• Published 10th Mar 2024
  • 366 Views, 5 Comments

Godzilla x My Little Pony: -0.1/C - Horror Pro5555

The greatest evil in Equestria has been defeated but something has disturbed the peace and it may be the greatest foe they have ever encountered.

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Chapter Three: The Meeting

It was a while later and the girls got the message of Twilight calling up a meeting. They don't know what it is but they had a bad feeling bout it. But why? Everything was peaceful now and it hadn't been a while since they met up because of an emergency. Hopefully, the emergency wasn't too critical, and something dangerous, that was something that worried them the most. As they entered the throne room they saw Twilight, Spike, and Discord in the room Discord was waddling his fingers until noticing his other friends and stopped and focused.

(Twilight) "Girls! I'm glad you all came! I see that you all have gotten and have read my message."

(Rarity) "Yes darling we have gotten it, what is the emergency? Is it some type of friendship emergency perhaps?"

(Twilight) "Well.... no, you see we have something that happened quite badly with Discord."

(Fluttershy) "Why what happened with Discord."

(Discord) "Well, dear Fluttershy I shall answer that question. You see something has recently happened with my chaos magic for some reason my magic consumed me and made me blast a portal into Manehattan and a creature came through and its name which I've learned is called: Godzilla."

The others looked at each other as they processed what they had just heard. A creature from another dimension has come through a portal which chaos magic consumed Discord and caused him to open the portal in the first place. The name Godzilla struck fear in their hearts and they didn't quite know why. What was worse was they didn't know how big it was. Worse, is why and to whom was it sent. Did something happen when the creature emerged? They were about to find out.

(Twilight) "Well this "Godzilla has come on land and nearly destroyed Manehattan but unfortunately the message to me was delayed which resulted in many casualties before he walked off."

There was a pause before Rainbow brought up a good question.

(Rainbow) "So..... do you know where he was heading?"

(Twilight) "Well after he nearly destroyed the city and afterwards he began to head north and well the only thing in that direction of course is........"

The answer hit her hard and everyone else in the room realized this too as they looked at each other with eyes widened. In a nanosecond, she quickly began to write a scroll to her pupil in a panicked state with sweat dripping down her head and sent it out to their new military that she created just in case.

(Twilight) "I'm declaring a state of emergency! "Girls, Discord we got to get to Ponyville as fast as possible. Discord, can you teleport us there?"

(Discord) "Yes."

(Twilight) "Good, because we need to warn everyone down there about Godzilla."

They nodded and Discord focused and snapped away. Meanwhile, back at Ponyville, everything was peaceful until all of a sudden a rumble could be heard across town. They felt the ground shake which was repeating.... over and over. Within the town, many looked around in confusion as they wondered what was going on. Luster Dawn was relaxing at home when she got a letter from her mentor as well as feeling the rumbling. She at first thought it was an earthquake, but there were too many pauses to say it was, so she decided to read the letter.

Dear Luster my student and friend,

I have a state of emergency there is a giant creature heading straight towards Ponyville and you and your friends are in danger. I have called in reinforcements but it may or may not take a while. But we are currently on our way to evacuate everyone. So be ready something is coming and it is destructive and it will most likely not stop until everything is destroyed.

From your Teacher and friend, Twilight Sparkle.

After reading the letter she went into panic mode as she packed everything necessary before quickly heading outside and saw how everyone was still confused as the ground rumbled. At that moment Twilight and the others appeared and just as they appeared Twilight quickly transported everyone onto the hills on the side of the town. That's when they saw the creature in question. A creature giant in size heading towards the town, he roared and continued walking forward and shockingly some of his steps caused dents in the ground due to his weight. He began to bite and dig his arms through the many buildings while the ponies and the others watched on in horror as they watched their homes and businesses destroyed in the process. He continued until something began to launch explosives at the creature causing it to flinch.

It was the military, and they had arrived and had begun to fire multiple with their newest weapons before stopping. The dust began to settle before it was interrupted by Godzilla as he got out of the massive dust cloud. The ponies and creatures alike looked on as the stallions and mares covered the eyes of the young. Before seeing Godzilla's dorsal plates extend out and begin glowing at first it was slow. But then it began to go faster and faster before he reeled his head back and began and energy began to come from his mouth as well as a glow.

Finally, he thrusts forward and blasts out a beam at the town. When it impacted an explosion happened before a much bigger one occurred which began a massive blast across the entire town as well as the surrounding area. The blasts of powerful winds soon reached where the others were but luckily Twilight raised a shield as well as other unicorns. The dust settles once again and reveals the destroyed area, Ponyville was gone, everything was gone and the surrounding area was harmed. As everyone processed what just happened they looked at where the creature stood as he began to look up at the huge mushroom going up in the sky, before he roared a roar which caused many to close their ears.


Before he began to walk forward presumably back to the ocean. Many began to break down crying as parents held their young ones close. Luster was the one who was breaking down the most along with Rarity, her sister as well as Pinkie family as Gummy stared at the destruction with one eye and left Godzilla with the other. Suddenly black rain begins to rain down from the sky as they continue to break down. Meanwhile, Twilight's streams of tears coming out looked at the place where she learned friendship all that time ago. Discord looked on in shock and horror as he saw the destruction as well as the power that this creature possessed. As he looked on he decided that this creature, this MONSTER, needed to be destroyed before they were.

To Be Continued........

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