claw hand came out of the screen, and immediately the rest of the body it was connected to came out. What came out was the demon from the game.

“I told you, you next,” she said as she jumped at Flash and covered his mouth before he could scream. She then began walking back towards the TV with him. Flash tried his best to break free, but to no avail. The demon then entered the TV, taking Flash with him.
The next day, flash little sister went to his room to wake up her brother, only to find him missing. She then noticed the TV in the room was on, and on the screen was the character select screen of the game. Only unlike before, the characters no longer had a red X on them, and in addition to that, there was now a new character on them. It was an orange Pegasus with a blue mane that was styled in the same hairstyle as Flash, and under it was the character name Flash Sentry.
The end

Author's Note:

This chapter was inspired by a creepypasta about a sonic and Mario game. In case you could not tell the demon in the game was base on sunset demon form.

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