• Published 13th Mar 2024
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My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 3: Meeting the Girls, A Surprise and Working on Fluttershy's Present

The girls continued staring at Colorgroove in shock and he too was a bit nervous. Since he never seen more talking ponies before in his life. Then the purple one spoke.

"Um Vinyl? Who is that guy?" She asked.

"Now Twilight. This is Colorgroove. He means no harm and wanted to meet you." Vinyl explained.

"It's true. So please don't scream." Colorgroove said.

"Don't worry we ain't like that. It's nice to meet you Colorgroove. I'm Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. Fluttershy is in Cloudsdale for the moment visiting her family for her birthday right now." She introduced.

"Oh. You don't say. Well I was wondering if maybe I could help out with the surprise for her birthday." Colorgroove offered.

"Sure you can. Now we don't want anything too big for her. We just want to think of something really nice for her since she is our friend."

"And darling? That is a nice necklace you have on." Rarity commented.

"Thanks. Anywho we need ideas for Fluttershy's present." Colorgroove said.

"You could always make her a nice garden." A voice offered.

"Huh? Who the heck said that?" Colorgroove asked looking around.

He looked for a while but couldn't find who said that. But what he didn't know is that the being was on his head!

"It almost sounded like it was above my head." Colorgroove replied.

"Yeah. But where though?" Vinyl asked.

Then Colorgroove looked up and the being on his head fell down and landed on the floor. Then coming up was someone that has red hair, orange skin p, wearing a purple vest, red striped pants, orange shoes, and a shirt will a drum on it. It was Moe!

"TADA!! Here I am!!" Moe said.

"Moe?! Moe Doodle?!" Colorgroove said in shock.

"The one and only!!" Moe smiled.

"You weren't above my head. You were ON my head! Nice hiding place Moe!" Colorgroove replied.

"Do you know him?" Twilight asked.

"Know him? Of course I do! But where's Deedee and Rooney? Aren't they looking for you Moe?" Colorgroove asked.

"Oh they did earlier at the clubhouse. Then Rooney was testing out his latest invention. The Portal Blaster. Then all of a sudden the portal took us here and got me separated from them." Moe explained.

"That would explain it." Colorgroove said and suddenly they heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it!"

He walked over to the door and when he opened it he got a huge surprise! Standing in front of him was a girl with pink hair and purple clothes with piano notes. The other was blue and the same color clothes with guitar notes. They were Deedee and Rooney. Colorgroove got so happy he allowed them in and once more he easily recognized the group in front of him.

"Oh my goodness! It's the Doodlebops!! The greatest kids band ever!" Colorgroove beamed.

"Ok Colorgroove. Can you tell us how you know them?" Rarity asked.

"Well. I know them because my dad would always took me to concerts to see them when I was a boy. Yeah I went to lots of their shows. But when the tickets stopped selling the theater shut down. And every day I go there and pray for the Doodlebops to see how their doing." Colorgroove explained.

The girls took time to process everything that Colorgroove said.

"Ok. So you were a huge fan of them when you were a little boy." Twilight replied.

"Yes." Colorgroove said as he faced the Doodlebops. "Guys. It has been years since I last saw you. You have no idea how happy this makes me seeing you again. All the good memories come flooding back."

"It's nice that a fan of ours still remembers us. Anyways we were looking everywhere Moe. Where were you?" Rooney asked.

"I don't know. I ended up all small in the forest til Colorgroove found me in the castle. Then I overheard that today is Fluttershy's birthday! And these girls wanna get her a special present." Moe explained.

"Yes. It's her special day and we really want to make her party the best." Rarity said.

"With lots of balloons, cakes, presents and streamers!!!" Pinkie cheered.

"Well we can go get a cake for her. At Sugarcube Corner. They have lots of sweets there." Twilight suggested.

"That's a great idea! But what about her present?" Vinyl asked.

"Maybe I can head over to where Fluttershy lives and maybe clean up the place a bit and try to think of a present to get her." Colorgroove suggested.

"That would be a big help. Alright. Colorgroove will go to her cottage and tidy up, while we and the Doodlebops get her a cake. Let's go." Applejack declared.

So everyone headed out of the door and Colorgroove saw the group head for Sugarcube Corner. He was about to go to Fluttershy's cottage but there was one problem: he didn't know where it was.

"How am I supposed to get to her place if I don't know where it is?" Colorgroove asked.

Then suddenly his necklace glowed and Colorgroove saw his hands glow and this time when some magic came out it formed into a surfboard with a music note on it. He picked it up and got on it.

"Cool surfboard. But how am I suppose to use it?" Colorgroove wondered.

Then he got his answer as it started floating in the air and then it slowly started moving and Colorgroove kept his balance. Then it started going faster and Colorgroove hanged on tight and surfed through the sky! He then started laughing.

"WOW!! This is actually pretty fun!! Yeah surfs up dude!" Colorgroove shouted.

He kept on surfing til he saw a cottage close to the Everfree Forest. He knew that might be the place he was looking for. So he surfed down and landed on the ground as he jumped off the board and turned into magic and back in his necklace. He then knocked on the door and when it opened he saw a bear in front of him.

"Whoa. Hey big guy. Look I don't mean any trouble but I was wondering if I can come in and clean up a little and think of a present for Fluttershy. I heard that today is her birthday." Colorgroove said.

The bear instantly knew that he was right. So he allowed Colorgroove inside and he got started on cleaning up her cottage. But he had to be careful since she had a lot of animals in here and he really didn't want to hurt them. After a couple of minutes he got finished and went outside in her backyard. But when he got there it was a mess!!

"My goodness! Look at this mess! Fluttershy definitely doesn't want any of her animals living in this! I wish I could make a nice garden paradise for her animals." Colorgroove replied. Then suddenly he had an idea.

"Wait a minute. That's it! I'll transform this messy backyard into a wonderful garden/swimming park for her animals! That oughta be a great birthday present!" Colorgroove smiled. "Now let's get gardening!"

So for the next two hours he was fixing up Fluttershy's backyard. First thing he did was mow all that tall grass away, then he picked all the weeds, next he grabbed a few flower seeds and planted them in the dirt, then he decided to let some water in a hole he dug and it filled it up, and finally he made a few stands and chairs for the animals to go to and to relax.

Colorgroove wiped off the sweat on his face and rested in the shade.

"Whew! So far it's looking good! But something is missing. I need something to get this garden paradise to look beautiful. But what?" Colorgroove said.

He then saw a special seed next to him. It was quite bigger than all the others and had a pink and purple swirl on it. He grabbed it and examined the seed.

"Hmm. That's rare. Maybe I can plant this somewhere. Like where that waterfall is." He said looking at the waterfall that's connected to the pool.

If planting that seed would help then he had too try. So he planted the seed and gave it some water. Then when the sun shined in not only was the seed giving sun but Colorgroove's necklace glowed again and some magic went in the spot where the seed is. Then suddenly it slowly started coming out of the ground and when it bloomed into a pink and purple flower some music began playing and the magic started.


As soon as the flower began moving to the music Colorgroove saw the water turn to a sky blue and started sparkling. Then he couldn't believe his eyes as he saw other things happening as some of the water absorbed in the dirt. The other seeds bloomed into bright colorful flowers, some leaves and vines wrapped around the stands and chairs so it will blend in well, a sweet earthy hot tub sprouted out of the ground, and he even saw one of the trees morph into a funny looking treehouse. The animals saw the magic that was happening and went outside. And finally he saw many birds, butterflies and other insects join in and thus ended the music and Colorgroove admired his work.

"Oh. My. Goodness. Would you look at this garden! It's beautiful!! And it's even better than I thought! Oh Fluttershy is gonna love this! And guys?" Colorgroove said as he turned to the animals. "I hereby welcome you all to your own garden paradise!"

The animals cheered as they went to go enjoy the fun. Now all that Colorgroove has to do is wait for the others to get here. Then he whistled and three butterflies came to him.

"Listen my little friends. Fly to where you see Fluttershy and her friends. Tell them that her birthday surprise is ready." Colorgroove replied.

They nodded and flew to find Fluttershy. She will be so surprised when she sees this.

Author's Note:

Colorgroove has made a garden paradise for Fluttershy! Wonder how she will react?