• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 328 Views, 15 Comments

A new beginning - SonataDusk17

exiled sirens Aria, Sonata, and Adagio seek redemption in the human world. Amidst everyday challenges, they forge unlikely bonds and confront their pasts.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Enemies to Friends

The morning sun filtered through the windows of the Dazzlings' house, casting a warm glow over the rooms. Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and Adagio Dazzle were preparing for their first day at Canterlot High School, each with their own thoughts and emotions about the upcoming day.

Aria grumbled under her breath. "Why do we even have to go to school? It's such a waste of time," she complained, her tone dripping with annoyance.

Sonata, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement. "I can't wait to meet new friends and learn new things!" she exclaimed, a wide smile lighting up her face.

Adagio rolled her eyes at the contrasting attitudes of her companions but couldn’t help but grin then. She paused for a moment, a mixture of excitement and apprehension flickering in her eyes. "It's been a while since we've been in a school environment," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I suppose it's a necessary step in our new beginning."

Their conversation ebbed and flowed as they made their way through their morning routines, the anticipation of the first day of school mingling with a hint of unease.

- ✽ -

The halls of Canterlot High buzzed with activity as students rushed to their classes. Among them were the Dazzlings—Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and Adagio Dazzle—navigating the unfamiliar territory of their new school.

As they turned a corner, they came face to face with a group of students led by Sunset Shimmer, known as the Main 7. Memories of their past encounters at the Battle of the Bands resurfaced, casting a shadow of unease over the meeting.

Sunset's eyes narrowed slightly as she recognized the Dazzlings. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the infamous sirens," she remarked, her tone a mix of curiosity and caution.

Aria's posture tensed, her defensive instincts kicking in. "We're not here to cause trouble," she stated firmly, her gaze challenging.

Sonata, ever the optimist, tried to lighten the mood. "Yeah, we're just trying to turn over a new leaf!" she chirped, her bubbly personality shining through despite the tension.

Adagio, the most reserved of the trio, observed Sunset and the others with a cool demeanor. "We're well aware of our past actions, but we're not looking for trouble," she said, her voice measured yet wary.

The girls exchanged cautious glances, their memories of the intense rivalry at the Battle of the Bands still fresh in their minds. Sunset, being the most familiar with the Dazzlings' history, took the lead in the conversation.

"What brings you to Canterlot High?" Sunset inquired, her tone neutral yet probing.

Adagio took a moment before responding, choosing her words carefully. "We're here to start anew, to focus on academics and make amends for our past mistakes," she explained, her gaze steady.

Everyone listened attentively, but skepticism lingered in their eyes. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances, their memories of the Dazzlings' enchantments during the Battle of the Bands still vivid.

Twilight Sparkle, however, remained curious. "I wasn't here during the Battle of the Bands. Can someone fill me in?" she asked, her analytical nature kicking in.

Sunset briefly recounted the events, highlighting the Dazzlings' use of mind control through their music to manipulate the students and create chaos.

As the conversation unfolded, tensions eased slightly, but an undercurrent of caution remained. Sunset spoke up, her voice firm but not accusatory. "Just so we're clear, we don't want any trouble here. If you're sincere about turning over a new leaf, that's great. But if you try anything like what happened before, you'll have all of us to deal with," she warned, her eyes meeting Adagio's with a silent challenge.

Adagio nodded in understanding. "We understand your concerns, and we assure you, we're not here to repeat past mistakes," she stated, her tone sincere.

With a tentative truce established, the two groups parted ways, each processing the encounter in their own way.

- ✽ -

The bell chimed, signaling the start of their first class at Canterlot High. Adagio and Sunset found themselves in the same room, surrounded by students bustling with energy and anticipation.

As the teacher announced the first assignment—a group project requiring pairs to work closely together—Adagio's and Sunset's eyes met with a mixture of surprise and apprehension.

"You'll be each other's partners," the teacher announced, oblivious to the history between the two.

Adagio's initial reaction was guarded, her mind racing with memories of past conflicts. Sunset, too, felt a pang of caution, her past experiences with the Dazzlings casting a shadow over the present moment.

They exchanged a tentative nod, acknowledging the assignment with a silent understanding. As they gathered their materials and settled into their seats, a palpable tension hung in the air between them.

Adagio broke the silence first, her voice measured yet friendly. "I suppose we should discuss how we want to approach this project," she suggested, her gaze meeting Sunset's with a hint of curiosity.

Sunset, still cautious, nodded in agreement. "Sure, let's brainstorm ideas and see where we can collaborate," she replied, her tone polite but guarded.

Their conversation started off tentatively, each step carefully navigated to avoid any potential conflicts. Adagio's strategic mindset and Sunset's analytical approach complemented each other, leading to a surprisingly productive discussion.

As they delved deeper into the project, Sunset couldn't help but feel curious about the Dazzlings' change in behavior. "I have to ask, why the sudden shift in attitude? What made you decide to be good now?" she inquired, her tone gentle yet probing.

Adagio hesitated for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. "It's complicated," she began, choosing her words carefully. "After the Battle of the Bands, we lost our pendants—the source of our power. Without them, we're just regular people trying to navigate this world," she explained, a hint of vulnerability creeping into her voice.

Sunset listened attentively, sensing the weight of Adagio's words. "I can imagine that must be challenging," she acknowledged, her tone empathetic.

Adagio nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "You have no idea. And then there's dealing with Sonata's enthusiasm and Aria's...well, Aria," she added with a small chuckle, her tone affectionate yet exasperated.

Sunset couldn't help but smile in return, a sense of understanding blossoming between them. "Sounds like you've had your hands full," she remarked.

Adagio nodded in agreement. "You could say that. But we're trying to make the best of it," she concluded, a newfound determination in her tone.

Their conversation continued, weaving between project details and personal stories, as Adagio and Sunset found common ground amidst the challenges they faced.

By the end of the class, a tentative bond had formed between them, paving the way for a new chapter of collaboration and understanding.

- ✽ -

As the morning sunlight filtered through the windows of Canterlot High, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk entered the classroom, their expressions mirroring their contrasting attitudes toward the day's lesson.

Aria scanned the room and spotted Rarity and Applejack, but her greeting was less than enthusiastic. "Oh, joy. We have class with... um, whatever their names are," she muttered under her breath, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Sonata, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement. "Look, Aria! It's Rarity and Applejack! This is going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

Rarity smiled warmly at Sonata. "Good morning, Sonata! It's lovely to see your enthusiasm," she remarked, her tone friendly.

Applejack nodded in agreement. "Morning, Sonata. Ready to work together on this project?" she asked, her practical approach evident in her words.

Aria rolled her eyes at their exchange but begrudgingly followed Sonata to their seats next to Rarity and Applejack. Throughout the class, Sonata chatted animatedly with Rarity and Applejack, eager to get to know them better.

Rarity and Applejack engaged Sonata in conversation, asking about her interests and sharing stories from their own experiences.

Sonata eagerly responded, "I love music and dancing! What about you, Rarity?"

Rarity smiled. "Oh, I adore fashion and creativity. It's wonderful to meet someone with such passion for the arts."

Aria rolled her eyes at the two of them. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. You both love artsy stuff," she muttered sarcastically.

As they worked on the assignment, Sonata's confusion became apparent, much to Aria's annoyance. "Ugh, why are you so clueless? It's not that hard," Aria muttered, her frustration evident.

To Aria's surprise, Sonata beamed with joy when Aria offered her help without being asked. She hugged Aria tightly, grateful for the assistance.

“Thanks for the help Ari!” She exclaimed, grinning as she hugged Aria even more tightly.

Aria pushed Sonata away, trying to maintain her cool exterior. "Yeah, yeah, don't get too excited. It's just common sense," she replied dismissively, though a hint of satisfaction flickered in her eyes at Sonata's happiness.

Rarity observed the interaction carefully, her analytical mind piecing together the dynamics within their group. A theory began to form in her head, hinting at deeper connections and unspoken feelings among them.

As the class progressed, Aria's reluctance to engage softened slightly, thanks to Sonata's infectious optimism and the friendly atmosphere created by Rarity and Applejack.

- ✽ -

In another part of Canterlot High, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash gathered for their first class of the day. The topic of discussion naturally turned to the recently arrived Dazzlings.

“I don't trust those Dazzlings. They've caused enough trouble already. I wouldn't put it past them to stir up more chaos." Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy, ever the optimist, offered a different perspective. "I think they might have changed. They seemed sincere about trying to be better."

Pinkie Pie chimed in, her usual cheerful demeanor contrasting with the seriousness of the conversation. "Oh, I don't know. They seemed nice enough. Maybe they just need a chance to prove themselves."

“I agree, they do seem nice,” Twilight said offering her opinion.

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms, her expression skeptical. "Still, I don’t trust them. They're mean, manipulative, and cruel. Just look at what they did at the Battle of the Bands. If you had been there, Twilight, you would hate them too."

Twilight, however, remained composed. "Well, I haven't seen any evidence of them being malicious since they arrived."

Rainbow Dash shook her head, adamant in her stance. "Nice on the surface, maybe. But that's how they draw you in. They're masters of deception, Twilight. Don't let their facade fool you."

Twilight considered Rainbow Dash's words but stayed true to her initial impression. "I understand your concern, Rainbow, but I believe in giving second chances. You gave me a second chance even after what happened at the Friendship Games, remember? So let's not judge them based solely on their past."

Rainbow Dash sighed, knowing she wouldn't sway Twilight easily. "Fine, but mark my words, they're trouble."

Suddenly Rainbow Dash had an idea, she could test the Dazzlings and prove to her friends that they really were still trouble. The plan was forming quickly in her head, it wasn’t complete yet but already it was an evil plan, she would figure out the rest later but first she needed to observe the Dazzlings and get to know them better which was something she was reluctant to do but was necessary.

The group continued their discussion, weighing the Dazzlings' arrival and potential impact on Canterlot High. Little did they suspect the events that would follow.

- ✽ -

After their morning classes ended, the Dazzlings gathered their belongings, met up, and walked around since they had a bit of free time before lunch started. As they walked through the hallways they chatted about their experiences so far and their new friends they had made.

Sonata bounced with excitement, eager to share her thoughts. "Oh my gosh, did you guys see that new club poster? It looks super fun!"

Adagio smiled at Sonata's enthusiasm. "It does look interesting. How about you, Aria? Any highlights?"

Aria shrugged, not particularly interested. "Not really. Just the usual stuff. What about you, Adagio?"

“Not so bad actually, I have Sunset Shimmer in all my classes,” Adagio said smiling.

Aria teased playfully, “Already fallen for her, huh? Love at first sight?”

Adagio's cheeks flushed slightly, a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. "No! We've only just met, and I admire her as a friend. That's all."

Aria grinned mischievously. "Sure, sure. We all believe you, Adagio."

Sonata chimed in, giggling. "Adagio and Sunset, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Aria grinned at this and laughed as Sonata continued to sing while Adagio blushed deeply and tried to ignore Sonata.

“Cat got your tongue, eh, Adagio?” Aria said, laughing. “It’s alright you don’t have to hide your secret crush from us, we got it, Sunset was just too charming and you fell for her.”

Adagio blushed even more and then chuckled, deciding to playing along and tease Aria back for revenge. "Oh please, Aria. We all know about your secret crush on Sonata."

Aria's face turned beet red as she stammered, "Wha- What are you talking about? That's ridiculous!"

Sonata giggled, enjoying the banter, oblivious to exactly what Adagio was saying. "Aww, Aria! You're blushing!"

Adagio grinned mischievously. "It's okay, Aria. We won't judge you for liking Sonata."

“Uh, Sonata why don’t you tell Adagio about how much you enjoyed class,” Aria said immediately trying to change the subject.

"Well we had some interesting discussions," Sonata replied, her eyes lighting up, not even knowing what kind of mess she had just gotten Aria out of. "And Rarity and Applejack were in our classes too! They seem nice."

Adagio nodded thoughtfully, deciding to stop teasing Aria and just go along with the subject now. "That's good to hear. Maybe we'll get to know them better."

Aria scoffed, crossing her arms. She had now regained her composure and had stopped blushing and was back to her usual self. "Why bother? We're not here to make friends, especially not with them."

Adagio frowned. ”But, Aria, remember what we talked about? Starting anew, making an effort to get along?"

Aria sighed, clearly annoyed. "Yeah, yeah, I remember. But that doesn't mean I have to like them or want to be their friends."

Sonata interjected with her usual optimism. "Come on, Aria! Don't be so pessimistic. Maybe they're not so bad after all."

Aria shot back, "Easy for you to say, Sonata. You always see the good in everyone. But the three of us agreed we'd tolerate each other, not those bitches.”

Adagio gently reminded Aria, trying hard not to yell at Aria and scold her, especially for her use of language. "Tolerate doesn't mean dismiss or be rude. We can at least try to be civil and open-minded. Also they are not… b words, let’s refrain from that language.”

Aria rolled her eyes at Adagio’s motherly nature. “I can use whatever language I like, and if I think they’re bitches then that’s what they are.”

Adagio glared at Aria as she said slowly and sharply, “Don't -- call -- them -- that.

"Sheesh, I was just-," Aria started to say but was cut off by Adagio.

Adagio's voice carried a sharp edge as she continued, "We're trying to start anew here, Aria. Name-calling won't help."

Aria rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defiantly. "Relax, Adagio. I was just joking. Can't you take a joke?"

Adagio's expression softened slightly, her frustration evident. "It's not about joking, Aria. We need to show them that we're different now. We can't afford to let old habits ruin everything."

Sonata, sensing the tension, intervened with a cheerful tone. "Come on, guys! Let's not argue. We're all here together, right?"

Aria huffed, but her expression softened. "Fine, fine. No more name-calling, I promise."

Adagio nodded, her demeanor relaxing a bit. "Thank you, Aria.”

Ding! Ding! Ding! The sharp chime of the lunch bell echoed through the corridors, signaling that it was time for lunch.

“Yay! Time for lunch!” Sonata exclaimed.

Adagio chuckled at Sonata’s enthusiasm. “Let’s head to the cafeteria then.”

Their conversation continued as they walked, weaving through the crowded halls towards the cafeteria. Adagio occasionally glanced at Aria, noting her stubbornness but also her determination. Sonata skipped ahead, humming a tune to herself and occasionally commenting on things around them.

As they reached the cafeteria entrance, the lively chatter and clinking of trays filled the air, signaling the start of lunchtime. The Dazzlings joined the queue for food, their conversation turning to lighter topics as they waited.

After getting their food, Sunset caught the Dazzlings' attention and waved them over. "Hey, Adagio, Aria, Sonata! Come sit with us."

Adagio exchanged a glance with Aria and Sonata before nodding. "Sure, why not?"

As they joined the Main 7 at their table, the atmosphere was a mix of curiosity and cautious optimism.

Sunset smiled warmly. "So, how's your first day going? Any highlights?"

Adagio took the lead, eager to steer the conversation in a positive direction. "It's been interesting, to say the least. We're still adjusting to Canterlot High's vibe."

Aria, however, seemed uninterested, idly poking at her food. "Yeah, it's school. What's there to talk about?"

Sonata, always the optimist, added, "I think it's great! So many new faces and things to learn."

Fluttershy chimed in softly, "I agree with Sonata. It's nice to have a fresh start and meet new friends."

Rainbow Dash, with her usual confidence, remarked, "Yeah, well, just don't go trusting everyone too soon. Some people aren't what they seem."

Pinkie Pie, eager to include everyone in the conversation, chimed in, "Ooh, do you have any favorite subjects yet? I love baking, but I also love science!"

Applejack, nodding in agreement, added, "Ah reckon history's mighty interestin'. Learnin' 'bout the past helps us understand the present."

Twilight Sparkle, always curious, asked, "How are you finding the academic workload? Canterlot High can be challenging, but also rewarding."

The conversation flowed between the groups, with laughter and shared experiences creating a warm atmosphere.

As lunch continued, Sunset and Adagio found themselves in a one-on-one conversation, discussing their classes and shared interests.

"I have all my classes with you," Adagio remarked with a smile. "Looks like we'll be spending a lot of time together."

Sunset returned the smile. "That's great! We can help each other out and make this transition smoother."

Adagio nodded. "Definitely. I'm looking forward to it."

Meanwhile, Aria and Sonata conversed animatedly about their own experiences.

"Can you believe we have all classes together?" Sonata exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Aria, less enthused, replied, "Yeah, great. More time stuck in classrooms and stuck with you as well.”

Sonata nudged her playfully. "Oh, come on, Aria! It'll be fun. We can help each other out."

Aria sighed but couldn't help a small smile. "Yeah, whatever you say, Sonata."

Rarity, ever the astute observer, watching quietly, noticed the dynamics at play and filed away her observations for later reflection. Applejack noticed Rarity's scrutiny and nudged her lightly. "Now, Rarity, don't go makin' assumptions already. I reckon I know where yer mind's wanderin', they’re just friends, nothin' more to it."

Rarity chuckled, trying to play it off. "Oh, I'm just taking in the scene, darling. No assumptions here."

As the lunch period came to an end, Sunset extended an invitation. "We should hang out more sometime. Maybe do something fun after school?"

Adagio glanced at her fellow Dazzlings, who exchanged nods of agreement. "That sounds like a plan. Thanks for having us today."

With smiles exchanged and a newfound sense of friendship, the Dazzlings and the Main 7 parted ways, each group feeling a bit more connected than before.

- ✽ -

As the day came to an end and classes were dismissed, the Main 7 and the Dazzlings met up at the front of the school. Sunset smiled warmly at the Dazzlings and extended an invitation. "Hey, why don't you all come over to my place? We can hang out some more."

Adagio and Sonata exchanged excited glances, their eyes lighting up with anticipation.

Adagio responded first, her tone eager. "That sounds wonderful, Sunset. Thank you for inviting us."

Sonata nodded vigorously. "Yeah! It'll be so much fun!"

Aria, however, seemed a bit hesitant, crossing her arms and looking uncertain.

"I don't know. We barely know them." Aria muttered.

Sonata, ever the optimist, playfully nudged Aria. "Aw, come on, Aria! It'll be an adventure. Besides, we can't just turn down an invitation like that."

Aria sighed, giving in to Sonata's persuasion. "Fine, but I'm not staying long."

With that settled, the group headed towards the parking lot where Sunset had her car parked. They all piled in, Adagio and Sonata chatting animatedly while Aria sat somewhat aloof, staring out of the window.

The drive to Sunset's house was filled with chatter and laughter, the Dazzlings starting to feel more at ease with their new friends. As they arrived at Sunset's house, they all hopped out of the car and made their way inside, ready for a relaxing evening of bonding and fun.

As they stepped inside Sunset's house, Adagio couldn't help but admire the cozy and welcoming atmosphere.

"Wow, Sunset, your place is really nice," said Adagio. "It's so warm and inviting."

Sunset blushed slightly at the compliment, grateful for the kind words.

"Thank you, Adagio," Sunset replied. "I'm glad you like it."

Sonata, always the energetic one, bounced around the living room, taking in every detail with wide-eyed wonder.

"This place is awesome!" Sonata exclaimed. "Can we explore?"

Sunset chuckled at Sonata's enthusiasm.

"Of course, feel free to make yourselves at home," Sunset said.

Aria remained reserved, glancing around with a hint of skepticism, but she didn't voice any complaints.

The Dazzlings explored the place for a bit before heading to the living room where the others were. They all settled down as they started talking.

“So what do you all like to do for fun?” Adagio asked, curious.

Applejack smiled warmly. "I love apple-buckin' and helping out at the farm. Keeps me busy."

Fluttershy, always soft-spoken, added, "I enjoy spending time with animals. They're so sweet and gentle."

Pinkie Pie, bouncing with excitement, exclaimed, "Parties, parties, and more parties! Oh, and baking delicious treats!"

Rainbow Dash, still harboring skepticism, responded, "Why do you want to know? Seems like you're up to something."

Tension brewed in the air, and Aria looked ready to retort. However, Twilight Sparkle swiftly changed the subject to defuse the situation.

"Speaking of hobbies and interests, do you three have any? We're curious to know more about you." Twilight asked.

"Well, before everything changed, we loved singing together. It was our passion and what brought us together as friends." Adagio said.

Sonata, eager to join the conversation, added, "I also enjoy baking and trying out new recipes! It's so much fun!"

“What about you, Aria?” Sunset asked, trying to get her to talk.

“Why should-,” Aria started but then stopped as Adagio glared at her. She glared back at Adagio for a brief moment before turning her attention back to the question. She stayed silent for a moment before answering. “I like reading and writing I guess. Helps me unwind,” She muttered.

Sunset smiled kindly as she said, “That sounds nice.”

The conversation flowed smoothly, filled with laughter and shared interests. As the sun began to set, Adagio glanced at the time.

"I think it's about time we head home. Thank you for inviting us, Sunset." Adagio said.

Sunset smiled warmly. "Of course! Do you want me to drive you all home?"

Adagio politely declined, "No need, we live relatively close by. We'll just walk."

Sunset nodded understandingly, "Alright then. It was really nice having you all over. Let's do this again sometime soon."

“How about we don’t?” Aria muttered as she stood up quickly, happy that they could finally leave.

- ✽ -

As they walked back home, there was an uneasy silence among the Dazzlings. Adagio was the first to break it, trying to diffuse the tension. "Well, that was quite the afternoon, wasn't it?"

Sonata, ever the optimist, nodded enthusiastically. "I had a blast! They’re really fun to be around!"

Aria, not wanting to talk about the current subject, remained quiet, her expression guarded.

Adagio glanced at Aria, sensing her discomfort. "Aria, are you alright? You seem a bit tense."

Aria shrugged nonchalantly, "I'm fine. Just not used to spending time with... them."

Sonata, always eager to smooth things over, interjected, "But they're really nice once you get to know them! We should give them a chance."

Aria rolled her eyes, "I don't need friends like them."

Adagio sighed inwardly, knowing Aria's stubbornness well. "Let's not dwell on it for now. We promised to try, remember?"

Aria nodded, walking ahead as she said, "Yeah, yeah, I remember."

As they walked home, Adagio glanced at Sonata, a small frown tugging at her lips. "Sonata, do you think Aria's being a bit too harsh on the girls?"

Sonata nodded slowly, her usual cheerfulness dimmed. "Yeah, I think she's not giving them a fair chance. They seem nice."

Aria, who had been walking ahead, turned back to them with a skeptical expression. "Nice? You two are way too trusting. I don't think they're anything special.”

Adagio shook her head, trying to ease the tension. "Come on, Aria. They haven't done anything wrong to us."

Aria crossed her arms, unconvinced. "Yet. I'm just saying we should be careful."

Sonata tried to diffuse the tension. "Can't we just give them a chance? Maybe they're not as bad as you think."

But Aria remained stubborn. "I'm not interested in being friends with them, and I don't think you should be either."

Adagio sighed, realizing this argument was going nowhere. "Fine, let's drop it for now. We'll talk about this later."

Aria lost it at this moment as she yelled, “NO! I don’t want to talk about this later! I’m done with that little group of idiots, I don’t get why you two think they’re so great and everything! They’re the fucking reason our powers are gone now and it’s their fault that we have to live like ordinary people barely even getting by!”

Adagio and Sonata both froze immediately, a terrified look on both of their faces. Aria’s eyes narrowed into icy daggers as she fixed them with a glare that could freeze the sun itself. It was a look filled with such seething anger and contempt that it sent shivers down both of their spines. Aria then turned away and ran away towards their house that they had now reached.

Adagio and Sonata exchanged worried glances as they watched Aria storm off and disappear inside the house. The sudden outburst had left them stunned and unsure of what to do next. Adagio hesitated for a moment before calling out, "Aria, wait!"

But it was too late. Aria had already vanished into the house, leaving Adagio and Sonata standing outside, concerned. Sonata, always quick to react, suggested, "Maybe we should go after her. She seemed really upset."

Adagio, however, shook her head. "No, let's give her some space. She might need time to cool off."

Sonata, still looked worried. “Alright, if you say so.” Her usual happiness had disappeared.

“Come on, let’s head inside,” Adagio said.

Adagio and Sonata entered the house, their footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. They noticed that Aria's door was locked and closed, and they could hear muffled sounds of frustration coming from inside.

Sonata looked concerned. "Are you sure we shouldn’t check on her?"

Adagio hesitated, listening to Aria's angry murmurs. "I’m sure, let's give her some space. She probably needs time to cool down."

Nodding in agreement, Sonata headed to her room. Adagio lingered for awhile outside Aria’s room before heading to her own room. As she settled into bed, Adagio couldn't help but worry about Aria, but she knew that pushing her at this moment would only make things worse.

With a heavy heart, Adagio closed her eyes, hoping that Aria would find some peace and that they could resolve their differences in the morning.

- ✽ -

As Sonata settled into bed, her mind buzzed with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She couldn't shake off the unease that lingered from the argument with Aria earlier. Aria's sudden outburst had caught her off guard, and she felt a pang of sadness at the rift between them.

I just wanted us to have fun together, Sonata thought, her expression pensive as she stared at the ceiling. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

Her thoughts drifted to Adagio, who seemed equally troubled by the situation. Sonata admired Adagio's strength and leadership but also worried about her. "Adagio's always trying to keep us together," she mused. "But sometimes, I wish things were simpler."

Despite the tension, Sonata couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe tomorrow will be better, she thought to herself, closing her eyes and trying to push away the worries. We're a team, and teams stick together no matter what.

With that thought in mind, Sonata drifted into a restless sleep, hoping that the morning would bring a fresh start and a chance to mend their fractured bond.

- ✽ -

As Aria lay in her bed, her mind was a storm of frustration and anger. The argument with Adagio and Sonata replayed in her head, each word stinging like a fresh wound.

"I can't believe Adagio!" Aria seethed silently, her hands clenched into fists. "Always trying to control everything and everyone. It's infuriating!"

Her thoughts drifted to Sonata, and although Aria cared a lot for her sister, though she’d never admit that, she couldn't help but feel irritated by Sonata's constant optimism and cheerfulness. "She's so naive," Aria muttered to herself. "Always trying to smooth things over instead of facing reality."

But it was Adagio who bore the brunt of Aria's anger. "She thinks she knows what's best for us," Aria thought bitterly. "Always making decisions without consulting us first. Who does she think she is?"

Aria's chest tightened with a mix of emotions—resentment, betrayal, and a hint of sadness. "I'm mad at them," she admitted to herself. "But mainly at Adagio. I can’t stand her trying to convince me to be friends with those fucking idiots.”

Deep down, amidst the frustration and anger, Aria couldn't deny the flutter of something else—a feeling she refused to acknowledge. Whenever Sonata smiled at her, a warmth spread through Aria's chest that she quickly dismissed as annoyance. "It's ridiculous," she scolded herself silently. "Holy shit, what am I thinking? I can't have feelings like that. We're not even that close.”

With a heavy heart and a mind full of conflicting emotions, Aria closed her eyes, trying to push away the confusing thoughts and hoping that tomorrow would bring a resolution to their conflict. But deep down, she knew that the rift between them wouldn't heal easily.

What fate awaited the Dazzlings? Would their bonds crumble under the weight of unspoken turmoil? Or would they find a way to mend what was broken? Only time could tell. The answers eluded them, leaving only the ominous embrace of uncertainty to guide their path…

Author's Note:

Okay here’s the second chapter finally! :) I had a lot of fun writing this chapter since I had a lot of free time and I worked super hard on this chapter so I hope it’s way better than the first one. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 9 )

How much violence and fighting is going to be in this story?

I can’t guarantee exactly how much there will be, because I’m still just kind of like planning this out as I write it but I can guarantee there will be some fighting in the story. I hope this answers your question!

Constructive criticism:

the Main 7

As a narrator, you are allowed to refer to the protagonists of the movies in that way (even if it it sound jarring), but you need to tone down the use of this term. You use it too much. Worse

"Sonata, do you think Aria's being a bit too harsh on the Main 7?"

In this chapter you made the characters refer to them that way and that is a term that has never been used in canon.

Here are some suggestions to use in future chapters, and if you want to also change in this one:

The girls
Sunset and the rest of her friends (Here you can change Sunse's name when the focus belongs to someone else in the group)
Sunset and her group
The Rainbooms (this is their official name of as a band in canon)

Heck, I can see a scene where Aria calls them 'The Rainbooms' and Rainbow Dash, wanting to antagonize her by being pedantic, corrects her by telling her that their band's official name is 'The Sonic Rainbooms'.

Thank you for the suggestions! I see your point about the Main 7 thing, now that I realize it I did use it quite a lot :twilightsheepish: I also was thinking of referring to them as the Rainbooms but I also have Sci-fi Twilight in the story and she’s not apart of the Rainbooms so I was hesitant about calling them the Rainbooms in the story. Thank you for the other suggestions though of what else I could call them beside the Main 7, I will likely be using those in my future chapters! :)

I’ve also now fixed the problem in this chapter with the usage of calling them, the Main 7. If you have any other remarks about my writing I would actually appreciate hearing it so that I can improve my writing!

By the end of the class, a tentative bond had formed between them, paving the way for a new chapter of collaboration and understanding.

And possible romance 😏

"Oh, joy. We have class with... um, whatever their names are," she muttered under her breath, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Sonata, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement. "Look, Aria! It's Rarity and Applejack! This is going to be so much fun!"

Stuff like this is so simple, but really makes me happy.

A theory began to form in her head, hinting at deeper connections and unspoken feelings among them.

Romance tag. Very interested.

"If you had been there, Twilight, you would hate them too."

Holy aggressive. Yep, I can see Dash acting like this.

“Not so bad actually, I have Sunset Shimmer in all my classes,” Adagio said smiling.

You're not raising my hopes for nothing, are you?

Aria teased playfully, “Already fallen for her, huh? Love at first sight?”

Please! Please let this happen.

"Oh please, Aria. We all know about your secret crush on Sonata."

Turnabout is far play.

"Also they are not… b words, let’s refrain from that language.”

Adagio has always been my favorite Dazzling. You're making me like her even more.

“Don't -- call -- them -- that.”

:heart: yes ma'am.

"I love apple-buckin' and helping out at the farm. Keeps me busy."

Aj this not what one does for fun, lol.

“How about we don’t?” Aria muttered as she stood up quickly, happy that they could finally leave.

Lmao, I don't know who's less personable, Aria or Dash.

Aria rolled her eyes, "I don't need friends like them."

Stuff like this is great because, yeah it sucks that she's so stubborn, but it also says a lot about how she feels about Adagio and Sonata. She must really like them if she considers them friends.

Really good chapter. I'm glad you decided to put some conflict as everything going great doesn't usually add up to an interesting story. Extremely excited for more.

Loved hearing what you thought about my story :) And don't worry, I'm not raising your hopes for nothing with the Adagio and Sunset stuff :raritywink: Just you wait

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