• Published 1st Mar 2024
  • 180 Views, 0 Comments

Beyond the Crystal - Undercoverestimated

Princess Amore´s son has lost everything; he needs to find himself in the Equestria of a thousand years ago. Aided by his friends, he will embark on a journey to return his home where it belongs, build his own destiny and make history in the process.

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For countless moons, long enough to forget, upon the distant and cold northern fringe of enchanted Equestria stands imposingly a splendorous palace, the most glorious castle that any creature has ever seen. It is located right in the core of the homeland of the quintessentially ancient and, at the same time, the youngest great civilization to set hoof in these magical lands, which during its golden years constituted the paradigm of prosperity in its remote era: The Crystal Empire.

But it did not always remain there. For centuries, this gorgeous place was well known as the Capital of Love for being a beautiful example of unity among ponies and an ideal environment for magic to grow all across the land. Nevertheless, there are in its legacy many blank pages, or rather, black pages. There was a long empty age for the kingdom.

In the middle of a fateful night, about a thousand years ago, the most and yet least known evil and worst enemy of The Empire manifested himself wrathfully in its heart. He stole the supreme heirloom of its inhabitants and destroyed the champion of all they stood for. Darkness took control and the reigning tyrant submerged the people under his despotic rule, all by himself, until two foreign sisters, powerful rulers of the friendly nation of Equestria, arrived with the intention of putting an end to the siege of The Crystal Empire. The dictator was defeated, banished and condemned to rot in exile, trapped in the depths of the arctic ice. As he disappeared amidst smoke and screams, he foreshadowed his return, promising that one day he would come back to rule once again.

To the failure and frustration of the two heroines, this is not how the storm ended; the denouement of this tale took a millennium to arrive. With the bittersweet victory, a high price was paid, for The Crystal Empire fell under a terrible curse. It vanished from the face of the world, as if faded into nothingness, condemning all its residents to a perpetual, bloody torture, reliving again and again the horrors of the slavery to which they were subjected, until the day came for the rightful heir to claim the throne.

And so, this memory dissolved in the sway of the waves of time, just like many other important chapters in the vast history of ponykind; those who inhabit Equestria today, except a few cases, were unaware of the existence of the Empire until its fortuitous reappearance. It is a recurrent phenomenon among all the inhabitants of the nation to ignore things that happened, that were so long ago; sometimes, the past finds a way to knock the door down. Now, the real history, the hows and whys of events, as well as the consequences, are secrets hidden in the deep sea of oblivion and remain a mystery to even the most studious historians. No book gathers clues as to what really happened.

None... except for this one.

The story begins right here, many moons ago, inside the Crystal Palace. An architectural miracle, all pointed shapes and polished stones; its shiny walls refract in every nook and cranny the first rays of the rising sun, which enter through the numerous windows and balconies that pop every room and corridor, providing a dim but sufficient illumination all over the place at this hour.

An atmosphere of hustle and bustle is breathed by this unique environment. The servants, awake since the wee hours of the morning, hurry to prepare everything for the annual commemoration of an important day in the calendar of the Empire. The date brought with it an event that marked the continuity of an era, and which certainly lifted the spirits of those who witnessed it for a long time:

It was an icy, stormy night; the moon shone brighter than usual, so much so, that the beams of platinum light pierced like needles the dense gray clouds. Never had a storm of such magnitude hit the home of the crystal ponies: the incessant snowfall dressed the city as a bride while streets and roofs disappeared under a thick white blanket; the hail frantically hit every door and window with the fury of a drum roll in a cataclysmic percussion; and the rising gale, with the flapping wings of the north winds, threatened to blow everything in its path into the air with a single gust.

The soldiers managed to carry out the evacuation in time, and sheltered everyone inside the castle before the city was turned into a desolate desert landscape of white sand. Fear and despair reigned among the crowd: heartrending cries of foals separated from their parents; mares galloping back and forth in agonizing search of their offspring; the expressions of deep terror on the faces of the elderly; and the shouts of the guards who tried, in vain, to calm the crowd and, at the same time, to fan the dwindling flame that kept them all gathered in the same large room, free from freezing, which at every breath became weaker.

In the face of such chaos, a very young recruit of The Guard, overwhelmed by all the commotion, could not contain her own outburst and exclaimed, with uncontrollable fury, a call for help that echoed throughout the palace:

"Where the hay is the Princess!?"

Not far away, in the royal chambers, on a comfortable bed and under crimson sheets, laying on her back and in a deplorable state, was a majestic figure with her head immersed in the pillow, completely surrendered. Yet, drawn on her pale face, a pearly smile devoted a thousand pretty words, her exhausted eyes focused fondly on the colt leaning on the side of the bed, which held the shaggiest creature she has ever seen.

“It’s a boy!" he reported, "A unicorn, like me!"

In truth, he himself was not confident that he would be able to play such a good role in it all. Perhaps it was his cool mind and nerves of steel, or maybe it was the fact that she did practically all the work, but he was proud of the fact that not everyone has the stomach for that kind of thing anyways.

"It reminds me a little of you, of the day I met you..."

Guilt, albeit camouflaged by exhaustion and, of course, happiness, peeked through the mother's expression. The grayish unicorn with black hair did not notice this, his green gaze did not stray from that inert body that, with time, he would begin to see more often. He remembered that day crystal clear, it was the last interaction they had had; impressive how radically fast events had escalated since then.

When he got out of bed that morning, he didn't expect to end up being the only one to attend the most important birth in the history of the nation.

"Is it normal for him not to cry, not to move?" The joy drained from his face. "He's... cold."

It was his first time attending a birth, nothing about that situation seemed appropriate to him, and fear began to grip his body.

Little did he know why a little pony like him, with nothing special except for a horn on his forehead, was separated from his guardian in the middle of the storm, and summoned to that place by royal command.

"Is he breathing?" she said.

There was something special about that hopeful tone, even though the words struggled not to turn into inaudible whispers. The question, because of the tender and delicate nature of its origin, seemed to light up the room. It was the manifestation of a marvelous power, unparalleled among all known magic, and she was the avatar of that element.

"Hardly at all." A solitary tear threatened to escape down his cheek.

His gaze then fell on two round rubies, the most precious jewels in the Empire. In a blink of an eye all his sorrows dissipated, a comforting feeling stopped the torment he was under, he convinced himself that all would be well as long as the light remained on those eyes. The tear landed on snow-clear skin.

Suddenly, there was a stain on the baby's eyelids. No one noticed, it turned invisible in a wink.

"You have nothing to worry about. Some are born with a frozen heart. It takes... a spark, to ignite the flame of life. Come closer."

He obeyed. Princess Amore, monarch of the Crystal Empire, bowed her head. From the tip of her long horn emerged a spell, a red light that touched in turn the end of the newborn's tiny horn. Instantly, the spark traveled up the inside of his body until it stopped at his chest. After a visible flash, the little one opened his eyes for the first time.

"Heh, he has beautiful eyes." Ashen gray, with deep dark pupils speckled with brightness, resembling a night sky.

"Yes! How... lovely." She said nervously fast in an attempt to hide her grief, to chase away the sorrow. Those eyes reminded her to someone she did not want to remember.

She made a decision. She had stood strong all those long months; for her subjects, as for herself. That night, the foundations of her fortress trembled, and the memories of the past threatened to collapse upon her with the full weight of the truth so long silent.

"Certainly... don't you want to carry him?" The little one snuggled against him, not making any sound.

"I would love to, believe me, but I can barely move." Evasive response, anguish was pushing her to the brink of collapse. "You must help; I hear screams of someone who must be riding in anger right now. Take him, when they see him, there will be hope. You know what to do."

He was dumbfounded. "What!? Why? I'm just a little unicorn!"

"Then go out and ask the one who brought you to do it for you; or you can tell him to come in and leave, and go prove yourself that you are more than you think, that you can be better than whatever you have been convinced you will be. The moment I met you, when you looked at that reflection… I don't know what you saw, but I saw a frightened pony, afraid of the future; there is no reason to fear what has not happen, we are all determiners of our own destinies. I chose to request your help and I am grateful for what you have done here, but I could have asked someone else. I did it because I see a light inside you that you do not, because I want to show you how much you are worth. And that is why, now, not only do I entrust you with my son, I also place in your hooves the fate of the entire Empire."

He spilled his tears on the carpet, he had no idea it meant so much to his Princess.

She concluded, "I believe in you... Do you?"

"Uh-huh!" he intoned confidently after wiping his face. He was determined to accept the challenge, for he knew what had to be done.

"Now go," she made him farewell.

On three legs, young Sombra slowly made his way toward the door. On that seemingly endless night had just been born the one he would care for most in life; a treasure he once vowed to protect, until his fatal destiny consumed him, forever. When he was about to leave the room, he realized an important matter. He immediately turned around.

"Princess, what is his name?"

The enormous doors that delimited the apex of the double staircase of the corridors surrounding upper rooms of the palace opened with a magical clang. The crowd below, agglutinated in the wide room at the bottom of the staircase, watched in quiet horror as the smoldering mass of furniture, fabrics and old parchments piled in the center of the room lost intensity. The temperature was dropping at an alarming rate; soon, the only source of illumination would be a large circular window behind which the lightning flashes of the storm were being drawn.

Some of the impotent guards had abandoned the task; aware of their misfortune, they protected each other with the warmth of their bodies while slowly commending themselves to the cold embrace of the Grim Reaper Pony. No one noticed the character that was about to appear on stage.

No one... except Krystal Ranger.

The young mare newly recruited by The Guard felt immense relief as she gave credence to what her eyes were seeing, a feeling she definitely did not give to show through her usual sulky expression, nor with any other part of her body. She was this surly all the time, but today specifically she had plenty of reasons to justify her behavior. Marching to the front, she approached the shadow growing under the doorway; she had not expected it to be Sombra in the end, but still....

"Finally," she said in hoarse, thick voice, "I've been about to violate protocol and abandon the position to go find her myself, --" She paused, steady as a log; she lowered her head a little, so did her volume as she concluded, "-- she's coming right behind you, isn't she?" It was an inquisitive, belittling tone; now she exhaled puffs of cold breath directly into Sombra's face. He, for his part, did not take a single step back.

"Not exactly," he said through his teeth, avoiding breaking eye contact with his uncomfortably close interlocutor.

"What do you mean by that!?" Without giving him a chance to explain himself, the enraged Krystal Ranger lashed out at Sombra, head against head, pushing him until he was forced to sit down and shrink. "You dirty worthless piece of trash! I don't care what everyone thinks you are! I know you, I remember you well, I see right through you… and I don't like what I can see." His pupils were burning hotter than the pyre below them both... three.

Suddenly, a faint cry began to be heard. Krystal Ranger's eyes stopped torturing the moist eyes of a terrified Sombra and settled on the lump pressed against his chest.

"What have you got there?" the quick realization soon answered the question; the recruit raised a hoof and pressed her face to it. "Of all possible days, it had to be today, am I right, Princess?" After regaining her normal composure, she stepped forward and effortlessly snatched the child from the arms of his protector, who fell forward as he tried to resist. Just like that, she made her way to the small balcony located in the central space between the stairs, the cries intensifying. "Anyway, this could work."

From similar experiences in the past, Krystal Ranger was the last pony Sombra wanted to cross paths with. When he spotted that unmistakable military cut as he opened the gates, he knew his task would be greatly compromised. Now he lay sprawled on the floor, defeated, but he wasn't going to let a shove and a few squeals stop him from accomplishing the mission he had been given.

He rested one arm on the floor and upward he propelled himself. "Don't...touch...him…" His body trembled, his words went unheeded, but he stood. "...leave him alone."

This time Krystal Ranger stopped, turned her head to the side and looked out of the corner of her eye at a changed Sombra. She barely flinched at what she saw.

"Come on! Show me what you've got! Show me what you're made of!" she challenged him.

Anger, frustration, revenge... that was what Sombra's red gaze said. His eyes emanated a strange purple smoke and his horn flashed vestiges of the darkest among magics, the like of which has not been seen around for centuries. Krystal Ranger's eyes widened, stunned; nevertheless, she was confident in her bet. For Sombra it was the point of no return, the doors behind him slammed shut, a violet smoke clouded his thoughts, and in his heart there was only room for hatred. He prepared for the attack...

"Let. Him. Go!"

...but the spell failed to materialize. A triumphant smile peeked over the soldier's face as Sombra collapsed at her hooves. His skin was falling apart. Black, weightless ether gushed from the holes that were appearing, substance that, apparently, was not subordinated to gravity. Krystal Ranger let him writhe in terrible agony.

"Happy Crystalling, scum."

Krystal Ranger leaned over the railing and examined her passport to success in the military ranks. "Sorry, kid, I don't trust, he's going to be okay though...I hope so" The baby was no longer crying, his horn could be seen glowing and his little eyes were tightly shut; Sombra's outbursts of pain could no longer be heard either. It dawned on Krystal what was happening, she smiled inwardly. "Not bad, kiddo, not bad." The sight made her lick her lips in trance.

Time was running out. A heavily armored pony with a prominent mustache spotted Krystal Ranger from below. "Newbie!" he shouted with authority, "what do you think you're doing up there!"

The Colonel's not-so-sweet voice always brought anyone with their head in the clouds back to earth. For Krystal Ranger, consequences for misdemeanor usually involved a mop and a disciplinary visit to the barracks latrines; the current circumstances did not call for it, maybe tomorrow would, but today she had a plan.

"Sir--!" her voice cracked. Embarrassed, she cleared her throat, "--I know how to fix this, but I need you and all the units. We must organize a Royal Crystalling!" That said, she proceeded to lift the baby, with both arms, over the edge of the railing.

Loud sounds of simultaneous astonishment liquidated the sepulchral silence among the crystal ponies, all of whom had diverted their attention to the balcony. Some phrases were given to distinguish among the general murmurings: "Could it be...?" "Did she just say 'Royal Crystalling'?" "The Princess has given birth, she has given birth!" The little new acquisition of the Crystal Empire looked majestic in his state of concentration; little did he know that the continuity of an entire era in the history of Equestria hung on his birth ceremony.

The Colonel took a few seconds to look at the people, then returned his gaze to the balcony and finally threw a spit on the ground in indignation.

"I'll be condemned to hang up my uniform and banish myself to the Arctic Wastes the day I abide by such an order from the mouth of a private eager to become a hero! What children's story made you believe that a mythical ritual never performed before can save us all? Come down here this instant and put a blanket on that baby!"

"Listen to me!" her superior was stubborn as a donkey, but Krystal Ranger would not give up now. "You know Her Highness better than any other guard, you know well how linked her power is with The Crystalling. If we act now, perhaps the energy generated will be enough to keep us safe until we find a way to deal with the storm. Remember what you told us new applicants to The Guard that recruitment day not too long ago? You have to trust me; this could be the last chance we have to survive this catastrophe. I am certain that, if we all participate, we can make it count."

Everyone fell silent at the scene, only the last embers of the bonfire and the roar of the wind could be heard in the background. The Colonel closed his eyes to reflect. Yes, he remembered that face well, she was the soldier who bore the burden of being the youngest among her ranks of hardened militants, a feat she held with pride and mettle. Never before in his long career had he encountered a more promising pony. From the moment he met her at the aptitude test he recognized her talent and dedication, he had no choice but to accept her and train her like any other member of his army. Despite her temperament, which caused some--well corrected--minor indisciplines, she was proving so far that she was up to par. Now, he could not identify even a hint of insecurity in her actions, he respected that greatly.

Finally, he abandoned his ravings and issued an order to a group of guards behind him, who in physical appearance looked exactly alike. "You heard the rookie! Go and get the Crystal Heart here! Move! Move! Move!" The squadron shot out of the castle at the commanding voice, The Colonel turned and pointed at another set of clones of a different design, engulfed in a big hug. "You! Quit it right now and bring me the best crystal receptacles you can find! Pronto!" The soldiers broke out of their warm formation and ran toward the palace cellars. The Colonel looked as determined as Krystal Ranger to make this work at all costs. "Not today, cold northern demons, not today," he whispered. "Everyone else, regroup and get ready! We are going to make the best Crystalling this sacred land has ever seen."

Krystal Ranger, radiant as never before, left them to it; she picked up the baby and addressed a military salute to her chief, which was reciprocated with great solemnity. Then on impulse she turned around, landing on her free front paw, and walked to a halt next to a pair of green eyes staring blankly into the air, protruding from their sockets.

“Looking good, doormat, you comfortable down there?"

Sombra enjoyed the sight more when it was just the ceiling. His battered body was slowly regenerating, but he was still in no condition to utter a word; for the better, perhaps.

Krystal Ranger leaned over him with her mouth open, grabbed the back of his neck with her teeth and, with a jerk, pulled him up on all fours. "On your hooves, crystaller, there'll be time to sweep the floor later." That cleared up, she handed the baby back to him, for he still had an indispensable task to complete.

Stunned, Sombra looked at him, then at his nemesis, and again looked at the baby, until he finally stopped at Krystal Ranger.

"W-what?" he managed to stammer, the magic continuing to ease his malaise.

"As I said before," Krystal Ranger stressed, "I need all the support possible, and everyone’s involvement includes you, as much as I dislike it. Even if I wanted to, it would be impossible for me to relieve you of the position of crystaller; the mother chose you, so it is something you must do yourself, you have no choice. I didn't realize it at first; I was too angry and allowed my impulses to take over. I lost control. By the time I understood why it is you who came instead of the Princess, it was too late for you, so I had to take the initiative and start the preparations myself. Honestly, I had no idea how I was going to revive you, but the little one here already has that detail covered. He's a very special pony, don't you agree?"

Sombra's body was almost whole again, but his mind was still struggling to process the words and assimilate all that had happened in such a short time. He didn't know where to start asking questions, so, after picking up the baby, he said the first thing that came to mind:

"Krystal, why do you hate me so much?"

Krystal Ranger crossed one leg in front of the other. "Don't play dumb with me, this isn't an apology. I still despise you, even more so now that I proved once again that my suspicions about you are correct, I'm just giving you back the chance to redeem yourself. Now go, chosen one, finish the job."

Neither had anything more to say. Duty called Sombra, who with his integrity restored descended the stairway to meet the Colonel; and Krystal Ranger, in spite of everything, had done well. She was just preparing to leave to help the others when the doors behind her opened wide. A tall shadow loomed at her ground.

"It's about time." Krystal didn't move a muscle, didn't look, and didn’t even bow as Princess Amore stood beside her, her gaze resting on the shimmering clouds on the other side of the window in the center of the opposite wall. "Congratulations, Your Highness, you now have not just one, but two rather rare ponies under your guardianship. I must admit that the appearance of the new one proved timely in the end, but I'm glad you are here at last."

The Princess smiled and shared the view with her companion. The difference in stature between the two was, to put it simply, remarkable. "And I'm glad you did not need me at all, apparently everything is going as it should. You are a bold young lady, Krystal. I remember you, from the day I met Sombra... you have grown, and it is a fact that you keep the promise ever since. I appreciate your trust, for now more than ever it is necessary for the secret to remain between you and me. I could not help overhearing your little conversation, a thousand pardons; it is impolite to eavesdrop on my subjects behind the door. I imagine, from what I could hear, that you saw… some disturbing things."

Krystal Ranger continued to stare into the horizon. "All these years, everything I've seen, and I'm still not clear on what secret I'm supposed to be keeping, you're not going to enlighten me either. You'll have your reasons, I respect that, but I know enough. Every time I see Sombra, I wonder how such a monster is allowed to live unnoticed among us. I guess I haven't grown up enough to understand. I will say nothing of what I was able to witness, word of honor; but remember my warning: whatever happens to him, to conceal it may be a big mistake."

With nothing to add, she departed up the other staircase. Amore stood in the filtered moonlight, thoughtful.

"It wouldn't be the first time..."

The Crystallization proved to be a resounding success. The Crystal Heart, cornerstone of the Empire, had been recharged and was spinning on its pedestal, driving away the storm with the combined power of all the colorful crystal ponies, who channeled their magic into it and lay kneeling before the newborn member of the newly formed royal family.

Sombra, the young crystaller, standing next to Princess Amore, jubilantly announced the name of the protagonist of this tale:

"All hail the newest member of the Crystal Empire... Prince Nova."

And that is the part of the story that everyone knows these days. A thousand years from now, it will be almost the same ponies who witnessed that scene those who will be adjusting to living under new circumstances in their old home. However, none of them will be able to remember anything of their past, and the existence of Prince Nova in the history of the Empire will be reduced to a few irrelevant lines written in dusty books that no one will open.

His adventure is only worthy of being told by himself, by his inner and outer voice. It is therefore necessary to get under his shadow, in order to see through his eyes what he lived, to judge his actions and to understand the role he played in the history of Equestria.

It all starts here, in a dark room. His body lies safe, but his mind is in danger, lost in an unknown realm. Who will be able to rescue him before it's too late?

If you close your eyes and listen carefully, your reality will fade around you, and when you open them again, you will see an enchanted forest and hear the thoughts of a foal running away from its fears.

Author's Note:

Hope you have enjoyed the reading.

Original version in its original language, Spanish, one link away.

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