• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 415 Views, 15 Comments

The Egotistical Gamer - Pachi

Jin Isagi was a regular 15 Yr old. He lived his life normally, until one day, his Mom forces them to suddenly move to the USA for a new job in a backwater town called Equestria! Also, his life turns into a game... Yep, totally normal

  • ...

New World, New Body, Old Story

“WHAT THE FUU-” I began to yell out as I fell through the mirror and into god know where

I felt my head smash against the floor with a loud thump, as I lay there unmoving for a bit, my head hurting like absolute hell

[HP: 670/1100]

430 Damage in one hit? Damn I need to train VIT a bit more…

Slowly, I got up from my fall, standing on my two legs

I felt my centre of gravity be dramatically changed, as I fell forwards immediately

“Fuck!” I yell, as the floor begins to get closer to me

I put out my hands to help me from my inevitable falling fate, and I see some… hooves?

I must have hit my head harder than I thought, because I looked around and I saw a bunch of… horses?

Oh, and my vision was fading as well

“I'm gonna fucking kill myself” I mumble under my breath before collapsing onto the floor

[Rarity POV]

We've been standing here at the mirror every night since Twilight left two days ago to get the element of magic back

With tired eyes, I stamped myself awake, realising that the magic mirror was beginning to glow a shimmering silver

“-UUUUCK” Crashing into the floor, the lay on the floor for a bit before trying to get up on both hind legs, before falling yet again

“Fuck” Well this… Stallion? Mare? It looked like an odd combination of both to be perfectly honest, was wearing some incredibly strange clothes that hid their bodily features so much that it was almost impossible to tell anything about it. Other than its mane was a beautiful shade of dark oak green, and its coat peach-like in colour

Everyone was awakened by the sight, and we cautiously looked at the pony who came through… only to see… they had passed out

Whilst their mane looked short at first glance, it was actually rather long, just hidden within a complex braid

Their tail was short, and quaint, and it was to our surprise that they were wearing Thigh High socks…

“That's a rather bold thing Ta’ be wearin’ outside” Said Applejack from my side. Now socks like those are normally preserved for more… intimate and private moments in mind, so it was certainly a shock

“Yeah, no kidding!” Rainbow Dash inputted her VERY important and thoughts on the situation

“Send… Them?...to the infirmary until further notice” I Heard Luna say from behind. Well at least it's not only me whose having trouble with the gender of this pony…

The royal guards came fast, and took the pony away just as fast

It wasn't that long, only an hour or two, before Twilight had returned to us

After doing so, we recounted the events that occurred on both sides, how Twilight had defeated Sunset Shimmer using the magic of Friendship, how she went to a party… and how she had to leave her new friends for an incredibly long time…

We had then told her of the Pony that had went through the portal

“WHAT! Where are they now!” Twilight yelled in a matter undignified for royalty

“Uhm, Princess Luna had said to put them in the infirmary” I had heard Rainbow Dash say, as Twilight calmed herself

[Jin POV]

Waking up, I found myself in a white infirmary… filled with horses in golden armour

Some had horns some had wings

“...Where the fuck am I?” I ask no one in particular

“Jesus fucking christ its hot…” I mumble to myself, taking off my coat and some of my clothes, as well as the white blanket covering my body…

“It's still so fucking hot…” I mumble to myself… “I Should change my clothes…”

“Hey, do you know where the bathroom is?” I say to a nearby armoured horse

He calmly explained to me where I could find the nearest one, after entering the bathroom, I quickly took some clothes from my inventory and got changed

I was now almost completely naked, if not for the purple wife beater and black shorts… (and my striped thigh highs lmao)

Walking back into the infirmary, I yawned

So, let's recap now that I'm no longer bothered by this overwhelming heat

I fell through the mirror, it must've been an enchanted item, perhaps a portal to another world because of the horses?

Looking around at the titles and names for most of these horses, I saw that they were all between 30-35, and all had the same titles of [Royal Guardspony], though I did see one named “Flash Sentry” who was level 38 with the title of [Guardspony School Ace]

They all had a stone gaze, staring intently directly in front of them, much like the guards of royalty should

Though I feel as if they were trying their absolute hardest to “not look at me” Rather than “look professional”

How weird

Okay, I then hit my head on the floor and passed out

I said it before and I'll say it again, I really need to increase my VIT stat…

Speaking of VIT

“Status” I say out loud, looking at my currently displayed attributes

Jin Isagi - The Gamer: Lv 2
EXP: 0/2000
HP: 1100/1100
MP: 1100/1100

STR: 24
VIT: 11
DEX: 23
INT: 12
WIS: 11
LCK: 5
CHA: 10
EGO: 12

Bonus Points: 0

My level is pitifully low… I know that I don't plan on entering the abyss for any reason at all, but it hurts my pride as a Game freak to not be power levelling

At least I'm back to full health

I also now realise why nobody wears any clothes around here…

It gets hot. Stupidly fast

Probably due to the fact that we also have a coat as well to aid in our heat regulation

And having horse fur on our bodies that haven't evolved with clothes in mind really makes you overheat easy when wearing an extra layer

I'm so fucking thirsty, I pulled some water from my inventory, to the suprise of some of the Royal Guardsponies around me

“Hey, do any of you know the way back ho-” I was about to ask, before the door burst open, and in came Twilight. Or a horse-ified version of her at least

I stared at her with blank eyes…

“Twilight Sparkle? When did you get here? No, scratch that, when did you become so strong? And what's with that Princess of Friendship shit? Your telling me you got coronated, got introduced to the abyss, and became a half decent mage all in a few days?” I had asked her the initial questions that formed at my mind after staring at her title for a bit

She was purple. No- lavender coloured, with dark blue and muted redish pink striped hair (mane?) and tail. She also seemed to be the only one with both a horn AND wings

Her face, although horse-like in nature, displayed a look of confusion, before a look of understanding, and finally a look of relaxation

“Oh I'm sorry, I'm not Twilight Sparkle- well, I am, but I'm not your Twilight?” She was about to trail off but I stopped her

“Okay, so alternate reality- perhaps parallel universe?” a trope usually found in games and manga, easy enough to understand

“Uh- yeah, no exactly that” Twilight looked a bit surprised at how well I was taking this

“Look, I've been involved with weirder” that seemed to clear up nothing and only caused to further her surprise

“Look, all I know is that Prince- Vice-Principal Luna told me to retrieve you from this place within the hour of entering, and it's already been 55 minutes, so-”

“Wait, Luna put you up to this? Y'know what, I'd rather stay here for the day. An extra 5 minutes won't hurt” I interrupted

“WHAT?! NO!” Her expression instantly darkened. She must've seen some shit, because she did NOT want Luna to come here

Now you may be asking me, “Djinn, why didn't you just go with the nice pony and head back home?”

Now, the answer to that is… because it would be fun! I'm bored out of my goddamn mind right now, and this will probably be the most exciting thing to be a part of since I learned of the abyss! Oh and also because of the quest-

[Instant Quest: Eclipse

Stay for 5 minutes within this world, calling upon the wrath of The Goddess of The Moon, for fun


Rewards: Skill [Portal Force Open], Skill [Portal Force Close]

Punishment: N/A]

No idea what that skill is, but skills are always good, right?

Her horn began to glow as she tried to use some form of magic to pull me out of the door

“Nope” I say in a monotone voice as I hold onto the bed for dear life (how am I even gripping it?)

Well, might as well try out some of my skills

Pointing one of my hoofs at Twilight, i begin to speak

“Forgive me for this! [Mana Power Attack]”

A ball of blue energy formed at my hoof and launched itself towards Twilight. She easily swatted it away, and the guards nearby became on edge, realising that their beloved princess had been attacked by someone she had just saved. Such a precarious situation i've forced myself into

But whatever

The ball of energy smashed into shield she had formed instantly, doing little to no damage to the purple princess, but it HAD managed to make her lose focus long enough for an escape

I had enough practise walking when going to the bathroom back, and I effectively learned how to run by watching and copying what Twilight was doing behind me

“G-GET BACK HERE!” i hear her yell as i continued to run

I heard the stomping run of a large group of ponies, most likely being royal guards who tried to catch me

I felt a flood of dopamine and adrenaline rush in, and I let out one of the biggest shit eating grins i've ever produced

[For your own sake, you've pushed aside both common sense and other people’s feelings. +3 EGO]

Nice! But I can't help but wonder what EGO does…

As i was lost in thought, running through the castle hordes, I could smell someone trying to hit me

Almost instinctually, i ducked my head, and a beam of purple energy passed by

I turned back to the Unicorn-Pegasus hybrid, only to see a panicked expression on her face

Was that meant to kill me? Wow! She really ain’t pulling any punches!

I continued to gallop away, and she continued to shoot spells at me, but every time, i had managed to dodge them after “Sniffing them out”

How weird… OH! This reminds me of the story of when Uncle Yoichi first joined Blue Lock! And how he could “Smell the scent of the goal”! That turned out to be a type of spacial awareness… maybe i have a form of that?

“Listen Mr. Isagi! Maybe we can talk about this?” I heard her yell from behind and i just ignored her

[Due to continuous action, skill ‘Spacial Awareness’ created!]

Wait, why did it only get made now?

I've been using this [Spacial Awareness] to dodge past lazar beams for a minute now, so why now?

Ill think about it later, dodgeing another strike, i find myself at a crossroads. The hallway forked into two paths, left and right

“Okay, lets just guess!” i say out loud…

My gut’s telling me left!

Running toward seat full speed, i instantly turn for a left, closely edging around a corner, before… Bumping into someone… or rather, somepony

[Jin Isagi - The Gamer: Lv 2
EXP: 0/2000
HP: 1100/1100
MP: 1050/1100

STR: 24
VIT: 11
DEX: 23
INT: 12
WIS: 11
CHA: 10
EGO: 15
LCK: 5]

“Oh shit…”

The words tumbled out of my mouth as i saw a rainbow maned mare that was face to face with me

“CATCH HIM!” I heard Twilight yell behind me, as i visibly saw the gears in the sky-blue pony’s head click into place


[Rainbow Dash - Rainboom Meister: Lv 52

A young prodigy in the field of flying, already being a reserve member of the wonderbolts at the ripe old age of 21. With an utterly exceptional amount of magic naturally stored within her body, she is able to funnel it into her wings with such instinctual precision, that she has been able to perform insane feats that have been considered impossiblt from a young age. Her main claim to fame comes from her demonstration of a Rainboom at the young young age of 7

Is currently trying to find out what to do in this situation. Considering pinning you to the ground

STR: 65
VIT: 27
DEX: 57
INT: 78
WIS: 10
LCK: 34
CHA: 32
EGO: 35]

We were about the same size but I could feel an immense pressure exude from her, making me take a small step back in fear

[Achievement “Frog in a Well” Completed]

[Inheritence Skill Unlocked ‘Imaginated Aura’]

[Quest Time: 3 Minutes 10 Seconds]

Thats a lot of words…

But i had managed to somehow make use of my [Spatial Awareness] to read and absorb all that info at once

Im guessing that its become a variation of speed reading? No time to dwell on that

Looking back at Rainbow Dash I see a faint aura surrounding her body…

The aura seemed to be attacking me, as a cold sweat ran down my body

And yet, my smile grew even wider

“Some times i worry for Jin…” Said a dark blue haired woman with beautiful eyes of a similar shade

“How so?” spoke an older man with a similar face, hair and eyes

“Well, they seem to have trouble connecting with kids their own age…” she sighed, taking a sip of the warm tea in her hand, trying to find the words “It’s like they live in their own little world… devoid of anyone else”

“Really? He seemed fine to me…” the man replied

They are just really good at hiding it…”

“Oh, Sorry, you know how i am with this pronoun stuff” the man responded with a light hearten chuckle, which seemed to get a good reaction out of the woman, before becoming serious yet again “… but to be fair, thats to be expected h-... they’re the only survivor after all…”

The woman grimaced…

“...The only survivor of the Ichimonji Basement Incident, yes i am… aware” The woman sighed, and her expression softened “If i ever die-”

"Don't say that-” the man interrupted adamantly

“-If I die… please lead him into a better life than the one we have now… I may not be his biological mother but-”

“No, stop that. You're perfect. You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for, no matter what anyone says”

They both seemed to come to a stop. And the world was as silent as the night after its conception. When it was completely devoid of life

But the room was oddly filled with a weird feeling of light

Of hope

Both of them were sitting in the living room. So they both had a direct view of the street in front of them

And they just so happened to be sitting on the couch that had its back to the window

So they had absolutely no way to dodge the incoming out-of-control truck hurtling towards them

Author's Note:

I'm writing this whilst my dad is driving me to Austria for a wedding, so sorry if there are a lot of mistakes, i didn't have time to edit

Longer chap to make up for the fact that i haven't posted in a while + Jin Gender AND Lore Drop?????