• Published 2nd Feb 2024
  • 443 Views, 53 Comments

The Ticket Master - TheKing2001

When given tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, Sunset is less than enthused and tries to convince her friends not to go.

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I Hate The Gala

Sunset sighed as she sat at her desk before she looked out the window, eyes widening as she dropped to her stomach and the window shattered as a baseball flew through the window.

“If one more damn baseball flies through that window, I’m going to your parents and you’re getting your ass kicked!” Sunset shouted down at the fleeing colts as one dropped his baseball bat and Sunset shook a hoof at them. “Damn kids.”

“Want me to go get em?” Silverspeed asked and poked her head in as Sunset sighed and shook her head.

“No just let them go,” Sunset sighed as she levitated the shattered glass and dropped it in a nearby trash can before levitating the baseball to her ever growing collection on the coffee table in her office.

Whoever decided to build a baseball diamond next to her house was her worst enemy.

“You got it,” Silverspeed shrugged as she retreated back to her own office she had been given, idly cleaning her helmet with a rag.

A envelope popped out of thin air and dropped onto Sunset’s desk as she curiously examined the royal seal on it as six tickets dropped out of it once she cut it open.

“Oh fuck my life.”

Shoeshine spread out the blanket on a hill overlooking Ponyville as Roseluck rested under a tree with her forelegs behind used as a blanket.

“Carrot Top really went in this week. We should do something nice for her,” Derpy mused as she helped Shoeshine set up their impromptu lunch they all had every week on the same hill.

“We can think of something,” Shoeshine answered as she waved at Sunset and Silverspeed trotting up the hill as the two were talking to Trixie and the three laughed at something. Sunset had a white envelope with a gold seal on as Shoeshine tilted her head to the side curiously.

“Hey,” Sunset said with a smile as she and the others sat down on the grass. “How’s everypony?”

“Pretty good and yourself?” Derpy asked as she shook Roseluck awake. “Wake up Rose, the others are here.”

“Mh hi girls,” Roseluck stretched out her hindlegs before flopping back down. “I’m okay.”

“What’s that?” Derpy asked and pointed a hoof to the envelope Sunset flung onto the red checkered blanket as she passed out sandwiches to her friends.

“Tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala from Celestia,” Sunset answered with a faint growl as she bit into her sandwich and Roseluck’s head shot up.

“Like the Grand Galloping Gala?” Roseluck asked as she sipped her tea she had brought. “One happens every year at the Palace?”

“All of the most important ponies in Equestria go to?” Trixie added with a head tilt.

“Yep that’s the one,” Sunset agreed as she inhaled her daisy and carrot sandwich.

“Awesome!” Trixie cheered as she pumped a hoof eagerly.

“Not awesome. The Gala is dumb as fuck,” Sunset grunted as Trixie chuckled. Ever since Trixie had made up the words fuck and hell, the six mares had opted to keep them as an inside joke between them all. “Dealing with a bunch of stuffy elites, having to go just because I’m the Princess’ flutter is bullshit. Princess Luna already refused to go. I hate the damn Gala.”

“Trixie loves the Gala. She’s been there twice!” Trixie boasted as she stood on her hind legs. “Ponies adoring my tricks, throwing bits my way and compliments, adoring me in general. There’s alcohol, mares and stallions alike and music!”

All the mares hung on to the magicians every word as Sunset rolled her eyes as she silently drank some water. Trixie finished waving her hooves around and sat back down.

“Here’s your tickets,” Sunset levitated the tickets over to the other five mares. “Have fun, I’m not going. Give my ticket to Silver Spoon or Dinky.”

“Why don’t you wanna go? The six of us could have some fun and hit the town,” Silverspeed pointed out as she stretched her wings. “Besides, Silver Spoon goes to the Gala every year due to our parents, she doesn’t need a ticket. I’ve never been.”

“I don’t know if I can go. Raindrops got invited by a friend and can’t watch the kids,” Derpy traced a circle in the dirt. “Sorry girls.”

“What about Sea Swirl?” Trixie suggested as she laid on her back, idly playing with some cards. “She loves your kids and has no plans I think. I overheard her telling Sprinkle Medley she was gonna watch movies with Sassaflash.”

“I suppose but aren’t those really fancy parties? I’m not a fancy pony, I’ll probably crash into somepony and get yelled at,” Derpy muttered as she touched her eye subconsciously.

“Then we will jump em!” Shoeshine proclaimed and stood on her hind legs, punching at the sky with her forelegs as the others laughed.

“Wait, Raindrops is going? She didn’t mention that!” Trixie said as she cracked her neck. “Weird.”

“So are you gonna come with? It’ll be fun,” Roseluck bounded over to Sunset with a smirk. “At least for us, not the stuffy elites.”

“Fine,” Sunset sighed as the others nodded contently. “But if I see Blueblood and he’s being a bitch, don’t hold me responsible for cutting his tail off again and setting his suit on fire.”

“Wait again?” Silverspeed asked as Sunset nodded.


“Okay, now that’s a story I wanna hear!” Roseluck said with a grin. “Do tell.”

“Maybe later but now I gotta get a dress which is annoying as heck,” Sunset grumbled under her breath.

“I forgot about that. I’ll just buy whatever Rarity has on the shelf, I don’t care,” Shoeshine shrugged as Derpy looked away.

“I’m not going. We uh can’t afford a dress for a one night occasion,” Derpy blushed as the other mares looked to each other.

“We will buy you one, no biggie,” Roseluck decided as the others nodded. “And don’t even bother arguing because you can’t change my mind, deal?”

Derpy gave a frustrated grunt as she continued eating. Once Roseluck made up her mind, there was absolutely no stopping her and the grey pegasus could see this was one of those times.

Sunset gave a sigh as she set down her water and listened to her friends talk about their work and Roseluck hoping to sell some flowers at the Gala.

She tried to warn them.

Author's Note:

Raindrops is an ambitious member of the weather team, often pairing up with Sprinkle Medley and Merry May during her shift. Aspires to overthrow Rainbow Dash as shift manager and often talks to Sunset about it, making the unicorn seriously consider it. Raindrops is one of Trixie's best friends from her childhood. Raindrops opted to leave all of her then friends behind to stand up for the often bullied unicorn filly. Often serves as test dummy for Trixie's shows and assistant when needed. Often works with Derpy during odd jobs or looking after her daughters when necessary.

Motto: Conquer the skies and what's below you will fall.

Allies: Trixie, Merry May, Sprinkle Medley, Derpy, Dinky, Sparkler, Sunset, Silverspeed, Shoeshine, Roseluck, Cloudkicker, Surprise, White Lightning, Sassaflash, Dizzy Twister and Thunderlane.

Enemies: Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash, Nightmare Moon (formerly), Spring Rain, Hoops, Score, Dumbbell, Caramel.

Abilities: Raindrops is a jack of all trades, often working odd jobs to earn money or help friends, making her very talented. Posseses slightly above average strength. Decent at leadership, often inspiring her co workers.

Weaknesses: Her affection and loyalty to Trixie is ultimately her greatest flaw. Doesn't know when to say no. Fear of falling often makes her useless in the sky.

Might take the next few days off, currently sick and vomiting. Sorry guys ❤️