• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


Opaline has finally been defeated, peace has been restored to Equestria, and all is well. But Sunny still has a few lingering, nagging questions that beg to be answered. And there's only one creature who can answer them: Dragon Lord Spike.

Journeying back to the dragon lands, Sunny requests another audience with the old dragon. She wants to know how he became dragon lord and why he left Twilight Sparkle so long ago, as well as it must have to do with Opaline.

Against his better judgement, Spike decides to share his memories with Sunny. And in the process, he might finally come to terms with some difficult parts of his past.

(Featured from 3/06/2024 to 3/07/2024.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

(Sniff) That was an appropriately bittersweet one-shot with great dialogue, characterizations and wrap-up. Definitely appreciated Spike going into greater detail concerning what happened to Ember as well as the reasons Twilight had to seal away the magic and Spike ended up reluctantly taking over as the Dragon Lord.

REALLY looking forward to more of your work in general.

Suitable mood music, based on the author's note. In the absence of other info I'm taking this as canon.

It was all so... exhilarating to Sunny. Everything had happened so fast. She and her friends had finally defeated Opaline Arcana, ensuring she could never pose a threat to anypony or any other creature ever again. The world was safe once again (assuming there were no other threats lurking anywhere, and right now Sunny didn't know of any that did).

Well funny thing you mentioned that...

Sunny nodded quite slowly. "Yes. At least, I'm pretty sure my friends and I did. And it's not like she'd be in a mood to tell us anything anyway," She pressed again. "There has to be more to the story than just her wanting power. Something that necessitated Twilight taking the extreme measures that she did. You must know something!"

And not only that there has to be reason is it because you tried to protect her reputation or something

"-No, Sunny," Spike shook his head from side to side. "I realize I've been keeping it to myself for long enough. And one of my other pony friends taught me long ago what can happen if we keep things bottled up inside for too long,"

Yep just like what happened with Starlight when she literally keep her motion inside the bottle and if you keep it too long it's going to burst and it's not pretty

Opaline growled, stomping a hoof down! "Of course they never told you! They've probably forgotten all about how they ignored me and shunned me as a filly! All I ever wanted was some recognition, but they thought they were too good for me! They thought I was nothing but trouble!" She hissed as she fired off a blast from her horn, destroying one of the stain glass window displays with the greatest of ease! "It's not fair! I didn't deserve to be banished from Skyros! So what if I wanted power?! Alicorns are supposed to be all powerful! Ponies are supposed to fear them and worship them!"

Not the way how you act you're worse than cozy glow when she acts like a spoiled brat who just wanted power

"We'll see about that, won't we?!" Twilight replied, and then shot off a beam from her horn!

"I've taken away the magic you stole," Twilight explained. "You'll never get it back, Opaline. Think of this as a chance to atone, a chance to start life anew. Then someday, just maybe, you'll be a better pony."

Yeah that didn't work out in the end unfortunately

"It's fine," The dragon lord insisted even though his tone of voice betrayed his intentions. "What matters is that thanks to you and your friends, Opaline was defeated for good. Twilight's plan ultimately did work. Just not in the way she intended," A sad smile formed on his face as he added. "It's funny, she really tried to be different from Celestia and Luna. But in the end, she became just like them whether she intended to or not."

It's funny how history just repeat itself

That is a pretty sad story here and it kind of makes sense to be honest so it looks like Sunny wanted to talk with Spike about some things about his past so she visit the island and she is more welcome there than before which that's pretty good but then she's been asking Spike about these questions why did he left Equestria Spike couldn't bear to remember that but sooner or later he needs to let it out or else it's going to eat him out for the rest of his life so he told her about in the past how Opaline really messed up Equestria so badly breaking the trust of the tribes not only that the trust of the other creatures from across the Equestria she really did a number on the world and Twilight and the others have to stop her and they did just for a temporarily until we see her in the future Twilight made the decision to tell Spike to go with the dragons to hit that magic away from Opaline and Spike was just fear that he'll never see her again which the sad part is it is true because of the deep slumber and things have changed probably a thousand years everybody that he knew and love are pretty much gone which that's pretty sad to go through something like that he doesn't know what to do in the future but slowly Maybe he'll come out and probably find out what happened to the other creatures I guess time will tell this was a pretty nice story keep out the good work

From the way Spike was talking and behaving, I believed that the twist would involve a relationship between Twilight and Sunny, something between Sunny being a descendant of Twilight or, in a more grimdark tone, that Sunny is not a real pony and is actually a vessel for Twilight's essence, which would explain both Spike's reluctance to tell the truth to Sunny and also why Sunny's behavior would remind Spike so much of Twilight's; because Twilight's personality is coming to the fore, and in the near future, it would overwriting and completely eliminating Sunny's.

So all Twilight had to do was have the courage to make a permanent solution out of Opaline instead of letting her go in a magic drained state.

Comment posted by Hillbe deleted March 7th

So, what do you think happened to Smolder? Since this story goes for Ember having been killed and being why Spike took over as Dragon Lord, is Smolder still alive?

I loathe g5 with every fiber of my being but I had to read this

I'm not that into G5 as compared to G4, but man I had to read this, when I found out that Spike was back. That was a rather sad story, but it perfectly explained why Twilight had to remove magic from Equestria, and why Spike and the dragons had gone into hibernation for centuries. But man, this was a good story! (Sniff)

"It's fine," The dragon lord insisted even though his tone of voice betrayed his intentions. "What matters is that thanks to you and your friends, Opaline was defeated for good. Twilight's plan ultimately did work. Just not in the way she intended," A sad smile formed on his face as he added. "It's funny, she really tried to be different from Celestia and Luna. But in the end, she became just like them whether she intended to or not."

She pulled a celestia basically and she was mentored by celestia and her idol so yeah

Now alone in the cave with Sunny, the mighty dragon lord let out a deep sigh and shut his eyes. "I can still remember it clear as day, like it was yesterday. It all happened so fast."

Wow, so much for "foggy haze" or whatever he said.

A pony willing to hurt or even kill other creatures, willing to turn ponies against each other, I've never dealt with that before.

Isn't that just well, the LOD you defeated?

she really tried to be different from Celestia and Luna. But in the end, she became just like them whether she intended to or not.

It's like a curse all Alicorn seem to have.

we could find Canterlot, or even Ponyville!

They uh, sorta already did. Even found Discord so Spike's not alone.

Overall, this is perhaps a really great and excellent story you've made! A way to tie up the connections because Hasbro wants to move on apparently and not commit to whatever original plan they had. One thing about Sunny Starscout is well, how do I say? She underwent so many changes in such a short time. She was an activist, yet doesn't feel like those activists until she dropped it entirely, then she apparently also wanted to know more about her father's research and the old world but also dropped it quickly not only due to Sprout's damage, but just giving up after that. If anything, Zipp's more interested apparently. And yeah how do I conclude? She feels more passive every growing day, and in turn, this led to her never exploring the outside world beyond the 3 civilisations. I know we get to see other things in TYT (ugh) expanding on the new world. But if anything, everybody but Sunny was involved. I hope in some way or capacity, does she become proactive to live up to the 'Scout' part in her name. Is that not what her father would've wanted?

"If you're thinking of threatening or harming my subjects, you'll answer to me!" Twilight bellowed as her eyes began to glow brightly! "I won't let you do as you please, Opaline!"

Yet Twilight was fine with leaving a poor little filly trapped in stone, evil or not, and before she kept her locked her away inside a cage without even bother to at least try to help her or see what made her become that way in the first place.:ajbemused:

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