• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 336 Views, 2 Comments

A Wild Date - Lulamoon-Crystal

Visiting your crush’s parents is rather an experience. Especially on a date

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It has been a few months since Rocky and Jazz had confessed their crushes. Which so happened to have been each other! Jazz felt she was the luckiest mare in the bay. Ever since they have been spending more time together outside the salon, spending time with eachother and doing their job at Pipp’s salon. Pipp had been a lot respectful than they thought. She was the one who actually decided herself that she was not going to post their relationship online. Not without their consent at least. Even if some ponies were guessing that they were getting together.

Last week, Jazz had agreed to have dinner with Rocky and meet his family. Who were so proud of him for finding a girlfriend. They were so excited to meet her in person.

It was the afternoon as Rocky stood outside Jazz’s home, ready to take her to his family’s home in Zephyr Heights for a nice meal. Also to meet his family since she and they were all eager. She was excited to meet them! He swished his tail as he stood outside the door. Feeling a little nervous about this, but keeping his confidence. She was sure to love it!

“I wonder what’s taking her so long?” He wondered. “Maybe she lost track of time..” He assured himself. Even if they left work about an hour ago after lunch time with Pipp’s permission. To get ready for lunch and travel to Zephyr Heights. Which was still at least an hour and a half via the newly built tram line. If lucky. That drove at a higher speed than the one in Maretine Bay and took the safest and fastest route possible.

Trams came every two hours and made no stops between. It was strictly for quicker travel between to two locations. The amount of time was kinda not the most impressive. But there was plans to make it so the time would be cut down. But plans for two or three stops along the way. Interfered. Nothing much. Just one station to the camp grounds and hiking trail, another near a huge lake that froze up in the winter. Perfect for ice skating. There was another planned to be built in a meadow. Where the farming ponies lived. Tending to their chickens, cows, crops and such. So they could travel to the towns and city in quicker time.

But that did not matter at the moment.

While he waited patiently he stood in front of the door, daydreaming. Thinking of perhaps, a nice date, obviously. Months of dating and no major incidents. Sure, they only been on two or three so far.But still great! Many don't make it after the first date, unfortunately. But the way his heart raced when he thought of her, their personalities mixing and their similar interests. It was a match, it felt like it was meant to be!

Anyway, Jazz was inside, grabbing her bag. He was soon enough interrupted by being slammed by her front door. He had not realised he was so close to it!

“Ouch!” He yelped, stumbling back and whimpering a little. Thankful for no wounds, hopefully there would be no major bruising.

"That's rare when you are a cartoon horse."

"A cartoon what?" Rocky questioned, looking at a parrot. Swearing it had said something.

“Rocky!?” Out came Jazz with a flower in her mane, a pink dress and a lovely manicured hooves. Sparkling with pink with a white star in the middle. She was very concerned as she looked at him. He smiled a bit and brushed aside the pain. It wasn’t his first time being slammed by a door, anyway.

”Oh, Jazz!” Rocky greeted happily. She did not need to be dressed up. It was only dinner with his family. But she looked beautiful. It was as she was glowing as the sunlight hit her. He had never seen an earthpony so beautiful. The way her mane and hooves shone in the sunlight made his heart flutter. The way she flicked her mane as she walked past him. Down her front steps, looking back at him. R-ready to go?” He blushed, not caring to hide it.

”Absolutely!” She squealed. Swinging her bag.”sorry for hitting you with the door…”

”it’s fine” He smirked and walked with her. “I uh.. Shouldn’t have been so close…” He admitted. Making sure a neatly wrapped box was still tucked under his wing. Or in his case, dimensional pegasus wing pocket. Explaining how pegasi can tuck things under their wings and fly around without dropping anything they previously tucked under. It was Izzy's idea to name it, since it was never given a name. But that's not the focus of this-

“Ooh!” Jazz sniffed Rocky briefly. “I love that smell! What is it?” She guessed, prancing happily beside him. “Coconut ice cream!?” She exclaimed. Making Rocky smirk as he nodded.

When Rocky and Jazz finally arrived in Zephyr Heights, Jazz looked around, ponies were heading home from work at this time. It was the early afternoon, so of course some shifts would be ending. It was a nice, cool afternoon, she admired the view as she walked through a park with Rocky.

“Rocky!” Jazz called, getting his attention as she pointed at the fountain in the park. It was huge! There were three layers to it. It seemed really well looked after. It looked so polished and beautiful detailed with gold markings. She quickly approached it. Looking at it with awe as she looked up, Rocky not too far behind her, they were not in a huge rush. So he let her admire the fountain.

”Yeah. It's been there for about 50 years! Queen Haven’s Mother was the one that worked on it with the design and all.”

Jazz looked into the clear, clean water. “I love it!”

”Yeah. It is gorgeous…” He looked at Jazz, smirking a little as he noticed where her head was positioned. It appeared she did not notice the nozzle poking out the shallow edge of the fountain. “It will also be a little surprising.” He said, checking the time and trying to not snicker. Counting down in his head, stepping back as Jazz looked around, eager to discover to surprise.

“What is it? A secret song? Something to do with the royal family? A fact!?” She asked.

But soon enough, she heard and felt a rumble, making her look down into the fountain.

“Eeep!” She squealed as the nozzle at the button of the fountain sprayed her in the face before more rumbling happened. She narrowly escaped the incoming geyser coming from the nozzle, squealing in surprise as Rocky laughed. Watching as water rained down right where Jazz was, thanks to the wind’s direction. She would have been completely soaked if she stood there, but Rocky knew she would not have stayed there for long enough to be hit by the geyser. There were eight nozzles in the fountain. Four doing a big geyser explosion and the others doing small ones.

”You could have warned me!” Squealed Jazz as she shook him.

“Okay-okay-“ Rocky pushed her away. Chuckling as she pouted at him, nudging him as she walked next to him.

”I coulda been soaked!” She squealed.

He smiled a bit at the funny face she was making. But she did have a point, she sure would have gotten away before the geyser of water shot up. But attending dinner soaking wet would not have been fun.

“We are almost there, Jazz.” He said, making her smile eagerly as they walked along the street beyond the park. Stopping right in front of a two-story house.

“This is your childhood home?” Jazz asked.

”Yep!” Rocky nodded.

The house itself had nice light yellow walls. The door was a chestnut wooden colour outlined with gold. The roof was tiled with auburn tiles, some which were seemingly replaced with slightly dimer ones over time. Which made sense, as the house was built almost a hundred years ago. It had been through many renovations since! Jazz gasped in amazement as she noticed the balcony overlooking the front. This house must have been very expensive!

Jazz walked through the front garden with awe, the white fence being right in front of a nicely trimmed hedge of some sort. There were flowers all around, nicely planted. There was also an aged swing set that looked like it had been unused for ages. It swung briefly in the breeze, near the front steps. Jazz looked back at Rocky with a smile.

“What a nice house! I was basically raised in a barn compared to this!” Jazz giggled. She was not raised in a barn, but her childhood home was not as impressive as this.

Rocky smiled along with her joke as he went to press the doorbell. He paused briefly, feeling a little uneasy about something. But he was not sure why. But surely it was nothing! He soon slammed his hoof on the doorbell and let it ring. There was no response inside, till Jazz called out.


There was soon the response of running hooves as Rocky pressed the bell again. Then the sound of a voice scolding someone. Then the door slammed open, revealing a mare looking like she was in a hurry. Her fur was a white colour, almost like snow. Her legs and wings were coloured with light brown, her feathers slowly ending in a darker hue. Her eyes were purple and her mane was a dull pink with a few plum streaks.

“Oh Rocky! You are early!” She cried out, suddenly pulling him into a huge hug. Catching him by surprise. “I can’t belive it!” She cried as she smothered him, making Jazz giggle a little. “My little boy all grown up!”

“Ma…” Rocky mumbled in a muffed voice before being kissed on his forehead and cheeks. Before releasing him and going over to Jazz. Rubbing her on the head. “Here is my little darling’s girlfriend!” Jazz giggled happily and smirked when she caught a glimpse of Rocky fixing his ruffled mane.

Jazz smiled as the three of them were let inside.

The lounge room was a large open carpeted area. With a tv, and a couch next to a bookshelf. Next to the lounge room was a large living room that made both the lounge room and the living room look like one large room. It was with a nice bookshelf, cabinet and draws and a nice table. There was also the staircase to the left of the living room and. A sliding glass door led to the backyard. There was the kitchen area next to the Lounge room, having entrances to both rooms.

The stairs were nicely going up strait to the next floor. Where the bedrooms and other bathroom were. Down the stairs a young filly ran. She had a light coat, a similar colour to Rocky’s but a slightly more darker, with orange socks being the only markings. Only the feathers on the wings were a different colour, unlike Rocky’s who’s whole wings were golden. This filly’s feathers were a light yellow that faded to a more darker yellow. Her dark brown hooves clopped down the wooden stairs as her lavender mane bounced. She looked at Jazz with awe before speaking. Who noticed she had not received her cutiemark yet.

“Big Brother Riff!” The filly exclaimed. “I wanna show you something!”

”Oh! Chimes what is it?” Rocky asked her with a slight smile as she hugged him tight on the leg and tried to pull him forward.

Chiming Tracks. Known as Chimes raced up the stairs calling Rocky after her.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” He said, heading up the stairs, stopping in her tracks immediately as Chimes shouted.

”Your girlfriend cannot come!” She cried, Rocky blushing a little at Jazz being called his girlfriend. “It can only be family!” She called out.

”Okay, Okay.” Rocky sighed, looking back at Jazz. “Are you alright staying down here for a few minutes?”

“Sure!” Jazz exclaimed. Feeling a little disspointed, but it can't be that long. Besides, Chimes did imply she only wanted family to see whatever it was. Which was acceptable. Heading to the couch and sitting on it patiently until something caught her eyes. On the small table next to the couch was a book. A pale yellow book outlined with golden patterning. Likely a book cover of some sort, she scooched over on the couch for a closer look. Seeing a picture In the front under some words.

”Rocky’s foal album?” She read. Noticing the swaddled newborn baby on the front. Rocky, barely a few hours old. She reached for it out of curiosity before stopping herself. “No, no, I shouldn’t touch it.” She scolded herself looking at the tv as she laid on the L-shaped couch. A lovely light grey with purple and light blue cushions On it. She gulped as she saw her reflection in the screen. Then she looked back at the book, reaching for it again.

The power of seeing cute baby photos of Rocky was overwhelming. Just imaging what kind of things he got up to as a foal, she did know some things. But there could still be super adorable or funny pictures of him in it. She clenched her teeth as she mumbled to herself. “Would Rocky be okay with it?” She wondered how rude it would be.

“Chimes!” Rocky’s voice sounded from above. She quickly looked towards the staircase.

”I mean…” Jazz sighed to herself. “He might take a while upstairs. Chimes did seem pretty excited.” She said, losing the fight of curiosity.“A quick look shouldn’t hurt, right? I’ll just put it back before he returns!” She assured herself eagerly before grabbing the album and making herself comfortable.

She sighed in relaxation as she opened the book. Being greeted with a page of ultrasound images. She presumed to have been Rocky when he was in the womb.

“Oh. Interesting…” She whispered to herself before moving on. She found it a little unusual, but it was none of her business. Possibly a family tradition of some sort to add ultrasound images. But the next image of Rocky literally only an hour old, in his mother’s hooves. She smiled as she moved on to the next page. Seeing a few cute pictures along side uh… Well an unpleasant picture of baby Rocky making a face newborns foals do sometimes when they do a number 2. “Ew…” Jazz shuddered. Wondering why you’d take picture of your son and label it as “First time doing his business at home?”

It took a while to find something interesting. But she kept looking, not paying attention to the shouting and squealing happening upstairs. Ignoring the loud thud and Rocky’s yelp. When she found another cute photo, she gasped in awe. Rocky about five years old, holding a certificate. Looking very proud of himself as he looked at the camera, in front of a swimming pool. “Rocky’s swimming lessons completed!” The next one being Rocky sadly holding onto a deflated floaty device. “Saying goodbye to Mr. Floats-A-Lot.” With finally, the next photo saying. “Mr. Floats-A-Lot lives!” With Rocky playing with it in the water. It was a young child’s flotation device with a smiling turtle head on it.

“Adorable…” Jazz sighed happily. About to turn the page before a loud crash coming down the stairs made her jump out her skin. She quickly put a cushion on top of the album as she peeked over to the stairs. To her surprise a pig dressed in a tutu, lipstick, eyeshadow, a necklace, tiara and a bunch of glitter and hair accessories came running down. Squealing as Rocky ran after it.

”Rocky!?” Jazz cried out in horror. Watching as he chased it through the lounge room, it knocking stuff from the table and crashing into things. Almost toppling the bookcase over as it slammed into it on the way back into the living room. Rocky racing to open the back door.

“Mr. Oinks. Out!” He shouted, only for the pig to run from the door. Chimes and her twin brother following after. His name was Janky Tunes. Preferring to go by “Tune” at the moment. He did not really look like Chime’s twin. His mane was yellow with purple streaks. His body a light violet with a light yellow belly and blaze. Pale pinkish-purple hooves and wings that had feathers that went from lavender to reddish-purple.

“Please don’t, he was well behaved!” Cried Chimes.

”We worked hard on his costume!” Cried the brother. Fluttering his purple wings angrily.

“Just help me get him out!” Rocky scolded as he raced after the pig as it ran back into the loungeroom. Jazz curled up on the couch. Not knowing what to do or say. She shivered in fear a little.

Rocky had grabbed him, only for him to make a big squeal in fear and kick Rocky aside before running widely. His younger siblings only sitting there, watching. Chuckling a bit as he was rammed into by the pig.

“Get me a carrot or something!” Rocky exclaimed. Watching in horror as he crashed into the table near Jazz, making it collapse, the vase falling onto the mat, thankfully not breaking.

“We can’t!” Cried Tune. “We already used them to get him inside for the costume party in the first place!”

”Ugh!” Rocky put a hoof on his forehead. “You gotta be-“

He yelped when a book fell on his head when Mr. Oinks crashed into it again.

While watching the mess, Jazz gulped and looked at her hooves. They needed a carrot to get him out easily? Getting an idea as she gasped. She hopped on the ground and galloped over to the open back door. Going beyond the patio and onto the lawn. Using her earth pony magic to create the biggest, juiciest carrots she could. Well, not too big. Just slightly bigger than average.

Inside, Rocky was running around the big table in the living room. “Mr Oinks has been a good boy’” Cried Chimes. Watching as the pig sneaked up behind Rocky who had lost sight of him. He was just about to speak, but-

“Ow! That’s my tail!”Rocky cried out, staring at Mr. Oinks who scurried away.

“He only did that because you scared him!” Cried Tune.

“Whoo hoo!” Jazz cried out, carrying one of the carrots to the doorway. “Mr. Oinks!”

Everyone paused as they watch Jazz successfully get his attention. But then with concern as he charged towards her, she yelped as she through the carrot onto the lawn. Which unfortunately did it save her from getting shoved over by a pig half her height. Straight onto the ground. But he was outside now, at least. She scrambled inside and shut the door.

“Are you okay, Jazz!?” Rocky cried out, heart beating as she dusted herself off.

”Y-Yeah.” She shivered a bit as she headed back into the loungeroom. Deciding family business should stay family business at the moment.

Rocky got ready to scold his siblings.

”You know MR. Oinks is not allowed inside!” Rocky shouted.“He made a mess and almost hurt our guest! Now, go clean up.”

”But why!” Whined Chimes.

”Because you are the ones who let him in. Now go, or I’ll tell mom and dad!” He warned.“I may be your brother. But that doesn’t mean you can break the rules!” The twins were quick on their feet. Picking up dropped objects and putting them back where they belonged.

Rocky walked back into the lounge room and sighed. Flopping onto the short side of the L-shaped couch he groaned a little. Out of all days his 7yr old siblings bring the pig inside. It had to get the one where he introduces his family to Jazz. Who was a little surprised about the pig since he never told her about him.

”Uh… You okay, Rocky?” She asked.

”Y-yeah…” He sighed. “They are such a hoof-full…” He mumbled a bit. Looking up at Jazz, and seeing her with a familiar book, taking a moment to process. Then he gasped in shock as he saw Jazz laying on her belly across the couch, reading it. As he got closer, he recognised the photos she was currently giggling at. Ones where he had gone fishing as a very young foal and fell into the freezing cold pond. Crying as he stared at the camera, since his jacket was ruined.

He was a little annoyed that she had it. Ignoring the blushing that had appeared on his face, feeling pretty embarrassed. But kept his cool as he approached Jazz who flipped to the next page. Seeing photos of him trying to eat a lollipop twice the size of his head. He had sticky spots on his face, and strands of his mane was stuck to the lolly as he licked it. He’d admit that was actually kinda cute.

”Aww…” Jazz said with a smile as she looked at it.

”So. What are you looking at?” Rocky asked, making Jazz jump and squeal in shock.

”R-Rocky!” She shouted, blushing as she shut the book. Trying he best to hide it under her hooves. Gulping as she figured it was too late. She mumbled as she started feeling butterflies in her stomach. “I-I uh- Kinda found the album and kinda got curious…” She said, seeming quiet guilty. Looking away from Rocky. Blushing harder as she held it close to her in her hooves

”Jazz…” He sighed. “You could have asked me first.” He said, sounding a bit disappointed.

She looked at Him with big eyes as she pouted slightly. His heart began beating faster as he looked at her as she held onto the album. She was far too cute. “I…”

“I-“ He spoke and then gulped. Looking at Jazz a little nervously. Maybe her seeing the album was maybe not the worst thing in the world. There was nothing nasty in there. Besides, she wouldn’t be the type of pony to show or tell anypony else about the embarrassing photos without his consent. Even if she did, no one would care much if she told them he got his muzzle stuck in a jar as a foal. Everypony had silly times when they were a foal… Besides, this was their first date and they had spent minimal time together in the last hour.

”Fine…” He groaned. “As long as I flip the pages and you cannot take photos without my permission…”

Jazz nodded, giggling a little. “Of course!”

She sat up and passed the album to Rocky who held it gently. He flipped to the next page, blushing as he immediately hid it from Jazz’s sight. He blushed hard. “Y-you don’t need to see this one.” He chuckled a bit before flipping to the next page.

Jazz feeling relaxed and at peace. Her worried washed away as he explained each image on each page. For example, like twenty pages later, it was a rather large album. On an image where he was 8 years old. He told her about how it was his first time eating a chilli pepper, how much he regretted it and how much he remembered.

Or what he thought he remembered. Regardless, it was an experience that made Jazz smile as she rested her head on his shoulder as he proceeded to explain the photo under it. Which was him with a whole role of tape around him. She giggled as he explained the unfortunate situation the best he could.

Jazz gasping in awe as he blushed a bit more. Feeling a very warm feeling, he could not brush aside. Butterflies were in his stomach as he smirked. Seeing how Jazz was so gleeful.

“You dressed up as the baby easter bunny for a school play!? So cute!”

”Y-yeah. For the first three years. Then I was the adult easter bunny for the last three years until highschool started.” He chuckled a bit. “I always sighed up for the uh… Rockstar chicken. But did nit get the part.”

”You look so adorable in the costume!”

He blushed a little and looked at Jazz. Feeling more comfort and less embarrassment. “Yeah. I guess I do!”

She smiled as she rested her head on him again. Stroking his wing as he wrapped it around her comfortably. Almost like a blanket. A hug from a wing felt special in its own way. But a wing hug from somepony you loved was different. She smirked happily as she relaxed, hearing Rocky’s voice. Not caring about the times he quickly covered an embarrassing photo with his hoof. This was a warm experience that gave her a warm fuzzy feeling.

“I love you…” She whispered under her breath.

Author's Note:

Decided to do a silly romance of two silly side characters of G5 for fun