• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 681 Views, 40 Comments

Transformers: Iron Hearts - autobotfan15

Soldiers of steel awaken in a new world only for their war to continue.

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Chapter 8: Railwar Part 1

Mount Aris - Noon

A large settlement was in celebration as Hippogriffs and Ponies were celebrating the completion of their railroad connection. A small station near the town was having a party as many workers shared drinks and played music. Twilight Sparkle was conversing with Queen Novo at a small café. “I really must thank you for everything Twilight especially after what happened with the Storm king,” Queen Novo said.

Twilight nodded “You’re quite welcome. I hope this is more than enough to also earn your forgiveness for what I tried to do.”

Queen Novo wrapped a wing and embraced the young alicorn. “I should be asking you for forgiveness as well. If I wasn’t so stubborn, the battle with the King would’ve been easier. If anything I should’ve never let my overprotective nature cloud my judgment.”

“You were looking out for your subjects, same as me. Let's agree we’re both sorry and we should focus on the now,” Twilight smiled.

Queen Novo nodded and looked on at the party from the balcony of the café they were at. Queen Novo looked over the black train that carried the workers. “You know, I heard rumors you had a unique yellow machine to help build the line. Where is it?” asked the Queen.

Twilight shrugged before answering. “Probably went back to wherever it came from. It just showed up out of nowhere and got to work.”

Meanwhile, not too far away from the city, Applejack trotted the beach until she approached the woods nearby. Bumblebee was hiding nearby but he stepped out when he heard the mare approaching. “Was that music I heard coming from there?” he asked.

“Eeyup, I assume you have music where you’re from?” Applejack asked.

“Yes, music is considered a universal language,” Bumblebee answered before he frowned.

“Is something the matter?” Applejack asked.

“I have come to say goodbye AJ,” he said. “We have gotten reports of Decepticon sightings. They are building a rail connection from their base to one of your country’s mainlines.”

“Wait so you’re just gonna outright fight them?”

“I’m sure Twilight has informed you about Tempest Shadow right?” asked the scout.

“Yes she has but what does this have to do with her?”

“She told us of the Decepticon plans to storm Manehattan. Our plan is to stop them in their tracks, no pun intended,” he replied. “There is a high possibility I might not come back.”

Applejack was now worried. “You can’t just leave me, let us help you! We are the Nation’s first line of defense.”

“I know that but Optimus Prime would rather not have any inhabitants of this world get caught in the crossfire,” he said sternly before kneeling down the saddened mare. “In case I don’t make it back I want you to know you will always be my friend and I thank you for being my first friend in this world.”

“Of course I’m your friend, which is why me and my friends are comin with ya,” she said as she hoisted her hammer on her back. “And you can’t stop me from trying.”

Bumblebee was silent for a moment. “Optimus might kill me for this but…”

He paused and then transformed into his locomotive form. “Hop on.”

Applejack jumped onto Bumblebee’s running board but just as Bumblebee started to move Applejack stopped him. “Wait! We need to get Twilight first.”

Somewhere along the Railroad line - Around the Same Time

A lone stallion was walking along the shoreline of a river. Ahead of him was a railroad bridge made of steel that spanned across the river. Then he felt a rumble and thought the next train would be passing by but the rumbling got more intense as the seconds ticked. Curiously and confused he looked up to the bridge and realized this bridge was never here to begin with then he saw it.

A large flash of purple roared by with a loud whistle. Behind it were a string of large railroad cars. After what felt like a minute the train vanished. The stallion reached into his bag and pulled out a half empty bottle of cider. He looked at it and then poured its contents out. “My wife is right. I need to stop,” he said.

Autobot Ark - Around the same time

The Autobots were moving about the Ark making sure their weapons were armed and their energy levels were charged up. Optimus watched on as his soldiers prepared themselves. He then saw Bumblebee roll in on a set of makeshift train tracks. He had six ponies clinging to him. Everyone stopped and stared as the six mares got off and Bumblebee transformed. Optimus approached him with a stern expression in his eyes. “Bumblebee, what are you doing?”

“Gathering help,” Bumblebee replied.

“And bringing civilians into the fight,” Optimus retorted. “It’s hard enough we might lose the pony guards that Princess Celestia is sending and Probably Tempest Shadow since she is Military trained. We can’t afford for these six to get involved.”

“Hey! We faced big mean evil monsters before,” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“But you all have never faced Megatron. He will shoot anything that moves and fights against him.”

Twilight flapped her wings and hovered up to Optimus. “Optimus, I understand you want to protect this world but hear me when I say we are the best and possibly the only form of additional help you'll get. Friendship is not only a magical element of this world but it's what makes all of us stronger.”

“We might not have known you darlings for long,” began Rarity. “But even we would rather not see anyone with a sense of decency get hurt by brutes and I’ll do anything to protect my friends and my little sister.”

“That goes double for me and Rainbow,” added Applejack.

Optimus heard a sound and turned to see Fluttershy rubbing Grimlock’s snout. They were both giving Optimus pleading eyes. Optimus turned to the other autobots who were watching him intently. He then turned to Shockwave who pointed to a monitor which had an image of the six ponies shooting a laser beam while five of them were wearing necklaces and one of them wearing a crown. “Help from the local heroes would be logical,” the former Decepticon said.

Optimus was silent for a long moment then sighed. “Very well, I will allow you all to help us. But for the love of Primus stay close to one of my soldiers.” He then turned to another monitor. “Powerglide, what’s your status?”

There was static from the monitor before a voice sounded. “I got eyes on the Decepticons and you’re not gonna like this. I'm sending an image now.”

The monitor showed an image of a massive purple locomotive pulling a long line of cars with a Decepticon insignia. “Astrotrain,” said Optimus.

Powerglide continued. “I’m sending the appropriate ground bridge coordinates as well. If we’re gonna stop them it has to be now.”

Suddenly there was the sound of an explosion on the monitor then Powerglide’s voice became panicked. “It’s Starscream! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!”

Wheeljack quickly powered up the groundbridge. Optimus quickly transformed into a locomotive “Let’s end this madness once and for all. Autobots Transform and roll out!”

Soon some Autobots became train cars that latched onto either Optimus, Prowl, or Bumblebee that became locomotives while others became their original vehicle form. The ponies wasted no time in getting onboard one of the trains. The train they chose consisted of Optimus, Ironhide, and ratchet as well as a flat car that had Shockwave in his tank form.

Somewhere along the Railroad line - A few minutes later.

A line of pony guards and a barrier stood on the tracks. The captain turned to his soldiers. “Remember! We stop this train and neutralize anything that moves! Understand?”

“Sir yes sir!” replied the soldiers.

Then the soldiers felt the rumbling of something big coming down the tracks.They looked and their jaws dropped. The massive purple locomotive was charging towards them and it wasn’t slowing down. “Aim, FIRE!”

The unicorn guards shot lasers from their horns, Earth Ponies fired cannons, and Pegasus kicked storm clouds to zap them. But everything they fired had no effect as the train surged on. The Captain watched and hoped his plan would work. “Dear Celestia, they're not stopping! MOVE!”

The ponies moved only for the train to plow through their barricade like a mound of snow. The guards could only watch as the fast train surged past them. After the last car passed they heard another whistle and saw another train pass by. This one was smaller. The Locomotive was black and white, it was pulling a green crane car, a green cannon car, and a blue passenger car.

“Come on Prowl, put some more steam into it!” yelled the cannon car named Hound.

“I’m going as fast as I can!” Prowl called back.

They soon caught up and Prowl’s plow opened to reveal a coupler which then latched to the back of the Decepticon train. “Gotcha! Hoist Now!”

The crane car swung its arm and a claw then latched on to the train in front of them. “I have them!” Hoist yelled.

Prowled then started applying his brakes while Hound started firing cannon balls like a mortar. Some of them struck the top of the Decepticon train. Megatron was inside one of the cars when he heard the sounds and felt the cars rocking. “What’s going on out there?” he demanded.

“Lord Megatron, it’s the Autobots! Some of them are trying to stop us!” came the static voice of Breakdown.

“Then launch the seekers and STOP THEM!” he ordered.

Along the train two long boxcars opened up their roofs. Each of those cars had two seekers in their jet forms ready to launch. Starscream wasn't there but he kept his communication with them. “Skywarp, Slipstream, Thundercracker, and Novatorm, take care of the pests. LAUNCH!” commanded Starscream as his four seekers took to the sky like rockets.

The blue coach known as Tracks noticed this. “Seekers incoming!”

“Look sharp guys, we got a cop to pop,” said Skywarp.

“Cop to pop? Really?” said Slipstream.

Just as the four were about to shoot they were suddenly shot one by one out of the sky. They transformed before they hit the ground. The four seekers looked to see four vehicles that transformed to reveal Red Alert, Inferno, Jazz, and Warpath. “Who's ready to rumble?” Warpath asked.

And just like that war broke lose in the field they were in. As four Autobots fought against the four Decepticons. Suddenly Jazz saw another train charge by. It was green and purple and the cars were strange looking. But Jazz knew what kind of train it was. “Jazz to Optimus Prime, Prowl’s team is in danger. Constructicon train is coming from behind and catching up fast.”

Somewhere on another railway line further away. Optimus Prime charged along the tracks. “Understood Jazz we’re on our way to attack from the side.”

The inside of Ratchet’s alternate form was pretty much a hospital on rails. The Ponies sat inside amongst them was Tempest Shadow who watched the scenery go by. So much was on her mind. Defeating the Storm King, facing the grudge of so many ponies, meeting the Decepticons, losing Grubber and meeting the Autobots. A small tear went down her face. She then felt a hoof touch her own. She looked to see Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight I once again apologize for-”

“Don’t think about it right now. If I were you I would focus on putting whatever feeling you have now into battle,” Twilight said calmly. “And besides once this is over I’ll do whatever I can to make sure everypony sees how you have changed for the better and that’s a promise.”

Tempest smiled. “Thank you my friend.”

“Everyone be ready if the map is correct we should see them running on a parallel track,” said the voice of Optimus on a speaker.

The ponies, minus Fluttershy, immediately grabbed what weapons they could carry. For Applejack her hammer from the Railroad was enough. She then saw Fluttershy reached for the door to the car. “Where are you going?”

“Shockwave says I am the only one that could keep control of Grimlock. We have to be ready,” she replied as she stepped out and onto the flatcar.

Twilight turned to her friends. “Girls this could get really dangerous but remember, we are doing this for our other friends and family. Let’s help the Autobots win this battle.”

“Thank you Twilight,” Optimus said. It would seem he was able to hear them in Ratchet.

“For Equestria!” yelled Twilight.

“For Cybertron!” called back Optimus.

“Till all are one!” They both said.

Author's Note:

Again writers block is no fun so its not my best. Next Time the real heat of the battle comes. Will they be able to stop the cons before they reach Manehattan?
Find out Next time...