• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 90 Views, 1 Comments

Apple Lauda and the Allgäu - AppleLauda99942

Apple Lauda's second home (literally)

  • ...

second home

Apple Lauda always liked the mountains. Since he was a colt, thanks to vacation, he "grew up" with the mountains of the beautiful Allgäu region. But since 6 years of abscence, Apple Lauda is finally going to return to the Allgäu region, to be more exact he will return to Isny, a town Apple Lauda knows very well thanks to vacations he did in the past.

Twilight made research about the Allgäu region and is fascinated of how beautiful this region looks like, especially when there's a 2000 on the horizon. "no wonder why you like the Allgäu Apple Lauda, these mountains simply belong to you" Twilight jokes.

"I wish I could take a mountain home with me" Apple Lauda chuckles. "I mean there's no better feeling of seeing a 1800-2500 on the horizon you know"

"Ah' wish I could help ya' but these mountains are way to heavy ya' know" Applejack says.

"we both have something in common sweetie. you like mountains, I like stairs" Silverstream says to Apple Lauda.

"I know honey" Apple Lauda sighs.

"is everything alright Apple Lauda?" Rainbow Dash asks, just as they pass by a mountain with a transmission mast on it's summit. It only can be one mountain.

"I'm alright but it's just... I miss my mountains..." Apple Lauda says sadly.

"then take a look to yer right" Applejack says. Apple Lauda looks to his right and he sees the mountain with it's transmission mast.

Apple Lauda stops walking, standing in place for a while. Twilight noticed that Apple Lauda has stopped walking and just looks at that mountain.

"Apple Lauda, what's wrong?" Twilight asks in concern.

Apple Lauda tears up because he knows that this is the mountain in front of him he literally grew up with. A few moments later, soft sobs can be heard. There's no way Apple Lauda cries because of a mountain, right?

Silverstream gives her boyfriend a soft and warm embrace and Apple Lauda clinges tight on her, eyes tightly shut and crying, thinking that the Iberger Kugel (1049) gives him the embrace.

"Silverstream... this is my mountain!!!! I grew up with this!!!!" Apple Lauda cries.

Apple Lauda cries for a few more minutes before looking at the Iberger Kugel again.

"how high is this mountain?" Rainbow asks curiously.

"1049 meters!!!" Apple Lauda answers before crying a bit harder. He really feels connected to this mountain. "i-it b-belongs to the... N-Nagelfluh heights a-and depressions between l-lake constance and Wertach"

Rainbow, Twilight and Applejack are shocked. "How do you know all of this?!" Applejack asks, but Apple Lauda is unable to answer this question since he is crying too hard. He is now crying so hard that we would like to hug the mountain and never let it go ever again.

after a few minutes, Apple Lauda calms down again. "I made research..." he answers Applejacks question.

"do you want to summit it Apple Lauda?" Twilight asks, and Apple Lauda simply nods.

"can you lead us the way where we can ascend to the summit?" Silverstream asks. A few minutes later, the group reaches the holiday resort Maierhöfen and now begin the ascend to the summit of the Iberger Kugel.

height: 850 meters

A few minutes into the ascend, the 5 are making their way up the Iberger Kugel. The way will get steeper and steeper in the later part of the ascend.

height: 950 meters

Apple Lauda looks down from the mountain and spots the two clock towers that belong to Isny. Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack and Silverstream look down as well. They are fascinated about this view, despite Rainbow being a Pegasus she also is amazed by this view.

height: 1049 meters. Location: Iberger Kugel summit.

Apple Lauda and the others are sitting down on a bench and look into the distance. Apple Lauda spots the Hochgrat (1832)

"you see this mountain range?" Apple Lauda asks, and everyone nod.

"what is this for a mountain range? I mean what's it's name?" Rainbow asks.

"that is the Nagelfluhkette" Apple Lauda answers. "the highest point is the Hochgrat, with an height of 1832 meters. You can even spot it from the Riedholzer Kugel. If you don't mind to, we can go up there. We just need to go through the forest than turn right and then we should be get onto a meadow and a bit more higher and there's the Riedholzer Kugel. Well technically we are already on the Riedholzer Kugel. The Iberger Kugel is just a second summit" Apple Lauda explains in detail.

"I never thought to say this, but this is quite interesting" Rainbow Dash admits.

Silverstream chuckles. "it surely is... He really feels home here. If it was for him, he would get something to cut the mountain off it's basement and take it home with him"

"too bad it doesn't work" Apple Lauda says.

"don't worry, these mountains will not go anywhere" Twilight says.

"I really am curious what the view from the Riedholzer Kugel is like" Applejack says.

"sure thing Applejack, follow me everyone" Apple Lauda responds. Apple Lauda and the group ascend further up the mountain

height: 1068 meters
location: Riedholzer Kugel summit

"oh my gosh" Rainbow Dash says. "look at these mountains in the distance"

"I know... they are so beautiful" Apple Lauda says. "that are the high alps. Somewhere over there, you can even see the Schesaplana (2965)"

Silverstream chuckles. "I know sweetie, these are your beloved mountains despite the Schesaplana not being in Germany anymore."

"I can't wait to summit the guardian of the Allgäu" Apple Lauda excitedly says.

"the what?" Twilight asks confused

"the Grünten is also known as the guardian of the Allgäu. A legend says that you are granted a wish if you summit it successfully" Apple Lauda explains.

the group stays at the Riedholzer Kugel summit for a bit longer, then they descend from the Riedholzer Kugel via the Iberger Kugel summit to the holiday club Maierhöfen. They come into the resort from behind. Apple Lauda instantly recognizes the Bungalows where he did vacation with his family back in the past.

"alright, how in tarnation can you recognize the Bungalows where you did vacation at?" Applejack asks in disbelief.

"well, this is because of the fact that the Allgäu is my second home. I also just realised that I did vacation at the foot of the Iberger Kugel/Riedholzer Kugel. I have not noticed it ever back then" Apple Lauda explains.

and then, the group went to Isny to spend the rest of the day.

Author's Note:

the mountains are measured in meters in this story because I'm bad in converting it to feet lol

and what about the Iberger Kugel? I did summit it last year on vacation. I felt home on that summit. in my mind I was like: now I'm home... me and the Iberger Kugel reunited after like 7-8 years of abscence. It was my first ever summit of the Iberger Kugel last year and with that, my first 1000's. Maybe I'm going to climb the Grünten (1737) also known as the guardian of the Allgäu this year

Comments ( 1 )

the description of the way to the summit to the Iberger Kugel and back down is the exact same way my dad and I went when I was in Maierhöfen last year. Originally, my mom wanted to go there but my little brother got sick. Still, my dad and I went on our own, but the bad thing is I forgot the drink...

yep, my dad and I went up there without water... good thing my dad found a well where he could drink some water. I somehow did it without anything to drink. My dad also was fine. however, I was sick of going up somewhere after that, even if it were stairs.


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