• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 213 Views, 2 Comments

The Night Of Soaring Romance - Big Imagination E

After the wedding we experience the love between Rainbow and Soarin

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Best Night Ever

I bet you are wondering what happened. Well a big moment happened. Stormy Flare and her husband Fretlock got married and are heading for their honeymoon. And they have Rainbow, Fluttershy, Spitfire and Soarin in the carriage with them. After a long ride they all arrived in Manehattan and found a hotel called the Silver Plaza. They all stepped out and checked in and went straight to the bedroom. Now before Sunny and Fretlock left there was something they needed to tell them.

“Ok kids. Now since you are joining us for the honeymoon there is a few things you need to know. Me and Fretlock are going to be busy most of the day. While we’re gone I need all of you to be on your best behavior.” Stormy started.

“Yes Stormy. We promise.” Fluttershy said.

“We know you will. That goes for the rest of you too. Now there is one thing that you must obey. Me and Stormy have dinner reservations at the Five Star restaurant. And they are at 7pm. We expect to see you all there at that time.” Fretlock added.

“Ok. We’ll be there.” Rainbow nodded.

“Good. Now we’ll be busy. If you need anything we’ll be at the spa. But don’t forget to be at the Five Star restaurant at 7pm.” Stormy reminded them.

The kids nodded and the couple left leaving them all alone in the room. Then they started to think about what they wanted to do while they were here.

"So what should we do gang? We have lots of time to spare before dinner." Rainbow asked.

"I say the first thing we should do is head to the hot tub. It's so relaxing in the water. Besides it can help us relief the stress away." Soarin suggested.

They really couldn't argue with that. A nice soaking in the hot tub sounds nice right now. So they all left the room and decided to stick together so none of them get lost. After a few minutes they all arrived at the hot tub and began soaking themselves and relaxed in the warm water. Rainbow got close to Soarin and wrapped her arms around him and he in return wrapped his arms around her. After 30 minutes they were now all relaxed and dried off and back into their clothes. The next thing they did was head to the movie theater. Everyone was watching a romance movie and at one scene Soarin closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Rainbow's body and hugging her. But not too tight since they want to continue enjoying their spa treatment. After they finished the movie they were all shedding a few tears. Third was at a waterpark. They loved going on the slides and swimming through the lazy river. We even see Soarin putting sunblock on Rainbow making her skin shine in the sun.

Then night time came in and everyone was getting ready to head into the ballroom. But before they could they all had to dress nice for the occasion. Rainbow still got her flower girl dress on and Soarin still got his tuxedo and top hat on. Even Fluttershy and Spitfire have their flower girl dresses on.

"Alright. Were all dressed for dinner. We better find the Five Star restaurant and meet up with Sunny and Fretlock." Fluttershy suggested.

The others agreed and they all headed to the restaurant on the second floor. After a few minutes they arrived and saw Stormy in her aqua blue dress and Fretlock in his fancy tux. They spotted the kids and came to them.

"Hey kids. Did you all have a good time around the hotel?" Stormy asked.

"We did Stormy. And we made sure to meet you here at this restaurant." Rainbow replied.

"That's wonderful. Cause I surely would have been disappointed if you didn't come. Besides I wanted you to see this special dance we been planning." Stormy smiled.

The kids couldn't wait to see the special dance Stormy and Fretlock have been planning. They all entered the restaurant and it was a sight to behold. It even has a dance floor for everyone to enjoy the music on. Then the gentleman came to the microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight is a very special night. For we have the new married couple Mr and Mrs Flare. We're gonna play a special tune and we like everyone to join them on the dance floor." He announced.

Then he cued the man at the piano and he played a gentle tune.


As he was playing Stormy and Fretlock started dancing. They even started to sing a little. Heck even Soarin and Rainbow wanted in on this. So they held hands and made their way to the dance floor. When they did Soarin and Rainbow were waltzing too as the spotlight shined on them. As they were dancing the guy with the spotlight saw them dancing and shined the light them and everyone saw them go at it. Even Stormy and Fretlock loved seeing this. Soarin even decided to sing along to the song as Rainbow begin to get teary eyed sharing this special moment with him. After the song was over they kissed and posed. Everyone cheered and clapped their hands for a wonder performance and they took a bow.

"You guys that was amazing! I didn't know you can dance!" Spitfire cheered.

"Well I had no idea either. I didn't even know that I can dance that good especially with Soarin." Rainbow admitted.

"Come on now Rainbow. You did great out there. So don't worry." Soarin assured.

So everyone headed back to the bedroom and while they were walking Soarin and Rainbow couldn't help but snag a kiss on the way there. Stormy and Fretlock smiled seeing that because they knew that more love is blooming. And they knew it that there gonna share a wonderful life. After a few minutes they finally arrived back and Soarin and Rainbow sat on the bed together as she lays her head on his neck. Rainbow still got her flower girl dress on. And Soarin still got his tuxedo and top hat on.

"Hey Rainbow. I wanna make a vow to you." Soarin said.

"Soarin you don't have to. You already gave me a wonderful time together." Rainbow replied.

"No I insist Rainbow. The day we met at the wedding I felt something burning in my chest. The burning passion of love that ignited the flame. To me you are the most beautiful girl and most awesome in the world. I swear to you, on this day, I will spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you made me.” Soarin vowed.

Rainbow cried happy tears and hugged him. Then suddenly from overhearing this Spitfire and Fluttershy are aware of Soarin's vow, and they are happy for him. Even Stormy and Fretlock were aware of his vow. We zoom out til we see the hotel again. And that is what happened after the wedding of Stormy and Fretlock.

The End.

Author's Note:

I hope that is something that Rainbow enjoyed. It was a romantic night for everyone.

Comments ( 2 )

Sunny Flare? You mean Stormy Flare, you may want to fix it.

You were right. I fixed it. Sorry.

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