• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 342 Views, 8 Comments

Last Day With Mom - Ms Rarity

Young Applejack enjoys a great day with her mom...who knew it would be the last

  • ...

Such A Perfect Day

"Mom! Mom! Wake up!" The excited filly yelled out clambering onto her parents bed. Pearbutter rolled over softly smiling upon seeing her beautiful daughter looking so happy.
"Good morning Applejack. What has you in such a good mood?"
The orange pony stopped bouncing a moment to speak, wondering if she had gotten her days mixed up. She leapt back in to life. "Hey quit teasin' mom! Ya promised that we'd spend the whole day together!"
Pearbutter smiled from the corner of her mouth. "I promised that? That doesn't sound like me at all. I'm going to be so busy today....Ahm sorry apple pie...." Applejack frowned a moment then saw her moms mouth twitching as she tried to hold her laugh in."
"Oh mom you big tease! C'mon now, ah made ya breakfast!"

Pearbutter smiled at the plate really wishing her daughter hadn't, for what was on the plate it looked like apple fritters which had been left out in the rain and struck by lightning. She gulped painting a smile as not to hurt the young pony's feelings. "Oh Applejack, these look..." Applejack cut in.
"Deeeeelicious! Ah've ate three of 'em ahl ready momma! Mmm mmmm!" She licked her lips, rubbing her belly.
Pearbutter forced a smile. "You made these...all by yourself?" She put her hoof to her chin inquisitively. Applejack leapt up. "Ah sure did momma! Made 'em specially for you, ah did!" Pearbutter looked at the plate in fake disbelief. "I ain't buying it, they look to darn tasty. Ah think Granny made these n' you just watched." Applejack began getting flustered at her mom's words. "Nuh uh! Ah made 'em all with mah own two hoofs!"
Pearbutter smiled putting her arms around her daughter. "Thank you Applejack, I have the best daughter in the world!" She said hugging and kissing the filly and making her giggle.

Pearbutter smiled longing at her beautiful daughter. "Now why don't you go get cleaned up an' we'll head on out." Kissing Applejack on the muzzle, the little pony began clopping on the spot, unfortunately mashing her poor mother's ribs under her hooves in the process.
They giggled. "C'mon Applejack, hurry or we're going to be late."
Applejack stopped quick on the spot, her eye's widening. "Late? Late for what, momma?" She squeaked.
Pearbutter giggled. "Well the sooner you're ready, the sooner you'll find out."

Applejack leapt off the bed onto the floor laughing as she went galloping out of the door. Pearbutter made sure her daughter was down the stairs before picking up the breakfast and hiding it in the wash basket. Moment's later Applejack galloped back into the bedroom seeing her mother's empty plate already. "Where's your breakfast mom?"
Her daughter's little inquisitive face, melted her heart but she had to tell a fib to save her filly's feelings. "Well, they were just so darn tasty ah just ate 'em all up! You're right, they sure is tasty! Mmm mmm." She smiled wide hoping her daughter would believe her.
"Now then, what were you going to ask me sweetheart?"
Applejack looked at her mother a moment. "Ya know whut, ah can't remember!" They both laughed and began to get ready to start their special day together.

The mother and daughter headed down the track heading into Ponyville Applejack scampered around her mother's hooves excitedly. "So where we headed to first mamma?"
Pearbutter giggled. "Well if I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"
Applejack blocked her mother's path. "Whut?? You can't even give me a clue?" Pearbutter giggled thinking about answering her daughter. "Not to worry sweetheart, we'll be there shortly." She softly said with a giggle.

The treeline broke and the hustle and bustle exploded before the two ponies.
Applejack stood on the spot staring wide eyed and maw smacked as she watched the busy ponies filling the streets of Ponyville. The air was filled with dust and busy chatter as ponies and carriages headed in both directions, as her mother gazed upon only her daughter with a warm smile.
"Wow, momma! Just look at everypony go!" The filly exclaimed excitedly.
Her mom smiled putting a hoof lovingly on her her daughter's shoulder. "Yes, it's very exciting Applejack, however don't get to close to those carriages and be sure to stay by my side as not to get lost okay?" Applejack smiled softly. "Ah promise mamma."

She held her filly's hoof tight as they diced through a crowd of ponies as they headed to the market. The fragrant smell of fresh produce mingled with the freshly baked pastries from Cupcake Corner as they headed over to the market stalls. "Hey Applejack, how many apple baskets did you fill up yesterday?" The young put a hoof to her chin and thought a moment then smiled holding her hoof to her mother. "Five baskets momma!"
Buttercup smiled warmly already knowing how hard her daughter had worked this week. "Hmm five full baskets, or did you only fill them yay high?" The orange pony jumped up and down making her yellow mane bounce around. "I filled them so high momma that I thought the baskets would burst!" Buttercup chuckled. "Well, five full baskets? So hows about five full bits?" Applejack's eyes widened. "You'd give me five whole bits for stacking apples?" Her mother held out a green purse with a red apple button and in gold the letters 'AJ' were embroidered onto it with five bits inside.

Applejack became overwhelmed at her mother's kind gesture. "Oh momma, thank you! Is this really for me? Her mother hugged her tight. "Well of course Sugarcube, you're pulling your weight on the farm and you're growing up so fast that soon you'll be becoming your own filly. You'll be wanting to spend your own bits on clothes and treats when going out with friends and suchlike." Applejack's lip wobbled as tears filled her emerald eyes overwhelmed by her mother's love. She held her mother so tight that it made Buttercup yelp out. "Ow ow ow! That's to tight darlin'!" As Applejack released her mother tickled her while making nomming noises on her cheek stealing kisses. The filly blushed a bright red. "Mom! You're embarrassing me!" Her mom held her by the shoulders looking at her straight in the eyes with a warm smile. "I know I just said that you're growing up but... don't grow up to fast, alright? No matter how big or old you get you'll always be my little filly and no matter what, I will always be your mamma." She softly said feeling herself tearing up. "Go on now darlin' go get yourself something nice for our trip." Applejacks face lit up like a hearths warming tree. "Trip?? Where we goin' momma?

Buttercup rolled her eyes at herself for letting the cat out of the bag.
"A trip? Who said 'trip' ah said careful not to trip..." She teased. Applejack stomped her hoof. "Quit teasin' mom!" Buttercup giggled at her daughter's attempt at ferocity. ' Ah reckon she's goin' to be a hooful when she gets older.' Buttercup thought to herself with a smile. "Alright then darlin' go get something quick before we miss the Ponyville Express." Applejack's smile beamed. "Yeah! Ooh I wonder where we're goin' okay I'll be right back mamma! She called over her shoulder as she cantered over to one of the market stalls before cantering back. "Okay momma, let's go. We don't wanna be late for the train!" Buttercup chuckled and took her daughter's hoof as they headed for the station.


"Wake up Sweetheart, we're nearly there."
Applejack stirred from her sleep, her eyes widened and she dove forward gazing out of the window excitedly gasping at the beautiful scenery before her. "Wow! This is amazin' momma!"
"Welcome to Manehatten, Sugarcube." Her mother smiled.
The train whistled as the station came into view. Toot! Toot! the filly gasped upon hearing the pistons firing off sending up plumes of steam into the air. Applejack smiled wide at the extravagant views as they travelled from the plush greens and soft yellows of the countryside into the soft blues and greys of the big city.

After a short while they finally reached their destination. They disembarked onto the platform and exited the station. "Alright Applejack, stay close to mommy, okay?" The little orange pony looked up to her mother and replied softly. "Okay momma. So where to first?"
Her mother smiled warmly "C'mon, I know just the place to visit first." They headed out into the bustling crowds of the street. Pearbutter giggled watching her young daughter looking on in awe at the huge city around her. "We're here darlin', c'mon now!" She smiled wide hoofing her daughter into the salon. "Alright Sugarcube, pick any mane and ponytail style you like. It's my treat."

Applejack looked on in wonder at all pictures of the latest styles around the studio. She saw a mare with a well kept fringe and a simple thing braid hanging at the back. "Can ah have this one momma? Please." Pearbutter smiled warmly. Of course you can Darlin' now which tail style do you want?" Applejack took another look at the pictures of elegant mares a few moments, there she was a pony with the same colouring as her and her blonde tail was long and thick plaited from top to bottom tied with a green ribbon. "Can ah have that style momma?" Pearbutter smiled nuzzling her daughter. "Of course you can dear." Both stylists brought them over a complimentary drink each, a glass of wine for Buttercup and a fruit juice and a candy for the sweetest filly they'd ever seen.

As the stylist got Applejack settled in the chair to begin the second stylist offered Buttercup the chair next to her daughter. "Okay madame, what would you like? Pearbutter smiled at the stylist in the reflection of the mirror. "I'm sorry, I can't make my mind up, they're all so lovely...I think I'll have a shampoo and conditioner whilst I have a think please."
The stylist smiled giving a nod of approval. "Very good. Just rest your head back and relax and we'll begin." The mother and daughter talked about different things they'd been up to that week and laughed aloud as Applejack mispronounced a word which they politely told her that what she had meant to say was 'tentacles'.

After a while the stylist spun Applejack around facing her mother. "So mom, what do you think of your new daughter?" The stylist said with pride at her fine hoofiwork. Buttercup sat up her hair still wet giving Applejack an exaggerated look. "Where's my daughter gone? This isn't her, this is a lovely young lady here. Applejack! Applejack! Where are you? The stylist smiled watching the mother play with her daughter. Applejack sat forward. "Momma it is me! I'm Applejack silly!" Pearbutter giggled. "Oh Applejack, it is you! You look beautiful as ever darlin'" She smiled to the stylist mouthing the words 'thank you'. The stylist closed her eyes smiling giving her a courtesy nod. She then turned back to her stylist. "You know ah think I'll have the same as my daughter." The stylist gave her a wide smile. "Very good. I'll begin right away." Applejack looked across to her mother. "But momma, your mane is already beautiful." The three mares swooned as the filly's words crushed them. "Oh my goodness Madame, she is just so adorable!" The stylist burst out as she began styling Buttercups mane as her partner began braiding the mares tail.

Both stylists had her done in next to no time. They swung her chair round to the mirror smiling. "How's that Madame?" Pearbutter smiled warmly. "Thank you kindly ladies this is just wonderful. Thank you both. What do you say to the kind ladies Applejack?" The filly looked up from her fruit juice. "Thank you nice ladies for making me look pretty." The three swooned again at the young filly's cuteness. Buttercup passed over the bits and the stylist smiled pushing half of them back to her. "You're shampoo and conditioning and the filly's style is on us. It's been an absolute pleasure." Pearbutter smiled blushing slightly. "Why thank you kindly ladies, it's her first time visiting the big city. Please take this as a tip. Thank you again." As they headed out the door Applejack stopped and waved. "Thanks again nice ladies!"

Back out on the busy streets. "What now momma?" The orange filly cried out. "Buttercup smiled warmly. "Well we've just had our manes and tails done so...I don't know...how's about we get new outfits for when we go for dinner?" She warmly said. Applejack smiled jumping up and down on the spot like they were the only two ponies in the street. "Yay! That sounds great!" She squeaked with joy.
Applejack looked around at the tall buildings towering over them in complete awe they had been walking a while when they finally arrived at the large fashion shop. "Let's get you a pretty new dress darlin'." Buttercup said putting her hoof around her daughter whilst helping her into the store.

As they stepped inside the shop, a bell chimed overhead and a well-dressed pony appeared from behind a curtain. He greeted them with a warm smile. "Welcome to my humble shop, I am Jaunty. How may I be of service?"
Pearbutter introduced herself and her daughter. "Hey there, I am Buttercup and this is my daughter, Applejack. We were just admiring your beautiful dresses."
Jaunty smiled widely. "Wonderful and is the dress for any particular occasion?"
Pearbutter smiled scratching the back of her head. "Well, you see it's my daughter's first time in the big city and I'd like to take her to the finest restaurant in town...but..."

Jaunty smiled and waved his hooves. "I see, not to worry Ms Buttercup I have dresses from all the ranges, but by no means are they less elegant I can assure you. Please if you'll follow me this way then I shall give you some privacy to peruse my fine wares, I'm sure we have something perfect for you both." As they came to the rack of dresses they gasped at how long the rail of various attire went. Applejack's eyes widened. "Mamma look! It's longer than the Ponyville Express!" She squeeked excitedly making her mom and Jaunty chuckle. He leaned down to the filly. "Why thank you little filly, I shall take that as a compliment." He looked back to Buttercup with a smile. " Well I shall leave you two ladies to it. If you need any assistance just give a holler." Buttercup smiled warmly "Thank you Jaunty."

Applejack's eyes widened in excitement as she ran off to explore the dresses. Buttercup followed closely behind, admiring the fine fabrics and intricate designs before trying the various designs on. The girls laughed and giggled as they played trying on the various apparel. They used the long rail of clothing as a catwalk, where they strutted and giggled adding various fancy hats and elegant shoes. Buttercup giggled as her young daughter appeared dressed in a mare's dress and shoes and began laughing as she wobbled like a newborn foal trying to find it's feet. "Oh darlin' you've gotta while before you fit into that one, but you do look really pretty in it.

Later as they were finishing up, Jaunty appeared with two dresses in his hooves. "I couldn't help but notice the two of you have impeccable taste. I thought you may like to try these on." He handed Buttercup a stunning yellow gown with delicate lace details, and Applejack a pretty emerald dress with red ruffles and bows. The two couldn't contain their excitement and immediately rushed to the fitting rooms to try on the dresses.

Buttercup smiled softly with a blush. "They are beautiful, but I don't have the bits for that range I'm sorry Jaunty."
Jaunty smiled warmly. "I think you can Ms Buttercup, you see this is my shop and I make the rules and these two elegant dresses are in fact inside your price range. However there is just one small condition I ask from you in return..."
Buttercup raised an eyebrow. "Whut is this condition?"
Jaunty blushed. "I would like you to tell everypony which shop in Manehatten you bought them from." She giggled "Well heck Jaunty we can do that! My husband and I are taking our stall to the market this week I'll tell everypony there too!"
Jaunty smiled wide. "Really Ms Buttercup, you'd do that for ol' Jaunty?"
She smiled warmly. Why of course, you have such wonderful wares here and you seem like a real articulate fella."
Jaunty blushed. "Well thank you kindly madam now go try them on." He smiled as they emerged from the fitting rooms, Jaunty's eyes lit up in amazement. "Oh my, you both look simply stunning! The dresses fit you perfectly."

Buttercup twirled around, the light fabric of the dress flowing gracefully around her. "I feel like a princess in this dress and Applejack looks like a little fairy in hers."
Applejack giggled and started twirling around as well. "We both look so fancy, Momma! Can we try on more dresses?"
Buttercup smiled lovingly at her daughter. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but if we don't hurry we'll miss our reservation at the Cantering Cook." Applejack's lip wobbled as tears formed in her eyes.
Jaunty politely interjected with a soft cough. "Excuse my intrusion, but I have a friend Savoir Fare who is a waiter at the Cantering Cook. He keeps saying that he's going to run his own restaurant one day, I suppose only time will tell on that one." He dropped down to Applejack and retrieving black and gold business card from his top breast pocket. "Anyway Applejack. When you see my friend, give him this card and tell him Jaunty sent you. He'll give you the best ice-cream on the menu. I promise." The tears of sadness turned to ones of joy. "Really? Oh thank you so much Jaunty! You're the best!" She hugged him tight making him chuckle upon realising she was quite strong for a filly her age.
He stood smiling warmly watching the mother and daughter so happy in their moment together.

The girls admired their brand new dresses in the mirror as Jaunty boxed and bagged their old wares before ringing them up at the till.
"Thanks again for everything Jaunty and I promise I'll be sure to pass your name around at the market tomorrow.
He smiled widely. "Thank you Ms Buttercup."
"And thank you for the ice-cream Jaunty!" Applejack squeaked.
"My pleasure, my dear Applejack." He smiled.

They left the shop and joined the late afternoon crowds. Ponies gasped eying at the two fashionable ponies. "Oh my where did you get those dresses? Are you in show business?" One Manehattanite called out looking over their glasses in awe. Another pony came in close. "Does he do stallion wares also?" The blushing gentlecolt asked. Buttercup giggled at the attention trying not to blush. "This fine attire is from the best fashionisto in town by the name of Jaunty over on 12th!" She called out to make sure others heard her before making her way down the busy street. Applejack whispered. "Momma, why is everypony looking at us?" Buttercup smiled lovingly at her daughter. "Because we look so beautiful in our dresses darling." Applejack smiled wide beginning to copy her mother's steps.
Their faces glowing with excitement and joy. It was a rare moment for them, a moment of pure happiness and contentment in their little corner of the world.

Buttercup nudged Applejack, the little pony looked to her mom following her looking up over her head. "Wow momma! What's that?" The filly gasped at the huge building. "This is the Manehatten theatre next time we come I'll take you to a show!" She watched as her little fillys smile beamed so bright it warmed her heart. "That sounds great momma!"
Buttercup smiled warmly. "We're not far from the restaurant now sugarcube, I hope you're hungry." She giggled.

A short while later

The girls finally made it to The Cantering Cook the large door opened where a mare dressed in formal black and white attire greeted them. Good evening ladies, I welcome you to The Cantering Cook. May I take your cloaks? They smiled passing their cloaks to the hostess who hung them in the cloakroom. "Thank you Miss." Buttercup smiled.
The hostess returned with two drinks menus. "Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked. Buttercup smiled. "Yes it's under 'Applejack'" The hostess ran her hoof down the the sheet of parchment. "Ah yes, Applejack. Please follow me this way ladies." As they followed the hostess the conversations from the dining tables changed to that of compliments of the girls dresses in which Buttercup and Applejack could only smile politely until they were seated.

The hostess lit the candle in the middle of the table for them and passed them the drinks menu. Taking her time to get her pen and pad out for their orders whilst they perused the menu allowing a few moments pass. "Can I get you anything to drink yet, Madame?" She asked.
Applejack set her menu down. "I'll take an apple juice please, but not the fizzy kind 'cos it comes down mah nose n it stings mah eyes." Buttercup snorted a laugh quickly composing herself. "I'm sorry for the young 'un it's her first time you see." She blushed as the hostess didn't look pleased. "So, a fresh apple juice for the filly and and for you Madame?" Buttercup glanced over the drinks. "Ah think I'll have tha pear cider please." The hostess wrote the order down. "Very good Madam. One of our waiters shall be with you shortly." Buttercup smiled. "Thank you. Excuse me but is it possible for us to see Savoir Fare?" The hostess looked them over wondering if they were familiar. "He's working another table. Is there any particular reason you want him?" Buttercup smiled. "We were told by Jaunty, the local fashionisto that we should ask for his service." The hostess looked them over again. "Very well. I shall see what I can do." Buttercup thanked her as she left to find the waiter.

As they sipped on their drinks, Buttercup couldn't help but reminisce about the past. She remembered the struggles and sacrifices she had made to raise Applejack. Buttercup had to work long hours and make tough choices, but she never let that affect Applejack's upbringing. She had always put her daughter's needs before her own, and seeing her now, acting all grown up and genuinely happy, made it all worth it.

She was brought out of thoughts by a dashing steed in his formal attire. His neat bow tie and a very thin well kept moustache. "Good evening ladies. I am Savoir Fare. I was told that you have asked for me specifically." Buttercup smiled wide. "That's right. We just got our dresses from Jaunty today and he gave us this business card to specifically give to you and said that you'd give my daughter here the best dessert on the menu if we did...that's if she eats the rest of her dinner of course." She said with a grin. Savoir Fare raised an eyebrow. "And why would the dress maker surmise such a thing?" He asked. Applejack held out the card. "Because he told me to give you this Mister."

Savoir Fare's eyes grew wide. "This is for real? This is his card? You're not pulling my leg?"
Buttercup and Applejack were in wonder they hadn't a clue as to what was going on. "I assure you Sir, that the card my daughter is holding for you is from Jaunty himself."
Savoir Fare took the card with a shaky hoof carefully looking at the details. "It is from Jaunty! He's made me an Elite client! Which means he believes in me, that I Savoir Fare will run my own restaurant one day!" He looked at Applejack then to Buttercup. "Thank you Miss and thank you Madame. I shall see to all of your culinary needs this evening."

He calmed himself down taking a deep heavy breath and ran a hoof carefully through his sleek designer manestyle. He placed the food menus down on the table. I will return in a few minutes to take your order." He turned quickly and headed into the kitchens.
Applejack burst into giggles. "He's so funny momma!" Buttercup chuckled along with her daughter. "Yes dear, but you would be too if you were allowed to join an elite group of ponies." Applejack rolled her eyes. "That's silly stuff momma. Ah've got all whut ah need n that does me just fine." She said dryly taking another drink of her apple juice. Buttercup could only smile at her daughter. If only she knew that life had twists and turns, which one day she maybe happy being part of something bigger than her family...something bigger than herself. She snapped from her daze as Savoir Fare waved a hoof in front of her face.

"Ah Madame, there you are. Thank you for joining us again. I was just asking if you are ready to order your food? Applejack giggled. "You're so funny momma!" Buttercup smiled blushing. "I'm sorry about that, yes we are...um I'll have the... I'm sorry I can't pronounce this..." Savoir Fare took a look. "Ah yes Madame very good choice, with the cream sauce also?" Buttercup smiled. "That would be lovely, thank you." Savoir Fare crouched down beside Applejack. "And you my little friend, what is it you want? "I'll have the deluxe hay burger and apple fries, please Mister!" She squeeked excitedly. "You got it little Miss!" He said with a smile as he returned to the kitchen with their order.

A short while later the waiter returned with their food. "You're meals ladies" He said placing the food on the table. "And complimentary drinks as a token of my appreciation. I thank you both again. Now please, enjoy your meals." He gave a smile returning to his post.
Applejack licked her lips. This looks so tasty momma!" Buttercup smiled lovingly. "Eat it up before it goes cold." She said warmly as she began eating hers.

The moon shone through the window beside them, overlooking the city below. They watched as ponies trotted up and down the lamp lit streets getting ready for their night out on the town after a hard day's work alongside carriages travelling in both directions whilst others were taking romantic strolls through the park.
It was really quite something.

They sat back in their chairs relaxing after their bountiful meals and the mother and daughter were laughing and talking about various things happening outside when Savoir Fare came back for their plates. "Did you both enjoy your meals, ladies?" He cheerfully asked. Applejack licked her lips smiling. "Those hay burgers were really something! Mmmm mmm!" She sat back smiling rubbing her belly. "And you, Madame?" That was the best pasta I've had in a long while. We're stuffed. Thank you" She chuckled.
Savoir Fare smiled. "Well, I hope you're both not too stuffed because the chef has the dessert almost ready for you. Just give me a nod when you're both ready for it and I'll bring it over at once." He smiled softly before heading back to the front desk.

Buttercup smiled lovingly to Applejack. "Well darlin' have you got your dessert belly ready yet?" She teased knowing what the answer would be.
Applejack sat up in her chair quickly. "I'm ready for dessert momma!"
Buttercup giggled. "Of course just, just give me five minutes okay?" She smiled really wanting to give Applejack five minutes.

"So darlin', how's your first time in the city with your mom being?" She smiled lovingly as her daughter's little face lit up. "Oh momma, today has been the best ever! My new manestyle, my new dresses! Momma you're the best! She hopped off her seat scooching around the table to hug her mom. Buttercup smiled at her daughter giving her a boop on the nose before picking her up and jostling Applejack in her lap. They looked out of the window together, Buttercup nuzzling her face into her daughter's mane as the filly rested into her. "You've had a big day darlin' ain't ya." She said yawning herself. Let's get that dessert I've got one more surprise before we head home. Applejack fired back in to life. "What is it momma? What is it?" She squeeked with excitement. Buttercup giggled. "Well if I told you sugarcube, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" She laughed before getting Savoir Fare's attention and giving him a nod.
A few minutes later he returned with a large platter on a trolley. On the platter which looked like it was on fire as the sparklers crackled. There were numerous large scoops of every flavour of ice-cream all dowsed in various flavours of syrups from chocolate to toffee adorned with pieces of freshly cut fruit. The girls licked their lips as they couldn't take their wide eyes away.

"Oh Savoir Fare, this is really nice, thank you! I wasn't expecting it to be so big!" She laughed.
He smiled. "Well, Jaunty doesn't do things by half, he said the biggest dessert for the filly, then the filly gets the biggest dessert." He passed them a dessert spoon and fork each. Please enjoy ladies." He said softly before leaving them to it.

Applejack's eyes were dazzling, she didn't know where to begin she looked to her mother for answers. As if her mother read her mind Buttercup replied. "Well don't look at me sugarcube, am just as stumped as you are." They both giggled and it wasn't long before they began tucking into the delicious dessert.
They pretended to fight over the pieces of fruit which were adorned in various tasty syrups. The girls giggled and laughed as they played with their tasty food as if they were the only ones there.

Sometime Later

The mother and daughter sat back on their seats completely stuffed. The dessert platter had been decimated only the non edible parts were left behind in the shallow milky pools of melted ice-cream. Buttercup giggled watching her daughter trying to soak up some of the melted ice-cream onto a little wafer she had left.

Savoir Fare came along with a big smile. "Did you ladies enjoy?" He asked as he picked up the empty platter putting it on to the trolley. "It was so tasty, thank you!" they both replied together.
"That was some dessert Savoir Fare. Would you be as kind as to thank him again for us when you see him?" Savoir Fare smiled. "Madame, it will be my pleasure."
He finished clearing the table. "Is there anything else I can get you Madame?" He asked.
Buttercup watched her daughter's bed eyes roll. "Just the bill please." They both giggled watching the filly falling asleep. "Right away Madam."

Finally outside, the evening breeze brisked Applejack's fur making her yawn. "C'mon sugarcube, one last surprise before home. The little filly felt her sleep subsiding as she wondered what her mother had in store for her.
Her mom took her by the hoof and began walking towards the park. "Are we going to feed the ducks momma?" She asked with a squeak. Buttercup giggled. No sweetheart, they'll be asleep now." Up ahead there was carriages being pulled by strong colts and stallions.
Applejack's tired eyes lit up. "Are we going in one of those momma?" She yelled out in disbelief. Buttercup smiled. "Well how else are we going to get back for the last Ponyville Express of the night

They hopped into the carriage and off they went taking in the wonderful views of the big city as the moon shone over the city, the streets began to bustle with ponies of all ages and backgrounds. Among the crowd, a mother and daughter walked hoof in hoof, their laughter echoing through the busy streets, their faces glowing with excitement and joy and it wasn't long before they were on their way to the last Ponyville Express of the night, a train that would take them back home after a long day of exploring the city. Applejack had never been on a train at night before and she couldn't wait to experience it. The thought of watching the tall buildings and big city lights fly by as they traveled through the city filled her with excitement.

As they arrived at the train station, Buttercup paid the carriage driver. "Thank you it was wonderful!" She called out before readying their train tickets as they clamored onto the train. Applejack's eyes widened as she took in the luxurious interior of the train, the plush seats and elegant decor. She felt like a true princess sitting on such a fancy train in her formal dress.

Buttercup watched her daughter's amazement and smiled. She knew how much this meant to Applejack and was glad to be able to share this experience with her. As the train chugged along, Buttercup pointed out the different landmarks and attractions of the city, giving Applejack a mini tour as they traveled.

But as the city lights began to fade away and the darkness of the countryside took over, Applejack's excitement finally turned into exhaustion. She had been up and about all day, exploring every nook and cranny of the city and now her little hooves were aching from all the walking.

Buttercup noticed her daughter's tiredness finally taking hold and pulled her close, tucking her into her side. "We're almost home, my little one." She said gently, rubbing Applejack's back in a soothing manner. "Just a little bit more and then we can rest."

Applejack's tired eyes lit up at the thought of finally being home and she mustered up the last bit of energy she had to stay awake. It was just after midnight when they arrived at the Ponyville station, where they were greeted by the familiar and comforting sight of their small town. Applejack let out a tired yawn as they stepped off the train and headed towards their home.

A short while later they wearily reached the farmhouse door when Applejack swung her arms around her mom. "Thank you for today momma! You're the best!" Buttercup hugged into her daughter warmly. "C'mon now sugarcube, time for bed and I'll come tuck you in shortly alright?" Applejack squeezed her mom tighter than ever before. "Thanks again for such a wonderful day, momma." Buttercup smiled lovingly kissing her daughter's forehead. "Go n get ready for bed now." She softly whispered as her lip wobbled.

Buttercup smiled warmly looking out the kitchen window as the moon shone down brightly over the apple orchard just as her mind began to wander she heard a little thud from Applejack's room. She shook her head softly smiling as she headed up the stairs. She gave a little tap on the door. "You ready for bed darlin'?" She asked as she quietly entered the filly's room. She found Applejack in her nightgown sitting looking out of her window. "I've had so much fun today with you momma. I can't wait to do it again." She said with a yawn. Buttercup smiled. "Well let's just recover from today first shall we." They both quietly giggled as not to wake anypony up.

Buttercup tucked her daughter in for the night gently running her hoof across her filly's fringe to keep it out her eyes. "Oh momma, I wish you and dad didn't have to go to market tomorrow." She said tiresome. Buttercup smiled lovingly softly playing with her daughter's mane. "It's just for the week and we'll be back before you know it." Applejack sat up wrapping her hooves around her mother. "I love you momma. Goodnight." She softly whispered. Buttercup hugged her tight. "And I love you too sweetheart." She kissed her daughter goodnight and quietly closed the door gently wiping the tears from her eyes overwhelmed by the love of her daughter. She quietly opened Big Mac's bedroom door watching him sleep off the heavy day with his dad in the fields before she went to her own room. She walked over to her sleeping husband giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.
Buttercup put her hoof on Applebloom's crib she gazed at her baby in peaceful dreams. "Goodnight my little Applebloom. Momma loves you so much." She gently whispered as not to set the foal off crying.

She unclasped her dress and let it fall to the floor taking a moment in the light of the moon before putting on her nightgown and carefully getting into bed. As she closed her eyes snuggling into her husband's warmth she felt his arm come around hugging her. "How did your girly day go?" She smiled as he hugged into her from behind. "It was the best." He hugged her tight. "That's great honey. You can tell me all about it in the morning." She felt him kiss the back of her head and smiled warmly as she fell asleep.

Some years later.

Since that day the little filly had grown up into strong independent mare.

"Well momma, since that day you and dad never made it back from the market...I made a promise to myself to live each day to the fullest, just like you taught me Momma. And as I look up at the sky I know that you're both still with me, watching over me and guiding me through life's journey.
I kept my promise to make the most out of each day, just like you would have wanted. And as I grow older, I realise that you had never really left. Your love, your kindness, and your spirit continues to shine on, lighting up my path through life.
I will always miss you my mother, but I am grateful for all the memories that we shared and the time we had together and I know that you will always be with me in my heart and in my thoughts, until we meet again."

The rain ran off Applejack's stetson as she retrieved a small flower from her coat pocket with her teeth carefully placing the buttercup down on the top of the headstone.

"Happy mother's day Momma."

Author's Note:

This story is dedicated to all the Applejacks and Big Mac's out there

Comments ( 8 )

Nice, the only thing missing would be Buttercup checking on Apple Bloom before retiring ...

Hi darling!
Thank you for letting me know. I seem to have messed up during the final edit.

Remember to 'Like' if you like. :raritywink:

You made me CRY

I would just like to say thank you for taking the time to write this very touching story.
I cried so much .

This was an incredibly sweet story. I'm almost tempted to say it was a bit too sweet, bordering on sappy, but I have a bit of a sweet tooth in that regard. The story wasn't aiming high, but it didn't need to, and accomplished what it set out to do. Unfortunately, the story has a large number of mechanical errors (grammar, punctuation, formatting) throughout that make it a bit difficult to read. If this had gotten some more proofreading, I think this could have been a much better story.

This was such an adorable fic to read and I’m not afraid to say that I did shed a small tear while reading this!

10/10 ✨

agron989 #8 · Sunday · · ·

Wow Ms Rarity a truly great story it's really good I love it

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