• Published 9th Feb 2024
  • 4,650 Views, 429 Comments

Source Code - Nugget27

Source Code, once an indie game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.

  • ...

Moon Butt is Gonna Die? Plus I yell at Celestia.

My tracking spell told me where Nightmare Moon was heading. She was heading into a dark, scary forest, which after doing some research with the locals, namely Apple Jack’s family, was the Everfree Forest. As in it was the deadliest place on the planet. Apparently it was full of animals that took care of themselves, and had weather that acted on its own. That just sounded like a Tuesday to me, and I was being dragged into Golden Oaks Library by Twilight while I swore like a sailor.

She had a good point: Nightmare Moon could probably kill me really easily. However, I wasn’t focusing on that. I wanted to get to that bitch and beat the shit out of her until she told me what happened to Celestia.

“Why are we trying to find a book about the Elements? I know how to beat Nightmare Moon and it’s these hands!” I shouted.

“Because the Elements of Harmony are the only thing that can beat Nightmare Moon!” Twilight shouted back.

“And just what are the Elements of Harmony?” a cyan pegasus got in Twilight’s face. She had a rainbow mane and tail, had magenta, almost gray, eyes and had clouds with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt shooting out of it on her butt. She ended up asking if Twilight was a spy, before getting in my face. “And are you helping her-”

“I am helping her because she’s making me. I’m only here because she dragged me here; I would rather chase down Nightmare Moon and kick her god damn ass. She probably kidnapped my marefriend, and I want my marefriend back.”


Apple Jack came in, along with three other ponies followed us. I immediately recognized Pinkie Pie.

The first to follow Pinkie was a unicorn mare, a white one with a curly mane and tail… she was supposed to unveil Celestia before all this bullshit happened. On her flanks were three diamonds.

The next to follow her was a yellow pegasus mare, with soft, pink hair that was fairly unstyled even if it was kinda long. The way she was hiding behind the unicorn told me that those two were somewhat close.

Apple Jack actually had a voice of reason. “Twilight knows what’s going on, and Source here’s dating the Princess, so he’s helping her.” Pinkie Pie found the guide book to the Elements of Harmony by simply following the Dooy Decibel System. It turns out that… Oh, Nightmare Moon is nearby. I glanced out a nearby window, just to see a purple cloud run off into the night sky.

“Hey ladies, I think we’re gonna run into some fuckery while in-” they weren’t listening to me… They were all talking about the-

“The Everfree Forest!?” They all shouted as a group. The forest had tall, dark oak trees that loomed over us. The canopy blocked out any natural light, making it much, much darker than it would’ve been otherwise.

“Quit bitching and get moving. I’ve got an alicorn’s ass that I’ve gotta kick!” I charged in head first. Twilight wanted to do this alone, but she ain’t the only unicorn here that’s somewhat proficient with magic. Well, she is, but I don’t have the brain of a pony. I won’t freeze up when I see something dangerous. The rest of the girls eventually caught up to me.

“How the hay do you know where you’re going?” Apple Jack asked. “Twilight’s the only one here with a map.”

“I ran a diagnostic spell on Nightmare Moon, so I could literally just DragonFire my way to her location if I wanted to. I also ran a tracking spell on her. Since she’s a thousand years out of date, when it comes to magic, I don’t think she knows what spells I ended up putting on her. Unlike most unicorns,” I breathed DragonFire and walked into it, before rematerializing next to my new friend. “I don’t use a known system of magic, typically, so she doesn’t know what spells I used on her…”

I stopped. “Something ain’t right.” I looked around, noting that our path was now on the side of a very, very steep hill, and could almost register as a cliff.

“Of course nothing’s right! This is the Everfree Forest where… Nopony that one that comes here ever returns!” Rainbow Dash, the cyan mare from earlier, said, trying to scare us. She approached us with every word, slowly, as if it would add to how scared we all would be. “Though, why aren’t you scared?”

“Oh, I am,” I admitted. “I was always scared of the woods growing up. However, I have a goal in mind, and goals don’t get met if I cower in a corner like a little bitch-OH SHIT!” The ground gave out from underneath us. Everyone was scrambling to regain their footing. The pegasi of our group immediately took to the air. One by one, starting with Pinkie, they started saving everyone. Coincidentally, they were only saving the locals of Ponyville… Yay me. Apple Jack actually managed to stop herself by grabbing onto a root with her teeth.

I immediately lit my horn up and applied Friction, using Python of course, to stick myself to the hill and keep myself from falling. Now with enough time, I casted a DragonFire spell… well, I would’ve if Twilight wasn’t getting dangerously close to the cliff- Oh shit! She’s gonna fall! I tried to grab her with my Levitation… She’s out of reach. Apple Jack was quick to notice Twilight’s approaching doom as Twilight was now hanging over the cliff face. AJ ended up grabbing her, and dropping her after a few moments… I heard Twilight scream before she started screaming profuse ‘thank yous’ to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

They forgot about me. I rolled my eyes before casting DragonFire again to catch up to them.

I think I scared them. No, I definitely did because I made it down the cliff and rematerialized just as soon as Twilight was gently settled on the ground. My fire scared them because they all screamed and I was promptly tackled to the ground. “Ow,” I groaned. “Rainbow Dash, get off of me.”

“Uh… whoops.”

“Everyone good?” I asked.

“Wait a second… Source, are you secretly Nightmare Moon?” Rainbow asked. “You just did the same thing she did!”

“...No. The spell Nightmare Moon uses to turn into clouds… Is really complex, and admittedly, a really archaic way to do what she’s doing. Did you not see me do what I just did earlier?”

“No…” She shook her head.

“Ah thought you were still falling,” Apple Jack said as she hopped down from ledge to ledge. If she were a unicorn she woulda broke her legs by doing that. Before she made her last jump, I casted a Teleport on her, and teleported her to us. “Whoa!” She quickly caught her bearings. “Ah had it covered, Source!”

“And I wanted to be a gentlecolt and save you the hassle. Nobody, that I know of, can jump down from ledge to ledge like that, without getting hurt in some capacity. I was just looking out for ya.”

“Ah know, which is why Ah won’t give you a hard time about it.”

“So…” Rarity, the white unicorn, brushed up beside me. “You’re dating Princess Celestia…”

“I am. Why are you giving me that look?” She was giving me the same look Celestia does when she’s trying to seduce me into giving her my sandwich. It never worked, a man’s love for a good sandwich is second to none, after all.

“Well… you clearly seem like a gentlecolt, if you helping Apple Jack down the cliff is anything to go by. Perhaps… You would be interested in another mare or two? Herds are still quite-”

“Hold up, madam. WHAT?!”

“...Twilight did mention to me that you are a foreigner. Do ponies overseas not do herds?”

“Of course not! Secondly, this is the first time you’ve gone out of your way to talk to me. Thirdly, Apple Jack’s prettier than you are. Lastly, Celestia is the only mare for me. And if she were fine with a herd, I would tell her before I even think about telling another mare, to their face, I find them attractive.”

“...Wait, you think that Apple Jack attractive?”

“She’s pretty nice, but she’s more like a bro than somebody I’d date. Fun as fuck to hangout with, same with the rest of her family honestly… I would happily sit down with her, have a cider, and eventually probably find her really attractive. Celestia… It sounds generic, of a stallion to say this, but Celestia literally glows, and also quite literally lights up my world. It’s why I’m dead set on fighting another damned alicorn just to rescue her, even if I know I’ll probably- IS THAT A FUCKING MANTICORE!?

I brought up a Python Shield just in time to stop a lion paw from taking mine or Rarity’s head off.

“HOLY FUCK!” I teleported Rarity over to the rest of the group before immediately halfing my body weight so I could jump over the manticore as it charged me. Every time I could get a good look at it, it immediately tried charging and taking my head off. “A LITTLE HELP?!” I shouted as I slowly started growing angrier and angrier. Why the fuck am I still with this group when I could go kick Nightmare Moon’s ass right now? I shouted before engulfing myself in fire. “COME GET SOME, PUSSY!”

“Wait!” Fluttershy ran forward before… stopping the manticore in its tracks while glaring at it. Soon after, we found out why it was trying to kill me. It had a god damn thorn in its paw, so its first response was to slaughter the first ponies it saw. I unignited myself and sat there while the manticore licked Fluttershy out of appreciation. Okay, that’s kinda cute. If it weren’t a god damn manticore, I would try and keep it as a pet. However… “Who’s a good kitty?” Fluttershy asked.

“Why? The. Fuck. Do. Y’all. Just. Stand. And. Watch. Me. Get. My. Ass. Kicked?” I asked very slowly as the rest of the group got closer to us.

“Uh…” Twilight paused as she tried to think of a reason. “I think you can take care of yourself?”

“...Y’all literally just stood around and nearly let a manticore murder me. Fluttershy woulda stayed out of the way if it were a god damn, overgrown sunflower trying to kill me, wouldn’t ya?”

“Look, we were just shocked that a manticore even tried to hurt ya?”

“I was shocked because you teleported me!” Rarity pointed out.

“Okay, that’s fair, and I did teleport you specifically to get you away from the thing that’s trying to kill us. Twilight, you could literally pick me up, with your magic, rip my insides out, and rearrange my bones in five seconds…” I took another deep breath. “Aight, screw it. Fuck the Elements, fuck you guys. AJ, you’re still cool; I saw you get a lasso ready at least. I’m going to…” I casted DragonFire before shooting off into the distance. “Bye nerds!”

I rematerialized in front of a castle. A castle that looked incredibly run down. Half the roof looked caved in, half the left, front wall had a giant hole in it, and the door looked like it got zapped here and there by a few lightning spells. The door was made out of wood, obviously, it’s an old castle. The once colorful stones used in the castle were now old, gray, and cracked. So of course, I decided to walk right in because this is where my tracking spell is telling me to go. I push a hoof against the door before walking inside.

What immediately stood behind the doors was a throne room. The red carpet was tattered and graying. I’m surprised at how well preserved that bit in particular is; dyes tend to fade pretty quickly and this place had to be really old with how torn down this place was. There were two tattered banners above where two thrones should’ve been standing. One depicted…. Two times of day, one was of the night, that was on my left, and on the right was the day…

Three hallways were on both sides, which probably led into the rest of the castle, but you know, most of it was destroyed. I could only imagine how beautiful this place would’ve looked in its prime.

The cloud of purple smoke funneled into the room… that’s what the tracking spell was tracking. Yeah, I know it’s Nightmare Moon. The mare herself rematerialized, and now I could get a much better look at her now that she was basically sitting in front of me. Her coat was as dark as the night itself. She… didn’t look all that different up close. She was actually as tall as Celestia is… Her mouth is full of fucking canines… what the fuck? I know ponies still have canines, even if they’re not as sharp as actual predators’ canines, ponies do have them. Nightmare Moon’s dental work was literally just fangs, canines, and all of them were razor sharp. I took a step back, realizing that I probably made a mistake, before remembering what I was going to do to this bitch if it was the last thing I did.

“Seriously?” Nightmare Moon asked. “I was expecting seven ponies, and instead it’s one measly little stallion that I can crush in an instance?”

“Where’s Celestia?”

“Of course you would be here for her. Worry not, she is being kept safe and warm in her Sun. just as she had done to me for the last thousand years, your beloved Princess will be trapped on the Sun for a thousand years…”


“You heard me correctly, you foal.”

I took a deep breath. Okay, Source, your girl’s stuck in the mother fucking Sun! All you have to do to get her back is fight the goddess of the Night and somehow get her to take your girlfriend off the Sun before you kill the fuck out of the goddess of the Night. Not goddess, more like the second coming of Horse Satan! I took yet another deep breath before sitting down. “Alright then…” I hung my head. “Please give her back.”

“Why should I? So she can raise her Sun when you could be basking in my… Night. You reek of my sister,” Nightmare Moon’s nose scrunched up. Admittedly, it was kinda cute. “You have other reasons for wanting Celestia back, don’t you?”

“Well, she is my best friend… and also my marefriend. All I want is to see her again.”

“...Why settle for the boring, blue sky when you could have the beautiful night sky instead?”

“This ain’t about if I prefer the day, or night. Personally, it’s just whatever my fucked up sleep schedule demands. I should sleep at night, but sometimes I stay up until sunrise working on learning magic. Sometimes I crash through the night, or for days at a time. It really just depends on the mood. What I want is my marefriend… because she’s my marefriend and I love her. And I’ll be blunt, I want to kick your ass, but I know I’ll probably die a horrible, painful death if I try anything.”

“You are braver than you are intelligent.”

‘Yeah, no. I’m just an idiot… you are weirdly civil for a crazy bi-sane person that wants to take over the world and make it so it’s permanently night time.”

“I merely wish for ponies to bask in my Night, not harm anypony.”

“But you put my marefriend inside the Sun…”

“You care for her deeply, I can see.”

“Please give her back?”


“Pretty please?”


Yes, I know this is pointless. In all honesty, I just wanted to get out of the forest full of shit that was trying to kill me. Because with how amazing my travel buddies’ reaction time was, I will probably die to a pack of wolves or something. I know Twilight has an actually good solution, now that I have a clearer(scared) mind. So what I was doing was buying her some time. I laid down completely, head in my forelegs, and looked up at Nightmare Moon.

“Why do you even care for her so much?” Nightmare Moon asked. “Not one pony cared for me. Not one pony wanted to believe my Night was beautiful. Nopony took the time to get to know me. They just see what hides in the dark and I am to blame!”

“I have very few friends, Nightmare Moon,” I sigh. “I can’t ever see my friends or family again. Admittedly, I know it’s not good for me to only spend time with Celestia, but she’s really all I’ve got. I know it’s not good for her, knowing that her stupid, idiotic coltfriend is damn near suicidal. I probably need a therapist, but I don’t think I’ve seen one yet. I love Celly regardless and simply wish her the best. I just want to see her again. That’s all I want.” I need more friends or maybe a hobby.

“I see.” Nightmare Moon nodded. “Tell me, why can you not see your family again? You are only twenty years of age, if your physique and lack of wrinkles are anything to go by.”

I know, everyone was expecting me to fight Nightmare Moon, but you see, I am a pussy. This alicorn could crush me like a grape with her thighs alone. Honestly, I don’t want to try and fight her because I am a man and I am confident in my skills as a mage… I’m also pretty confident that I were to fight this crazy bitch that I’d be a splatter of blood in a matter of seconds. She was willing to have a civil conversation, so a civil conversation we had. I may want to die, but I’m not desperate to get murdered; Celestia would bring me back to life and kill me to death if I died on her from anything that wasn’t old age.. As it turns out, Nightmare Moon was actually a pretty reasonable pony, and almost wanted to give me my Celestia back.

“You came out here wanting to neuter me?” Nightmare Moon asked. She giggled. “I believe the right term would be ‘spay’, don’t you agree?”

“...Yeah. I wasn’t thinking about the proper terms or anything. I was just mad. Then I figured you did something to Celestia, I got even angrier, so I started swearing a lot more and saying as many threats as I could think of while trying to get here... Are you certain that I can’t just see Celestia one more time?”

Nightmare moon paused. We had long since teleported cushions to us, and had laid down in a side room of the old, rundown throne room. “I would… If she wouldn’t try to immediately put a stop to my plans. I… am truly sorry that you had to say goodbye to your lover in such a horrible way. I swear, by my own crown, that I will at least give you pleasant dreams of her everyday for the rest of your life.” Her eyes sparkled slightly.

“I… No. That would be worse than just mourning Celestia. Then it’d be like dangling her right in front of me, but I wouldn’t be able to even hear her voice again… Just… When she does get out of the Sun, can you tell her I missed her?” I asked, tiling my head.

“I shall. I am a horrible pony, but I am not without morals; not being able to say goodbye to a mate before their final moments… is heartbreaking, Source Code.” We both sat in silence as I laid my head down. There really wasn’t much I could do.

“My apologies, Source Code. I am sure that you meant the world to my sister, and she means the world to you… However… How long have we been sitting here?” Her ears flicked. “Blasted… Source, I recommend you hide behind a pillar or some other obtrusion; six little ponies are coming to confront me, and I doubt these ones are as willing to have a pleasant conversation with.” I didn’t even move. I… Am going to have to get used to not seeing Celestia, or hearing that laugh of hers. I laid my head on my cushion as I watched Twilight and her new friends… She made friends. She actually managed to make friends.

You know, running on rage, angrily running through a forest with six mares, swearing too much, four of which you barely knew really took a lot out of you. The coffee in me was running out, and after casting several spells with Python, I am tired. I was going to power through the day since after Celestia did the Summer Sun Celebration’s main event, you know, the sun being raised, was done, Celestia was actually going to partake in the festival with me. So I was going to power through the day, I had a lot of coffee, and a few rejuvenation spells I wanted to try out so I could figure out how to convert them into Python when I got home…

Now that there was no festival to be had, or Celestia to spend the festival with, I simply laid my head down and went to sleep. It was the only thing I could do when I was fresh out of magic; I couldn’t help Twilight if I tried right now.

Something was nudging me. What is nudging me? Actually… I smelled something with my nose. A smelly smell… I slowly opened my eyes to Celestia nuzzling me with her nose. Wait. Celestia! Did a big battle happen and kill me? Because there is no way Celestia could live being inside the Sun. I slowly open my mouth before kissing her nose. “Are we dead?” I asked before letting out a jaw splitting yawn. “I feel like I died at least.”

“No,” Celestia giggled. “I would like you to meet somepony though.”

“...How are you not dead?” I asked. “You were in the Sun!”

“Do you remember who I am?”

“In my own words ‘Sun Goddess’?” I asked. Oh. Oh. That makes sense now. Yeah, don’t question your sun lifting, cake loving, very loving girlfriend. “Who am I meeting?”

“My little sister… You may know her as Nightmare Moon.”

Wait what? I know Nightmare Moon mentioned… A much smaller, like about my size, light blue alicorn poked her head out from behind Celestia’s rear. Resting upon her head was a small, obsidian crown. Around her neck was a necklace made out of the same material as her crown, but it had a Moon shaped diamond in it along with a few smaller diamonds that made it almost look like the night sky captured in a necklace. Her mane, unlike Celestia's, wasn't flowing, and neither was her tail. Both were light blue in color and her mane only went down to her neck. Like most ponies, her tail went down to her hindlegs’ ankles. She was kinda adorable looking.

“Hi,” she said. “We Are Princess Luna. Thou are Source Code?”

“...Celestia, why didn’t you tell me Nightmare Moon was your sister?” I asked slowly. I nodded to Luna. “I know you two probably worked out whatever the heck made her wanna murder you anyways, but I’m just curious… WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T YOU TELL ME WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?! YOU CLEARLY KNEW WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?”


“Celestia, I thought we were going to be as clear as glass when we first started dating. I genuinely did. You could’ve at least told me Nightmare Moon was real. I was thinking you were possibly fucking dead, while you were apparently alive, INSIDE THE DAMN SUN! You planned this out, didn’t you?”

“...I might have-”

“Celestia. I could’ve helped in some capacity, I could’ve done something if you didn’t leave me in the dark. When we get home, you are going to tell me what the fuck happened, why the fuck it happened, and if you planned any of it this out. Because… Frankly, I am a little mad. I’m mostly happy to have you back, but we’re going to talk. From now on, no bullshit. Nothing between us. We’re going to tell each other everything even if it’ll hurt. Because… I still love ya, Celly. I really do, but I need to know when shit like this might pop up so I can at least do something!” I took a deep breath. Luna was now cowering behind her sister.

“Luna, nice to meetcha. Hope we’ll get along. Don’t worry; your sister done fucked up, and made me worried sick about her. I’m not usually this shouty or mad…”

“I-I… O-okay.”

“Celestia, you, me, our private chambers as soon as we’re done here in Ponyville. Like I said, we are going to talk, and don’t think you’re getting out of this. I’m gonna be running a lie detector the whole damn time we’re talking.”

After the Summer Sun celebration, Celestia took the day to get her sister situated in Canterlot. Meanwhile, I was fuming. I was mostly worried, admittedly, but I was also really mad at Celestia. She has yet to tell me everything that’s happened; it’s only been a day after all. However, it still doesn’t sit right with me that I had asked her if Nightmare Moon, and by extension, Luna, was real. Celestia lied to me and said Nightmare Moon wasn’t real. No, she didn’t just word it weirdly like how she did it with Twilight, no.

She flat out told me that Nightmare Moon wasn’t real.

I mean, congrats to Celly for getting your sister back, woohoo! You coulda at least gave me a heads up, so when you fucking go missing randomly, and Nightmare Moon happens to be real, I wouldn’t panic so hard! Most of my day was spent simply fuming, and working hard during the guard training exercises so I wouldn’t be blisteringly mad at my girlfriend when we finally had that talk. With that said… The day was coming to a close, and Celestia spent most of it with Luna, catching up with her, and overall just being happy to have her sister back.

Twilight was apparently really attached to the five other mares that accompanied us on our journey throughout the Everfree Forest, so she was assigned to stay in Ponyville to… learn about friendship for some reason. How one would study friendship is beyond me, but I wasn’t one to question what the heck needs studying and what doesn’t need studying. No matter how seemingly stupid it may be to me.

When Celestia sat on the couch in our personal chambers, the genuine smile on her face turned into a genuine frown.

“So,” I said, tapping my hoof on my shoulder. I was sitting upright like a human. “Nightmare Moon wasn’t real?”

“I… Couldn’t tell you, Source. I hope you understand.”

“Why? So I would-”

“Wouldn’t get in the way! If you knew Nightmare Moon was real, and was planning to extract her revenge on me, what would you have done? Try to keep me safe, and for that, I am grateful, but my being captured was crucial for my plans! I’ve spent decades, centuries even, just planning this one moment so that I may have my sister back under my wing.”

“...Celestia, if you told me everything, including this plan that involved you being captured, so that you could rescue your sister from the grasps of dark magic, I would’ve played along. No matter how much it would’ve hurt me to see you get hurt, I know it’s what you would’ve wanted…” I walked around the couch and nuzzled her. “I’m really mad and disappointed, Celestia. I’ve hidden nothing. You know my actual, human name. That is something that I planned on taking to the grave for as long as I walked Equus.

“And I do want this relationship to work, and I want to continue it despite this being a huge, red flag for me… I don’t know if I can though.” Celestia’s ears drooped as I said that. “However, if we are going to keep dating, because I know I still love ya to bits, I need you to promise me two things, aight?”

“Anything, Source,” Celestia nuzzled me back. “I don’t want to lose your trust…”

“That’s the first promise. No more secrets. Is there something that is a huge threat? Tell me. Small stuff is whatever; we’ve all got secrets after all. However, if something important is happening, and you have a plan for everything then you need to tell me. At least keep me in the loop on what’s happening. Because while I may not be able to contribute to any of your long-term plans, I can at least stay on the sidelines and let what you have planned happen. Sounds good as the first promise?”

“It does… I’m sure you’ve noticed a stone statue in the royal gardens? The one that looks like an amalgamation of animals?” I nodded. “That is the Spirit of Chaos; Discord. In six months, he will be freed, and I will have Twilight and her friends try to stop him as a test. That is the only thing in the ‘long term’ that I have planned. Before that though, at the end of winter, there will be Hearth’s Warming, and the Great Galloping Gala. I would like to take you as my plus one this year…”

“I’m down… And hey! This is a start! I ate the last bit of garlic bread in the pantry. I’m sorry.”

“...That was my midnight snack for tonight!”

“I know… I’ll get you another loaf of garlic bread when I inevitably go out and about…”

“What? Why not retrieve another loaf from the Kitchens?”

“That is part two of what I want out of this. I’ve… realized how reliant I am on you. From living with you, which is a given since we’re dating, my food comes from your staff. I am even emotionally dependent on you. I want to try and not be so… attached. I want to love you, and be ‘attached’ to you, but I want to try and… finally work on my mental health. I want to be able to keep moving on, should our relationship not work out. I know how unhealthy it is for you to be the only reason why I haven’t offed myself yet.

“I am going to try and get a job, just a part time job to get me out of the castle. I am going to try and spend some time outside the castle and find a hobby outside of working on Python; I’ve made good progress, and I’ve got plenty of time to keep working on it in the future. I also want to do this so that you aren’t my emotional crutch; I’ve seen enough movies to know that won’t end well for us. From there, I wanna start seeing a therapist of some kind, so I can finally get all these… thoughts out of my head. Or at least, start working towards a better mindset.”

“...You… Want a therapist? I thought-”

“I’m currently mentally unstable, Celestia. I’m torn between just killing myself or keep living for my new friends, and my new family. I’m torn between believing this is all just a coma dream, or if this is real. Am I dead on Earth? Am I truly going to amount to anything now that I’ve been given a second chance of life? I miss my family, I miss my friends, and I simply miss life on Earth, but I’ve grown to love some things on Equus that makes me want to stay… I need help sorting these thoughts out. No, you aren’t gonna be my therapist either, Celly, that ain’t healthy.”

“I can arrange one for you soon, if you would be okay with that.”

“That would be perfect…” I kissed Celsetia’s cheek, now that she was laying down. “I love you. Don’t you fucking dare put yourself in harm’s way again for the sake of a plan. Or at least, tell me next time, alright?”

“I-I won’t… I am not used to being bossed around by my special somepony… It is nice to have one with some backbone for once.”

“Well, I ain’t a pony, am I?”

“I suppose not… However, there is something I was hoping to cash in on. One of your promises from before you were sent to Ponyville?” Celestia tilted her head like a confused puppy. “I believe you were willing to… service me after the Summer Sun Festival is over. And now that the festival is over…”

“Oh… You may have to help me a little; I’ve never had sex as a pony before, if you can imagine that.”

“Don’t worry, I am sure you will be a natural at it.” She leaned into me. “Come, let us go to our bedchambers for the night. You can show me how to…” she whispered something into my ears that made my ears shoot up, my face started burning red, and… Oh my, she is nipping me and everything! I felt a shiver down my spine as she carried me out of our living room, and into our bedroom before something… truly magical happened. It was weird to finally have sex, especially since I was doing it as a horse, but hey, I’m no longer a virgin! A huge smile grew on my face when our bedroom’s doors were closed shut for the night.

We both casted a soundproofing spell and… Celestia took her regalia off… Scandalous.

Author's Note:

Source is a wee-bit forgiving with Celsetia this time around. what will happen next time Celestia doesn't keep him in the loop on her latest schemes? we'll just have to wait and see!