• Published 8th Feb 2024
  • 357 Views, 20 Comments

Angel Mares - autobotfan15

Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.

  • ...

A Devil's Nightmare

July 21st

I came back home. I was close to finishing the eighth season when the train pulled into the station. I went on back to my apartment feeling both excited and scared. This disc my Mom gave me is what I'll watch before I get to the rest of the show. My heart is pounding in my chest as I inserted the disc into the computer. I hit open and it looked like an actual DVD menu with background music and of course the main six bunched together in that signature group photo. It only had one option and that was play. After taking a deep breath, I clicked play.

The scene opened up in a suburban neighborhood in fact some would assume this was taking place in the Equestria Girls world. However the scene then cut to a familiar house. It had a mailbox that had the name Ridgeworth on it. The scene then cut to a bedroom where a little boy was crying as he slept. In the background one could hear the sound of something walking on the floor.

The scene cut to another room where two adults were in bed. The boy's crying could be softly heard. A man stood up while his wife turned over. Her forehead had a band aid on it. She looked up to her husband with worry. "Honey? What are you going to do?" She asked with worry.

"I'm going to fix it," he said in a voice that sounded intimidating as he walked to the door.

The wife immediately got up and grabbed his arm. "Eric Please! He can't help it!" She begged.

"Get off me!" Eric snapped as she shoved her to the ground. "That brat really needs to learn to zip it or lose it."

The wife could only hold back her sobs as her husband shut the door. She then crawled to a window. The moon casted a glow in the room. She got on her knees and put her hands in a prayer posture. "Lord in heaven above..."

The scene then cut to Eric pulling what looked like a small box out of a drawer. In the background something moved in the dark hallway. He grinned as he pulled out a Glock. "This'll put the fear of god in him," he said before actually feeling the gun. "What? Why does it feel so-"

Suddenly a creaking of floorboards was heard in another room. He snapped his head in the direction of the sound. "Who's there?!"

There was no reply. He followed where the sound came from. It was coming from near the entrance of the house. The moment Eric was about to look out the front window when suddenly something fast and blue shoved him violently out of the room. It looked liked it struck him faster than a truck.

He went rolling into a wall. A shadow stretched across him. The viewer can't see what is in front of Eric. But the shadows on the wall behind him resemble ponies. Eric pulled out his gun and tried to pull the trigger. Terrified he looked only to see not only the magazine gone but many parts as well.

The scene then cut back to the child bedroom. The child looked like he stopped crying and was sleeping soundly. A pair of yellow hooves pulled the blanket over his chest to make him more comfortable. The child's sleeping face soon went from a slight frown to a smile.

Outside the room Eric was running through the hallway with a slight limp. Two figures that were orange and blue followed after him fast. It then cut back to the sleeping child. As he slept their were sounds of things breaking and voices being raised. Despite the horrific noise the child continued to sleep.

The screen then cut to black for a minute. Then all of a sudden we see the face of Eric screaming in agony. His face was covered in bruises and was bleeding from certain places. It went on for a few seconds until it cut back to the child.

We then see a full view of his bed. The door opened and six colorful figures walked in. It was them, the main six. They all gathered around the bed watching the child. Twilight Sparkle inched closer and kissed the little boy on the head. "Do not weep my friend, he won't lay a fearful hand on you ever again."

The six continued to watch over the child. However the distance sound of a police car's siren was heard and the red and blue lights slowly started to blink across the room from the nearby window. The ponies did nothing but instead slowly faded away like ghost. Smiles never leaving their faces.

The screen faded to black. No credits were playing but only these words appeared on screen. "We love you Noah."

I couldn't believe what I saw. It's like they came out of the TV and they fought my Stepdad. Now I remember what happened after that. The memory of the aftermath came surging through me like a freight train. After the evidence of the abuse and rather have Child Protective Services try and take me away, my Mom immediately divorced him and instantly won custody of me thanks to the help of the community. The events of what happened that night are still a mystery but I know now what happened and I have a feeling my Mom does too.

I did some more digging on the internet and found out he was in a mental hospital after attempting to attack a doctor. Last I heard he's still in there to this day.

This still only leaves these last few questions. What happened to them after all that? Why and how did I forget them?

The answer came in Season nine. The final season of the entire show. Another difference I noticed was that the character Cozy Glow was actually redeemed and placed in Starlight's care. But that's not important. What is important is what happened in the very last scene of the finale.


The main six were in the castle of friendship. Despite the victory against evil they all looked sad for some reason. Twilight then turned to the viewer. "Oh no Noah, we are glad that the battle is over," Twilight began. "And yes I'm more confident to take the throne, but I'm afraid we have some bad news."

"Darling I'm afraid this will be our last chapter we can share with you," Rarity said.

"No no honey, it ain't something you did, it's just well..." Applejack trailed off, unsure what to say.

"It's a lot of grown up knowledge but to explain it simply, it's like the battery in your toys," Pinkie began. "As long as they have juice you can still play. But I'm afraid this battery is dying and it is one you can't replace."

There was a brief silence before Rainbow spoke up, "listen little buddy, we were a gift from Heaven to help you but all things have to go back to heaven at some point."

There was another pause before Fluttershy spoke up. "And you're our best friend too but you're growing up and sometimes we need to move on and we think it's also time you make your own adventures."

There was one more brief pause before Twilight spoke up carrying a warm smile while the others looked surprised. "That's very thoughtful of you Noah."

"What?! Twilight you can't be serious!" Rainbow snapped.

"Its his choice besides you want him missing us too much? You don't want watch him being depressed do you?" Twilight asked.

The others looked to Noah and eventually nodded. They all looked like they were about to cry. "Darling I pray one day you'll remember us," Rarity said.

"Yeah and who knows we might hang out again. Eventually..." Rainbow said while fighting back her tears.

"Come on girls lets not do this in front of him lets smile so that will be the last thing he sees," Twilight suggested.

The main six bunched together and despite the heavy emotions they smiled as Twilight's horn glowed. "You may not remember all the adventures we had, but the lessons you learned you'll never forget like this last one from Thessalonians 5:23. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. "

"Amen," everyone said.

"Goodbye Noah, we love you too," said Twilight.

I couldn't hold back I had tears streaming down my face. Everything is now clear. I asked them to make me forget so that I can go through life as well as I could. Never have I ever forgot the lessons though. Sure what happened to my Stepdad was horrifying but its not like he didn't deserve it.

Now I have a new objective. I'll have to do it tomorrow for now I must sleep. I got to get back to work at some point.